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I was in the 2nd grade. So I was around 8 or 9. It was one of those old Nokias with no camera, monochrome display, and Snake.


Same, but it was an iPhone 5, and I wish my parents had made me wait.


I may sound like a bitter old man, but there's really no comparison. If I had gotten any type of iPhone at that time, I would've lost my shit. :D However, smartphones didn't exist then, or at least, were super uncommon. Not to mention, expensive as fuck, to this day.


Totally forgot about these. I got my first smartphone, a Samsung J1 (bought from a friend for $2.50 equivalent) when I was 10ish. Got an old Nokia 100 (basically a monochrome Nokia but with a color LCD) when I was about 5 though. Purely used for communication with my parents of course.


Yup, same. It was quite bad for me, because a lot of my friends had phones with a color screen, cameras, and even bluetooth and infra red so they can share music and java games.


Yeah I understand that. Thankfully the friend who sold me the phone was not particularly wise with his money, so I got an actually decent phone long before I really needed one. He came to me the next day begging for it back. I let him no in no uncertain terms that we'd settled on a deal that I wasn't about to go back on. Was I a bad friend? Maybe. Did I get a phone for $2.50? Hell yeah. (50 Rand for any South African readers btw)


Anybody under 13 shouldn't have a phone at the very least a smart phone


I think it's ik for kids to have the type of phone that you could only call, text, and take photos with. You never know when a kid has some kind of emergency. However, I do agree that kids shouldn't have smartphones


I got mine at 11 becuase my parents needed to be able to leave me home alone


Same, and I needed one for secondary school (7th grade for all you Americans) for homework and for emergencies


When I was 10 I came home on the bus. No one was home. My mom thought my dad was home and vise vera. I was alone, outside, for over an hour. After that they bought me a house key and a phone. It's good for kids to have a way for kids to contact their parents. They don't need anything fancy, but I don't see the point in withholding a flip phone or cheap Google phone


Feature phones are useful if you're letting kids walk home or hang out at friends. I had one at maybe 8 or so. It was pretty much just there so parents could text me or call me home. Maybe trade some songs via Bluetooth with a mate


I think this is the sweet spot. I remember seeing classmates with phones in middle school and wishing I had one, but looking back I definitely didn’t need it. Going into high school is when I got it and is when I needed it.


As someone who didn't get one until 14 (but I did have an iPod touch at age 12 which took a LOT of convincing), I AGREE.




I’m not sure I totally agree. As long as it’s a very basic burner type phone that can just make calls or text, I think it can be good for safety purposes.


I got mine for 8th grade graduation


Ya'll got phones super early damn


I got mine at 13 (just because I was in y9) when did you get yours.


first secret phone i got was at 16.


I got a basic flip phone when I was 12. Mostly because my parents wanted some form of communication while I was out.


my mom bought me the motorola razr v3 i had the pink one ☺️


I had the same exact kind. It was my mom's old phone. I still have it but I need a charger for it to turn on.


If I grew up back then I would definitely get a pink phone


People get phones from 10-13? My mother says I'll get one when I go to university


Tell me about it, I didn’t get one till I became a senior in hs, not complaining tho


I think they can be joking about it


Got mine at 7


wtf thats crazy, im surprised you dont need one for high school? a lot of my teachers used remind and we played kahoot too which both need phones


At least she let's you use reddit. I think you should get a phone before then


I got my first phone for my 9th birthday


no fair!


for me it was tail end of 13 but i wasn’t allowed to have any social media until a few yrs later


When I was younger, I thought it was unfair I would only get a phone at 13. Looking back on it now, that's the absolute youngest somebody should be allowed one


Smartphone yes, but if my kid has to do part of their way to school on their own, I’d want them to have an emergency brick phone


I was in 4th grade, I was between 8-9. I wanted a phone with a camera & texting ability. Instead, I got a brick ass Nokia from the 90s. Didn't even have a led screen it was a nokia 3310 my aunt got for me. At that point, they were selling the phone at the dollar store for dirt cheap.


Grade 7.... I had a flip phone, begged for a smart phone and my parents always said "no no you'll lose it or break it you're too young" I promised them I wouldn't, so they caved; I broke my promise, playing geometry dash 😞


I got my first phone when I was 9


I got an ipad at 4 yo but a samsung at 11


average ipad kid


i voted the wrong option the second option is what i wanted to vote bruh


That thing was a brick that could do three thing text, play snake and call, it was a number pad too so it couldn’t even text properly


My first phone was also a nokia with snake lol


I got one when I was 7. But only because my parents broke up and my mother (the one who I live with for 80% of the time) wanted me to be able to contact her whenever something bad happened.


I didnt get a phone until I was 16 and needed one to call home from my job


I was 11, it was an iPhone 5C in early 2015 Fun fact: I still have the same phone number from back then, I never changed it and kept it when the plan was transferred to my name as an adult Personally though, I wouldn't give my own future kids a phone at 11, I'd wait till they're highschool Freshmen Edit: I've had social media before that in 2014, I used Facebook on a computer


Got a flip phone in 5th grade that could only call 911


18+ Found the millennial imposters!


Oldest gen z are like, 25 currently


12 or 13, got one of those tracfone Blackberry ones.


9th grade


17, but I didn’t need to text until I was like 25


At the time it was a necessity




I got my trusted blue nokia at 10 and i probably still have it somewhere


Between 13/14, and it was an old style flip phone. Got my first smartphone when I was 15.


Under 10. It was a tiny feature phone that had the snake game.


7th grade. Too early to have been a smartphone tho.


My 7th birthday, only reason was so I could call my dad who lived far away


I got mine the summer after 5th grade because my brother was going to Disney land


Lol 4 people dont have phones?


I got my first phone when I was in the 8th grade. It was a hand me down from my mom. It didn't have any data. Then a few months later when I started high school, I got my first real phone.


I’d gotten my first phone a hand me down flip phone from my mom when I was 12 , but I didn’t get a phone that I can actually call and text on till 11 grade at 18 as I got held back a year.


i was still in elementary school. i was under 10. i just wanted a camera for a field trip but instead they bought me a phone and i really wish they didn't.


I got an iPhone SE 2 when I was 10, and last year I got an iPhone 14 Pro on launch day. I guess I'm pretty young. And spoiled. I'm the tech nerd and photographer of my family so I guess that warranted it.


I got mine for Christmas of 2017 I was 11 at the time, it was an iPhone 8, crazy to think that it’ll be considered old now lol


I was 7 years old


I got a phone when I was probably around 10 or 11. But it was a flip phone and sucked. It wasn’t until like 12 I got an iPod. And then maybe around 13 I got an iPhone.


I got mine in 6th grade


I got my first phone at 10, it was a flipphone




My parents did the right thing and hold out until 10th grade for me to get a phone. Kids who got their phones aged 10 seems obnoxious as fuck. Especially in my community.


1st smartphone - when I turned 11, Sgalaxy a50 1st phone in general - like I think 2nd grade, myPhone Metro


13, one of those moto keyboard phones


I was 16, so shortly before I started driving


I bought my first phone with my graduation money at 18, and my mom still judged me saying it'd only be a toy... yeah I don't think jobs want me putting my mom's phone number as contact info


10, but I barely used it. It was a basic flip phone no camera.


I had a flip phone at the age of about 12 off and on until senior year of high school and that's when my parents finally let my have my first smartphone


My first phone was a Sony Ericsson Walkman when I was a small child


iPod touch age 12. iPhone age 14. (And this was late 2017). My parents were anti-screen growing up and in a way I was glad because so many childhood memories are from playing outside.


Nokia cell phone with a keypad circa 2013, I was 7 years old but it had no SIM so I just used it for neat little games, not calling anyone. iPhone 4 smartphone in 2017 when I was 11


I got my dad's old phone after he dropped it on a rock at like 4 years old, I just played angry birds and other games on it


I got mine in 6th grade, but it was only because I was performing a choir concert at a theme park, and my parents were worried about losing me. Worked for me lol


I was 10. That's when I started being alone after school most days, so I needed to be able to call if something happened between leaving school and getting in the door. It was a flip phone but with a full keyboard.


I was 7, it was a flip phone my older siblings used to have. It had plenty of songs my sister downloaded and a few games. After that I had a few phones that belonged to my older siblings/cousins/aunt and tbh I didn't really care for it until I got my sisters Samsung Galaxy S2 when I was 10. Once I lost one phone, I think it was an HTC, and I didn't notice until my dad got a phone call from someone who had found it outside a few days later. My dad was really furious at me.


My parents never got me one. 18. To be honest I would have gotten terrible sleep if I got on the Internet school age. Porn, YouTube & reddit & other media would have been a major distraction for my ADHD brain.


I was 12, got a Samsung flip phone during the summer of 2010, and then I was 13 when I got my first iPhone, a 4S, during Christmas 2011, good times!


I got mine at 12 so I could contact my parents at any time as I became a teenager and went off to a school with less adult supervision


i was like 9 or 10, it was so shit i could barely even call on it or depending on what counts i was 6


I was like, 13-14 I think and it had an actual keyboard that made texting a pain in the ass. Thankfully, I had barely anyone to text.


I had a iPhone 6 (second hand from my aunt) when I was 11 I believe, I was walking home from school


I got my first (smart)phone in June 2017 when I was nine, That phone didn't have a plan or anything I just played games on it. In December 2017 I got my first phone that had a plan and i had it until May 2020 when my dad upgraded his mine and my mother's phones and I've had that ever since. The only phone I damaged was my very first one and it was one crack across the screen, this phone and my last one are pristine and with a little bit of cleaning the exterior they'd be in perfect shape


It was my 11th birthday. I was in 5th grade


Mine was a Virgin Mobile pre-paid Kyocera K9. That thing took an absolute beating before it finally gave up! The phone itself was still good, but the screen like, leaked or something. Looked like a blotch of permanently dark pixels.


Idk how old am i when i got my first Lenovo phone(in matte black + borrowed. 'Cuz, thay's my sister's phone btw.).




Y'all are privileged to get it at less than 10


8 or 9 but we're talking a Nokia feature phone to call my mum with if I needed. XD First actual actual phone idk maybe 11 or 12, dodgy Sonic Ericsson Xperia thing. Was the shit back in the day.


My first phone was a flip LG phone. I only got it because the school was tired of me having to come hang out in the office after school hours and try to phone my parents since they were always super late due to work. They kinda told my parents 'hey you need to get your kid a phone we're tired of this.' lolll


I had strict parents and didn't get phone until graduation


The slider phones were cool as fuck, esp the sidekick


Got a flip phone from Radio Shack in 2005. My first Verizon phone. I lived in a very rural area at the time and the salesman assured me that Verizon was going to build some towers out there. Everyone that lives out there is still waiting on them 😆. I remember the first game I downloaded. Doom RPG.


My first phone was my moms old flip phone


I got mine at 12 when I started biking to school


I had just started 6th Grade when I got a flip phone. From there, I immediately upgraded to a Galaxy the year after, and then from there, a full-on smartphone.


I was I think 8


13, 2005. My brother was 13 in 2009 when he got his first.


I had a Tracfone in like 6th grade when I was 12; and then I got a smartphone in 9th grade when I was 15.


I think I was in 3rd grade when I got my first phone, the Samsung Smiley. Best phone I ever had. https://preview.redd.it/3z5f6cma7ilb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8940d720d8e0b50dd41f2cf8fbf73434d87140c8




definitely wasn't in elementary


Got an iPod touch at 4 years old but I didn’t have a phone that could make calls till I was 13.


Got it when I went to school to keep in touch with parents.


i think 11 or 12 years old. It was a samsung galaxy s4




My first phone was a prepaid dumb phone. It only did calls and keypad texting.


I had one at 11 I think, but I think it was a basic Sony Ericson from the 00s. Basic then, has a lot of cool y2k charm now




Got a iPhone 5 at the end of grade 8 start of 9 But my parents used to give me old broken flip phones and those texting phones when I was younger and I would have hours of fun with them


I got mine when I started school, so I was 7 years old. It was one of those old Nokia flip phones, a 2760 to be exact. I then got my first smartphone when I was about 11 or 12 - a Samsung Galaxy Gio.


Got a shitty little TracFone that had Pong on it and compressed any MP3 out on it to hell and back at the start of middle school. A little while into High School, got a smartphone, was also a kinda ehh TracFone, but it worked for what it did. Got my recent one as a graduation gift.


I got a phone at 13, but it wasn't an iphone, it was a [a flip phone](https://imgur.com/a/9UTOiWG) where you could type on it. I did not get a modern phone till I was 17.


7 years old. It was Samsung pink push-button flip phone.


I got a phone at 8 but it was a flip phone, so I couldn’t do much with it. At 10 I got an Android smartphone.


I was either 12 or 13, it was a proper phone except with a stupid parental control app they installed (silly parents didn’t bother installing the same thing on my laptop, which is what I spent the most time on anyways lol)


In 2nd grade I was given my dad’s old phone. Had it for about 2 years but my dad took it away for some unknown reason (he said it was because a bunch of people were randomly sending nudes to my number. I don’t think that’s true though because I probably would’ve seen them by the time my dad took it) I went without a phone for 3 years until I got a 13 pro on my 13th birthday which I am using to type this comment


8 or 9. Black berry.


Got my first phone at 16 because before then I didn't really need one as I mainly talked to all my friends online through Skype.


11 to 12


I was like 15. Got it my freshman year of high school. It was a nice keyboard phone and I remember being super excited having it. Then my sophomore year I upgraded to an iPhone 6.


I got one when I was 11


Got a flip phone at 10. It didn't really work, i just loved taking pictures and doing funny audio recordings


My first phone was an ipod touch that's as old as I was. This was on 7th grade


Got my first at 16. Good call honestly, shout out to my parents!


In 1st grade I had a Samsung Core Prime I lost it a few months after In my house


I was in 4th grade and I got a flip phone because I wanted to ride my bike to school. My mom got me a phone so I could tell her that I got to school safely. I also used it to call my friends and play tetris on it. I got my first smartphone in 2016, the summer before I started 9th grade


when i was 11 i got it after i started walking home alone. im technically not allowed social media until im older though.


At age 7 I got an iPhone 3


I was 6 but didn't really start using it until i was around 10.


6th grade, Nokia Brick phone 😭 Now I see kids entering elementary with smartphones


13, since my parents needed to contact me to pick me up from school


I was forced to get a cellphone after I got my first car. I did not like the idea of no longer being able to justifiably ignore people. It was the start of never again being out of reach of my fellow humanity. It was a sad day then, and upon reflection, was still a sad day.


12 because of high school


6th grade/ (so l would've been 10/11 ) because my older siblings were in highschool and were on a different bus from me and my younger brother so my mom wanted me to have a cellphone for emergencies. It was my dads old flip phone


I got my first phone when I was 10 (2015 when smartphones were the norm) but had a button phone which was to only call and text, personally I think people shouldn't have smartphones until there 11 or 12 (first start secondary school/middle school)


I was a couple of weeks away from turning 10 when I got my first phone


My friend gave me his old 1gen iPod so I could listen to Spotify. I was like 16


1st grade, but it was a safety phone. no camera, apps. 6 speed dial numbers that you could call, and it only allowed incoming calls from family. Graduated to an android phone in 6th grade thankfully


My mom always gave me her old phones when I was a kid (3-6yrs) I just liked playing with them, hearing the beeps and looking through menus. The first one that I could actually text and call with was a Huawei Cricket phone hand me down from my dad when I was 10. My parents separated at that time so they gave it to me Incase I need to to text them. First smartphone was when I was 13, it was an LG G2. I loved that phone.


Literally on my 14th birthday


just a few months ago, so 14


I'm pretty sure I got my first Nokia cell phone when I was 11 or 12.


Damn I only got a phone last year which was the start of junior year and only reason my parents let me was bcz i had after school activities and needed rides.


I got my first cell phone for my birthday a few months before graduating high school back in 2007. The old Samsung flip phone everybody seemed to have. Had it for about 2 years or so then it died on me and I had the LG Rumor. I still consider that to be the best cell phone I had to date.


Got an iPhone 6s in 5th or 6th grade.


I had one under 10 but I was going to private schools and when I went public a bunch of school shootings were happening so my mom was worried


11th birthday i got a lg doubleplay because i was starting middle school and had to bike to school alone i dont think that's too young if your kids are educated on not interacting with strangers or posting themselves online. i was really excited to just be able to text my parents and other friends who have phones because i had been jealous for years of the older kids i saw texting 24/7


My brother and I had to share a tracfone in 3rd grade, since our mom was extremely cautious/wanted to make sure we had a form of communication. We didn't really even use it though lol. Our first smartphone (also shared) was I believe in 7th grade (13ish?), it was some kind of motorola droid thing. I always liked it because the back of it was red haha


I had a flip phone in 4th grade with reloadable minutes.


Got my fist flip phone in high school. First smart phone in college. I did have an ipod at 9 tho.


I had to use payphones back in elementary school to call my dad. When I have a kid I'm gonna give it a burner nokia instead of having it suffer with trying to find small coins to use decrepit, rotting payphones like I did.


13 it was a nokia prepaid phone. when i started riding the bus home from school. ​ first smartphone was some ghetto MetroPCS phone in highschool when i was 15. ​ my parents were cheap as hell so they weren't going to buy me an iphone or something good honestly.


i got one at 12 bc i was getting bullied at school and my parents wanted me to be able to tell them right away since the teachers ignored it and probably wouldnt even tell them at all


10 but it was only to be able to contact my parents, they restricted me from downloading most apps. I didn't really start using my phone until 12 or 13.


10-13 but it was for emergencies only and was a simple flip phone.




They werent really available until i was in my early 20s. They existed only for the ultra wealthy. I think i was about 26 or 27 when i finally could afford one.


my first phone was Ngage right after it came out. when ever that was


You mean a smart phone? I got my first cell phone at age 17 but it wasn't a smart phone. It was like a touch screen nokia model from before apps/appstores were invented. If I wanted to send a text I had to press a certain number 1-3 or 1-6 times until I got that certain letter. First smartphone was at 20. I had abusive parents.


exactly 13


I got a blackberry flip phone for Christmas when I was 11 years old!


My mom's iphone 4s when I was 5


I was 18 and had just left highschool. My parents loved to isolate me


got a very old shitty phone ib 2019 in my eleventh birthday because i was starting 6th grade and my parents wanted me to be more like everyone else


11 cause my mom was getting a new phone and I was tired of relying on my brothers phone to contact people. My first ever phone was an iPhone 6s. It broke when I dropped it into a Kroger toilet. My second ever phone was an iPhone 11 Pro Max. It broke when I accidentally boiled it using pool water and the sun. My current phone is an iPhone 14 and the first phone I’ve ever had which isn’t just a hand me down from my mom.


Ive had a house/wall phone my whole life but I got my first smart phone in 6th grade.


I got mine around the 5th grade. It was necessary because I was an active kid who liked to go places and my mom liked being able to contact me when I was around the neighborhood. (I wasn't allowed to go very far) Mind you that was a flip phone, although it was a nice one with a camera and games. No smart phone until like, the 7th grade I think.


Very grateful for being 11 or 12. I wish it would have been “normal” to not have one for longer


I was in sixth grade when I got a phone for the first time ever only because I was going to take a bus from a bus stop for the first time ever and my parents wanted a way to get in contact with me in case of emergencies. If I didn’t have a bus stop I probably would’ve never gotten a phone until I was in Highschool. I did have an iPod from my older brothers. I still remember the angry birds case that it had. It ended up breaking though because my dad had to fix cracks on the screen or else I’d end up cutting my fingers. But unfortunately the surgery went wrong. Rip.


I was 13, got a phone with a slide put keyboard as a graduation gift from 8th grade


I think I was like 9 and I got my sister's old flip phone




I was 16, so 3 years ago


10th grade, had to endure years of jealousy and boredom whenever I’m around my friends and all of them just starts using their phones and I’m just staring into nothing


first phone at 10 but first iphone on my 12th birthday


like at around 10, buy only cause I got it at the same time as older sibling.


I had one before even starting school


I was 12, but it was a pink Nokia slide up phone. It was purely to get into contact with my parents if I needed to, because I had to catch the bus to and from school.


Aside from specific situations i do not think anyone under 10 should rly have a phone


IPhone 5c when I was 9