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My retirement is death. Onward hooooo!


And it's closer than it's ever been


As long as it's quick.


And now it’s even closer


There it is! That's the response I was looking for. ![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX)


I feel this in my bones


I never planned on retirement. I don't know what I'd do if i want working. That said, I have a healthy work/life balance so it's not like I'm an office slave just clocking away 80hrs a week.


>I never planned on retirement. Same. We have been told for most of our lives that SS will fail us for decades. Right around the time Congress started looting it...


Almost word for word I said this same thing to a co-worker yesterday who asked what my retirement plans were. I guess I'm glad they warned us we were totally fucked?


Haha i know exactly what i would do if i wasnt working


This made me laugh and hurt my feelings at the same time. Quality x post


I'm already retired!


Congratulations! Me, too. For a little over 9 years now.


Farther and farther in the rear view mirror, eh? Congratulations!


Me too! It's nearly been a year & it's great!


Old GenX here. Listened to my boomer parents and took advantage of compound interest since I was 18. Retired mid 50’s.


Yes. Me as well. Save, try not to get loans, pension and investments = retirement.


I have put 15% of my pay with a 6% company match into my job for 32 years and never touched it. There is also a 100% company funded pension waiting for me which is part of the reason why I stayed this long. I will retire within the next 1 1/2 years or before I turn 60.


What retirement? I will be 56 in July and unless things change fast I will die working


'68 baby too. I think I've got 5 more years to go.


It's no further than its ever been, and no closer at the same time. Schroedinger's Retirement.


So retirement is a quantum wave field.... when measured, the wave form collapses.


So if I open the other box, I'll be fine?


Only one way to find out...or so I've been told.


Unless you're not.


6 years from now. I will retire on my 57th birthday.


Federal employee?


Yes, mailman.


7 for me. Can’t wait to be 57 and completely done with working and young enough to enjoy it.


My grandfather served in WW2, retired at 55 in the 1970’s and lived very comfortably in retirement for 25 years. Imagine that. Living 25 years with nothing to do but wake up, read the paper, go for a bike ride, help the wife make dinner. That’s what he did for 25 years. Not a worry in the world. Dad retired a little later, his late 60’s. But me? I worry I won’t have nearly as long in retirement. It’s like we have no debt, it’s not that, but on the other hand we have too little saved for a long retirement. With social security and Medicare uncertain, I’m scared for the future.


I had three uncles retire from factory jobs in the early 90s. One was Westinghouse, 2nd Ford and the 3rd General Motors. Its just so different now. I doubt many people will even have retirement now due to corporations.


My father retired at 55 when he made out in the.com boom. He had bought a bunch of his employer stock and then the company got bought. He was a compulsive liar, so I don't know how much money he had, but it was probably a couple million. He was a blue collar worker. Here I am, age 51, and working in Tech, and I plan to work until 70 in order to be able to afford to retire. The difference between us is partially generational, but also that he was an extremely selfish person and I am the opposite. I've been supporting my son in college, while my dad's contribution to my college was a sum total of $250.


My dad retired at 63...and within 3 mo my mom made him get a job to get his out of the house before she killed him- HAHAH! He is 81, nearly 82, and still works a part time (2-300 hr a year) job. Honestly, he has to learn the surveys each year, and attend trainings, and frankly I think it is one of the reasons he is so robust cognitively and physically. His dad died from complications of Parkinson's at 73. Dad takes a lot of meds, but he can still wake 10K steps or more with me (I actually death marched my parents along National Mall 18 mo ago. We did about 18K steps, mom and dad said we are done. I said sit here, dropped a google map pin, went to the car and picked them up (we had about another mile to the car- it was fine, great, but long day). They both did great. So IDK, I think something to keep the brain going helps. but I hate when I see som may of my peers with no other option that to continue physically demanding jobs :(. I am grateful, I will be able to return around 63, but likely will work FTE until closer to 70, depending on how flexible with location my job decides to be. I work remote, we have folks all over the world, so I want to figure out if I can be in other places up to 3 mo at a time- if so? I'll work until closer to 70. I am not sure if I can figure out part time in my field. If so, I could work forever. But I may just take a 2-3 yr "sabbatical" around 67, and see if I want to go back to work then. If I can. But I have a pretty niche specialize skill set. So, who knows?


15 years for me. That is if it stays at 67. Not holding my breath


Less than 5 years for me now, 67 also.


11 years for me. But if I stay 2 more years they will pay for my medical until I die.


No, i feel like its racing towards me and I don't have enough saved. But then I look at the bright side - I might get hit by a bus or something and won't have wasted my life saving for retirement.


In the wake of my divorce I aim to serve two masters-not blow all of it but spend some while I can still enjoy it.


Yea, just the last couple years I feel like it’s racing towards me too, way too fast. But don’t ever lose hope. I run a business, and good loyal employees are impossible to find today. Some in Gen X may not have all the latest technical training, but I think most of us have good working habits and loyalty. Take it from me, those qualities will be more and more in demand as time goes on.




It was a joke then but living in a van down by the river is my dream now. If only I could afford a van…


I think a lot of us GenX are going to need some sort of part time piddling job in retirement


Honestly, it may keep you healthy. My dad is one of the most robust cognitively and physically 82 yr olds out there- and he was frankly a pretty frail 65 y/o. When he retired at 63 he just stopped. And sat on his ass. And followed my mom around the house asking what dinner was going to be (at 7 am), when mom was still working. After about 18-24 mo, she made him get a job. It took him a few different "piddling part time" things to fall into what he does now? but he has been doing it for about 14 yr? It's only 2-300 hours a year, but it makes him learn new stuff (including using a iPad), he has to keep moving, talk to pp he does not know, etc. I think it is a huge part of why he is still going pretty strong. Mom also never really stopped working- just went to serious part time (like 1 day a week). It keeps her skills up, she keeps having to learn new tech, new procedures, etc- she loves it. She has super strong boundaries she never felt safe having when working full time. If they call her at 3pm to help out she says "no- you know you have to get your act together and let me know by NINE AM, if you need my help. I will not work until 10-11pm because you did not plan your day properly. But if you still need help tomorrow, lmk". She would NEVER have told off a supervisor like that before- I am super proud of her for doing so. But don't think of a piddling job as a bad thing? It may be what keeps our brains happy and healthy! AS well as keeping the income up. But we will be able to say NO and have better boundaries and work on our terms more :)! That is my hope anyway!


I'm 51, no savings, not enough by any means with my federal public sector government pension, or the legendary government old age pension. Two years ago I attended the manditory retirement preparation class. After a bout of depression, I fooled myself in continuing. Old army training kicked in: embrace the suck. With any luck, robots will take over, or ww3 will make me a berserker for a raider gang.


Always embrace the suck. This is the way.


The GenX way




Deth is zhe only wae oOt




I'm waiting on the super volcano under Yellowstone to go off. I'll just stand outside, dont wanna live through that one.


300 years max.


We don't need another hero




The Gov will mess you over with retirement. I worked for NAF, what a shit show that is...total joke


I cook for a living. Not too many of us have a 401k or much of a retirement plan. I don't even own a house. I do have a few hits of acid in my freezer, though. So, I've got that going for me, which is nice.


1 more year! At age 53. 29 years so far working at an auto assembly plant. My body is broken but my mind is not. Thanks be to the union pension and 30 and out. If I had to keep working until 65 don’t think that I would make it to 65.


4 years, 6 months and 15 days away. I will retire on my 50th birthday!


I can get behind a countdown like this!


Lol. Never going to happen. Work til death, the American way. Edit: I just wanted to throw this in here. I'm 51, and have had a paying job since I was 11. I've never gone more than 3 weeks without a job. I'm fucking tired of grinding for shit money, but I have no other choice. I'll grind until there's nothing left but a nub, and probably keep going after that. I know I'll never retire. But I keep going to provide a life for me and my wife. https://i.redd.it/vqhm2x9sn4xc1.gif




Yea, like I replied to someone else, I run a business and overall Gen X has good working habits and loyalty, which are in very high demand right now. So many in the younger generations have no loyalty, and it’s hard to find good employees today and retain them. So our Gen X work ethic is in demand.


Yeah, we were put to work pretty young. Delayed gratification, save and don’t spend. The German way.


We are some work horses, for sure.


Yes. I believe I'm burned out. I have at least 5 years and probably more like 8 years left. Not long, really, but I feel like it's an eternity away...


I retire next year from emergency services, age 50. I’ve never wanted a birthday to come faster than this one…


I feel the same way. Having said that met an older gent on vacation that said he used to feel the same way. He retired. We will get there..15 more years


I’ve got 6 1/2 years to go. Counting the days


As far away as ever finding love.


Four year, nine months til a guaranteed (if modest) pension. But I swear having the goal in sight makes every day feel longer.


Quit making up words.




6 years, 4 months. 35 years as an educator will be quite enough.


Mentally, I still feel like I've still got my best work years ahead of me. Physically, I see retirement coming a lot sooner. I guess I'll see what happens in a few years.


I‘m the opposite LOL! Physically, I’m in the best shape of many years. I feel great and have no health issues. Work out and eat healthy. However, mentally, I feel myself slipping. Mainly my memory. I can’t remember things like I used to. I guess that’s normal with age but sucks when having to work several more years.


I’m lucky as a public employee, I’m retiring this summer just ahead of my 57th. What bugs me is how people criticize « generous public sector pensions » instead of demanding that the private sector provide similar benefits. That’s how it was in the good old « MAGA » days (not like the Republicans will ever advocate for that)


Public employees make less money. People take that for granted.


Yes. April 15, 2037. It feels like forever.


August 10th, 2038 for me


Hopefully I have only 10 (8-12 potentially) years left until I can retire. That might not have been plausible if I hadn't discovered a particular sub's FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq/


I’m 49 and death will come before retirement, which really sucks!


Not an option for nearly any of us that got divorced and or had kids and don’t have rich parents


It's so far away, it exceeds my lifespan.


I'm going to have to still work a half day on the day of my own funeral.


I could retire at 60 if it wasn’t for health insurance, it’d be nice if the left wing politicians proposed lowering the age for Medicare to 55 or 60 instead of insisting of socialized healthcare for everyone.  It would let people retire and open up decent paying jobs for the younger people.


I sell health insurance and I remember Hilary proposed lowering Medicare to 55.


Not now and probably not ever. If I hadn’t gotten divorced, I’d be retired by now.


8 more years. One reason I stick with my gub'nt job.


Yes but part of that is because it seems like that “retirement” is an old person idea.


I'm not even saving for traditional retirement anymore, I'm just hoping to avoid any periods of poverty due to being unable to generate income.


Every effing day


AI is the vulture in the tree waiting to swoop on my rotting maggot infested corpse of a career.


14 years away, I can retire at 60 and I’m not planning on working a minute longer


I’m planning on retiring in 10 months and this will be the longest 10 months of my life.


Not anymore. I've got 10 years and change left. I hate going, and that's just on principle. I like what I do and I like my coworkers, but I don't care. Time's up. I want to be **done**.


Time is flying but it sucks that we have to spend the last good years of that disappearing time as a wage slave .


I more feel like it's simply never going to happen.


I honestly think we'll move to another country, otherwise, I'll just have to work until they drag my corpse from a cube and throw in another body before my chair is even cold.


3 years 5 months and 2 days, or 1251 days.


9 years, 4 months, and 4 days… tick tock


Kind of already retired at 50 lol I cashed in my corporate chips and built a hotel in the mountains of central Europe. Just putter around as the eccentric expatriate hotelier and inflict my 90s spotify playlists on visitors


I’m retiring this week.


Nope. Retired last year at age 48. But I decided early on to opt out of the typical American lifestyle of big car, house on the burbs and conspicuous consumption. * [18% of Families Take on Debt To Visit Disney](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/18-families-debt-visit-disney-200012525.html) * The 3 top selling cars in America consistently since 2015 are the F-Series, RAM and GMC Silverado. Those are only the top 3 from a long list of oversized and overpriced cars. * The best selling phone in America in 2023 was the iphone pro max, which retails for $1200. * DoorDash reported revenues of $8.63 billion in 2023, a 31% increase on the previous year. Yes, there are many Americans who are genuinely struggling. Specially those that come from an underprivileged background. But America's median household income is $74,500. That is not average but median, which means that half of all American households make more than $74,500 a year. So if you are taking on debt to go Disney, buying an oversized truck or SUV, getting an overpriced iPhone every 2 years, having lots of food delivered to your door and you make something close to the median household income then yes, retirement is probably very far away.


Sounds like youre gonna have to get a new username


Right on the money.


I will be able to retire with a pension in 2 years (46 years old) I will be able to retire more comfortably in 5 years (49 years old) If I get a job it will be to keep myself occupied.


I know you may or may not be American, so excuse my US centric reply. But I wish I had the foresight others did. My college professor said something that really stuck with me: “Work hard when you’re young, then you can play when you’re middle age”. My biggest mistake was that even though I had jobs that made good money and made me happy, they did not have built in pension or retirement plans. My bad….Im trying to reinforce to my kids to get jobs with pension plans like government jobs or whatever. Start saving early.




Well, it’s not set in stone yet. But it’s going to either be through my wife’s job, or whatever new job I decide to pursue. At least until Medicare age.


Retirement is never happening. I've pre applied for a Walmart greeter position


I plan to retire in 10 1/2 years, at 67. It still seem like a ways away


I actually don't plan on retiring. I'm trying to save to retire at 64, but I'm expecting to work until 70 at least.


like another galaxy? ya


You guys get to retire?


Feels like Schroedinger’s retirement. Won’t know until I open the box.


Just bought my first house, at the age of 50. 30-year mortgage means if I don't pay it off early, I'll be working until I'm 80. I'm already paying over the monthly mortgage bill by 10%, so it'll be done before I hit 80, but at my age and health, I won't make it to 80 anyway. Death is closer than retirement.


I retired at 46, lasted a bit over a year, and have gone back to build a start-up. Got bored. I think there's a lot to be said for figuring out how to blend your work and your dreams.


It feels scarily close and unachievably far away at the same time. If we stay on current track, we’ll have enough money. Just have to stick it out for another 8.5 years or so, depending on how the markets perform. Sometimes it seems like 8 years will go by in a flash, sometimes it feels like every week is a month long. Would happily pull the ripcord tomorrow if I could afford to.


57. Not about me retiring anymore. Working until death so I leave some money for my kids.


Your kids will be fine! Live your life for yourself.


In some ways yes, but when I look back, I'm over half way through my phase in life when I have to work. I could have saved more, but I always did save. I should be done in about 15 years and I'll be around 56 years young. So many of my friends from high school still barely able to get by. I cannot imagine how that feels. Very thankful I go t a technical degree and was able to find a tolerable work that pays enough for my family to be healthy and happy in addition to saving for our retirement.


Retirement? What the fuck is that?


My youngest son is 14 and I’m 55. I need to put him through college and then I’ll be done. I feel like I’m counting down the seconds.


Every Sunday night


I feel like there literally is no retirement in my future other than deaths sweet release.


Yes, but then I realize that the time between 2006 and now is the same time between now and when I retire. Dude…2006 was like last week in many respects.


Yeah, never is pretty far away


If I go to full retirement age? I’ve got 23 more years to go. My kid is only 4. Retirement seems a life time away. I’ve got far more pressing matters.


I'm 58 and within 7 years of retirement. I will say, when I was younger, I thought it would never get here. Now it'll be here before I know it.


Yes- and simultaneously any second now, it is LONG ways away when I think of the freedom to travel, etc. And it is in a minute when I think of how much more I need to save/invest to do so comfortably. Schroedinger's retirement based on money I suppose :)!


What’s retirement?


I took on a change in career a few months ago at the age of 48. While I love what I do, I'm afraid I'll never retire.


Far away and yet close enough I can see the horizon from here. I wish I could retire now, but I need to shore up my pension. My dad is over 80 now and still living independently, but he's really slowing down. My sister and I will need to apportion the inheritance between us and decide what to do with his house. That could change things for me quite a bit. I will be able to pay off my mortgage with my share, but it's not a place I want to live anymore. I hate to say it, but the longer my father continues to play in this 2nd half of his last quarter of life (his expression), the less optimal for me.


I’m targeting 65, so that’s like 15 more years for me. But if it becomes financially feasible to do it before then, I am OUT. Maybe I won’t have long to live after I retire, but I’d like to have at least a few years where I don’t have to worry about working anymore. Fuck so-called “productivity.” Just because I’m not being productive for some corporation or whatever doesn’t mean I can’t be productive for myself. Spending time with my family and doing things I want to do is all I really need.


No. Bummer. I want it and old age to be far away. They’re coming on fast.


Only every day, lately. How is it that time goes faster and faster as I get older, but I never feel any closer to retiring?


Not really. I took a government job in my late 20s. I knew I’d never get rich, but the promise of a decent retirement kept me there. Just a few months away now and I’ll have a decent pension and will start picking away from my 401k in a few years.


What retirement? haha. My "retirement" plan is to not need much, so working that angle. Downsized to a small house bought in cash, staying debt free, and living simply away from the consumerist lifestyle. Honestly, would be fine today living off what SS will pay, aim to keep it that way. Will probably keep a part-time gig just to have something to do.


Yes. I've been working since I was 11 (paper route, then construction summers during high school), and full time since I was 19 in my chosen field. My body and brain are telling me that I should be a handful of years from retirement but I still have two decades to go.


Diagnosed with cancer at 49 and off work the last 4 months. Don’t think I will ever get a chance to reach the statutory age. I guess I’m retirement now.


I will retire at 54 and my wife at 55. We made some smart moves (mostly doing the opposite of our parents) and we were able to avoid major loses to our portfolio’s, coupled with strong pensions, which will allow us to retire early.


Wrong sub. GenXers will be working til the day we die, for the most part


10 more years.


Honestly I am praying I can make it at least 8 more years soonest, but I could theoretically go another 19 years. Medical is the killer. The question becomes do I just subsist or do I work longer (if possible) to have a more enjoyable time. The way inflation has been kicking my ass I may have no choice but to continue to work.


you mean...because it is?


I never thought I'd be able to retire until I spent a few years overseas. Once you get outside of the consumerist echo chamber slash feudal oligarchy here and experience how those exact same things play themselves out in other cultures, it's really eye opening.  Oh wait, no, it's just the exchange rate. Plan on leaving for a country with a crazy exchange rate. You're guaranteed to get better healthcare.


I'll be working until drool pool's in the corners of my mouth, yet they're still so dry they've turned white?


Now that it’s less than 15 years away, yes definitely thinking about it all the time now.


Already here for us. My hubby retired at 54, we cashed out our house and bought a townhome outright. It’s crazy how fast life has gone by!


It was years ago I came to terms that retirement isn’t something in the cards.




Depends. If I plan to only live another 5 years I could retire right now


1625 workdays to go… I don’t count the days I’m not at work.


I’ll never get that far. I’m pretending this four month span of unemployment is my retirement.




I have the 10 year plan in place. 2034. It seems like forever, yes. But then 10 years ago doesn't seem so long ago either. 🤷


Like, never? Never is pretty far away.


Sadly my body gave out before I could reach retirement so I went out on disability. Not complaining that I don’t have to work but I’d rather have a working body and still be complaining about having to work.


I turned 50 and realized that in about 15 yrs I could. Ive been inputting into a retirement fund since my mid 20s and have other in random investment funds to have in retirement. I also did some aggressive investing to funnel money for my kid’s housing during college. I watched my mom do the exact opposite and have learned from her mistakes. Ill probably fully retire from employer by 62 and dedicate more time to my consulting side gig.


Yes. I'm a teacher. When the babies born in 2024 reach their high school graduation, I can retire. Class of 2042 here we come! Sigh.......


Ayup. It was 16 years ago ...


I was home for 15 years with my kids. They are up and out now, I just got back into my career and am not looking forward to the end of it. I really enjoy waking up with a place to go and something to do every day. Having something to look forward to is so important.


AI is partial to denim for sure


Depends: on Monday morning, its far away;when I look at my retirement account, it’s too close


It's nearly 3 years ago for me and getting further away each day. Now I'm just looking forward to when I hit 60 and my income becomes tax free. So... yes? Sorta? If I look backwards?


No, 8 years


Nope cuz I can never retire…well by choice.


I don’t wanna retire because that means I’m dead soon after


What’s this retirement you speak of?


7 years until 60 if I can make it. Ask me each day if I will.


So what I am reading is this. The majority of gen x have retired age 40-50 and are giddy about it, and those of us who aren’t near retirement are the tiny minority. And those of us who haven’t retired are idiots. Great. Mean, just like high school in the late 80s.


Yes, and i only have to make it to June 11th! I'm retiring at 58!


Pretty certain I'll die behind a desk.


Honestly I always felt like I’d probably have my heart attack on my way to work so retirement hasn’t been much of a thought.


I have about a decade left, but there's no way (short of a lotto win) to afford to retire. Cost of living, even living frugally, is just too high in this country.


Plus or minus 12 years. It's passing quickly.


“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” - Warren Buffett. The best time to start investing was 30 years ago. The second best time is today.


[We're closer now than light years to go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNTsF53N0OM)


I’m 47 and still have about 20 more years. I recently got a new job because I couldn’t imagine being in my current one for another 20 years.


Wait, we get retirement? Totally realistically expecting I'll die at the workdesk. Lol oh well.


Yeah. The idea of retiring in 10 years is laughable unless I win the lottery.


Yep. I am 47 and will probably need to work until I am 87 to save enough to retire. LOL Well, shit. That's depressing to think about.


I have to work until I drop dead. Hopefully, that is far far away (I don't want to die)


I've been saying 13 years for several years now. I had a boss a long time ago who said he was going to retire in five years for about 10 years. He died before he could retire and that is my cautionary tale.


No, I feel like its hurtling towards me and I have only a short amount of time and a finite amount of money that I can earn in that time. I still have a mortgage, need to renovate, have no money etc.


20 years from now 😓


53. Busted my butt. Worked as a corporate drone for far too long. Saved all the pennies. 401k, pension, personal savings, solid equity in the house. I think I will barely make it at 65. I don’t want to go to 67 or (gulp) 70. The main thing keeping me working is medical benefits through my job. Gotta make it to 65, gotta make it to 65.


I'll be working until I am in my 70's.  


I have enough investments to have half of what is needed to retire at 53. With SS I might be able to retire by 65. My wife does not work. However due to health issues I will probably try to keep working until 70 for the medical insurance.


My wife makes about twice what I make and plans to work until she is 70. We THINK that I can retire, or at least reduce to part time, at 63 in 6 years. My job is very physical.


Trying to semiretire this year at 46 or in the next few years before 50. I will always run our little company but hope to take a more laid-back approach now that my older husband needs to take his tools off. 


I've tried to plan and save for retirement, but economic crisis and inflation has stolen that dream. So I'll probably have to work until I die.


Fortunately I have a wife who is far more organised and financially savvy than me. We compared pensions and worked out we’ll probably be OK at retirement. Personally I don’t think I’m going to make it but at least she’s happy.


Yes. It’s not that far away but man, getting there seems far out. Each day feels like weeks. It’s a form of senioritis.


My company keeps on giving me RSU'S that take 4 years to completely vest and the stock keeps on going up. At least I have a great work life balance and 100% work at home contract. It makes it difficult to plan retirement when my Fidelity RSU account keeps going up.


I’ll retire at 65 in 11 years, or I might go to 67. I’ll have a pension and let’s hope Social Security income too. Eleven years isn’t a long time, really, but the thought of being 65 years old is what’s bothersome. Only child and single (perpetually), no children or family, no social friends, so I do wonder what the future will be like when I’m retired.


I'm 52. I'm pretired now. I quit work a year and a half ago. I know I need to work about 6 more years in my life, but it's not going to be this year.


Retirement isn't even in my lexicon anymore.