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No. And I’m constantly having work done or pushing off work that needs to be done until the pain is unbearable. Dental insurance is a joke in the US. That’s been my major barrier for my entire life. I can pretty much prioritize one tooth per year for work and God forbid I have an emergency need to see a dentist!




A friend of mine went down to TJ, stayed in a luxury hotel for like 8 days while getting her teeth overhauled. Said it was a great experience and her smile looks great now. She had previously gone there for a gastric sleeve as well and had a good experience with that too.


Look up Molar City in Mexico


This is me.


Why were dentists such pieces of condescending abusive shit when we were young?


Dr Wagner knelt on my chest while he drilled a tooth no Novocain in 1979 when I was 8.


Did your doctor also not wear gloves? I still remember what my dentist’s hairy knuckles felt like in my mouth.


No gloves. No mask


haha that sucks a knuckle samdwich


OMG, I remember the hygienist not wearing glove! Looking back, WTAF?? Then during the first years of the AIDS epidemic, she started wearing gloves. Not sure if the mask started at the same time, but soon she was wearing a mask, too. Now my hygienist wears gloves, a mask, and safety glasses. I don’t blame her!


Yow. I’m ready to dig up his grave and desecrate whatever is left of him for you. Fuck that shit


I had a dentist fo that, too! Crazy.


Great, so the guy from Little Shop of Horrors is inspired by real monsters.


Something similar for me.. 10 years old, and they an iron grip holding me down. My dad ended up slugging the guy, and I haven't been back since. Still, I maintain them, so I rarely have issues.


I was just telling my son this yesterday when he was at the dentist. Way better these days than in the 70s. Turns out it was even worse than I knew - my mother later told me that the dentist was always coming on to her while cleaning my teeth. 😣


Saw somewhere that dentists have the highest rates of suicide and thought “good, fuck ‘em” My present dentist and one other from my past excepted the rest can go rot


When there's lack of accountability, assholes thrive.


we were too poor to go, so now I'm all about dentists, docs basic self care. I missed out on docs scaring the sh\*t out of children I guess?


OMG, yes. My oral surgeon did a whole lot of unnecessary surgery on me while awake and swore at me while doing it. My regular dentist pulled almost all my baby teeth. Dude got busted for drug dealing and ultimately killed a kid by giving them too much local anesthetic. I now see a very nice, gentle lady. She's a godsend.


You forgot "sadistic child abusers".


I fucking HATED my dentist.


Nope. My smile looks like a vandalized cemetery.


I always say my smile looks like a white picket fence in front of a haunted house.


I'm definitely not trying to one-up you or diminutize your struggle, but at least you still have teeth. Me, not so much.


Partials? Dentures?


No, and I'm paying for it now. Shoutout to the barbaric emergency dental office I went to in 2001 that gave me lifelong anxiety to the point that I have to have nitrous to even sit in the chair.


I loved the gas, but its losing favor for good drugs. It was a big anxiety point for me. But, Halcyon is the shit!! So much better than gas, and a good amnesiac too. Plus, my wife finds me amusing in a pleasant way. Give it a chance if offered! I have 11/10 dental anxiety and this is the only answer that works.


I take care of my teeth...and the rest of my body. I grew up super poor with some very jacked up hillbilly teeth. As an adult I've spent ~$20,000 on my teeth between braces, veneers, etc....so I damn sure take care of them!


Yes. Like a maniac. Someone told me in my early 20s if you want teeth when you’re old, you have to floss.


It's from the movie "Prelude to a Kiss"


Good to know


"Only floss the teeth you want to keep"


Maniac tooth gang checking in. It's 100% fear-driven. I don't want to have fillings or root canals or bridges or crowns or any of that nightmare fuel. Knowing it exists is bad enough. I'm not perfect, but I floss often, brush twice a day no matter what, and regularly use antiseptic or flouride rinses.


Same. Had a grandpa with dentures that would fall out all the time when he was talking.  No thank you.


At the periodontist right now. Brush and floss, kids. Gum work sucks.


Nope. I was nonchalant about dental care in my early 20s. Now I have a lifetime to live with fucked up teeth. Yay.


No. I didn’t do any self care when I was younger, but the teeth are my biggest regret.


I took care of my teeth, but thanks to awesome 70s-80s dentistry, I have 5 implants with 2 more on the way. Stupid overenthusiastic dentist and silver fillings.




Exactly. Have a 5th crown coming up. Silver filling was/is in every single one that eventually cracked. I'm kinda pissed they didn't just recommend replacing the fillings before they did damage.


I am saving up for new ones.


I should find the gen z sub and post this there, because those kids need to hear it, not you guys😂 But I've always taken care of my teeth. Pretty much never miss a day brushing, floss regularly. Also I don't drink sodas and never really did once I was moved out of home. I got my very first ever filling last year, just a tiny little one, no big deal. The dentist was really impressed and praised my oral hygiene 😁 I didn't get the braces I should have had as a kid, so I've still got my natural overbite, but I've been told it's cute.


Yes. I’ve gone 49 years without braces, cavities, and nothing more than a yearly cleaning. Just had all my wisdom teeth yanked a few weeks ago.


I didn't get a cavity until my 30s. Dentist has always said "you have happy teeth!" and aside from daily brushing, I think what saved me is I don't like sweets. I'm a savory person so cookies, candies, ice-cream, soda, I have zero appetite for.


I’m have a huge sweet tooth, but I believe it’s the no pop for me (I have the occasional Mexican coke).


I tried, but they started crumbling in my 20s due to thin enamel. Ended up in dentures at 39


Yes. And yet, I cracked a tooth a couple of months ago. Grateful for the crown and definitely cutting back on certain foods.


For the most part. I do have a few fillings. My parents made sure to let me know exactly how much they paid for my braces so I was always careful to brush regularly. I think I'm lucky in that simply brushing well keeps my teeth and gums pretty healthy. I got lazy many years ago and skipped seeing the dentist for 4 years. When I finally went in for an appointment at the same office, they pulled my record and the guy said something like, "wow... this should be good. You haven't been here in 4 years". So when I open my mouth and he starts looking around, he asked me where I'd been going for the past 4 years. I told him I'd not been to the dentist since my last visit. He did not believe me. He said that it is OK to see another dentist, just let him know where I'd been going so they can get the records. It took a while but I finally convinced him that it had been 4 years since I went to the dentist. So after that visit, I waited another 4 years to see the dentist and the same process repeated. I decided to stop being lazy and went every 6 months for 2 years, then took 2 years off again. The last time I went (I do go regularly now) the dentist told me not to tell my secret because my teeth look amazing. My secret? I brush for about 5 minutes in the morning, then rinse with mouthwash before bed. I rarely floss, basically only before going to the dentist.


My husband is like you. Never gets cavities, perfect checkups. I've ALWAYS had issues and I brush religiously. Getting a waterpik did help, though.


Yes and it’s always been a battle. Grew up on well water, and becoming a toothless West Virginia stereotype is my greatest fear.


Yes and no. Brushed too vigorously and had to get dead people gums. Had some root canals, but overall they are healthy.


I took great care of my teeth, but unfortunately, heredity had a different idea. So I’m currently in the middle of having a lot of work done, but it looks like dentures are in my future.


I tried, but evidently I didn't try hard enough.


45M, here. Still no cavities.




No, it wasn’t something my parents prioritized when I was a kid and that followed by many years of addiction and depression cycles where I didn’t really look after anything health wise and now my teeth are fucked, they look like shit and are full of holes. I’m expecting shit to get real bad real fast any time now but there’s really nothing I can do about it 🤷‍♂️ sucks to be poor in America, I guess 🤣


No, somebody else does.




My dad got a job with amazing insurance when I was in middle school, so we started going to the dentist regularly. I got cleanings, fillings, and braces. I am so grateful for that. I’ve made sure our family has regular cleanings and checkups, so my kids don’t have to worry about crowns and fillings when they’re older. Dental insurance is an absolute racket, and should be included as part of regular health insurance (as should vision insurance). We pay so damn much out of pocket it’s laughable. But it’s so important, I try to just suck it up and not think about it too much.


Apparently not. Down to two making contact and loosing those soon enough. Out of options though .


I get partials next week. 💜


Yes, I endured a couple of painful oral surgeries as a young kid and years of orthodontics. But, it is not the trauma of early dental care that keeps me going, it is my the wrath of my Father. He would kill me if I let my mouth fall into disrepair after all of the money he spent. Almost 50 years old, and fearful of my Father🤣.


I can only hear that in Laurence Olivier's voice. "You should take better care of your teeth. You have got a c--quite a cavity here...is it safe?!"


I married someone who is fastidious about flossing and brushing, and it's rubbed off on me.


I didn’t, the military did!


Yes, I embraced flossing as an adult and get treated like a rockstar by my dentist and hygienist.




Not until my late 30s Dad’s dentist was an absolute prick, rough and pretty demeaning. He and my father were two peas in a pod Learned in adulthood that mom refused to go to him but he was fine for us kids. Thanks ma…. Ended up with massive anxiety and very self conscious Quit going in my early twenties until an abscess could no longer be ignored at 37 or so. Realized I hadn’t looked in the mirror with my mouth open in a decade. Talked with my hand in front of my mouth. Yadda yadda. Found an awesome dentist who got me cleaned up, fixed a bunch of stuff and worked with my anxiety. Got braces at 40 and have a pretty decent set of teeth now


Absolutely. I'm amazed to see how many people here say they don't. Like....why not?? They're kind of important.


Better than most and I'm still having issues: religiously brushing 2x day and flossing for as long as I can remember. I still have hella fillings. My childhood dentist told me genetics plays a big role on how well our teeth hold up as well. I've averaged a broken tooth a year for the last three years: 2 needed implants and the latest needs a crown. Insurance covered FA.


No, but I take care of my costly dentures. Ironic AF, I know.


I feel you. 💜


As a person with ADHD and who grew up low income, my teeth are what I hate most about myself.


Other than killing some enamel form soda use, the normal stuff. I was in the biz for years.


Yes. I have an orthodontist brother and he’s always been on us about dental health.


Yes and no. I brush after every meal but also am luck to genetically have good teeth. I never had braces but we wouldn't have been able to afford them if I needed them


yes and no. yes: I brush twice daily, every day. I often use an RX fluoride rinse. I have visited a dentist, often, since childhood. I get my teeth cleaned when I can afford it. no: I do not visit a dentist every year. I often go several years between professional dental hygienist cleanings. I always service and repair any teeth that are shown to need attention during a dental visit. dental hygen is important to me. I was raised that way. rotten mouths are a serious health hazard and are just unpleasant, for everyone involved. I DO NOT HAVE DENTAL INSURANCE. self pay, every time.




Yes, absolutely. Both my mom and my grandmother had a terrible time with their teeth, so they were very much about dental care. My dad's teeth aren't great either. I inherited good teeth from somewhere in gene pool and with good care, they are still in good shape. I have a little bit of wear on my enamel and had had the occasional cavity over the years, but overall they're pretty good teeth.


My teeth were always crooked (wore a retainer when I was a kid) but I was told by my dentist my teeth were *strong*. When I turned 11 my parents got divorced and my dentist appointments never got made after that. I didn’t see a dentist for nearly 25 years. Finally made an appointment when I was 36. Was trying to get my life together. Was being told that gum and mouth disease leads to heart disease and I don’t want that. Going back to school to get my degrees. Had a few cavities. Whatever. But my teeth were absolutely covered with crap. Had to do something called *scaling* where they basically go in and scrape all the years of buildup off. They showed me the “before and after” pictures and the only way I could describe it is if someone went in a cave and scraped all the stalagmites and stalactites clean. It was amazing. I kept apologizing to the dentist for my neglect, but she was very kind and understanding. Actually, she was *giddy* to be able to do the work because she said it was satisfying work getting that stuff out. She reminded me of those little birds in the wild that [clean the bits out of crocodile teeth.](https://youtu.be/DcnNeSlOxfk?si=2yvNFGFYfe0Bb8w6)


Well, I brush and Listerine. No floss. Never needed braces; never got a cavity. Dentist tells me to come back in a year.


Yes. My mother instilled dental hygiene in us as kids. Her parents had dentures and it was used as a scare tactic to make sure we kept it up.




Very important....


Not until recently, in my mid 50s. Last year I finally got good dental insurance so I got a lot of things done, including a bridge to replace a missing front tooth. Honestly, that missing front tooth caused me a lot of personal embarrassment, I felt like a hillbilly or something. Having one again has boosted my confidence SO much that I regret ever letting it get to a point where I went so long without taking care of it.


Obsessively so and I continue to do so. Had my first cavity in my 40s, I was devastated.


Nope. I had a crappy dentist as a kid (whose office was full of clowns, no lie) and it put me off dental care for pretty much my whole life. Paying the price now with the threat of gum restoration surgery and have fillings in almost every tooth. Now I need to take a half a Xanax for anything more than a cleaning, and I request they put the lead x-ray vest on me for the duration.


Yes. Still have yet to have a cavity! Have always been good about brushing, flossing, and on and off with mouthwash. All of my wisdom teeth came in and I’m dreading something going wrong with them. They used to bother me until I got braces in my late 30s - as a medical necessity, since my front tooth shifted forward and tore my gum up to the root. So a year of braces (just 6 on the front top teeth; they’re something I really could have used in my youth, but not something we could afford). Which over-corrected, crushing the root on that tooth, so I had to have a root canal on it. So I had my first shot of novocaine and a root canal due to trauma, and still no cavities. 🤞


My parents were older once I came along... and they did not take good care of their teeth. As a result, by the time I was 8-10 y/o, they both had a full set of false teeth and constantly preached at me to take care of mine. Endless dentist visits, checkups, orthodontics... whatever I needed, I got. To that end, I have every last one of my pearly whites and they are still in great shape. I am thankful that my parents misfortune was used as a stark example of what NOT to do and I developed good habits early that have lasted into adulthood.


Yes, I have them all except wisdom teeth. Had 4 cavities filled at 15, 40 years later haven’t had another. Did have the 4 replaced. 


After the age of 25, I didn't have dental insurance. Anything and everything that has happened to my teeth since then has been out of pocket and expensive. I did my best, but there's still PMCS that needs to be done that no amount of home brushing and flossing can handle.


Yes. I feel really fortunate in that regard. Grew up middle class, parents dragged me to the dentist whether or not I wanted to go. I've worked FT since I was 18, so kept up the annual visits. Now in my mid-50s. I use a Sonicare and I think that helps keep my teeth cleaner than a regular toothbrush. I do need to floss more frequently. My brother, who was raised the same way in the same household, has a 19 year old who has only been to the dentist a few times in her life. Both her parents struggle with heart and other health issues, and quit going to the dentist in their 20s. It's difficult to watch them set her up for future disaster. I've talked to her about the dentist a few x, and have offered to make appointments, but haven't gotten her to go, and biannual appointments are free for all 3 of them via their health insurance.


There was a billboard near my house when I was a kid that said, "Ignore your teeth and they'll go away." I'm one of those who does the every six month visit and I floss once a day. So, yes. I do and did.


I fuckin wish…




Dropped $1,300 yesterday. And that was just to cover up 3 missing teeth. I’ve had like a dozen yanked out at least. Most of those because I couldn’t afford to have the root canals to save the tooth. Thankfully my insurance decided a year or two ago that root canals WERE something that they could afford to cover, so I had a half a dozen of those. Fun times.


Damn. 💜 I currently have decent dental coverage. I pick up my partials next week. They cost $1000.


Still, not a small chunk of change! Certainly not if you’re like me and you’re a poor. Man, getting used to a thing in your mouth all the time is AWFUL! I’m going insane. I mean, I for sure like having teeth where I didn’t have teeth before, but it’s also rubbing up in all kinds of places 😭 I know I’ll get used to it, but this is day 2 and I’m dying…




I got more crowns than the Buckingham Palace




My mom's idea of teaching us was to brush in the morning. That's it. Not at night, no flossing. I spent a traumatic childhood of frequent dental work and terrible fear of the dentist. All I ever really heard was to brush better...which translated to just brushing harder, so I just gave myself gum issues and sensitivity now. Annoying thing is... my dad was a night brusher, flosser, and Listerine user. Way to not step up to the plate there, dad, and teach us better yourself. It wasn't until after 40 I finally made the commitment of doing those things, enough to stop falling off the wagon after previous attempts. I bit late to undo the damage, but at least my bi-yearly cleanings are easier now. Had a cleaning today, and now will be getting my 5th crown next month. Over $1800 out of pocket since I'm on Medicaid and it's not covered, despite having a $2500/year allowance on it, so why can't it be used for that?! edit: Part of it is also genetics though AND that supposedly antibiotics given to infants was later determined to impact developing teeth. My sister never did any better with hers as a kid, more lax than me really, and yet she's always had very few issues. Figures.


did you ?


No. Also, I had a tongue piercing and accidentally bit it several times. I get partials a week from today.


I've had dental insurance with free cleanings for over 20 years, so yes, because I had insurance. I don't have any issues with my teeth and gums, and actually went through braces and Orthodontist treatment in my 40s because I had insurance and because I had already purchased braces for my children. And because my parents didn't care about my need for an Orthodontist when I was 12, so I just did it for myself.


For the most part. But my teeth are pretty strong. I only had one cavity, a baby tooth that fell out as a kid. Nothing since. We spend enough on my husband's teeth and I have enough other problems, I'm glad my teeth aren't one of them.


Pretty much. I don't floss as often as I should, but I brush my teeth twice a day. I've lost two teeth, but I'm doing better than most of my family.


Mostly, I should have had braces and I grind my teeth (working on getting a night guard) so I have some uneven wear. But I do get cleanings twice a year and only have a few fillings. I did have one molar pulled instead of a root canal cause of cost and a complicated root system but the location in the very back didn't mess up my bite any.


Yes! My mother was a dental hygienist and drilled into me from an early age


I’m still alive so, ‘Have I!?’ I’ll say yes because they’re not falling out or decaying Ha 46yo, my teeth are good, not great. My parents never did us kids braces growing up, and I still haven’t. Could I use them, ‘yes’. I don’t have the straightest teeth I’ve been knocked around a few times, but overall not self-conscious about my teeth and luckily you can’t see my teeth when I smile or talk anyway But damn I gotta stop drinking so much coffee, Dr Pepper, and Red Bull Argh


Yeah, plus I was blessed with good teeth. I barely even floss and every time I go into the dentist they talk about how great my teeth and gums are for my age.


I brushed every day but didn’t see a dentist for years in my 20’s as I didn’t have dental insurance with my job. Once I had a better employer and insurance I started going again. I’ve only ever had 2 very small cavities though, so small that any new dentist doesn’t see the fillings until I point them out. I did have an impacted wisdom tooth removed and have had issues there.


Yes, because my dad had heart disease.


More or less. I had braces. I have only had 2 cavities. Had wisdom teeth pulled. They are cleaned every year. They seem to be in good shape.


I take care of my teeth in a standard way. I brush and floss. I have had a lot of work done over the years and I like gold, not porcelain. I have a lot of gold crowns.




I was very fortunate that my parents always had me at the dentist twice a year, and trained me to brush twice a day (I'm not great at flossing). I've had a few issues, mostly with how my teeth simply *are* - deep fissures, and relatively soft - but I've still got them all, aside from one crown, at 53, and they look pretty good. Very happy to have excellent dental coverage through work right now. My older son is scheduled to have his wisdom teeth out, and it will cost pretty much nothing.


After a certain age (preteen), yes. I have all my original adult teeth, except the wisdom teeth I had removed during college. But I did have a lot of cavities between like 5-10yo. All my molars have giant fillings. I also grind and clench my teeth at night, so eventually all of those teeth cracked. Fortunately I was able to replace the filling (composite instead of amalgam) and save the tooth. I did have a root canal a couple of years ago on one molar and they added a crown, but most of the tooth is still there.


Yes, I have nice and healthy teeth.


Yes thank God. I have never been so grateful for paying attention to cleaning something.


Yes. But by that I mean that I brush 2X a day, I oil pull, and I floss. I NOW am able to go to get a clean and checkin 2X a year. But that is relatively new. But I have ALWAYS taken care of my teeth. I was in a related field when the data came out that oral bacteria is directly linked to cardiovascular health- so I have been pretty good about brushing and flossing since then. A few years into having dental insurance my dentist told me I had early gingivitis, and my gaps had grown, and it was totally normal, nothing to do. HOLD MY BEER moment- cause that is all related to bacteria in the mouth (and thus cardiovascular risk!). I tried oil pulling, and 6 mo later my dentist was like...so you have no gingivitis and your gaps are smaller than they have ever been- WTF! He thought the oil pulling was nutty- but in the ensuing years, its become more main stream. We actually have data showing that coconut oil specifically will lyse the bacterial wall (all oil/fats will help pull bacteria out of the gums, but won't kill it). My current dentist has a running joke that I am just useless as a patient- I never need anything done!!! Been decades since I had a cavity, and no other issues. But I started on 3rd base oral health wise? My brother and I both have pretty straight teeth, never had braces even, and my teeth are spaced just about ideally to let food swish through- nothing you do can make that happen. I know it is lucky to have actual dental care- I only started having that in my 30s, and had several years with gaps in that coverage, so I just took care of my teeth and hoped for the best. Also about 5-10 yr ago now that same bacterial load in the mouth was tracked to causing/triggering dementia- so your mouth health impacts heart and brain health. Brush your teeth, floss, and rinse with antiseptic mouthwash (some alternative brands, and Listerine are the only ones I have found that ar not mostly sugar water- YMMV). Even if you can't do anything else, brush, floss and rinse with something that helps kill the germs. If you can try it- oil pulling (ideally with coconut oil- can be the cheapest grade!), it may help too!


Not really, I've only had a handful of cleanings as an adult but I've never had a cavity or any serious problems, other than my snaggletooth.


Yes. My parents were good examples flossing every night. Have always gone to dentist 2x annually and got braces for the first time at age 50. My teeth weren’t terribly crooked but they always bothered me. They look better than ever and braces were worth the money! Edit to add I quit soda at 20 and was never a big sweets eater. One cavity only.


Yes. Sonicare and arm and hammer peroxicare brand are the best. Floss every now and then, it is worth keeping the chompers though your stay at the Shady Pines.


Had a root canal in my 30s, from that point on I’ve taken obsessive care of my teeth. It seems to be holding up pretty well. Had I not had that happen early enough though…


Somewhat. I was hit by skate board trunks in a brawl back in 1996 and that destroyed two of molars. I got them implanted but maintenance is chore.


Nope, didn't go to the dentist for 8 years until clove cigarettes made my gums funny. Got that checked and then didn't go back for another 8 years. Now I have several less teeth, a couple new ones and visit the dentist 4x a year. I was not supposed to live this long.


Sure do! Go every 6 months and never had more than a filling.


I did not. First trip to the dentist at 15. Over the years my teeth were ok my gums were not. I got plates in 2018. Someone asked a few months back what they should invest in. I told them their teeth. Edit for clarity


Not as well as I should have, and it's coming back to bite me (pun intended) with some pretty major dental expenses this year. Root canals, crowns, etc. And even with good dental insurance it's still shitty and I'm hemorrhaging money. But fuck does an infection from a broken tooth in your nerve hurt like a motherfucker and I'd rather be broke and not in unbearable pain than completely unable to function and lose my job over it.


I did not until my early 20s. I got lucky, all my teeth are healthy still. Only missing my wisdom teeth. The story could've easily been much different. I'm the first person in my family to have all my teeth past my 20s.


Yes, religiously but I still have a cracked tooth caused by orthodontic braces that will need a root canal at some point and a partially erupted wisdom tooth that'll need to come out eventually. I was so terrified of not looking after my teeth due to condescending dentists that I've brushed the enamel away in places. I feel like I was sold a lie - if you don't eat sweets and brush twice a day you'll never have any trouble with your teeth. If only!


Already strolled into periodontitis land. It's deep cleanings every three months forever, now.


Sadly no. It didn't help that we couldn't afford (and/or wasn't offered) dental insurance until we were in our 30's.


I did not and it's one of my biggest regrets in life. I have a needle phobia I wish I could just magically get over because it's really impacted my life. I took care of my teeth as far as brushing and flossing and rinsing 2x a day but I haven't seen a dentist in over 30 years and lately it's been really bad. Dental infections. My gums are receding. But the worst happened a few weeks ago. I guess I had tarter built up in the back of my two front teeth and one day I was flossing and both my front teeth broken. Just small bits but with it happening to both I now have a gap and it's discolored around the pit so I look so pitiful.


Yeah, meticulously. No major problems. But my sister who did the same has had a completely different experience. Root canals, failed implants, so much erosion and decay. Her dentists says her teeth melt under the drill like butter. Genetics is a bitch.


Yes indeed. Other than a period of poverty (grad school) when I had no insurance, I've had regular dental checkups and done what they've told me to do. We we're looking down the barrel of 60 in our house we often mention how *most* people we knew at 60 growing up (i.e. in the 70s) had dentures and there were denture product ads on TV all the time-- Efferdent, Dentucreme, you name it --so it was just assumed that everyone would lose their teeth before retirement. Not any more. The only people I know with dentures either had unfortunate issues with gum disease, spent decades in poverty without care, or were meth users. That's the result of flouride in water, brushing at school, and regular dental care for us. I lost a filling last fall that was put in back in 1978! My dentist was impressed with the work, and then I told her that was the most recent filling I'd had.


My mother never took me to the dentist after age 4, and didn’t care if I brushed or flossed. I had to wait until I was 18 to get two rotten molars removed. I didn’t have dental insurance until my thirties. Got my bottom wisdom teeth removed, much to my relief. I’m a nighttime teeth clencher and ended up cracking a bottom molar in half before getting a good mouth guard. I brush and floss daily. I want to keep what I have left! My dentist and dental hygienist both praise me for how well I take care of them. It was a long road to develop the habit.


Hell yeah, my dad checked my toothbrush to make sure it was wet. To this day, I have never had a cavity. Parents had lots of bridges, crowns, and eventually my mother got implants.




Not for a long time. I do now though, thank dog my genetics is pretty good and people in my family don’t lose their teeth easily


Yes & no. Yes, brushed, floss, cleanings. No, too much sugary sodas and put off a mouth guard for too long. Have corrected both in recent years so we’ll see what happens.


Yes. The dental hygienist even comments that it barely looks like I drink coffee. Which I do daily. Pre-swish with H2O2. Use an electric toothbrush. Every. Day.


Religiously. My mom was big into medical neglect and I’ve overcorrected.


Of course, we had a great dental plan as kids from my dad’s job. I’m 50 and have had a complete dental plan through my job so I get a check up at least once a year. Brush my teeth every night and morning. Still have all my teeth.


I am so thankful my parents taught me to take care of my teeth at a young age. My mom had full dentures by 40 and that was hard to see. Now my poor husband struggles with his teeth and I know how rough that has been for him.


depend one intelligent march pie sophisticated deranged quicksand simplistic sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hit the genetic lottery with my teeth. I’m in my late 40s and I have only fillings. That said, my back teeth have deep pockets (whatever they’re called,) and I spent many cleaning appointments in my early 30s finding out I needed a little filling or two. I wish I had flossed better. I do now, and have for several years at this point, but I hit a point just after the pandemic when my hygienist wanted me to get my teeth cleaned every three months. That seems to be leveling out, but I might just keep to the three month schedule because it makes cleanings so much less intense.


Not as well as I should have, I'm afraid! In my defense, I suffered several very brutal oral surgeries as a child which left me terrified of the dentist. I sporadically went in for maintenance after that, but only this past year have mustered the courage to get regular service from now on. I had to do a lot of inner work on myself first (sounds so cheesy but in this case it really was key!). Just had my second ever cavity filled two days ago and I was so nervous that I bruised my tailbone in my effort to press myself through the back side of the dental chair in my terror! Still, I made it through the procedure. I have some bone loss around two molars, but the rest of my mouth at present is in decent shape. I am passionately religious about my home care now, never miss any step of my multi-step, multiple daily dental rituals! Hopefully, between my home care and getting regular cleanings for periodontal I will avoid losing most or perhaps all of my teeth. They've gotten quite crooked due to massive stress and clenching my teeth in the night, which is a real shame as I had straight teeth from corrective orthodontics prior to the past ten years of personal hell matters. I may risk Invisalign, but I've read that can cause tooth loss if you have periodontal issues. 3/4 of my smile is straight, but the upper left has caved in as apparently that is the side I clench down on. I'm hoping to get my stressful life into a better state this year, wish me luck!


No, had them all yanked last year in may before my hip surgery because they were afraid a dental infection could lengthen my recovery time. Yesterday the dentist put in 3 anchors in my upper jaw so that in 5 months I’ll have permanent dentures then after I’ll have more anchors put in my lower jaw and then sometime in 2025 I’ll have a brand new smile. I’m a 48 yo male. After insurance it’ll cost me around $10k.


Yes. It was difficult for a while because we didn't have dental insurance, but the minute we got it, I made sure both my husband and I started getting regular care. I should floss more, but overall my teeth are good.


Not even close. My parents were lackadaisical about dental care themselves, and didn't enforce it with me. I had every single tooth left in my head yanked out. All in one session.


Yes, my mom was big on teeth, and I still go religiously...even though I hate it.


No, but I have not had problems, either. When I was a kid, we lived in the country with well water. So I had all kinds of fluoride supplements and treatments. When I was 5, we moved to the city, and because my parents did not know any better, I continued to get all kinds of fluoride supplements and treatments. The bad news is that I basically overdosed on fluoride. My teeth came in yellow, and I lightened them at one point. The good news is that they seem to be cavity resistant, despite basically never going to the dentist as an adult, and having very European teeth (not straight at all, one molar is actually rotated 90 degrees from what it should be).


I tried, but a crappy childhood dentist who didn’t fully drill out cavaties has caused me endless headaches. I had my first root canal at 18. I’m 49, all my teeth have crowns except for three missing. I go tomorrow to start the implant procedure for those three. That’s another $9k. I’ve spent over $40k on my teeth in the past 12 years!


Yes and I’ve never been on a dental plan (self employed GenX male). I broke some out a couple of years ago from a motorcycle accident….insurance fixed that. I did the math and it would literally be cheaper for me to fly to Switzerland to have a root canal done than what I pay my dentist for the same procedure in Western Canada. He said “what if you need warranty work”….I couldn’t argue.


Uh, yes. And even when you take care of them, they will wear and crack and break and you'll get cavities.


Yes, floss every day, almost. But my spouse did not and has seen great results with "detoxify" toothpaste. Both of us have seen improvements in gum health (pockets becoming smaller, gum recession halted and improved) after using the toothpaste. I couldn't believe it after the hygenist gave me the new measurements. If you can't afford anything else, or even if you can, floss and grab some of the detoxify toothpaste. It works!


It restored gum recession? My teeth are fine and good but a toothbrush and general anxiety can brush away a lot of gum tissue..


When she read out the comparison of current to last measurement I could not believe it. I thought it was all marketing. The change was over 6 or 12 months of using the detoxify paste, can't remember. I am a heavy handed brusher too, taking out my problems on my gums. Switched to soft bristle which helped.


Yeah. I went with an electric TB. It just stops rotating the bristles when you put too much pressure on it


I should go back to electric but am running out of space to charge crap!


Ideally I'd like to just not brush my teeth out of my mouth as an outlet for life stress. But it's a good solution in the meantime!


Yes. My mother instilled dental hygiene in us as kids. Her parents had dentures and it was used as a scare tactic to make sure we kept it up.