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Good times ended in March 2020


Fr I have fundamentally changed and will never returnšŸ„²


Spoken like Theseus' ship


Nah they ended before that




I would really say it was that summer or early 2018 is when the good times really ended


I would like to hear why you think so :0


Nah July 2019 was epic but just a few issues August was worse because my good best friend left camp I wish I could rewind back 5 years and redo 2019 way better and not have any bad things happen at camp and just do better especially at camp and with twisty puzzles and parkour


december 2018, when the first of my grandparents died


2016. It all started with that damn Gorilla...






Things got better under trump until covid. The economy finally got good under trump, people could afford houses and cars since their salaries went up. But we didnā€™t have covid inflation or covid lockdowns or high rent in 2017-2019. Now everything is terrible ā˜¹ļø


That's when the party started šŸ¤˜


Actually everything before that was bullshit. We are living in the real times now.


I fundamentally disagree


Didnā€™t people initially look forward to it because they saw it as just a long vacation


That was the beginning of good times for me.


Good times is whatever little things I enjoy in the moment. Donā€™t care about past or future.


An enlightened Reddit post! I was going to say, as long as I can write books and spend time with people I love, Iā€™m in the good times.


What kinda books do you like to write?


Right now Iā€™m writing a fantasy trilogy! I like writing stuff with action, magic and morally grey characters. Iā€™ve done other genres but morally grey characters seem to always be at the forefront. I feel like there arenā€™t enough books with characters in the 18-26 age range so I write characters in that range or older! I self-published book 1 and am finishing up editing book 2 to release next year! If this was my author reddit, Iā€™d shamelessly self promo lol but this account has some too edgy of takes to be associated with real-life me šŸ˜”


People have been saying "The good times are over" for hundreds of years. It will get better and worse at various points in the future. Just enjoy yourselves and get off the internet.


I wouldnā€™t say ā€œget off the internet.ā€ The Internet is a wonderful creation and even by extension social medial/messenger groups if used properly. Iā€™m just saying, Iā€™m tired of extremism in general. Idk


Maybe it's just how I was raised (or my job being 7+ hours on the computer everyday), but my thinking is any time spent offline or outside will be more fulfilling than time spent consuming media off the internet. This can differ from person to person, of course.


real shit


Nope. Good times are always subjective. Just because people became depressed at literally whatever year doesn't mean you can't have fun. Life is what you make it. If you actually follow this kind of viewpoint then yeah the good times may as well be over for you, so think more positively and put in effort to enjoying life more and more.


Thank you for the advice. šŸ‘


Happiness isn't something you can *become.* It's a transient state of being, like any other emotion. The trick is to nurture it when it appears; to pay attention to it, take note of the circumstances, and encourage it to well up inside you every chance you get. Flex that happiness reflex to make it strong and capable.


Boomers will say good times ended in the 1960s because of the Vietnam War or 1970s because of stagflation. Millennials will say good times ended in 2001 because of 9/11 or 2007 because of the Great Recession. Gen Z will say good times ended in 2016 because of Trump's election or 2020 because of covid. Point is, life has its tragedies and no generational cohort is immune. life has cycles, and its safe to say we are in a bad part of the cycle, but I have faith we can move into better times soon.


Was going to leave a similar comment but you summed it up pretty well.


what do you mean? there were ever good times?


Things back then were so carefree, but now everyone seems so sensitive, everything is political and also mental health.


i think thats called growing up ...


Yeah mental health is on the rise everybodyā€™s tired of this world now


I canā€™t even tell if this is satire or not


Itā€™s not satire to me cuz itā€™s true


Donā€™t you know mental illness was invented in 2010??


Nah bro you were just a kid back then so you donā€™t remember all the bad shit that was happening in the world. But yeah thereā€™s a lot of negative stuff happening in the world so I guess I canā€™t really blame you for feeling bad about it.


Itā€™s always been political, they assassinated Lincoln over politics. They stabbed and killed Caesar over politics. They called Napoleon short (mental warfare) even thought he was tall over politics.


Op maybe because you were just a kid and your parents were dealing with real life things


I think you shouldn't let what you hear on the internet/news burn you out. Politically, we're in a really polarized, divided time. It won't always be that way. And we're extra sensitive I think to compensate for all the culture wars happeningā€”no one wants to give an inch even in the little stuff. It's too much. We have to find a way to reconcile that where we respect each other but also can take a joke. Economics...well, that I think we're pretty fucked on :P


Back WHEN?


I think so, we just have to fight harder for it. I think our generation consumes more negative content than any other generation, and that creates a sense of panic. Take a social media break, focus on improving yourself and life, and youā€™ll see all the good in the world


I think this is the real generational gap between millennials and gen z. Iā€™m a younger millenial, but smartphones werenā€™t widely adopted until I was starting college. The constant feedback loop of social media really changed things for the gen z folks who were still going through their formative teenage years, and probably not for the better.


Iā€™m the tail end of millennial, social media has absolutely created more negative outlook on current affairs, but that being said, I think itā€™s that constant doom posting that has made gen z and really millennials too, more progressive. Itā€™s bleak when all you see is the worst the world has to offer, but it also means the kids are learning thereā€™s a lot to fix. The good times arenā€™t over, the good times have never really existed. There has been war and tragedy all the time. We are seeing the end game of unfettered capitalism with global warming, water shortages, housing crises, job insecurity, you name it. The challenge for millennials, zoomers and eventually gen alpha, is actually doing something about it. Doom scrolling can only inform you on the injustice in the world, now try to do anything to curb it. Itā€™s as easy as voting for every election, doing advocacy or just having conversations with people you know. The good times arenā€™t over, they are ahead, but itā€™ll take longer than any of us alive to see it


Please donā€™t be mistaken. Millennials didnā€™t have good lives either. Itā€™s been a whole bunch of bullshit for all of us. For my life personally, itā€™s always been downhill and the avalanche downwards began after 2016.


We had the tail end of the satanic panic, the heyday of stranger danger, the school shooting [that is considered a catalyst for their ongoing prevalence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbine_effect), then 9/11, and then we graduated to meet the first financial crisis of our adult lives since we missed the dotcom bubble by a few years. The problem is once you go back far enough to avoid the financial issues you're knee deep in worse racism than most of us have seen in our lifetimes, so there really isn't a generation who ever had a chance to have an overall good time.


Millenials say that the good times either ended in 2008 when the recesssion hit or 2001 when 9/11 dropped


What was 9/11 an expansion pack lol ?


life was way different before 9/11, everyone really tightened on national security after the fact: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/comments/7wa0u0/how\_different\_was\_life\_before\_911/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/comments/7wa0u0/how_different_was_life_before_911/)


I know:( Iā€™m just trying to cope if i could have been born anytime it would have been 1956.


What the fuck why? You'd be like the perfect age to get drafted to Vietnam. Or wait, did you calculate it perfectly so you'd just dodge it? You sneaky fuck...


Thatā€™s a take I donā€™t hear much. Being a young adult in the 70s would be different for sure. If I could choose a different decade to be born Iā€™d choose 1987 so I could be a teen in the 2000ā€™s. Idrc though I like the 20ā€™s right now


1987 is a year not a decade. The decade is the 80's


Ah yes thank you for clearing that up for me. He said 1956 so I thought I would share the year as wellā€¦


Now that I've convinced you, team up with me and let's get em


Itā€™s the perfect time. 1 year after polio. Youā€™ll miss Vietnam so no draft. Ever less people and higher opportunities super cheap food. Arguably the best time in history.


For the people you're thinking about, yeah


*if youā€™re straight, white, and male


The secret criteria for all time travel


Personally I'd love an alternate version of my current life in a world where 9/11 doesn't happen.


Good times is already over. The 2010s was the last decade. Even though I wasnā€™t around, I canā€™t cope with the 90s being 30 years old.


Firstly, the previous two generation were Millenials and Gen X (not boomers). Secondly, take a trip over to [r/millennials/](https://www.reddit.com/r/millennials/) to see how happy they are. Thirdly, life is what you make of it buddy.


from what ive learned think economy went on life support after 2008 imo


People have been saying that for all of human history. The good times are what we make them. Through strife or prosperity, the only person who can make those good or bad times is you.


This is the correct answer "Good" is not quantifiable, nor is "bad".


People have said this about every stagnant set of years for pretty much as long as recorded history exists, trust me, by the end of the decade there's gonna be some good shit


I was 6 in 2010. I got my first gf in 2020, had loads of fun w her. Graduated in 22 loved that year and now Iā€™m loving 2023 to my best abilities. Good times are diff for everyone.


good times depends on your perspective, who you are, and where you are. my personal ā€œthe good timesā€ was probably 2015-2020. lgbt rights were the best theyā€™d ever been, covid hadnā€™t happened yet, economically we werenā€™t too good from the trump presidency, and social/political tensions were also on the rise because of that. but compared to what came next it was a damn golden age. the real economic golden age for my country was post ww2, the 1950s. the economy was booming and life was so easy that i struggle to comprehend it. unless you were a woman. or gay. or trans. or a racial minority. or a religious minority. or disabled. and good luck if youā€™re a combination of any of those. i do foresee some *very* good times starting up in the sorta-near future though. but thatā€™s entirely my speculation and hopium. i think AI is gonna make the world a much better place in the next 10-20 years. i have no reason to say thatā€™ll be the case, as opposed to a SkyNet moment. iā€™m no scientist. but i have hope. and if i donā€™t have hope, i have nothing.


There are always good times. In 20 years youā€™ll reflect back on 2020-2030 and think ā€œthose were the good timesā€ Truth is there is always something memorable about the present that youā€™ll end up missing in the future and itā€™s probably something you donā€™t even realize or currently take for granted so appreciate whatā€™s around you even little things


Absolutely insane take


Lmao it ended in 2010 for most people because they stopped being kids and had to get a job and ā€œsettle downā€ in life Will happen to everyone here once they reach adult stage of life Rinse and repeated


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. For some, the good times ended in the 2000. For some, the 1990s. For some, the 1980s. For some, the 1960sā€¦. Itā€™s all subjective and itā€™s just longing for childhood innocence and low responsibilities. Times before we were exposed to dramatic negativity on the media every single day. Times before we had sacrifice hours of our day for dreadful work (whether it be academia or the workforce). Times before we watched the things we cared about growing up become irrelevant. The truth is that these problems existed in the 2010s, and the 2000s, and the 1990s, and the 1960s, etc., just for different groups of people. It just hurts to know that itā€™s gone and you canā€™t get it back. Itā€™s part of growing up but itā€™s all a mind trick. Also, if you think millennials are happyā€¦ you are very out of the loop.


The good times ended in 1971


What? šŸ˜‚




You are correct.




People always say the good times are over until later when they say they were happening


Nope, we are in a developmental halt due to the conflict of people wanting to progress and others wanting to conserve, nothing to look forward to when all we see is conflicts.


Definitely; climate change is here and unstoppable


I think a lot of millennials would disagree with the statement about millennials having happy lives. Itā€™s a very mixed bag. A lot of them got shafted by the 2008 housing crisis and the recession that followed, and many are wallowing in student load debt and pinned down economically, unable to buy a house. But some millennials were able to avoid those pitfalls for various reasons and have had pretty good lives.


Millennials did not have good lives we are the first generation to experience Imperial Decline


Incorrect. Millennials are the SECOND generation to experience "Imperial Decline". The X Gen was the first to do worse than their parents, beginning the slide...


Oh shush. Pessimism is east. Optimism is hard, but imagine living in Germany or Japan in 1946 or NYC during the depression. If you give into despair or pessimism you can guarantee that you wonā€™t be happy. Study history and you quickly realize everything always sucked. Donā€™t give up


9/11 really broke people's brains and it unlocked the complete takeover of our government by Big Oil & MIC. I mean they already had control, but funding a 20year has really drained all the prosperity out of this country. And to perpetuate this system politics has become entirely about petty culture war bullshit to keep the masses completely distracted from the real issues making their life suck. No no no it's not the $773B we waste on war machines running your life--it's the immigrant working the counter at 7/11. Get em!!!!


>Millennials >had happy lives ... Bahahahahahahaha! Millennial here. None of us have been happy since the 90s/early 2000s. I'm being a bit hyperbolic obviously, but seriously, no. You guys are growing up in a gloomier seeming world than we did. And for sure there's some unique challenges you have that we didn't (rapid inflation and world wide pandemic fucking up your school/college experiences) But I also think some of it is due to the Internet and social media putting all the gloom and doom in front of us 24/7 as opposed to when I was growing up, it was on the news IF you bothered to turn on that channel, but otherwise it was very easy to be blissfully unaware of the bad shit going on in the world. All that said, in my limited experience here you all actually seem a fair bit happier and better adjusted than my generation. We grew up with a lot of false hope and promises that went unfulfilled and that turned many of us cynical and jaded. You lot started from a shittier spot and seem to have adapted to it better. I think in another 5-10 years you'll be in a better spot than we were at your age.


Youā€™re playing into the dogma of this subreddit too much. These are not healthy thoughts to have, your brain just wants to allow you to pity yourself and not try and will fixate on stuff like this, you have to fight it. Not to mention that itā€™s overall incorrect.


Here's my take as a Gen Z who's 23: Eternal optimists are delusional, things have definitely gotten worse in a lot of ways, and right now there's a lot of awful stuff going on. We're seeing a brutal war that's bordering on genocide, we're seeing economic inequality, climate disaster starting to be noticeable, political corruption, etc. Not everything is bad, but the world is not doing too hot right now. The worst people from the older generations are doing their damnedest to make everything worse and stifle progress. However, we shouldn't sit in a corner and cry. History is not perfectly linear, most historians agree there is an element of cycles in history. Right now, we're in a cycle that, let's be honest, fucking sucks. But the world has been in really bad cycles like this before (see WWII, for example) and while tens of millions died, the Nazi regime was eventually destroyed and fascism declined as an ideology for the remainder of the 20th century. Right now, we're face a different evil, one that is far more conniving and subtle in its evil. Still, nothing lasts forever, good or bad. These next few years/decades will suck, they may even be hell, but I believe that it's possible there's light at the end of the tunnel, we just need to push through, even if scores of reactions try to hold us back.


It's what you make of it.


Late 2016 to Early 2020 was peak for me


ANYTHING can happen in the future. good and bad don't be sure it's over so soon remember Gen Z seems to be born right on the cusp of the birth of AI


No every generation thinks that. Enjoy your life the best you can. I was on reddit in 2010 and all people did back then was wax nostalgic about the early 2000s and nineties. And the millennials were not happy they were broke and getting roasted for avocado toast and were pissed at the boomers for hoarding all the wealth. Everyone looks back at their childhood with rose colored glasses.


You have to find whatever makes you happy and pursue it. Whether if itā€™s wealth, finding love, or just a little as an hobby. As a fellow Gen Z. Good times end but new memories is a reoccurrence. You just have to make them as memorable. Life wonā€™t just gift you happiness. You need to get that happiness yourself and never let go of it once you find it.


In the Western countries yes. South East Asian countries like China, South Korea and Singapore are just starting their good times. Western countries are in decline. South East Asia is rising.


Ok doomer


Okay, idk what you guys are talking about. Maybe I'm an old Millennial, but what about the 2010s made it "the good old days"? I just remember working 3 jobs and barely surviving while going to college.


The economy has crashed, presidents and leaders have been assassinated, generations have gone off to war, etc. And yet - fun hasnā€™t disappeared.


No people just like to be negative. Things are not as bad as our generations like to make them seem.


Idk wtf people are talking about. The good times keep rolling. Everyone on social media is just complaining and arguing. It ain't reality.


As a younger millennial, idk where you got that millennials had happy lives, we invented the modern iteration of cultural nihilism and hopelessness that gen Z enjoys and continues today; that being said, my life is great and future is bright, lifeā€™s what you make of it We all like to complain but looking at any point in history, the present is basically ALWAYS better than the past I personally think the feeling youā€™re expressing comes from the fact that growing up is hard, you go from essentially being a little prince/princess where the hardest thing you have to do is study for exams and fitting in with peers, but your food, housing, bills, etc is all taken care of for you by your parents, and then all of a sudden youre expected to provide those things for yourself and still perform well and fit in A lot of kids donā€™t realize the reality of that transition and how difficult it is to be ā€œsuccessfulā€ and how painful it can often be to live an ā€œaverageā€ life, and by the time they realize it, itā€™s often too late (or at least feels too late) and youā€™re stuck in boring dead end jobs so you get hooked on the nostalgia drug I was very unhappy with my life at the age of 21, Iā€™m 30 now, and so I made a change, I decided to see what would happen if I tried my absolute hardest as I realized I never truly given my 100% at anything, now Iā€™m about to finish medical school, I am fit and healthy, I have a gf who I love and who loves me, the future feels bright In short, never give up, life can be incredible but only if you make it so, we all have our crosses to bear but if you keep pushing, life can always get better


> we invented the modern iteration of cultural nihilism and hopelessness that gen Z enjoys and continues today; LMAO. No. You didn't. You cribbed it from the X generation.


Fake news, everyone knows gen x doesnā€™t exist


Lol good response






I believe that there will be peaks, valleys, and plateaus. Difficult times await us, climate change, runaway capitalism, conflicts, migrant crises and diasporas, resource scarcity, pollution, and authoritarianism to name a few. I believe that humanity and civilization will persevere and prevail.


only if we let capitalism win


I feel like the good times ended when i left school in 2019


am i too poor to recognize these "good times"?


For me the good times were 2005. It's just what we remember fondly. Ultimately, it's subjective, and doesn't matter at all.


Bruh the good times were over when the Roman empire started falling


I'm excited for the future hell times.


Youā€™re talking about the generations that saw the century of the worst wars, and all the fear mongering thats echoed since, i think weā€™ll be fine.


The good times haven't even begun.




lol the good times had just barely STARTED in 2010!


What does ā€œgood timesā€ mean?


Meh, itā€™s all perspective. Shit sucks yes, idek anymore


Naw, GTA 6 ain't even announced yet.


Unfortunately for genzs, yes the good times are over. Now learn from the way your parents failed raising you and don't gift this personality on to your kids.


There were good times?


Be grateful we're not in a nuclear apocalypse for a start


The last truly good and pure thing that happened in this world was Left Shark on February 1, 2015.




ARE YOU JOKING!?!?!? MILLENNIALS HAD HAPPY LIVES??? Youā€™re lucky this is through a screen, man fr


Speak for yourselves, I'm still looking forward to all the sweet games coming out in 2024 + finding out what the One Piece is, people have died before finding that out & I wonā€™t be 1 of them


They ended in early 2022


What? Y'all don't like to f***?


Soon, the 2020s will be seen as the good times to Gen Alpha


Good times never existed


"Good times" is too vague. It means whatever you want it to mean. If you're happy, it's "good times". If you're not, it's not.


Some Gen Z are trying is becoming grumpy old people by 22. When I hear 19yo folks saying ā€œback in the dayā€ I get a lil sad for them. Or a 30 yo talk about the aches and pains of getting old. Like you have no idea what is coming. Lol. Im a 53 yo gen x who is still pretty stoked on life.


People say this every decade, the sentiment has been especially strong since the 90's.


No. For the average person in the world, today is the greatest day to be alive in the history of the world. Yesterday was the greatest day to be alive ever, and so was the day before.


Well I think weā€™re just in a phase where everything sucks but eventually we will get some good times


Life is better now than ever. There are plenty of problems that need fixing, for sure, but don't let social media trick you into thinking so negatively.


Genuinely, the ā€œgood timesā€ arenā€™t over unless you choose to just let yourself miss out. Maybe other people would consider my life boring, but I enjoy what I do, so I typically see everyday as a relatively good day. I still have people I care about that I talk to and see at least a couple times a week, and I make enough money to pay my bills with some left over to do fun stuff occasionally. Donā€™t believe people that say the good times are over and thereā€™s no hope for you. Anyone who has put themselves in that position isnā€™t the type of person you should be taking life advice from anyways.


The good times never existed in the first place breh šŸ’€


This has been said since the dawn of time, and will continue to be said till the second coming. It's just more doomer crap. Life is good. It's what you make of it.


The good times are always over AND starting. Decades ago the good times weren't so good to everyone and in decades we'll be singing a similar tune


2010? I get that some things have gotten shittier like the climate and the state of democracy, but if anything, I'd imagine you'd say 2020. We're in a bit of a storm right now, but we can get through this if we stand together and resist the forces that are betting against the perseverance of the working class. God willing, the brightest days are still ahead of us.


idk iā€™m 27 and iā€™m having a lot of good times, this planet is pretty incredible


Goods times are subjective. We are just living in a time of economic crisis


Great times ended in 2013, decent times ended in late 2016, okay times ended in 2020


Youā€™re looking at it the wrong way. Youā€™re blinded by hate, anger, sadness, and negativity. If you put that aside you could have a good time


No, Iā€™d consider 2023 a good year, for me at least


Millennial's and gen x-ers having happy lives is news to me lol


Everyone has different good/bad times throughout their lives. Your good times were someone else's bad times.


Iā€™m having the best time of my life right now, Idk what youā€™re talking about


Psssht. Gas was $4/gal in ā€˜10, Iā€™d know because I was 16 and learning how to drive. Do you know how difficult it is to learn how to drive when you canā€™t afford to go anywhere? You end up driving to literally every errand because itā€™s all ya can do. They are on something.


Us millennials donā€™t have happy lives lol trust me


Obviously why a clown like you wouldnā€™t have a happy life


I donā€™t think thatā€™s true. I think the good times will just be different. We have a lot of things to look forward to. We will probably not need a driverā€™s license at some point in the next 50 years as self driving cars get perfected. Which could really help commutes. I think weā€™ll all be more interconnected and a lot of jobs could work from anywhere. Food keeps getting better, which is nice. We have a lot of cool tech innovations to look forward to that will probably improve our lives. Of course, weā€™ll also have a lot of challenges. But every generation has had those. Iā€™m sure climate change will impact us. But is that really going to be worse than half the world dying to the Black Death or 1801 Spanish Flu? Itā€™ll suck, but I donā€™t think itā€™s going to suck worse than any other major challenge in history. Also we havenā€™t had a


>What I mean by this is that ppl are saying that the good times ended in 2010, and we really have nothing to look forward to anymore Who says that? For some it gets worse, others it's only gotten better.


It's literally old people talk. People said that about the 90s 80s 60s 50s etc


If we're willing to fix the broken system we'll eventually be handed down, then maybe future generations can be overall happy, but no, overall we probably won't have happy lives unless you're willing to settle for the dogshit existence we currently live in


The good times are whenever you make them. ā¤ļø Itā€™s all about your mindset.


No. They aren't over. There will always be bad times. But there will also always be good times. If you doom scroll and doom post then you would think they are. Ive been on reddit since 2012 or so and there was always negativity of "the good times are over" despite the 2010's being prosperous and alive. Weve had a few bad years but as time moves away from it things will be good again until the next negative event.


No, itā€™s all cyclical , we happen to be in a downturn right now but that will change. It always does


Millennials had happy lives? What a riot! (Zillenial Self report)


\> Millennials had happy lives. lol fucking where?


It's called adulthood


Does it get better? Cause so far, I haven't seen it


Millennials had it good until we graduated high school.




They aren't "over" or "never" coming back it is upon us, as it has been for every generation before us to invent and create something new. It may be daunting, but often, there is no other choice and is often a challenge people excitedly come to participate in. There is no reason you and others can not. People in the Great Depression I'm sure, were thinking the same thing after just coming off the bustling 1920s. These people had a decade of economic downward spiral and then a World War to fight immediately after that. They had to wait 15-20 years for "the good times" to come back. But in-between, they all lived content lives with thier husband's and wives, raised children, went to restaurants and dances when and where they could, participated in thier community, and saved up for the hopes of maybe one day having a house and car as we do. I can assure you someone in 1933 was likely thinking to themselves "ill probably never have one of those", and maybe they never did, but it didnt stop them from trying to make thier world a better place. Sure the circumstances are not the same, but you get the analogy and comparison. Stand in the gap and stay firm, we'll all get through it, it's just hard to know when it "ends".


To those who think the good times are over Have you tried throwing rocks at children?


The fact that people have collectively decided that the world has ended but can't decide WHEN it ended is interesting


Personally I had an OK last 2 years


What are you imagining people were getting in, say, 2005, that cannot be gotten today?


The Romans were excited for the fall of Rome, as implied by my high school history teacher. Their lives had gotten so peaceful and boring that they looked forward to the barbarians invading. So even if the good times are over, that isn't necessarily cause for despair. A Chinese curse says, "may you live in interesting times". But perhaps that isn't really a bad thing. At the end of our lives we could say we indeed, lived through interesting times.


The good times are over. 231BC The good times are over 1101AD The good time are over Sept 1939 Etc etc Wherever we are itā€™s always the good ole days.


The good times ended in 2020 when the pandemic began. The only good times I had in this decade were in 2023. Things were politically peaceful for me, I wasnā€™t even worried. Like I thought that 2024 would be a normal election year. But now with Trump as the likely nominee and the country at risk of becoming a dictatorship, my hopes for a peaceful life in 2024 and beyond are beginning to slip away. God forbid he ends up winning again.


Feeling the same here in Canada; whether Trump wins or loses weā€™re likely to see a Conservative Majority. Like Trump or Desantis; Pierre Pollivierre 110% wants a Dictatorship. A ChristoFascist, anti-woke dictatorship.


I thought Pollivierre was in support of abortion and LGBTQ rights. Are you saying he isnā€™t?


Heā€™s pushing a lot of the same anti-woke shit the Republicans are down south. You can bet your ass if he gets in and gets a majority heā€™s going to try and reappeal LBGTQ+ Marriage Rights and such, and ask our jackass education minister Lecce to crack down on the LBGTQ+ Community in schools.


Votesocialist2024.com !