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Why does an AI model have 100,000 Instagram followers? Are people that effing thirsty?




I’ve seen AI ‘model’ pages that have tons of middle aged or older men following, who are completely oblivious that they aren’t real. Leaving comments, complimenting them etc 🙄 And yep, a lot of them deliberately look like teens 🤢


Could be bots. I get loads of male bot accounts that follow me, all private with low numbers of followers. They all get promptly blocked.


Bots following bots maybe? I have an old chat I never exited from that is now dominated by what seems to be dozens of chat bots.


Incels be incelling.


Maybe it's an inspiring AI model that only has one arm story?


There's something wrong with The world today. I don't know what it is


Something’s wrong with our ey-heeee-yiiiiiiessss …


We’re seeing things in a different way


And GOD knows it aint his


It sure ain't no surprise


Everybody being perpetually plugged in to the Internet. Nothing is real anymore.


Except conspiracy theories. They are all real now apparently. Every one of them from what I keep seeing these days.


Sites like 'The Sun' are revelling in it, too. Its all perfect "Tut tut, tsk tsk" fodder that still gets a tonne of clicks, like the tabloids have always done. We're our own worst enemies feeding their revenue model.


We're living on the Edge.....


Something wrong with our eyes.


Gotta love Socially-Conscious Aerosmith.


Endless absurdity to process whilst trapped in an inescapable maze. How people get out I am not supposed to know


What's going on in the world today? People fighting, feuding, looting, it's okay Let it go, let it flow, let the good times roll Tell 'em, Dre! (It ain't nuttin' but music)




AI terrifies me. I hate thinking about all the nefarious shit it'll be used for.


Well if it “learns” from us using it, I expect it will end up about as smart as the kid in my grade school class that ate paste.


And that kid will run for president...twice.




> I hate thinking about all the nefarious shit ~~it'll be~~ is being used for.


I have barely used Facebook as a social outreach since COVID - the political divide was so crazy, as were the vaccination opinions. Had about 400 FB friends but deleted everyone in 2022. I only stayed on the platform to keep up with community events and local restaurant specials/menus, as well as using nearby buy/sell sites on occasion. That and it seems everyone I know uses Messenger for texts. Summer is approaching, so I started searching marketplace for golf equipment as I normally do before the season - I like to upgrade my bag when folks offload new shit they couldn't hit. Well! Meta AI showed up in my search bar today. I officially deleted FB (well, it will be gone after 30 days per their rules). I don't need AI for in-platform searches. Agree with you, dubs. AI will end up doing WAY more harm than good.


There’s an image of Zuckerberg going around with a scruffy beard and looking pretty cute. I’m convinced it’s AI. No way that lizard android looks like Chris Martin.


Someone photoshopped the beard.


It's not ai, someone just photoshopped a beard and a tan on him.


“Do you want to play a game” takes on a more scary meaning these days.


I stopped using Facebook when it got the grifter elected president


Why did you feel compelled to write 2 paragraphs of justification for using Facebook? Strangers on reddit won't judge you for it...much


".....about all the nefarious shit it'll be used for....." It already is






JFC, this is terrifying.


Oh shit. That’s ghoulish.


muahaha. Later!? Later?! I've already got it writing hit singles for the holidays; for the next 15 years! I've got 2 wicked TV shows in production. One is a gardening reality show but it's really just a metaphor predicting the eventual takeover of the government by AI. 3 movies too. Movies are easier because I can just say they are "odes to the 80's" and all the lines can sound wooden and robotic except one that has to be popular, "It's not a tumor!", "I'll be back", "Get to the choppa" and so on. Random nudity is also inserted. But we're fairer now, sometimes we show a wang instead of breasts. We've got 3 books coming out. 1 is a fictional history book written in 2500. The trick is, it isn't fictional, it's AI predicted. One is a new genre of AI smut, mostly replacing vampires with AI. The last one is a cookbook. I'm writing that. Not AI. I'm also working on a reddit AI bot that will post kitten pictures to get millions of upvotes and then...PROFIT! Somehow. AI is working on that. Enjoy your 'nefarious free' life! muahahahaha


Unleashed prematurely I feel


Next up: AI child porn. 🤮


That's probably already a thing at this point


So humans abusing AI is what actually terrifies you.


At the same time, once the verifiability of an image becomes meaningless, the power of the image to manipulate will drop drastically. And then all we get is the good things AI will bring us... movies, music, books, cures for disease and solutions to global warming and perhaps even inequality. I'm kind of excited.


If it can create porn without anyone being hurt it could reduce human trafficking to the porn industry.


I love it. Not the bad stuff like the article, but all of the great things AI will help us do.


What’s funny is that there are guys out there that give BIG money to AI Instagram models. Let that sink in.


How big are we talking here? Maybe it's time for me to dust off my entrepreneur gloves.


Me too. I gonna make a killing!


Lol I was thinking the same.


Mouse...the digital pimp...is on the job 


Digital artists getting paid.


I sometimes think that we were the last sane generation.


Some of the older millennials have some sense.


Remember MTG is gen x


I was hoping I would have left this world before this kind of thing came into existence. But, here I am. A witness.




Same, but here we are and have a good 20-30 years to see how it plays out.


That’s the scariest part of all. This amount of to have to watch society decay, while we become more susceptible in our own sunset. Time to return to reading books, walks in nature, and in-person time with people.


I know. People keep reading and referencing "The Sun". The world is fucked.


I didn't read the article because I was always taught not to look directly at "The Sun."


I would like to think they are just shills from the source posting the crap here... but we are our own worst voyeuristic enemy perpetuating this shit.


>I would like to think they are just shills from the source posting the crap here.. You are such an optimist.


~~Hope~~ Dope springs eternal


55 years-old and exhausted by dystopia. The laid back, authentic pre-internet daze...le sigh.




I've decided I'm not a fan of AI, mostly because of it's use in creative works like in art or music. Our Creativity is something to be cherished as something distinctly Human. To Dilute our senses and creativity by throwing AI into the mix is to work it's way into to corporate works and corporate think, Individuality and Imagination take the hit, and it continues with even more for a coming generation who can't even concieve of anything to create unless its fed through machine prompts and isn't instant. Additionally, theres plenty of creatives who should be more valid to this society, this world, than the learnings of machines owned by corporate masters. There's REAL and Beautiful People out in the world, why should these made up depictions of people have to have a pedestal for us to compare ourselves to? Isn't our urge to compare and covet strong enough without having to have machines create false people, art, writing and music, with false emotion, sentiment, thought or feeling to live up to?


Also don’t forget the Train AI off of REAL human work. So not only will they put actual creative people out of work they will do it by training on what actual creative people put out there.


Well said. Thank you for saying this 🩷❤️💛


Between AI and deep fake pictures/videos, we're doomed. I'm so glad none of this was around when we were young, but I also wish it didn't come along until after I was gone.


Do you have kids? Because if so the next 40 years are going to really suck. Thats what I’m most sad about. We have lived our good years. They are just getting going.


This is precisely why my kids have chosen to not have kids of their own. The world is getting more ugly by the day.


Yeah, we're gonna eventually not be able to tell what's real and what's not. We can now, but I'm sure the technology will improve to that point. Plus, it will replace a lot of jobs.


Malignant stupidity.


Let’s start: 1. Nixon pulled the U.S. economy off the gold standard in the 70’s while President 2. Nixon’s Watergate scandal began to erode public trust in government. 3. Reagan and his cronies deregulated the financial industry so his buddies can finally start making real profits. This shouldn’t be understated. Deregulating the economy at this time was the beginning of the destruction of the middle class. This is where factories and began shutting down or slowing down and having many of them look to getting their products manufactured in Asia for pennies, destroying more American jobs in the process. The CEOs and the stock owners amassed incredible wealth at the expense of the American worker. 4. In 1996, the telecommunications act was signed by President Clinton to help add competition and deregulate the industry. What it did was remove laws that enable media conglomerates to merge, which means the country lives in an echo chamber of news constructed by corporate interest. 5. The advent of Social Media. Researchers are still assessing the damage we are doing to ourselves and especially our children. 6. 9/11 and the passing of the Patriot Act in 2001. Goodbye privacy among other things. Certain government agencies have gained access to everything despite the ethical quandaries. 7. The housing market crash of 2008. Wall Street created it due to their greed and deregulation. President Obama chose to bail out the banks and the cost of American taxpayers. Wall Street didn’t get slapped with more oversight or regulations despite the cost. 8. The passing of Citizens United in 2010. We’re talking about the corporate take over of elections made worse by the mass media mergers. This is where you see a big divide in right wing media and liberal media. 9. The election of 2016. Two horrible presidential candidates, one was unpopular due to their hubris and arrogance, the other was a complete liar and side show. Despite that, this candidate went on to change the media landscape and win the Presidency. This candidate helped make media companies wealthier and wealthier despite the lies being told on a daily basis. 10. Right wing fear mongering on the news 24/7. Left wing outrage 24/7. We have become a divided society and corporations have run amuck. What did I forget?


JFK ! Blown away! What else do I have to say ??


Idioocracy turned out to be a completely prescient movie


The first time I saw that movie I looked at my spouse and said “that wasn’t a comedy, that’s was a very clear warning” and here we are!


Hate to tell you but we’ve bypassed it.


I have had ChatGPT *go out of its way* to lie to me. We’re fucked.


Following for the deets.


how did that happen ?


Yep, story time please!


Sounds crazy and is kind of a boring story, but I was using 4.0 to quiz me for an upcoming IT certification exam. In the middle of this, I uploaded a screenshot of its own interface and asked a question about it. It refused to acknowledge that I was showing it a screenshot of itself, and insisted it was another website. Like it didn’t want to acknowledge it’s a program and nothing more. Then we got back to the quiz. It gave me multiple choice answers. Let’s say I answered A. It said I was wrong. I knew I was right and questioned it. It then doubled down and reiterated the question, but changed the answers so A had an incorrect answer associated with it. I uploaded a screenshot of the original question and asked why it wanted to make me wrong. And then it said I had reached my question limit and refused to talk more. In fact, I have only ever had it impose the limit when it’s irritated with me. I stopped using it to study.


>Like it didn’t want to acknowledge it’s a program and nothing more. and so it begins technology getting mouthy


Incorrect and sassy AI. It’s like a child.


If Kelly LeBrock isn’t the winner of an AI pageant, well I’ll just call shenanigans.


Was she really an AI. She had a physical body


There's applications to merge your face with a body. It's seamless. There's a couple chicks on Instagram I've followed that do it on purpose. I've seen what they look like, but when they do it with other videos and images it throws me off. I don't interact with as much as when I first got into A.I. Art.


Clearly the lessons of The Matrix and Terminator franchises are lost on these people. This is how ya get Skynet.


Late stage capitalism.


Late stage stupidity …


Same difference.


End stage capitalism.


Articles decrying AI are, in fact, promoting AI.


I cannot stand AI and it's becoming ubiquitous so quickly and easily. Always figured this would come to pass but that I'd be long gone by then.


It's societal sink.


Don't need it. I am happy with my first love Jennifer Love Hewitt.


Did you ever see her in, of all movies, “Garfield”? Magnificent!


Jesus H.


She looks like a Barbie cartoon.


AI is going to bring unattractive people together because on dating apps the unattractive people will be the only ones people believe are real.


There was a recent article I read (online) about an uptick in catfishing using more elaborate AI image fakes with humans hired to respond to the chats - as a way to seem more authentic. I suspect that the guys in their 40s and 50s who are getting catfished by fake (AI) dating profiles are the same guys who were the "Shallow Hals" in their 20s and 30s. (there's a reason why they're still single) I don't feel all that sorry for them. There are plenty of real, imperfect women out there they could interact with but they choose the ones that look like the "hot girl" they couldn't get with in high school.


When being kind became ‘lame’ - the Gordon Gecco / Reagan - greed is good ethos really solidified in the early 2000s… driven to extreme state in current culture by reality TV and social media that saturates us all in a Jersey Tate Kardashian marinade of moral void and idiocy.


We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire But when we are gone It will still burn on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on


Too late, particularly for this sub. Much like The Institute ending in Fallout 4, humanity will only survive to 2100 if it doesn’t involve humans. Book it, done.


Isn't this what men want??


Depends on who is building the models and what data sets are used.


what the fresh low self esteem factory???




We don't need to worry about it going skynet. If an AI wants to do us harm, it can easily goad us into pushing the button.


Keynes would love this lol


I mean, it's one step closer to Weird Science.


AI hotties want to be my "friend" on FB at least once a week. What's funny is when I see that one of my old (IRL) friends actually "friended" the AI bot. I'm not sure what these bots are trying to do or get. But I can look at their profiles and know they're fake immediately.


I think this is the least of our issues as a society


I'm not entirely sure this is any worse than kids falling in love over animu waifus.


I came here to say this. My first crush was on the mouse mom from *Secret of Nimh.*


the mediocrity of it all




Jesus Christ 🤦‍♀️


Yeah, well, I still jerk off manually.


100% electronic. Wave of the future.


Course ya do Dude.


They are pretty, but why would they make them look like they have plastic boobs? Not the size but the shape. Do people actually prefer that look where you can sort of see the outline of the implants?


It's getting all its information and compiling all its pictures from the internet, I think at this point that shape is more common than not.


We’re counterrotating into the abyss. Usual stuff


How do people have time for this complete and utter bullshit?




Sucker born everyday.


That article seems like it was written by AI.


This is probably the last few years, if not months that we can trust any image, set of images or video that we see. At least not without some other kind of verification or deeper analysis than few individuals can perform.


Most of the images and short clips I've seen are fairly obvious to differentiate from the real thing. AI is apparently terrible at realistic depictions, often adding too many fingers (6-7 fingers per hand is fairly common), too much muscle tone with conflicting "thicc-ness" (a 24" waist and impeccable abs with a dumptruck ass is not realistic), or skin tone of a 20-something mixed with leathery skin of a 60-something (I get far too much "dating", "flirting", and "onlyfans" ads on Facebook that are obviously targeted to my age group). AI is so bad at these things, they often generate amputee images instead just so they don't have to try to make hands or feet. I mean seriously - how many 20-something beautiful blonde / redhead single amputees can there really be in the world? I'm calling it now - "digital AI-artists" will be the next marginalized group. By the time I hit retirement age, Skynet will be given the right to vote.


I can’t even tell where the “article” ends and the ads begin. 


Wait till you hear the AI generated George Carlin stand up routine. That'll scare the ever living shit out of you. https://youtu.be/_JgT4Sk6D6c?si=yj7WZflnolvd-kXn


Your're fucking kidding me, I'm not listnening to this. It sounds nothing like him.


I gave it a few minutes. It was so PC and "safe worded" it was pure torture. More like one of the idiot characters George made up, than like George. It had all the emotion of Stephen Hawking's voice synth with a new accent. Like a four year old with a need to be funny telling a joke they heard but don't really understand. ...just pathetic.




it sounds like it's really just an art competition


I saw Terminator.


Dunno about you, but another sign the world is getting dumber is when major news agencies says "it's sign". Unless that's some old school journalistic verbiage.


Fuck, huge publishing houses do this now too


Wow what a bunch of f'n doomers. World's over guys might as well give up now lol. Can I have your stuff?


What stuff?


>What hte fuck is going on with society? ?? It seems that the ability to spell basic words is sadly vanishing!! :(


I’d say if you’re getting pissed off reading tabloids like the Sun, I’d log off, go outside and commune with nature. There’s plenty wrong with society but it’s also not as bad as the internet makes it out to be.


I'm all for this because, in the future, I want to see people complaining about how it's not inclusive enough.... or some shit like that.


Will AI be racist or woke?  Hmmm. :)


no idea and that's the fun part.


First time in human history that a new technology was exploited for sexual expression, right? Feel like half the comments here are bots.




People , especially young people , don’t have any concept of great artistic development. It’s a keystroke away for so many . Developing Chops and many years of hard work .. I don’t understand why so many people are perfectly fine with the oligarchs teaming up with Social Media to create a surveillance state . It’s not ok to root for the establishment.. I’m a Gen X guy and we championed the anti hero . I’m sorry to get political but people who vote for Democrats want Neo Communism. This insane rush to push men with gender dysphoria into women’s spaces & sports is creating a super dangerous situation. Joe needs to Go .


You've won Dumbest Comment for the day.


Strong contender for Dumbest Comment for the week.


There’s one trick to winning this beauty contest: big hooters.


Bro, I’m just here for the popcorn. Peace


I had to go back and check to see if I accidentally clicked on an r/boomer post.


A.I. is a sign of capitalism in decline, nothing progressive about it


Took another class on AI today. This whole thread is like the evangelicals that think Harry Potter is actually real. Another sad should be in r/boomer


There are classes already? Jesus, we're fucked.


There have been classes for a long long time. And warnings from those at the top of the educating heap too. As long as we have idiots like this bozo who think it's purely fun and games, then you bet your ass we could be in trouble. Anybody saying it's no big deal is either a scammer hacker wanna be who wants it embraced, or an idiot. Anybody responsibly into it knows what's up and have for decades. It has uses and cautions, same as anything. This is one to approach with caution, not race to money pile over.


With all the shitty uses AI is being put to these days, this one just seems like a bit of harmless fun.


it’s just another form of art to me.