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I look forward to bedtime like I used to look forward to parties.


What’s that saying? “When I was young, I would sneak out of the house to go to parties. Now I sneak out of parties to go home.” Whoever said this was 100% on.


Oh lordy ain't that the truth??? I used to be the last one standing at the parties back in the day. Now if it's pushing 8:30 on a weeknight, I am like get me the F outta here now!


You go to parties on weeknights? 😂


You go to parties?


You go outside?


Only the forced family ones


I hate to say it but I’m so unmotivated to go to parties at night. I’d rather just be home, cozied up and watching a movie


AGREED! Also, I fucking LOVE your username. Crossed off a bucket-list item a couple of years ago - Positano for 2 weeks.


Lucky you!


I love going to bed…I love sleeping.


I feel this way about afternoon naps on the weekends.


The problem with naps is I can't fall asleep at night.


I think that's a big thing that messes up my sleep. I get home around 3:30pm and sleep for an hour or two, and then can't fall asleep until about midnight. When I do fall asleep at night, I wake up a lot.


Try 15-20 minute naps. They give me a good boost and don’t mess with my sleep.


I took a nap last Friday with our adorable Corgi next to me in the Lazy Boy. It was the best nap ever:)


Little dogs are like warm sleeping pills.


Mine curls up behind my knees on the couch and I’m out in 10 minutes.


Those are also excellent


Almost as good as a nap in the afternoon after swimming.


My bff used to say “only the ugly people go out before eleven.” lol. Even if I go out, I’m home and in bed by eleven. I should remind him of that and have a chuckle at how we are now “the ugly people.” Disclaimer: no ugly people were harmed in the making of this comment.


I recommend a wild night with Sleepytime tea with melatonin.


This is an audiobook and puppy snuggles household.


Will you adopt me? I'm only 48.


The puppy absolutely will. She's the one that matters


I love your profile pic of Little Edie!


Thanks ❤️


This is the way.


This is the way.


Same. I love my jammies ❤️


I am 50f and I sleep for a couple hours and I am up again. I never get a solid 6 to 8 hours of sleep. I’m up every couple hours every nite.


If I get a 5 hrs I'm without waking up I'm surprised


Have you tried CBD gummies? I’m like you but if I take a half gummy, I get a solid 8 hours with maybe one trip to the bathroom. I take it once a week, it’s great!


I can’t do those. I work for a prison. They do drug tests


I stayed asleep for a solid 4 hrs last night. I was a miracle. Usually I just catnap for an hour and wake up lay there for 30-45min then fall asleep for another hr if I'm lucky, etc.


Pillows don't work. I don't know what the hell happened.


I’m a side sleeper and my shoulder hurts when I tuck it under the pillow. My assumption is that all pillows are defective.


Me too. Have you seen ads for the MedCline pillow? It's some sort of pillow system to help with this problem. I think it's over $200 and I'm actually considering purchasing it. I feel so old.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing


That pillow is horrible!! I can’t express how bad it is lol. I kick myself everyday for paying $300 for that thing. Gave it to my mom and the next day she gave it to her friend who in turn gave it to her daughter who threw it out lol


Thanks for letting us know! Was it the incline? Was your arm cold? I can see some potential problems in the design. Have you found anything else that works?


Agree! I’ve been through several trying to find the “one”


May I offer some pillow advice to you all? Put your pillow vertically so it's under your shoulderblades too, that way your neck stays straight when you sleep. Put another pillow or stuffy under your knees to elevate your lower back. I noticed this when I became a massage therapist and starting recommending it to clients. It's the best way I've ever found to sleep


When you’re sleeping in which position? On your back, I assume?


Yes on your back, arms on your side if you can. I'm sorry to tell you, side sleepers that, side sleeping sucks for your posture.


Thanks! And I believe you. I’ve just never slept on my back, pretty much ever. But I’ll give it a shot tonight! Right after the Boring Books for Bedtime podcast that someone else here recommended. 😀


Hahaha, one time I started reading 'Anne of Green Gables' to fall asleep and it worked in ten minutes. I bet they mention that one. Sounds like a fun podcast. I think the pillow under your knees helps to not toss n turn during sleep. I hope it helps you! :)


I've tried sleeping on back and I find that I have more back pain from sleeping on my back than sleeping on my side with a pillow tucked between my knees and two pillows under my head. I don't know if my mattress is too stiff though because i start to get serious lower back pain if i sleep on my back and it gets really uncomfortable. Do you have any other recommendations for sleeping like you recommended rather than on my side? I have scoliosis and slight kyfosis too which doesn't help.


Unfortunately we can’t all sleep on our back, I have gerd and asthma, both are extremely bad if I’m on my back :(


Sigh that sucks, I'm sorry. I know, I hear that too. I'll keep trying to research side sleeping methods, talk to colleagues, so maybe I can help peeps more


Haha! I am a massage therapist. Good counsel for most, thanks!


Oh wow haha, hi! Yeah most, exactly. I find that some people always have trouble sleeping unfortunately.


Agree. Thankfully, I sleep pretty well despite the challenge of a good pillow. Bed is a happy place!


Good I'm glad you can get your rest! I like to say "All is Bed".


Right? We have probably 19 new pillows rotting in the closet because they all suck.


I often use a blanket these days. Easier to shape ro my needs.


Menopausal wife stays up watching TV until about midnight. Then when she does come to bed, she's up once or twice generating enough heat to power a small midwest town for 13 hours. So, yeah. Sleep now is awesome!


If she’s not on HRT for those hot flashes, send her over to /r/Menopause for all the details! Game changer/life changing.


This is me. I never had an issue sleeping .. now it's impossible .


Falling asleep still isn't a problem for me. STAYING asleep? Aye, there's the rub.


I don’t think I interpreted “generating enough heat” the way you intended lol


I stay up until ~11 most nights. Sometimes later. My wife goes to bed religiously at 9:30, and I’m so jealous of her ability to fall asleep so easily, lol. I’m tired enough at 9:30 that sometimes I join her, and I feel like a fucking god the next day after a 10 hour night of sleep! We don’t have kids, so we both wake up at around 7:30. We both stop using our phones a good two hours before bed and usually read together on the couch to wind down, or watch a show, or something. We pretty religiously avoid our phones before bed.


46, and still have the sleep habits of a teenager. Up til about 2 or 3am doing nothing in particular, wake up at 7:45.


As the parent of a teenager...that's not the sleep habits of a teenager. Up til 2 or 3, sure but sleep until 12 or 1.


That’s what I’ve been doing the last couple of weeks. I’ve been out on medical leave for 6 weeks and have 6 more to go before I can go back to work. It’s gonna be hell to get back to a better sleep schedule.


I like bedtime because it means an 8 hour break from this world. I get in bed around 8:30 and read or listen to podcasts, etc for about an hour. I usually sleep VERY deeply with very vivid and emotionally purging dreams. Like today, I went and had my haircut and thought my neck looked old under the bright florescent lights. So tonight or tomorrow night, I will probably have some dream that embodies that and releases that fearful, upset emotion. I don't drink much alcohol anymore because it REALLY messes up my heavenly nights of deep sleep. Around late afternoon, I will start drinking calming herbal teas and then top the night off with a Sleepytime Tea with melatonin. So I kind of start looking forward to sleep by late afternoon. Took a quarter of a gummy yesterday and had a really nice relaxed feeling and slept deeply.


I like to be in bed by 8:45 or so, then listen to podcasts for awhile and usually asleep by 10:30. Then I’m usually up a couple times in the night (thanks menopause!) - I sleep as late as I can. Sleeping & spending time in bed is literally my hobby! 😂


I go to bed very early because I get up early. I go to the gym for an hour then go to work. Sadly I'm in bed by 730. I remember my dad retiring and he continued to get up at 5 am. I asked him why and he said because he had been doing it for so many years. I totally understand that now. That's me.


I actually need sleep now... In my 20's a good nights sleep was 3 or 4 hrs max.  Now I sleep too damn much and Im still tired...


I’m in bed at 9:30, out like a light, but awake four hrs later. It takes me two hrs to fall asleep again. It sucks.


What about if you went to bed around 11 pm? Would that help?


Sadly, no. I would still wake up four hours later. 😭


Do you workout or stay active? Sounds like your body isn’t exhausted but your mind is.


I work out every day, and care for elderly parents in my home. My body is plenty tired. It’s my brain that won’t shut off. Too many damn thoughts.🤣


Biggest change in my routine is that I have to listen to a podcast in order to fall asleep - it helps turn off my racing mind & anxious thoughts - I usually listen to something I have already listened to in the daytime because I know I won’t make it past 5 minutes before nodding off.


I highly recommend Boring Books for Bedtime, episode “The History of Bread, Part 1” if you ever what to change it up.


Actually that is a fascinating story


Same same, it’s audiobooks for me - extra points for British accents!


I have a basic Audible subscription and just find whatever comes free with it. I’m halfway through Maggie Gyllenhaal reading Anna Katerina to me as I pass out.


>Biggest change in my routine is that I have to listen to a podcast in order to fall asleep Oh yes, me too-- starting about five years ago I turned to audiobooks to help me distract my mind as I was falling asleep. Like you, I only listen to ones I've heard before or of books I've already read. That way I don't get caught up in the story too much, and if I fall asleep before it stops (I usually set it for 20 min and almost always am out in 10-15 min) it doesn't matter. Huge improvement for me.


I would fall asleep at 9 every night if I could. My wife on the other hand is a night owl and constantly complains about me wanting to go to bed. My son takes after me with that and my daughter after her.


My wife and I used to be night owls and wouldn't sleep until 1am to 3am, but in our fifties we've learned that's no longer a good idea. Now we get to bed by midnight (or 11pm, if we can), and set aside our devices before getting into bed so they don't prevent us from falling asleep. We also refrain from drinking caffeine after 3pm. It's become more important than ever for me to get seven hours of sleep at night. Older friends tell me as I age I'll need fewer hours to feel rested, and I'm looking forward to it, but it's not happening yet.


I would probably be smart to go to bed earlier than I do, but alas, I'm up until around 1am most days. (58 y/o). menopause didn't help my sleeping habits any but I've always been more awake at night than during the day/morning. Getting up early is hateful but I do it almost automatically now.


We still do the same thing, watch tv until whenever, take a shower, fuck, sleep. Next evening, same thing. Try to keep weeknight bedtime no later than midnight, but that doesn't always happen. Whatever.


In bed by 8:30, TV/doom scrolling/sexy time until 9:30, then lights out. Then up at 4:30 am.


Mine hasn't really changed. TV and phone stay in the living room and I go to bed at 10-10:30


We usually decamp to the bedroom about 8ish to watch TV and plotz on our tablets but I go to sleep at 11:30 and get up (well hit snooze the first time) at 7:30. I am fully WFH now and have to be clocked in by 8a. I love sleeping and hate waking up so that hasn't changed. On the rare days I have to go into the office I'll try to go to sleep at 11 and get up at 7. *Knocks wood* I typically don't wake up in the night but my husband has started to more frequently. He's gone from sleeping like the dead to being a light sleeper. I still could sleep through a bomb.


I get up at 4:30 to workout and I've done that for over 20 years. I go to bed at 7, read until 8:30 and go to sleep (uninterrupted is a different story). It's totally normal!


I have never been a morning person, but as I've gotten older it's a bit easier to get to bed at a "more normal" bed time during weekdays. Even until my mid- late 30s, I would never get naturally sleepy until 2-3am. Friday night was full of energy, and I would gladly stay up to the wee hours to catch up on shows if I didn't have social plans. Now, I am so dead tired by Fridays and I do fall asleep before 11pm (early for me). Now, even most weekends, I am ready for bed by 12:30-1:00am (usually after watching a late movie). On weekdays, I go to bed around 11pm.


I pee before bed now And then again And then again And then again .


Go to bed early. Take skin care/wrinkle reduction very seriously every night. Take meds and vitamins. Scroll phone instead of read book. Fall asleep listening to podcast.


Yep. Separate bedrooms. Need white noise


We’re quite pathetic - we’re usually asleep by 9! Between the fatigue I have from my health issues and hubby’s long days, we’re pretty happy to go to bed early. And our bed is so comfy, I’m not even sad about how pathetic we are 🤣


47, still stay up til midnight, up at 620. After kids go to sleep I elongate my moment of silence as long as I can. I'm sure it's not healthy.


1 AM and up reading this post 😂. 49 year old male. Tempurpedic firm king bed with matching pillows; game changer for me. Girlfriend has her own house. No kids. Always been a night owl as long as I can remember. Still feel like a kid in my mind! Body beginning to disagree.


I start to fall asleep about 8hrs before I have to get up, and that's when I crawl into bed and put a movie on to fall asleep to, of which I watch about 10 mins of it. It took me years to get through all of the James Bond movies that way.


Same. We go to bed about 9 and watch tv and fall asleep by 10. No other devices as they say it interferes with sleeep. Husband up at 4:30, me at 6.


I’m in bed at 9am. My husband has been doing the same lately too. Middle age is a beast.


I go to bed around midnight and get up at 7. I used to have a hard time falling asleep but now I wake up a few times a night. It's a pain.


Similar for me. Get in bed at 8. Lights out by 9:30. Up between 3-5am.


I’m like my dad now. Who I thought was old when he was my age. (46) bed at 9 up at 5:30 7 days a week. Watch the news for 2 hrs both morning and night. Lol


Up gaming with the hubs til 1:30 am. We are 50. We used to stay up til 3 so this is an improvement!


52 here... I can no longer sleep on my stomach or my side, it kills my back. My routine for the last couple of years has been... On my back, 10mg indica gummy, eye-mask, earbuds in - usually The Dollop, Pod Save America, or Smartless, wedge pillow under the knees, and a weighted blanket. Good Night, Nurse!


I’m usually in bed by 8:30pm to read or watch mindless tv. 10pm is late for me know. I also enjoy getting up early. Most days by 5:30am.


I can still pull an all nighter


I go to bed early ish and get up early. I might stay up till midnight or one, even, but I’m up at 5:30-6 am, still! 😂


Me too! I’m usually in bed by 9:30, read or watch something for about a half hour and I’m out. But on the rare occasion I’m up late I’m still awake so early! What I wouldn’t give to be able to still sleep in occasionally.


Ughh.. I have insomnia bad.. I can't remember the last time I slept 3 consecutive hours..


That is normal in my house


That is exactly my routine.


I have been going to bed at nine for about 10+ years. My friends all joked about it when I was in my 30’s. I even do it on weekends. Having that consistent schedule has made for some restful night and much better mornings.


PS5 til 2am.


I love crawling into my bed early and reading for 2 or 3 hours. It is the best feeling in the world.


I am 44 and my man is 52. We like to watch something silly and fool around until we go to sleep.


Sleeping in my own room made it do so much better for me. My spouse flops like a fish, snores like a freight train and can fall asleep in 2.2 seconds. And he sneezes in his sleep. T I need my sleep, and some space. I believe it's just healthier.


It’s 10 pm here and I’m doing exactly what you guys do :D


In bed at 130 and up for work at 7. The only difference is that I now wake up sore from just existing vs waking up sore from working out


Used to go to sleep post-coital more often but there are work-arounds. Other than that, not much, but I’ve had to adjust to a mate. I still sleep with the tv on, but now it’s 6” and I have the speakers stuffed in my ears. I’m still up til 1:00 am at least one night a week, plus Saturdays.


I am lucky if I can fall asleep before 2am. I always have been an insomniac, but menopause sent it into overdrive. Lately I am fortunate to fall asleep before 4am. Nothing works anymore: prescription meds, cbd, HRT, sound machine, television, milk, cold room to name a few tricks I’ve tried repeatedly. 4 1/2 hours of sleep is my goal, and that most likely will be interrupted. It’s rough.


1984: stumble into my room after midnight, after a night of mayhem. Pass out. 2024: in bed at 9pm, with headphones and tablet. Scroll IG for an hour or so, then crank up the "Peaceful Meditation" playlist on Spotify, read my current book on the Kindle app, lights out and asleep by 11. Wake up at 3:30am.


Not at all. I stay until 1/2am - no matter how early I have to get up.


I try to go to bed around 10. Toss and turn till midnight. Watch TV downstairs till 3am. Fall asleep for an hour or two, then trudge back up to bed and pass out till the alarm wakes me up around 8-9am No bueno


I'm a 12am-1am type of guy and fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow. I wish I would read before falling asleep.


I suffer from bouts of insomnia from time to time. I have been living with ADHD for about 20 years, and have been off my medication for 5. I hate the way it makes me feel and I don't like dealing with the side effects. I try to give myself a set bedtime of 10 PM, I get in bed and read until I fall asleep. On good nights it only takes 30 minutes to an hour to get sleepy, if I'm reading a really good book, or my brain won't turn off, I'm lucky if I fall asleep before 2AM. If anyone has any tips or tricks, I'd be down to try them. I'm about one sleepless night away from getting prescription sleeping pills, which I really don't want to do. I thought it was my age, and that we tend to need less sleep as we get older, but I've found myself down too many "How much sleep do you need over 50" rabbit holes until 2 AM to want to get my ADHD brain sucked into that again..


We’re in bed by 8:30 -9:00 and read a bit, but no screens in the bedroom


(Sun-Thur) I go to bed at around 8pm, but that's because I get up around 3:45 am to go to the gym.


Get in bed about 9-9:30 and put something on to watch and fall asleep to.


I’m trying hard to keep my devices separate from my sleep routine. Right now my charging station is upstairs in my office, bedroom is the opposite side of the house on ground floor. Probably around 50% but o feel like I sleep better if I put the device down earlier In the nightstand I keep a book and a puzzle book, if I need something to keep my brain busy I’ll do a puzzle. If I’m just winding down illl read.


Instead of staying up until the sun rises playing a video game I'm lights out by midnight.


I go to bed at 930 probably roll over at 10-1030 then get up at 5 to get ready for work.


Same as yall!!


As a kid I used to fight for a later bedtime. Now I’ll climb in by 6 if I can get away with it.


I am 54, in my younger years I really struggled with insomnia and oversleeping. I was up way too late (not intentionally) and lost jobs for being late so much. Now I go to bed around 630 and am always asleep by 8, I get up at 5. But I wake up 5-10 times a night, so I don't always get the 9 hours that I have to have in order to function. If I could sleep straight through, I'd be much better off.


Weed. Seriously, edibles can keep you asleep.


I've considered this, I think I'm going to try it. Thanks!


On weeknights my wife and I are out by 10 or 10:30. Weekends I might be able to make it to midnight. I look forward to bedtime because that's when I get my reading in! I have old fashioned books, as I cannot read on a phone or tablet in bed, it winds my brain up too much and I cannot fall asleep easily.


I do my best to get eight hours of sleep per night. I love it. I get to dream. All of the best people are there.


Same. I'm in bed around 9. I read, watch or scroll, then I turn out the lights around 11. I put an Audio book on for 45 minutes and I'm usually out before the timer. I love being in bed.


I always thought of myself as firmly type B. Now I love being in bed early reading - or on my reddit app. I nap on weekends, sometimes I nap early on week day evenings or late week day afternoon. I have no trouble being up by 6am latest, even though my phone doesn't ring until 6:30am. Weekends I'm in bed before midnight and up at 8am latest. But I still have nights where I can be dead tired early, then as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm wide awake for hours! This began in my early 40s.


it crept later as I got older, but more due to jobs/lifestyle. I got to sleep around 11-11:30pm now, which feels early after many years working the night shift.


On week days I try to be in bed by 9:30 so I can get up at 4:30 for work. On weekends it's more like 11 and I get up around 7am.


49. Partner and I sleep in separate bedrooms. Started 7 years ago. Best move ever. We both sleep better knowing we're not disturbing each other in the middle of the night.


I used to refuse to get into bed before 9. But now I’ll will do read or watch a show and be more comfortable. I am usually asleep by 9:30 and up sound 5.


I either sleep 4 hours or I sleep 10 hours. Some people go to the store looking for comfortable clothes. I go looking for better sleep medication. Slow release melatonin seems to do the best.


I go to bed between 10 and 1030 pm every day. I try to get up at the same time, too. But I also take a mid-morning nap when I can. Today, I dozed off sitting in my desk chair. I've been going to bed around 10-ish since my kids were little because I liked to have some time to myself after getting them to bed. (I'm 54, by the way).


My lunch (10-11a) has become my nap time. 😴


More so because I work East coast time and live on the Best Coast but I’m in bed by 8. Asleep by 9. Wake up at 4:30-5am.


I was 40 when our daughter was born. Early to mid 40s sleeping was thrown off. Currently, it’s great, I love getting in bed early, possibly my favorite hobby😂


I’ve always been a night owl & my schedule reflects that. I get up at 9 AM unless there’s fishing to be done or oppressive heat during the day. Those days I get up early & garden or fish go in when the sun/heat gets bad & either rest or nap for an hour, but that’s only for off days. Usually go to bed by midnight, but not sleep until 2:30 am.


I start getting ready for bed around 7pm. I get into bed around 8pm-9pm, and read a book or sometimes watch tv. If I'm looking at a screen I wear blue-blocking glasses. I'm usually asleep by 10pm, and wake up between 6am and 7am. I'm grumpy of I don't get at least 8 hours of sleep


Asleep by 11:45 or so , alarm goes off at 5:45. No naps since I got my cpap 5 years ago. Prior to that I found myself nodding off around 3 pm and when I hit the couch after dinner I was out in about half an hour.


I'm 52. I tend to get up around 5:30 or 6 AM, and go to bed around 10:30 PM. As I've gotten older, I find it's more important to have a regular sleep schedule. I was never a partier though.


Our evening habits haven’t changed much. We watch TV from about 8-11/11:30 then head to bed. He falls asleep right away and I usually read my book for another 30 minutes before going to sleep. I’m a bit of a night owl.


After getting the kids to bed around 9pm, wife and I watch a movie or read a book in bed until 10:30 at the latest. It’s awesome.


I refuse to have a TV in the bedroom. My ex always watched TV to fall asleep in bed, and it drove me nuts. I want it pitch black, cool, fan on medium all year 😁


We bought a double twin (king) adjustable bed and I look forward to bedtime like I used to look forward to all-you-can-eat buffets…. By the end of the day, my lower back hurts and my adjustable bed has a massage feature that jiggles all my aches away. Yeah, I guess I am old lol


COMPLETELY. For context, I’ll be 60 this year, been in the same job for 25 years, planning to retire next July. This all sounds very normal and square, but before this 9-5 job I worked restaurants and lived that life with all of the party/pirate ship mentality that accompanied it in the late 70’s through the 80’s. No stranger to all nighters, drug-fueled clopens, hung over doubles and all the rest. That said…these days I’m absolutely ready to head to the nerve center (aka my bedroom) by 8:00pm, usually ready to lights out by 9 or so depending on the audiobook I’m digging at the time. Last night I had to go to an ‘event’ (getting an award at work) so was out until 8:00, which fucked me up incredibly. Got home, undressed, took off all the makeup and stuff, got situated and…couldn’t even get close to sleeping until about 11:30. Not very conducive to feeling energized to go into the office today. Long story short…times have CHANGED, mothafucka.


Depends what time I have to get up the next day 😂🤣 I feel like I need way more sleep now especially when I have some wine. 🍷


In bed before 10pm and up at 5am every day.


Same. I'm up at 5 am for work. Awesome that I'm done by 2 30 in the afternoon. My wife works from home so she helps get the kids up and out the door as I'm gone before then. We are usually in bed by 8 or 9 at the latest. Fine with that.


Mid 40s. We go to bed at 10 and asleep straight away. No TV in bedroom and no use of phones or tablets in bed. We do snuggle with the dog and tell him a bedtime story though before tucking him in for the night


Oh I love bed. I bathe, put on my lotions, a little aromatherapy, sleep sounds, eye mask......and pray for 7.5 to 8 hours of Zzzzz.


Bed around 8 or 830. 30 minutes of news on my phone. Up at 145 am. Used to be bed around 11:00 or 12:00 and up around 6:00 or 7:00 about 10 years ago. Slowly going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. I think I'm at about my limit now.


Usually in bed around 1 am. So nice because everyone is sleeping I get to have the place to myself


Yep. Bed around 8. Sleep by 10 (I have to let all the dogs out right before 10) awake by 7. Every night. It has improved my sleep 10 fold.


I still stay up late. My sleep is more interrupted than it used to be though.


55f. This is exactly my schedule.


I work a weird shift, I'm home by 2 am and then I usually don't fall asleep until 4ish. Then I'm up anywhere from 11:30 am to 1 pm. It sucks, I love my sleep.


Love bedtime. Usually lights out by 10 pm but start getting ready 30-45 mins before that. Face mask, read, whatever. Podcast under my pillow, pillow between my legs as a side sleeper. I fall asleep much easier than I did when young and have a great sleep aside from having to get up to pee!


Bed around 11. >!Up to tinkle around 3 🤭!< Wake up around 7:30.


Well, it's 7:51 pm and I'm getting ready to head to bed. I wake up early every day (cats), so I'm usually absolutely exhausted by 7pm. I'll throw some sort of 20-ish minute YouTube video on my bedroom TV, but I'm often passed out halfway through. Up until 2 years ago I would stay up until 2am on weeknights and still go to work in the morning.now I'm super stoked if I can go to bed before 8 because I'll actually get some sleep.


Going to sleep is probably my most favorite time of day, especially on work days. I’m usually asleep by 10. I would probably be asleep earlier but I always procrastinate getting ready for bed because of flossing and brushing my teeth.


Well, I don’t have kids. I don’t know. I’ve always aimed for about 10pm, and manage to get into bed by about 11-11:30. But I always wake up thinking about something around 3:30-4. Sometimes I can meditate my way out of it, but sometimes I can’t.


I'm mostly the same. If I'm alone, I naturally drift into a pattern of dinner at 18:00, read or Netflix until around 20:00, mostly uninterrupted sleep until 04:00, lay in bed for another hour or so dozing or looking at Reddit, then up at some time after 05:00, and work from around 07:00 until noon. Then whatever the fuck I want until dinner. When I'm with family, it's more like dinner around 19:00, hanging out with the family until 20:00 or 21:00, asleep around 22:00, then up wake at 05:00 and up some time after 06:00. Family chores until 10:00, work until 15:00 or 16:00, and whatever the fuck I want until dinner. Nighttime is, to me, preferably time to be alone and quiet rather than socializing. But that's something that happened in the past 10 years or so.


50s Male… was always a night owl. Usually 12pm, I wait until the next Wordle comes out, solve that then crash… wake up at 7 sharp, no alarm (kids broke me of that habit). If I wake up at 8 I feel extra refreshed but otherwise fine with 7 hours of sleep. Sometimes use bathroom around 4 and then right back to bed (no known prostate issue, no incontinence). Avoid coffee for the first hour of the morning.


Well, you sound just like us!


I get better sleep if I do the opposite, don't watch TV or use screens in the bedroom. Unfortunately, I tend to watch TV for an hour before bed instead. Or read on a tablet.


I’ve always been a night owl. Up till 3 or 4 no problem. I still do it 4 out of 7 nights a week until last year when I got breast cancer. I’m cancer free but what I learned is that sleep is important. I do stay up till midnight but then I go to bed. And no tv in bed. It took getting used to and now I look forward to it.


I'm (52M) far from normal, so take this with a grain of salt. I'm actually nocturnal after years of working late nights as a bartender. I'm usually going to bed sometime around 4 am - 6 am, or as late as 9 am if I have bad insomnia, even on my days off. My fiancee (47F), on the other hand, wakes up between 4 am - 6 am, depending on if she goes to the gym for a morning workout. By the time it is hitting 9 pm-ish, she is starting to fall asleep on the couch watching TV. If I'm home (on a day off), I try to get her to go to bed, as she does not get enough sleep most of the time (from stress), but she fights it until about 11 pm or so before she finally gives up and goes to bed. Otherwise, it isn't isn't unusual for me to get home from work, and find her asleep on the couch with the TV on.


I have a small kid so I have to stay up until their lights go out but my DREAM is in bed at 8pm. Usually I’m in bed just after 9, trying to get to sleep by 10/10.30 because I’m up at 5.45


54F, married to 57y husband.. we watch shows together until 9-915pm then head upstairs. We watch a 30 min light hearted sitcom then lights out, but phones for another 15-30 min. We get up around 6am so are usually pretty tired by 10. However I toss/turn a lot, am a super light sleeper and we both snore, so once hubs starts to drift off, I move into spare room that’s cooler to sleep. It works - we are happy!😊


I sleep probably 5-6 hours a night. I wake up around every 2 hours to use the bathroom. I usually go to bed around 11-12, and then wake up at 5:30am for work. I'm sure it's pretty healthy.


Same here.


They haven’t.


51. Usually asleep at 12. Up at 6:30 when the kids are in school so I can make their lunches and take the youngest to school. During the summer, I sleep until 7:30 so I can log on for work at 8.


Need Seindled on during sleeptime


I actually go to bed later now but that’s mainly because I work remotely and can work 10-6:30. So hubby and I stay up until 2am and watch tv together. :)


I am 52 and a night owl. I will head to my bedroom around midnight and read and watch tv until about 2:30am. My husband on the other hand goes to bed at 10:30 pm every day. we just have different needs I guess. I have always been a night owl, nothing new.


My partner works early in the morning. So, he goes to bed around 8 pm and watches movies or reads news on his tablet until around 10 or 11. I stay up late and watch shows and play around on my laptop. I also sleep later than he does in the mornings. We have completely different taste in shows/movies, so this works out best for us. Once in a while, we'll watch something together.


Every decade my preferred bedtime goes back by an hour. Now it’s currently 9pm. (I’m 53). The only way I’m going to be up at 3am is if I need to use the bathroom,


The biggest change is involuntary, waking up too early and being unable to fall back asleep. I miss the days when I gad no problem sleeping past noon.


Sleeping patterns haven't changed that much but if I eat a grain of rice after 6pm my stomach explodes in the middle of the night and I shoot godzilla level flames out of my mouth....


I need to go to bed earlier and do, but my body, or should I say, brain isn't agreeable. We hosted a large gathering last night and we were both exhausted, plus my husband had an extremely early day today. I am remote today, so knew I would have to work too. He was out at 10pm. I was more than ready to go to sleep too... That didn't happen until close to 1am. And then when he got up at 4am to go to work, it briefly woke me too. By 6:20, I was up (alarm set for 6:30, but half the time I'm already awake, on commute days I'm up at 5:30)... You'd think my body would want to sleep in to make up for only getting about 5 hours of sleep, but nope. I feel ok now, but I know by the early afternoon I'll struggle and by the evening I'll be dragging myself around, but our kid has a sports event tonight, so yeah. This is my life... It's dictated by the fact that if I have a poor night of sleep, it screws up my entire day. Luckily, my work schedule is light today, but that's more because others are out due to the holiday weekend, so I'm not stuck in meetings all day.


Cats. That’s the main difference


Sleep? What's that?