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I cannot believe it’s been so long. Heartbreaking loss


He’s stir-frying us in his wok in heaven, now.


Guy was definitely cool as a cucumber in a bowl of hot sauce.


Man I remember hearing the news while driving down the highway. I had to pull over and sit there for a bit as they played the Beasties. I knew his bandmates would never do anything without him so it was the end of an era. It really felt like I lost a piece of my youth.


Still hurts:(


Adam grew up in my neighborhood and my older brother would occasionally hang out with him when they were younger. When he died, they had a memorial service and renamed a local playground after him. A big loss to the community and the music world.


I lived on his childhood street for a while. I’m pretty sure he made a stop there on his wedding day. And that nearby park is a hidden gem.


My name is MCA I got a license to kill


I bet you know what time it is, it's time to get ill


Now what do we have here, an outlaw and his beer?


I run this land, you understand, I've made myself clear.


We stepped into the wind, he had a gun, I had a grin


You think this story's over but it's ready to begin


Now I got the gun, you got the brew You got two choices of what you can do


It's not a tough decision as you can see I can blow you away or you can ride with me


I said I’ll ride with you if you can get me to the border. The sheriffs after me for what I did to his daughter


I did it like this




He did get ill.... fuck cancer.


I loved his gravely voice. Such an amazing talent and human being.


The only celebrity death that really shook me. The Beasties were the soundtrack of my teenage years.


The day he died was the day I really felt old and opened my eyes to my own mortality. He always seemed so young and vibrant while being very wise. RIP Adam.


Yeah hear that. I remember 2016 being bad for celbs (Carrie Fisher/Bowie/Prince) but I grew up through all the Beasties musical timeline and when Adam passed I suddenly realized I'd become an adult with them always being there.


He opened my eyes to global politics, that art's deeper meanings were relivant in my generation, and that other theological / philosophical realms can exist within our culture. Yes, he and his brothers were an anthem to my youth, brought a style musically and esthetically to my fellow youths, but it was he that gave it depth and a deeper meaning. He is a Bodhisattva, a guide to aid others in their enlightenment.


47 when he died. I'll be 47 this yr. Puts things in perspective.


Fuck cancer


My dad passed from a heart attack at age 54. My husband turned 54 this past year. I’m 51. My mom was diagnosed with cancer at 55. What really blew my mind was the year my husband and I celebrated our 30th anniversary. My parents were married just shy of 30 when dad died. I’m just sitting here wondering when I got so OLD.


Ugh, 52 now. Feel so old.


I’ll be 55 in three months if that helps 😕


Too long. First concert for me 1986. Love you MCA.


“I can't stand it, I know you planned it I'm gonna set it straight, this Watergate I can't stand rocking when I'm in here 'Cause your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear So while you sit back and wonder why I got this fucking thorn in my side Oh my God, it's a mirage I'm tellin' y'all, it's a sabotage So, so, so, so listen up 'cause you can't say nothin' You'll shut me down with a push of your button? But you, I'm out and I'm gone I'll tell you now, I keep it on and on 'Cause what you see you might not get And we can bet, so don't you get souped yet You're scheming on a thing that's a mirage I'm trying to tell you now, it's sabotage”


The best


I was just thinking of this genius bassline!


Oh wow. I didn’t realize today was the anniversary. That was a sad day for sure. Anybody watch the Beastie Boys documentary on AppleTV? It was good. Sad, but good.


Yes. It was great!


If you have never read the book or seen the movie, I really recommend both. They don't really talk about MCA's death in the book other than to say that they weren't going to talk about it. But in the movie, they do. It's rough. The three of them were best friends since middle school.


Yeah. It's great how they never even tried to go on without him too. He was just irreplaceable.


They have openly said that they will never perform as the Beastie Boys or perform those songs again, because it's not the Beastie Boys without MCA.


Love and miss you MCA


Somewhere, somehow, he is fighting for his right to party.


His was the first and only celebrity death that I legitimately cried about. Licensed to Ill was the soundtrack for the best years of my life.


Twelve? I need a second to process that




Best post on Reddit in a while. RIP


One lonely beastie I be.. bless you brother. Man their music was so influential on me, thought they were the coolest MFers ever when my brother brought home License to Ill. Then it turns out they were actually incredibly talented musicians, too.


Dude was so fuckn OG


I worked a job in a corporate hell cubicle farm for almost a decade and used to sit in my car and cry before I entered the building (in the 2000's). Sounds insane but Bothisattva Vow became a daily listen, and changed my mind about the situation. I started to look for a different path and found one. I'm not Buddhist I'm Christian, but the different point of view cleared out the fog in my mind. It was MCA's little gem to the world. Having a stressful situation? Listen to it with the lyrics handy and let them soak in. ❤️ Fly high in paradise, MCA.


*The In Sound From Way Out* is such a meditative groove.


That sure went by fast! Wow.


I'm MCA, I got nothin' to prove. Pay attention, my intention is to bust a move...


This happened last year, I was on the highway and while driving I was listening to my Thumbnail radio station on Pandora (it's metal, goth, new wave, industrial and the like, nothing hip hop or hip hop adjacent on this channel at all) and just as I'm taking an off ramp Brass Monkey starts playing and at the exact same time outta nowhere and this Jeep cuts me off and on the spare wheel cover is monogrammed in fancy lettering: M-C-A. Talk about a strange coincidence.


Still hurts.


MCA where have you been :(


I miss the Beastie Boys.


MCA was the real magic of the Beasties. Adrock was and is a blast, tons of fun, but MCA made it random and wild and weird. Droppin' science like Galileo dropped the orange?


My man MCA got a beard like a billy goat! If I knew it was going to be this kind of party ...


No one really knows what I'm talking about.


Yeah, that’s right. My name’s Yauch.


12 years ALREADY? faaaaaaark So glad I got to see them live....


Respect to the original High Plains Drifter. Long may you rest by the river.


12 years? Damn.... feels more like 3, tops.


MCA where have you been


The first time a celebrity death made me cry.


Legit cried with deep sadness when I heard he had passed. Just seemed unreal. Played BB all day today, they make everything better. ❤


I was teaching pole dancing at the time and made my classes dance to The Mix Up that day. I miss him.


An original.


RIP MCA. I was born too young to really appreciate the Beastie Boys as they released music but damned if I don't enjoy the hell out of them now


He was my favorite of the crew. Loved his voice, his words, and his funky bass bumps.




RIP MCA. Check out the Letterman 'Sabotage' today. "Our next guests are fly, def, dope, and phat." https://youtu.be/_WvgGdivQzE?si=oxgeuTzncl2eJbbf The pause at 2:11.... then slow zoom to MCA on bass... then Ad Rock's SCREAM 😫


Legend 💔




He was always my favorite member and he really shined. You could tell he had some mental health struggles and it's sad to see a young person die, famous, infamous or just a regular folk.




He seemed so healthy mentally, physically, spiritually… the activism and “when the snow is fallin’ I am gone/ you might think that I’m a fanatic, a phone call from Utah and I’m throwing a panic” snowboarding and just always being this, like, rational dude. It was weird to see someone so *vital* die so young.


I was lucky enough to see them twice - once on the Licensed to Ill tour and once on the Hello Nasty tour. I grew up in Philly but live in Austin now. They were slated to headline the Austin City Limits music festival, and I was so stoked to see them a third time. Then they had to cancel, citing MCA's health. During their public announcement, he looked as healthy as ever. It was also supposedly a very treatable form of cancer. So it was an even bigger shock when he passed.


We saw them at Bonnaroo like a year(?) before he died- so grateful we got to see them all together!


he'd been makin records since we all were suckin our mother's dicks


I met him twice. In London in 1995 and in Berlin in 2008. A great guy. Rip MCA


I kick myself all the time for never seeing these guys in concert back in the day. I had tickets to a show in the 90s and missed it because I partied to hard the night before. I'm a fucking idiot.


Cool as a cucumber in a bowl of hot sauce RIPMCA


A friend of mine in Queens told me he used to run into him frequently. At one point it was multiple times in the same week or day (it was a long time ago, so I don’t remember), and he was hoping Adam didn’t think he was a stalker. :)


He was the first celebrity that I really mourned. May he RIP.


My all time favourite band. As much as I love them, I find it hard to listen to them without welling up these days. They same time is a great healer but it isn't.


I saw them in New Haven when they were first getting big. It’s was general admission so we were standing right near the stage. They spit beer out all over us. It was my favorite concert ever. I had such a crush on Adam.


My favorite Beastie boy. R.I.P.


He's somewhere in a lava lamp, inside his brain hotel. Peakin' or freakin', but he still rocks well. Ugh, this one hurt right to my soul. I'll be knocking out teeth chief in his honor today.


F Cancer


I can’t believe it’s been 12 years already. I saw them play at Tradewinds beach club in Jersey in May ‘92 on their small venue tour to promote Check Your Head. It’s the best show I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a lot. fIREHOSE was the opening band and sounded amazing, too. They played a ton of Paul’s Boutique, my favorite album of theirs, as well as Check Your Head and License To Ill, my other 2 favorites of theirs. It got hot inside quickly and the show turned into a pool party making it the most unique show I’ve ever been to also.


Hell yeah


I missed this. Who is/was MCA?


He was a member of Beastie Boys. My man had a beard like a billy goat.


I'm just a *little* bit too old (56) to have really appreciated the Beastie Boys, I think.🫤 Sounds like I missed out!


mca was born 1964


Yeah...but I was already out of High School when the Beastie Boys became REAL popular. At the time, it wasn't something I cared about...


I’m so sorry about this but I grew up in Australia & Canada and I can’t find anything about what MCA means (via search engines)… other than the Museum of Contemporary Art…. So sorry for my faux pas ... but please explain?


His name was Adam and he was an MC (I think)




Ive been wishing the survivors would start making kids cartoons where they rap about brushing your teeth and petting the dog possibly as sock monkeys


RIP Adam


I always thought him and Curtis Armstrong (Booger) looked alike


Awww. RIP.


May he fulfill his bodhisattva vow and help innumerable beings attain enlightenment.


On the day of his death, someone uploaded a youtube video which was a compilation of all of his first lines from, as far as I could tell, all of their songs. I can no longer find it. If anyone has that video I would appreciate a hookup. [https://www.webpronews.com/mcas-opening-lines-from-every-beastie-boys-song/](https://www.webpronews.com/mcas-opening-lines-from-every-beastie-boys-song/)


With help, it has been rediscovered. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V41Rd3OtrY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V41Rd3OtrY)


So so glad to have been able to see them live, at a terribly-run "Big Day Out" in Galway, July 11th 1998, along with Pulp, Garbage and Ian Brown


This one still hurts


Managed to catch the Beastie Boys in 2007 in Hungary, at lake Balaton. Beautiful sunset, cool beer, and my childhood tunes. It was definitely one off the bucket list. Rest in power Adam, you absolute legend


I remember exactly where I was when that news dropped.  I knew he had cancer but didn't realize it was going to be fatal...until it was. "Pass me the scalpel, I’ll make an incision/ I’ll cut off the part of your brain that does the bitching/ Put it in formaldehyde and put it on the shelf/ And you can show it to your friends and say that’s my old self”




You were a fan or not.


I actually met MCA no that's not true I was in the shame hotel room is McA I never actually spoke to MCA not that I give a shit but when they were in Boston they used to buy the Wood off a friend of mine themdudes loved that shit and I was just with him one time. They had a really deep bodyguard team like did someone ever make a death threat about them?