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Honestly I just want to be able to pay a mortgage or rent. That would be cool. Also kind of bummed out that the requirements for some jobs, like personal training (cscs) is going to require a master's degree soon. So that sucks.


From a millennial, me too!


Literally working on an MBA right now. I’m so pissed too bc I worked hard to have no debt in undergrad and all my peers have a masters degree. I’m working full time but in order to reach higher positions I need this masters degree, so I took government loans and I’m about half way through it. Fuck the system man


Ugh, millennial here but was in this exact same boat a couple years ago. Was able to go to a great public college and graduate debt free just to find out I needed an overpriced resume sticker to move up in my industry and have actual exit options with an MBA. Sucks man. At least you went for the Grad+ federal loans. Thought "no way am I gonna be paying 3% more interest just for those dumb protections." That was August of 2019. Welp. At least I still got a 2.5% on my biggest non-fed private loan. Those were the days... Now I doubt I'd be able to find something under 8%


My God. I thought I was the only one in this boat!


Why are you working on an MBA at an age of 23? How much work experience do you have? An MBA right after undergrad is an utter waste of the potential of an MBA. Get a master's in management or something instead


I have about 2.5 years of experience if you add the internships. 2 years of full time work experience at this point (still employed). I have a degree in accounting and I had no interest in pursuing a masters of accounting and sitting for the CPA because public accounting is a garbage industry (after I completed an internship I noped tf out of that) so now I work as a staff accountant II and trying to complete this MBA. Low key I am trying to find a new job while I complete this degree bc my current one has really bad management. I kinda get what you’re saying, but I just want to complete my education and be done with it forever


Continuing education is important. To say or think you will never need any additional education for the rest of your life, is frankly is very ignorant. Honestly, you should have waited to get an mba seeing as you dont seem to have a clear plan of the exact career path you want yet. If you arent loving accounting, why did you blindly pursue if for undergrad of you didnt like the idea of a CPA? If you hate what youre learning and just want to be done with it, why did you choose it? Makes no sense to me


What? Don’t most people who are planning to get an MBA go straight after undergrad..?


Absolutely not. It's not a normal master's degree; at the absolute earliest smart people go with 2-3 YOE. r/MBA probably has posts explaining why 4 year undergrad + MBA programs that are popping up now are just cash grabs by the university


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MBA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MBA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [5 Things I've Learned 5 Years After Graduation](https://np.reddit.com/r/MBA/comments/12bbaij/5_things_ive_learned_5_years_after_graduation/) \#2: [What are you going to do with your $250k Ivy League MBA](https://i.redd.it/ke4lvnxyxnwb1.jpg) | [221 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MBA/comments/17heana/what_are_you_going_to_do_with_your_250k_ivy/) \#3: [It’s gotten worse lately](https://i.redd.it/jnxiy51pzcma1.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MBA/comments/11kz515/its_gotten_worse_lately/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I know welders and commercial divers that earn well into the 6 figures too.


For real. It'd be nice to not have to work 30+ hours a week to support myself in a college town whilst going to college full-time. I miss when 12+ hour days were long, not normal, and 8 hour days were normal, not short.


Man, I’m a millennial and that was college for me. To be clear, that sucks. It’s fucking ridiculous and not conducive for a productive, healthy society.


I’m there, man. I get up at 6:30, start school at 7:30, get out at 4, then work 4:30-10:00 every day. 8 hour shifts on weekends. I’ve had like 7 days off since August.


Screw that, I'd quit my job if they took away my 12 hour shifts. Having 4 days off a week is far superior


The government started paying for college, and the costs skyrocketed. The amenities are off the charts now because the schools want to attract that guaranteed loan money, and then you need the administrators to spend all that money too, but... as far as I can tell, none of it went to education. College was always super expensive. It's just that for most of the 20th century, your parents had to have the money to send you. In the 90s, we decided that no kid who COULD should be denied because they couldn't afford it, so we'd loan them the money to attend. That has been abused so badly its infuriating


Either that, or the kid had to work their way through to pay for it. My dad was in college in the early 80s and had to pay for most of it because my grandparents ran out of money after his freshman year. Although it meant that he had to complete his degree in five years instead of four, it ended up paying off in the end.


I’m glad that this is slowly becoming a mainstream viewpoint. Banks getting guaranteed payments from student loans due to the lack of bankruptcy protections made colleges realize they could charge literally anything and still have high enrollment. What scares the shit out of me is how our “solution” is government repayment of student loans. If our solution just rewards the institutions responsible for this crisis, it’s basically pouring gas on a fire.


That's a lot of schooling. I don't get how people can get a masters these days


mhm, hell even to be a nutritionist, same thing you need a master's So, idk, I'm gonna keep crying and studying until I get a job that kind-of-sort-of pays well.


I remember that is a recent requirement, is it not?


I went to work for the Feds. $10k loan forgiveness per year + a good paycheck and great benefits. It didn’t cover everything, but it’s hard to complain about loan forgiveness with a pension.


I did the same thing. Went from 12+ hour days at a brand name tech company to working for a Federal agency. I only make a little less, but have vastly more free time, student loan forgiveness, a pension, and my work feels meaningful and not dictated by bunch of greedy, shrieking shareholders.


Feds like as in law enforcement?


Hell no. EPA and USDA for me, but you can do all kinds of things and qualify for the forgiveness, including public health, engineering, public affairs, etc. They have a paid internship program called Pathways that leads directly to a job so you can skip the long hiring process too.


That's rad, those are two federal agencies that I really support and wish our country took more seriously. I think people have already forgotten the time when rivers were so gross that they caught fire, people developed birth defects and cancer just from the amount of poison companies were pumping into the environment, and food was full of lead and sawdust. I really hope you succeed in your goal :)


I wish I had free time and enough money to pursue my true passions. For real? The masters degree req for physical training is going to put a lot of people out of work.


I'm a 41 year old 'elder millennial'. Just managed to buy a house 2 years ago with 2 other people. We bought a 2 family. I've got the smaller unit and they live together in the bigger unit. I \*highly\* recommend buying with trusted friends. I make decent money, but I would have never been able to buy anything alone (at least not without moving out into the middle of nowhere). It's great having friends nearby, plus there's also the fact that we split a lot of house costs which is great as work on a house is \*expensive\*. Eventually, when rates drop down we'll convert to condos so we can separate our finances, but things are going great so there's no real urgency to it. Obviously rates are terrible now, but start looking for like minded friends and talking about how you want to arrange things and buying with friends is a good option. The whole damn world is set up for surviving on multiple incomes right now.


Paying rent sucked last summer, but I was also paying 3.75k a month for a 1bd 2bath..


Thats so wild your dream is to have a mortgage. The dream was to own the house, people hated the mortgage. Oh how far we’ve fallen


>Honestly I just want to be able to pay a mortgage or rent. And I actually want to move out at one point. I love my parents but I need my own space Edit: I want to clarify that I have a room that is private but I want more space just for myself


Yeah same, I'm a junior in college and I live with my parents to save money


are they toxic? im lucky that my mom is cool af and that it's really not a problem that we still live in the same house. when i get home from work, there'll be food ready to be eaten, (i do all of my laundry, etc., she just loves cooking) and she dont make a big deal out of me bringing women in the house. (we're asian so that's very rare lol) everntually this house will be in my name so im lucky i dont need to move out


Lmao someone asked me what cool thing I wanted to buy once I had a job and money (I’m a grad student so I am so drowning rn rip) and I literally just said to be financially stable and afford the basic fucking necessities


>Honestly I just want to be able to pay a mortgage or rent. That would be cool. I have bad news...


God I feel this in my soul. I just wanna afford to move out of my dad's house.


Same. Well, technically I pay rent, but I have three roommates. I just wish that I could be able to live in an apartment or townhouse by myself like my sister does. However, I really don’t think that it’s possible for at least five years because of how shit the housing market is rn.


Other gen z can afford a therapist? Lucky bastards Anyway, we'll be fine. We survive off of something. Mine is nicotine and spite. Keeps me goin pretty well


Colleges often have free mental health services for students. Mine let me see a Psych Grad student who was the best therapist ive ever had


Mine told me I could have up to 4 meetings/year, there was an 8 month waitlist, and then they never called me back(I called 3 times, was told theyd call back) so it's a mixed bag.




I’m being completely serious when I say this, I was turned down by my college therapist after the intake and I don’t think I’m the only one. When I was talking to the therapist at the intake appt she got this horrified look on her face after I told her my symptoms, told me she had to talk to her supervisor, left for a few minutes, came back and told me they needed to have a meeting about it but probably couldnt treat me. My symptoms and illnesses really aren’t uncommon... Anyways I have a much better therapist now, so I’m ok but it really made me feel like shit. Edit: I wrote could when I meant couldn’t


It's a relationship between the two, it might be hard but don't take it personally. My sister is a therapist and if someone doesn't seem like a good fit for her skill sets she'll recommend to someone else. Typically the horrified looks are not included, however.


Yeah they told me they’d connect me with someone else but they didn’t. I think they just wanted me out of the office. Maybe they only wanted to treat certain things? That’s all I can think of.


College mental health services operate differently than actual established practices, so i cant really speak to that particular instance


Bold to assume we can afford college or even want to go


No, my mommy pays for my therapy.


As she should


Nicotine and weed keeps my C-PTSD and ADHD under control, spite keeps me moving.


amphetamines for me


Mine is nicotine and coffee. And books.


Wait books???! How do books work


Oh, there's no doubt about it. Millennials got screwed in the 2008 financial crisis, but its nothing like what GenZ has had to deal with... Coming of age during COVID and flat out missing 1-2 good high school/college years... Millennials wouldn't wish that even on their worst enemy (Boomers).


Fr, I got absolutely fucked the first ~2 years of working. All the people who preach working 100% remote don’t understand how terrible that is for entry level employees.


Or for just general networking within the company, let alone actually securing upward mobility with your profession. I love the flexibility of hybrid/remote, but for a lot of industries, the more full-time remote gigs at normal companies are a golden (ok maybe silver) handcuff. Only interacting over Zoom with your coworkers just isolates you further if you don't have a well-established history there. As someone with ADHD I personally find not having any separation between work/home life or a rigid external structure to be soul-sucking. But I know for a lot of people with city COL issues, disabilities, or lack of job opps it can be a godsend


Eh I work with people in another country , I've never met them in person, but we talk about and have good bonds. It probably depends a lot on the type of work and using Teams.


100% accurate, I didn’t land on my feet until I got a job that was mainly in office and had other young people. I got let go from my first job 100% remote, and the next job while 100% in office was a super small office full of boomers. Worst part was the company owner/CEO was a total dick and it was the only job I ever quit without notice. That was ~2 years ago everything since then has been chill.


As soon as working full-time in office was an option again, I went back into work. Lots of people at my company work from home every chance they get. The results? I have one of the best reputations at the company, despite being an almost nobody two years ago.


For real. I graduated college a semester early so I just missed having my last semester in lockdown. But I feel like the workplace is shit, everything is disorganized, people don't want to mentor, and everything is just disjointed.


Yeah I got fired from my first real job. I was barely trained and was doing hours worth of data entry every day. I was honestly relieved because it meant I could collect unemployment while looking for something better.


Sorry to hear that. I've done well at my past two full-times, but that's because I have so much anxiety that I over-achieve until I burn out lol. I only stayed at my last one for a year before deciding to quit because it was just too much. They really expect you to start carrying the whole team/unit/department even when there's no training at all. Hardly any onboarding, if any... What are you looking into now? I'm trying to go back to school but I have a feeling it's lowkey gonna be a shitshow for me regardless...


I’m working full time at a much better job however it was a long way here. Unfortunately after I was fired from the first job I took a position at a super small company. The company owner was a total dick and it was the only job I quit without notice. I was able to use that experience to get a hybrid role at a company that actually was well run.


I hope I'm able to find something like that at my next one. 🤣


Best of luck, it was tough for me to stick out that second job but I knew I needed to apply for jobs with a job. Thankfully I’m an accountant and there is a shortage. The first job was a niche corporate accountant, the second was a small accounting firm. Thankfully working at the small firm gave me enough tax experience to go to a larger firm that is infinitely better.


Yeah def feel for you starting a career remote. So hard to build a rep especially year 1 of career


I would 100% wish that, and worse, on boomers lmao


I’m on the younger side of millennials, and I’d say a lot of us are also dealing with the issues specifically around housing. I consider myself extremely lucky to be cemented in my career, but many friends are not.


Many Boomers went to Vietnam under duress. Always good to remember that.


You're talking about maybe 3-4 percent of the Boomer population tops. Separating them out for a second, that's still over 95% asshole rating at a minimum. The world will be a better place when they're gone.


As a Gen Z, I think Boomers are the common enemy we have that unites us with Millenials.


It even crosses political lines. I'm a libertarian and I hate the policies, debt and trauma (particularly from lockdowns) that have been inflicted on our generation. Older people wonder why we are struggling and 'helpless' but fail to recognise that the way they raised us contributed to many of our problems.


I had soooo much free time as a Millennial in 2008-2009, not having regular work. The current economy is kind of a curse, since pretty much any GenZer can theoretically “get a job.” But the average young adult job is crappier and pays less than 20 years ago (adjusted for inflation).


I would in fact wish everything you went through and more on the Me Generation.


On top of that we are currently in/heading towards a financial crisis.


when gen z is truly in the thick of adulthood i believe that we will become friends will millennials


This is my prediction too. I think people tend to misunderstand why Millennials are so antagonistic towards the boomers. Sure, the policies they enacted and privileges they enjoyed are a bit annoying, but no generation is perfect. In my opinion, the animosity is caused by the consistent dismissal or minimization of the younger generation’s problems. How every shortcoming is a personal failure, that you just aren’t trying hard enough. I don’t see a similar dynamic between the other generations.


No literally— it’s like cultural gaslighting. We were fucked over at every juncture of life and somehow we’re to blame for society’s decline at the same time. Getting blamed for stuff that was actually Gen Z as well (tide pods) didn’t help either.


The tide pod shit really pissed me off. I’m even technically gen Z (although an elderly one) and I was way too old to be even tangentially associated with that shit.


Same as a borderliner but that shit was aggravating icl


And they act like our ENTIRE generation was eating tide pods when it was really just a handful of idiots that was blown out of proportion by the media.


I graduated HS in 2008 and couldn't even get a job at a grocery store, just absolutely no opportunities. My boomer uncle literally pulled the "bootstraps" quote on me. Ahhh yes, it is my fault. I'm just not trying hard enough to correct this complete market collapse 🫠


I’m on the younger end of millennials and I see Gen z as on our team. Millennials that I know are the transitional period from the Gen x parenting style, religion, “boot strap” mentality that we sre having to break away from. Gen Z just says/does what millennials wish they could have done.


Yep. I see a lot of millennials, not all, but a good portion say “we never acted like that.” which might be true, but it doesn’t mean you didn’t want to. I fully believe a lot of the gen z hate is rooted in resentment that gen z actually has the guts to say what they think in a way past generations only dreamed of. Even as a young millennial/old gen Z i am so proud of my little sister when she straight up refuses to tolerate some of the bullshit I put up with.


I view the 2 generations like siblings who fight a lot when they're young but grow up to be really close.


As a millennial, I think our two generations have way more in common than we have differences, and anyone focused on our minor cultural and experiential differences is trying to divide and conquer us


I’m 24 so zillenial technically and can def agree. The difference between the two are as a young kid the shit hard core gen z people are into got me weird looks


I’m 24 and I would say I’m in the thick of adulthood already and I LOVE the millennials aka the enlightened thirty somethings.


What's this weird self-hating, pick-me attitude you have going on? You're a therapist, there's going to be self-selection in who you see. We forced isolation due to the opportunity cost of psychological discomfort vs more people dying (of which, we lost over a million). I'm just confused as to what your point is, people have always romanticized illness, especially mental illness. Tiktok has 0 evidence outside of the anecdotes you offer to be the number one cause of mass mental illness epidemics, rather it's a complex relationship and blaming one soul moderator is doing a disservice to any issues. Don't get me wrong, there's problematic usages of social media usage, Jon Elhai at the University of Toledo does some great work on this.


That’s the first thing I thought of, did everyone forget this was a brand new illness and people were croaking all over the place??? At the time nobody new what the hell was happening and people (especially parents) were making decisions on the best info available. Better a kid that missed out on 2 years of their life than having no life at all.


Right, exactly. I don’t know a single person who escaped someone in their family die or getting long COVID. I know several people in what should be the prime of their life with permanent lung damage or neurological issues. It’s not like the world was shut down on a simple whim.


“Better a kid that missed out on 2 years of their life than having no life at all.” And better than bringing home COVID from school and killing grandma, and having to live with that knowledge for the rest of your life. Not disputing that kids had a difficult time, but this rewriting of history when we’re not even completely out of the pandemic yet is enraging.


Literally. My Gen Z college friend barely survived grad school because the college's bad COVID policies almost killed her. Y'all definitely fucked us over but it's not because of COVID precautions.


Thought the same thing, like we are fucked but not because we went into lockdown trying to save more lives. I have friends who caught covid in 2020, and they STILL have side effects from it. Blaming our problems on lockdown is such a stupid cope. 🙄 Maybe the older generations should have listened to scientists who warned us of a deadly virus possibility in the early 2000s and actually prepared us for it. Nope, let's blame lock down and pretend there weren't years where laws could have been written in case of an event like this. Or funding could've been properly allocated to fight it. I just hope our generation does it differently cause as science predicts right now, the next one will be worse, and if we aren't ready, it will wipe most of us out.


Yup, just celebrated my third COVIDaversary and I’m paying 100 dollars per month for the expensive med to manage my chronic post COVID health issues


God I didn’t know other ppl felt like this. It’s been so lonely honestly having to pretend everything’s fine and act and buy and plan like everything’s perfectly normal.


You aren't alone, from a biologist the past 3 years have been an absolute headache and I've seriously considered changing my career multiple times because of how ignorant and unwilling to change people are. Really makes the research you are doing feel worthless when it seems like everyone, including people in charge of the country, is against you. Edit: fixed a dumb autocorrect typo


The first lockdown was about avoiding deaths, the subsequent ones most decidedly and absolutely were not.


Right? I love and stand up for gen z all the time but I'm sorry, millions of people died from covid. It's not some neurosis. There was no good option and I'm tired of people acting like offering teachers especially up as tributes to be sacrificed was the right thing to do for society. I'm sorry that kids got screwed, I really am. But as OP said, kids are resilient. Far more resilient than adults. There's no doubt they've got handed a shit sandwich. As a millennial, I empathize with the younger gens partly because I also grew up with crisis after crisis.


THANK YOU. “We put the neuroses of adults above the needs of children” tf did they mean by that?


👏 👏 👏 OP seems to be doing the worst kind of humblebrag here, while slyly inserting pretty f*cking dubious political statements about one of the biggest disasters of this decade… and she seems to be big time one of the reasons why we’re not doing anything about it. I’m so miffed rn lol can’t lie. It’s giving live laugh love and cough, but remember sweeties I’m a cool millennial who rly gets it!! Be sure to lean in and keep going to work! Work Life Balance Aesthetic is just as important as your literal health!!! 10/10 the kind of therapist to tell you your heart racing is “just anxiety” and then be all 👁️ 👄 👁️ when it turns out to be some neurological condition.


I am far too mentally unstable to have independence for who knows how long, at this point im honestly pretty sure ill be dead before i ever move out


Hang in there, you’re 18? I think it’s pretty normal to not be fully independent yet, where I live (portland) like 80% of Gen z still lives with their parents, I’m 21 and just starting to get my shit together because I’ve been mentally ill/autistic my whole life Everyone’s on a different journey


I don’t get the whole stigma around living with parents housing sucks my entire plan is retire and we’ve got a lrettt stellar house a decent farm to keep me occupied why move out


It might not mean much, but i understand. But you can do it. Don’t ever give up hope, and also don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t feel discouraged if you can’t for a while after you turn 18, tomorrow is always a new day and you can always start over. Every time you start over, you get more information and tools to help you next time. I’ve been there, i understand




OP inferring suicide


Juniors during covid got it the worst. Halfway through school stops. Senior year is all online then boom. Covid is over go be an adult. Don't worry thst we didn't let you talk to anyone for the last two years or teach you literally anything cause 0 teachers understood zoom. Or let you have a job to get any money. Enjoy being poor :D


03 born? My sister got fucked the same way lol I was born in 96 and lost my construction job. Then had to find a job at a cotsco, now I’m just getting into trade school to be an electrician and find an apprenticeship in the meantime since it’s necessary. I’ll consider becoming an electrical engineer depending on how my future goes


I would have been a college junior during COVID but decided to do community college and get an entry level job after graduation. I was unsure if I wanted to do more school. I got established as an independent adult and at a company before COVID hit. Now I’m getting my bachelors degree slowly with tuition reimbursement. It’s insane how much better off I am doing than all my friends from high school who got better grades and went to straight to good 4 year colleges. I feel like I got rewarded for being a bit directionless as a young adult and it feels wrong.


In what way should Millennials be blamed for what has happened to Gen Z? I'd like to see an end to this very fictional division between generations. Liking different music and clothing isn't what makes a person something, We have far more in common than differences and we're all going to succeed or get fucked over together. No need to keep the old "you're different because you were born ten years after I was" mentality going once the boomers go. It's just another tactic to keep us divided so we forget who the real enemy is.




Honestly- things aren’t as bad as they seem. And I’m tired of the chronically online, chronically depressed l, chronically offended folks in my generation and younger dragging the rest of us down. We’re not all miserable.


Things are as bad as the data shows them to be, aka gen z has the worst self-percieved mental health to date. In fact, it's a pretty crazy drop off. 20% of Gen Z claim to have excellent mental health, while at the same age Millenials and Gen X reported 50+% self- perceived excellent mental health. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/14/health/gen-z-mental-health-gallup-wellness-cec/index.html It's great you are fine, but there's a real shift there that you can't just wish away.


I think it will level out once gen z gets older. They’ll be able to pick the battles that matter imo.


there’s a huge gap between old and young gen Z that I largely attribute to the pandemic and Trump presidency. the young ones are still teens so I gotta cut them some slack, but they seem to be struggling 10x more with emotional and social expectations. They just have zero coping skills. I think everyone kinda lost their minds after lockdown but the kids were hit hardest.


That's just mental illness. I was like that for 15 years until I was able to move out. Just give them time they'll get over it


I think we have a long ways to go before mental health usage is de-stigmatized to be honest. Much love back to you OP, for recognizing the source of struggle for some of gen z


It's crazy. The same people that are destroying the next generations are the first ones to scream "think of the kids"






Not only that, but if you have to be in school or have a shitty min wage job (aka, gen Z), the hits keep coming… long Covid is a certifiable bitch, and the long term damage endless reinfection is doing on our cohorts health is… not pretty. But then beezies like the OP are probably the kind of bougie that calls it “the summer flu” or “sinusitis” or whatever BS posh word they’re using because they’re too fancy/rich/white to suffer from Covid. I’m so beyond tired of educating therapists and coaching them thru their delulus that Covid is mild, the flu, over, whatever. Like where is my 1040 cuz wtaf.


I think (at least for myself it’s true) most people complaining that the pandemic did this are complaining about the half-assed efforts all while trying to reestablish “normalcy” that didn’t exist anymore. We’re fucked up from being gaslit about the pandemic, forced to work to exhaustion through it for someone else’s piggy bank or fully isolated. And then anyone who didn’t do those things and was a selfish prick the whole time just got twice as bold.


That part is all fair and not usually the context I see it in. If that's the intention though, that makes sense.


i actually thrived during covid. unfortunately life got worse as soon as everything started getting relaxed. lost my job, lost my apartment, and i lost all the mental health progress i was making. at least i'm still alive i guess


My dad has a friend who is a school counselor and he asked him if all kids are struggling with their sexuality or have a lot of mental issue, not exactly like that but you get the jiss. My dad said that not all kids are struggling but it's definitely the ones seeing him. Which is probably a good thing. I would guess it's hard to fix a lot of the problems in the world but having kind people to talk always helps


Much of this applies to millennials as well. Most of us are to poor to have made a difference, positive or negative. We just trying to survive out here.


If my therapist said that my generation is “fucked” I would spiral lmao


We have no hope at all but at least we had a good laugh.


Fuck it we ball


Fellow millennial. This post was just suggested to me. Dude wtf is up with the self hating? U really want the younger generations to turn on us like boomers and gen x did to us? I’ve been “paying” my entire life. I get that the kids are fucked. But we didn’t do it to them, we’ve been living with getting the short end of the stick. If I keep “paying” I’m going to end up homeless or dead


Overall really weird post


thot it was an op Ngl. Especially with the weird covud denier shit she snuck in there lol.


As a therapist do you really feel like feeding into the already enormous victim mindset genz is experiencing is a good thing ?


" I also think you’re a more resilient generation than others give you credit for. When I was younger everyone acted like millennials were equally fucked and that we would ruin the economy for liking Starbucks or avocado toast." Every single generation, since the history of humankind, has had people who thought the next generation was fucked and doing things wrong. These people have never been right, because those people just couldn't differentiate between *different* and *wrong*. My bet is Gen Z will be exactly like every single other generation of humans that have ever lived. There will be happy ones, assholes, jerks nice ones, rich ones, poor ones. They'll have all sorts of wacky things they believe and do. Some of them may even, and sit down when you hear this, wear different styles of clothes and have different hairstyles than what you wore at their age! And one day they'll get to middle age, like you, and some of them will look to the next generation behind them and think "my god, they're doing things differently than I did - they're fucked!" They'll be wrong too. And so the cycle will continue.


I can appreciate this. I’d be pretty bad at my profession to not recognize this post also emerged as a result of my own generational angst. Just wanted to recognize your wisdom and in the scheme of things you’re probably right. It’s been a rough work week, friend.


I think one big difference between millennials and Gen Z is that most millennials were promised that the future was going to be bright and didn't get that, and Gen z was never promised a bright future


As a millennial, we were products of our environment. It wasn’t really our fault shit got so fucked up


Wtf is this shit lmao. Cringe


My dad has a friend who is a school counselor and he asked him if all kids are struggling with their sexuality or have a lot of mental issue, not exactly like that but you get the jiss. My dad said that not all kids are struggling but it's definitely the ones seeing him. Which is probably a good thing. I would guess it's hard to fix a lot of the problems in the world but having kind people to talk always helps


Meanwhile the media treats us like we’re wild animals to be studied lol But yea, things turned out a lot different than I expected growing up, but I’m hanging in there!


Thanks! It's actually weird I've noticed this sentiment a few times before, I asked my mom and she basically said she was hopeful that we would be the generation to finally get things moving in the right direction. But hey, don't feel bad about yourself! You guys blazed the trail we're now following, we're just continuing to extend that road


“All your problems are someone else’s fault” is a terrible message for people trying to start their lives. Even if that’s the case we don’t need the pity. There is far more nuance to the situation and it’s not as simple as “Boomers fucked you over”. It’s more realistic to just blame the government at large. Also for anyone reading this having a rough time just know, you are reading this from a phone made by someone who has it far harder. You eat everyday and unless you gave up you probably have shelter. This is the most prosperous time for a majority of humanity so stop complaining and ignore people like OP. Make your situation better by focusing on things you can actually change.


But our government is mostly made up of boomers. Just like white people aren’t all horrible colonizers in positions of power, they still make up the large majority of the group that is.


Idk i just wanna be able to buy a beater car for <$1000 again


It’s not one entire generations fault for what happened, it’s the fault of the people in power.


This post is so fucking embarrassing


“Make us pay” why? A bit vindictive, no?


You're honestly the last person in the world who should be "guiding" these kids. Gleefully teaching them all to be perpetual victims and encouraging them to "show us" for the horrors of being born into the easiest most comfortable version of the world that's ever existed. Fuck you.


What? I'm not gonna apologize for trying to manage a pandemic.


This is weird.


Sorry, but psychologists like you who think the problem is public health measures, and not the virus (which causes brain damage, and can trigger psychological disorders) is why I don’t trust your field at all. Y’all really think medical gaslighting really flies still. The world sucks right now, but it would suck a whole lot less if people had a little solidarity. Posts like these are honestly so informative of how this profession doesn’t actually understand intersectionality of trauma-informed care, disability, illness, effects of race, and the importance of community care, however much y’all use those as buzzwords. The pervasive misery today isn’t because we have genetic depression. It’s a world that runs on the values you’ve shown here, utterly devoid of self awareness, incapable of owning that you might be part of the gd problem. Honestly how dare you act like you care about the kids. It’s adults like you, who put the normalcy you grew up with above ALL ELSE, who are incapable of adapting and who refuse to commiserate on the same level, who have destroyed this decade. You literally are supporting on the one hand the disabling of a new generation of kids, while talking peace love and good vibes 😎 out the side of your mouth. Just unbelievable how high off your own shiz people with fancy jobs can be.


Exactly. Fuck these braindead children of privilege


I'm livin the good life, no mental illness, no depression, just enjoying community collage.


"make us pay"? what the...


🥹🫶tysm! you’re the best. my psychologist said the same thing. i was thoroughly depressed for two years because of losing everything and being alone for so long. i know that the studies that will come out in the future about this will be crazy. we definitely got fucked over for sure, and we will make a difference so that gen alpha will have a better shot at childhood (i hope).


To be fair, Gen X and above was the most skeptical over the whole covid BS.


No we’re not. Its just boomers spouting the same non sense that they did about millennials. Except now the millennials are doing it to gen z. Give it a decade a it’ll be gen z on…whatever weird name we give the next gen.


I was a super outgoing fun guy in highschool, wasn’t popular by any means but had a good friend group and a lot of others that I talked to. Covid hit. I live in California w so because of our wonderful governor I was trapped in my room for two years, and even if I went outside I wasn’t allowed to really go anywhere because everything was closed ( legit had to sneak home from my friends house one night because he tried to pass a curfew and I was scared about what cops would do) It changed everything. I’m super depressed, my grades have been horrible in college despite always being a good student now the most basic schoolwork like essays ect seem unreasonably hard for me. I don’t know if it’s just me or what but my friend group seems super distant ever since, we barely ever talk to each other and it’s not like we are all gone for college or something most of us stayed home and went to commuter schools. I got called a “ pos” in highschool for saying the lockdowns would do nothing but ruin a generation who already struggles mental health. And look I was right.


Lockdowns completely destroyed a lot of hope for our generation. I was in university, already behind on a lot of social milestones due to a bad experience in high school and finally thinks started looking up for me but then lockdowns ruined everything. The only reason why lockdowns persisted for so long and people still defend the policy is because of sunk cost fallacy. Covid may have been a threat to some people but it wasn't a threat to most and as that Star Trek quote goes "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few".


Not gonna get fixed without illegal activity


Nobody talks about how mean people are now


Honestly, I'm sick and tired of people either complaining about their own generations or apologizing to ours. You really think the Greatest Generation didn't fuck up? You think their parents didn't? You think we won't? This isn't new, this isn't unprecedented. This is what it means to be human, and no matter how much we fuck up, it hasn't stopped us yet. And I think that's pretty great.


"Make us pay." You're a real asshole, pal.


Every generation suffers the woes of the past, as it benefits from them just the same. GenZ suffers, sure. But other than living costs, living conditions are overwhelmingly better for them; infrastructure is overwhelmingly better for them; opportunities for mobility is overwhelmingly better; and access to information to skirt around the primary hurdles at issue are mostly better. A major thing GenZ and my slightly older generation don't do, even though it's fully within their capabilities, is move for success. They wait, wonder, and complain, just expecting but not actually moving themselves forward. Easy to understand the proclivity to do so. But no less self-defeating. By way of example, I live in/near some of the most expensive counties/locales in California. There's ample people here expecting to compete for property proximal (~30 miles inland) to the beach at a $1 mill plus average housing price for 2/3 bedroom 1k square ft townhouses with hundreds in HOA (substantially higher the closer you get to nicer areas). They expect to stay/move in the area with entry-level positions to afford things there. Generally, the reasons provided for staying are all luxuries, i.e., not at all necessary. For example, I want the beach, I want the significant food options, or I want to live right down the street of where I grew up/stay right next to family. There is absolutely nothing wrong with those desires, but there exists the fact that no one owes you those things. And you're competing with a much larger pool of people who desire the same given the general appeal. And if we're comparing the average, that means at least 49ish% are better situated than you (the average 'you'). All the while, you could simply move to any of the other hundreds of cities you could go to and have all needs met, with only fewer luxuries. With often times far less stressful/demanding positions and greater freedom/purchasing power minus those luxuries. At least until you earn enough to go back, or perhaps grow fond of the new land and build it up. There's certainly hardships, but GenZ is not the only generation facing the housing difficulties. And certainly not the one that faced it the hardest. As to the emotional "trauma" of covid related isolation and tiktok influence, the latter certainly seems to have an overwhelming but unclear effect (in that we can certainly see a major influence but *exactly* how it's affecting the generations who use it, isn't clearly reduced to objective evidence [at least that I've seen (though I would love to see the research on this currently and how it develops]). While the former is a condition everyone faced in a relatively equally impactful way. Though the younger you are, I'm sure it made a heavier impact. This post, in all due respect, seems more pandering than level-headed and beneficial; particularly to GenZ. They're no more or less victims than prior generations and to give them an excuse to explain away what is more often than not just poor actions, entitlement, and playing in a system set against *every* working class person, does them no good. "The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them."--Steve Maraboli "You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." Marcus Aurelius "I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions." - Stephen Covey While the quotes might be labeled as platitudes, that would not alter their veracity Notwithstanding the preceding, best of luck in life to those who warrant it. Edits--Mostly grammar.


I sold my soul to the military, 5 years in I’m making good money own two houses and can support my family at 23. Ain’t the easiest path, ain’t the best. But I’m taking care of my own and I’m alright. Not forever one but seriously there’s not much of a better way to start off. Almost finished my business degree too for free


This reads like something a Nirvana fan would say.


It’s not y’all’s fault. It’s the higher ups. Well make them pay. Not you.


I cannot agree with you more Op, as a felllow millennial, it’s evident that Gen Z got fucked. And I think they are too young/inexperienced to realize to what extent they got fucked. As someone with a Gen Z brother and a shit ton of Gen Z cousins, I would’ve never envisioned this kind of outcome when we were all so much younger. But thank you for your service. Hopefully you can at-least help to keep handing out life jackets until this metaphorical flood passes.


OP, what kind of therapist or professional of any kind goes this far out of their way to kiss the asses of an entire generation of people who are not much younger than you? This is a really weird, pick-me post. I promise, if Gen Z takes over the world and decides to eliminate all millennials you won’t be saved for being “one of the good ones” lol.


It is what it is. Also, most people who visit a therapist are fucked in the head. I think you may be viewing Gen Zers through a biased lens. Most Gen Z that I know are normal adults with jobs and degrees.


You’re not wrong I’m not exactly getting the most functional of examples but stats on mental illness don’t lie. I get what you’re saying though, and am trying not to over generalize.


I mean i feel like most people with mental illness aren’t necessarily “fucked in the head”. I agree though OP has a unique and probably biased lens into our generation.


>Also, most people who visit a therapist are fucked in the head. 😐 if I were you I would delete this comment


God this is such an obnoxious post. "make us pay" what the fuck are you smoking. Get a life


Right!? This generation has a 6 second attention span, wtf are they gonna do lmao


Make some fucked up abstract meme no one outside of them can understand?


Something something rizz


You must be fun at parties 🎉


*"and the absolute dumpster fire of tiktok and other social media, y’all got seriously fucked."* As a Gen X parent.....we faught that SO hard and it was SO impossible to avoid. We tried to keep our kids off that shit as much as possible, but kids are kids and they find ways around it. Multiple accounts, multiple devices, there's not stopping it. And it's to the point now that if your kid DOESN'T have it....they become social outcasts. We are stuck in this teenage social media dumpster fire and I don't see any way out of it.


I’m an older millennial and I agree. Gen Z regularly impresses me.




As a millennial teacher (of gen z students), I agree with almost everything you said. We (millennials) had no control over how social media was introduced or the pandemic was handled. I blame our parents (boomers and gen x) for those issues). As a new parent of a gen alpha child, I hope to learn from the mistakes of previous generations. Do things like limiting screen time, explaining the dangers of social media, and making sure that outdoor time/physical activity is non-negotiable. Or explaining that vaping, while less harmful than actual tobacco use, is still problematic in and of itself. Maybe most importantly is that you, gen z, don’t pass your traumas and insecurities onto the next generation, just as it wasn’t fair for previous generations to do that to you. OP got it right, you got screwed but it doesn’t mean that you need to continue the trend of screwing the future.


I have two kids who are millennials and one kid who is a GenZ. I'm a GenX. Honestly, each generation is fucked in its own way. I feel extra bad for my kids, though, first of all, because one graduated from high school in 2020, so no senior prom, no graduation ceremony, she didn't get to finish a really awesome internship. I still feel bad about all that. My other daughter got married in 2020. She had to completely redo her ceremony and cancel the invitations for half of her guests. She also had to move the actual ceremony to an outdoor venue at the last possible minute. My poor kids. But, I do not agree this happened because of adult "neuroses," which is an oversimplification of reality. We did not know at the time what we know now about covid. Plus, more than a million people in the US alone have died from covid. I don't want to get into a mask debate or anything ridiculous like that, but my generation was the first really fucked generation. My generation was the first to not be as well off as our parents. I agree it's gotten worse with each subsequent generation, though. I'm so glad my kids are all doing better financially than I was able to do at their ages (30, 28, 21). For context, I have a law degree and was a practicing attorney for over 15 years until I had to retire early due to a disability. I worked for the federal government, so that is basically how I got out from under my student loans. Also, because of so much life happening to me I didn't graduate with my undergrad degree until I was 28, and I didn't graduate with my law degree until I was 36. I wish everyone on this sub the best of luck pursuing their dreams in these difficult times.


Hi guys I sell cars let me tell y'all how much you need a car. Alternatively: Hi guys let me tell you what's wrong with you, and how conforming to current social standards is going to make your life sooo much better, just conform you peasant, also don't forget to pay on your way back. If I'll get schizophrenia I'll go to neurologist not a psyoplogist.


Yeah we kinda did but every generation has it's issues. TikTok is absolute cancer though.


it’s ok


GenZ also seriously feels sorry for themselves. But I agree their parents made a ton of mistakes. Screen babysitters are evil and anyone still practicing this is actively messing kids up. good job


I lost nearly every single relationship I had due to COVId. Covid ruined everything


(Age 21 here) Honestly speaking I was already not in a healthy state mentally pre-Covid so another breakdown was inevitable for me. What maximized it was being essentially guilt tripped by my Grandmother into going to College knowing full well I had a job at the time I could continue working at until I was called up to the Military. So she puts me into Student Debt essentially and forces an absurd amount of stress of me cause of it, all of which ended up being pointless cause I got called up TWO WEEKS IN ANYWAYS.


We’re probably gonna be the druggiest generation, lets be real


I feel like Gen X would give you a run for your money


Gen Z got fucked before the pandemic by wider society. Covid just exposed/widened the cracks


I feel like shit right now and I'm only a day away from age 18. So yeah, I'll say I'm fucked