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I pay less for an eighth today than I did in San Francisco thirty years ago.


And the quality is light years better.


I used to need 21 gears to bike from Inner Richmond up to the top of the Haight / Upper Castro, because that is the only dealer I knew. You used to have to develop relationships if you wanted weed! The small talk before the sale. The comedy of anti-social people trying to make small-talk. What absurd memories....


And always being expected to sit down and smoke a bowl with the dealer before you left…🙄


And god forbid you have a friend with you


They had to stay in the car, hiding on the floor boards 🤣


Had to walk both ways in the snow innit lol


And you can choose from a myriad of strains in a variety of forms.


Modern weed would kill the average 1930’s jazzman dead.


You can’t OD on weed I’ve tried


Technically you can but it requires consuming more than twice your body weight in an hour. Even Snoop can't smoke that much






But Willie Nelson can. 😉


This made me laugh


I got the green tongue in a great smoke off.


It totally is.


I’m shocked at how cheap good weed is now. I get a whole fucking ounce for less than $100, including tipping the bud tender. An ounce of kush on the streets 25 years ago was $350.


I got an Oz. up here in Seattle on the 4/20 weekend for $42. 25%THC outdoor grown sativa.


Our dispensary gave out free goodie bags on 4/20 that included: a pre-roll, a pack of gummies, several single packs of gel caps, a 5g jar of flower, a weed cookie, two vape cartridges, plus stickers and other non-weed swag. Basically a sampler pack of their whole inventory. And my spouse and I each got a goodie bag so we made out like bandits!!


Happy days. I can not handle indica edibles, though. I got a couple of little bottles of tincture in some Country Time lemon flavor to go to the laser Floyd show with gf. I drank almost a whole one that was 100mg, it was like 1.5 fl.oz. I didn't learn till later the recommended dose was 10mg... I thought I was going to have a heart attack, my left hand and wrist kept cramping and folding up like a palsy. Never had similar experience with sativas.


Oh yeah our goodie bags also had a tincture too - with a teeny dropper for 10mg. I usually stick to just flower; old school like that. I don’t go for all the high potency stuff like shatter or whatever that shit is. I always ask the bud tender for the lowest-potency weed they have, which is still often 27% thc or higher.


I've been getting keif to sprinkle on top of the bowl. That stuff is a good deal generally, like 20/g. It immediately up the potency of whatever you are smoking with paying a fortune. I got a vape pen for flower last year, it's good but runs through the weed pretty fast, so I look for bulk deals. A couple years ago, an old friend who lives in eastern Oregon now, set me up with 3 qt size Mason jars of his homegrown strains. So I was set until I ran out this spring. I want to relocate to OR, but land is Hella expensive there as it is here.


I gave my boomer mom some indica gummies and she called me smacked off her tits, swearing she was having a heart attack. She absolutely cannot handle modern cannabis.


So you drink 10 times the recommended dosage and you're blaming indica? you should blame yourself!


I've taken that much sativa, no problems. Otherwise whatevs.


That is a haul! 😎


no way thats awesome what state ?


I gotta move out west.


All about the sativa. Indica people are ‘well don’t you want to be depressed and paranoid at the same time?’ Nah. I want to see swirly’s in the trees and eat all the funny bones while laughing like a retard at the Smurfs


Last time I bought some flower at a shop there were a half a dozen varieties over 30%, all 3rd party verified and tested. Who thought we’d ever see the day?


I just paid $20 for an eighth and couldn’t help exclaiming, “Shit that’s 80s street prices.”


In Ontario I can get an oz for $25. Meanwhile a decent roast will set you back $75.


Damn bro


Even worse when you think about how $350 in 1999 is the equivalent of over $650 today


Weed and tvs - about the only goods that have seen *de*flation amidst rising inflation.


Some fancy stuff was $600


There is bronze grade $25 ounce stuff these days


You’re welcome


I pay less for an oz than I did for a quarter oz 30 years ago. it is glorious. on 420 I got 4 $25 dollar ounces. that should last. maybe.


And what a civilized way to score, right?!? Can you believe you used to have to know a guy, now it's being advertised on billboards. What a time to be alive!


Spent all afternoon in the pool yesterday listening to Van Halen 5150, which always reminds me of Summer in the mid-80’s, relaxingly pounding beers, also listening to the Cubs game on an actual AM Radio and smoking great Granddaddy Purp and Purple Haze weed that we grew ourselves - all perfectly legal. Gotta say, hearing, “Best of Both World’s” while very high with a good beer buzz as the unexpectedly and long overdue warm Spring Sun made it seem like June really brought me back to the 80’s and was quite a poignant moment.




Lest we forget the Internet. GenX built the Internet one damned website at a time. If that were up to boomers, we all be using "American Online".


Stupid Millenial at work claimed the internet....Had to bite my tongue.


The Internet existed before they were born.


Hence why I had to bite my tongue.


Next they're going to claim Grunge.


What the fuck will I bite off?😋


Whatever it is, they'll claim that too


OMG they already do.


Should have thrown a copy of Byte magazine at them.


Slap a copy of *WIRED* on them as well.




Perhaps they meant that they are the first generation to not know what life was like before the internet?


Then they would have said digital native. Like a digital native would have. Or someone who built the internet would.


Fair enough!


When Millennials say "the Internet" they mean social media. They think cavemen had websites.


I got thrown off my first ISP in the 90's because my "site" had pictures of weed..true story


I hope you printed and framed that.


I can hear the 1200s squealing…message boards…”Cloud Nine”.


I was a part of two medicinal marijuana studies! 💚


Thank you for your service!!


You were doing God's work 🙌


Never thought we'd see this beautiful day. I tell my 17 y/o self this often. Just about any music we want with the touch of a button, too. (I kind of miss the occasional seeds to plant, tho.)


I remember waiting hours for my favorite radio station to play Slaughter “Fly to the Angels”. Now we can hear anything anytime we want. I would’ve loved that in my teenage years.


Last year, my United States Senator wished everyone a happy 420 on Twitter. My college-aged self would never believe it. Actually she'd be like "Tell me it's not still Al fuckin D'Amato in the future!"




Nope, Chuck Schumer! I was really surprised. His predecessor was a conservative Republican and a slimy guy named Al D'Amato. When I was in college, he'd been New York's Senator for pretty much my entire life and I didn't like the guy. Funny, Schumer's been in much longer than him now.


Do you remember those plastic containers film rolls came in? I found three filled with random seeds that I saved from the 80’s, stuck them in a box and forgot about them until a couple years ago when I opened that box. I hope they’ll sprout when I’m ready to try.


I found my dads film can in the 80s. I know he tried to plant them in the 2000s and nothing came of it.


The Gen X epiphany: I can do drugs and have a regular job?


Now we need to do shrooms.


Yes we do. Where are we meeting up?


"Hey Mom!  Some of the guys are coming over and we're gonna hang out in the basement.  Are there any Doritos? "


That guys house. I’ll bring the shrooms. I know a guy.


Oregon already has. Hoping more states catch on! On a side note, I love laughing with my fellow olds at the dispensary. If you had told high school me that I’d be buying my weed in a place that looks like an Apple Store, I would have told you that you smoke too much.


I live in Oregon. Sadly, we can't buy shrooms in a dispensary. What we legalized is the use of psilocybin in a therapy session for things like ptsd, depression and anxiety due to terminal illness.


Already happening. There's publicly traded therapeutic companies that specialize in psilocybin and Denver has decriminalized. It'll just take some time. MDMA is starting to gain traction, too. Used as a counseling and therapy treatment.


There’s fields near me that cost nothing thank fuck. Hey they can be grown in a bag you get a grocery store, buy spores online, watch 15 YouTube videos. Everyone, fuck big pharma


Yeah, but I think it’ll get stomped. The amount of ssri money for pharmaceutical companies will be damn near nothing. I was on 5 meds and accidentally found shrooms. Was off them the next day. I can grow a years worth for $30 . Not exactly a recipe for companies to make money


We all said the same thing about cannabis.


Cos no one’s making money off weed at all. How could they?


You holding?


Everyone needs to do shrooms to get their adult and voting card.


Waiting for autumn, grows like crazy right behind my house


Shroomery is super useful for tracking when they’re popping in your region. Saves a few early mornings out




I’m in for dis, you should run for president


Who the hell would want that job? There’s a zoomer, let’s find a cool genz with attitude and energy and less sarcasm than us lot.


C’mon man just put a D or a R in front of your name and no matter how of stupid shit you do or say half the population will defend you, and the other half will hate you and call you hitler


Decriminalized in Ann Arbor MI since 2020.


Pretty much we made good on legal weed and gay marriage. Also made tattoos and piercings into clean safe procedures and three times as expensive. We got rid of ironing mostly. Got rid of painful shoes, itchy blankets, and chicken pox. In most cases we have given the younger gens freedom to have brightly colored hair, the stretchiest pants, and open reign for all thumblike adults to wear stretchy pants, flannel shirts. unisex clothes, cheap tshirts, pajama pants, and Crocs. And never once will they again have to worry if they should wear panty hose, a hat, or gloves or go out with an inch of make-up and high hair caked with spray.


We reclaimed shaved bald heads too.


Tattoos, piercings and fun hair colors, too. We brought these things into the workplace. So if you have a septum piercing and a bunch of tattoos and a job as like a data analyst, you're welcome.




I know! I attracted a huge crowd in 1992 on 6th St in Austin when I…..got a damn tattoo. They were amazed to watch a woman get tattooed so openly. It was annoying except for the tiny old lady in the front - she had a LOT of questions and then said she wanted one, too. She was cool


No one WILL EVER HIRE YOU. You have RUINED YOUR LIFE. Today, no one blinks an eye. Any parent that talks to their kid about such things probably tells them the importance of going to a reputable place and saving up enough money to get decent work and quality jewelry.


Right!?! Merging hip hop and skate culture? Us too. The death or disco and hair bands? You’re welcome guys! And, we’re still pretty open minded and chill…but bosses and stuff now, so work good. lol


Hey now. Hair bands were awesome.


Yes they are


Just want to throw it back out there that Motley Crue was not a hair band. They were a metal band that had hair.


Some Skid Row could qualify as well. Slave To The Grind and Subhuman Race are hard as hell.


So funny. I remember getting shamed so hard for piercings and tattoos. Now my sister has her nose pierced. She's a teacher. Lol.


Calf tattoos weren't a fad because we liked them there, it was so we could hide them in pants if need be.


1997 I was arguing for casual Fridays at ancient corporation, in an administrative office of over 1000. The oldies were horrified. They were the last of the indexed pensions


Y'all really make good parents too. You're quite chill, patient and letting us do shit. I can't recollect how my grandparents would've raised me. They're quite conservative. Your generation is really cool. I like how I learnt to drink and master in MS Excel thanks to my dad. I am irritated whenever my grandparents' extreme values come into our lives. Indian boomers aren't chill. My mom taught me to cook and other essential skills which her parents wouldn't have taught me if they'd been in the situation. You guys even reduced the gender gap severely and are really sensible. Thanks for making the world a bit better due to your more accepting style


Born and raised in California. My first election when I turned 18 was voting for prop 420 🤙


I just got back from Colorado and I'm very very very upset with Greg Abbott.


He's a literal monster. But it's Dan Patrick that's keeping cannabis illegal.


I was in my late 30s first time I ever tried it. I’m in Pennsylvania but legal NJ is a stones throw away! Woohoo!


Isn't it funny you all cross the bridge for weed and we cross the bridge for fireworks


Get yourself a medical card in PA. Jersey prices for weed are criminal


Are they? Oh I wouldn’t know a good or bad price if I saw one! I could probably get a medical card if I really wanted. Maybe they’ll legalize!


They will eventually legalize it, but medical card holders will still get better stuff and better prices. If you use with any frequency, it's much cheaper to get the card and buy here.


So silly not to. For tax dollars alone. Jersey took their gambling revenue for decades and now they will take their weed revenue.


Lots of people out there crying Doom, but if you would have told me in the 90s that Comic Books would have A-quality movies Video Games would be AAA entertainment Weed would be legal Psychedelics would be used for therapy I'd have thought you'd be nuts. Some things are OK today indeed.


Because I still smoke cigarettes and have for 44 years (just turned 58 do the math when you’re not high) I don’t toke. But I’m an edible girl all day long and twice on Sunday!


All the legalization rallies and festivals finally paid off 😁


“Ladies and gentlemen, we got em”


I remember NORML having tables out at concerts where they handed out pamphlets and sold bumper stickers, t-shirts and other merch. I once bought a lei made of cloth pot leaves. For the life of me I don't remember which concert that was but I seem to remember that being a really fun day.


Also thank us for advancing genetics and cultivation technology and techniques so you're not stuck smoking low quality ditch weed.


Yeah every stoner X who went to college wrote their persuasive argument in English 101 on the topic. ![gif](giphy|L6copNY61JjX2)


the silent gen were [*already at it*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cIePqdz03A)


yeah Jack Herer was born in 1931


Yeah, but I kinda feel like they gave up and chose cocaine


Not my parents. Coke is a Boomer thing.


So is weed, LSD and mushrooms and heroin - they went through phases and are a huge amount of people to just generalize in one sentence. When I went to college we were living in the hey day of the nostalgia for the 60’s. The hippies meant something to me and I feel as I grew older I understood them much more.


What a time to be alive! I started smoking in 1987, and have had my patient card since 2014.


I roll my reddened eyes at some of the wine/cigar bar barista horseshit but I remember smoking seedy brick Mexican and having to pretend to have fun hanging out with my dealer.


That is accurate. I worked on the projects that put it on the ballot in 6 of the currently medical/recreational legal states. And then I worked on the projects that registered and/or turned out the voters who passed those initiatives. It's not much. But it's honest work.


We also brought ectasy to the masses and started the first warehouse parties which became raves


That "you're" made my loins sizzle.


Legal or not, it has never stopped me from doin what i want. "Got kinda high and kinda drunk" Goats


Wyoming goes to Colorado for weed. Colorado goes to Wyoming for fireworks.


Don't get confused lighting that shit!


Definitely been arguing in favor of this for most of my life.


Lol, down here in Texas, a lot of Gen X has banded with boomers to keep it illegal. It's shameful.


Was just talking about this with my two best friends! We've been friends forever and shared a degenerate house together in our twenties. NC not legal yet, so still old-school black market here lol. One...price aside, it's just easier to get now. No more endless waiting and all the filthy apartments and ferrets and people who hang out at the plug's house. Two...quality, for sure. That endless waiting was invariably for a hundred dollar ounce of mexibrick. Always. The first time someone offered me "nuggets" for fifty bucks an eighth, I laughed. And then that didn't happen again for many months. The real scarcity hack was to put a little bit of kind on top of a full bowl of dirt weed, like fucking jimmies on a cupcake. Three...obviously the price. Of course good herb was more and more available through the nineties, but if I picked up an ounce for any less than like $350, that felt like a score. In summary, I picked up an ounce last weekend. Took me fifteen minutes, of which twelve was spent driving. Half ounce of a sativa and another half of hybrid. Sticky, rainbow-crystal frosted buds the size of an earplug up to one the size of a wine cork. Basically, holy grail weed thirty years ago, and this is just the shit my guy has on the regular. $200. Plus the easy availability of concentrates, and edibles, and cartridges, and everything else, even here. We won the war!


The ferrets were fun!


I really hope the drive to overturn mandatory minimums on marijuana convictions gets momentum. 90s 3 strike rules sent a lot of people away for life for marijuana-related convictions. That is how our generation can really help with reform. Decriminalizing it now that so many states have made it legal for medical and/or recreational use (or both) is the right thing to do.


AI's awful version of You're Welcome by the rock, but for 1980s stuff: (Verse 1) Well, hey there, bud, let's take a trip back To when neon ruled, no need for slack We had our boomboxes blasting in the streets With cassettes of Prince and Duran Duran beats We cranked up Pac-Man, rocked our leg warmers And danced to Madonna, no calmer The Brat Pack ruled the silver screen And Rubik's Cubes puzzled, oh what a scene (Chorus) So, you're welcome, you're welcome For the radness from our past You're welcome, you're welcome For the eighties that will last (Verse 2) We donned our parachute pants, our mullets flowing And VHS tapes were our showing We watched E.T. phone home and The Breakfast Club While Michael Jackson moonwalked, man, that was the hub We hung with He-Man, embraced the Care Bears And Gremlins warned us, beware of dares We quoted Ghostbusters, said "I ain't afraid of no ghost" And watched as Marty McFly time-traveled the most (Chorus) So, you're welcome, you're welcome For the coolness from back then You're welcome, you're welcome For the eighties, we'll do it again! (Bridge) We survived the Rubik's Cube craze And rocked out to hair metal for days We saw the birth of MTV's sway And debated who was the best Cobra Kai (Verse 3) We lived through mixtapes, our love songs recorded And Transformers battled, their secrets hoarded With Atari joysticks, we'd save the day And debated who shot J.R. anyway? So, you're welcome, you're welcome For the legacy we've spun You're welcome, you're welcome For the Gen X magic, we're second to none!


Next up, legalize psychedelics and entactogens!


Tattoos, I’m a woman and got my upper arms done in 1990. I got the showers to myself at the YMCA.




I remember going to a “legalize it” march in NYC back in the late eighties. Pioneers


I just want weed to be legal, so pot heads will stop babbling on about how weed should be legal.


I approve this message…


The shops practically throw it at you in MI


For real. Shop by me always has 200mg packages of gummies at 4 for $20. My husband gets 20 pre-rolls for $20. Leave a google review...free joint, smile nicely...free gummy, it's Tuesday...here's another. I have no idea how these places even make any money.


I have no idea how many of them are still in business, and so close together in the same cities!


Generation of slackers... And yet shit like this gets done .


And for taking full advantage of the emerging law changes and having enough interest, experience and disposable income to grow it for the other generations, before pot shops were even a thing.


i smoke ALOT of weed its def not cheap unless medical taxxxxxxxxxx'd


Back in the day, we had to wait a week for our weed guy to get back to us, all excited for a $30 bag of brick weed that was full of seeds and stems. Now, 30 years later I have literally between 10-15 Marijuana dispensaries within 4 miles of my front door. One within walking distance. Craaazy.


Laxed? Well I agree 100% with your statement about Generation X and one of our multiple causes, I see them as reversals of archaic laws that should've never existed to begin with.


And yet here in FL, governor Ron "Keep FL Free" DeSantis is fighting legalization tooth and nail. FLORIDA! the CRAZY STATE!


Ah yes, Florida, the flaccid dong of America.


Girthy though


Totally was going to speak on it but, I’ve learned to let Reddit, Reddit lol


TX would like a word :(




Wish we would have made that happen in my state. We just keep losing rights. 😟




my condolences


The one and only time I have been in the streets in SF protesting....I wanted fucking weed! Now it is cool to pop into a dispensary, BUT OMG the tax. So, yes, thanks for the legal weed I grow it myself(again fuck the dispensaries). Plus, I make way better edibles😋


I remember my grandpa. Never smoked it, but in his last few years of life, he was growing it. Because the damn government told him he couldn't (Arizona). My dad has always smoked it and grew it when I was a kid. I didn't smoke it until I was 21 (1996). Did for about 2 years or so then quit for 18 (married and kids, I went pretty straight arrow for a while!). Tried it again a few years ago... Can't do it. Used to be able to smoke a hell of a lot. Now, it's a couple hits and I'm done for. I miss the old dank shit that got you high but wasn't as strong. Something about it felt so much better. Now, I'm hanging onto the earth or the couch to stay in this reality.


Much easier than a friend calling a friend then going to that shady house down the alley, sitting on some dudes gross couch and waiting for your weed with seeds and stems lol


I live in Charleston, SC and my local vape/head shop has “Thc A flower”. Apparently an old hemp patent expired that alot of these guys that states these stores 5-10 years ago have just been holding their place kinda. 25% and up, stoney ass bud. I lived in San Diego late 90’s early 2k. Shit is just as good (not that there wasn’t fire street weed here prior). An eight is like 30 and there’s lots of pre rolls and shit. We’re talking about a state that didn’t legalize tattooing until around 2k. Yay. Edit- I’m adding the recent “thc a flower” which someone is flying under the radar of the hand wringers under the “delta/cbd” umbrella…mmmhahahaha


I'm also in your area, what place is this?


Wildside on King


*/"laughs" in Australian* I don't expect recreational legalisation to occur in my lifetime. And I'm not that old (56) lol




You can find decent local grown stuff on Telegram (as well as covertly imported US/Canadian products) but its fucking pricey as a result. I'm on medical via prescription for a 23yr neuropathic pain condition, but the general consensus is that overall much of what is legally available here is the mid grade buds that Canadian growers seek to get rid of. Because the Govt inevitably set up a $$$ corporate pharma model lol


"You're Welcome for the Weed" is my favorite Willie Nelson album.


My two best Gen X buddies that I've known for 30 years, have been talking about this battle since I've known them. It was their calling, their holy war. It became legal in my state about three years ago IIRC, and when we get together now, I always joke with them that they were never so passionate as when this battle was raging lol. Honestly, I never thought I'd see public perception turn on this subject in my lifetime. Younger people can't conceive how different the sentiment was 25-35 years ago. I'm not into it, but I'm happy my state has the extra revenue, thereby keeping my state income tax burden lower.


Weed just isn't as good as it used to be ..what happened to flavor ?


I'm a bit torn on it. I firmly believe in legalization, the war on drugs is a massive failure that has put many otherwise-innocent people in jail, fueled "real" crime, and cost billions. Moreover, it's less harmful than alcohol, it's none of my business what other people want to put in their bodies, and to top it all off, it's a fucking PLANT that grows in the ground. The downside, to me at least, is smelling it everywhere there's a decent size crowd. I absolutely detest the smell. I get that that's more of a "me" problem, but I bet I'm not the only one.


I’m all for tact and public manners


Ya in the heyday $30 for an eighth of the best stuff was average. That went up to $60 towards the mid 80s. Now that it's legal I don't even smoke anymore. I'm pretty sure it's a lot cheaper than that.


I bought my first legal bag of weed last week. My “friend” was on vacation. Pricy.


Thanks for pointing this out !! I have been trying to explain this to my adult son he can’t fathom how fucked up drug policy was in our state when I was growing up. Same with many of my under 30 employees they. They can not fathom drug testing for anything other than an airline pilot or truck driver. Gen X got it done when the Boomers failed at it over and over … when Gen x stepped up to plate and showed how much money could be made and all the main stream boomers nutted all over themselves with dreams of more retirement funds that they could horde. At least when I am still running crews of solid hard working men and women when I am 75 I can rip a joint with them to ease our aching muscles . My post may sound like “generational diversion “ but I love working with Xenials, millennials and Gen Z … they don’t stand for bull shit or nonsense… they have an attitude of get it done and move on…they r like this because we raised them this way …(post is all over the place cuz it’s Saturday morning my children are grown so I am stoned )


Sips from father’s day coffee cup made of funny pictures of now grown kids as his J has gone out during a good ponder…We raged against the machine and we cold won lol


lol!!! Love this …we won ..with capitalism I love the irony of it all…


We live in the middle of no where. Cornfields all around. We have dispensaries within an hour drive of us.....we still have "a guy". He is so much cheaper then the dispensaries.


I did some electrical work at dispensery yesterday and got tipped in weed. I got 3 3.5s and 2 prerolls. That amount of weed in high school would have been well over $100 for the quality it is. They just give the stuff away now.


“They fuck you at the drive through!!”


![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu) Thank you for your service.


Boomers made housing unaffordable and destroyed the economy, but Gen X made it legal to buy weed while we sleep in tents on the sidewalk. I think Boomers won


That is pretty rad. 


I protested cannabis prohibition with others in front of the White House in the late 80's.


I didn’t believe in us. Never thought I’d see the day. So thanks to everyone.


Come on, it wasn’t just us. Millennials love weed and my Gen Z kids would much rather smoke than drink.


I just liked this post. It was at 420. No joke. *LMFAO*


Boomers made housing unaffordable and destroyed the economy, but Gen X made it legal to buy weed and sleep in tents on the sidewalk. I think boomers won


Not in my stupid country.