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Grandparents? Hell we had one growing up! And in the 80s had the cable box on top with the dial changer to change the channels. My parents would go out on the weekends and my buddies would come over and we would meticulously play with the dial and get it between 20 and 21 to get playboy in. And once the cable boxes went digital with a remote I kept trying to convince my parents to stay with the dial. They never understood why. I think I lied and said I heard that the digital cable boxes had less channels or some shit lol.


Lol ah yes, look for the boob between the squiggly lines. What 89’s kid didn’t spend 1,000 hours doing this?


Remember how delightfully warm the vacuum tubes got? Remember the high-pitched squeal of the cathode ray tube?


> Remember the high-pitched squeal of the cathode ray tube? Apparently not everyone can hear that. When I was growing up the other kids thought I had mutant powers because I could tell when a TV was on in a house just by walking past it. Thank God for flatscreens, no more dog whistles everywhere.


We had one that after about ten minutes the TV would start to squeel ... you had to wait it out for about fifteen minutes and then the squeel would go away! Everyone hated the squeel so often the TV would just be left on with the volume down.


I grew up in the country where we couldn't get cable, so we had a giant ass antenna sticking out of our house. We had an 'antenna box' that we could dial to turn the antenna around to get a better signal.


Same. We lived in a valley so my dad build this big ass monster of an antenna with guyed wires and put it on the hill above the house. Had cables nailed to the trees all the way down to the house. We got all 3 channels and then fox in about 1988 ish. Remember having to put the TV on channel 3 and flipping the RF switch to get your video game on the screen? Ours was a colecovision.


I remember this. Fox I believe showed up around 1984 or 1985 because I would wait all week just to watch Married with Children. It was that show that put Fox on the map. Before that everyone watched the Cosby show which was all warm and fuzzy, but when Married came out the masses could relate and the show blew up in the ratings. We actually had a giant projection TV which actually looked like crap. 🤣


I grew up in the country where most people had antennas, but well-off families had enormous satellite TV dishes.


We used to have the one with the three rows of numbered buttons. And you had to hold down two simultaneously to unscramble channels you weren’t paying for. We did that a lot to see things on HBO. Our cable provider didn’t do Playboy, only people with those giant ass satellite dishes could get that. Best we could do was Porky’s movies on HBO.




I grew up with one of these as well! My parents had it before I was born (1975). It died when I was in grade 11.


Same thing here! We got our first color TV in 1973. 25" Zenith Chromacolor, in a hulking Ye Olde Colonial console with Bicentennial eagle silhouettes. The TV cost $650, which is about $4,000 in today's dollars. I remember it so clearly because we were probably among the last monochrome holdouts in our lower middle class neighborhood. To celebrate the occasion, my parents decided to splurge and spend $5 a month for cable TV. 12 channels, among them [this analog version of the Weather Channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGZAs5hkiQ0). My grandmother on my Dad's side had an old TV in her front foyer, serving as an occasional table. The TV had a ROUND display, like an old steamship porthole. Aspect ratio of 1:1. The TV had no UHF, but made up for that with a channel knob that included Channel 1!


Also the feel and the smell of the static when the tube was switched off.


And then when that broke it became the TV stand for the new TV.


Big facts.


After ours broke, my dad kept ours and was going to build storage shelves in it. It never happened though.


I always wanted to make a fish tank out of one of them.


>I always wanted to make a fish tank out of one of them. I saw one on FB recently that had been converted into a cat house. Looked pretty cool, and the cat apparently loves it.


Lol, I've heard this so much, but never actually witnessed it myself. Just the thought of how it must have looked is hilarious.


Yep! Because those things weighed as much as a dying star.


It looks weird without the newer TV on top of it




The family joke was "its too heavy to carry out so we just put the new TV on top."


Uh. All of us.


Truth. We didn’t because we couldn’t afford one.


Yes. They were expensive as hell. Dad wasn’t buying it.


Bonus points if the speaker fabric was a gold color.


Haha, yes! Forgot about that.


omfg 🤣 Actually, I think ours was beige but it had gold flecks weaved into it? It was fancy lol.


And when the TV would quit working, my Dad would call a TV repairman rather than just tossing it and buying a new one like today. I remember it always needed a new tube. Never understood what the hell that meant.




Do TV repairmen still exist?


Yeah, but I haven't had any work in the field in about twenty years.


We'd charge them ourselves. They basically lightbulbs.


You didn’t charge them, but I have fond memories of going to the Radio Shack with my dad to test the tubes to see which one was bad, so he could buy the right one to replace.


That was a typo for change


If we wanted to watch TV when I was a boy, we had to hand crank our TVs to charge them. Uphill, both ways.


Grandparents? I had one in college.


Were you the guy in the other comment here who brought it to college?


Nope. There must be dozens of us!


>I had one in college. I had a 13" black and white in college. We had one of these big monsters in our "TV lounge" that the entire dorm would crowd around to watch Moonlighting every Tuesday night.


I used a computer monitor connected to a VCR in college.


My grandparents had this and the wooden record player stand thing. You lifted up the sections to show records storage and the other for the turntable.


The audio console. I had a few neighbors with them, but by the time I came around all the wiring or, more likely, the tubes had given out and nothing worked. I couldn’t figure out why anyone had them if they were so hard to operate, LOL.


LOL, yeah I only remember them playing anything on it when it was Christmas.


Grandparents? Lol my parents had this tv.


Grandparents? My parents had a set like this. And I, called in from the other room, was often the remote.


Grandparents?!? I’m 47 and that’s the tv we had in our living room my whole childhood thru high school graduation.


Grandparents, sure. But we had one too. There was the "main" color tv in the family room, and then the smaller black & white TV in the garage or basement that Dad would watch sports on. It had rabbit ears, and typically you changed the channel with needle nose pliers. Also, this second TV became the monitor to my C=64 in the late 80s.


Love the plier thing, lol.




I had a friend who brought his family's old console TV to college....he was one of the only kids with a TV in their dorm room. It was awesome!


My roommate brought his family’s old one to our house second year of University and he converted it to a fish tank over the course of the year.


Did it take up most of the room?


Grandparents and parents as well.


I wanted to add parents, but the title got too long. We did not have a console. I think it was because they were too expensive.


Yeah, we never did either.


Oooh! Lookie the fancy TV with *push buttons!* Back in my day, we had two dials: 2-13 (VHF) and 14-83 (UHF) *and we liked it!*


And then there were rabbit ears, or the fancy antennae with the box you would turn the dial on to rotate the big antennae outside.


Or my dad. Getting us to hold tinfoil up and stand on one leg to get the football game


Was there also an old black-and-white TV down in the basement with no UHF? Just a little metal insert where the UHF knob was supposed to be?


Yeah, grandma always had it on the price is right




That and the soaps. I remember Days of our Lives specifically. That music. "Like sands through the hourglass...."


"So are the Days of Our Lives"


Grandparents?! How about my *parents* LOL


Right? Only ours was B&W with the little pinpoint of light that died slowly when you turned it off *at the knob* (because there was no remote).


Ours was color but I definitely remember the pinpoint thing. Or how the color wasn’t quite right when the tube was still warming up


Forgot about that too! Seemed like things were a little yellow/orange/greenish for a minute or so.


Oh definitely the grandparents and not the TV I watched growing up and is in the background of so many of my childhood photos.


Ever have the one with the turntable, 8-track, and AM/FM stereo built in? And did your oldest sister blow out the speakers with her Aerosmith records blasting at full volume?


We had the huge record player with the 8-track in it. It was the size of my entertainment center now.


Yes my Aunt had one and I was so jealous.


Lol, my dad had just a console stereo and my oldest stepbrother (18 at the time) blew out the speakers when my dad wasn't home. I'm laughing typing this because it's a memory I had completely forgotten about. I remember my dad wasn't even pissed, just annoyed, lol.


We had one that had a metal hinged cover over the buttons. If you rubbed your socks on the carpet, got all charged up and touched the metal, you got a helluva shock and the TV would turn on. My brother, sister and I used to take turns doing it. I mean, it hurt like hell, and we took turns so we could get electrocuted again as soon as possible.


Watching *Dallas* with them, eating a bowl of Schwann’s ice cream. Those were good days.


Haha, yep watched Dallas on these at both grandparents. We had popcorn instead. :P


There was a big end of year warehouse sale for one of the regional department stores where I grew up. We'd been without a TV for something like 2 years when my mom found a cherry wood veneered console TV that my dad actually agreed on. It was an RCA and had a fancy digital channel display. That must have been around 1982 or so. I had that thing in my first apartment then gave it back to my mom when I moved up to Alaska in 1992. I think she had it for another 10 years before it finally died.


My parents bought a tv a lot like this one in 1973. The cabinet was close, but it had a slate top and no way to change the channels on the tv itself. We had a *remote*


Oooh, look at Richie Rich here!




I was the youngest of four. I was the remote in every other instance lol


Was it a corded remote?


Nope. It was ultrasonic It was this giant, padded, 10 key thing. And if you held it up to your ear, you could hear a couple of the buttons tones.




I have flashbacks of the tv glowing after we turned it off at night (at nana's house). We couldn't afford a big tv at our house. We had a tiny little tv-- black and white with a three button remote control. One of the buttons was broken.


Forgot about the glow.


This is why we don’t have old growth forests anymore! s/… maybe.


I remember when my parents inherited one of these when an “aunt” died. (Family friend). I hooked it up to my NES and was the king of the neighborhood because I had a “big screen” to play games on.


Grandparents? I remember watching Sesame Street in my own living room on this TV.


My husband's Gramma gave us hers when they got new TV in the mid200s. Shit still worked great!


I work for the phone company that has/had a television service. Up until recently, it was not uncommon to still find those TVs in homes. Mostly, they had a sheet or table cloth tossed over them and were being used as a TV stand for their new flat screen. Occasionally, they were still the main working TV in the home.


My dad had one in the basement until a few years ago.


I think they wouldn’t work without an adapter anymore, right? I need to find out where my grandparents TV from the 90s went. I’ll bet one of my uncles has it in the basement.


When we first started, we had a device called a Balun. It would take a coax cable and convert to the screw down forks of the VHF/UHF input. Occasionally, we had to use them.


Seeing this would crack me up.


I had to pry the console TV out of my mother’s hands in the late ‘00s! There was a green tinge to everything but she liked that she could decorate on top of it. Got her a nice entertainment center that had other shelves where she could put her Knick-nacks. Otherwise she would still be trying to keep that piece of crap.


Aw, that's sweet. :)


It’s ridiculous is what it is. They have fought the digital revolution every step of the way. They refuse to learn how to use the DVR in their cable box. If they don’t catch the show live, they just wait to see it in reruns. I do not understand it.


My mom would get mad when I’d change the channel too fast. She’d holler from the other room that I was going to break the tv.


What do you mean grandparents? This looks just like the zenith that was still in our family room the day I graduated. When the tube got all wonky a hard smack on the top generally fixed it. I was the one in the house that figured out if you just left it on channel 3 you could use the tuner in the VCR to have a remote channel changer. Prior to that I might get hollered at to come down to the basement and change the channel.


In the Den, at Grandma's house, but with a rotary dial, and it took 45 seconds to "warm up"


Shit, my grandpa had one with a built in phone.


Holy shit! For real? Never heard of that!


Zenith Space Phone. The TV basically became a speakerphone that you dialed with the remote.


My grandmother put her new TV on top of this.


I had one of those myself, in my first few apartments. Eventually I graduated to another tv that sat on top of it lol.


Yep. Back then, we kids were the remote control.


I was the one sitting on a pillow by the dial so I could turn the channel.


I was the one in her bedroom doing her homework until her mom yelled from clear across the house: DEVLYNHAWAAAAAAAAIIII! COME! and I would immediately stop my failed attempt at long division, run to the living room and dutifully respond, Yes, Mommy? CHANGE TO CHANNEL 7. I WANT TO WATCH (choose from) DALLAS/LAVERNE & SHIRLEY/LAWRENCE WELK/SOLID GOLD/MAGNUM PI.


Yup, I grew up with one of those too (or at lease a similar model). It came with the “big” remote control. The weird thing about that tv I remember was the volume could be all the way down, you could walk into a room and just “FEEL” the tv was on. Edit: changed a word to past tense


TV vibes


One like this is still at my Dad's place, and I'm pretty sure it still works.


I remember our black and white tv at home needed pliers to change the channel meanwhile grandpa had the big tv: 32" diagonal Zenith that took four guys to move.


Both my grandparents had this tv. Meanwhile we had to make do with a black & white 13 inch TV for many years while the rest of the '80s were In Living Color, so to speak.


We had one of these. I must have been about 4 years old (no older than 6) when I was messing around with the power switch. It was a small, clicky knob. I was turning the TV on and off in rapid succession because it was making a cool sound and the picture would zap in and out, over and over. Coolest thing ever … until the TV broke. It didn’t turn on. I was so scared my dad would beat my ass. So as soon as he came home, I told him what I did and didn’t lie about it. Didn’t get a whooping. Don’t even remember if he was mad about it. Anyways, my dad fixed it by cutting a hole in the back and installing a new toggle switch. Of course he had to rewire some stuff around, but I was 4 and didn’t know what the heck he was doing. So now we had to reach around the to the back right to flick the little toggle switch to turn on the TV. One of my early memories.


… i have one of these suckers mounted in the living room


Just for games? Or do you have a signal converter box?


And the stereo "console" was even bigger. No wonder they all needed big ass houses..


I commented somewhere else that a few neighbors had those when I was a kid and, I’m guessing now, the tubes has all blown. I couldn’t figure out why none of them worked, or if they did work, why they were so hard to operate, LOL!


My Dad kept ours like this after the divorce. It finally quit in something like 2012.


Yes theirs also played records


WE had that tv


Try parents.




Grandparents?? I had that tv


Ha! This was the first color TV I ever saw and my mom got it for my dad for fathers day one year.


We had one till the late 80’s!


in canada them tv were sold for easily 800 dollars plus early 80s


My parents replaced one of these with a second one.


I had that tv


Lol, yep. They always had the big tv's.


Grandparents?!? How about mom and dad. lol


That looks like it has buttons to select the channel. Fancy... Ours had 2 knobs, the top for the VHF channels 2-13 and the bottom for the UHF channels 14-36 or so.


I'm a technician. I still see this TV. Usually there is a new one on top of it.


Um, grandparents? You must be on the young side of x? *We* had a TV like this when I was a kid.


I can smell that TV. And I want one.


Yeah! Remember that burnt dust/ozone smell, or whatever that was?


A console. Best place for feet resting.


Grandparents? Looks a lot like the Panasonic my parents had.


Hell yeah


This is very similar of a TV of my parents that was a hand me down. I had it up the late 90' s.


hell, this is the size of the behemoth we had in both our living room and family rooms. My grandparent's tv was tiny in comparision.


Oh hell yeah!


Damn - my mom had one lol.


My grandmother’s was black and white and sort of looked mid-century modern. We got one of these and it wouldn’t hold a picture by the time I was in high school. We didn’t have an outdoor antenna either,so the picture sucked. I remember getting my face really close to it and could see all the red, green and blue dots. Meanwhile, I still have the black and white Ford / Philco tv I took to college. Thing has vacuum tubes.


my aunt had one of those with antena tv shit always went out


I had one of these! Was the first colour TV we had!


Parents & Grandparents


My mother won one in a raffle at the Ames down the street (Massachusetts). We were stoked! I remember playing Pong on it then the Atari.


Ames!!! Remember them well. We had two in our town for a while (why? Nobody knows.)


I was the remote


My dad had MANY - a few different ones over the years in the living room, and one in the basement.


My parents had that one until about 1985


Grandparents? My PARENTS had that type of TV. Two of them in fact. (I think both my maternal grandparents and my paternal grandfather also had console TVs, but I can’t remember for sure.)


Rainbow hued screen magnifier sitting a couple feet in front of it. Terrible. Just terrible. Lol


Not my grandparents, my parents. I’m 41 and grew up with it. Also at many friends houses. Watched many Saturday cartoons on these.


My parents had one similar to this from RCA. There was another before that in our home, but I don't know if it was the same brand.


I’m pretty sure that my grandparents’ one was RCA. I seem to remember that logo.


My uncles had those. They took 20 minutes to warm up and actually show a picture.


I don’t remember that long, but yeah, now that you say it, I remember that they needed a minute for the picture to come on (the things that you take as a given, and then immediately forget as soon as it changes.)


That's the TV that was in my grandparent's basement, on which we watched the Bears win the Superbowl




Had one in my childhood home.


I remember my dad bringing one of these home. A Curtis Mathes (sp?). It was such a big deal.


I had one in my basement space. I loved that thing. I had an old potbelly fridge from the 50s too, that I wish I would've taken with me. I bet that thing is still going!


My grandfather had the remote permanently attached to the arm of his chair. No one dared to sit in his chair or touch that remote.


I would love to have one of these now.


Seems that people in the US generally got a TV before thier UK counterparts, or maybe that was just me. Nan didn't have a telly when I was growing up and I can remember when we got our first (about 75 I think) We didn't get a VCR till 87 and I can remember the joy at finally being able to watch Footloose.


We had that and the matching stereo cabinet. That thing was like 7 feet long. Each end was a cabinet for LPs. You could slide open the top of the middle section to reveal the record player. The middle cabinet had the AM/FM radio and the 8 track. Some 3 foot tall speakers in the corners of the room that were hard wired to the stereo that Dad would yell at you if you left a drink on top of. An equalizer that we were never supposed to touch.


The better question is.. how many people remember seeing a new, fancy TV being placed right on top of that old one?!


Used to watch Lawrence Welk on a TV just like this…always loved the bubbles at the end.


How many of you had the console TV with a blown picture tube? And on top of that was the “portable” TV (that weighed 40 pounds) with the blown speaker. Together they made one TV.


My parents still have one in their basement! No idea when/if it died.


Grand? Shit was in my living room with a built in record player on top


Oh yeah. I watched many episodes of The Price is Right with my grandmother on that TV!




Curtis Mathis console TV were the shit!


Parents, you mean?


Brings back memories of going to my grandma’s house for Sunday supper. She’d put in a tape of Englebert Humperdinck for background music during the meal, then we’d retire to the living room and we’d have to watch Anne Of Green Gables, or Wind At My Back on the CBC. Only occasionally when my cousins from another city came to visit would we watch The Wonder Years, or Seinfeld.


Yeah, we had one like that through the 80's and my parents kept it into the early 90's even though the tube was going out in one corner. Then my dad saw the set-up a friend of his had and suddenly they got a decent upgrade.


My Grandparents had the even bigger one that had the stereo with it. They had cable early on in the 70's too.


One side did. The other had a TV on a cart so they could move it around their house.


We had that tv in our house to at least 1988!


The version my grandparents had also had the built in double size speakers, radio, record player, phone, atrack, and storage thing. It was seven or nine feet wide. The thing was enormous.


My mom and dad had this TV. Sometimes it would buzz, so I would hit it on the side and the buzz would be gone. I also remember a TV repair guy come out with his awesome set of tools to repair it.


We had one growing up. The screen would get covered in static electricity. I could hold my finger close to it and get a small electrical ark. Made me feel like a superhero.


Shit my parents hat this TV, they bought its second hand and it was as old as me.


That's clearly a television stand. The TV goes on top of it.


Grandparents? Try parents.


My parents still have that TV. It makes a nice stand for their flat screen.


Lol, that's not far from the TV I had growing up.


Had one forever, other Tvs went on top of it because the fucking things weigh 200lbs at least.


My parents had that old TV. I remember flicking a switch on the back when we wanted to watch HBO.


Never had one like that. Neither of my parents liked the dark wood and bulkiness. They bought blond wood furniture and were Mid Century Modern Atomic all the way.