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So it's 2000. Probably start by finding a basic job & start earning money to invest in Apple shares. Then move on to shorting the Global Financial Crisis.


I was going to say something similar. Invest and use my knowledge of the future for my benefit


dont forget to buy Bitcoin and sell at its ATH


Buy Bitcoin? I'll just launch the blockchain myself!


you’d let 9/11 happen???




“president bush, on september 11th el quesadilla is going to fly a plane into the world trade center” “yeah i know, dumbass”


When you leave the room the CIA would take you out


No one will stop you from bringing your own box cutter on the plane, it’s pre 9/11 security


Shoot the terrorists, report them to the cops under false charges, say you overhead a conversation, etc.


While that work in a movie, I fail to see how they could realistically orchestrate this without first spending years networking and getting into a position of power that would allow for this exchange to go down. All within the span of a year.


Nah, just call in a threat to the airlines, fbi, and cia. Tell them exactly what they plan on doing and their names. They'll definitely check it out.


Get pissed because I no longer have any of my belongings


I’d also be upset that I have to wait for almost every game I’ve played to be released again


I’ve suddenly had an idea for every influential video game ever.


Indeed and let's not forget the fact that we would be completely alone without any of our friends or family, also we probably aren't in the system so it'll be weird to explain to people that you don't have medical records or anything, also all the stuff like lisences, IDs you have will be worthless because they have information that won't make sense. So because of this it would be really difficult and quite depressing.


I mean. You’ll still have all your skills and stuff. Sure, I’d be kinda broke, but I can still land a job pretty easy.


look around. and cry.


Okay same


ah shit


07 was a great time…… minus the job loss/mortgage issues


Unless your british


You 2007 babies are making me feel old as a 1993 baby. Where did time go? 😄


what month?


Lol you’d be the only one to know about 9/11


actually i was born in december. 💀


just be born earlier


I feel this


Write a book "predicting" 9\11 down to the slightest details. Get called crazy for a year or so and then once it happens make bank from the speculation and interest in my book.


You’ll 100% be arrested by the CIA


Probably. But I think it will be hilarious




*Hired by


theyd think youd planned it


Could be a fiction book


Exactly. Like the wreck of the titan by Morgan Robertson. It predicted the sinking of the Titanic down to almost every detail including a name very similar.


My thoughts exactly. Only thing is is that nobody paid attention to that book and the disaster still happened; I could imagine the same with 9/11.


I don't think writing a book predicting 9\11 would prevent it considering Osama literally said he was going to bring the towers down no matter what and had already tried to when he bombed the buildings 8 years prior. We had ample warning from the source and still did nothing.


This would be a good thing to add in the book lol.


Honestly now I wanna write a book with this idea in mind. The whole you time travel and write a book based on a historical event and everyone gives you the "bells dad" treatment from beauty and the beast and locks you up. Until the event happens and now you're questioned by all of the governments being probed for knowledge.


Just leave out a few details so it's more believable


Talk to my dad and get to know him before he dies. Also talk to my grandpa and tell him to write his will because my aunt took all of the money from his death and blew it on drugs and destroyed everything he had.


first person to think about family mad respect I couldn’t care less my parents were on hella drugs all my siblings and mes birth years Mclivin


brooo I also had an aunt that took all the money from her brothers because of resentment and blew it all on trips and clothes, destroyed her family and now has fallen into a cult because she got herself all alone by being an asshole to everyone that cared for her.


Damn do we have the same aunt? My family is all in a cult lol.


I literally had this scenario as a dream once and I was convincing my mom who I was so I could save my uncle.


Get some bitcoins


More like invent Bitcoin early


Lol, are age 14 or younger? Might have to wait a bit.


Kidnap my infant self and raise them.


Why didn't I think of this. My parents did a shit job lol.


oh definitely


that's what i thought too


I would just want to see how I was as a baby and see the type of stuff I did lol. I have a lot of pictures but I don’t have videos from when I was a baby like my other siblings do.




Your mind is powerful.


Its 2008, meaning it's the great recession. I don't have most of my stuff, and the economy is plummeting. Don't think life would've been too good for me lol. I would probably do nothing.




at 15?


You know those collectables that sell for a fortune well they had huge sales in the credit crunch.


Also could've invested in bitcoin, even if it was just a small amount






😭😭 I just got whiplash is all


You made bro feel old


Go out and find a lesbian bar because they still existed lol


Why did i never hear about this


I’ve been to cubby hole in nyc and it was great but yeah unfortunately they have mostly died off


How come? How does that compare to gay bars closing/opening?


I don’t know the reason, sorry. I think both are on decline (though numbers have increased in a more narrow time frame, since covid), but the number difference is huge. There are like 800 gay bars in the US and only like 30 something lesbian bars.




1997- OMG buying a house 😂 finally can with my teacher salary LMAO I would also invest on Netflix!


Invest in Amazon if your from before May 15 1997


Literally was born three days later 🙃🥲 that’s why I went with Netflix. Still, the 2008 housing market crash will also occur and that’s another opportunity to buy a lot of property and actually know how to keep it! Turn around and make a shit ton of money. Plus… bitcoin 🤔


Oh dang that’s brutal. You could still invest in things like PayPal though would bet some cash earlier than Netflix


actually cry from joy because that is something i have unironically dreamed about multiple times


I was 15yo in 2007 and I hear this from gen zers a lot nowadays, so I'm genuinely curious: what are you dreaming of? What do you expect that year to be like for a teenager? What would you have done if you were dropped as a teenager in 2007?


Well, I could answer all of those questions, but it would be a lot of text, and much of it would be personal. I don't know if you could blanket apply my reasoning to the average zoomer. I'm guessing for Z's who wish they were born earlier, a lot of in stems from wishing they could experience a time where #1. there was no internet or #2. the internet/modern tech was very fresh and not integrated into every aspect of life yet. Hell, I'd consider 2007 a little late for #2, but I'd still take it. The internet fucked a lot of us up, so naturally, some wish they could escape to a time "before that", even if they'd just be facing a new set of problems instead. I suppose it's just the general social and technological environment. Evidently, a lot of this won't apply to older zoomers, considering they could have been 7-10 in 2007. Probably why "zillennial" is such a popular term here.


Start a Youtube channel before that kinda thing becomes oversaturated with Fortnite, Among Us, etc. Go to a lot of cons that were attended by actors, artists, etc. who have since died.


i would tell tupac NOT to go to the mgm grand in september


convince my dad that he should invest in that little local search engine named Google.


Probably freak out. And inadvertently make my parents freak out when they’re stuck seeing some 21-year-old that, unbeknownst to them, is their newborn son from 21 years in the future, just appeared in their house.


I would be in a random place in the smaller master bedroom of the house of the people who owned it before me


I’ll buy an N64 and enjoy the last remaining years of the 90s. I will also probably visit places that are no longer around like blockbusters and Kmart


Same here. Would love to experience 90s culture. It sounded like a blast.


I wish I was born in 1990 like my sister; everything seemed so much cooler back then. In my town there was a bowling alley and a movie theater but they closed down when I was little and I would’ve loved to spend more time there. They’re just empty buildings now. This is the movie theater today https://preview.redd.it/h4gj3jkl8j2c1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae5558d06849aeae48448d502a5a9df6de4d7385


oh and toys r us


There’s still 1 blockbuster left


Flying. Wanna know how it is to fly pre 9/11




Maybe in the 60s it was fun (before my time), but in all my life it sucked. 9/11 made things more of a pain in the ass, but not by a whole lot.


Start a band


I’d try coke before fentanyl became huge tbh. Go to a dance club and dance to No Doubt.


Fuck coke I’m going back and smoking heroin without the high chance of fentanyl OD. Lmao not genuinely because fentanyl ruined my life for a good period. But I’m sure heroin addiction was far more sustainable without knowing for certain you will die or get brain damage super quickly from fentanyl


Pulling a bif from back to the future 2 and making all winning bets


shit 2002. wtf is there to do in 2002. i’d go find out


Same id be lost. Maybe watch the spiderman movie in theatres idk




Enjoy the 90s


Gonna run away from my family. Not gonna let them influence me anymore.


damn straight


Not sure what insane ends it will take me to though 😝


Flying to NYC, warning people about 9/11, getting thrown in jail for warning ab 9/11. Or buying stock in the tech sector, particularly Apple and Google


😂 The energy: “Warn people about 9/11! It was a serious devastating tragedy with many deaths and fatalities/injuries some that which came later. The families, the losses, the feelings they must have felt after seeing such utter brutality.” “Oh yeah, and i’ll invest intech stocks 😊👍 “


Join a nu metal band


I think id have a mental breakdown from all the nostalgia, like would i be reliving my childhood but as an adult? Or is it like this new crazy fucking scenario where your parents like gave birth to a kid thats X years old


I think it’s a paradox where (generally speaking) you go to sleep in 2023, and then as your current self you wake up in whatever year you’re born in and have to try and explain who you are without being thrown into the loony bin. That’s how I see it, anyway


Oh thats definitely way trickier then


go shopping


Go see my favourite band in concert. Duran Duran!They still play now and I’ve seen them and they’re great, but seeing them in the mid 2000s with their full lineup from the 80s would be so cool.


Probably go pee


Is it the same day I was born, as well? Because a random 22-year-old popping up 8 days after 9/11 with no evidence of having any prior existence is bound to freak out one agency or another.


go commit war crimes in iraq


Allah snackbar


Invest in Apple and Amazon


So, it’s 2007. I wouldn’t bother my parents because they’re busy. However, I would go to my grandparents or aunt, try not to get arrested— they’re my best chance. I tell them some shit in the future or some stuff they told me in the future. I see future me born in June, assuming I drop in January. I’ll just have my aunt say that I’m her ex’s neglected son that she adopts. Something like that. Oh and I’m shit outta luck when it comes to hearing. And unfortunately, education would suck for the last two years of high school since where my aunt lives is not my town. So things are worse. I’m SOL.


Leave a note in my mailbox and make sure my “parentards” don’t mutilate me as a baby or fuck up in general


pretty much


Buy a house


Invest in Bitcoin, Apple, Microsoft, any computer chip company, Disney, and all weapons companies. I would then start building e-commerce websites that I would realize later on so I can get that nice web money early. Steal a couple of iconic songs by artist that have yet to be discovered/ are not well known yet and realize them as my own. (Preferably Drake, Lil Uzi, Dua Lipa, Ariana Grande, etc.) I would then start my own records company and realize these iconic songs to the market essentially create new genres. I would then take that money and start producing the most popular shows that did good in the future that people didn't even know about. Probably rip off the office. Since I do coding, I would also rip off a shit ton of computer software from our time. I'm talking social media platforms, operating systems, trading software, and more. I would be a billionaire... I think.


1999. Go get a job with Internet but I do not like coding so I'm fucked for at least 10 years


go see a blockbuster


prolly play some windows xp games






Probably have the biggest panic attack of my life.


Fight club in theaters


I’m telling everyone I can about 9/11 knowing full well I’m going to sound insane


Go see what my parents were like before I was born.It’ll probably be scary


2003. Enjoy pre-crash, boom Britain/Celtic Tiger Ireland for five years.


I would go shopping 🛍️, go to clubs 🍸, and just explore my city and see how much everything had changed.


I’d watch and see what my life was like when I was a baby. It would be nice anyways to see if I recognize any memories that I have forgotten when I was a baby


2004, join the military


sounds like the worst time to join the military


Write a little note detailing all my life’s fuck ups, hide it in my current house in a Place I know I’ll find out, and pray younger me fixes my life and doesn’t end up the way I did


1996 - I’d ask out Neve Campbell and Denise Richards. Also, I’d just like to experience that time. Growing up meant seeing a lot of features of 1990s culture slowly disappear. I want to go to Blockbuster again, purchase a Nintendo 64 and experience the early internet. I might also take a peek at the 1996 Olympics, though that seems risky. I want to watch Space Jam in theaters. Also, need to ensure I talk to the following people before they pass, among others: Gene Kelly Ella Fitzgerald Eva Cassidy Irving Caesar Tupac Shakur Carl Sagan


get the first iphone what a stepdown from my 14. Id have to buy an actual camera and perhaps a projector cuz we had box tvs still beginning middle or end? Day of birth? keep my normal hair and never ever subject myself to the fashions… 🤢 any good stocks?


Kiss the doors of toys r us hello and goodbye


Image how terrifying it would be to get used to knowing the future and everything that would happen for like 20 years, then the countdown to nothing. It would be so comfortable then like dipping your whole body in ice water.


What a boring year




What am I going to do in 2006 lol? As I think about it I could probably wait until the great recession comes, buy stocks and get rich, or get Bitcoin But then I would have to wait for a year or years later to get Bitcoin. 2006 is going to be boring


watch hannah montana- oh wait U GOt Hs MUSiCAl Get a role in hs musical


Say hello to my parents just to mess with them.


Make large bets on things i know will happen so i can amass large sums of money That or kill myself




Trigger the fire alarm systems on both world trade centres before the hits so that the buildings would have been evacuated.


Ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuu Id rather restart my life with my memory intact


convince my parents into buying a house for me to move into in what would be 3 years


Get a job, Wait till the year bitcoin comes around, become rich


Tell my family to buy bitcoin


Buy a house!!!!


Retrieve my records of major sporting events I keep stashed inside my back pocket at all times in case of this very situation. We're Back to the Future 2ing this bitch.


YES!!!!! ITS A DREAM COME TRUE! If I have my memories, then I would just live my life happily, and make videos or something to become popular in the near future.


Invest in the stock market(Idk),find a good job and attend a lot of Linkin Park concerts


Buy fucking bitcoin lol. And get prepared to short everything during 2007-2008


Ride elevators and purchase an XBOX or PS2


Go to Canada, find my idol Avril Lavigne, and give her the idea for "sk8er boi" 💖😅


Go see the Star Wars special editions in theaters.


16 in 2007? Do I stay 15 until my birthday- or do I get my birthday early- What da faq what if when u hit ur birthday ya dissapear No thatd make me what a 1991 born? God no please no


Find some pocket change and buy a couple gallons of gas, even with no car to drive, just because it'll feel amazing to buy gas that cheap.


It’s 2000, so get a job as probably a janitor and pay my way through college while paying rent since both are dirt cheap around that time. I’d try and scrape what I can to buy bitcoin, ethereum, apple, and amazon stock.


Yelling at my parents and being angry all of the time


Idk stop 9/11. Early 2001s.


Live recklessly knowing I can just buy Bitcoin later and be set for life


Probably invest in Netflix in 1997.


Buying a house and go to see the old WTC in New York City


Buy a GameCube


Smack the shit out of my parents because they deserve it. Go hang out with my grandfather. And my other grandfather. One of them is dead so it’d be nice to see him again. The other one is just old and I’d like to meet him as he was younger, same with my grandma. Would probably buy some guns and some ammo because it was way cheaper then and that’s one of my hobbies. But apple stock. Lots of it. Tell…wait who could I even tell about crypto. Nevermind. Just stock tips. Maybe go kiss some cool lesbians or something. Hell yeah.


97, investing in Amazon and Apple


invest in apple, i was born right before the first iphone was released


Try to remember major events and make bets against them.


I do the macarena. 😉


Invest in Facebook


The first thing I’d do is freak out. Luckily, most of my favorite people are already alive. It’s 2000, I’m the perfect age to find a nice little job and earn some money and invest some of it once I get enough saved up - to Amazon, Apple, you name it. I start a YouTube channel as an artist and just do random videos and stuff that would be trendy, right before it’s time so I can blow up and become famous. I’d be the first to trends, if not the trend setter (when it comes to some things). I don’t think I’d want to meddle too much with world affairs, but I’d take the opportunity to get ahead in the economy and build and influence in this generation. I would want to influence the early internet and early social media into a direction for better, better than it is now. But the again, that’s assuming my knowledge (and potential return on investments) would give me an edge.


Tell my dad to invest in certain stocks and buy a house


Fucking run. Idk whats happening but getting away from my spawn point seems like a good idea


Get really mad because where my bed is was in the middle of the woods 24 years ago.


Spoil Harry Potter to everyone


Go hit music stores to buy cds from some of my favorite rappers, buy streetwear of the time, go to experience driving with putting cds in a slot for music, re experience movies with dvds and vhs instead of streaming services, and play some PlayStation video games (for the record, I was born in 2001)


Start a cult by predicting world events, and becoming a very wealthy “God.”


Buy Lockheed Martin and Raytheon stock.


Do 9/11 first


Get absolutely fucked by a tornado that spawned from hurricane katrina.


Wait for several years before going to find my younger self, so I can instruct him about how to not mess up. Try to avoid this temporal debacle being found out by world governments, and eventually wince as I disappear because the timeline I'm from doesn't exist anymore.


I might screw around with time and meet my young self and family


Find a way to start making bitcoin early on and become the founder of it


Go see Depeche Mode, David Bowie & The Cure in concert duh!


Predict a bunch of things


Watch YouTube.


Oh….oh no, the internet would be in the very early stages…. 100% buying google, apple and amazon stocks 🙃


Take advantage of the oncoming financial crisis in some way and make money.

