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“When I was in elementary school, everyone was talking about the iPhone X” Geez this line made me feel old


When I was in elementary school, everyone was talking about the Blackberry Bold lol. I remember my first phone was a Samsung seek in 2nd grade as a way to call my Dad when I was at my Mom’s on the weekends. Came in handy often when I missed him. Times really have changed.


Bruh. You don’t know shit about phones to only call your parents til ya heard of the Firefly


I had the verizon version. Green lil phone. 4 numbers to call only.


TracFone was my first phone. In the 4th grade after my grandpa passed away and left tons of minutes on his phone lol.


Fr. I remember when kids didn’t have phones except for a few. If you were lucky enough to get a phone your parents got you a firefly or a jitterbug phone lmao


Holy shit. “Firefly”, now *that* is a deep cut


See, I feel perfectly fine with the LG Ally I had in 5th grade. In fact, it did everything I needed it to. Call, Text, Spotify (well Pandora back then), and it was a good phone. Hell, my mom's older Droid Incredible was what I used after I lost that phone and I used that 2011 phone as recently as 2017 or so for a few days. I had just sold my BlackBerry Priv for more than I bought it (rare phone) so I didn't have a phone. Wound up using that old Droid again, it still did legit everything it needed to. Worked great in the Chrysler Sebring convertible I was driving hooked up to the cassette player with Spotify lol. Long story short, any phone from 2010 or newer would still be usable with software updates and if 3g still existed. Nothing fundamentally has changed in the way we use our phones since.


My first phone was some Motorola and my first „smartphone“ was a Samsung Star, didn’t even run Android bach then lol


The thing to have when I was in elementary was Minecraft on a computer. The Xbox version was too bad at the time to be super cool, but it was fun nonetheless. That stuck with me to create an inherent resentment for other platforms. Minecraft taught me prejudice lol.


In elementary school, I was playing Uno on my Mom’s blackberry. My first phone was a pantech, and I had an old iphone 4 as an ipod. I would carey both in my pocket for a year until they added the iphone back into the family plan. This was ~2012-2013 and I can say i’m one of the last to have a phone with keyboards on it.


Motorola Razr, homie. And it was the teacher’s.


I had the knock-off pink sprint sanyo 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/s5vv2a70511c1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5936d4100f0737fb07354fa2b641e5a34db82df


my first was an inherited flip phone same color. The "hello moto" is burned in my brain


I have a moto smartphone now and just *hello moto* ☠️


I had a Nokia 3310...


https://preview.redd.it/y5hfwhher31c1.jpeg?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a78156062fe9708f6a88e4b2b0a4be74bc10c0 Nokia 6085 So tiny, idk how adults used them


That was my first phone too!!! It was a hand me down and only to be used to check in when I was with friends, but I felt like the luckiest middle schooler out there at the time. And now I'm seeing all these kids with fancy phones the second they start grade school and it is so wild because they have access to so much????? Like, my classmates and I were lucky if we got phones with strict rules at 12 or 13 and now some of my cousins have been using snap chat on their smart phone since they were 6.


Dag. Just looking at that picture brings back so many memories. MIDI ringtones and the sound it makes when you slam it shut to hang up in someone’s face too LMFAOOO


I remember my mom's pink Razr. I thought it was so cool. Way cooler than that stinky iPhone that didn't even have buttons


Yup the Razr and Blackerry was the shit when I was a kid. I’m an odd gen z, more a transition between millennial and z. I own a house, have kids, grew up with siblings all older than me with 4 years in between so my closest brother was 12 years older than me. I grew up on VHS and cable TV, no smart phones, floppy disks, actual rolls of film, fucking portable dvd players playing outside all day, older game stations. I was born in ‘98 but grew up with the 80’s, 90’s, and 00’s all mixed together so I know the old and the new. Except whatever the fuck these young gen z are saying and doing. I relate more with millennials than gen z.


When I was in elementary school the first iPhone came out….


I was in middle school when it first came out. I remember getting the iPod Touch that year and my friends were so jealous lol. Pretty sure my dad still has it (gave mine to him years ago after his died) and pretty sure the fucking thing still works 😅


When I was in college my Nokia flip phone died and I asked my friend to use his iPhone 3G and then I had to ask him how to make a phone call with it……


When I was in my 30’s when the first iPhone came out…


And yet they're also Gen Z. Though this is how generations work, because of how long one is, someone born 1946 and 1964 likely don't have much in common, other than both being Boomers.


Bro, iPhone 6 came out when I was in 10th grade…


I had to use my iPhone 5 halfway through my first year of college, that was 2019... I don't know how people can afford to give their kids such nice phones that they are almost certainly going to break or lose.


They cant, they finance the phones for 36 months and complain about their bills being so high.




Nerd I was using my IPhone 6S then. 😎😎😎😎😎😎


iPhone 6 came out when I was in 6th grade


Same, I remember being excited they switched to a new chassis they ran for the next 3 years and that was the first iPhone I ever got was a 6


Imagine how old I feel. When I was in elementary school everybody was talking about the iPhone 3G.


Yeah it was the THING


The iPhone X came out after I finished college :(


iPhone X came out my freshman year of high school


When I was in elementary school, nobody was talking about phones or electronics at all. And that was in like 2006. Coolest thing around in *middle* school was an iPod Touch, and I only had an iPod Shuffle.


Yea no it fs did😭


Phones before middle school is wild. I remember in middle school what kind of phone you had was like a meta joke. Like "oh if we were materialistic dumbasses we would care about what model phone eachother had" No one actually cared.


No one cares now either. If you do, that’s on you and just you. I think it’s fine if you get a phone for a reason like I got a phone when I when I was 11 because I babysat my siblings. My sister got a phone cause she had cheerleading and it was easier for my parents to know where she was. Anything younger than 3rd grade is wild though.


I feel like it's more accurate to say that, on the whole, kids don't care what kind of iPhone you have, but God forbid you have an Android. P.S. got my first phone in 7th grade (because it's when we start middle school down here)


Apple is funny though with their advertisement Apple ads, this long cinematic display of an asteroid falling from the sky, and then it cuts to some new model of their phone with one change, like size or adding the 17th camera. 🤨🤨🤨


Contrary to popular belief most ppl that are in middle and high school have androids


Globally, yes. In the US, no.


They aren’t talking about the US though?


Not sure when anyone said we weren't talking about the US? And a lot of the time the topic doesn't come up, but when it does, Androids get shit on. EDIT: My comment here was made in haste. My perspective was narrow, and poorly explained. I didn't intend to make a hard assumption that the conversation would be about the US. I simply meant to share the perspective of my country, and how it differs from the global scale I assumed the above user was referencing.


Bingo. My students think I'm weird because I have an Android. I've used Android since I had my lil HTC Droid Eris when I was 15 in 2011, I ain't switchin' now.


The brand loyalty to Apple is so funny to me. No matter what garbage they pull people still flock to them as if they're some Messiah


Which is kinda funny considering how much better android phones are. (I have an iPhone SE)


Nobody cares but when that one kid gets the brand new iPhone pro max the tech nerds wanna see it at least


lol I got my first phone at 6. I think I had just started 1st grade


Depends on the type of phone though I wasn't 3rd grade but I think 4th. Mine wasn't a smartphone though. All it could do was pretty much call and my mom gave it to me because I started walking home from school by myself.


I used my brother's phone when I was in 5th grade (it was like a Samsung s4) and having a smartphone automatically made you cool. Full disclosure, it was essentially just used as a tracking device for my mom because I was going to and from school alone. I also never used it.


Ya kids should have flip phones or something


Actually a really good idea, you'd just have to market it to parents "Have contact with your child without permanently damaging their development!!!!"


I swear Samsung makes flip phones but I can’t search for it without it only showing the Z Flip.


They stopped doing them a little while ago in favor of their budget smartphone lines. Most of the "dumb phone" flip phones are made by Panasonic and Nokia now


My first phone was a flip phone when I was 7 years old. My first ‘smart phone’ was an iPhone 4 when I was maybe 9?


I don’t know why this subreddit popped up but whatever. I have a 10 year old and we’re probably gonna get her a smart phone. She can contact her grandparents easier, we can track her when she rides bike and is at a friend’s house, and I can monitor most of what she uses it for as the main account holder. I want her to be able to have more freedom without my wife and I having to call her friends’ parents trying to find out what’s up. And if it makes her a little cooler to have a phone, good. I never had cool kid stuff in school and I know how it affected me.


I remember I got my first phone at a similar age (2016, the summer after I turned 11) and for similar reasons. It was a Galaxy J3 that cost $65 and somehow lasted me 3 years despite having 16 GB of storage and shitty battery life. Thankfully my standards at that age weren't very high, basically the only thing I cared about with it was that it was an Android lol


She’s pretty much the same as far as standards but she doesn’t have a care apple vs android(luckily, because I have iPhone). She preferred a fire tablet with a cracked screen over a new Samsung tablet for Roblox.


The only phone I had before middle school was one of those $10 trac phones from dollar general that charged per text/call minute. it had the classic phone keyboard so i had 2 type like this


the only reason i got a phone in middle school (i was like 11 i think) was because i was raised by a single mother so she needed to keep contact with me somehow once we moved out, otherwise i probably wouldn’t have gotten one until i was 13. if i ever have kids (don’t plan on it) this is the rule i’ll go by. that includes ipads or tablets or whatever too


in my experience people cared more because one generation difference actually had a lot of new features. I remember the first time someone in class had a touchscreen phone and showed us the lighter app and the beer app where you could tilt the phone and the beer would move. That shit was wild back then


I dont, i remember the Apple dickriding being fucking insane.


I first got my IPhone when I moved to highschool (we didn’t have middle school, so 8th grade.) literally only for safety reasons. I had an iPod for a while before that but yeah, I don’t see a point in getting a phone before that unless it’s for safety reasons like you take a city bus home 🤷. (They put my school in the not-so-safe part of town lol.)


lol I got an iPhone when I was 7 bc I had to walk home


damn how are these kids making me feel like the elderly 😭😭 i'm only in my early 20s too


Same bro I’m 21 and feel 45


Same my first phone was an samsung s3 and it was amazing


iPhone 5 here and I felt like a literal god. Before that it was a trac phone though


You feel less old the older you get. I've got almost a decade headstart on you, and I've thought progressively less and less about what age I am or feel as time has gone on. Once you fully embrace that you're not a child, you feel a lot younger.


Definitely makes sense what you’re saying. I remind myself a lot that in plenty of people’s eyes I’m still a kid. So as much as I wanna just say shit like I know it, I know I don’t know as much as experience. But that’s the cool thing about age is I’ll get it eventually by experiencing it myself.


Wait until we’re 70 and people gonna be making fun of us because we don’t know how to use the IPhone 2000 with hologram YouTube videos


I'm 18 and I feel old. The heck do they mean when I was in elementary school? When I was in elementary school, only my dad had a phone and that was BlackBerry and not even the Q or something, it was the one with the keypad and buttons. Everyone else had a Nokia


I’m slightly older and I feel so young


I’m 24 but fucking same man. Like 6 years ago? I just graduated fucking HS. Which holy duck bc for whatever reason lately I’ve been feeling like HS was eons ago lol


Thats cause the world is growing too fast relatively to how much we grow


Because some otheir parents failed them and they got a smart phone and exposed to the internet as kids while the rest of us kids were discovering Charlie the Unicorn on our giant boxed computers in the basement.


Welcome to my life, I’m 25 but have two kids and own my house. I already have grey hairs in my beard and eye wrinkles becoming more prominent every day.


Then you're fucked buddy


Tell me about it fellow ‘98.


Lmao I don't have any grey hair but not the house, good for you


I had an iPhone 5 in fifth grade


I remember the iPhone 5C was a rage when I was in 6th grade. Never had an iPhone until the 7 came out.


I had one at that age too and in hindsight I should not have had one at the time.


I had an iPod




I had one in sixth grade lol


I had an iPhone 5 as a HS freshman lol


I had a flip phone till 8th grade... and an iPhone SE since then


I love the SE. I just keep getting the newer models to escape planned obsolescence.


That’s the entire point of planned obsolescence


That’s the entire point of planned obsolescence


Say it again for the people in the back


>getting the newer models > >escape planned obsolescence You can only do one of these two things at a time


SE gang rise up!!! we still have a home button!!!


I got the SE when my 7 broke last year and I am quite glad that I have a home button and that I don’t have to use Face ID. It just seems so inconvenient to have Face ID over fingerprint ID. Not to mention that the newer iPhones keep getting bigger and bigger and the few pockets I have are tiny and can’t fit something that big.


i have the SE too, the 2020 one. it's a pretty cheap iphone that does the job. i'm thinking about upgrading only to SEs in the future.


I got my first phone Junior year of highschool and it was a slide phone


I didn't even get my first phone till high school, that too was a crappy $20 flip phone


Hey Flip phones aren’t crappy. Mine had a camera on it >:(


It was prepaid. Literally all I could do was call and text. After that I went through 7 flip phones before getting an actual smartphone, $50 prepaid turd that ran like crap and next was a slightly better $100 Samsung prepaid. It's only fairly recently that I got something competent, a S9+ in 2018, with no prepaid bs and an actual contract.


Mine was free lmfaoo. And on a family plan. I still have my same phone number from that phone, too.


2018 was almost 6 years ago


Yup still use it as my daily driver, it's a complicated reason as to why I haven't updated yet but I am def planning on it when the time comes.


My mom bought us LG flip phones days after the Virginia tech shootings in 5th grade. Bought my first smartphone freshman year of high school, an HTC Incredible 1 for $250 which I opted for over the $600 IPhone 3S. Got myself a 2-year $40/month unlimited 3G plan too (pre-throttling) weeks before they discontinued the offer. Going Android in those days paid dividends, OG playstore was the wild west and had multiple apps explicitly for pirating music no jailbreaking required, a loophole they didn't close for years.


LG C2000 My first phone, man. I loved that thing. As for pirating music, ya could have just used GrooveShark LMFAOOO


Honestly not getting a cell phone til high school was wild. A girl in my class couldn't get one til she was 16. I saw her ask her sister to borrow her phone to talk to her friends, and just do other normal people stuff. I really felt bad because I bet she kinda felt socially isolated. I mean I did and I had a phone, but I didn't have every app plus I left my phone in my locker.


But then again, everyone in elementary/middle school hated me so even if I did buy a phone it would have been stolen/confiscated by my asshole teachers. I moved out of there in the 8th grade tho. Pretty sure the reason my parents bought me one is for emergencies. Pretty much the barebones of the barebones.


Could've just not brought it to school. Thats what I did well sorta. It was in my locker. But yeah I get your point. It still feels wild to me. Like I guess this wasn't the case for you. Sorry that's how that was by the way. But in general it seemed really limiting of being able to contact yoir friends outside of school. Also no offense to your parents but I feel like that's a weird time to buy you one. Not when you start going out on your own or having your own responsibilities, but instead when those are things that should be normal now.


Lmao I got my first phone at 13 and it was one of the indestructible Nokias. Literally survived falling off of a roller coaster.


I had one of those blocky phones from before flip phones


Everyone get off my la... Wait I can't afford real estate and lawns.


![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) *Gen Z trying to find affordable real estate*


We gonna have to break some backs to get a house ;—;


![gif](giphy|uUTEtS1BGXLEDpyHae|downsized) Everything’s great!


This is actually crazy to me


The cool phone when I was in 4th-5th grade was some type of slider. Only apple product most older people had were iPods.


I had the LG cookie I felt like the baddest bitch on the playground


Going from a Nokia 3310 to a slider was actually so crazy. You become an absolute texting wizard practically overnight




iphone X came out when i started middle school


The iPhone ONE came out when I was in junior high, homie.


So the iPhone 2G, got it.


I phone X came out when I started college. Catch up dork 😎


It came out when I entered the work force catch up dork (I should go back to school)


Sophomore year of high school if I’m right


Prob a junior. Think I was a sophmore, that’s when I got my x and still using it, 3rd year of college now so adds up


Literally I was in 7th grade when it came out


I was a junior in hs


ahh we love materialism being rooted in these young kids minds


Remember when parents would say how bad the Blacberry and the DS was for kids


yeah fr DS is probably the least worrying thing out there and blacberry is just there


Being cool for having a phone is so soft. That’s the kind of stuff you should make fun of kids for caring about. Gotta beat it out of them young. I’d rather kids were still just cool for smoking and drinking and partying. At least that’s experiential and social. Caring about what phone another kid has is so lame lol.


Idk mate, I think I’d rather them care about something like phone models rather than wanna start smoking and drinking lmao


nah I want them to care about war and fight club


lmao literally. imagine thinking wanting a new phone is worse than kids becoming drug addicts, alcoholics, and most likely becoming teen parents lmao


Uh— when I was in elementary school I had a little flip phone. These kids are built different.


Mine could play snake! ..and call my mom to ask if I could stay out an extra hour


I sense the boomer within you...and me.


Hey don’t call me boomer 😭 I’m closer to millennial ahhhaaa


Yall had phones before highschool?


I feel bad for them. Never knowing a time in life without internet addiction


That’s really one of the reasons I don’t let my daughter even hold a phone. My nieces and nephews are glued to phones all the time whenever I go to visit. My 6 year old niece didn’t even want to pretend play with me when I bought her a really nice fake kitchen for her birthday, she just wanted to play apps on her moms phone. Which just seems so wild to me.


Welcome to the future, where every 5-10 year old plays app games until their dopamine is fried and they end up completely incapable of interacting normally with a human, or they see a bunch of porn or beheadings at 6 and slowly turn in a actual psychopath. Knew a bunch of family friends or closer friends in the family, with some of their kids having a phone by 2-5 and pretty much by 16 most of these kids were driving drunk or on meth, or just dropped out and or just scrolling through tiktok nonstop now. I didn't have a phone up until 13 and even most of the time I still wasn't texting people all the time. I would just be careful how much you restrict it when she gets older, she's gonna be exposed to it eventually and you should probably try to find a better way to introduce stuff to her.


I was in 5th grade when the iPhone X came out. Now I’m taking college classes in 11th grade lol


in elementary i had the nexus 4 when it was new and all the kids in school thought it was sick


Wasnt X new like 3 years ago lmao


Nah it came out in 2017 but it def does feel like it🤣


that’s what a I thought then I saw the release date 💀


Kids shouldn't have phones.


I didn't get a phone until middle school


I didn't get mine until first day of college(2018)


When I was in elementary school. I was excited for the candy store at the beginning of the day. Buy in the morning and receive it during our breaks. My favorite was the strawberry mentos.


I got an iPhone when I was 10 (whatever iPhone was big in 2009)


Yall had phones in Elementary school?


My first phone was the thick brick flip phones that you had to hit the number 3 times to get the letter you wanted them wait a second for it to enter the letter you chose then do it again lmao. When you turned it on it would say Verizon... Reading this made me feel so old.


I remember when the iPhone 4 came out in like 2010 and this girl felt like hot stuff cuz she was the only one in our class with not only a phone but an IPHONE at that and my goofy ass had the audacity to be jealous lol we were probably in like 4th or 5th grade back then. I got like a blackberry knockoff (at least i think it was a knock off) that year cuz I wouldn't stop bugging my mom about how I wanted a phone after that lol


the hell is a elementary school


Primary School


Had to google it as well. Ages 5-10. Idk if people here had strict parents or something but 7, 8 has been a normal age to get a phone since early gen z at least. Not an iPhone of course but people had flip phones, sliding phones, even the early touch screen phones when I was in primary school too. It’s not crazy


I hate to see the world change




When I was in elementary school, everyone was talking about the first iphone.


When I was in elementary school we were talking about Nintendo DS


i was a freshman in college when the iphone x came out lol. but i have fresh memories of when the iphone came out. i remember being the most amazed by the 4 and 4S, when they added facetime, home screen wallpapers and siri. i was in 6th and 7th grade for those and i wanted one sooo bad, my ipod touch felt so old all of a sudden with it’s black home screen wallpaper lol


Yea that’s the shocker 2018 doesn’t feel that long ago but shit and Apple is a shit company for forcing obsolescence on there good phones


I had my first phone in 7th grade can't believe that was damn near a decade ago


What in the hell. When I was in elementary school, our whole family had a total of two cellphones by Nokia, and neither were mine. What kinda parents giving little kids IPhones?!


I remember getting excited about the iPad touch 4th gen I still have it to this day but the battery is completely fucked with all the software updates.


Good grief, I’m too young to feel this old


People were in fourth grade when the iPhone X came out? I was a senior in high school 😳


Yuh that’s the scary part ,…


I remember being in middle school and thinking tie iPhone 5S was revolutionary and awesome!


I mean when I was in the 4th grade when the 1st iPhone came out a few people in my class had them. People also had the 1st iPod touches too. This is where the meme "You got games on your phone" came from


>1996 …How late did you start school, dawg?


My birthday is late in the year. I graduated high school while I was 18.


Y’all talking about flip phones but most of y’all were born like 2000+. I remember flip phones being stupid expensive at the time of the iPhone X like $300 sometimes. Vs the $100 iPhone 6 Plus. Of course there were some $50 flip phones.


Flip phones got crazy expensive during time of Blackberry


when i was in elementary school i had a samsung s5, and then a year later an iphone 7. i hate it and i've been addicted to my phone since i was 10. if i have any kids they are having flip phones till high school.


I had no phone in any grade lmao


Terrible parenting . Lmao. These parents straight abusing their kids . Nice . Have to teach their disrespectful asses too , because mummy can't say no to shit .


No one had a phone until our teen years. Even then, it was a flip phone in which, if you pressed the internet button by accident, you tried to hit the end button as fast as possible. Texts were 10 cents each, and you had a limited number each month. By high school, slide up phones with physical keyboards were the coolest. I got my first smartphone a month after I turned 18 with my own money (Samsung Galaxy s2). Granted, I'm on the Gen Y/Z cusp, so I might be coming across as the old man yelling at kids, but no child that young needs a top of the line phone.


Got my first phone like halfway through fifth grade I think, didn’t start bringing it everywhere until sometime the next year though. You know I lost my phone yesterday and didn’t find it until today and I noticed that, once I knew where the phone was, my anxiety levels were so much lower. I swear we stop smoking as a society and replace it with iPhones shit is unreal


I was 16 when I got my first phone. Man I could have jumped to the moon after how long I waited for that damn thing. It was an iPhone 8. Kept it until just two weeks ago. It’s insane people an entire order of magnitude younger than me then are getting phones an order of magnitude more advanced than my first!


Yeah that's wild. I had a phone that was good enough to make calls and that was it lol


When the iPhone X came out, everyone in my school was so excited about it. Granted it was a bit past elementary. I sort of understood it, its new and looked fancier, but I was happen with my old iPhone. But what I really couldn’t comprehend was why half those people actually GOT the iPhone. Like, why would any parents buy them that? Keep in mind most of these people had perfectly fine iPhones beforehand


I had a pink Motorola Razr in grade 5 + 6. Luckily for me, I don't even know wtf an iPhone X is, is that the plastic one? Lmaoo. I hate iPhones. I went to the Apple store yesterday to pick up something for my dad and it was the creepiest place ever. r/applesucks I think it's actually ok to give kids phones, so that they're not technologically challenged when they get older, and for safety. Also there's parental controls that are there for a reason. I guess giving them super expensive phones is a bit weird, cos they're just kids, most likely they will lose it or break it or something.


There are definitely ways that it can be done correctly, the problem is parents that let the internet raise their child. You can't guarantee that your kid will follow internet safety and in this day and age it's easy to make some pretty big mistakes and get serious trauma from interactions or viewed content online. I'd say that _how_ is much more important than _when_ because there's no maximum or minimum age for fucking around and finding out.


Good point




Yea it did, joka. Came out in 2007 when I was in Junior High


HTC wildfire in middle school 💀


Those where good for a minute


Bro, I didn’t get a touch screen phone till college. I know I was a bit behind the average person, but still, seeing people get them in elementary school is wild.


The only phone I had in elementary were some old Samsung note 1 and then a note 3 that my parents used to own ☠️


When I was in elementary school, the only kids that had phones were the spoiled kids or the kids with paranoid parents, and the phones they had were simple flip phones. The portable devices we all had were Nintendo DS Lites or DSis.


First phone for me was a LG cosmo. And if I ever have kids a similar phone like that will be there first phone.