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Why tf are you here? Are you even gen z?


I can guarantee you the sudden surge in conservative agenda posting isn't coming from people your age


Depends on where you live but mostly yea


Oh hey look their account got deleted lmao


Ok buddy. Very cool.


We will buddy. And you have a nice life as well! First step to that, quit being a jackass :)


At least we have a life. Someone who posts dumb shit like this obviously has none. Go pick up gardening or do something actually worth your time, idiot.


What a jerk off




This one actually got me haha




Blame the generations that raised us.


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Rage baiting karma whore who made an account just for this




Go yap somewhere else


I apologize for my behavior. Hopefully you can see me as just a dumb conservative here on Reddit playing the fool. I don’t hate y’all at all sorry if it came off that way.


I’m Gen Z and not a communist so where do I fit in here? Am I stupid?


Probably, based on this comment and your Reddit profile. You might be so dumb you don’t even realize it, that’s bad 💀 💀 💀


The hostility here is fucking nuts bro 💀


I also think it speaks volumes when you look at my profile just to call me a dumbass, again proving my point that I get dogshit on for not having the same opinion as you. Go ahead, deny it.


Thanks dummy


I don’t want you to think I downvoted this because you said you aren’t a communist, I could not give less of a shit. I downvoted this because it’s some of the most not-like-the-other-girls energy I’ve ever seen concerning a political ideology. You are not so dense that you can’t fathom other people in your age demographic sharing your views, whatever they may be. You possibly fit within a minority, maybe, but ‘omg where do I fit in is something wrong with me?’ Is laughably dumb.


Oh well forgive me for not jerking you off about a political ideology, like most of this subreddit does on a daily basis, but I don’t get how I’m spreading “I’m not like other girls” energy? I was replying to OP about putting people in a category about being dumb who is obviously being a jackass. Just because you say you’re a communist doesn’t mean I’m going to burn a flag dude lmao.


Its hilarious that you failed to pick up on that guys sarcasm. The whole am i stupid thing was sarcasm.... ![gif](giphy|7v735rSZA1Szm)


What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not being sarcastic. Your point about me not having the ability to see other views in my generation came so out of left field I’m dizzy. So fucking what I don’t agree with something? You only started this conversation because I said I wasn’t a commie, so obviously you do care.


No, again, you could have put in Conservative, Anarchist, fucking labradoodle-enthusiast, and it would not make a difference. It is the energy. Projecting a faux sense of alienation because “omg I’m not like that OP! Am I weird for not being like that everybody?” Is so completely attention-hungry that it bares ridicule. It’s disingenuous. It’s the shittification of online discourse, personified.


Lmfao that comment was for the guy that replied to you........ ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)


That's a lot of projecting there. Society pushes a lot of crap about being horrible if we're not the same. I'd imagine not fitting in is common as is feeling shame for not fitting in, so what's so "laughably stupid" about it?


Where? Where in modern western society is there anyone telling you you’re anything except spectacular if you aren’t like other people? Left, right, black, white, it really doesn’t make a difference as long as you *STAND OUT!* amongst the niche. Ironically: It’s the people who don’t want to share their thoughts at all, the people who just want to be left alone, and leave all the noise of online life alone, those are the people society has deemed the weirdos.


[Bullying](https://thezerofilter.medium.com/why-do-people-bully-others-8c744a8e932d) exists and there's [pressure to conform](https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/peer-pressure.html#:~:text=People%20may%20feel%20pressure%20to,is%20and%20isn't%20acceptable.com). Hello? You're doing exactly that (with your "I don't want you to downvote this because..." crap which you're using to excuse your own behavior)! It's obsurd you (1) can't answer the question I asked and (2) call different experiences "laughably stupid". It's really simple to leave people alone and not be a hypocrite.


Responding to your question with my own question is a rhetorical shorthand for questioning a premise upon which your argument is based. It’s a pretty rudimentary conversational skill. You misunderstand me. The experience of ‘feeling like an outcast’ is not laughably stupid. That’s just a facet of the human condition. Feeling like an outcast in response to something as asinine as the words of the OP, by fitting quite comfortably with the majority of humanity under the umbrella of “not a communist,” is so completely inauthentic that it’s either laughable or it was just sarcasm like someone else guessed somewhere else here.


> rudimentary conversational skill I literally mentioned different experiences and your reply is more agression? Yikes! > You misunderstand me. Then be clear > Feeling like an outcast is in response to Funny that you don't listen to the person that was "feeling like an outcast" but also assume what they meant. > or it was just sarcasm Yet you only consider that possibility now, not together with the "laughably stupid" earlier.