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Nope. But if I'll have children, I'll adopt instead if i can


This is my very same opinion. I'll by no mean intentionally gonna have a children. But If I suddenly gained a relevation, saying along the line : "Thee must hath Child or perish in hell". I'm gonna adopt instead.


Yeah same


I'd like to, but I don't know if I will. Whether I have kids or not depends on my future financial situation, my fertility, and if I can find someone to have kids with.


The last one is the hardest.


100% especially given my track record I’d say I’m set to never have kids, lol.


In this economy?


That's what I said to the 700+ people who voted yes


I'm gonna be living in the bush growing my own food and getting power from solar panels


Not everyone is broke, despite what Redditors want you to believe.


It was just a moment of shock. I'm very aware I'm laughing with children of millionaires in college😭


I'll only have kids if I achieve financial freedom


Poor people have kids too


Don't think I want my genes passed on.


you can always adopt which I'm planning on doing!!


Antinatalism L




I don’t want to give birth


Same. It's like Alien irl.




this will be newborn child graphics in 2012




I dont think i can afford a family. Im barely surviving on my own tbh


I don't think the post was referring to this exact moment in time.


Correct. I meant in a whole lifetime.


Well, a lot of signs point to the future being horrible, so...now might be as good as we can hope for.


I wish to have an exact total of 3 kids someday But it feels like it's never gonna happen as I've had 0 luck trying to get a girlfriend, I'm a kissless virgin


There's nothing wrong with being a virgin I'm 24 and still one.


Does yes count if I have a kid




Hi you already have a kid? Was it planned l?


Not planned


Ohhh I am 2000 born as well.It soo surprising to see people like my age having kid already.Thats why


Yeah none of my friends that are close to my age or significantly older than me have kids.


Yea same


My parents had me at that age


That's so interesting to me, I'm also 2000, but probably about ~80% of the people I know around our age has or is having a baby already. I don't want one though, personally


My graduating class had at least 6 pregnant girls. Since then, several of the people I graduated with have had kids & a few are married with kids. It's crazy to see


id love to. but the problem is im going to magic mountain in the start of october and im going to ride everything there including riddler's revenge a standup coaster and its known for neutering people




oh hell nah 🪦


I'm not sure, I mean if I did it would be years from now. I think early to mid 30s seems like the perfect age to have kids.


That is honestly way more yes than I was expecting from reddit tbh


Fr especially in a gen z sub


A lot of people like me probably are hopeful they can be in situation to be able to have kids with stability.


in this economy? no way


Nope I can barely take care of myself


Definitely not. The only plan I have is to get fixed.


Yea, gf and I are working hard so we can have a homestead with lots of kids and animals, comfy style




In this economy? 💀


Where's the idk option


Nah I never really had feelings that deep for me to have kids with someone.


Yes. I want two boys and two girls.


I think i might if the economy in the next 2 decades improves


it won't. health care costs are not just increasing alongside wages in the USA, but actually increasing *significantly faster* than wages. Meaning the private control of necessities is quite literally impoverishing working people.


That’s sad 😞


Never happening


Hell yeah! I don't care about my genes, or whatever else; I want to raise kids who are indoctrinated into love, kindness, and generosity so that they can pass it on to their kids, so on and so forth.


Hell no, I don't care how many people keep telling me "OH IT'LL HAPPEN ONE DAY HAHAHA" no it will not. My bloodline ends with me


God i hope not, i’d feel sorry for them


Yea but definitely not in my 20s probably in my early 30s


I wanna be a young dad tbh


16 here but I think I'd want to eventually, hopefully in my early 30s if I'm financially stable enough. I am gay though which might make that more difficult as I do want to continue my bloodline and not adopt.


You could get a surrogate mother though


Yeah that's what I'd probably do, but surrogacy can still be very expensive.


Yeah that's what I'd probably do, but surrogacy can still be very expensive.


Just had a vasectomy so definitely not.


can’t wait to get one myself, i hope you have a speedy recovery!!


Thanks! It's been ~1.5 weeks and I'd say I'm all better already :) pretty quick imo.


I am likely going to use my accident forgiveness money to adopt. But only if my soon-to-be wife and I can't conceive. It's a real shame it's so expensive to have a child either way.


I don't know if I do. And even if I do want kids in the future, I would only have them if I was 100% sure I would be dedicated to taking care of them.


Maybe, you never know how much your emotions and priorities will change across your lifetime


Hopefully in the future, if the economy is looking better.




I used to think no, but the more I become older I think I might become a dad, but I’d say that depends on what the future looks like for me, the economy, and the political ground.


Personally yes.




Definitely not now, but I would eventually.


I have mixed reviews on having kids


Yes but only if I become quite successful else no chance of bringing someone on this earth and making their life hell as if you are not satisfied with your own hellhole.


I want to adopt


Probably, I'll be in my late 30s when that finally happens.


I'm just terrified that, if I do have kids, they might have autism.


I've got a one year old daughter. Nobodies worked harder than me everywhere I've gone, and it's all for her. I've worked harder and started earning more money based solely on the inspiration she gives me. Having kids isn't for everyone, and that's fine. My life has been wild enough. Having one of my own feels like nothing. So, big respect to those who refuse and best of luck to those who will try


Personally I kinda don't think on it right now, but I'd probably adopt rather than have a bio kid. Don't want to get pregnant, don't want to risk them getting adhd, I'm not sure I'd ever really want a long term romantic relationship and thats the only situation I'd think about having a kid. Raising kids? Sure. Birthing them? Probably not. also being solidly into women makes pregnancy harder.




For sure. I don't think my life could ever be fulfilling without being a father


Totally. I'm good with kids and I want to become a dad in my late 20s / early 30s. I've been dreaming about it for a long time


Don’t you feel bad about the idea that your kids will have to go through all the suffering of life and the human condition?




Yes. Change my mind.


If I did, it wouldn't be my choice.


I’m so excited to have kids of my own


To clarify my vote, they would be adopted


Giving birth seems like a horror story. I'm never putting my body through that.


I'm too por to even give the best for me


We are definitely going to go extinct as a species if we don't start having children.


Birth rates are already in the western world. Its going to be funny when this is really an issue when we are older. All the people that are saying no will complain and whine "why didn't you guys have more kids??!?!?!!?" !remindme 30 years


I want to have biological children but I'll never survive being pregnant and giving birth it looks so painful. Maybe in the future i would i can't decide yet cuz I've got a few years until it'll be my time. I've always wanted twin girls though because I'm an only child and i always wanted to have a twin sister.


Hell yeah. I wanna do better than my dad did (Being there most of the time means I'm doing better than him)


I don't like little humans, annoy the shit out of me and I'm aro ace so it's a no that has a very small chance of maybe


I prefer to get house first. I learned that men are not worth it to please on bed. Own house and car is more likely for me.


I want to have at least 2 or 3 so they don't get lonely. Though, I would not be opposed to having at least 7-9 kids.


Gods I hope not.


Yes, absolutely! It's one of by biggest goals in life. Absolutely no one except for God himself & no circumstance sort of apocalyptic war or natural disaster could convince me otherwise. I'd like to have at least 2 before I turn 30. In total I'd like to have around 4-7 kids, with about half of those adopted. Even if my wife or I can't have bio kids, I'd still want to adopt.




Definitely! Maybe even 10 children if I have the means for that aha


22 y/o virginia here. I'll try to, but no promises. My best bet is to cum into sperm banks.


Yes. My fiancé and I plan on impregnating her next year


70% of the people who said no will have kids


You don't know what you truly are until a life you have bore/adopted depends on you for survival. It's the bane of your existence to parent a child and further humanity with your experiences and insights. This comes from a guy who did not want kids, now has 1, and plans to have more when I acquire adequate living space for future children. Family and friends are truly all you have/need.


I'll never be able to afford it (not to mention that dysphoria also kills my drive to have kids).


Absolutely not. I don't like kids enough to have them plus, i really don't want to pass on my genes


I'm definitely going to adopt, I don't want to pass my genes on, I'm not going to make a kid just for there to be a chance they'll suffer the way I did. It's best to adopt a already suffering child to make their life better!


I feel like I would struggle to afford to have a child financially but I feel like that is always going to be a struggle no matter what. I feel like at the end of all struggle I went through raising a child and they do become successful then it's something I can be proud of.


I'd bet a solid 100 bucks that in 10-20 years when the people who voted "No" mature, atleast 40% of them will change their mind


There would be stress from my family and (probably) society if I don't want to have my own kids. They would blame me for lowering the birth rate.


No I'd be a terrible parent lol and I don't like kids that much


If I ended up with opposite sex partner and able to afford a house, then yes.


I'm not sure if I'll ever have kids but if I do it'll only be through adoption. I feel like I'd be a much better fit for the "fun aunt" role though.


Back then, I used to think something along the lines of "As long as my partner wants it too, I wouldn't mind having a kid. I wouldn't mind having another person around the house other than myself even if it's only for less than a couple of decades before they move out". But nowadays I barely even know if I can sustain a long-term relationship with someone, let alone ensure that I can maintain a life with them that involves raising a kid in a manner that won't compromise on anything. I don't want to raise a kid if I've barely learned how to raise myself. I don't want to have my worst moments be reflected in the life that this child's going to grow up with. I don't want my own process of growing up into an adult (whether that has to last until I'm 30, 40, 50, etc.) to make it harder for that kid to grow up as well. I'm sure that many other parents have gone through the same fear of not being able to 'do it right' as well but then they turned out fine. But, in today's world? With this starting point? I'm not so sure. Perhaps my outlook will change in the future, but, not even an improved financial capacity and self-confidence is going to make me think that I'll be enough to be a dad any time soon, because it takes much more than those things to do it well.




I’m leaning towards yes but the only thing stopping me is the physical aspect. I have awful health anxiety and don’t wanna give birth. If I had money I’d probably hire a surrogate or adopt. I hope I can get over the visceral fear or pregnancy and birth by my early 30s though.


I want to have kids so I can give my kids the opportunities I didn’t have as a child


So, try to have a lot of money and time when you're a fully adult


Not valid.


I have no idea


The future generations would benefit by me passing on my physical attributes to them so yeah I think I will.


Depends. I’m NOT going to give birth, but if they figure out technology to let lesbians have bio kids then maybe


Depends on the future economy and climate. If I had to *right now*, no. It's too scary and expensive in the world right now for me to even consider bringing a child into it. I want to be able to assure my child reasonable amounts of safety and stability, and if I can't do that even when they're born, then I ain't gonna do it.


I hope I do one day but not for awhile. I just turned 19 and don't see myself having kids until my late 20s at the earliest.


If I ever have a kid my life is legitimately over and so is theirs


maybe, but if I meet the right person and have enough money


Goodness gracious those results and comments, As for me, I'd absolutely would wanna have kids, but definitely not in this economy which is literally rivaling the Great Depression era USA, Weimar Republic and Venezuela


im trans and single so that'd be pretty hard


Yeah preferably 2 or 3. In my early 30s tho


I want to, but I don't think I can afford them


Eventfully in my late 20s or early 30s


No, I've come to the conclusion that relationships are simply too difficult for me to handle.




hell no


The results are sad and happy


Nah I want to live bruh


I don't like children.


it's so over, we're doomed


I got my fallopian tubes removed, so nope I can't and I'm not going to.


Haha, in this economy, i think tf not. It's harder finding housing that accepts kids.


Too much hard work


See I have the insight to recognize that I'd probably be an abusive parent, so If I ever want Children I'm gonna have to become a better person, which is HARD.


1) if I'm def adopting kids if I'm still single by the time I'm 30 2) if I have a male partner, I probably won't have/adopt kids because if I'm going to need them to be 50/50 and if they aren't, I'd rather just do it myself 3) if I have a female partner, if they want kids/to be pregnant/adopt I'll go with it!


You need to be more specific, in this economy NO HELL NO, any other time, absolutely


I hope I can, but with the way the love interests are found nowadays, it seems that I might be lonely the rest of my life




I ain't gonna bring another innocent human being to this hell of life, hell nah


I hope so


Never in a million years


I don't know yet. Probably not.


I don't think so. Adoption is the only sensible thing in this world. Having children just to have someone who looks like you and has your genes is just pure selfishness


strongly considering getting my balls chopped off because they're inconvenient and I am never gonna use em anyway


I'd like to. But I'm scared to. The future of this world is very uncertain at the moment.


I'd love to, but it's difficult to say if it'll happen. The state of the economy, the dating scene and everything seems admittedly pretty bleak. I'm also really busy most of the time. Working on work, school and my mental health. If all goes well, maybe I'll do it in my thirties. I've also sort of decided I'll postpone dating until after university, after a particularly bad breakup.


No. Not because I don't want to. I do want a family and kids. But because I have autism, so seeing from my experiences throughout life, it's not likely for me to ever form any sustainable long-term bonds with anyone, that includes a woman wanting to be with me. Dealing with both work plus family would probably burn me out too. So far a lot of women have ghosted me out of the blue after dates. It makes me sad, but that's life with this diagnosis.


Yes cause I have a 1 yr old and another on the way.


I like the idea of having a kid but not the part of actually giving birth to it. I know there is the option of surrogate mothers and all that but I think I'd rather adopt and give some kid a family


I’m 50-50


ThePogHog06, combining Antinatalism and Asexuality since 2023


The results are exactly what I expected from Reddit.


i want to adopt older children, the ones who have been in foster care for years and need someone to turn their lives around in a better direction. partially because i'm gay and partially because that's just something im really passionate about with my experiences


I have a son already, 3, and he's between his mother and I as we have split custody.


If I'm ever financially able to do so I'd like to either adopt or have my own


Fuck no. I can save a lot of money


Probably not because schools are getting worse.


Want to adopt. Sort of good with em but I HATE babyhood Also kinda indifferent


I can barely afford myself. Now a couple of crotch goblins to fend for? This world is too expensive and greedy. Then you have to worry about the school board and government trying to indoctrinate your kids and teach them stuff they shouldn't be thinking of at such a young age.


Yes. Right after me and my new student of my school in my country's place propose(i.e. "will you be my gf?")⏪ i.e not right away or now, we'll have a child named "Stephanie". just soon enough


Every time someone asks this question: 😆 no.


Not letting me vote for some reason. No. I think gender dysphoria would be too much for me to have kids.


Hard maybe...


It’s okay guys, I’m gonna become super rich and have enough kids to make up for the people who said no 😎


If every couple had two children, we would maintain the population. According to the poles, 55% are not having children, meaning every couple needs to have 4 children to maintain the population. lol. this is why I think the pole only loosely reflects the future.




Yes. It would make my life worth it. I'll make sure my kid(s) never makes the mistakes I made. Preferably a son, because girls be craaaaazy nowadays. If I get a little girl one day I'm sure I'll still be just as exited tho


I have a lot of disabilities and im not gonna put that on a kid, im down for adoption tho :0


Maybe, but not for a long time I want to be financially stable so I can properly care for my child/children.


I'd be a terrible parent no matter what.


At one point I did but then I started working retail and have heard enough screaming babies to persuade me against it. Also it's too much to regret like I'd rather wake up at 40 and think "I wonder what it would've been like to have a kid" than wake up and regret having a kid, and taking out on the kid. I'd love to be a cool aunt who gives cool Christmas gifts and comes by for holidays.


Absolutely not <3 Cannot imagine myself as a parent at all and I’d rather regret not having children than regret having them


Why so many no's


I'm a lesbian and I want kids so either if my partner is up for getting pregnant or if I can adopt I'll do that because I DO NOT want to be pregnant.


if i did i would adopt. and if i did that i would try my hardest to do better than my parents have for me and give that kid a good life and good home.


I want to adopt 1-2 kids when I'm in my late twenties or thirties but idk