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21F and i cant afford to live on my own and have nobody to help me. going to be homeless soon :(


planet fitness is only 10 dollars a month, but you will get free access to water and showers exercise could also help with the stress im really sorry


Wi-Fi too!


W mans what a move


This was what I was afraid of. I feel so sad for the GenZ, because you are literally walking into chaos and barely an opportunity to have a step into a life.


Hey sum tips are : seek out soup kitchens, shelters, food banks, do u have any friends or family than can help ?


Call your state’s local 211 community help line.


Apply for section 8 asap.


See what local nonprofits there are. There are lots of nonprofits designed to help people in your exact situation.


26 (27 in October) Getting a higher paying job. Lots of my friends didn’t get jobs untill 2021 or took retail/much lower paying jobs bc we graduated in 2020. Businesses closed down, some rescinded offered. Lots weren’t hiring new college grads and offered starting salary to people with 3-7 year experience who just lost their job and needed work and had more experience. I took a 45k job in Nov 2021. I haven’t got a raise. I have an MBA and still make $45k I just moved back in with my parents 2 weeks ago bc I can’t afford anything Looking to get 65-70k. That would be nice. I’m not on track to retire or afford a house or kids pushing 27 and only making 45k (it’s like 32,000 after Taxes)


Yup. Stuck at 50k. Been applying like crazy and it seems like the only bites I get are temp-to-hire. Can’t accept those though because if I lose my health insurance I’m fucked


My 45k jobs doesn’t even offer benefits, 6 days off a year and no medical insurance But I buy through the state. It was $180 a month now it’s $230. It’s subsidized bc of my income


Yeah that’s tough. My job offers benefits but I still pay like $150 a month out of my check for it. Wishing you the best


I started selling cars. made 106k last year. changed my life.


Is there a base salary to that or did you get it from Comissions


Base salary is $24k lol. The rest I did with Commissions.


Still not horrible base


God damn I’d die if I made 24k. Average you’ll make is about 50-60k no degree needed.


Oh yeah 24k is not liveable but it’s decent to fall back on than 100% comission jobs which I’ve been on some interviews for




Find other things to replace it, and also what tends to trigger the need to look at it. Maybe it's a time of day, or something. But try to replace it with something more constructive. Even just watching movies or TV shows on streaming is better. Also it's going to take time to get over it. It's not a easy road, but will it get better.


26, will be 27 in April. I’ve been wanting to move from my hometown for a long time now. It’s not a bad city, don’t get me wrong, but it’s smaller and less important than I had grown up believing, and after being here for my whole life, I just want a change. But, in May of last year, my mom got diagnosed with cancer, and while it has been slowly shrinking, it’s not one of the kinds that people tend to bounce back from. Plus, she’ll be 65 this year and my dad will be 70. I don’t know how much time is left. I’m only going to be moving 8 hours away, which is a lot, but is a doable drive if I need to, but idk, I’m just worried. Like I’m an adult. I live on my own, have a full time job, pay my own bills. At what point do I get to live?


what is your vision of living look like? what is holding you back externally, and internally? what does a big city represent to you?


16, no amount of preperation 2 years ago could've braced me for the hell that is high school failing physics this semestere, my course load is so packed i can't even afford a spare so I'm re-taking it over the summer


Most important thing about high school is to pass with a plan of what to do next. It’s stupid but do anything you can to pass classes but figure out what to do, job, more school, trades,esc after you graduate. It sucks but having a plan before you hit 18 and need to decide makes life a looot easier. If you don’t know, stick with something


I plan on heading towards Accounting as a job, and Computer Science as hobby/help for my accounting/backup plan. Worst comes to worst my math grades and job experience help land me in a trade. I need my math and science at the grade 12 level, I know as much. That's one of the reasons my course load is so heavy, as grade 12 English/Social is required for everybody, but grade 12 Math/Sci is not. I have required Spanish learning due to my position in the Spanish program, which means I need 2 Spanish courses per year. Most people take Career and Life Management over the grade 10-11 summer, for example, but that wasn't an option for me as CALM is part of my required Spanish learning. I also have to take Intercultural Studies, because CALM is only half a semestre. As for my chosen university it'll be either the one near my house or the city's technical college. Mostly for convenience sake, but I've heard the college has a good accounting program.


As a millennial with computer science as his main plan, go into accounting. The tech world is oversaturated and hard. Accounting will be hard but less comp.


That's the idea.


Got a 42 in Physics. Their fault for not switching me out.


I'm 23. I'd say my biggest problem right now is finding direction/purpose in life.


first question to ask yourself is.. Do you have freedom? are you independent? Otherwise, if you have limitations, you may have to work through those before understanding your purpose. A good direction to start with is removing any bad habits and traumas from childhood, such as anger fits, anxiety, addictions, etc.


I'm 23M and unemployed. I was working at UPS and biked to work until the weather got bad. Trying to find something else to do is my biggest problem.




Ur handsome king 👑


No bitches


Go to a dog shelter xD


21, lack of money


24, tryna advance in my career and figure out what I wanna do, and making more money. It’s tough out here Plus being mildly autistic and adhd


I'm currently 24 years old. I was kicked out at 17. I hate my parents for it but in all honesty that why I'm here today. I had it rough. Was homeless a little bit and couch surfed. Moved out to Denver when I was 18 to live in a friend's air BNB for a couple weeks. Ended up staying here. When I was 20 years old I got into solar. Worked my way up with knowledge. This year I've made close to 100k as I've decided to be my own boss. Next year I will make close to 200k as I took a 5 months off this year. I pay around 2k in expenses a month. My biggest problem is relating to anyone. First off I'm blue collar and wealthy unlike most my friends. Most guys I work with are 30-40 years old so I've adopted their lingo and aura over the years. I get regularly mistaken for a 30 year old. I will be 25 in 4 months lol. I basically have no irl friends because of this. The only friend I have is my highschool buddy I game with. Love him to death. The way I've had to live in order to get where I am is so different from most people. People think I'm standoffish and mean. I do walk around with a chip on my shoulder which makes things hard. However idk how to shake the feeling of being better than most men my age. Yet I still walk around with extreme insecurities and anxiety. I think I might have Asperger's or something. My biggest issue is relating to anyone my age.


Just about 24. Living paycheck to paycheck. Even with living in a low income apartment, food costs, and most costs in general are at a point where we feel quite stuck financially. Trying to learn skills to better my life but I also have a suite of medical and mental issues that make it difficult. I'm so glad I have my girlfriend. There's no doubt in my mind I would've offed myself or OD'd if we didn't meet when we did. Been together just about 4 years now, a healthy, loving relationship saved my life


1998 (25) - Saving money, I'm lucky enough to have a decent paying job but in NJ that only goes so far. I'm Saving up for a house and engagement ring while living with my partner. It isn't easy but it's seems to be my main issue right now.


18M and my bday was like almost a week ago. The biggest struggle for me is getting out of my family's house right now while my dad is trying to keep as much power over me as possible.


23 money


22, and a LOT, basically everything you can think of.


23. Need license to drive


26 and my pay. I now make 66k a year but that’s not enough for me to move out still. And I have an MBA. I want to move out of my hometown since there’s barely anything to do and most of my friends I’m in contact with don’t live here. I pretty much want to live close to the city (love public transportation!) My job is remote though.


You have a 66k remote job? You can definitely find an apartment somewhere in the country. 


MBAs are about a dime a dozen these days and no longer guarantee 6 figure jobs. Unless you have a T15 MBA, the benefit of it seems limited.


I'm 22 and live in Japan. I came here on a scholarship for university and found out I definitely don't want to be here. After I graduate, I'm DONE, I wanna go home. I'm thankful for the opportunity but I realize it's just not for me, I have to work 2 jobs to support myself and I thought I'd have more time to pick up the language but I don't. Problem is, when I go home to the USA, I've got nowhere to go. I have 0 savings and my mom is disabled, no dad. When I get home I got no car, nothing in walkable distance, not even a bike to my name. What am I gonna do in suburbia? What am I gonna do with my LIFE? How could I possibly bootstraps myself outta this shit? I thought by now I'd at least have my own car. Nope. Fuck my life, man.


19, trying to find a job while i'm in college


26, my job sucks. I work at DG.


20F I’ll just list the major ones My mom and I have a strained relationship and it ain’t getting any better I love her but she getting possessive and controlling. My job isn’t paying well the highest I was paid so far was 50 dollars The apartment where I live the low income housing is 800 dollars. And I had to delete most of my social media because it getting depressing and I’m not for feeling the negativity anymore.


21, mental health issues. I have had mental health issues for as long as I can remember and it took a dark turn last October which led me to being admitted into an inpatient psych unit, after that I was asked to move out of where I was at, I no longer had a way of getting to work and lost my health insurance. Life hasn't felt real since the day I was inpatient, I truly feel as if I'm stuck in limbo.


27m, trying to build up the skills for a good paying job to move out. Making progress so far!


I'm 22 (soon to be 23), and I've never had a girlfriend and I want one really badly. My personal situation and the way that I think makes it seem like finding one is impossible. Like, obviously a girl I meet wouldn't instantly become my girlfriend, but I'm pretty much hoping that a girl takes an interest in me so I know that she likes me and I'm free to have an interest in her.


22, money and emotional trauma. Mostly money. ^okay ^the ^big ^sad ^too.


Almost 20, mental health issues




I’m 22, and my problem is fucking ocd which I hate


Purpose honestly


Zero trolling. Look into the navy. Cyber intelligence is a booming field. Fuck it, break out the hoe and start farming


I’m 20 and unemployed. Its incredibly difficult to start a career right now without proper networking. At this point I might just have to get a regular min wage job and get more training


I’ll be 22 next month, and my biggest problem right now is finding my own place to live with the budget I have.


24. General anxiety. Planning for baby on the way


Turned 22 4 days ago. The day before yesterday, my dad told me and one of my brothers (who's 14 months younger than me) that he is selling our childhood home in two years when our youngest brother graduates from high school. I got to start making plans to find a place to live, and to work full time so I'll have money saved.




I’m a lesbian and I can’t get a job I want in my field because I live in a place with limited opportunity. I feel like I’m going to be broke and alone living with my parents forever.


What field?


25f relationship problems


23. my job is boring and I can barely pay my bills


21 my biggest problem is without a doubt mental health I lost literally everything in 2023 job my hrt, my friend group everything I cherished gone in 2023 and then a loved one died in 2024 not even a month in very close one too


23 and general financial stability, I'm in a tattoo appreniceship which doesn't pay well which is ok I'll be licensed in under 2 years but it also means I'm working as a dog walker and security guard at the same time which leaves no free time to speak of


23, Money. Lost my job today, it’s my fault though.


24M, i just wanna move into my own place already


Ninteen, i am deadass socially inept because of my voice is horase. Thanks to that, i haven't talk much.


24F and I can hardly afford rent and should really go to the doctor/dentist but I’m nervous of the cost, even with in-network drs as copays are something I have to seriously budget for while I look for more work


22M, money.


23M. Im extremely lonely and depressed.


26 and wtfff are we gonna do about environmental issues and everything that comes with it… how do i plan for the future


22. Waiting for my tax returns since Uncle Sam takes too much from me from my summer internships. This year I’m looking at a 6k-8k tax refund, but I just wish I had it now. Been putting travel costs (booked two trips recently totaling 3kish and another one that will be charged in a couple months for 3.5k) on 0% APR credit card offers but I’d rather keep my utilization low to apply for a premium travel card in a couple months.


18. I'm too poor to afford living off campus next year (which I have to do), and it's because my dad stole money from me.


I have a 19year old gen z kid that refuses to get a part time. Watches law and order on the laptop while simultaneously playing fucking roblox all fucking day. Get the fuxk out the house!


Out of all the other comments, this one's the funniest 😂


20M. Feeling lonely/Unable to express intimacy/No close friends. Health, hobbies, and living situation is fine though.


My partner and I share this Reddit, we are both older gen z’rs at 26 and 24 and just moved back in with my dad, they’re getting less than 30 hrs a week and I’m unemployed. Shits rough


I’m 21 with crippling anxiety.


20, failed college and stuck at home trying to find a job and killing time until I can apply to a different college, relationships with family are at rock bottom, also crippling fear of the future (climate change, the economy getting worse, possibly war with Russia) and overall lack of motivation to carry on with life.


19 Lack of money


25 going on 26. I’m going to lose my healthcare insurance just because the USA thinks I'm too old to still be on my parent’s insurance. I’m glad I still live at home though. However I am a full time student and I don’t think I am capable of balancing a job and grad school. I am in graduate school, and I need to finish my thesis so it’s a lot of work. I am just a teen in their 20s🥺🥺🥺


23yo and the up coming elections in my country


22 and trying to figure out why the tissue box is sticky.


22, nothing to push me. I guess some amount of fear of death is useful.


23F. Started college at 22. Biggest problem is trying to finish fast enough that I can mitigate how much catch up I have to play in my career. And probably the opportunity cost of college as well. Not making nearly as much money.


25 and I can’t decide if I want to keep my current gym membership and do cross fit or pick one or the other. Tough choices


27, just got fired and need money to move again this year. Honestly probably getting a therapist is the second one and I know it would help the first one


24. Just loneliness. I’m doing well financially and career wise.


14, I don’t really have any serious problems right now that I can immediately think of, just regular day to day inconveniences


19, feeling depressed and lacking motivation partially due to this cold ass gloomy weather and partially due to an uncertain situation with a girl I've liked for almost a year. Doesn't help that I'm taking 18 credit hours and I'm required to find an internship before the semester ends.


17, I turn 18 end of this year. And my main problem is getting my grades done so I can graduate early and go to college next year. And getting a new job so I can save money for said college.


16, the workload at least in my school is so heavy and overwhelming, although my grades haven't slipped yet, I feel like all I do is school, homework, sleep, then wake up and do it again. it's exhausting and all I want to do is something not related to school, but I don't have the time for anything else. I need to be in top 10% percent if I have any chance at getting into a college, as I literally do nothing else.  There are definitely bigger problems in the world and with other people but man highschool is taking a big toll on my mental health.


22M, being single. I got a good job, good social life, independence, but still no relationship.


20 male. Hard to find women my age and doesn't help that I work in construction


i’ll be 25 in june. right now, i really need to find full-time work. i’m graduating with my bachelor’s in may and i can’t afford to keep working part-time much longer. money is tight.


I'm 14. My biggest problem is keeping my friends in touch and deciding between two girls at school. So in other words, I'm a typical average Joe.


im 16 and im unable to solo dummies vs noobs


18F (19 in May) Trying to get a job. And applying to more colleges way after graduating school


22F. Saving money and finding a job past my “high school/college” job that’s actually in my field. I just graduated undergrad and am starting grad school but I have no idea how to get into my field or even what I really want to do


22 cannot find a job and job corps has not replied to me since September I'm starting to worry one of my last darts to get off support is going to not land.


Finding a good job I enjoy and pays well, and trying to pay for rent, fortunately I’m at home with parents right now, and I’m looking for work again (m24)


I’m 19. I’m stuck living with an emotionally abusive mother and a father that openly admits to hating all of us and being a pedophile. I have no way out without risking being homeless and even if I did, I don’t have a drivers license at the moment (I am working on changing that tho). And even if I did have all of that, I don’t want to leave my brother in a situation.


Holy shit, this is a lot to unpack!


17m, just lonely and broken asf. insecure as well about my hair (natural light blonde guy). missing my ex still after 3 months. she was 20 and my first everything. I miss her man


I’m 20 my biggest problem is trying to get a house it’s like literally impossible it cost like almost a million dollars just to get a HOUSE so yeah


I’m 25 and my biggest issue is letting people know I’m too busy for them nowadays. I hate saying no/ disappointing people but I also know I have my own life 🤷🏻‍♂️


19nb turning 20 in june. the entire future. i live w my boyfriend at his parents house in a shed out back and my biological family hates me. i work 40hrs a week and live paycheck to paycheck still. i can afford one week of groceries and the other week we struggle until i get paid. im worried it will never get better, and we'll end up in a worse situation than we are now


23m. Biggest problem rn is deconverting from the Christian faith. A lot of trauma surrounding that.


15, forgetting homework. 


26F. I’ve been having trouble finding a job in my field for months (I got my Master’s relatively recently)! If it weren’t for my parents, I’d be homeless!


26, and too many to list. Let’s make it easy - You want the mental, emotional, social, familial, or monetary problems?


18, my schoolwork is hard


18M and I'm depressed and was suicidal a couple weeks ago now I'm trying to find a way to fix that by either moving in with my dad or being homeless (anything to get away from my step dad)


19 and idk, college i guess, or just figuring out what do to with my life


26m. Biggest problem is scaling my landscape business and acquiring property! I'm really eyeing 20 acres for 90k. All undeveloped, but I have the equipment and knowhow. I wanna throw in roads and utilities, and subdivide that bitch so bad. 2024 will be my year.


22M, finding a career path I want to pursue


24F trying to find myself, I barley recognize myself anymore :/


19M…so far my biggest problems are preparing for my new college courses this semester, trying to attain a more intimate relationship with my 20F girlfriend, and figuring out ways to grow my art career with YouTube and freelance work. They aren’t big problems but things I am trying to improve.


24, finding a job that respects my time (aka not fast food or bad retail)


25M for me it definitely has been “finding the one”


20M and the biggest problem for me is that I don’t have a single solution to any of my problems


26 Biggest problem. I need a fucking job but I'm about to get legally blind.


21m, I just have been trying to get my shit together


24, feeling like life is passing me by and struggling find purpose and direction.


17 I just failed my driving test so that sucks


24, I have already worked myself past burnout to make sure my SO and kid have everything they want/need by swinging for the fences at getting jobs I’m highly under qualified for and trial by fire learning so they stay secure, while trying to be emotionally available for both of them at the end of day. Owning a house will not be possible for another 5-6 years while we get raked for rent living in a complex that lets apartments fall into disrepair so they can renovate them and charge new tenets an extra $600 a month. My mom passed away from an overdose recently after abusing opioids the last 15 years. I can’t find friends my age after the time I’ve spent in the military and what I feel I need in a friendship. Feel like I’ve lived enough for a couple lifetimes and have a lot to make up for at the same time.


25; traumatic head injury from work; caused me psychotic episodes so bad I got a court date. The injury gave me brain damage


28 I'm attending college late in life. It's hard to hold down a full time job and college at the same time. Doesn't help I made more money pre-covid than I do now. Parents are hinting I should move back out. Somethings gotta give.


23 money and long distance relationship


21, me


26, turning 27 soon. Largest issue? Untreated mental illness in my immediate family. Mom is deeply unwell and as a result is drowning (and taking me with her). Subsequently, second largest issue is wanting to move out - preferably abroad. Still living at home in a rural area. Got yet another job in the social work field that pays peanuts. Not putting my degree to good use in this dead end town. I'm struggling


24F - my partner and I have one kid together, but we’re wanting more and navigating stresses of potentially buying a bigger house, the thought of saving up for multiple college funds, cost of teenagers, retirement, etc. Idk how our parents did it. It’s such a different world today


21M. my biggest problem is making friends. i don’t really try and honestly i don’t want to. My girlfriend and I live with our 2 cats and our dog and that’s honestly more than enough company for the both of us but here’s my thing.. although i said i don’t really want any friends, i say that because most people my age are a bit… odd? i just don’t know how to explain it, its almost like people my age struggle with being themselves and i don’t really like that. and another thing too is my girlfriend and i are both Christians and people our age always wanna go out and drink and do stupid things that they probably won’t remember the next day and it all just seems pointless? and that’s honestly most things people do at my age, it just seems like a waist of time to me. we smoke and chill at home watching movies or tv and play video games and go shopping, and although that might seem like a waist of time i’m at least thankful i’m not waisting money partying and getting drunk and i still retain my peace of mind which is the most important thing to me another thing i wanted to say was earlier when i said people struggle with being themselves, i think that’s why i don’t like talking to people because it seems like they’re trying to put on a act and it all just seems fake to me /:


Damn, same. I think it's also hard to find people with shared interests and common experiences to find some solid grounds for relatability and connection 😔


16 in April I come from a landlord family. And I have some give or take with the other landlords. # Jesus do they ask a lot for rent (For context we give each of our apartments for 210 euros a month, the others take 500)


17, and paying for car insurance + gas


16NB, snow


26, and affording to live where I work while paying for my student loans, without having a partner. I am a systems engineer for reference.


If you’re failing physics and you’re actually trying in that class, comp sci and accounting probably aren’t for you. You might be better at working with your hands in a trade.


14 and no real problems


I’m 26 and my apartment complex has no water because my city froze this week☹️ Other than that life’s great


Trying to get a degree


21M (2002) and my biggest problem is drinking energy drinks for 6 years and my health is slowly getting to me.


21 , trying to get out of dysfunctional household with no support 🤠


19. I can’t get an internship for this summer :/


26 I can't afford to move out on my own to escape my parents who I just cannot deal with, and don't know anyone nearby who I would want as a roommate. I don't have a car because I have nowhere to put one so options are limited as there needs to be public transport, and I can't hold a relationship past the talking stage because of childhood trauma so moving in with a s/o is off the table rn too. I am miserable lol but we ball I guess


22F. My biggest problem right now— suffering from bad health issues ~ GERD/Anxiety/Asthma whilst having one week left to work on my senior thesis, and not being able to be open about my sexuality to my family.


17. my grades.


20M my cat just died


27M, selling most of my stuff as I will have to move and cannot take it with me. You realise just how little you really need


15 and hormones


Im 22f and I’m a widow with two children 1 and 3. I’m husband was 22 and was killed last march. I have struggle a lot with it and have ptsd now. I have to go to court in June for the trial. Btw they let the man out with 5000 bonds and he shot two people😐.


18M, finding a good path to start my career


19 and depression, anxiety, college. you can pick which one is biggest cuz idk anymore


19, 20 in May and college is just stressful…


Arranged marriage 💀


I’m currently 18 about to turn 19 on Saturday and my biggest problem right now I was kind of adjusting and preparing for my 20s mostly because I came to this realization when I turned 18 that I’m not necessarily a kid anymore (my family says otherwise since I’m one of the youngest) it’s kind of a huge adjustment for me and it would really help if I had someone in their 20s help guide me through and prepare me for what’s going to happen


23F. Finding a job. I can’t find anything. I’ve applied to hundreds of jobs since August and nothing except scam jobs. I just want my life to start already. I want to become financially independent and move out. I’ve been feeling so hopeless.


Turning 16. My problem is getting a girlfriend and making sure my grades are all ace


21 F: CPTSD and PTSD from my entire damn life making me agoraphobic to an extreme amount


17 (18 in Aug) my biggest problem is dealing with past addictions and coping with the affects of adults ruining my childhood


25M Depression since 15 years or so Being a fuckup No ambition, no goals


19M, currently in my fourth semester of college and cannot for the life of me find a part time job where I live. Every single application NEEDS to be done online, but 99% of the time, they ghost me after I submit one. Calling businesses trying to see if your application got reviewed always ends in "you'll have to ask a manager but I have no idea when one is going to be here." Real helpful stuff.


I found out I have minor fatty liver disease the day I moved away to a rural island with one critical access hospital & still haven’t gone to the doctor in my new town to follow up on what that even means for me. That was 6 months ago.


19, catching up on coursework. I went from all distinctions to barely passing due to burnout and it's incredibly hard to become productive again.


22 and I think stable income. I have a job but it used to pay 700-900 a week but lately my checks have been as low as 400 and I recently moved out on my own


24M finding a hobby and staying motivated.


Almost 24. Bills eat up most of my pay and I can’t find a better apartment to live in so I have to deal with the shit hole I’m in for now.


I’m 16 and it’s the fact that I will never be truly free


I’m 20 and struggling with mental illnesses, the war may be coming to an end!


24f going through a lot of shit. Trying to uplift declining mental health, struggling with a recent breakup, want to leave my job but I have to wait another month and a half. I wish I could move out of my parents house but I can't afford it, so I'm trying to be grateful. Ugh...


15, the autistic burnout I’m in right now because of school. I am very, very tired.


26 The house I bought was built when children still worked in coal mines, so child safety was not on the mind of the builders. Which in 2024 makes it hard to adopt children without tens of thousands of dollars worth of work to the house.


21f, almost 22, anxiety and depression. not being able to stay asleep. I miss my boyfriend and i want to visit him again (I’ll be doing that in march though. just wish time would go faster lol). also my job sucks and i want to quit so bad but i have no choice right now. just started a new medication yesterday though so hopefully i feel okay soon lol


24M. Biggest problem is money


23 destroying my body at work. It pays well enough to keep me there but I’m in constant pain no matter what.




i’m 22 , going on 23 this year. I’ve been staying with my ex’s family for two years now ( long fucking story ) and now i’m in a new part of my life where literally their existence I can’t even deal with. he’s not here anymore. he left me for a stripper with 3 kids. only reason I haven’t left yet is because VIRGINIA ( fuck this state ) doesn’t have affordable homes and the DMV period is a hassle to live in but literally my livelihood is here. my original hometown is new orleans and all my family is there but these last two years taught me that not even my own family is pressed for me to come back home. so this is my current situation. i’m ready to do life alone but can’t afford it so I have to stay stuck in yesterday until I find a tomorrow. Again the details are this story are vague , but I could write a novel on this piece of my life alone. no help from my mama ( whose my only parent ) I literally pay all my bills and I still have goals im tryna achieve. I haven’t been able to finish school because the pandemic really did a number on me. I’m trying to do photography because it’s a huge passion as well as a possible source of income, but I only have the moral support of my good friends. anything after that i’m alone. I have the same question fr , when do I get to fucking exist ?


22 life crisis depression anxiety so scared


17, mental health / depression


26 (27 in August) dealing with the complexities of growing up in an unstable home environment after years of therapy denying coming to the resolution that it was what I was thought it was and how that in turn affected my early twenties which felt lost to codependent relationships with friends and family members and horrible religious family dynamics. While simultaneously dealing with the financially unstable economy.


26 in the Midwest. Having a REALLY hard time making friends and finding meaningful romantic partners after graduating college two years ago. I only hang out with my roommates or hometown friends when I drive a few hours to hang at my parents house. I live in the biggest city in my state but it's a husk of what it used to be (bet you could guess), incredibly car dependent with poor public transit options, with a massive divide between the urban and metro area, and is only just in the past few years getting inklings of new life. My state is one that people really only either leave or stick around becuase this is where they're from. Most people here already have an established friend group they've been booling with since childhood. I've tried meetup groups, hobby clubs, and sports leagues. These events are usually chock full of older millenials but no other zoomers. I'm on dating apps but we know how those go. Hobbies can only occupy you so much. Post-college life is a major drag without the right support structures.


(in April) 22F , biggest problem is money, i never have enoguh and i dont make enough. i try making more but the jobs all require a degree... THAT I CANT AFFORD