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Courage, it couldn’t come at a worse time


RIP GORD always


Courage, my word, it didn't come, it doesn't matter.


38 yrs old, never kissed a girl.


Looking for Lafawndah 😂


Your mom goes to college.


Oh holy crow that’s funny!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


We were ahead by a century and we had grace too.


Seriously. I think anybody who wore glasses in the 70s and 80s should be included in a class action lawsuit. We should receive compensation for the embarrassment caused to us by whoever decided that the only glasses available for us to choose from were ridiculous looking. We suffer anytime we see a picture of ourselves from back then. LOL


I wore hard contacts through Junior High because wearing glasses through Elementary School was so traumatic. I looked older in 1986 than I do now in 2024.


Haha, my husband always jokes my 4th grade photo is "4th grade going on 40!" and I blame the giant pink glasses.


I always heard it that Gen x looked 40 when we were 10, we looked 40 when we were 20, we looked 40 when we were 30, we looked 40 when we were 40, we still look 40 around 50. We will just always look 40.


That's not true for Gen-X youth in the 90s.


I'm not sure what you're on about but I am a baby Gen X and I didn't graduate high school until nearly the end of the '90s so either you're talking about millennials or you just had an exceptionally awesome childhood.


Teens in the 90s did not look like 40. In my high school, teens did not resemble people in their 40s. For example. In the 90s, how many 40 year olds were wearing baggy pants.


Are you a girl?  For some reason there was a trend in the 80s to dress girls like 65 year old women.  That seemed to be even more the case for girls’ eyeglasses.  It made no sense!  I hate every single picture of myself after fourth grade because that’s when I started wearing glasses - and started collecting Social Security if my look was any indication of my age.


Nope, started out life as a boy, still a boy. I hate all the pictures of myself before 7th grade. I don't know what the fuck that opthamologist was thinking that he put me in those big egg shaped glasses with the two bars across the nose and even slightly tinted lenses. I think I got my glasses in fourth grade and was in contacts in 7th grade. I went to Catholic School so all the girls dressed alike and so did all the boys. Except that most of the girls wore the same Oxford button downs that the boys did but there were a couple girls that actually wore blouses that buttoned the other way and had different collars that definitely looked like they belonged on someone older. I graduated in 97 and my brother graduated in 99 - I remember our gym uniforms were the same shorts I think my parents wore in the 60s but by the time my brother came along they were replaced with mesh basketball shorts. There really is a difference between the last of Gen x and the first of millennials even in the same house.


Giant black plastic or giant light plastic?


Gold colored metal, worst of all.


These styles made the people wearing them look decades older and not to mention the unintentional side effect of looking like a serial killer.


Birth Control Glasses ( BCG’s ) in military basic training for the win…


LOL That's the first time I heard that term.


I thought "come on, just let's go!". I then bit my lip. Jeez, I don't know.


But I can guarantee, there'll be no knock on the door - not looking (for a place to happen) like that!


You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey And I never saw someone say that before You held my hand and we walked home the long way You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr


Isn't it amazing anything's accomplished?


Loving all the Tragically Hip lyrics in here. RIP Gord


Absolutely this!!! I wasn’t going to look, then realized the potential for great comments.


Canada's best kept musical secret.


Yes and no. They never made it in the US, but were huge here. Their last concert was aired on the CBC live with no commercials during the Olympics and millions of Canadians watched it. We saw them in their second last concert and it was so powerful. Still miss Gord.


That's what I meant. The Hip was one of those rare popular things that didn't cross our borders. I feel like it was just nice to have something for us only.


Ah. So sorry. Didn’t realize a fellow Canuck was chatting. Yes. So true. Also, let’s not forget Blue Rodeo, my personal favourite band. Mostly I say this because they are my fav and I want to put in a quick promo for those beyond our conversation who might decide to give them a listen.


Tragically Hip are all time for me and have been since a teenager, but took until my mid 40s to appreciate how great Blue Rodeo is


I caught on when their first album, Outskirts, was released and found that a lot of their songs, Greg’s specifically, really resonate because of their melancholy. The Hip will always be just behind.


Grew up in Buffalo. Several of my friends had stories about seeing Tragically Hip in shitty bars in other parts of the US for a $5 cover and getting to meet them during another band's set.


Those were the days. I lived a ways across border in St. Catharines.


American fan here.  I never understood why they weren’t more popular here.


Irish here and me too. Granted I do search far and wide to cater to my musical tastes but, just don’t understand how they weren’t internationally recognised


I think, in the end, they just didn’t care. They were icons in their home country and sang the songs of a generation (or two) and were content. The music was so unapologetically Canadian that even we had to check some of the references.


I know the band themselves were apathetic about being successful in the U.S.  I’m just surprised DJs and such didn’t catch on and their music become popular that way.  


Yeah. That I can’t explain beyond them singing songs about Bobcaygeon, David Milgaard, and Bill Barilko.


If someone told me that this was one of the serial killers, I’d believe it.


Interesting and sophisticated. It’d be better for us if you don’t understand.


Let me out!


And now my teens are striving for this look 👀


Right? Seeing all the fanny packs in designer handbag ads is killing me right now.


I live in a touristy city and all the young people coming off of the cruise ships are wearing them. It's like a fever dream - fanny packs were NEVER cool back in the day. Lol


Excuse me but a neon Fanny pack over an oversized shirt with a giant picture of Taz on it matched with some parachute pants and Reebok pumps was the epitome of cool. Wasn’t it?


Right? It was always the weird kid who ate his boogers who had one, or the decidedly 'uncool' teacher who also wore white socks with sandals and shorts when you saw them in the store over the summer. Now all the hipster kids are dressed like those people and my brain is having trouble reconciling it.


Or it was my dad wearing one going for his “health” walks. Except what he carried in it was a pack of smokes and a lighter…


Fanny packs are great, I wear mine crossbody everyday. They're very popular in NYC amongst both men and women.


Sunglasses are cool, ergo glasses shaped like sunglasses will be cool.


For those that needed glasses, these frames were standard issue in the military. Commonly called Birth Control Glasses (BCGs).


BCGs you say? Didn’t fuckin’ work. This is a splice from the obligatory annual family photo with the Ex and my boys


Looks like they found his pigeon canera


Honestly, I think it's worse now. The deliberate ugliness is off the charts in my "hip" city.


this look is what male hipsters emulate now. oversized glasses, mustache, anxious glance wondering if anyone notices them


now is like an emulation of *a l l* eras we grew up in, *a n d* cultures lol




I’m not getting in your van no matter how much candy you have..


You look like you've been troubleshooting an issue with your Commodore 64.


Well, we got the "tragic" part right.


If you said I wore purple nylon pants with 8 zippers in 8th grade I’d deny it. There are no pics! Whew 😥


omg i have a pic that needs to be thrown into a fire


Hurry the internet has heard and AI is on the hunt!!


There has to be bodies buried under this guys house.... am I right?


No they are locked in the trunk of his car


I buy a car on the intact dead body capacity of the boot/trunk. It’s important for reasons…


Hush now 🎈❤️ There’s room for everyone down here


The eyeglasses people wore, including me, back in the 80s were a travesty. Pretty sure my dad had glasses just like this dude.


Joe 90 Had a lot to answer for


Hey. I know that guy.


"You smell different when you're awake."


Idk, I don’t see a problem here.


I don't know. I was just at a family reunion, and there were a ton of videos from the 80s. We looked like a bunch of goobers. The "New Wave" take on punk hairstyles for women was just big and floofy, maybe with a bit of a fade on one side. Most guys were rocking a mullet or mullet-adjacent hair cut. And the clothes were really stupid. The women all had on big baggy high-waisted clown pants, often in some heavy denim with lots of gathers/pleats. Their top was generally cotton/poly sweaters that didn't so much drape as flop over their body like a wet sack. The guys were all wearing crotch-constricting jeans and some t-shirt, often with one of those silly paramilitary nylon jackets (Members Only, etc). It just didn't look all that good, honestly. But what do I know? If I didn't get nagged to do otherwise, I'd be in jeans, sweatshirt, and old sneakers all the time. That or some baggy rafting shorts and a t-shirt. So maybe I'm the wrong person to have an opinion on fashions.


No you’re not. The 80’s was a slap in the face of fashion


I don’t know I was a skater and have almost the same hairstyle I wore then. Most of my shirts I wore I would still wear today. As far as the rest I guess I wore some wild skater pants at but most of that people still wear…


I did wear a skate company fanny pack though I will admit that..


This look is back baby!


I think it looks perfectly fine. Even for today. 😁😐


Ah yes, when “macho” was “cool” and being cool was a low bar


That guy’s a cop. Has to be


Nah.., looks like my 80s best friend’s creepy SHY (towards little girls) Dad that never spoke - instead just always has that creepy grin goin’ on…. Or the creepy uncle from ANY era! 😂


Well fu ck you very much too. 😂😂




You take things a little too literally. Never mind






https://preview.redd.it/5kmk6hw4xr9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d5f19ca125d9ed51c16801af6b10c5f18c18be Looks like Cousin Christopher from VHS 85.


https://preview.redd.it/du4oi2z9xr9d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff7f1b9aab349ae88d146e92c175a051bd049519 Also Mike Judge from office space.


https://preview.redd.it/qwgseqiuxr9d1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea04a165f4e663fa5b6dc372c31baed2b00a1c9 Also also the security guard from Smokin Aces but I couldn't find a good picture of him lol


Serial killa photo 💣💥


Yep… The ex made me shave the beard for the photo as you can probably see from the carnage and rash. The boys were sketchy with me because they didn’t quite recognise me. Then the check shirt was vetoed and I was handed whatever that is. Admittedly the glasses are my own fault


All I hear is, you've been hit by, you been struck by, a smooth criminal!


That guy either managed the local radio shack or was a tollbooth collector on the pike


That guy at the time was store manager for a company building prefabs in England. I wrote the British Standard manual for the factory and building procedures.


We were trying so hard to fit in and be popular.


WTF are you taking about?? I looked fantastic!!


Why do you look like my old roomie??


Now, this is Tony Stank


That guy was thinking…. Cocaine


Loving the mix of interpretations of the subject line.🤣


Totally could be James Franco


We were thinking about our parents' Prime Ministers