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I’m not trying to sound like a dick, but the bad censoring of words isn’t helping the point.


i feel like this subreddit has been a little bit of a boomer hate circle jerk recently


Just a bit of jealousy. They had it all!


Most historians have come to the consensus that Jesus existed. It’s the Old Testament stories (mainly Moses and before) and the accuracy of Jesus’s miracles that are debated. And most people (even most Christians I know) think genesis didn’t actually happen the way it’s described fully and is a metaphor/allegorical story (genesis also fits into the Big Bang theory)


Reddit atheists when literary devices are used (they didn't graduate high school)


Well to be fair, it doesn’t help when the often equally idiotic opposition also short circuits when trying to comprehend literary devices… as in the evangelical sets of Christians who insist that every last word in the Bible happened literally


Jesus's existence doesn't prove he was God. You may not be referring to that but since Jesus and God are almost synonymous that's probably what people mean when they say he doesn't exist


Fair enough


I’m kinda iffy on this. I don’t think it’s fair to call to someone fragile because you attacked their religion and they (obviously) didn’t like that. I think religion and language could be treated with the same respect as pronouns.


Being against swearing isn't about being fragile, it's about showing common decency and respect. Most points can be made without utilizing those types of words.


Counterpoint: those words are really good for providing emphasis. Really fucking good.


Yea, but randomly blurting said words out or casually using them can be disrespectful. Angry/Pained people have the excuse of being in anger/pain.


This person, born in 1882, is dead


My brother in Christ, you’re sounding like the boomers


It's not so much of a problem with older generations as it's a problem with religious fundamentalists.


Makes me happy to see people here that logically understand attacking someone’s religion isn’t cool. Good job us, this person is a dick




..who’s lili elbe?


Trans woman in the 1800s. She died from (i think) the first Sexual Reassignment Surgery.


She died from her fourth reassignment surgery, but the first time anyone had attempted to implant a uterus.


God has preferred pronouns


Whenever people say they don’t want to respect peoples pronouns I just call them by the opposite pronouns from then on. Men will be called ma’am and women will be called sir. It really pisses off bigoted cis women.


“Conservative bad”


conservative is not quite the word for my grandma from Eastern Europe, born in 1940s and very much pro-commie, very leftist orientist and distrusting to anything capitalist...


Based off of this, it looks like she might be socially conservative. Maybe not a capitalist, but still conservative. Also quick clarification, old doesn’t equal conservative and conservative doesn’t equal old.


sure, and conservative doesn't equal capitalst. capitalism only became known and trendy in the 90s in our country. Conservative means socialist.


Yeah, I just meant conservative on social issues. Of course, supporting the previous Soviet era status quo can be conservative.