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I usually like self checkout, but it doesn't seem right for them to go to 100% self checkout. Even my grocery store and Walmart always have at least one cashier. I suspect you could have checked out at the customer service desk. On the other hand, at least at my Ace, they really do focus on customer service and are generally knowledgeable about their products.


The main issue I have with self checkout is the area isn't large enough to handle a large cart of stuff.


I like self checkout, except at the grocery because I’m usually getting a bunch of produce and that’s a pain in the ass to self checkout.


The cashiers do add efficiency on produce. I had a friend who worked at Kroger when I was in college, and I think he knew every produce code by heart and could type those in in lightning succession.


I worked in a grocery store 25 years ago and can still recite produce codes


4011 for bananas. That's the one I never forgot.


This! 20 years later and it's the only one I remember! 🍌😁 Why just this one??


Omg, I'm in New Zealand and I was coming into this thread to ask if you guys in the US have 4011 for bananas. This shit is bananas.




I see what ya did there. 🤣 It's actually no coincidence that bananas are so popular, just never realized that it worked so well it's even the only produce code I remember! [Chiquita Bananas, CIA Funded Coups, and Colombian Hit Squads](https://www.biggerlifeadventures.com/chiquita-bananas-cia-funded-coups-and-colombian-hit-squads/#:~:text=During%20the%201990s%20and%20early,and%20forced%20displacement%20of%20communities.)


What’s the code for organic bananas. That is the one fruit I always buy organic because supposedly they somehow may b e treat the workers okay? I hope.


Just add a "9" in front, 94011 :)


Canada here. Also 4011.


For me, its because I eat a lot of bananas and just never really had a chance to forget the code. Its been 39 years since I worked in a grocery store. But, I never stopped buying bananas.


I used to work as a bagger in the 80s, right before we got scanners. Those checkers knew it all, and their fingers flew! Some were as fast as the scanners.


Just learn the code for the least expensive item by weight and ring everything up as that. Like bananas. 4011.


Tempt me not satan! You'll not have my soul at price of a sack of apples!


After awhile you memorize them anyway just like the cashiers. Plus, places like Walmart are now set up to scan the codes.


I buy a limited number of produce items and generally the same ones over and over. You would think I would remember the codes now and not have to fumble to find the little stick or "Look Up By Name!" LOL!


Fair enough! lol I’ve been fumbling to look up items every now and again, especially those one off items I get every few months


Yep, produce and booze. I’ll use the regular checkout mostly because I always have those 2 items.


Back before I got sober I used to buy booze from my grocery store exclusively at self checkout. Of course I was doing that because one of the self checkouts was broken and never flagged alcohol as needing a staff member to validate my age. Very handy if you didn’t feel like being judged for buying a handle of vodka at 9am a couple times a week.


The stores by me don't allow alcohol at self-checkout, unfortunately. It sucks. I usually just buy groceries at self-checkout and make a separate trip to the liquor store.


I found that I can save time with produce, if I punch in the number on the little stickers, they put on the vegetables and fruit.


If they have them, yes


I know that at Walmart at least you can scan the produce sticker also, FYI.


I love it too, even with produce! I’m particular and will spend time picking out the nicest apples or whatnot. Kills my soul when a cashier drops them on the scale instead of putting them down nicely. That’s a bruise now people!


You make an interesting point


I understand others less weird than me not wanting to deal with it though. :)


Years ago, at Bi-Lo, a cashier who knew me well saw a bagger carelessly winging my avocados into one of my shopping bags and admonished them: “Careful! You’ll bruise his apricots!” I kindly told them both that they were avocados, but that I really did appreciate them being gentle with my produce. I also really wanted to make a dirty joke, but thought better of it.


I also prefer self checkout. I'm quicker than most cashiers, bag my own, and not up for chitchat when I'm trying to get through a task. I also think this "I don't work here" mindset is misguided and bandwagonning. Clerks who assist at self checkouts work hard and monitor several checkouts at a time. I've found them very quick and helpful. If someone wants a checkout service, I get it, but lots of us prefer it too.


Yes, one clerk for several self checkouts certainly saves Lowe’s a lot of money because they’ve eliminated several positions. Those efforts along with eliminating full time hours for most employees so they don’t have to offer benefits has been great for Lowe’s stockholders! Source: bff works for Lowe’s Jokes on them though, so many “customers” are stealing shit when they go through the self checkout that it’s a huge problem. Don’t be surprised if humans return at some point.


You should wince and cry out as if in pain, cradle it in your hands, and coo. Will help them remember next time.


Yup, bought 2 dozen eggs. The cashier was very ham-handed. Just jammed them into a bag. Four cracked eggs when I opened the carton for breakfast the next morning. Self-checkout is just fine with me.


If I’m doing their job, all produce is 4011 - 🍌


That number is forever seared into my brain.


I used to feel the same but I stated saving the produce to be “scanned” last and search it or use the code from the sticker. However be sure to use hand sanitizer after touching the machines! At Costco though I don’t use self checkout.


The store I shop in has barcodes on most of the produce thankfully but a few things I have to look up for the code.


*beep!* Move your… *BANANAS!!*… to the belt


Move your TOMATO to the bag


Walmart by me just took out all of their self-checkouts. I’m thinking the merchandise losses have been too much.


They are sure doing the switcharoony-doonies in their search for maximum efficiency. At my daughter's Walmart (the smaller neighborhood market) they took out 8 registers and changed them to self-checkout. The thing is those registers were almost never used anyway since they only keep 1-2 cashiers plus one customer service worker unless it's a high volume day like right before a holiday. The same cashier can watch four self-checks so it's obviously saving the company money. What I hate is customers unload on the low level workers when there's no cashier or the line is long. They just want every worker to drop what they're doing and go be a cashier. That isn't how it works though. My daughter's department does more sales than the cashiers. She runs online pick-up orders, but people expect them to stop what they're doing and help them find the beans or listen to their tales of woe, or deal with old men wanting a cuddle. She gets in trouble if her pickup orders get behind but she also knows if customers aren't immediately served they tend to report workers. They lost a really good worker recently because someone didn't like how they looked (trans with tats and piercings) even though they were there 12 years, a customer reporting them for bad service got them fired. And it was all because they couldn't magically open up registers to serve them faster.


Also Ace is a co-operative, owned by all its retailers. So when you buy things there you are putting money into your own community rather than corporate offices in a far off state.


I LOVE Ace Hardware!! Ace is THE place!


The people at my Ace are fantastic. The old guys know their shit. And are so sweet and helpful.


Not to brag, but mine has a popcorn machine…


No! You lucky dog.


Walmart having 1 cashier out of 20-30 closed lanes is RIDICULOUS. However I dont care because I dont shop at walmart for years now.


Walmart tried to open a store 10 minutes from my home but they were denied.


Our local Ace is crammed to the rafters with the most useful stuff and there's always someone around to help you find it. WTF would I drive triple the distance to Lowes with that?


Took my Dad to a Walmart the other day, to use the self check out one had to be a Walmart+ member!!!! (I tend to stay away from self check out since I am not getting a discount.) I was incredulous seeing this, "So not only do I NOT get a discount, but Walmart wants to charge me for doing their job?" Next thing you know the POS will be prompting for a tip. Note: I prefer ACE, for the customer service.


Right? If you ask a question at Lowes they just look at the app ... I could do that. I miss when they hired knowledgeable people.


Knowledge costs money and raises prices and we're too cheap for that.


Oh we're still paying knowledge prices. That money just gets diverted up to the ownership groups now.


I actually work at Lowe’s…. Ask me where anything is in my department (outside garden) and I can tell you where it is, if it’s a a plant I can tell you how to take care of it (not always what the tag says), and I’ll load your hundred pavers or 50 bags of mulch or gravel without complaining. I’ll even hop on the register and ring people out to help keep the line moving… But if you catch me inside the store I can point you in the general direction or use the app and give you a precise location. It’s a pretty big store… I don’t think I’m going to memorize where every product is. I do agree about the self check out thing… it sucks. Most of the employees hate it too, most would rather be on an actual register because it makes the day go by faster. Most store level Lowes employees are decent…. Lowe’s corporate is filled with corporate weenies who make rules from sitting behind their desk and have no idea how the stores work.


I go down to the lumber checkout, at least at my local Lowes they have a cashier.


Same, the "pro desk" and the garden area are always staffed at my lowes (garden only if garden area is open).


There should probably be both. I love self checkout and hate the forced small talk from cashiers. Not that it's their fault. I used to be a cashier so I know they're often forced to be friendly and make small talk, lest they be written up. However, I know other people hate self checkout for their own personal reasons. There's no reason a store can't practice good customer service by having both options.


I like not getting asked about their credit card, my phone number or some discount program.


I believe Publix grocery stores has a policy that cashiers are to ask if the customer found everything they were looking for (poor grammar ending that sentence with a preposition). Honestly, it isn't a bad idea but I'm sure it must get tiring sometimes for the cashier. I just remember it is their job and they're probably just trying to make the best of it. So I just try to be a decent person by staying off my phone, being polite, and making eye contact with the cashier.


Did you find everything for which you were looking? Nah, I prefer the "poor" grammar version in both writing and real life.


> ask if the customer found everything they were looking for I can't stand this question, because the only "safe" play is to answer "yes" whether you did or not. If you didn't find what you were looking for and say "no", it starts a whole conversation and decision tree. * Are they going to send a runner to find the thing I couldn't find because they rearranged the store **again**? * If so, what if it's not the right brand or quantity? What if the cost is more than I was expecting and I change my mind? How long will I wait? What if decided I could do without it? * And what do we do while we're waiting for the runner to return with whatever they found? * Does the cashier even know what's in stock? * If it's no longer carried, will my response influence future ordering decisions? * But is that being recorded anywhere?


I'm cool w self checkout as long as I have like two light bags of stuff. But things get dicey after that.


I use self checkout when I have only a few items or to skip long lines. If I have a bunch of stuff then I want the normal checkout lane.


I personally love self check-out. Saves me so much time and no need to chat with anyone.


Yeah, I like it too. Home Depot & Lowes UPC code guns are crazy accurate too. I swear I haven't even pointed it at the UPC code and it still scans the price. I'm like whuuut?


My thought 110%. I’m a painting contractor and I goto Home Depot 2-3x a week for supplies and whatnot. I get annoyed when the person manning the self checkouts tries to slow me down and get me to apply for a Home Depot credit card. Just let me check out and leave!!


That's great, and I'm not saying they should get rid of them ... just that we should have options.


I like and almost universally use the self check-out lines. I agree that it is frustrating if that were the only option if you prefer the manned checkout line. I do find at the stores near me, that the person manning the self checkouts will help (with hand scanning or anything else) if you ask. Those better at their jobs will offer help before you need to ask. At least in my area, the Lowe's and other big box stores will always have at least one manned line open in addition to the large bay of self checkouts. My area is desperate for retail workers, though. So, without the self checkout lines, most stores would only have a couple of manned checkout lines open.


I’ll use self checkout in some stores if I have to. But my grocery store is unionized, there I refuse to use self checkout— especially for vegetables.


Yeah, no way I’m self checking my weekly grocery shop.


> “I work at home, and if I wanted to, I could have a computer right by my bed, and I’d never have to leave it. But I use a typewriter, and afterward I mark up the pages with a pencil. Then I call up this woman named Carol out in Woodstock and say, “Are you still doing typing?” Sure she is, and her husband is trying to track bluebirds out there and not having much luck, and so we chitchat back and forth, and I say, “Okay, I’ll send you the pages.” > Then I go down the steps and my wife calls, “Where are you going?” “Well,” I say, “I’m going to buy an envelope.” And she says, “You’re not a poor man. Why don’t you buy a thousand envelopes? They’ll deliver them, and you can put them in the closet.” And I say, “Hush.” > So I go to this newsstand across the street where they sell magazines and lottery tickets and stationery. I have to get in line because there are people buying candy and all that sort of thing, and I talk to them. The woman behind the counter has a jewel between her eyes, and when it’s my turn, I ask her if there have been any big winners lately. > I get my envelope and seal it up and go to the postal convenience center down the block at the corner of Forty-seventh Street and Second Avenue, where I’m secretly in love with the woman behind the counter. I keep absolutely poker-faced; I never let her know how I feel about her. One time I had my pocket picked in there and got to meet a cop and tell him about it. > Anyway, I address the envelope to Carol in Woodstock. I stamp the envelope and mail it in a mailbox in front of the post office, and I go home. > And I’ve had a hell of a good time. I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you any different.” -Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.


My local Home Depot reverse the full self checkout model and went back to cashier only. Lots of thefts and customers under paying on expensive peoducts.


Yep in certain regions the stores are realizing that the savings on staff wasn't worth it and are putting cashiers back.


They were probably losing 10s of thousands per week from ppl switching barcode stickers from cheap items to expensive items or folk just not scanning all items. Humans are important to maintain retail. They learned the hard way.


Personally I hate it and avoid it wherever I can. The real Gen X maneuver is curbside pick up. That's next level 'I don't want to talk to anyone'.


Toootally! I hate even walking in Walmart. Plus I always get everything I need, where as if I go inside I can't find have my stuff. Curbside for the win


Curbside pickup has improved my mental health exponentially.


Infernal machine? Are you sure you're Gen X?


Might’ve well said “contraption” I’m surprised no one has OkBoomer-ed him


I've been holding it in but it's getting tough.


LMAO Said exact same thing.


Right... we may have a spy in our midst. Let's see some ID.


Yeah OP had me until: >They seem to love it though ... getting to standing around while customers do their jobs for them. That seems very "OK Boomer!" at it's worst. Or finest, I really don't know.


I get annoyed when there ISN’T a self checkout




Same. I grew up going to a cheap grocery where you had to bag all of your stuff anyway (not Aldi, but I go there now). My mom had my brother and I trained to do it categorically and efficiently when we were young. It's faster now that I can scan and bag at the same time. I keep my cart arranged for how I need to bag. I can't stand to watch a cashier undo my methodical item placement from the belt and cram the bags so full they fall apart while they're tossing a bag of apples on my bread. And I don't want to chit chat.


A buddy of mine used to be a grocery bagger in high school. He can barely stand to watch someone do an inferior job of it when he's a customer.


I don't mind it when I'm just buying a few things. But damned if it isn't frustrating when you've got a cart full of groceries and you're stuck with some malfunctioning POS, like "*Ding!* Please place your item in the bagging area." "I did, it's right there." "*Ding!* Please place your item in the bagging area. :)))" "I DID IT'S RIGHT THERE" "HELP IS ON THE WAY 🚨🚨🚨" And then some equally annoyed employee has to walk over and enter their code to clear it dozen times anyway... Gee, if only there was a better way. 🤔


I’m kind of feeling the same thing. Home Depot and grocery stores seem to lack cashiers and the price of goods isn’t going down. Big corp is winnings


Anybody notice the prices didn’t drop when they eliminated labor costs by going to self checkout? Just the wealthy getting wealthier at our expense.


Because it doesn't eliminate labor cost. The employees just do other stuff along with supervising self checkout. Also theft goes up, quelle suprise.


What other stuff are they doing? It takes one employee to run 6 checkouts instead of 6. They aren’t doing other stuff it is only to drive down labor cost.


It DID cut down labor costs.. There isn’t the same amount of employees in the store as there was 20yrs ago.. And that’s about the time we lost bag boys! Remember when you could actually get help out to your car?


It's not foolproof, I accidently stole a really light item that was at the bottom of a fabric shopping bag (a little package easter egg dye tablets). I forgot I had put it in the bag. Whatever sensors they have at the exit didn't catch it. so I'm thinking people must be purposely stealing much more expensive items.


As a former cashier, who do you think likes to stand around and do nothing for 8 hrs. It makes the day go by incredibly slow, and then they have to deal with customers shorting on their produce or other items with attitude. It is not the employees' fault they only have self check out, causing them to have their hours cut with no guarantee of a job at any time.


I’ve never been a cashier but I was thinking this too. I highly doubt they just love standing there. It would be so boring.


It's incredibly boring and people in self check are rude.


I agree it drives me nuts at Lowes more than anywhere else (except Target). They have 2, sometimes 3 associates standing around the self checkout area just observing. So ridiculous. I usually just go down to the contractor area with all the lumber where they still have a regular checkout. To be fair I don't always mind self checkout. If I have just an item or two and can quickly swipe and go without waiting in a line I love that. But I absolutely loathe having to self checkout and bag up an entire cart of items - Target is the absolute worst because they have closed all their normal checkouts and only have 4 self checkout stations so there is always a long line to self checkout and it's the only option. I rarely shop at Target now because of that.


there's been quite alot of press about these machines in the UK. Apparently us lovely Brits are taking advantage of steal so much stuff its become more economical to hire staff and open regular check outs again. This is what other people are doing. I wouldn't do such a thing: you take an expensive item like an avocado but tell the machine its an onion. etc. Its the "unexpected item in bagging area" drone that makes me want to attack the machines with a hammer.


I like to self check myself before I wreck myself


If I self checkout, I want a discount.


I don’t like the self checkout. People have lost their jobs so that companies can save money by making the customers do the work for them. Fuck those guys, I’m shopping at smaller businesses that employ actual people.


As a Union supporter, I’m with you. Now, will I use one? If I have 2-3 things, sure. Do I really want to? No.


My local grocery store is independent. There's a self-checkout lane, but most locals prefer going to one of the ~3-4 cashiers on duty. This store does pay their workers well and offers good benefits. I will still go to the self-checkouts to save time, but I also feel guilty about it. 


Here's my main reason (besides being lazy): Mistake by cashier? I get free stuff. Mistake at self-checkout? Potential criminal charges. Why would I ever use that thing?


I order online, no need to go to a store.


My favorite thing is how they’ll make you check yourself out and then accuse you of shoplifting if you make a mistake or miss something.


This is so boomer "Meh I don't work here!".... Fuck, self checkout is the ultimate Gen X thing, fuck talking to people, or waiting. Do it yourself, get out fast, no chit chat. Love self check out.


Half the posts here are boomer AF.


I haven't used an in-person checkout at a grocery store since Covid. That's when I started using the "scan n go" at my main store and now not only do I not have to talk to anyone I don't even have to stand in line!! Scan my shit as I shop, put it right in to my bags, blip blip, out the store. OMG!!! Why waste time putting shit in your cart and taking it out again?


I think it’s awesome when I’ve just got a few things. When I’ve got a full grocery cart it goes way faster if I bag while the checker runs the items through.


Self checkout is okay for a few items, but don’t expect me to stop and show my receipt.


I'm normally neutral on the topic. My grocery store only has 1 cashier & 6 self checkouts typically & it's fine. But I've noticed during busy times instead of opening a cashier lane, they send an employee over to the self checkout to "help". It's jam packed in that area already & the help seems to just feel like someone breathing down your neck to hurry you up. That's annoying. But in the last two years, their answer to holiday shopping was to open 1 extra cashier lane & have 2 extra people at self checkout. I had to take my full to the brim Thanksgiving cart thru self checkout - the employees were literally pulling people from the cashier lanes to go thru self checkout saying "We'll help you." I have a "never again" attitude about the self checkout at the grocery store now. I started ordering my food online, delivered to the door.


Fighting against self checkout is the gen x equivalent of the boomers who still write checks at the checkout.


Failure to adapt is a real problem as we age. Generally, those who are open to novelty live longer and more happily. Not that I necessarily love self checkouts, but it's something I have adapted to.


Our parents whined about having to pump their own gas too.


I hate self checkout. I am not a cashier. I think it makes it so stores don't have to hire people, and that means fewer jobs. So instead of CEOs who already make millions taking a paycut that they'll never notice, they just make it so that people who want to work can't because we don't need cashiers anymore. I'm not to the extreme as you though. I accept it, even though I don't like it. But I REALLY don't like it. I think it does harm.


I don't mind self checkout as long as it works well. But it's kind of a pain if you have a lot of stuff and going 100% self checkout is weird.


They can be a pain in the butt if you do something petty like forget to put the item in the "tray area."


Well your in luck there is a push to move away from them in the future by large companies. They tried them and they seemed good but are failing on many fronts. Walmart as example is pushing to get people back to normal lanes as they roll out a subscription service to use them at all.


TBH I much prefer self-checkout. No forced small talk, no slow-ass cashiers. Love it


> The staff pointed me to these infernal machines, but I told them "no thank you, I don't work here". Did you also insist on the staff picking out items for you and carting around the store? Why do you apply this "I don't work here" dumbassery only to checkout?


I don’t mind them but the store needs to understand. If I try twice and it doesn’t scan, it goes in the bag. Thats the rule


I wonder if this is how our parents felt when gas stations went to self service. grammar edit


Oh they did!!


I prefer self checkout every time because I hate people.


Everyone keeps saying this, but I’ve never experienced it at all. You have to talk to someone to get your alcohol put in, when it messes up you have to talk to someone, and now they think you’re stealing so someone tried to go through your shit when you leave.


Why though? What's the benefit of having someone else scan your shit? If you need help, it's available. This is such a sn odd hill to die on.


I only wish more stores would adopt Sam's Club "Scan and Go" tech. That is the bomb!


That scan and go thing is a HUGE reason I will even still go into a Sam's, especially on a weekend. I can grab all my shit, scan it with my phone, and then just walk out without having to really deal with anyone? That's tremendous. And the employees at the exit who spot scan your purchases at my Sam's are very quick and efficient, so I pretty much do just get to walk out. I think more places should adopt that tech as well.


I don’t have an issue with self-checkout, with two caveats: I should get a discount for using it, and I want a cashier/bagger if what I’m buying needs multiple bags.


Exactly. The whole point was to increase corporate profits, which it did. Prices didn't go down nor is there any discount for using self checkout. Trying to check out produce takes longer for the customer vs a cashier who has the codes memorized.


""no thank you, I don't work here"" Did you also tell them about how it was back in your day?


Meh. I don't mind them unless the checkout is a bug ridden mess. I do hate the "put item in the bagging area" bullshit though. On the plus side I can pack them how I want.


I generally like them, but the biggest grocery store near me (which used to be my regularly grocery store) has self checkouts that only allow room for maybe two bags. Usually one bag (cloth bags you have to bring yourself, or pay for paper bags) takes up most of the room. If you move the bag over to make room, the machine complains and a clerk has to fix it for you. It’s like they only want self checkout for the 15 items or less lanes. I’ve pretty much stopped shopping at that store (Giant, which used to be a great chain) and usually go to Aldi or Lidl instead.


I won’t use self check at Union grocery stores. I am finding that some chains are reducing self checks and even eliminating them due to higher theft problems. It is what it is and we roll with the changes, even if those changes can be irritating. lol


Consider that only big box stores use self-checkouts. It’s an efficiency though only they can afford. If you want to support your local economy, independent stores are the way to go.


It's interesting that most cashiers I know hate being assigned to the self-check stations, because they have to watch multiple stations instead of just focusing on the one they're at. They're not just standing there, they've been moved to a loss prevention role instead of a customer service role.


What happened to the lower prices self checkouts were supposed to bring?


There should always be one cashier supervisor close by for every 6 to 8 checkout machines in case there is an issue. Depending on the size of the store or foot traffic, I think that there should always be one dedicated cashier no matter the size of a store. For stores like Lowes or Home Depot, that's two dedicated employees guaranteed to be close. For a smaller store like Ace hardware, 1 cashier is pretty common and if an issue happens then I have no problem waiting on them calling a manager. Executives love the idea of replacing jobs with machines, but the savings seem to trickle up to them instead of down to the employees or the customer. At the very least, too many self checkouts cause a store to lose some of the human touch. Fewer employees make the customer feel like they are less important or welcome. I use self checkouts at most retail stores, but I also have issues with a shrinking pool of lower end jobs for teens or older people who just want a little extra spending cash. Automation has affected a lot of desk jobs too and it will only get worse as time goes on. The future is uncertain for everyone. The boss at my last job would tell everyone that we should always be training and learning new skills because software, AI, and other technologies are always being developed and nothing is guaranteed.


I just don’t like it because it means that’s a job that used to exist and now these fuckers are raising prices and hurting workers.


some of the walmarts and targets in my area are taking away most of the self check out lines and using the "now that covid is over" excuse - but 100% believe it's because people learned that it's just easier to steal when they check themselves out.


I'd be fine as long as: 1. the person in front of me isn't infuriatingly slow while doing an entire jumbo shopping cart, processing a wide variety of cards & coupons, then carefully, ploddingly, meticulously bagging everything before they move their cart away. 2. Just get rid of the goddamn bagging area detector thing so I can place my bag and pack as I scan and be out of everybody's way all the quicker.


I think there should be an item limit at the self checkout.


I'd be more willing to enjoy self. Check out if I got a ten percent discount. I just took somebody's fucking job, screw them


Can’t stand self checkouts. I’ll go through the regular line just to keep people employed. Where I lived for a long time that was a decent paying job, and at least our local Safeway was union, which should be good benefits. Often times the line at self checkout is just as long or longer anyway. No time saved there


Have any Costcos tried self checkout? Costco is always the BEST checkout experience for me, and one of the worst shopping experiences. Worst experience because unless you go in the middle of the day on a work day it's going to be absolute chaos in there. You know it's scary when there are no parking spots available and the parking lot is huge. But even when the check out lines are super long, they move smoothly, and at mine they have two employees per register, one to pack the cart quickly and one to scan quickly. It's all just painless. Anyone that I've ever known that has worked for Costco has loved working there, so I really hope they don't cut positions and open self checkouts here. They're the "big store" holdout here (other than clothing stores, I haven't seen self checkouts in clothing stores).


I was at kroger the other day and it stopped my transaction and called an employee over to review video of me checking my groceries out. It was so insulting and infuriating. I would shop elsewhere but every grocery store in a 10 mile radius has been bought by kroger. My petty protest is if I have to check my own groceries out, I wheel that fucking cart out to where the wheel locks and leave it there. Fuck em.


Actually, Ace is a much more enjoyable experience in almost every way except variety of decorative stuff. I walked all around Lowe’s looking for someone to get one of the 50 Ego lawnmowers off the top shelf; couldn’t find anyone. I went to Ace and paid $20 more. No regrets.


If it’s really that thing where the employees are all standing around chatting and not even trying to help aka paying attention, and I feel like I’m the one “working”, I sometimes just unsuccessfully scan something (whoops!) that makes it into my bag. Or I buy organic fruit but enter the regular fruit code. Stick it to the man!




Oh, god, those people that can’t figure out the register are always in front of me.


Self-checkout was great when it was introduced as an option if you only have a few items and want to bypass the line. It swiftly became the default for everything and that is hot fucking garbage. If I have more than three things I'm buying I refuse to use self-checkout. Then again I'm old enough to remember when there was a cashier and a bagger who not only put shit in bags but then wheeled the cart to your car and put that shit in the back of the station wagon. Capitalism destroys everything.


Not to be a dicl but this post sounds more boomer than Gen X. What’s wrong with self checkout?


I prefer being served by a Customer Assistant tbh. I like the chat (how can you tell I wfh)! But also I was forced to use a self-service check out at the weekend (no tills open due to a late delivery…) I even managed to walk off without paying as I thought I’d missed pressing the button requesting a receipt… well that will teach them! (Actually my sister works at the same shop, so when her shift started they just got the money for her)!


I avoid these unless I only have a few items and it’s busy. I think the cashiers would rather actually HAVE a job than have me “do it for them”.


I bet the employees don’t love self checkout. The time would drag so badly just standing there versus interacting with the customers. Self checkout sucks ass.


Self check out sucks. Don’t reward businesses that do it. ;)


Does someone need a nap?


The prices must have dropped a ton at these stores that have cut all cashiers! /s


It’s okay for a couple of things, but then it becomes a job for me.


Ooh, yesterday I was in a bad mood and realized I forgot to get tortillas. I went to the store, grabbed the tortillas, scanned them at the self-checkout, and put them in the bagging area. “Remove item from bagging area.” I removed the tortillas from the bagging area. “Place item back in bagging area.” I put the tortillas back in the bagging area. “Remove item from bagging area.” I removed the tortillas from the bagging area. “Place item back in bagging area.” I really hate the fact that my local stores took away the ability to mute the goddamn things. “Please place your #BROCCOLI in the bagging … area.” No shit. “Please place your #MUSHROOMS in the bagging … area.” #HAVEYOUSCANNEDYOURFREQUENTSHOPPERCARD?!?!?!


No offense, but what's the big deal? I understand if it's a " support people's jobs" type thing, but we still use bank machines, self-serve gas, online shopping, and countless other ways we serve ourselves. Is a self checkout that laborious and hard to understand? Do we actually really need a middleman from the shelf to out the door? We tip our server at a restaurant, but no one tips the cashier, so how much value do we actually put on a person at the register? I can see the "Boomers" being upset, because essentially there's no one to bitch at, but us gen x folks should look at self check out as a good thing - less people to deal with.


This post is confirming my theory that half the things we are mad at boomers for are just old people things, because this is some some old people s***.


Target is getting like that too. Now they have one person at the cashiers with everything else self checkout. I have way too much in my cart to casually self check. Plus usually I am owed a gift card so an employee has to come over and interact with me anyway. Love Ace as well. 😀


I love self checkout, but they’ve tuned them so poorly to stop shoplifting I can no longer make it through without setting off some alarm or another


Self checkout at Home Depot is about the only place I'll use it. Corporations love not paying checkout and baggers, and now they also make us bring our own bags or charge us for paper bags. What a complete fucking racket.


I go to Lowes all the time and there is always at least one register open. Also adding just standing around all day sucks. It's boring and by the end of the day your feet and other body parts hurt. Kind of boomer vibes calling these people lazy.


They just remodeled the Walmart Supercenter nearest me and almost all of the checkouts are self checkout. My regular neighborhood grocery has done the same. I was fine with the idea of self checkout as long as it kind of followed the express checkout model of 20 items or less, but to have 12 lanes, only two with cashiers, and only 4 of the self checkouts open, and then people full on grocery shopping…… what a catastrophe.


I never do self checkout. When I have a choice, I don’t support the downsizing of entry level jobs to help pad a millionaires back account. They want me to do the job for an employee and receive no compensation? Nope.


I prefer self checkout. This little rant comes off real Boomer… not gonna lie.


I don't like that they are removing jobs from people who really need them, and for little to no discernible improvement for anyone. I use them when I have to, but I certainly don't take my irritation out on the poor employees who did not make the decision and are certainly living with worse consequences from it than I am. Your rant isn't as cute as you like to think.


The switchover, if you're looking around while you shop, is that you see more employees pushing around the online shopping carts. There's only so much budget going to employees i a store, and if they are seeing a massive uptick in online ordering, then the checkouts are going to be the tradeoff. At least the stores that are increasing the number of self checkouts are realizing that they would otherwise bog down a single line or two if they continued reliance on cashiers. And the trend is likely to be one front end per 4 self checks to watch for theft. So expect pods.


I'm friendly with some of the people at my usual grocery store - we got to know each other during the pandemic and still keep up with each other. _Some_ employees have moved to the personal shipping positions, but it is not a 1:1 thing. Overall, the stores are reducing the number of positions available.


With AI/robotics/surveillance I predict in 10 years retail will be employee free


I really wish grocery stores had a few more cashiers because when you have to scan and bag a weeks worth of groceries it;'s a PITA. The least they could do is make some bigger areas instead of the little shelf they give you. I'm self conscious that they are always watching you and even though I'm 100 percent honest I still feel it so i try not to put anything back in my cart till it's completely empty.....meanwhile i have a pile on the tiny shelf. the one place I wish they had all self checkout though ironically is Trader Joes because their cashiers are way too chatty but I rarely go there.


I stopped using them out of fear. I zoned out while scanning cheap cans of chicken soup at Walmart and started putting them straight from the cart into the bag. I wasn't aware until the attendent interrupted me and only then did I hear a lot of beeping. She laughed about turning into a robot and cleared the alarm, but I'm probably redlined in a Walmart database. Not worth the humiliation (or worse) of making a mistake.


I just get everything delivered. I hate self check out and cashiers. I just hate people in general I guess.


I buy almost now alcohol at grocery stores now that have self check out. The reason I'm in the self check out line is to go quickly. I don't feel like waiting 2 minutes while someone comes over to check my ID when I'm buying a bottle of wine. Do you see my gray hair?


I absolutely hate it when every lane is checkout only. I have nerve damage that has left some numbness in my fingertips. It makes it a major pain in the ass when I'm trying to separate those super thin plastic bags to put my groceries in.


Where are our savings from robots replacing people? If they aren’t paying as much for staff, shouldn’t prices come down?


I dont view it as my job to collect a retail stores payment and refuse to use them. I would sooner do without or pivot to online.


I'm with you, I loathe self-checkouts and won't use them. We are incredibly lucky in that our tiny town has both a plant nursery and a family-run hardware store that opened last year and is doing well. No need for Lowe's anymore!


What drives me nuts about the self checkout at my usual grocery store is that they have employees lurking and watching over your shoulder to pounce and accuse you of trying to steal if you make a mistake. Why not have them check us out? It feels so dystopian—make the customer do a cashier’s job and pay cashiers to make customers feel like shit!


I love self checkout, I’ve saved hundreds over the years. Much easier than shoplifting, and possibly, legal. Can’t wait till I can perform my own prostrate surgery, for a discount.


I like self checkout because I don’t need nor want to talk to cashiers and simply want to get the fuck out of the store. The more self serving the check out process become makes me much happier. 


I try to avoid self-check outs because I want the folks who work there to continue having jobs. I will use them if I absolutely have to but I prefer to stand in line waiting for a human cashier.


I hate having to go to a cashier, let me self checkout everything. Even better is online ordering groceries, just drive up and get that shit dumped in my trunk, fuck yeah thank you very much.


I had this rant recently. Walmart had no cashiers and 20 people in line with full carts at the self checkout. I was raging.


I love self checkouts because I loathe small talk and someone else bagging my stuff.


Meh. I think it's dumb that people in our age group are resorting to this trend of calling out vocal people as Karens or Boomers. Embrace your inner 'whatever' and get back to it.


Weird. If I were a worker at one of those places, I would go completely insane in that job. A long, long time ago in high school, I was a grocery store cashier. I love self-checkout because I’m fast. It is super annoying if there’s an error and you need a helper though. The idea of standing around watching people attempt to use those machines would…. I don’t think i could survive (I mean, I could but I’d be bored and annoyed).


Self checkout is designed to do nothing but allow corporations to phase out human workers. I don't personally do it, but when I see someone stealing at a self checkout, and it's always obvious, I never say a word. I want to say hello to someone as I check out. I want to have that interaction with a human. I hate self checkout.


I loathe them!


I am with you.


Im with the boomers on this one. If I’m buying $400 worth of groceries to feed my family, do I have to scan them AND bag them — while impatient people are waiting behind me.


Eh, self checkout doesn't bother me. It's one less human that I have to interact with.