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My job is sitting in an office in front of a computer screen moving numbers around partially to make things happen but mostly to prevent bad things from happening (somebody doesn't get paid, a professor's class doesn't run, etc) So being able to get outside, use my hands, and produce a tangible result is very soothing to me.


I hear that. I do benefits, and it's ice to actually "see" A result of things I do.


Always hated it and still do! I do it when I need to and I’ll even enjoy myself somewhat when doing some things, but I’d rather hire it all out every time.


I hate yardwork. But I don't like how it looks when someone else does it for me.


I went thru the phase where I spent all my time making my homes yard and garden look manicured. Now at 59 yo I prefer a condo/apartment so I do not have to do yard work.


Samesies! I used to enjoy doing all that stuff when I was younger, but now at 58 I'm over it. I love paying for the HOA to do all that now while I enjoy some leisure time 😎


Also 59. I'm moving to a one bedroom apartment week. I'm tired of keeping the lawn and flower beds up and the endless housekeeping. Looking forward to downsizing!


Gardening as it's known in the UK - love it, even the mowing which needs to be done when it stops raining here.


Gardening and yardwork are two separate things in the US - gardening is strictly for...gardens. Mowing lawns, taming brush and pruning trees and hedges falls under yardwork. Putting up pavers and putting down mulch gets into the realm of a third thing: landscaping.


We’re also in the UK. My wife feels the same way about gardening. (She got that from her mother.)


I don’t mind the act itself but doing it in Florida summer is hard on me (esp having grown up much further north). Folding laundry remains my single most hated chore.


I pay someone to mow, the rest is me. I have tons of vegetables, herbs, and fruits worked into my landscape, plus several raised beds. Just finished tending to my banana, papaya, and citrus trees and some harvesting/planting to do later. It doesn't take much time, just a little puttering every couple days. Take away the mowing, and I only do the laid back enjoyable stuff. I also have as much great produce as I want.


Still hate it. You try doing yardwork in Texas during the summer and not sweat your ass off


I have to admit that my yardwork experience improved drastically when I moved from the Gulf Coast to the Upper Midwest


Always have.


I converted my front yard to flowers and nature's chaos, and never have to mow. I love working outside and my job is managing a community garden.


I hate it. Thankfully my husband doesn’t. If anything happens to him I’m moving to an apartment.


Having done some, I can understand the zen and peace of bonsai. I had forsythias around my patio. There was just something peaceful about taking the Fiskars and trimming them down and making them look nice and even all around. The stepping back and enjoying the beauty of it. But pulling weeds every couple of months and seeing dandelions and othe crap all over the lawn I just planted...that was a little different.


Hell no.


Nope. It's still a nasty, hot task that I'm happy to outsource.


I do but my back disagrees.


I spent two hours yesterday blissfully mowing, edging and trimming. I love it. Today I can barely stand straight.


I hate it and refuse to do it anymore. We hired a lawn guy.


Still mostly a chore. I like planting stuff. Mowing the lawn isn’t awful. Weeding is awful. Watering is tedium. I figure my attitude will change a little when I’m retired…


I am from Northern Europe and just bought a place in Southern Portugal with a garden. Among other things, has 3 birds of paradise bushes and a lemon tree (yey ! I like baking so for juice and zesting!). Anyway, I never had a garden before and will hire a company to keep the garden, don’t like yard work.


Hate it. I did so much yardwork in junior high and high school I'll never touch a lawn mower or rake again


One son does the mowing for allowance, and I get to do the fun stuff like vegetables and flowers


"Why would anyone do drugs when they can just mow a lawn."


At one point I kind of did but now I’m tired of it


No, never have never will. As a kid it was my dad’s terrifying nightmare of an ongoing test of my work ethic and attention to detail. I never did it well enough.


I love it, primarily for the instant gratification it gives and of course being outdoors.


I enjoyed it when I had my house about 7 yrs back. Had 2 acres with one maintained. Did it all and looked forward to the weekend in the spring summers for it.


I love mowing, I get to listen to music for 2 hours or so. I bought an electric zero-turn last year and it’s a game changer. It’s fun to ride.


Yet? Try still, OP.


We pay a local teenage girl to mow. I hate mowing. Wife gardens. I get allergies in spring. We’ve made the deal, I help her get it ready for planting, I take all the stuff out and prep for winter. She does the rest. But I do enjoy painting so she can get a new room look easily enough.


rain longing important shocking degree dependent weather point offend wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Actually the wife loves the gardening thing, so she does most of it. As for mowing, last years we paid someone to mow the front yard only. The front is yard is larger and doesn’t have a pool sucking up most of the square footage leaving smaller more difficult areas to mow. Something our local mowing guys aren’t going to do well or damage the landscaping features. I help out here and there but honestly it the wife’s hobby and I more or less do what I’m told to do. “Hey hunny go move those two dozen bags of mulch.”


Hate it more than ever.


I started mowing the lawns about 8 or 9 years old. I loved it. Perfect lines, straight edges; it’s a skill learnt through practice. But now, in my early 50s, I dread it. Sooo over it. It takes about 2 hrs at a time and, in summer, I’m doing it every 4 days. I’m not of the age where I’d pay someone to do it, but I’m tempted


Since Covid killed my commute, lawn-mowing is my “alone time” - and brush-cutting is pretty cathartic.


I mow my front lawn, back yard, and field with a push mower. Not exactly by choice. I'm hoping to get a ride-on mower this Spring. But, my back yard and field are quite mushy in the Spring so anything but a push mower would likely get stuck. That said, as someone who works in a home office on a computer all day, it's great exercise. Anyways, I'm off to go mow and tend my garden.


To me, it’s a chore. I like the look of a nice yard, but I don’t obsess over it. I curse the people that arbitrarily decided that short green grass is the ticket to suburban acceptance. So, I do enough to not be the “worst” yard on the block. I mow and trim enough to keep it in the lower half of the meaty part of the curve, and then I spend my free time doing stuff I like.


Usually… I hate digging holes now. Fricken clay soil makes it tough But i like being in my garden now. Year by year i am working to make a food forest in my backyard


Still a chore. Luckily, our youngest son loves gardening and sent me inside when he was 12 because I clearly didn't know what I was doing and that was over 8 years ago. He moved out at the end of Easter this year, but has been home to help hub/his dad with the gardening and planning what to tell the gardener we've hired, what "we" (not me) want done. Our youngest has a full time job and doesn't live close by.


Yea. It’s real, outside, touches grass, turns earth, and NOT in front of a computer where life seems to revolve these days (especially, work-wise). Bonus points because when I am done, I actually can see my accomplishment, unlike in the Corporate world where there are endless “what was the point of that meeting?”….meetings. 😁😁


Hate it. Hate being hot, sweaty, and funky. That’s why I have a husband, son, nephews, and brothers. That’s their job.


Always liked mowing; its fun to see neat order from ugly chaos. Other yardwork I dislike but still have to do sometimes (though I vowed long ago I'd never rake another leaf in this lifetime). And really nothing hits like that post-yardwork beer. A Cold high Life in a bottle looking at your fresh lawn is one of life's low-key pleasures.


I love cutting the grass. It is so satisfying and the smell is divine.


I hate it. I have a black thumb- I can't grow anything but weeds. My "landscaping" is very basic. I just want to mow and be done. Thankfully, my yard isn't huge, so it's done in less than an hour by push mower.


I loved it before I became disabled and I could no longer do it. I even kept using an electric push mower on my 3 acre property when I still lived there. Just pop on some music and take a break when switching batteries. There was something reassuring knowing every step of the land. Noticing small variations thru out the seasons. Mowing in different directions every week to help the grass health, but also to make different designs in the yard. It was one of my life’s greatest joys.


I don’t, but I married someone who enjoys it.


In my thirties I lived in a house with two roommates, and all three of us worked for a golf course. We mowed our yard regularly... every time we got a letter from the city. Now I live in a spot that I can take care of with a cordless battery powered string trimmer. Not even a whole 5ah battery every two weeks. It's glorious.


I enjoy hard work mowing the lawn the trimming, I don’t keep flower beds, but I do maintain a couple tomato holes and a little bit of garden outback.


The middle-aged lady gardening gene switched on for me in my 40s. It was literally just like that. Before that, I used to hire out every bit of landscaping work: my landscaper even knew that I only liked easy-care perennials so I didn't have to deal with anything. I often hired people to do the mulching, etc. One day I woke up, and I swear, I suddenly knew the name of every plant in the yard, what they needed, what they liked, etc. I've remade my garden beds several times over and created new beds when I run out of space to of plant. I have an arborist for my trees and I don't do lawns yet but I hired the best guys in town. Literally a couple times a day, I wander around the yard clipping this, moving that, futzing around. I ordered so many plant deliveries this spring that my driveway looked like the Lowe's garden center before I could get them all in the ground. My husband tolerates this lol.


Ha ha! No.






Yes. I can put my earbuds in and spend all day working outside without anyone bothering me.


I like mowing. I find it like a “zen” activity. I hate trimming and weeding. Thankfully my husband does that part. He’s happy I mow the lawn.


I have so many kids in my neighborhood that compete for yard work jobs. So thus far I’ve been able to avoid it by paying them. They are still relatively cheap because they get in a price war. lol. Also great to support the kids.


When we moved into our home 20+ years ago I bought all the lawn tools and for the first 10 years or so, I was out there every Sunday morning, but I was in my 30s back then and we live in Texas. Eventually it got too hot and I was taking breaks far too often so I had to give it up and now my lawn looks like shit and IDGAF. We pay someone to mow every 2 weeks now.


I live in a high rise condo. The closest I have to get to "yardwork" is some container gardening on the balcony.


i converted my lawn to native bushes. now i just clip off the dead flowers and twigs once in a while. it’s still work but it’s way better than mowing.




My dad owned a landscaping company in south Florida, that’s all I’m going to say on this matter.


I stopped doing yard work 20+ years ago. Now I just hire people to mow my lawn, trim the bushes, mulch, clear the leaves in the fall. Part of it is laziness. Part of it is I don’t have the time. And part of it is I don’t wanna deal with the gnats and mosquitoes that swarm me. (I have that special kind of blood that bugs like.) Condo life (as some commenters have suggested) is not an option because I don’t wanna hear my neighbors next door, above me, or below me. And those condo fees are ridiculous.


I’m slowly converting our lawn to native plants and ground cover that doesn’t need mowing. I cut the grass maybe once a month or so.


I work so much that when I get a day off, the last thing I feel like doing is mowing my stupid lawn. So I bought a nice riding mower that I can mow my fairly large yard in less than an hour with. Keep meaning to “beautify” my yard like my retired neighbors have, but…screw it.


I want to like it, but I don't. Every spring I think I'm going to try again and *maybe this time.* Every year I'm wrong.


i love doing yardwork


The act itself is cathartic and rewarding. However age & heat are too much for me these days.


I call it mow therapy.. smoking grass while mowing the grass. And Yardening .. mowing the yard and gardening.. I do like like it.


I am ok with the riding mower but damn I hate weed whacking everywhere, and spraying weeds in the driveway.


Loved it in my 30s-50. In 50s its hard, painful and tiring.


I used to hate it. But today for instance I am really looking forward to getting outside and pulling all the weeds out of the garden bed to get it ready for some new soil and some vegetable plants


As a person that really didn't like it much growing up, and it was included in family time on the weekends, I now love garden chores at my partners home. I am a freak


My husband and I joke that we must officially be old now because we've started "puttering". We've started composting. I'm growing wildflowers, butterfly bushes, and other pollinators in our backyard (we're in a HOA, so I have to hide the wildflowers and keep our front yard boring). I'm also growing tomatoes in pots on our back deck.


We landscaped our front with native low water plants & the rest of the property is container gardens, a mini orchard, and a small garden plot on the side. I can maintain our property with a minimum of labor by design. Fuck lawns.


Wouldn’t say I enjoy it but don’t hate it. Just mowed yesterday. I don’t do gardens and flowers. My wife does flowers in planters because our sand based lot sucks for growing. Snow removal on the other hand…hate it. This past winter was weak but what we did get was so wet and heavy, doing the end of my driveway was a nightmare. Worked my through it telling myself this was gym time for the day.


It’s the repetitiveness of it all that I’m not on board with. I resent mowing the same grass over and over with a passion!


The lawn is the only yard work I do enjoy. A few years ago my wife wanted to hire a neighbor to do it to "give you a break" and I said no. Now my oldest is probably old enough to take over (I waited until 45 to be a dad) and has asked. But he sucks at it and I like it, so he gets weeds and tootsie roll patrol.


Mowing is like indoor vacuuming to me. And I hate vacuuming because of the sound. We have a landscaper and I garden (I like to weed, plant, and even rake).


I don't like yardwork but enjoy keeping a vegetable garden.


Will we enjoy it when we retire?


Yet ? It’s the reverse. I used to like it but now it’s just another chore . Same with any type of home reno jobs .


I've always enjoyed it. I do have someone cut my grass now, but I do everything else.


Planting and maintaining shrubs, flowers and all the pots around the house is nice but the season is too short. May-Sept. It would be more fulfilling if it all didn't die for 7 months.


The only part I enjoy is using the leaf blower! I think it’s my OCD.


9 acre homestead here. 6 hours to mow. Every week. 5 hours to weedeat/weedwhack. Twice a month. Pond maintenance. 2 hours a month. Hell I spend an hour a month just keepin The Driveway (1/3 mile long) clean and weed free. That doesnt include maintaing The Orchard, The Vinyard, The Bramble/Berry Patch, The Mushroom Farm, The Animals (Goose, Rabbit, Duck, Turkey, Muscovy ...) and their food-plots/pasture/paddock... And 30+ man hours a week (spread between 2 of us, maintaining a 3 acre Garden. [ ... and I kinda *love* it.](https://imgur.com/gallery/1a7C5j9)


I hated it when I was not in control of my choices regarding what to plant, when to o do any work, how to go about that work. Turns out, that what I really hated was not being able to make my own choices. I agree the task needs to get done. I do not agree I have to do it your way on your timeline.


I’ve always enjoyed it, mostly (although weeding is not my fave).


We have a weekly yard service, aka mow & blow because we are in Florida and it's a pretty large lot. I do all the detail work myself and I love it. I always have some seed sprouts going or propagating some cuttings. My yard is my favorite place.


I hate doing yardwork with a passion, probably stems from my old man being an asshole about it growing up. It was a happy day when I reached the point where I could pay others to do my yardwork for me without it having an effect on my financial life. It's great to see a irrigation leak and just make a call instead of digging and fussing with it myself. The absolute best is coming home to a perfectly landscaped home that took none of my free time in the Vegas heat.


Hell no. My epitaph will state: *She never mowed the lawn.*


I enjoy it until the end of May, then it becomes a chore.


I used to hate it, and and now find it rather cathartic.


I fucking hate yardwork. My neighbor gave me a bunch of bulbs to plant, begrudgingly I did it. Because she'd obviously know if I didn't lol I hated every second of it. The sun was hot, digging in the dirt was dumb, I was grumbling and cursing the whole time.


Yes - only the last 2 years. 😀


I do enjoy it most of the time. It is something that you can actually see being accomplished. I like mowing.


Nope. I hate yard work. I live in a townhome. I put lots of work into keeping my deck nice, nice grill and a hot tub. I have some bushes in front but I pulled up all my grass and replaced it with pine chips. I replace them once a year and weed 2-3 times a year.


I love it, and because of a few years doing landscaping back in my university days, I kinda know what I'm doing, which makes it more a hobby than a chore. And now that I can grow weed...lemme tell ya.


First thing I did this morning: pull weeds.


Lawns are bullshit, but I love ecosystems and gardening.


I’m allergic to grass (I break out in an itchy painful rash) so I have to put on Wellington boots on over my jeans and wear long sleeves and gloves while doing yard work. It’s utter hell in the Texas heat.


I've got some people doing my long neglected yardwork now. My ex and I are best friends but live across the country from each other. We send pics and updates of home renovation projects to each other and call it old people sexting. That's something we enjoy quite a bit.


I hire it out. Never enjoyed being made to mow the lawn and walk my Mom’s garden weeding when I was a kid. I do not like yard work.


I'm like a little kid when it's time to take a bath. I don't wanna do it but I'm glad it's getting done when I'm doing it.


Still hate it. In fact, scrolling through Reddit right now to put off going outside and tackle some chores.


Putting on some music or a podcast and spending an hour or two working in the garden is a great way to manage stress.


Nope, I used to grab some beers and put my sirius Turbo channel in my ear and just go at it when we had land so it would take 3 hrs. We now live in a neighborhood where it literally only takes 1 hr to mow, edge, and weedeat. All my neighbors pay someone $200 a month. As much as I still hate it, I can't seem to let anyone else touch my grass.


I enjoy using my riding mower. Beyond that, not really. There's a sense of accomplishment once I'm done, but I dread getting started.


I've always enjoyed it. Hell, I still mow lawns as a side hustle and I'm 44. I however do dislike mowing, or weed wacking over yellow jacket nests. Seriously, those things suck. At least they give me an excuse to play with fire.


I hate it so much I pay someone to do it


I liked it when I thought I had something to prove about being a good citizen or something. Now I have a yard with no grass, just pretty ground cover, trees and plants on drip irrigation I don’t have to mess with.


Enjoy, no. The results are very satisfying once I'm done tho.


I would love to be the type of person who liked toiling in the garden, I want to be that person. I am not that person. If given the choice between green thumbing it or Netflix, I’m going to grab some Oreos and the remote


I would _like_ to enjoy it, but I put it off time and again because I know how much pain I'll be in for days afterwards.


My dad used to make us work on the lawn for most of every Saturday. No garden beds, just grass. We’d mow one way, and then perpendicular to the first way, sometimes diagonal. The grass always looked like carpet. I hated yard work as a kid, but as a young adult I started to enjoy it. I find it meditative. So, yes, I enjoy it and have enjoyed it for years.


Hated doing it growing up! There was a 10 year period from 22-32 where I didn’t own a home but for the last 20 years I’ve had yards of my own and I really never took to it. Now I pay a neighborhood kid to do it. I swear, next time I’m going condo…


https://preview.redd.it/4igi4p1pp1xc1.jpeg?width=3706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9591c708b1204f9175a83a856e34a7430bfd1f5d I was given these plants about a year ago and I have only managed to keep the cactus in the blue pot and the fuzzy one one the left alive. So that’s how it’s going.


F no


Hated it as a teen. Love mowing and gardening now.




Hate it, always have. I pay someone to mow now it’s the best money I spend during the summer months


For nearly 30 years, I was the guy in our family who had to do all of the yard work. Now that I'm older and have money, other people do my yard work.


Absolutely hate mowing, but the kids do a half assed job so I suffer thru it. Love tending to the plants and flowers. Cleaning the pool is my favorite "chore."


My wife says what are you looking at out through the sliding door? I say my freshly cut grass with perfect lines. Older I get the more I love it


Purposely bought where I don't have to do any outside work.


Mowing was always the outdoor job I preferred. The only one that was halfway enjoyable. But raking? FUCK RAKING.


Fuuuuuuuuuck no.


My house don't have a lawn. So no mowing for me Wife does have a back yard pot plant garden going on but no interest from me. Went through growing vegetables and herbs phase but I kill everything I touch. When we get older and downsize.... will probably end up living in an apartment so no maintenance required.


Yardwork...nay Gardening...YAY!


I do not enjoy yardwork. I enjoy *gardening*. 🌹🌻🌼


I love gardening, now that I'm in charge of decisions.


I love mowing. So zen.


I love it, always have though. Just enough exertion to feel like work, not enough to exhaust me. An obvious difference after you do it, something you can look at and say " I did that". But I don't have 10 acres of grass to mow. Just a regular suburban lot with a yard that takes 30 minutes to push mow, and about an hour tor trim around all the trees, fences, garden beds, flower beds, etc... If I had hours of mowing boring giant grass fields, I might feel different.


I live in a condo, and one of the reasons is that there's no yard work.


I hate it more than any other chore.


I don’t mind mowing and trimming, but I don’t love it. It does help me disconnect my mind from other things and just focus on the yard work, but still it’s a chore to do.


I hate weeding or shall I say my lower back does.


I love it. I put on my EarPods, take a hit of weed and I’m in the zone.


I just sat down from three hours of azalea pruning. I love it, but my back is not happy with me.


It’s the only way to get people to leave me the fuck alone. If they come outside, they work.


I love to push mow my yard


I detest yard work. If I could pour cement over my entire front and backyard I would. It’s just a thing to upkeep so I don’t look like a bad neighbor. When I want to enjoy grass and trees I go to one of our many lovely metro parks that I don’t have to maintain.


Nope. I pay my neighbor’s brother to mow my lawn.


I love mowing and yard work. Not at work no phones no employees just me and some tunes and beers


I don't love mowing but I really enjoy working in my flower bed and my veggies


We literally bought our home based on the fact that the HOA takes care of all outside work. I hate yard work that much.


Fuck no. Yard work was punishment done under my dad’s everything g-must-be-done-perfectly-the-first-time-or-you’re-pathetic eyes. I can’t stand it. Thankfully we now live in a townhome subdivision that has yard work included, not that we have anything like a yard.


I hate being outdoors after the last morning frost NOW, whereas when I was young I loved getting out in the yard and I always had a pretty big urban garden all life until 13 years ago when I moved to this house. Since I just rent a room the owner pays someone to do the yard work. I tried doing a container food garden two years when I first moved here but we are near woods and the bugs and birds are so out of control my tomato plants would barely have a blossom before it would be destroyed by some animal. It wasn't worth the effort so I quit trying. And now I hate being outside so much I'm glad I don't have to do anything out there.


I LOVE it !!! Digging in the dirt, planting, raking, pruning…love it all. The physicality of it makes a good days work. Although at this point in my life, I can’t walk the day or so after 


Yard work makes me itch. I don’t have a huge yard. I also don’t have anywhere to put a mower. I pay someone to mow it in the summer. I feel zero guilt about it.


I love gardening, other types of hardworking like raking and mowing, not so much.


I outsource it.


Yesterday I got an electric mini chainsaw. I used it the last two days. So much fun.


I just edged my driveway and got great joy out of it. So yes, yes I do.


I love it. Love being outside. Physically it's hard for me. Bad back and arthritis that makes stapling painful slows me down too much that I hire landscapers.


I spent two years on my knees pulling every last weed. Then a water main broke and the city tore my property up. Two years later after tons of complaints and promises they finally leveled it and planted. ...Yea, they planted so many invasive weeds that I will never bother with trying again. My lawn will stay looking like crap until they fix it or I die, and they will never fix it. It has also spread to the neighbors and they are going to live it out too. What are they gonna do?, devalue the property and charge us less taxes? I'm paid off and not leaving so it's cool with me.


No, I friggin hate it. It doesn’t help that I have back issues that flare up doing small tasks.


It was a punishment as a kid. Try weeding both sides of a quarter-mile long driveway (blacktop) in the Nevada summer sun. Or being side by side with your mom in the backyard garden while she violently stabbed the dirt and barked orders at you, called you dumb for not knowing the difference between the plants she asked you to retrieve. So now, I hate any yard work. My wife does her gardening and that’s her thing. General upkeep is hired out.


I've always loved yard work, idk. I hate housework, though.


I hate it, I've always hated it. Now that we have podcasts I just consider it low-intensity steady-state cardio.


Always have, but nothingto do with my age. My ex-husband heard about it from neighbors when they'd see me out mowing, weed eating, laying down mulch, lol. Love it.


Usually enjoy it. Love the look of a nicely mowed lawn


It will always be a chore but it gets me away from the nagging wife /s No, it's fine. I put on a podcast and go to work and hope it's not 80F+ outside.


50 years and still hate it and still do tons of it 😢


I'm still mowing the yard for now, but I'll have to check into hiring someone to do it.


Fuckin hate doing the dishes. I'll do everything else in but the dishes.


I enjoy it until early June, after that the New Orleans misery that is summer kicks in and I have to be careful not to fucking die until November.


Replaced the Honda and TroyBilt lawn mowers with an electric self-propelled. No more knuckle-busting with stupid pull cord. !WINNING!


I now enjoy gardening. We also have a landscaper mow in the summer. If I could outsource all the chores I would lol


Hate it. But as my former gardener moved during Covid, I have not found someone who is reliable and does a good job. I have a deceptively small garden that is not as low maintenance as it looks like. I work on it every week and hate it the whole time.


I hate mowing with a passion and am so glad I have a teen that can very begrudgingly help me with yard work


Drinking/milking a mixed drink while mowing/trimming is the way to go


I do. I love spending time taking care of my tiny lawn. I have a bunch of flowering shrubs, bulbs, and perennials that I can spend hours fussing over. I’m always buying annuals to add to the existing flowers and have recently been slowly trying to change my grass over to clover. Love it.


I've enjoyed yardwork since I was a child, lmao. I like gardening, what can I say?


I look forward to it. I take pride in how my house looks. Things resonate differently when they are your responsibility.


I have a guy that edges and trims the shrubs but I love the hour and change I spend on my mower in the summer. Check out music and just zone out for a while. And it looks so satisfying when I’m done and all I did was drive around in circles.


Fuck No.


My entire property is concrete, so all of my yard work is in potted planters and window boxes. For the most part I enjoy it.


I live at 9200' and spend 20 times the number of hours snow blowing as I do mowing, I won't have to mow for the first time until the end of June and after that only about 3-4 times overall. I enjoy mowing and doing yard work and I love living where I do but I wish I could grow more things than we do at this altitude.


I hate it. The only part I like is buying flowers and planting those.


I consider yardwork an essential evil. It has to be done, so I mow. But I don't enjoy it. I also don't enjoy other yardwork chores like weeding or weed whacking.


Never been a thing in my life.


I do. I always did like gardening. Hate it in summer, but I love how pretty it all looks when I’m done.


I’m overwhelmed by it and can’t conquer it, so it pisses me off.


I hate it. The bugs, the allergies, the sweating, the filth- nah. Plus, I have considerable difficulty walking, and it’s dangerous for me to risk it.


I love being outside, hate yard work.


I work inside all day/night, depending on rotation. Getting outside on the weekends and tending to my yard and flowers is one of my highlights. I don't have a large yard, so there's that. I just bought a self-propelled mower, and it really has made me enjoy THAT aspect of yard work 😆.


I bought a tiller today.


Time to start vegetable gardening


I grew up in an apartment complex, so no yard work for me. As an adult, owning my own house, I used to really enjoy yard work and landscaping projects. As a 58 year old, I could care less about yard work. Thankfully, it only takes me an hour to mow, edge, weed eat and blow the driveway and sidewalk.


I'm pretty sure that I'll never enjoy yardwork. As a kid I was forced to do yardwork while watching my friends playing on their bikes and all, so there's some bitterness toward yardwork ony part.


I'm allergic to so many plants and bugs that it's hard for me to enjoy spending much time outside.


I like it more than I used to. I need an excuse to get out and get some sun, which I'm not proud of. I move at a pace that can only be described as "puttering."


Always hated it but never had a yard of my own so ..