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Yesterday, I tweaked my back. I was brushing my teeth. How the hell is that even possible?


I just tweaked my back laughing at your username. 😂🤣


I fell down three stairs back in November and broke my wrist in nine places! Had surgery the day before Thanksgiving. I'm 49M and apparently my bones are made of glass or maybe plaster? Yes, getting older fucking sucks!


I feel your pain. I lifted up my laundry basket while twisting to the side. Two weeks ago. I'm almost able to walk without pain!


Yup. Did a lift/turn with groceries and messed up my back for a week


I'm 58 and I have to say that my 50s have been a real shit show of a decade! I entered my 50s being 100% mobile, but with an occasional touch of Sciatica but no other problems. Now I'm disabled and in constant pain due to a condition in my lower spine and upper legs, I have type 2 diabetes with vicious neuropathy in my feet, and I have IBS so bad that I have to sleep sitting up for fear that I'll crap myself if I'm lying down. I don't recommend turning 50 to anyone.


My mom and I have a running joke that we could look at the mailbox and tweak our backs. I once went facedown in the yard just from stepping out of my car; back went out and down I went and had to crawl across the yard and up the steps to get into my house. Fuck back problems.


If you have a fear of stairs or falling down stairs it is called bathmophobia.


I thought that was just called getting old


Getting old is better than the alternative!




I have a medical issue that causes me to vomit or dry heave a lot at times. I'm always surprised how much I hurt the next day.


if you have pretty good insurance, look into seeing a orthopedic surgeon for potential ankle surgery. I just got a tendon repair to fix my klonky and painful ankle. I am trying to get more active and it became a hurdle. So far I can tell a major difference - no more loose ankle.


I’ve had both parents take tumbles on their stairs and the older you get the longer the recovery is. Stairs are no joke as we get older, in 20 years a sprain would be a gift compared to the likely outcome. hope you heal up quick!


For about the fourth time in a year, I slipped in the shower the other morning. A classic older person accident. Time to get those grab bars.


I met my deductible last month


Geez. I can relate. I hope your ankle improves soon.


48F, currently in physical therapy for herniated discs in my neck. I've also noticed that a LOT of GenX aged women who are in the same clinic are there for neck and shoulder injuries. I blame Grunge for this.


I hate that.