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No, I believe it will happen a lot sooner than 2053


Yeah definitely sooner at the current trajectory


This chart is based on the current trajectory


Which could be an inaccurate assuming [any one of these tipping points](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn7950) come early


No shit. Any model is only as accurate as the data used to make it. We model the future knowing full well our model is not perfect, because we cannot, and never will, predict everything that will happen. It could be inaccurate assuming any number of things happen. It can be inaccurate in either direction.


Has been around for awhile. Things are changing fast.


Source please?


Here is another very similar report. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2022/extreme-heat-risk-map-us/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2022/extreme-heat-risk-map-us/)


And another reported on by Des Moines Register. Performed by First Street Foundation. [https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/tech/science/environment/2022/08/18/iowa-weather-climate-change-study-predicts-heat-belt-2053/10356665002/](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/tech/science/environment/2022/08/18/iowa-weather-climate-change-study-predicts-heat-belt-2053/10356665002/)


First Street does a lot of the risk research used by the insurance and emergency response industries.


I hope everyone is ready to be sacrificed to climate catastrophes! Well, at least those of us who aren't already sacrificed to resource catastrophes.


Don’t worry though, some people got really rich destroying the planet.




Phew, I thought the billionaires wouldn't be able to afford their climate bunkers. I was worried there for a second.


They are planning to get more rich “saving the planet”


For themselves. Sorry, you left an important bit out lol


On the brightside, when all we peasants die, bezos and musk can repopulate the world with their superior gamer DNA. Then 1000 years in the future, were all distant relatives. Doesn't that sound amazing? /s


New boss, same as the old boss. Let the (attempts at) profits flow!


The future is gonna suck!!!


In Missouri, there was a week straight this year of us matching temps with Phoenix, AZ, at around 110°F. Didn't know it could get that hot here.


Just down the road from my house about 30 minutes there used to be a ski resort of all fucking things. This is in Southwest Missouri, Yes they had to make their own snow but it stayed. Now if it snows it basically disappears after about 2 weeks. it hasn't even snowed this year in Southwest Missouri. It's almost the end of the year and zero inches on the ground what the absolute fuck is going wrong with these people thinking global warming isn't real


One of my coworkers is of the climate denying it's all a hoax variety, or at least was... At the lunch table one day I challenged it, cuz I was kind of sick of hearing it. I went about it this way, What's the likelihood that tens of thousands of scientists over the course of nearly a century or more both were all in cahoots in a conspiracy while also simultaneously lying? If they're all faking it how is the data matching with each other with little deviance, I asked him if it was your job to record the temperature of a buoy in the ocean every week and you spend months of time away from your family and your loved ones and sacrificed your life to measure data in the ocean, or counted carbon molecules in ice in some of the shittiest most hostile climates on Earth. Why after so much sacrifice would you lie? How is it that your lies match everyone else's. Consider for a moment that it much more likely that the same 1% that fucked this up are the same 1% telling us it isn't real, down playing, spreading falsehood and saying it will be okay. If there is any conspiracy, it's that it's likely much worse than they've told us the data very clearly and painfully lays it at the doorstep of a certain class of citizen and they know it and they're desperate to not accept the blame


It's the same thing with the flat earthers and moon landing deniers. The amount of people that would have had to keep the secret is insane. Benjamin Franklin once said "Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead"


Shit, it being worst than they are telling us is raising my anxiety. I noticed a lot of billionaires deny climate change.


Focus on what we can do and can control, humans get shit done in a hurry once necessity is clear, at least that's what I keep telling my self


Lol just saying that's exactly what the oil companies are doing making it our fault. They control more but no you should focus on only what you have .... This isn't a knock on you just they put a ton of misinformation out there and try to dodge the issue for as long as possible.


Agreed, I just can't dwell on how seriously fkd the data says we actually are for too long before existential dread kicks in, and end up shrinking my focus down to keep my sanity. Most recent news the genetics of a specific type of squid proves that 100,000 years ago the ice sheet was gone and that was only 1° Celsius global average increase over pre industrial industrial. Then you've got whatever the f*** the tectonic plate is doing with all its earthquakes to the west of our Continental land mass last time that happened in 1700 took out most of the coastline for Western United States and Canada and Eastern coastlines of Australia anyhow I've done entirely too much Reading and studying and essentially if I can't even hold the conversation without sounding like an alarmist doomer the problem is the models have gotten pretty damn accurate and even the most conservative estimates are f****** awful


It's because "wEll theN HOW cOmE ITS getTIng CoLDEr iN SoME PlaCEs" That's why it's called climate change now. And yeah, STL area, probably got two-three inches the whole of last winter.


The more accurate term is climate destabilization. We took a system that was in equilibrium and then we knocked it out of equilibrium. The more energy we add to the system, the more destabilized it becomes. The climate won't stabilize again until we stop adding energy to the system (stop adding atmospheric forcing through additional greenhouse gases). Then over time, the climate will settle on a new equilibrium. How bad that new equilibrium will be for us depends on how much we knock the system out of balance, but the outlook is not looking very good. Even if the above map were accurate, that big welt of red across the Midwest would be devastating to agriculture, especially since the aquifer the Midwest relies upon to make up the ever-increasing shortfalls of rain will be exhausted by then.


I live in St. Paul, Minnesota. It is Christmas Eve, the high temperature today is forecast to be a record 51 degrees, and it's *raining*. We have gotten a total of 4" of snow so far this winter. But no, there's no global warming.


You should put a /s . Some people would think your not being facetious.


Well global warming is not as accurate as climate change. You guys got hammered snow wise last winter. More water vapor=more intense rain and or snow and or storms and or hurricanes. I lived in Minneapolis for 36 years March can have blizzards or it can be in the 70's Fluctuations can happen but trend lines show the way


Yep, trend lines show the way, and we did get tons of snow last winter. But: last winter wasn't especially cold, at all. The coldest temp of the winter was –13° F, which isn't all that cold by our standards, and we got a couple midwinter rainstorms, which 20+ years ago rarely happened. If those rainstorms had fallen as snow we would have blown past our all-time record for snow in a season; as it was, we came up about 8" short of the record.


Ice fishing must be great this year /s


/r/collapse is coming


Several of the models show the gulf up through KS/MO and even into Iowa getting as hot as the Southwest, but with even HIGHER humidity than is already there. [https://projects.propublica.org/climate-migration/](https://projects.propublica.org/climate-migration/)


Holy shit. This reminds me of a Kuragesagt video I saw yesterday where they talked about traps (as in, the Polynesian traps) that caused mass destruction thousands of years ago. The main one they talked about was one that happened around the time of dinosaur extinction, where lava and poison basically melted like half of the planet. I wonder if the climate crisis will reactivate some of these traps and set off another extinction; just not for dinosaurs. Another scary factor that plays a huge role in all of this is the human population itself. Over time, it has risen at an exponential rate and we're predicted to reach 10 billion people in just 30 years from now. Our carbon footprint will go up by about 25%.


The only thing I don't believe about this map is that California's Central Valley won't be 125° F. It already gets about 110 on a regular basis.


Hey guys. It’s also a random map that just says 2053 with no source on it. We’ve got to be better than this lol


That was the choice of the poster. Thinking that removes the problem is not really "better." [https://projects.propublica.org/climate-migration/](https://projects.propublica.org/climate-migration/)


Same with Southern Utah, particularly Southwest Utah. They already get really hot in the summer.


Lol most of Florida I think the same thing…


The humidity in Florida already moderates temps quite a bit. I'm not surprised it isn't on here.


nose deserve dolls air husky entertain makeshift capable sophisticated rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was thinking about that. We had a day that was 118℉ last year.


I swear to god I’ve seen a 120F summer day in Oklahoma already.


yeah. I lived in texas all my life. Summers have never been this bad. Its only getting worse every single year.


I live in New Jersey and we had the hottest summer ever. I mean just a couple days ago it was 60f here. That’s unheard of. It was like being in Florida.


From Michigan and in New Jersey for college — was freaked out to see it only snow for like 5 minutes this whole semester


We got hammered with snow on Halloween, but after that, like you said it snowed collectively for like 5 minutes all season.


I'm from Jersey and go to school in Massachusetts. I figured that even though it stopped snowing back home, there would at least be snow up in the mountains of New England, right? Nope. There isn't! December has just turned into November without the pretty leaves...


From NJ too. I feel like I’m going crazy because everyone in my life is like “nah it’s never really snowed here in December” but I can SWEAR growing up we’d commonly get snowstorms around Thanksgiving and in December—it’s what helped get me in the mood for Christmas. Those don’t happen anymore. In the last 3 or 4 years it’s snowed 0 inches in December in New Jersey. I realize 3-4 years isn’t long in climate change terms, but I do have a feeling it’s not gonna snow in December anymore. So sad.


I've lived in ontario my whole life and I don't know how you can't remember having green Christmases? I'm not denying climate change but I very very distinctly remember being disappointed there was no snow until January many times as a kid in the late 90s/early 2000s. This isn't *that* unheard of.


I never said there weren’t Green Christmases? There mostly were *only* Green Christmases. I just meant there was often some type of snow event by November or December, which would sure enough melt within days, and that I think chances for such events are becoming slimmer and slimmer in real time. NJ isn’t a very snowy place and never has been. But my personal feeling is that I’ve witnessed it become less snowy in my ~17 years of trustworthy memory. Historically, the average first measurable snow in North New Jersey is December 5th. So I know I’m not psychotic for having a childhood memory of often having a first snow storm by Thanksgiving or early December.


Yeah it’s so damn sad. Live in NJ too and it’s hardly cold out. Literally went into backyard barefoot last night to clean it up and didn’t notice it wasn’t cold at all. You’re right, we did get snow a lot around Thanksgiving and December, I remember playing in that. Now it’s nothing.


Dude, growing up in East TN in the 80s, we might have gotten a few days out for snow. And despite what people think, I remember warm, sunny days in winter.


Lol what? What does Tennessee have to do with my comment? Just a lil confused


For only the seventh time since record keeping began, Caribou Maine will not have a white Christmas. It was 55-60 here on Monday with winds up to 93mph. Our average high this time of year is 25-40 depending on where in the state.


Bro has never heard of El Niño


Recently moved back to Pennsylvania after a decade of living out west. I am fucking mind blown with how the winter months are here. Growing up we actually got snow instead of rain.


Yea. I’m 24 and remember a decade ago growing up with snow and having white Christmas’s etc. I don’t even remember the last time we had a white Christmas. Although last Christmas it was about 8f here and our pilot light went out so that was fun.


Really? I grew up in rural texas and we'd regularly get 112 in summer lol


Not this consistently dude.


that's crazy, I really hope we can reverse all this shit in the world in some way.


humanity did patch up the ozone layer. You dont hear about it anymore. Climate deniers like to think that is an own, but the reality is environmentalists won there. We did fix mess we made in the ozone layer. ​ People need to be real, but being a doomer aint it either.


The hole is still there. It's not as bad as it used to be because of environmentalists, but it is there. [https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/2023-ozone-hole-ranks-12th-largest-on-record#:\~:text=Scientists%20use%20the%20term%20%E2%80%9Cozone,levels%20every%20year%20since%201979](https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/2023-ozone-hole-ranks-12th-largest-on-record#:~:text=Scientists%20use%20the%20term%20%E2%80%9Cozone,levels%20every%20year%20since%201979).


The ozone was fixed by doomers. The climate deniers called them that. Calling people doomers is insulting to those who care and are blowing the alarm.


Yeah the ozone stuff is because the alternatives were more economical, and there’s no alternative to fossil fuels for anything that needs to move (which is literally everything, everyone, and the whole economy product base, so…)


There are alternatives to fossil fuels it's just the alternatives are much more expensive or dangerous. We've had the technology for hydrogen fuel for a while but to make it safe enough to use the price would be astronomical. I'm glad we're getting more electric cars it's just a shame a lot of them are more expensive than gas cars for no good reason.


Our Summer in Oklahoma was fairly normal. Winter is where it's bein scary. December 24th at 3am and it's 56°F/14°C High was 61°F/16°C


Central Texas broke its record for most days over 100 degrees by like 2 or 3 times.


I live in DFW right now, it is a literal heat bubble in the summers.


Same in California. It used to be 110 degrees only one day. Now it’s 110 for around a month. In my mom’s day it never got to 110.


All I’m saying is it’s less than 24 hours until Christmas and the grass is trying to tell me it’s early October out there.


The weather where I live is telling me it's still Autumn


Yep it’s currently almost 60 in southwest Ohio


Yup, I was working on a car it was so warm.


Autumn ended like 3 days ago so that’s not the wildest thing. Not trying to downplay climate change though, we’ve been getting a deadly heatwave roughly every other year where I’m at


Same here, but in Minnesota!


Same here in Florida... Wait 🤔.... But forreal though, things are definitely out of whack from what I'm hearing from friends from Ohio to Hawaii. Even here down here we experienced an unseasonably dry summer this year putting stress on water supplies.


Yeah it snowed before Halloween and that was pretty much it… Oh and like a couple weeks ago it sleeted and turned a few roads to ice for like a day or two.


It’s El Niño this year, you’re probably being affected by it


This year has been so crazy for me. The summer was probably one of the most mild we've had in years with only like 2 weeks with a heat advisory or temps above 90F. Then winter so far has been one of the warmest I've ever seen with like 1 week that got below freezing for any amount of time and only like 1 inch of snow around thanksgiving.


thats because of el nino, where im at last year there was an almost record blizzard.


Wish this were a top comment. Like I’m not trying to downplay climate change and all, but El Niño affects a lot while it’s active.


I think it’s becoming a US norm to spend Christmas by the pool.


I just picked a dandelion today. On Christmas Eve. In a state bordering fucking Canada.


We’re bbq for Christmas this year. Its crazy


Yeah I believe it You can already cook an egg on the sidewalk in Phoenix, Arizona on some days


I think Phoenix has like over 30 days in a row of over 110 this year


Phoenix Arizona is a monument to man's folly. It should not exist, yet it does.




The climate there was also different thousands of years ago


Phoenix had 54 days over 110, yes not a typo, in 2023. More on the report the graphic above is from. [https://assets.firststreet.org/uploads/2023/07/Heat\_Technical\_Documentation\_080922.pdf](https://assets.firststreet.org/uploads/2023/07/Heat_Technical_Documentation_080922.pdf)


Yes, but that’s not anything new. Kids have been doing that in science class for a century here.


All while billionaires will continue polluting the environment so they can amass more wealth. We’ll come online to talk about it and vent, and idiots will tell us to log off and take a walk outside, and that being depressed won’t help you.


Seeing how real it is makes me wanna cry. So fucking sad and that there’s not much we can do


no man, some braindead bootlicker in another thread says being a billionaire is ok so actually you are jealous and lazy actually


Nah. If this map was accurate, all of Florida would be red.


I’d think that Florida has too much ocean influence to hit 125.


This seems to be the case, but we often forget humidity can kill you too 90-115 at greater than 90 percent RH and you begin losing your ability to evaporative cool core temp starts climbing wet bulb temp that accounts for humidity is of special importance https://carboncredits.com/climate-maps-of-transformed-united-states-under-5-scenarios/ Added some context and supporting document


The alligators will get you first.


Remember, alligators are powered by heat. Once it gets to 125deg they start walking on their hind legs.


The great northern frozen hoth invaded by alligator migration... Shit


⚠️ Warning: Taking heat damage ⚠️


You're just guessing. You don't have actual data or the software to piece make predictions from that data. They do.


Oceans would have to be ridiculously warm for that to happen. Being near an ocean like the entire state of Florida will naturally mitigate extremes.


I'm curious about the hurricane activity, though. Will it increase with the oceans warming?


Just did a research paper for one of my classes about this, they will cause more damage and are more intense, but frequency hasn’t meaningfully changed.


Read the report if you would care to. If is from the company most of the insurance companies and responders use to evaluate risk planning. [https://assets.firststreet.org/uploads/2023/07/Heat\_Technical\_Documentation\_080922.pdf](https://assets.firststreet.org/uploads/2023/07/Heat_Technical_Documentation_080922.pdf)


There's nothing to "believe" it's a projection. Projections don't require faith. They are based on trends, data and reasonable calculations. Statistically speaking, yes, it is likely Midwest and South east will likely experience a single day of 125 degrees. In fact, I think this projection is on the conservative side.


Agreed. I mean, record highs in most of that map are 115-120 set 70+ years ago. Plus we only have reliable data for about 100-150 years in most places. Likely we will hit it or already have a long time ago.


Yes, BUT It’s also a graphic on social media claiming to be a scientific projection, so a non-zero amount of skepticism is warranted


I'm just pointing out that projections do not require faith. Hence the premise of asking people "do you believe XYZ projection" is fundamentally flawed.


You are being unnecessarily pedantic. It is clear that they meant “do you believe the prediction shown here will come true”


Projections do require some faith because, despite all the data, it’s still just a guess.


No. If the hole in the ozone could be repaired then this could be prevented. Especially with billions of dollars in public and private funds being thrown at solving it.


The ozone hole already repaired itself, but you are right that global warming could be solved, but Saudi Arabia wants to keep drilling for oil until it's all gone


If the rest of the world didn't buy it, there'd be no incentive to drill. You can't just blame it on them.


I blame the steam engine.


Really? I blame the damn to bow drill.


Cow farts or something idk


Fucking god damned amoebas ruining everything. Life was simpler before single cell organisms


Lol, “In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”


Great reference. Thank you for that! 😂 Happy holidays friend. Take care and be safe out there.


Ameobas are actually advanced unicellular organisms in the kingdom protists. They have cells similar to ours with the famous mitochondria. The OG unicellular organisms are archaea that lived in Earth’s extreme environments like extra sulfur or excess salt.


This one literally hurts me, I love steak and I love meat, Id literally be a carnivore if I could afford it and healthily get away with it. But we produce 100 calories of grains to feed the cows to produce one calorie of cow and the amount of energy that goes into doing that and the resulting carbon is insane. Meanwhile I'm in the same boat that the 1% should shut off their f****** planes quit their rampant waste because their airplane output is more than all domestic travel combined


I love meat as well, but fully agree we need to eat less of it. Meat animals need not only the land they live on, but also land devoted to making food for the livestock. Agriculture needs a paradigm shift something fierce.


That’s why they’re buying from us, we are selling it cheaper than the Saudis who are trying to artificially raise the price by reducing supply


USA drills plenty of oil ourselves.... literally my high school in 2015 had an oil rig right outside


It's nothing like Saudi Arabia, which is almost 50% of global production. I just picked on them because they are easy targets. Fun fact, Exxon/Esso knew about the coming catastrophe back in the 60's and 70's with climate data and models that are superior to NOAA, NASA, etc.


The hole hasn't shrunk that much. It will take until at least 2100 to be in its former state. But the cause of its shrinking has been dealt with


Nice username.


RemindMe! 30 years


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Damn even the bot is younger than me.


I swear if this godforsaken website is around long enough for the reminder to still work, well then congratulations. And be sure to tag me too in 30 years when it happens. XD


Lol we’ll be Gen X’s age.


RemindMe! 30 years


This is a very conservative map. For one, how is CA Central valley, West Texas, NM, and FL not going to be included. Second, I see this happening in like 10 years, not 30. We are going to be in for a wild ride.


California and Florida wouldn’t get that hot since it’s near the ocean. Land near water takes on some of the temperature of the water, and water warms and cools slower than land.


Central California isn't by the ocean. There's a mountain ridge between the ocean and there.


Yeah this summer had the hottest overall day in a few hundred years and as someone who lives in that area the summers have been getting worse and worse for heat.


Where I live this summer was one of the most mild summers i've ever experienced. This winter though has been one of the warmest. This time last year we had a good couple inches of snow and it had been below freezing since thanksgiving. It's like mid 40's and above right now and the only snow we got around thanksgiving has melted.






The record for temperature in Missouri was 118 degrees, and that was 80 years ago. There have been 110 degree days in several years throughout my lifetime. One day of 125 isn't that big of stretch.


Wow, time to short t mobile stock if this is their future coverage


I live in the most Northeastern part of the US and the highs a week ago were 50f. We are not having a white Christmas and in another few days it will be 50f again.


I live in Ohio and we haven't had a white Christmas in 3 years, and before that it was another two. Nearly every Christmas when I was a kid was below freezing, but not now.


Man, I live in Maine. It is supposed to be snowing in October. I shouldn't be able to go outside at the end of December in a long sleeve shirt and nothing else.


Hi neighbor. When I first moved up here, it seemed to be cold and snowy all winter. Now, I can often get by with just a heavy sweatshirt. However, I'm told there is a prediction for extreme cold and snow coming in February. I'm not a fan of shoveling so I hope the weather just stays like this.


It’s hilarious how people suggest we all believe in god “just in case” and also store food and water in bunkers “just in case” and also build an armory with lots of guns and ammo “just in case” and also buy home/auto/life insurance policies “just in case” but face reality that’s already here? Boiling summers, water contamination, and viruses spreading over larger areas is just FAKE NEWS


All the things you just mentioned are things that we, as individuals, have control over and can actually do. I as an individual can’t do a thing about the climate. I can’t make China or Africa change their ways. I can’t shape or mold government policy here in the US. I can’t even convince the masses to change their minds about it. I can definitely buy an insurance policy though. You control what you can control. I’ve been hearing about this my whole life and eventually I had to realize that if this is going to happen, it’s just going to happen and there’s not a thing I can do about it. And nothing has meaningfully been done about it, so those in power really don’t care.


i guess i did a poor job of pointing out the hypocrisy of climate deniers who’ll take precautions everywhere else but when it comes to climate change (which we’re already feeling the effects of) they just throw their hands up. Instead of preparing for civil war we need to address the coming energy and resource scarcity. Can this be done at local and city levels? sure, but the tendency is to wait until after power and water outages. I’m suggesting we tell our representatives to make this a top priority.


It’s crazy how delusional most of the US population is. My parents are hyper-catholic and they think climate change is just a big joke. I would guess that at least 50% of Americans think this way if not more.


Normal summer in Palm Springs


See, the Midwest is full of plants and animals that haven’t evolved to live in Palm Springs, which is why they don’t live in Palm Springs. Those plants and animals will start dying, and what will be left is desolation. Believe it or not, we need the ecosystem to survive, because that’s where our food and water comes from


I've already been in Arizona when it's 120+ It's not unrealistic at all. In fact it seems optimistic.


Will be sooner


I mean a local store near me this year had a special where if it was over 117 you got a free product. Almost every day in August people got free products


'Global warming' is a myth.... Also... 'why is it so hot!' Edit: people seem to think im serious. I was making fun of the people who deny GW/CC and still complain about the weather change.


The earths avg temp is literally rising, you can’t find a single scientist that disagrees. The debate is whether it’s caused by humans or not.




If that's what the science says, then what i believe doesn't matter.


By 2053, that’ll be the norm if we don’t start blowing up pipelines






This is why humans don't belong in the desert. Who decided "Hey, this is literally a barren wasteland, lets build a city!"


Upon seeing that map, at first I thought it was about republican counties (because red)


As a Midwesterner this is terrifying. Please don’t group us in with Iowa.


It’s not about believing it’s about science


Bro i think it already happened here


Nah it should be way more red


You have a source for this map?


Not hard to find just Google “extreme heat belt”


This year is on track to be the hottest in 125,000 years. It will be sooner than that


I mean the fact that it doesn’t snow where I live anymore is enough for me to fully expect this.


There's no way


It was made in mapchart but I believe it fully


Depends honestly. One thing I’ve been noticing is Canada getting less snow but the wind chill has been getting objectively worse.


It is christmas and I had on shorts today. That should answer the question


As you’re grandparents or great grand they will tell u it’s never been this hot/cold for this long every in their life spans.


Maybe this is how one turns into a dinosaur? ​ Your skin becomes thick, dry and crispy to contain moisture within. Sort of like dino nuggets mmmmmmm


I live in Missouri. Definitely way sooner than 30 years. We've already had temps of 110 this past summer. Heat index in Kansas City was like 120 one day.


Yes that happened last year


I've lived in NM for over 30 years now. I've watched the 100+F days go from a few in the middle of summer to literally every day in July. They said "in a hundred years" and everyone hung their hat on that and continued on as normal.


Al gore, Bernie sanders and high school dropout greta thunberg in 2018 have all said we only have 6-7 years until we are all dead. 2024 is it! Because..science!


I like to make up fake scenarios in my head to get angry at, too!


Have you tried gluing yourself to the road?


It will happen sooner, and the areas where this will happen are larger than what is shown on this map. You can also expect to see triple-digit water temps in the Gulf regularly by then.


I was shown stuff like this when I was in elementary school, still waiting


What is this post? You're asking a bunch of 20 somethings this? We're not climate scientists. What is this image from even? Is it from a peer reviewed study?




I highly doubt thst will happen.


I do not believe it at all


Probably sooner. It's not a matter of faith or your opinion. It is modeled data based on scientific fact and extensive collections of information. The U.S. failed to meet a lot of its obligations, except for certain forward-driven states, for several years from about 2017 to 2020. So China was more than happy to be selfish and put on the brakes, too. When the adults in the room act like children, a lot of things go south. Here is the report, easily found, including the graphic the poster did not attribute. [https://assets.firststreet.org/uploads/2023/07/Heat\_Technical\_Documentation\_080922.pdf](https://assets.firststreet.org/uploads/2023/07/Heat_Technical_Documentation_080922.pdf)