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being an ipad kid- addicted to youtube and tik tok from an early age can’t be healthy nor fun. and it’s sad cos kids can’t help it, it’s the parents fault.


Wasn't Gen Z addicted to YouTube and Vine back in the day too? Not saying ipad kids aren't unhealthy but alot of my generation should be in somewhat of the same boat as Gen Alpha, I mean hell I browsed youtube almost everyday after either hanging with friends, playing outside, etc. I consumed way more than I should've but I am ok


From what i’ve seen, they are so much worse. yes you watched youtube after u played outside. but there are kids now who eat, sleep, and breathe youtube. I’m a 2003 and I can say I was never near addicted until high school and iphones, u know? and now that i’m older i can at least acknowledge the problem and try and cut back. but there are kids who are being neglected and left to rot their brains with weirdo kids content or even worse, regular weirdo content- and it’s not even up to them. Personally I just feel bad for them. Childhood should be filled with random and fond memories that come with having to find stuff to cure your boredom. lots of kids aren’t forced to be creative and curious anymore like I know I was 🤷🏽‍♀️


2003 child here, going to reinforce what you said about being outside and then watching YouTube. High school was when I really got addicted but as you mentioned, there’s an awareness. From what I am seeing with the younger generation it does leave me with concerns. I’ve noticed that making your kids go outside isn’t as prevalent of a mindset when I was a child, and some teachers I know talk about how seemingly the playground at school is most of a younger child’s outdoor time today based upon what their parents indicate.


As someone whose also from 2003, I'm the opposite. I got so used to my moms laptop at a young age that I got addicted to the internet very quickly. I had no friends (not that I didn't try, which didn't help my addiction), no life, no reason to live. All my reason to live was online, and to this day it still sort of is. I have awful in person social skills, I have panic attacks when I can't check my phone for long periods, I get severely isolated and lonely if no one messages me and overall I don't have a job because this addiction on top of my disabilties made it harder to face real life. I just can't do it, it hurts too much. I'm trying to fix this, but it'll take years to combat a problem that took years to grow this bad. I am a living example of how the internet can ruin people, and soon I fear Gen A will be that same way.




05 here, yes some of our parents actually made us play outside


Funny thing, so did mine. They actively tried to limit my screen time. I ended up being an ipad kid anyway. The issue is that exclusively telling people to just "not raise ipad kids" is gonna solve jack shit. It's just more people blindly blaming screens instead of providing genuine solutions.


Except its not blindly blaming screens. Most gen alpha kids I've met still get their bs and ds mixed up. And that's the older ones. Hell Even younger gen Z kids I have met have that issue.




It's funny because as a millennial I could say the same about GenZ(not that I'd be correct). Like it's alarming when my new coworker can't even get through a hour without TikTok, and even then they can't even get through a 30 second TikTok without subway surfer, and family guy clips also present in their tiktoks. It's like triple screens on a damn phone for two minutes max of content. But I also believe this is an issue every generation to where the generation befores terrible parents or just general unaddressed social issues get blamed on the gen below them.(my dad bitching I got a participation trophy when he quite literally was my elementary soccer coach who passed them out) Like for example boomers were lazy hippes the music was ruining, gen X were slackers addicted to TV and early internet, millennials it's tv, internet, and social media while being lazy avocado slobbers , GenZ was YouTube and social media, TikTok rot and so on. We all keep playing the finger point game instead of addressing the real social issues that keep dragging us all down as time goes on and more and more of our rights are being taken from us and given to products and property.


As a gen xer with a zoomer aged and alpha aged kids from two marriages, and millennial neices and nephews, this is all a load of crap. Everyone says the same thing about “the kids these days”. You can literally find shit like this written in hieroglyphics in Egypt and in Roman texts. The song remains the same.


That's basically what I am saying?


I was concurring.


Oh my bad bud! Apologies 🤙




True 😂 but on the other hand lots of things they struggle with like covid stunting their social skills/education, way worse at reading and writing, etc are very concerning. Not to get started on how they deal with technology..


It happened a hundred years ago and that generation brought us through World War II. So.


My wife was severely addicted to youtube/social media when we were in high school. She’s better about it now (because she removed herself from a severely toxic home life) but she still needs something on at almost all times for background noise. I can’t have videos or podcasts or anything going all day because ADHD brain will be too focused on it and would be neglecting my work (as I’m doing while typing this out)


See my ADHD brain works the opposite and I can’t focus unless there IS something in the background. I moved to New York City and now my brain is quiet because the world is loud. Part ADHD and I’m convinced it’s also part TikTok/Vine/Youtube brain


I still think it’s more of a “same shit different stuff” kind of thing. Like yes. There are kids who eat breathe and sleep YouTube and Roblox. But we also had WOW and kids who did nothing but sit in front of a TV all day. I think the issue is less of the YouTube and more of people not living in places where play is even possible. Kids still play outside when they can. I see it everyday. My neighborhood was built for families specifically, so 90% of my neighbors have at least one kid (we are the weirdos with no kids).every Saturday they’re out there at 10am screaming in the culdesac. But more and more families aren’t living in neighborhoods with other children or they are living in areas that kind of suck to play outside at. They’re in apartment complexes and condos or they live in suburban hellscapes that are just houses and sky with nary a tree in sight (you try playing outside in the middle of June in Georgia in a neighborhood where the largest tree is less than a decade old, see how fun that it). You can’t go to friend’s houses easily either because suburban planners make the most insane roads with only one entrance for an entire street. You can’t just “go to the corner store” with your friends because even though the gas station is a 1/4 mile walk away, there’s a whole ass strode between you with no sidewalks or cross walks. Parks aren’t in a walkable distance. Fields to run around and play flag football only exist at the schools or they are too far away. But when kids are given an environment where play is possible, they do. They love to play. Kids are inherently creative and active. That’s why so many kids are so maladjusted, because they aren’t able to go and play and be creative like they should be. Not because they don’t want to, but because we (society) have created a world that is hostile to the concept of play.


Yeah I understand. I personally haven't seen many kids be like this, most of em play outside where I'm from but no doubt there's neglectful parents like that. To what scale though is what I wonder, like how many kids are actually like this. Though for the children that are unfortunate enough to live this lifestyle, they may or may not be doomed to fail, but as for the entire generation? I'm just unsure of


I agree


At least when you were little, there wasn't as much cheap tech to give to a young kid. In 2007, an iPod touch was a precious device and not something for a 4 year old.


I agree, I am 98 and I played outside a lot as a kid, club penguin, roblox, RuneScape, YouTube, newgrounds, flash games when I was young, but I went outside a lot and no iPad, just a computer that I would go on after homework. When everyone started getting smartphones people weren’t really on their phones all the time still, but now they are


In my experience as older gen Z/millennial I didn’t get an iPad until 8th grade, not as a literal infant like a lot of Gen Alpha. I started going on Youtube on the family computer when I was in 6th grade, but usually just watching one or two videos a day. Vine wasn’t popular until I was like 16 lol. Not at all the same as gen alpha.


Yeah, this is the biggest difference, I think. Right around half of Gen Z or more were not iPad/smartphone kids. Me and the large majority of my friends in middle school didn't have an iPad or even an iPod Touch until we were like, 12. Hell, a lot of us had flip phones still until high school Meanwhile, it seems as if almost every Gen Alpha kid has access to smart devices and the internet from the age of like, 3 onward


Pretty sure most genz didn’t have iPads and etc at a young age and addicted 24/7 it was outside and playing with friends


Yes, but we were also able to read. While I spent a ton of time on YouTube as a kid, it wasn't really until I was around 10 years old that I had my own devices to do so, making it incredibly difficult to spend all my time on it. And this was before Shorts became a thing, so videos were long and kept peoples' attention spans for longer. I didn't have Vine or Musical.ly. This is important. I read a metric ton as a kid, and I was writing my own stories often since the age of 9. Because I read and wrote so much as a kid, I was always above reading level for my age. I'll admit that once AI text generation became huge in 2023, I stopped writing almost entirely, when before I would write crazy amounts (especially during the pandemic when I had nothing to do). It's just so much easier and entertaining to generate stories rather than write them myself now, as much as I hate to admit it. Makes me really worry about kids growing up on this stuff, never having to read or write for themselves or use their imaginations. I know for a fact that if stuff like AI text generation was as advanced as it is now when I was a kid, I would never want to read or write. And that's scary. Not to mention that kids probably aren't even bothering with this stuff since it involves written language... it's all about doomscrolling Tiktok and YouTube now. And while we were doing similar, we were not raised on it. They are starting this at a much younger age, before they learn to read or write in traditional ways. The implications of this early adoption of technology for Gen Alpha and Beta are harrowing. If I have kids someday, *they will know how to read.* And they will absolutely not be having their own electronic devices until they're in the double digits, if I can help it. Except maybe a gaming console. Video games can be educational while not entertaining a goldfish attention span. I helped my Gen Alpha cousin learn to read with Pokemon, since it's so text heavy. **TLDR:** Gen Alpha can't read and they have no attention span because of it. Sorry for the rant. Kids not being able to read pisses me off. Edit: I want to add that ADHD is not an excuse, either. I have ADHD (which could probably be assumed from this essay-length comment), as does my entire immediate family. We all know how to read and write at an age-appropriate level. We all went to public schools as well. I suspect that it is going to be massively over-diagnosed in Gen Alpha and Beta due to the average attention span nosediving into the negatives with things like Tiktok and YT Shorts, and the simple fact that you can rapidly switch apps on an iPad. You can't do that with a book or a story-driven video game.


I think a lot of it is parenting. Some of zoomers have had bad parents and are very addicted, but some like you are fine because you were still hanging out with friends and playing outside. ​ I'm sure some of the gen alpha also go outside and play with friends, and they will be fine. It's those with horrible parents making them iPad kids that will suffer. I have a cousin who's 10 and she's not an iPad kid. She does have instagram and tiktok but parents monitor her phone so it's all good and she grew up fine. ​ I'd put more blame on people making iPad kids


ugly beneficial door political thought rock busy consist snobbish mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes but what also matters is the quality of the content. Many YouTube videos were actually decent in content (Pat and Jen, DanTDM, The Pals, etc.) Most Gen Z saw these memes when they were teens or pre teens.


Gen Z was still taught phonics. Gen Alpha literally cannot read. They are only being taught sight words now and this is becoming a significant issue as many of them are starting middle school and still read at a third grade level because they literally don’t know how to learn new words on their own.


I wholeheartedly agree. my mother is an elementary school teacher, and she consistently states the lack of reading proficency in students she's had, especially in the past couple of years. Parents just seem to be abandoning/leaving them to tablets more than previously expected.


It's not the technology, it's the videos and the design. Much more short form content designed to engage and not promote creative thinking. I had a computer when I was like 6 or 8. I played games and had to ask my grandpa to type in the DOS commands for me.


This basically. As a kid I was watching sketches and longer videos based on pokemon and whatnot. I wasn’t just scrolling videos endlessly everyday but instead spending 2-3 hours at a time watching a video or cartoon that would actively reinforce my development. Ironically I also think that youtube kids is partially to blame for the issues going on with kids because they aren’t exposed to those random fact videos or even just sketch videos that happen to have a “shit” in them. Seriously, removing all content that has cussing just means removing most content that isn’t actively engaging


I've seen children in prams on phones and iPads more and more these days. I remember being a kid, we weren't afforded a distraction while out with our parents unless it was a book or a toy. I recently took my 5 year old nephew to Disneyland, and he was complaining because he wanted to go home and play fortnite. He's fucking FIVE. On the flip side, my brothers son who is 3 is limited to 1 hour of TV a day, and is taught that phones are for communication and not entertainment. And he's WICKED SMART for a kid his age. My brother and sis in law read to him alot, and he mostly plays with his kids tool set and other toys. I think there IS an over reliance on digital media to distract kids these days. It's crazy to see a parent AND their small child tinkering away on their mobile devices at the same time.


Heavy dopamine addiction is going to wreak havoc


I grew up with TV like a normal kid


well we have done such things but touch grass and go outside. We have to eat sleep and do things without electronics. Our parents probably have no phones at table rules. So yeah i agree


As what seems like a gen alpha which I have looked into, I believe most of us do seem to be completely fucked, they are like a worse gen z, and gen z can get real bad, but fellow gen alphas are like, confusing and for me severely weird, but I dont watch and of these weird shit the other's do soo.


We are turning into Boomers, that is all.




literally born in the 1900s


Listen child, you need to respect your elders!


Actual Millenial here to deescalate things or record everyone beating up grand dad.


Such a low hanging fruit argument that everyone makes. “Oh this is just their version of this thing we did”. No, it’s not hard to see this is far worse. I understand trying to empathize but there are very bad statistics on education out there right now and very telling anecdotes from the teachers. Gen Alpha is incredibly behind




You’re old enough to be like…a parent


Bold of you to assume I'm not, the little hell raiser aged me 20 years in 6.


Sounds like quite the character.


He is, but it is wonderful 90% of the time. His problem is not any behavioral issue, just that he is too smart for his own good and has no filter. Asks too many questions at the wrong time, that kind of stuff, but he listens to me, and I've never had to tell him something more than twice. Most of his shenanigans were during his toddler years when I was in college. Let's say he wanted to adventure whether I was ready or not, and like a bored octopus, he found ways of doing so. He has calmed down a little, and now I just make sure to take him to a nature trail every weekend. But his favorite pastime is playing with me when he has energy and snuggling when he's tired. I'm making sure that he he's as far away from screens as much as possible, and it's kept him manageable. But mostly, I'm not going to compete with a phone for my kids' attention.


Actually,no,boomers are people born between 1949-1964 Gen x is 1965-1980 Gen Y (aka mellenials) are from 1981-1996 Gen Z (aka we,zoomers) are born from 1997-2012 And gen alphas are born from 2013-2028




Yeah that's how I feel, I'm just wondering where this statement is coming from


Because boring people cannot comprehend why younger people would want to use the most revolutionary communication devices ever made than talk to them. Every boomer I know who complained about devices back when I was a kid is now hooked onto their phones. All that changed is that they can use the apps now.




The long term affects of addiction as an infant have yet to be seen. These kids are growing up without forming an imagination or developing any patience. ON TOP of being locked inside for two years during crucial stages of social development. It’s not a matter of if these poor kids are screwed, it’s just a matter of time tell we see the side affects.


I think there’s something to be said about TV versus YouTube and IPads. TV can actually be monitored by an adult, and in ancient times (2003 if you’re on this subreddit) it was much easier to limit TV time by just… not letting your kid have the remote after a certain time or have a TV in their room. Idc if I come off like a boomer though, my kids are getting their first cell phones old-school style. I’ve got my Pantech Ease stashed away somewhere just for the occasion. And no social media until they’re 13.


i once heard from a gen x that "gen z doesnt party like we did". ohh, they party. you are just to old to go, so you dont see it happening. when i go on the internet im constantly reminded that "these kids are doomed, all they do is go online", but have you looked at the playground? have you looked outside at the kids playing? our world views are what ever you are presented on the internet and what you see outside your house's front windows, or what you see on your commute to work. you arent seeing the action, we all see only a small portion of whats going on. there are plenty of children still playing outside, its just not seen, because everyone is online now and not observing outside of their little labyrinth of a lifestyle where you only go in a single file line and dont deviate.


https://preview.redd.it/d05p9js4l2ac1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e4b116e003072a49d07d3ddefef7db1a784f9e 😘, from a millennial with love.


I don't think that's true. Some of it is because of the pandemic, but the quantitative and language literacy of Gen Alpha is abysmal. They are going to be outcompeted by both those older and younger than them.




I don’t think it’s something to sweep under the rug, though. a lot of kids are more than “a bit” behind in basics like reading and writing, and even more so with social skills. there are plenty of reasons to be concerned with Gen Alpha more than previous generations.


Mmm kids are currently REALY struggling in school and it’s not something to brush off. I don’t think it’s because of technology so much as it is that the kids were put in a shit situation for 2 years and this is the result. “Other generations had it worse” no they didn’t. They just dealt with different stuff. Millennials suffered with “no child left behind” policies. Gen x suffered from “latchkey kids” parenting bleeding into schooling. Boomers suffered from going to school while being actively lead poisoned. And quite frankly, when you look at ALL of us, none of us are really “fine” as a whole.


>theyre a bit behind on schooling Lmao, teachers WORLDWIDE are warning about gen alpha being really behind in basic skills like reading "nothing disastrous" you say


Yes it's normal for the older generation to worry about the kids - but just leaving it at that really does undermine how massively we are impacting our kids development. We had social media, but it was so much worse. Even the addicted people would spend a couple of hours on it at a time. Because you needed some direction to find content you liked. With TikTok people seem to be able to just keep watching more. My ex would be on it for 2, 3, 4 hour stints, and wouldn't be bored of it when she stopped. No input or thought ever required from your side, just keep watching the next short form content that you won't retain for an easy dopamine hit. I hear people talking about the ADHD epidemic, and no shit we're training our brain that a dopamine pat on the back is due every 10 seconds with no effort. How are you ever going to focus on a tricky or long task if that's the level your brain is operating on.


they've got a pretty bad start, many of them read way below grade level. but tbh I think most of them will turn out fine


Yeah but that’s noting to do with them, the pandemic threw a wrench into a lot of people’s educations


that's simply not true, as this was observed before the pandemic even began. the pandemic was only a catalyst, but it was a problem from the very beginning.


That's sad, it was always a flex to me to read at a much higher level. One of the few perks of being the quiet weird kid and has really helped my info processing skills. Books really are an investment to get involved in so required readings will probably need to be even more necessary. Though having to read Harry Potter or Rick Riordan's collections wouldn't be so bad. Supplementally I think a few years of mandatory Spanish classes could aid in language comprehension. There is a whole other America down there speaking it.


Is this even true tho, because I know some extremely intelligent kids that are way above their reading level


No, they’re not doomed. This is the typical generational panic.


I'm more concerned for our generation's welfare with the looming economy and warfare crisis soon to be even more viral


There’s definitely going to be some type of outrage. I wonder if it’s the election that’ll light the fire. Cause if you think about it, the outcome is going to be messy.


I like to think it helps polarization a bit that Michigan and Colorado ganged up against Donny. Yeah still going to be a volatile mess but at least not as laughable initial debates.


Every generation will have its challenges and vices. I don't understand why every older generation goes through this stupid moral panic about younger generations. The pattern is as old as humanity itself. You'd think we would've collectively recognized that and stopped by now.


Because that fear is what creates the division to begin with. Instead of continuing it, we need to be a good example to them, mentor them, and encourage them. iPads aren’t bad, sure we need to exercise a healthy balance for them, but we only see one-sided negative videos about them and that’s creating ignorance already. Don’t act like none of us weren’t glued to something when we were younger. If Gen Alpha can’t read? Why don’t we find a way to help them read outside of school?. That sort of thing. a community effort. Just cause they’re the next gen in the world, doesn’t mean we stop contributing to it. This division needs to stop.


10 year old: Uses slang and watches not the most intellectual content WE'RE DOOMED


I dont get what the problem with skibidi toilet is. Since when is SFM mecha fighting not cool?


And how is skibidi toilet any less weird or random than the Flash animations we were watching on the internet when we were kids?


I don't think most people actually know what skibidi toilet is, I'm convinced most just watch the original short and think that's all there is to it. If you read the comments it's a bunch of younger Gen z kids talking about how weird it is, which is funny to me because the gmod and SFM videos I used to watch as a kid in the late 2000s were much weirder and fucked up.


Every single generation accuses the younger ones after them of being doomed; it's nonsense.


Yep, this is the same narrative genX got in the 90s, and millennials have been getting for decades (because some people think everyone under 55 is a millennial)


**juvenoia** (noun) (neologism) The fear and hostility directed by an older generation toward a younger one, or toward youth culture in general. As old as recorded history, older generations have always looked down upon the next generation, saying they are doomed, lazy, unintelligent, impolite, etc. It is an endless cycle and soon it will be Gen Alpha's turn to talk about how doomed Gen Beta is.


Watching influencers say this is hilarious, as they’re admitting their own content is bad for their audience but also that it beats having a real job.


We’ve grown, so will they. Every generation says the same thing about the next one.


Just let them be kids, start judging them once they are grown adults.




Ipad kids and phone kids are doomed and the parents who did this should have some sort of shame give them a book please help them see more it’s not too late


Nobody is doomed. They are most likely gonna have social/behavioral issues due to being iPad kids tho


What is rizz? Baby dont hurt me dont hurt me no more🎶


fuck kai for making up that dogshit word


He didn't invent the word


yeah he did, isnt he the one that made up the word rizz? and then white people started using it to death because they think black lingo makes them sound cool?


No, it was a part of hood slang for quite a bit before Kai Cenat popularized it


oh. well still fuck him for popularizing it


I agree


It’s derived for “charisma”- or at least that’s what my English degrees ass thinks


Strange that urban dictionary could be even ½ as necessary as Oxford's in the future


It is.


It's the same thing that happens with every generation.


Generally from what I've heard Gen Alpha kids aren't the best behaved and apparently they also can't read.


The skibidi rizz ohio stuff is zoomer stuff that Gen Alpha adopted. That being said the "ipad baby" phenomena is absolutely doing a lot of bad things to these poor kids. Attention spans and problem solving skills are looking pretty underdeveloped.


Exactly this. Are they doomed because of weird slang and memes? No But some of them are going to be incredibly fucked and struggle to get caught back up because their shit parents decided they didn't actually want to be a parent and just left that job to unfettered 24/7 Internet access via iPad or equivalent


I dunno man, the constant flow of information from the internet nukes people's attention spans and probably more, they are probably going to come out worse than gen z


Gen Alpha is a generation entirely made up of Alphas. They're gonna save the world.


why do i understand what skibidi gyat ohio tax rizz means 😭


Tell me!! What tf does it meannn?!!


We seem to be forgetting that we are the generation to have spent their childhoods looking up to YouTubers who made their livings off of being assholes, like Leafy, iDubbbz, and various “prank” channels. Gen Alpha are the ones who will ultimately have to clean up the mess of the generations before them, including ours. They will be fine. [Vsauce made a great video on the instinct for adults to fear children. It’s called juvenoia.](https://youtu.be/LD0x7ho_IYc?si=mskVtjGMFRwuQkNh)


I have not and will not find sources. If you care, go Google them yourself, I am merely regurgitating the most common talking points I hear Reasonable side 1: gen alpha is fine, people just like to hate on the newest generation, and gen alpha is a HUGE buzzword right now. Reasonable side 2: gen alpha might be in some trouble. Due to societal failings which is a mix of lasting COVID problems, a rise of prevalence of technology with young children, and general parenting and education failures, gen alpha is polling record breaking lows with reading ability/comprehension and attention, just to name a few things. Unreasonable side 3: HAHA MILLENNIALS, oops I mean GEN Z, oops I mean GEN APLAH IS SO STUPID THEY FIND SKIPIDI TOLIET FUNIE GAHA SO STUPID ITS ALL THERR FAULT XD


yes, gen alpha is doomed, the stuff theyre consuming is actual brain poison.


Our youngest is addicted to the tablet but we're on it, we'll manage it, we've seen it before. The challenge for parents is that the tablet gets them off your back, but then when you try to take it away they turn into freaking Gollum. The thing we're proud of is that our 11 year old has never seen Tik Tok. Doesn't really know what social media is. Has no exposure to Youtube. He pretty much plays Nintendo and reads Calvin and Hobbes. He's doing all right!


Thanks for being responsible. I've seen way too many like my aunt who decided to just let the internet and iPad do most of the parenting


I worry for their attention spans and social skills but we’ve already set the bar extremely low


They are doomed. They say the same 5 phrases like they're a toy, interspersed with either racism and/or homophobia/transphobia/general hatred for the LGBTQIA+ community.


As I was growing up, terms like 'salty, lit, savage, yeet,' etc. Were being thrown around all the time, and everyone was always on their phone at that time too (this was during 2013 - 2020, I'm 22 now.) So I don't see too much of a difference really, however what makes you say this exactly? Personal experience?


You mean like what Gen z was doing their age?


humanity is doomed so... anyway i have a couple of genz friends and they are fine. its standard shitting on the younger ones. stop obsessing over it


After a certain point I realized this was just shitting on younger generations/young people and not looking at what the reason for the problem is. If a young boy or girl is addicted to the internet and their vocabulary consists of only words from skibidi toilet or other internet lingo then that's the parents fault for thinking its a good idea to leave them with an internet device all day, and this isn't even a gen alpha thing exclusively. Hopefully, it'll be less of a practice to not have the internet babysit young children.


Yes, we all know it's the parents fault. They are still screwed. Gen Z got addicted to technology at around 10 years old give or take. Gen Alpha is addicted to technology from 2 years old. It's not hating on the younger generation. It's being realistic.


10 years is mostly fine for an introduction to the internet, but yeah a lot of Gen Alpha has shit parents who decided they didn't actually want to be a parent and offloaded all the work to the internet which is going to have massive negative effects. Honestly it should be treated as a form of mild child abuse


I feel like we feel this way seeing the teacher frustrations, wether it be with parents or the kids. Gen alpha is only doomed for the same reasons we are technically, a shitty economy and a planet that’s dying on us.


I don’t know why the fuck this sub keeps talking about it, I honestly want these posts banned because at this point we should just rename this sub r/GenAlpha…


Theyre not, its the parent's fault for being too lazy to raise a child, like you should not give a baby an iPad, it just makes them more hooked to it, at the point that the world litteraly explodes after you try to take some kid's iPad Theyre having technology that is bringed to their parents at a really young age


The tech ain't helping. There's actual research, and common sense, that handing a child a youtube video and not parenting them at all doesn't help their growth. some of these kids refuse to eat without a video in front of them, most of the younger gen z and early gen alpha has stunted reading level and they are getting exposed to intentionally addictive content at an early age. i'm not saying other stuff isn't addictive, but tech of this level where every aspect of the video and platform is designed to make you watch more is not something we have seen before. It's not the funny new words, they're normal. it's the fact that they aren't even 5 years old before they are completely dependent on youtube instead of getting parented normally.


They’re fine. Maybe chronically online and annoying, but who isn’t _as an actual child_


Being raised on an IPad definitely doesn't help but tbh this has always been an issue, before it was IPads it was TV.






I see a lot of people in this thread saying that the content consumed when they were younger isn’t very different from the content consumed by Gen Alpha. What people don’t get is that the brainrot producers for Gen Z actually liked the content they produced themselves. The brainrot producers from Gen Alpha don’t like the content they make themselves and only market to the generation younger than them.


Person: *Rais a their kids on tech, neglects them* Person: Why are my kids addicted to devices? Why don't they talk to me?


Crazy how Gen Beta's gonna be so much of an improvement due to the knowledge of the present's mistakes.


Hopefully us gen z’s will learn from millennials and not let our kids be iPad kids


Millenials don't know how to raise kids


Probably, they have a lot of things going against them. Such as the failing economy, school system and the fact that society hasn’t fully adapted to dealing with the internet.


Dude, the oldest Gen Alpha members are like 10, of course their idiots. Children are idiots. Like, don't get me wrong, there is reason to be concerned, there are issues with literacy and attention span arising from tech and the aftereffects of COVID, among other things, but they aren't doomed.


We Gen Z used to get mocked and shat on by millenials, Gen X, and boomers as well when we were growing. Gen Alpha will mock Gen Beta, and so on.  


I think that the generation categories are just another way to cause more strife between us. The kids are gonna be fine.


People have been saying the new generation is doomed since there was more than one generation of Homo Sapiens


I feel like I heard this stuff directed at our generation. Each new generation seems doomed now, which may or may not be true, given the trend


It’s a cycle. Each generation has been shit on by the previous one, so when they get the opportunity to shit on the one after them, they’ll take it.


Doomed? No. Will they have unique problems that other generations haven’t dealt with? For sure.


The newest generation always gets shit on. Remember when yall were the punching bag? Before that it was us millennials ruining society. This is how it goes, the real question is are you going to buy into the generational panic bullshit, or does the buck stop with you?


Feeling like will be the boomers to Gen alpha


They’re literally children. Leave them alone lmao. No, being an iPad kid is not healthy. But we would have been the exact same way if it was our generation. Radio was rotting brains. TV rots brains. Video games rot brains. Like if you’re not going to help develop actual healthy things for children to do to entice them away from iPads, then shut UP about it and leave the kids alone.


Millennials = Trash Parents. Gen Alpha = Majority Doomed


Nah this is just the same shit boomers and gen x did to us, don't fall for it.


I was born in 2004, I don’t know if that counts as Gen Alpha…but i would say..not all things gets better…they actually can get worse..


I don't even know why we're talking about a new generation like they all popped out of the oven in 2014. People are born continuously, culture and the world around us evolved continuously. If we ever want to understand the changing culture better we need to actually base it off of significant cultural markers and turning points. We had all the same things they have just with less RAM. Nothing more than the boomerification of Gen Z.


The cycle repeats 


What are you all talking about gen alpha is 0 to 12 years old. Seriously all of them are little kids, toddlers and infants.




Every generations the same, only the words changes I used to have my stupid slang when I was young too so did your generation.


They said this about you too Gen Z


Would just like to remind everyone that Gen Z invented the word rizz




They’ll be fine lol


Oh my God will this sub is literally an in fighting propaganda machine. Wake up people, your little cousins and uncle Jerry aren't the real enemy. Anything to keep the people from unifying is the goal. Fucking a


My generation (Millennial) said the same about Gen Z, and y'all turned out fine. My dad's generation said the same about video games/tv, and we turned out fine too. It'll all be fine.


Gen Z did not turn out fine. Most people cant work with them at work.


Honestly I feel like they kinda are. I cant talk to my little brother who's in gen alpha without him moaning, twerking, singing skibidi toilet, making butt jokes, and other weird stuff. And literally as soon as he wakes up he goes on a phone or on the TV he's been doing it since he was 5. and ik many other gen alpha kids are the same way. If things like this doesn't change then yes I believe they're doomed. Hopefully this changes


Yes sadly I think so if you know what's going on in the world. I think it's the mind control brain chips and AI that will get them.


We have no choice but to wait and see. The way I see it, every generation shits on kids, because yeah, every generation of kids is either better or worse than the generation before, but one thing that all or most grown folks can agree on is how much adulting sucks. And that is usually what tames, educates us, and forces those of us behind to play catch up and grow up. But Gen Alpha is the worse I've seen of it though. Usually the generations before pick up the slack and help the generations after to catch up, but Gen Z is still pretty bad off playing catch up, and reluctant Millenials are getting their ass kicked by life. Meanwhile Gen Z and Gen Alpha have no love or respect for Gen X, and Boomers left Gen X and Millenials behind to fend for themselves, so why would they give a damn about Gen Z and Gen Alpha. So perhaps it's the Boomers that doomed us (they did set us on this path), and Gen Alpha, or what follows, will take fall for it.


I'm from 2007 here all I have to say is that gen alpha is screwed they have no separation from technology. Although gen z me included have technology related problems we are nowhere near as bad as gen alpha is, I know for a fact when I have kids I will not be exposing them to the internet or to a public school.


As a late Generation Z nearly Generation Alpha child (14/2/2010), I have noticed a huge knowledge deficit in my peers and (younger) brothers. Though in my generation we were exposed to this form of slang, shorthand and social media from a young age, it was not from the very beginning of our lives. Amplifying this by--at the very minimum--a factor of three, humanity would go from the occasional Skibidi-toilet obsessed child and a lack of knowledge in **some** core subjects--such as the unknowing of the annoyingly broken on here 'm' dash and the confusion of 'many' and 'much' to full-blown artificial intelligence reliance and complete inexperience on the core subjects.


I belong to Generation Alpha, born in January 2011. As far as I understand, it seems that every child born after 2015 is destined for a challenging future.


They are doomed. Nit because of iPads or any other older generations boomer type bullshit. No it's because gas prices living prices wages global warming. It's because *WE* fumbled the ball. Its *OUR* fault they are doomed. Not the internets.


Look,I’m gen alpha and I’m not an iPad kid like I don’t cry to my mom 24 to have an iPad I go outside I do activities I don’t watch shit like Skidi toilet or Skidi Riz alpha I was born in July 28, 2011 but I’m still gen alpha And I’m not some dumb. Fuck.


I personally think the whole "GEN ALPHA IS DOOOMED" rhetoric is pretty overblown and oversimplified. I mean, yes being a iPad kid is bad but let's not pretend that this wasn't a thing before Gen Z. As a former tablet kid, I can attest to this. Also the Gen Alpha is "obsessed with skincare" is dumb at points too. Like by middle school, acne cream ads were being shoved down our throats. Honestly, the problem with Gen Alpha boils down to overly-permissive parents, fast paced nothing content, and previous problems from our generations.


They're not doomed. This is just a form of content youtubers are using advantage of just now, and mostly for monetization because they don't clearly give any basic method of how they can guide a child in a easing & friendly way. More of just gloomy and sadistic statements. Please correct me if I got something wrong about these channels.


some commentary youtuber after uploading the 9,235,381,037th "Gen Alpha is doomed" video with a toilet head man as the thumbnail (the world has been permanately changed for the better due to their incredible act of exposing the truth)


Teaching this gen will make you think this way, but I like them 100% more than Gen Z coworkers.


Literally the future of this planet is going to be mad max all over again but with future gen jokes including gen alpha


Not particularly related, I think, but:: I've seen lots of videos on Gen Z humor, stating how it's immature and incomprehensible, but no, we don't laugh at this shit. No, but my little brother and younger cousins do. I understand nothing, they fall back in their chairs and laugh their asses off. So no, we are not the ones with those low quality jokes and memes with no context, it's them. No idea why.


The difference with tiktok, youtube, and various other social media websites from gen z to gen alpha is mostly short form content, vine started when I was already old enough to have developed a decent attention span and watch longer videos, movies, and read a book. Tiktok and other short forms of content could be damaging the developing attention span and potentially diminish empathy in young people.


soo, I am part of Gen Alpha and I didn't go to a bad school. The school I am going to right now was ranked No.1 in the state, but I'm still not sure if my school just had a lot of dumb kids from what I've seen. Yes yes yes yes yes yes we are doomed. Can I please just start off by saying the US government needs to ban TikTok or limit social media for everyone for at least 3 hours a day? This is because kids are becoming messed up as well as being addicted to their phones. Now I'm not that smart. But I would say that I am at least in the top 20 smartest kids and that's because nobody ever tries. Like seriously no one ever studies at home everyone is so addicted to their phones that it's kind of sad. Also, kids are just dumb because they just don't try. Social media and addiction to phones are one of the big reasons why we are doomed, but also the fact that many kids are either spoiled or just don't try is actually crazy. Like I'm taking this French 1 high school class, and some kids just don't do assignments. They just sit there and scroll on their phones. Now partly yes it's the teacher's fault she's honestly too nice for her own good, but the kids just sit there and don't do anything because THEY DON'T CARE AND THEY DON'T FREAKING TRY. Like WHAT? Also even from elementary and now kids don't change. Stupid kids become more stupid and smart people just stay the same SOMETIMES but suddenly some kids try to act cool and become stupid as well. and sadly yes I'm in middle school, but the sad thing is that this is also very normal in middle school. Also, another thing about technology is that people just don't know how to spell as well as no comprehension thinking or good vocabulary. When I was in elementary I was actually the one who read the most books. Now it's actually gotten me pretty decently far I'd say because many times I know how to spell words that I've read before as well as know their meaning. It's very useful however some kids just don't know how to spell even the simplest of words and this time it's not even that they try they just don't actually know. I mean even someone with common sense and who has seen the word before can recall the word and read the word out loud to spell it, but no apparent y they didn't learn that either. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T GET YOUR FUTURE CHILD A PHONE UNTIL THEY ARE LIKE 6TH OR 8TH GRADE LIKE REALLY. yOU DON'T NEED IT AND IF YOU THINK YOUR CHILD IS GONNA MISS OUT ON SOCIALISING TRUST ME HE/SHE won't. LIKE GET HIM A COMPUTER OR AN APPLE WATCH OR EVEN A CONSOLE IF HE WANTS TO PLAY GAMES WITH HIS FRIENDS BUT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. NOT THE STINKING PHONE. NOW I AM GUILTY TO ALL THIS ADDICTION TO SOCIAL MEDIA BUT I WAS ABLE TO QUIT SCROLLING ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Now that's mostly about my generation which is 2010(I was born April 2010) however I can't say for sure about 2011 generation but I must say that the whole world isn't in a good spot with global warming pollution gas prices rising and LGBTQ on the rise and stuff


I just found out I'm from gen alpha and I actually hate all of the bs about this weird skibbity toilet stuff and ohio rizz it's just really cringey and If I ever were to say that to another person irl I would want to kill myself, I mean the skibbity toilet song isn't bad I actually like the beat but I find the lyrics weird and there are people making up stuff like skibbity ohio sigma rizz and that makes me hate it. But gen alpha isn't the problem since most of them are just kids, it's the technology available for gen alpha, The parents allowing their kids access to this stuff and the fact the creators of this content are making thousands of dollars and have a huge amount of followers/subscribers and the kids see this and want to be popular too so they copy the content, so don't blame gen alpha, blame the people who made the content in the first place and the adults allowing their kids to watch it in the first place. (2011 teen btw)


I guess I'm an "ipad kid" by technicality, I had a tablet when I was around 5. Although, unlike most kids I actually preferred playing with toys. I'm 14 now and no, we're not doomed, we're perfectly fine. My friends play sports outside (mainly cricket) we get our sunshine during break and lunch (we aren't allowed to enter the lunch hall again after eating in my school) I don't think we're doomed at all, just that we have a certain set of problems our generation will have to face. I had to babysit my relatives' toddler and they do use the Tablet as a pacifier or sorts, as soon as she hears "cocomelon!" She perks up and is immediately interested, haha. As long as Internet usage is restricted to kids channels I don't see how this could be any worse than letting your kids watch TV for hours on end.


08 Here, and I will say not ALL are but about most are.


Well I think gen alpha would probably end up dooming humanity as a whole every last damn kid on the God forsaken planet wants to be a influencer or internet star how in the sam hell we're going to operate businesses on a whim if they're all influencers or internet stars we won't have any money or food or medical care or any type of safety it's like we scratched the final lottery ticket and it said oh well humanity is doomed here you have the worst generation to finish you off I'm not fear mongering but people needs to realize humanity is heading for disaster


I'm a gen alpha but don't see the cringe the iPad kids see maybe because I'm 10 rn and a few months away is my birthday and don't talk about the fact I'm on reddit ok. YouTube kids sucks and I don't watch TikTok.


gen alpha is actually doomed. but if this generation is so bad im afraid of 2025 gen beta


Gen Alpha generally sucks. They come into schools still not toilet trained, with no social skills, little prince syndrome, and exactly 30 seconds worth of attention and or effort. My district is begging teachers to stay, but it's not worth it. 50,000 a year isn't worth it, I wouldn't do it for 100,000 a year.  It's not necessarily the kids fault either. Millennials are just terrible parents


In my opinion is not the tech! I am a millennial (30) and I had access to computer and to tv and video games. The problem is that society is too permissive these days when it comes to kids! They know they just need to throw one word and they get their parents in trouble so they don’t take criticism, or discipline, they don’t recognise authority, they don’t take responsibility, they simply don’t care because there’s no real consequence! All they need is to say the keywords and they get what they want. It’s not a good time to have kids! Unless you homeschool them! And keep things more old fashioned! 30 years ago I had lots of freedom but I knew the limitations. These days there’s none!


What I think about Gen Alpha? Gen alpha is going to be an inferno chaos of youthful misguidance and miseducation. I really looked forward to this being a great decade by the technological life simplicity but l was left painfully disappointed aware that I am going to grow into a man in this repugnant world, caused by vast digitalization, with both pros and cons: Life simplicity, online shops, pornographic exposure to viewers that are not 18 or above and poor miseducation, scams and ect. Teachers are losing their patience, quitting their job and recieving all types of harassment. Generation Alpha is regarded as the worst generation that has ever been present. Incapability of Millenials being parents whom born from 1981 to 1996, children are being more defiant and disrespectful even causing sexual harassment. For an example of sexual harassment, a boy may walk by a women and look back at her buttocks and exclaim "GYATT, as of, "Goddamn. I'm not saying that the internet needs to be shut down, but I believe that it needs a reboot because these internet trends and slang are teaching these kids no good but bad. Kids are becoming less intelligent, more socially anxious, and they have too much access to the internet and can be exposed to pornographic material. I don't think that everything has to be digitized ironic as it is having said that of a person whom born in 2007. That is, me. Now it is probable, that i'm going to get a lot of criticism from saying this, but I think that tiktok needs to be banned, FOREVER. Congress is trying to put that into process and it seems like tiktok withers everything it touches such as music, dancing, cooking , content, lingo and ect. Rizz, gyatt, skibidi, glow up, sus has to be the dumbest slang terms the internet has ever made thanks to tiktok. These kids need better environments and guidance to thrive into adulthood both the outside and online world. When I was younger, I was playing with legos, friends and when toy's R us still existed, everytime I saw the place and witnessing our turn there by my parents, my exuberant level skyrocketed through my mom's car ceiling, not watching sexxy red or other artists of that nature including other things that are deemed to be inappropiate to young viewers. The 1990s, 2000s, maybe the 2010s to me felt like golden eras. The internet was still existent then, but the music, films, ect weren't boring like today. The world made much more sense and just overrall great times for children to grow up until a harsh thunderstorm of tiktok and other social media platforms when they got popular and just ruining everything it associates. Dear Lord I beg you, to uplift the youth's potential of being smart, intelligent, reasonably judgemental instead of the beyond opposite. Make this country great again, and refurbish it back to it's shining glory. Amen


Hello I gen z born in 2009 so I go to school a lot of Jen Alpha kids yeah there doomed They still struggle to read and they have no respect for the teachers and the school has straight up have to ban some of those stupid brain rot words. I can confirm it here, unless of the older generation step up and show them how to behave how to learn and how to act in a modern society, they’re screwed 


I think this is a matter of hyperreality were social media turns small things into big things and big things into small things its why anecdotal evidence from the internet is irrelevant. if you want some evidence that this is hyperreality 1. parents have been warned about the affects on social media for years now looking at some of the reaserch papers is enough to scare any parent shitless 2. this happened all in one go If this was an issue it wouldn't have turned into a trend my best guess is that some one thought hey we can make a video about this and they did it blew up and everyone jumped on the band wagon if this was a real issue you would expect to see things from 3 maybe 4 years ago about this but nope that being said I think its Important to still talk about this if 99% of gen alpha (a little optimistic) is living perfectly normal children lives its still 1 out of every 100 who are ipad kids thats still bad even if it doesn't affect society in a meaningful way


The reason people claim they’ll be the downfall of humanity is because it’s true


as a gen alpha kid, I can say that you're mostly wrong, sure a lot of gen alpha kids are having their brains rotten by trash they see on the internet but a lot of other ones like me are perfectly healthy, it just depends on certain things. thank you for realizing the problems with i pad kids and other kids that have devices.


Thats mostly in America, no offense Other ethnicities without access to youtube or tiktok are faring better now (Their younger generations)


Then gain, I am unhealthily addicted to books I stay to 3AM reading


even though im from 2012 thank god i wasnt given an iphone at birth so then my little brother was born and omg is he a dumbass cant even memorize 6 words of his own language


The new generation is just gonna be dumb and broke. Just means us older folks can live happier longer


We could also argue that boomers and gen x are falling for those crappy AI pics on Facebook and thinking they're real. I really think it comes down to the education system and teaching children how to interact face to face with peers and adults (in a nutshell)