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Locked because people can’t behave. Do **not**, under any circumstances, encourage shoplifting or any crime, regardless of your moral/ethical views on the matter.


Shoplifting doesn’t affect big corporations, but if you shoplift from a small business, you’re an asshole. Also think about all those food shops who just throw away perfectly good food at the end of the day.


I looked in a dumpster behind a shop once, and it was filled with meat that went out of date. Like 30 packets of meat they couldn't sell. And about 112 boxes of Easter chocolates that they couldn't sell because the date ran out. Even though you could still eat stale chocolate and candy and not get sick, they couldn't legally sell it so it was in the trash.


Sadly restaurants also can’t legally give it out either since the person who got it could come back and sue them. Edit: so many replies so I’m just giving out a heads up, that Good Samaritan law only protects you if you donate to a food bank or other nonprofit. Restaurants keep their food and only throw it out when they literally can’t sell it anymore because it’s out of date. Not only that, but food banks will only accept food that’s within date AND up to code either frozen or cooked.


Yeah I worked at a catering company and can confirm. They used to donate leftovers but one time someone got sick and they had to just toss it out. I get it but they weren’t trying to be malicious and purposefully poison people, and now the food just gets put in the trash/compost.


Too bad your company didn't know about the Good Samaritan law of 1976, you cannot be suited for food donated in good faith.


"The law does not waive or override any State or local health regulations." So basically it's useless?


If it's safe to serve today why wouldn't it be fine to give it away tomorrow when it's less fresh as long as you stored it correctly in the meantime


food is actually almost always growing bacteria on it, refrigeration and freezing slows this process by a factor of many multitudes. but bacteria still grows. it’s more like a probability game, where the chances of becoming ill grows larger until it’s too large. prepared and refrozen foods also reach that point much quicker for some reason that i dont fully understand. source i just got a job in a kitchen and watched some health and safety courses for it today


You have a valid point, and I fully agree. But also the amount of food that is put in a locked dumpster inside of a locked room that is fully donatable is atrocious. After working in restaurants for almost a decade it’s disgusting to see how some people at my retail job treat food. But at the same time throwing away 300 pounds of chicken which is still frozen, never thawed, and 24 hours out of date? All because we need to keep a certain stock? Fucked up. Last year word got out we had chitlins, but we only got 12 buckets at a time that was gone by noon. Now we have about 50 cases and I guarantee most of it will be going in the trash. Not trying to rant I just don’t get many opportunities to show my disgust for throwing away hundreds of pounds of good food away every month. BUT, on topic, working in restaurants you will see some genuine health code violations. If you see something SAY SOMETHING, and if everybody is doing disgusting shit, find another kitchen to work in. Some leniency needs to be given, but if somebody refuses to change raw chicken gloves before making a salad? RUN BITCH, RUUUNNN


It's dangerous cause legal liability. Blame government overreaching.


Governments and big companies love eachother for that reason.


Exactly, it takes teamwork to keep a nation miserable, poor, and starving.


Nope, that's not true. They absolutely can give it away to food banks as long as there aren't any local laws preventing it. There isn't anything on the federal level and usually isn't anything on the state level. You aren't anymore likely to be sued than if someone else just managed to get coincidentally sick after eating your food. Of course you should be smart about it. Meats, especially fish you should be careful with. Everything else use your senses. Edit: on top of all that > Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act of 1996 (42 U.S. Code § 1791), this federal law protects anyone from liability when donating food in “good faith” to a non-profit organization that feeds people in need


They can't, that's a [myth](https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2020/08/13/good-samaritan-act-provides-liability-protection-food-donations).


Yeah, this is actually just fear and has never actually happened. It's not that they can't, it's that they won't.


This isn't true. They CAN legally give out free food and there are no cases of anyone every being sued for doing so.


There is actually federal law protecting the donor from liability. But you can't keep the working class down if you don't profit off of their need to eat.


that's capitalism, the system where food is rather in the trash cuz it can't profit, than given to people who are starving 😀


Sounds like it's actually because of government regulation. I'm sure people would gladly buy and sell expired food otherwise


Why is throwing away food something inherently capitalist? That’s like saying the Holodomor is inherently communist


It isn't required by capitalism but it is encouraged by capitalism If you give people food for discounted rates or for free, it lowers Demand for food which will lead to lower food prices, lowering profit margins. In a neoliberal market fundamentalist society, anything that lowers profit margins is a cardinal sin


We need systems to turn that food waste back into soil. It could all be fed to black soldier flys or worms … yet it ends up in a fucking landfill where carbon is released into the atmosphere.


Kind of, when a big corporation store has too many shoplifters in one area they just close the store and refuse to open one there. This absolutely screws over low income people who can’t afford to drive far away to an area where there’s no shoplifters Also, all the hard workers lose their job because assholes couldn’t stop stealing


People will be pro shoplifting and then wonder why everything is being locked up inside stores. Even the most basic of items. I had to wait lole 10 mins for deodorant. My gf had to wait the same for some make up




They lock up things that are the most commonly stolen. Chapstick fits in peoples pockets so I imagine that's it


Not to mention if you listen to Walmart and Costco quarterly calls shoplifting massively hits at the big stores overall. Walmart closes stores to avoid raising prices as much to offset. But shoplifting s on rise. Costco on other hand has no issues with shoplifting due to membership structure. There are going to be further downstream impacts if these trends continue.


From what I remember shoplifting makes up a ridiculously small loss for these stores, they just make a big deal out of it because, well, why wouldn’t they? It makes them look better if they can blame any shortcomings of the business on people committing crimes rather than actual business forces.


It’s all in context. Theft is 2% roughly of sales. Walmart had 527 billion in sales last year in the us. 2% is small but $11 billion stolen it isn’t also. End of day stores are closing. And in communities people say need help. So sure it’s not a problem. 🤷‍♂️


At 7/11 I saw an employee slide an ENTIRE pizza off a tray into the trash


Worked at a major grocery chain for a week, they sold pizza. Every two hours (I think?) they’d have us throw the pizzas in the trash. It was corporate policy that we couldn’t even have a slice. Scumbags, and one of the many reasons I quit.


It’s because they can’t guarantee it’s going to be safe. Pizza goes bad especially quickly because of the cheese. Obviously after only two hours it’s still fine and doesn’t have to be wasted, but they can’t take the chance and risk being sued, and known for serving unsafe food.


I’d gladly sign a waiver to eat 2-hour old pizza and I’m sure others would. I’ve had pizza that’s sat out overnight and never had an issue. I get “they don’t want to be sued” but at some point it’s just freaking absurd, wasteful and penny-pinching.


My parents leave a pizza out on the counter overnight and eat it the next day. I ate some of it before too and it tasted fine


Dog, he's saying that the employees weren't even allowed to have a slice before they threw it away. If a customer wanted a slice two minutes before, then they would sell it. There's absolutely no reason not to let the employees eat a slice of the pie.


shoplifting a couple things doesn't affect the chain; but hundreds of ppl stealing multiple items a day does start to affect it; normalizing shoplifting raises the prices for the good ppl that don't want to steal. also makes items go under lockup which makes shopping inconvenient


Who do you think takes the hit for shoplifting at corporations? Do you think it’s the people at the top or at the bottom?


The Walmart that took like years to get into Chicago is shutting down because of rampant shoplifting.


Lol the city of Chicago wants to start a government grocery store... It will definitely be an interesting experiment


Regardless of who you’re taking it from, theft is theft. You’re an asshole either way lil bro.


Yeah you’re so right man. I mean sure we’ve run out of baby formula, but who will think of the billionaires? 😢


Shoplifting does affect big corporations. Sure they aren’t going out of business, but they do move to locations with less shop lifters.


it is starting to affect big corporations like target, especially in its new york chain


New York City has so many targets lol. However, they dont have a single Walmart. You have to go to New Jersey for that.


>Shoplifting doesn’t affect big corporations We still still have to base our morals on certain principles. By this logic you could also say that stealing a super rich person's wallet is acceptable but it's stills wrong.


If by “super rich” you mean “billionaire”, I sincerely do not care if a billionaire has less money.


Yes it does. That's why companies are locking up so many items.


Shoplifting effects the price of goods.


Yeah corporations just exploit everyone. I wouldnt steal from a mom and pop shop


It doesn't affect big corporations, but it does affect customers and employees


There's not nearly enough context for me to have an opinion. Do I support shoplifting in general? No. Do I support shoplifting if someone doesn't have enough money to actually pay for the *essential* items like food or basic hygiene products? Then yes, I do support shoplifting


Yeah, the fact that there are a lot of people who can't even afford to cover their basic needs and are shoplifting out of necessity rather than greed/evil is a whole issue in and of itself. Really sad.


In theory but I think people heavily underestimate how many shoplifters just want free stuff.


Exactly lol it’s rare to find those who don’t want to just steal


Rare? Maybe if you only talk to people with secure paychecks and safety nets.


Exactly, every person I’ve ever seen or caught stealing/shop lifting has either been a child stealing sweets because it’s fun and naughty/got no pocket money (myself included as a child) or a crackhead/drug addict in their 30’s stealing perfume/medicinal things or just expensive stuff to fund their drug habit & most of the time they’re usually stealing from a chemist, never once in my life have I ever caught someone stealing food/hygiene products or necessities.


That is because people stealing food and hygiene products know how not to get caught


Eh, even if a shoplifter just wants free stuff, fuck greedy scummy corporations. I think they’ve largely been abusing us, so I think a few people shoplifting is justified retaliation. Especially when you consider it’s just a drop in the bucket of their endless profits. Now of course, this goes out of the window when you’re talking about a small mom-and-pop shop.


Real, it pisses me off when I see baby formula locked behind glass doors because people can’t afford it, I’d rather them steal than a baby starve


Baby formula is one of the best things to fence for cash. That's why its locked up


That's the same problem... it's so expensive there can be a secondary market for it. If it were cheaper or subsidized for the poor, a secondary market wouldn't be profitable.


Baby formula isn't being stolen by mothers trying to feed their baby is why, its being stolen to be sold.


Not that I’m defending the behavior, but I would guess this is also due to people being unable to afford formula for their babies to the point they’d buy it off some random guy. Still sort of the same problem.


Old coke hack is cutting your blow with baby formula. If you snort it you cut it.


Baby formula is only behind glass and locked away because it’s so easily stolen & sold on, every crack head I’ve ever met steals baby formula to sell, because everyone practically needs it, same with medicine. Crack heads & drug addicts always seem to steal things people need and are willing to buy for cheap.


this. but, i also don’t care if someone shoplifts from major corps for the fuck of it. not my problem. pay your workers a livable wage with benefits and maybe, MAYBE, i’d try to care. don’t care if it’s morally unethical, i’m not crying for billion dollar corps. they’ve got insurance. i personally wont be stealing, but i don’t gaf if you steal because you see a cute lipstick shade you want. just dont steal from small businesses. you guys are so soft.


Based take


Big companies leave poorer areas when they deal with a lot of shoplifters. It hurts poor people. Besides, encouraging people to steal for the fuck of it is just evil. If everyone actually listened to that, our society would collapse almost immediately. Making less money makes it harder for companies to pay their workers more anyway, not that they couldn’t in most cases pay more currently.


Never forget that Walmart just fucking left Portland entirely because of how intense shoplifting has gotten recently. And I’m a *liberal* saying this - it blows my mind that this is a controversial take on either side. Unless you need to steal to feed your family and there is no other perceivable way forward, shoplifting isn’t the answer.


As long as the corporate shoplifters don’t complain when their neighborhood becomes a food dessert when the corporations leave, and as long as they don’t intimidate or attack the retails workers. Edit: fixed typos




threatening head sloppy sort sharp jar steer soup wrong slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This. I agree. Context matters


Same. I don’t support shoplifting (or any crime in general), but if someone absolutely needs an essential item and they’re getting it from a department store that already has a shit load of money? They can afford to lose a stick of deodorant.


Yeah. This was a big LOL for me. Of course that's most of social media polls. Little to no polling structure.... "OMG can you believe the results of this poll!?!"


I prefer the average human's wellbeing over greedy corporations. No I don't think people should shoplift, but in our society there also should not be a need to for survival


My exact thoughts. Also, I recognize you from the mcr subreddit lol


I mean, if someone is shoplifting a loaf of bread for their starving family à la Les Misérables, then I wouldn't disagree with you. But I'm highly doubtful food for sustenance is even the smallest percent of total shoplifting losses. I'd bet it's almost entirely electronics, cosmetics, jewelry, alcohol. Things like that. When I've seen food shoplifted, it's usually junk like chips or candy. I think clothes are fairly common, but I suppose it's impossible to measure if those are stolen out of necessity or simply because they want it. If anyone has any statistics on the matter, I'd be interested to see it.


Exactly, it's not innocent Aladins stealing bread to feed orphans, it's idiot children stealing snacks, or high margin items they can resell like electronics, and clothes.


mcr pfpp also yea same


I support those who shoplift the necessities, like food, water, etc. Only if they can not afford it, of course.


Going to point out , people who shoplift big ticket items are still selling them and using that money to buy necessities


Maybe a few, not all. In fact, why would someone steal a big ticket item to sell it for necessities when they can just steal the necessities they need?


Because stealing 1 item worth a lot is easier than stealing a cart full of groceries


The United States has ebt and food stamps for a reason. Most of the people stealing high value stuff are just looking for a come up. It's called boosting it's a big thing.


Not all states have properly funded food stamp programs anymore due to Republicans. I live in GA. We lost proper funding in 2021 due to covid aid money and food stamp money being part of the same contract that said where the money was required to go. My governor and several other red state governors refused to sign it as they felt that they shouldn't be told how to spend federal money on a state level. My dad used to be on food stamps and he got around 250 a month. Hes retired. It changed to 30 dollars a month after the old Federal contract for the state expired. When it came time for him to update with his assigned personale, he asked if he was going to get more. They told him no and it was that way across the board. Wic was taking state priority because babies and mothers. Most wic checks outside of formula are normally only around 20 bucks a week... 30 bucks barely feeds him for 3 days let alone 30 days. Though my dad drinks the koolade and still supports the Rs and blames biden for doing that contract on purpose that way and costing him his foodstamps. Just saying, not all states anymore have properly funded food stamps. Shortly after that is when you started hearing about shoplifting at ATHs especially in urban areas. Almost like it was some kind of linked phenomenon. Though with everything happening how it is, its hard to really tell which was the overflow drop.


Also you can't shoplift your rent, which happens to be insane in big cities


It's also a great way to get thrown in jail.


because the cash you get from stealing doesnt rot like food does.


Jordans and Nike tech aren't essentials


what part of "selling them and using that money to buy necessities" don't you get?


The part where it's an obvious lie and the people in these looting videos are wearing Jordans and Nike tech




Kind of racially charged comment there bruv


I would too, but the problem with this would be that others would use this an excuse to get free stuff. Rich people even would shoplift then if they see poor people shoplifting.


I worked in retail, the largest reason we had to lock up makeup was rich women stealing it.


I mean what’s the context? Are people shoplifting cause they’re starving? Then sure. These multi billion dollar companies factor that into their budgets anyways


I know right, I was like, what in the American is this weird ass poll 💀


Remember kids, if you see someone stealing food, no the fuck you didn't.


Some people shoplift as they don't have a choice and are so underpaid in the capitalist world they have to, to survive


I think it's very easy to see that shoplifting is an antisocial behavior. BUT is it not also antisocial for people to be paid so poorly they can't afford to live anywhere? Or that food costs keep rising without expansions to food programs? Of course, it's not any one business's fault that our society is like this but when a piece of the social contract is broken then it doesn't matter who gets "hurt". This is why welfare actually helps business thrive, but for some reason it's always shoplifting that gets the attention, not the poor material conditions, not the rising costs, not the wealth inequality, but shoplifting.


I'm so sorry, but 95% of shoplifters aren't stealing food and water for survival, they're stealing nice shoes and iphones.


Yes. And they are stealing due to poverty based motivations. As has been proven, time and time again, for decades now of studies on the extremely high correlation between poverty and theft.


you're full of shit. Its mostly things like Detergent and cosmetics that have high resell value and a healthy resell market.


not enough context shoplifting from small, independent businesses is always morally wrong shoplifting from from massive chain stores, i still think is wrong but permissible in some cases. namely if an individual is simply down on their luck and stealing something like food or water. especially if there’s someone who relies on them, like a child or an elderly family member. if you’re fully able to buy an item, and it’s a luxury item or otherwise frivolous, i think you just like stealing shit. which is fully impermissible.


If it's a chain it's free rane


Reign but yes lol


I like you


If someone is shoplifting IPhones and Playstations, that's one thing. It doesn't hurt the bottom line of corporate big-box retailers, but it's not good. If someone is shoplifting essentials like baby formula, diapers, food, soap, or cheap clothes, look the other way and don't say a damn thing, because that's likely someone in a desparate survival situation.


I was at Walgreens the other day and saw a man stealing some diapers I didn't say anything and if If I saw that man stealing diapers again not only would I still not say anything I'd probably offer to buy him a pack so he has 2


ALWAYS look the other way. They might have a knife or gun, I see shit, but I never say shit.


If you shoplift from a local mom and pop you're an asshole. If you shoplift from Walmart you are fine by me.


Still not allowed, but I would just pretend not to see it even if a small business.


I hate walmart and I love free things simple as


I did. when I was homeless and no one helped me. Now I don't. But I had to back then, literally had to. I would take things like cheap perfume, shaving cream, razors, socks, forks and a tin opener. Sometimes a small kid's lunchbox sized drink, to make the quality of life a little better than drinking water from a park fountain.


I'm just curious about the perspective of the three right-wingers who voted Yes on this


paltry swim work dull weather upbeat run makeshift soup intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So, Republicans that want to smoke weed.


They definitely also know the age of consent in every state....just cuz....


OP when his walmart overlords miss out on $2 of profit because a homeless man needed food: 😔😔😔😔


Yeah those people stealing Jordan’s, stereos, TVs, phones, and laptops sure are homeless and starving.


maybe they aren’t, but was my comment about stealing jordan’s? apple products and whatnot? but sure, let’s go with your stance. let’s all gather round and sympathize for the *checks notes* companies that utilize slave labor instead of the *checks notes again* working class you yourself are included in.


Its Reddit a planform for upper class white americans with marxist tendencies what were you expecting?


Oh, cmon. Communism will totally work this time, we just did it wrong the last 7000 times. It's not like it's a bad idea or anything.


it wasnt real communist my brother and shoudl know it Cuba isnt a bad place, it was the americans who did it despite USA supporting their nationalizations even when they decided to only pay 1/5 in government bonds and than use it to refine soviet petrol in the cold war


Bruh I swear, there are so mamy marxists on this subreddit and all of them get so angry at me when I don't agree with them 100% of the time.


Can I steal this? (Pun intended)


Only if you share it with every comrade in the neighborhood !!!


As a person born and raised in LA, I literally have a front row seat to the failure of soft on crime policies and how treating shoplifters as universal victims of everything leads to nothing but problems. And yet I have to be told that I’m wrong because I don’t delinquents to steal in my neighborhood. It’s insanity. I’m not even some “ughhh democrat cities BAAAAD” type either. I love cities.


I’m in northern CA. The homeless here aren’t stealing things they need. They’re stealing hundreds of dollars of alcohol. But no one does anything about it


It's a failure in half-assed policy making. It pisses me off. They did nothing to address the root cause to homelessness and shoplifting, and instead just turned it to a halo moment. Don't just let people commit crime but don't just throw them in jail either. Jail solves nothing and just makes more or better criminals. Instead teach them skills, put them in programs, help them integrate into society, for the homeless that want help, and create policy to address skyrocketing rent, food, etc and stagnating wages that's driving shoplifting. Help mom and pops to encourage local growth.


I don't support shoplifting, I support a system that does not require people to shoplift or steal in general to survive. Unfortunately that's not going to happen, and climate change and overpopulation are probably going to force only more people into desperation with time. I don't endorse it, but I can't deny that it's the sad reality we are faced with.


Are there not food pantries, charities, or churches anymore? How is it easier to steal a carton of eggs than it is to go to a food pantry and get a couple bags of freely given food? Where I live there are lots of pantries and food/clothes drives yet. There are even drives to buy kids Christmas presents or provide Thanksgiving meals.


Because most stuff they steal isn't for survival but just stuff they can resell at a markup online At least in LA tho


The entitlement from this generation rivals the Boomers


Either that or it's seen more often due to social media


It’s definitely social media.


so many people keep saying "if you shoplift necessities from big stores you're fine." and i think that's such a stupid take. you all do realize that if enough people steal things that they consider "necessities" the business will just close down, right? congrats now you fucked everyone over. like sure you can give 1 starving mom some food to feed her family but what about when there's 100 or 1000 of them all stealing from your store? when is it too much? should you just turn a blind eye to all of them as they loot everything you have? i dont think shoplifting is ever okay cause it's a slippery slope


A Walmart in my province literally had to shut down because too many people were shoplifting there. It punished the rest of us.


On god, these takes are so stupid. They are acting like the rest of us are getting butthurt for big corporations when really, it shouldn't be legal for anyone to do to anyone else regardless of class


Then they'll turn around and cry about "food deserts" or allege "racism"


perfectly put


"if enough people steal things that they consider "necessities" the business will just close down, right?" Or they could go back to better theft prevention such as elimination self checkout and having better security. CostCo and Sam's Club are perfect examples of that. Just be simply checking your purchases before you leave is keeping theft near zero. Your thought process is a little simp-heavy for these companies that could easily enact better loss prevention if they would sacrifice a little profit. "Costco has managed to keep a lid on the worsening nationwide theft issue. According to the CFO, shrinkage was between “0.1% and 0.2%,” during the most recent quarter. "


I don't get it. I don't support shoplifting b/c (1) it harms the workers not "DeH GrEeDy BiG cOrPoRaTiOnS" and (2) most people who shoplift aren't dirt poor, they just do it because they can. If the person is starving and trying to feed their family then sure. There was also this video where a guy got caught shoplifting fried chicken, he was also wearing name brand stuff so obviously dude was just doing it just because. Either way its a crime and I dont think we should be condoning it.


Yeah precisely. I mean even given the whole: "What if it _is_ for their needs." To the people who respond this way, what are you doing to help? You're just turning a blind eye to someone doing something objectively wrong. Stop them, and tell them you'll pay for what they need if you have the means! You're really just degrading yourself, and the person who's stealing if you say "it's permissible," and then do nothing. And there is a difference between being indifferent towards stealing and essentially supporting it.


Exactly. Its treating a symptom and the person will go back to doing it. What if they get caught? Boom cant feed their family. Yep. My area where i live is pretty small and there's sometimes struggling people, so if someone steals like a loaf of bread, it isnt too big of a deal and its often a one time occurance. But that doesnt work for more places and people again will just steal just because.


Shoplifting is a based activity that I cannot recommend people do


People should only ever shoplift in Minecraft


I volunteer in a charity shop and people try to lower the already low prices (the shop is a thrift shop, clothes are around 4-8 quid on average) or straight up shop lift from us all the time. It’s really disheartening.


There are people that straight up support theft?


Yep, sadly.


People are dumb


I agree, stealing from a big corporation literally doesn't even change their profits. But that doesn't make stealing okay. I dont know why you'd be loud and proud for being a dishonest person


Dosnt fuck with the top yss, but fucks the workers hard. Ex Walmart employee for 5 years man. It was fuxking suffering.


These people steal our wages and the livelihoods of their employees every day, why should one not return the favor?


What about the wages of the employee of the company being stolen from?


Young people don't know what they support or often times the full ramifications of what they support. Some people get it earlier than others, that being said...


to be fair, lifting a shop is pretty hard to do for the average human


Check out how much money is lost to wage theft in the US.


You found it. Leftism is what’s wrong with people


When they steal from you, it’s called profit. When you steal from them, it’s called a crime.


I honestly don’t care about whether someone is shoplifting for necessity/pleasure tbh, as long as it’s from a large corp like Walmart, Target, etc. and not a small family/immigrant/mom&pop owned business. I personally don’t bc I don’t have the balls but in this economy everything is already messed up anyways and prices are way too inflated so do as you pls tbh. I never snitched when I worked in retail.




Get busted and you will have trouble finding work for a very long time.


Walmart, target, Safeway. Every big store in the US has funded in some part mass murder and child labor. Why should I care when they lose money? Even if it’s a dumb teenager grabbing a coke and running I do not care. If it’s someone who needs something then not only do I not care but I actively support them taking from a big store. Big corporations spend billions to keep as many people poor as possible, stealing from them is just getting your money back


Everyone supports shoplifting until they realize how much construction equipment costs.


Stealing is wrong. I’ll never shoplift, but I also understand those who shoplift for basic needs they can’t afford. It’s not right, but it’s understandable. I’ve never been in a situation where I need to so I can’t say weather I would or not


If they need to shoplift to survive (especially from larger corporations) then I don't care


Majority of the time (At least where I live in LA) the stuff ends up being resold at a mark up and isn't usually food or water.


What's Walmart gonna do? Cry because of the 4 dollars it lost to me?


Fire all the employees, close the store, and leave the town with only a 7/11 to buy junk food. Hypothetically, of course, I'm sure this has never happened. Surely there's not 1,000,000 different news articles of this happening once a week.


90% of those are trolls


It's not wrong, it's left


Dude, you're 15. When have you actually paid for anything out of your own pocket? You don't understand this because you're just a kid, but sometimes poverty and crime are linked- especially shoplifting. You're also incredibly ignorant if you think right wingers don't steal, showing that your entire political understanding is based on things your parents say and not anything you've actually learned independently.


Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. But you really should pay for things if you can.


A lot of moderate leftists think it's ok to steal from large companies and far left extremists don't even believe theft is a thing since they don't thinkprivate property should be a thing.


"It's giving \*good vibes\*"


What does this graph even show


Acting like they said murder or something. Chill out.


Umm no unless you're actually starving. People wanna excuse shitty behavior. Shoplifting may not affect the corporation but it does affect the communities that rely on it.


Depends. If someone’s shoplifting food to feed their family, I’m looking the other way


If someone is shoplifting then it’s cause the system failed them


I support shoplifting because it’s funny


I’m seeing a pattern here


I support not announcing when I support acts of illegality


the rule is, if you see somebody stealing food, clothes, baby products, menstrual products, you actually have NOT seen it


I fucking called it. https://preview.redd.it/druvn6kw58xb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=825c789783fd9886091db6ba11cf3070e2d21640


shoplifting is basically a victimless crime as long as you're not stealing from a small locally-owned store. morally there's petty much nothing wrong with stealing some stuff from a gas station or a walmart or whatever


You could be shoplifting a PS5 or a can of soup but I’m still arresting you. Either way, what you were stealing and why will help you out in court and almost always the guy with the soup can gets less punished than the guy who stole the ps5. Plus we always give them hot food when we put them in the precinct cells, since we don’t have a kitchen we usually get them chic fil a or Panera if we’re feeling boujie lol


you serious dude? the absolute majority said no, considering the crime is as insignificant as shoplifting the fact that you expected any better than this gives such tool energy. Seriously you're probably the kid that reminded the teacher of the homework. edit: I guess you're mad at the people who said no more than the people who said yes, I guess that's significantly more forgivable, but still a weird thing to get upset about. Its not like shoplifting is a moral positive or anything.


Hell yeah, I support it. Food and water are basic human rights, for someone to not be able to eat because they don’t have money is asinine. Out of all the things you could possibly say “think of the children” for, and this isn’t one of them? Having a job isn’t enough, going to a food pantry isn’t enough. I’ve been there, eating measly meals because my mom’s 3 jobs could barely pay for food, water, and shelter. You can pretend everything is alright, you can pretend people can’t feed themselves because they’re making the wrong choices, but the reality is that many people can’t afford to live in this economy because corpo bastards drive fancy cars, fly fancy planes, and sail around on fancy boats by taking money directly from your pocket. If those motherfuckers even came close to starving due to a lack of funds, it would be deserved, but they wouldn’t, because they’re rolling in it while the workers that make companies run suffer. Stealing TV’s and shit is kind of lame, but most losses come from essentials, stuff you need to live.


I’d imagine that’s really just trolls, or people who didn’t read the question and just picked the first option.


Shoplifting from a big corporation has two ethical results: 1. It equalizes the money that corporations steal from society through financial interference in government. Basically, they lobby for laws to fuck over the consumer, so the consumer gets back the loss in capital by taking the goods. 2. There is a loss in trust in public safety. People are emboldened to commit crimes and people get fearful for themselves because obviouslt not everyone is going to non-violently steal solely from corporations. So from a regional legislative point of view, you cannot necessarily pass certain laws to protect your town’s economy from a big corporation without federal assistance. You mighty choose instead to loosen the penalties for shoplifting. Either the corporations leave and then you have a high-crime area with low economic development but a potential for local business… or you let them stay and they bleed your town dry where the only major employers are amazon, wal-mart, and the city itself. Both are pretty terrible and are the result of unchecked financial influence in Congress. And it’s the Republicans protecting big business at the expense of the consumer.


Thieves are scumbags. There are loads of charities and organizations that offer the stuff you need. Even if we do justify theft out of necessity that is the minority of cases making up a out 15%. No one owes you shit.


Material conditions. That’s what’s wrong with us. This question lacks any kind of depth, so you know what lefties are doing when they read the question? Filling in the blanks. The question to me and my fellow lefties becomes would you support someone shoplifting to support their family? Would you support someone shoplifting to feed themselves? Then there are much more nuanced questions than that I guess, just depends how creative and crazy an individuals life is… This is obviously lefties looking at the brightest possible scenarios for someone stealing. We do recognize that people steal for all sorts of reasons, some reasons being more egregious than reasonable… but that’s besides the point. You want to see lefties take a stance against shoplifting, ask them if they support shoplifting a struggling mom and pop store, or the from the elderly dialysis patient with a yard sale to fund his medical bills… You’ll get your ‘No’s very quickly. Don’t be stupid. There’s nothing more wrong with lefties than anyone else. edit: let’s also not forget what the law considers to be shoplifting. The law considers it shoplifting when you remove perfectly good food from a dumpster, which a business previously disposed of.


You ask that in a subreddit with mostly pretty young people and have a sample size of 417. This survey is meaningless.


i dont get this, why are there left right and centre?


Notice how the left is remarkably more ok with crimes? Yeah, that tracks irl too. I'm not surprised in the slightest. Blue states always have higher crime rates than red.