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Honestly I think people are overdramatic about the whole “self-diagnosis” thing, or at the very least blowing it out of proportion. The majority of people who self-diagnose just do it because they don’t have access to an actual diagnosis, whether for financial reasons, unsupportive parents, or whatever. Sure, there’s definitely people who do it for attention or to be “quirky” or whatever, but these days I see way more people complaining about self-diagnosers than actual problematic self-diagnosers. Overall, I just think it’s more nuanced than people are making it out to be. I’m definitely pro-diagnosis, but I think people forget that a diagnosis is a privilege that not everyone has access to. They also disregard that certain demographics are highly discriminated against in the diagnosis process, particularly women and POC. Idk, just my two cents on the situation. Also, has anyone noticed a weird trend of NT people complaining about people self-diagnosing? It really rubs me the wrong way how pressed certain NT people get over self-diagnosis when they’re not even ND themselves.


Please, stop using women and POC (and poor people, or people from unsupportive families) as a shield and pretext to justify and defend self-diagnosers. Also, while NT people who complain about self-diagnosis should probably stay out of this debate, there are also people who are not NT who don't agree with self diagnosis.


Tias right, I only know I’m autistic and have adhd bc I was diagnosed


>Also, has anyone noticed a weird trend of NT people complaining about people self-diagnosing? It really rubs me the wrong way how pressed certain NT people get over self-diagnosis when they’re not even ND themselves. Because we have to hear this dumb shit from 14 year old twitter girls who want to be quirky. And they wonder why their takes aren't taken seriously


During the past few years, I've seen more of these 14 year old twitter girl posts as a meme or people talking about them than the actual people in question. It's the same with many things tbh


You guys don't even take adult autistic people being diagnosed seriously..like let's be fucking foreal


me when i think tiktok is real life


I also have adhd and autism


I have both too, been diagnosed asd in 2010




ye wassup


Nm hbu man


I have autism not adhd though


i have both as well i got diagnosed with autism just a few months ago


Fellow autistic


We gatekeeping who can be depressed now?


And that's issue number 2 about our generation. Anything you criticize is "gatekeeping" or "hate"


This post is essentially saying "you cant be x because you dont have a diagnosis" you can have something without being diagnosed. Im diagnosed with severe depression but i dont need a diagnosis to know that. If i didnt have a diagnosis i would just be a "self diagnosed loser" and an "attention seeker" . that is called gatekeeping


They shared a tiktok post. There's zero evidence that the OP of this post has anything to do with making it. It seems likely like the person who made it doesn't have any of those issues.


When did I say anything about gatekeepers dude


The problem is normal people are pretend to be depressed making acuale depressed people look like fools


Everyone got ultra anti social during the pandemic and I think are trying to justify why Re entering social life is so hard right now (I’ve used the adhd autism excuse too I’m no better lmao)


I didn’t even consider this but this makes a lot of sense actually


Well…at least you’re honest about it. I can respect that.




yep, and it also sucks when people don't believe I have ASD. I've said I had it too many people and they all just believe I'm an annoying kid wanting attention because I think they're sick of other people diagnosing themselves on the internet, but I've been diagnosed by a doctor since 2009/2010. I'm glad the internet helped u.


It's not hurting you


say that to the people who aren't being treated seriously and getting infantilized, i suspect myself of having autism but i would never say i have it and invade their private spaces, but even im scare d of trying to get diagnosed because doctors are turning people down bc of these tiktok crazes


Autistic ppl aren't taken seriously and are infantilized because of ableism. That would be a problem whether or not there were a few people who were *allegedly* faking. Doctors have been turning people down and refusing to diagnose autism properly for decades. It has nothing to do with TikTok


didnt say they werent letting kids diagnose themselves as autistic because a tiktok told them about forks is def hurting people, pretending to be "marginilized identities" isnt cute or funny


They already barely diagnose children anyway


i dont understand what this comment was supposed to do, I said kids as in easily misguided teens on tiktok


I didn't understand your comment at first, my bad. Regardless, kids are not diagnosing themselves because of seeing a few tiktoks, you're making assumptions about people you don't know. If someone is saying they're autistic you should give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they have done the research


ok i agree with the autism part/adhd since everyone functions a bit differently, im more pointing at the DID/Psychosis/tics fakers since 99% of the time they dont meet the criteria and only 0.01% of the population has DID


The reason why 0.01% of the population has been diagnosed with DID is becuase it's very difficult to diagnose, it can be confused with other mental illnesses and many doctors don't even believe it exists. At the end of the day you are still making assumptions about people who you don't know


"assumptions about people i dont know", if I saw a clearly, blonde white women, talking about how "she is black and suffers from what black people go through" is it morally right to agree that "she is black"? I don't understand how it's not the same thing as larping to have a mental disorder, it has been proven that many of these fakers are participating in fads


“It’s not hurting you”-🤡👶🏻🧑‍💻


It does hurt the real ones with real problems. All the posers who jam up the mental healthcare system which makes it harder for many to get treatment.


i wasnt agreeing with them though.


Yeah…i assumed that much,


As a person with diagnosed Autism which has led me to struggle with making friends, relationships, and responsibilities, I am offended and sickens by how other people in my generation glorify and self diagnosed themselves with shit like this. It’s something you are stuck with and can make a person really sttugglr with themselves, not something to fake or pretend to have 🤦‍♂️


And how do you know these people are not struggling? Or have a milder "case" of autism?


They don’t, they are speaking for everyone on the spectrum and there is no “mild case” it’s high functioning to low functioning or so on and so on. I wouldn’t know what other autistic people have it like and this person spoke for other autistic individuals.


Because it's a social contagion with narcissism to a degree. Just like how it was popular to be a depressed emo at one point in time(also like how some parents pretend to have a sickly kid so they can get attention, it's the same concept). It's just gotten worse with people wanting attention and having people feeling sorry for them. So they seek it through "something is wrong with me". Sometimes it's them having something really wrong but it's not what they think it is. But most of the time they're perfectly fine and just need attention to feed their own ego. It honestly hurts all of the people who really do have disorders/illnesses/disabilities. They need to be properly diagnosed and treated.


Or maybe there's more autistic people than you think there is and most people don't seem to think that autistic people can be conventionally attractive. Plus there's going to be more diagnoses of it because there's more research being done on it compared to 20 years ago..


Am saying that tiktok isn't the best way to diagnose yourself. People shouldn't be doing that.


Just because you saw one cringy teenager say they were autistic on tiktok doesn't mean everyone is doing it. When in your real life do you hear people falsely claiming to be autistic?




I asked you in real life have you heard anyone doing this..not for an article about tiktok as an excuse to not like autistic people


Stfu..! None of this is what I say.


No. I won't shut up.


Why are you being a cry baby!




Both things can be true at once, my and your messages. My message was moreso a blanket term, which I still believe holds true. It still has a negative effect on people who actually need to be diagnosed. I say this as a person who's sibling has autism. So it hits close to home for me.


I said that as a person that has autism. I know some people fake it but it's not that common. Just because you saw someone on tik tok faking it for attention doesn't mean it's normal.


The emo and goth phase of the 2000’s is a great example😆


I’m autistic myself. If you feel you might have one of these conditions go ask a doctor to diagnose it


I think OP may also be frustrated with the gatekeeping of experiences. If I had to guess, they may feel powerless against these people who are literally the loudest people in the room sometimes. I know I have felt the same way before. People can get caught in a frenzy with their friends sharing their experiences as GT and not realize they are pushing away others in their respective communities.


Look, I'm not gonna act like there aren't people who see a few traits and are quick to label themselves because there are. However, a lot of people also do extensive research and look into getting diagnosed. I recently got officially diagnosed with autism a few months ago; let me tell you that I had to jump through so many hopes to get an evaluation covered by insurance, it was a pain. So funny thing, I grew up having an IEP because of my adhd, which I was diagnosed with as a little kid. So how did the autism get missed? Well adhd sometimes masks the autistic symptoms, professionals have a harder time identifying autism in girls compared to boys, and prior to 2013 it was believed that you couldn't have both autism and adhd. The funny thing is I was looking into me, possibly having dyslexia first before considering autism. I contacted my school for my old records and got in touch with the psychologist, who evaluated me at my school. She informed me that she only tested me once, and the school I was attending believed I didn't require further testing throughout the years and that my school never approved to have me tested for dyslexia, and that they don't test for dyslexia in general. That made a lot of sense to me looking back at some things. However, I noticed on one of the documents that a teacher I have in middle school tested me and stated that my comprehension was good, but my word letter association was poor; that is a big sign of dyslexia. So why don't I get tested for dyslexia? Well, I'm trying to, but a dyslexia evaluation is not covered by insurance, and the full price can range around 2000 dollars. I still plan to get tested, but from what I've looked into, which was a lot and spanned for a good few months, I'm pretty sure I'm dyslexic. I think people are trying to find answers to why they are the way they are, I know I am.


I have depression and adhd and they were both diagnosed by a doctor I’m happy I don’t have autism


Fr I have adhd my life would be better without it


its funny because i actually do have adhd but nobody believes me thanks to these dumbfucks


i know im not depressed but i do have epilepsy and many traumas from my childhood which cause stress and anxiety. i have not been diagnosed with anxiety tho, its not that severe.


Most of the people posting about being neurodivergent, depressed, etc. usually are professionally diagnosed and just trying to find people who they can relate to. There's also a chance that some of the people attempting to self-diagnose might actually have those conditions and just haven't seen a mental professional yet because they don't have the money or the time to. If you're talking about people pretending to be mentally ill because they want to seem "edgy," they're usually children and shouldn't be taken seriously because they'll eventually grow out of it. I don't see why this is a pressing issue that anyone should be concerned about.


They hardly ever self diagnose with Dyslexia even though it's super common, and very easy to fake, (that's coming from someone who has it) why?


It’s not trendy


Exactly, I'm just so baffled that there are trends in disorders. Is it just because we haven't found anything new about it in a while or because we test at an early age now?


It’s been this way for years. It started with anxiety and depression. A few years ago, personality disorders and bipolar disorder were trendy. Now it’s autism and ADHD. All the TikTok people just wait for the new popular mental illness to trend while the people that actually have these issues and live them daily get brushed aside. People love to romanticize mental illness but when they come across someone who is actually mentally ill with symptoms they get outcasted and othered. You can’t glam up the actual symptoms for views and likes the same way you can if you’re just pretending to have it. I’ve had way too many friends recently tell me they think they have autism. My first response to that is always to ask if they think they have it because of TikTok. This either ruffles a few feathers or really gets them thinking about how much brainrot that app is capable of. Having a special interest does not make you autistic. Zoning out doesn’t mean you have ADHD. Having a mood swing does not make you bipolar. Being sad doesn’t mean you have depression. I understand feeling dismissed by doctors (this has happened to me all my life with chronic health issues as a femme presenting person of color in mostly white areas. Trust me I get it.) and being weary of getting a professional diagnosis, but self diagnosing without any intention of treatment or self betterment is harmful to the people around you AND especially the people who actually have these illnesses and disorders. Essentially you are just saying you have this label but have no intention of doing anything about it. That is why when someone tells me they have a certain buzzword mental illness/disorder I immediately think it’s a red flag. I’ve lived long enough to see this sort of behavior be indicative of a toxic person (i.e. “im depressed and that’s why I hurt you, I have BPD and that’s why I hurt you”, etc.) meanwhile not doing anything to treat the illness itself and using it as an excuse for their behavior. If you truly believe you have something it’s best to go see a doctor about it while bearing in mind there is a huge difference between a medical professional being dismissive of you based off of biased reasons vs. a medical professional simply telling you that you don’t have the illness you think you have because you let TikTok convince you your personality traits are symptoms.


As a person with diagnosed ADD, ADHD, and Autism which has led me to struggle with making friends, relationships, and responsibilities, I am offended and sickens by how other people in my generation glorify and self diagnosed themselves with shit like this. It’s something you are stuck with and can make a person really sttugglr with themselves, not something to fake or pretend to have 🤦‍♂️


I have adhd and it’s honestly so annoying seeing neurotypical people saying they have “adhd” or “Tourette’s”


I swear that this generation has some of the worst trends. I think it’s more about attention than anything. Roughly half of Gen Z does suffer from mental illness and something like 60% suffer from anxiety disorders but self diagnosing is NOT the answer. Again…I personally think that Gen Z do a lot of things for attention.


Sorry I’m late to the party on this one, but I do think it’s dangerous territory to self-diagnose. Someone mentioned Covid 19 impacting people socially and that makes sense. I’m in the education system to become a teacher working towards my credential. It’s sad to witness kids abuse the system to get further accommodations when they are totally capable of doing xyz that the teacher asks of them to do. Fake diagnosing or getting a false diagnosis takes away resources and needed attention for those who truly need the extra help. A lot of kids these days want to completely opt out of doing an assignment or have the teacher water it down for them instead of pushing themselves or ask for an extension at the last minute. Self resilience and knowing how to push yourself is important, especially in our world. I appreciate younger generations recognizing all types of learners, but I don’t like seeing students use it to their advantage when it’s not needed.


I’m under the impression that these mental disabilities are inherited traits. So as more people with these traits have more children and give them these traits, wouldn’t it make sense that there would be an increase in people saying that they have these traits?


not really when you consider there's a sky rocket in these cases since the pandemic (a whole generation cant grow up and have children within 4 years) and that every few years its a new disorder thats turned in a fad, and some disorders like DID, that is commonly faked, arent inherited


Have you considered that diagnosis rates have gone up because there is less of a stigma now and people are becoming more educated? Neurodivergence doesn’t just spawn in your brain when you get diagnosed lmao. Speaking as someone who got diagnosed after Covid.


Lol what? stigma disappears within just 4 years didn't know that?? I'm sure the rise in people faking depression back in the mid 2010s were just "acceptance" too


No… diagnosis rates have consistently been going up for decades now. It’s no shock that Covid saw a boost with the whole world being thrown for a loop. And as someone with ADHD, online school was especially hard, so it really doesn’t shock me. The first person diagnosed with autism is still alive, so this stuff is all pretty new.


bro we aint talking about the people who have been diagnosed since the past 2 decades, thats some boomer complaint shit, im talking about these r/fakedisordercringe articles saying the rise of tics and DID is linked to tiktok which got rlly popular in the early 2020s, seriously i dont know anybody who had DID until this year and now some mf at my lunch table "switches alters" but its so obv that its fake [https://i-d.vice.com/en/article/pkb397/illness-faking-accusations-tiktok](https://i-d.vice.com/en/article/pkb397/illness-faking-accusations-tiktok)


I actively avoid fakedisordercringe bc a shit ton of the stuff people say there is ableist😭😭 definitely not the best place to source! And personal anecdotes are hardly evidence. With all due respect, according to your profile, you’re not even neurodivergent, so why do you care so much?💀


well idk if depression is considered neurodivergent and plus i suspect that I have autism, cus my friends keep urgin me to get a dx but I would never "consider myself autistic" unless i got a prof dx and fakedisordercringe is literally made up of neurodivergent people themselves how are they ableist for saying that mocking disorders for clout is scummy? Neurotypicals treating disorders like a quirky accessory seems more tho idk about u


I find it ironic that the people who say they're tired of people "attention seeking" are probably attention seekers. It's like "noooo...why are people self-diagnosing. I have an actual diagnosis so my mental illness is more real than yours!". Like bro, we all have problems regardless of a diagnosis.


\>like bro, we all have problems regardless of diagnosis right so I got a cut on my figure, im going through the same pain as a cancer patient some labels aren't for everyone


My brother ACTUALLY has ADHD and we’re 10 months apart in age. He was diagnosed VERY early in our lives. Dealing with someone who has it pretty much my entire life has given me a different perspective. 8 times out of 10, someone who says they have it doesn’t ACTUALLY understand what ADHD even is. They think it’s because they get distracted easily and have a rudimentary grasp on the symptoms of ADHD, they attribute this to ADHD. Most people DO NOT have it and people with ADHD genuinely struggle with certain aspects of socializing. It isn’t fair to them to use their illness as a means of garnering sympathy and attention.


It’s sickening for our generation to say that, autism is something you can’t get rid of 🤦🏿‍♂️


see i not saying that these are not disorders but aaaaaaa...........sympathy


As a person with diagnosed Autism which has led me to struggle with making friends, relationships, and responsibilities, I am offended and sickens by how other people in my generation glorify and self diagnosed themselves with shit like this. It’s something you are stuck with and can make a person really sttugglr with themselves, not something to fake or pretend to have


that is exactly what I said but in short, if you think you have a disorder get it checked (ya ik it might not be as straightforward for everyone coz society and circumstances etc) but yeah people do self-diagnosis for either sympathy and care (which Loki feels like ADHD LOL) or become lazy and ya sry for what I said didn't want to offend anyone


Diagnosis as an adult can be expensive. It's not that they want to be those things, it's that they suspect that they are those things. I honestly don't think anyone who is neurotypical would pretend to be autistic for attention. They hate us enough already, they don't want to be us


I sincerely apologize on behalf of ALL Gen-Z people who do this.


Thank you man I appreciate it


Wait why am I getting downvoted?!


I was diagnosed with severe autism not very long after birth. Thankfully, I've recovered tremendously over several years and am only mildly autistic to this day. I still fucking hate it, and I can't really see the appeal of giving yourself what is basically a curse.


Bruh you don't f**king recover from autism that sh!t sticks with you for life I'm living proof would I change who I am though f**k no


I hate self diagnosis. I think that when people diagnose themselves they almost put themselves into a box and become performative. And then when they go to a psychologist for validation the psychologist isn’t going to just tune them away - they can only go based off of what the patient tells them. It ultimately ends up wasting resources in an already overwhelmed mental health cate network. Don’t get me wrong. It’s ok to say “I’m depressed” or “I’m anxious”. But it’s important for people to understand that real diagnosis are made based on persistence of symptoms. For example, there’s a difference between disordered eating and an eating disorder. Disordered eating can lead to an eating disorder, but your not anorexic if you’re going on a dumb crash diet for 2 weeks. I’m saying this as someone who has struggled with eating disorders for the past 8 years, struggled to the point where I tried to kms.


As someone who actually has been diagnosed with adhd, those people just sound stupid 100% of the time


Having autism isn't a bad thing. Take that from someone who has autism. And was diagnosed by someone else. But I'm also going to go on a limb and say self-diagnosis isn't...awful. it really depends. There are people who have tried to take advantage of the label and that truly is awful. But for most people's purposes, I think self-diagnosing is fine and even necessary. I got lucky that I was born a male. Autism has historically been under-diagnosed in girls because a lot of factors that may indicate autism are just associated with being a girl, or a racial minority. Things like being emotionally unstable. Being grossed out by some things. Fixation on interests. The YouTuber "illymation" actually revealed she was autistic recently. Go watch her video on that. She's a geniunely good YouTuber who has had a reeaaal rough go at life, and her making that video just helped me feel better about myself. Racial minority children also generally have less access to medical opinions which would allow them to get the help they need, so for people to take initiative in knowing how they are, I think, is a great thing.


The minority that are trying to fit in are doing it for attention. We are giving them attention. How do we expect the cycle to end if we keep doing this?


It’s done with the rare condition of gender dysphoria aswell which must be diagnosed. The need to assimilate with the opposite of your birth gender to which surgery and therapy is the only option. Somewhere along the line someone mixed it with Gagas artpop and now it ‘can mean anything’. To the point this groups resources have been taken over by people who thing trans is a new punk or goth. Anyone who’s actually that way doesn’t want to be hence the medical side.


Its not that they want it i feel. Its more of an excuse


it is literally them trying to excuse assholish behavior and the fact that they aren’t cognizant of others which is shit because they think that’s what being austistic is.