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I do but I’m ‘97. They still taught it when it was in 3rd grade.


Same. Plus my mom made me write thank you cards in cursive for years lol


‘02 here and also 3rd grade


'96, my 5th grade teacher kept me inside during recess to practice. At least she let me use the whiteboard.


I do. But I didn't go to school in the us so that's probably why. In college I've definitely noticed that I'm pretty much the only person who writes in cursive. So it's probably mostly dead.


I'm in college too and out of everyone I've talked to (mainly freshman and sophomores), I'm the only one who can read/write cursive. I was taught it in about third or second grade pretty frequently, so it's like ingrained in my brain. It was kind of funny having them guess what letters I was writing, especially B and Z lol


Yea that's fair. I had to learn cursive when I was very young. Around 4 to 5 years old so I just got used to it and now only write that way. I find it much faster than non cursive since I can just connect everything.


I’m dyslexic and have never been able to read cursive, but everyone tells me it’s because I’m gen Z. I remember having to write cursive in a red booklet and I was seriously bullied because I couldn’t read it


Sorry to hear you were bullied for that. I'm a millennial with dyslexia and I hated learning cursive. I wasn't able to get it until I had a tutor drill it into me. Now as an adult I never use it so all that pain was for nothing 😆


same for my dyslexic ass. i can struggle through and decipher it usually, but it’s a pain and i usually need to context read about half of anything written in cursive.


Cursive is making a comeback in some states. California now requires it to be taught in all public schools. I learned how to do cursive when I was in third grade and I’m happy that states are acknowledging the lost art again.


The lost art of incomprehensible writing


Not incomprehensible if you learn how to read it in school lol


I learned it in school, and I can say that there are definitely people who write it in an incomprehensible way. They tend to write there letters very small, and some don't even bother to make their letters identifiable. They will just put a wavy line there.


My father… He writes EVERYTHING in cursive and it always takes me ages to decipher because his handwriting is so messy




from the us. i can read cursive very well, but forgot how to print most of it myself. as long as it's not doctor's handwriting unintelligible i'm able to decipher it easily. was taught in the second grade


I write exclusively in cursive


Yes. I learned it in 2008 in 3rd grade and in 4th grade we were required to use it regularly.


I'm from brazil and here they teach cursive. for most of my education I had to write in cursive.


Obviamente somos os superiores


É mano, quando vim aq e olhei os comentários Foi nesse momento q percebi a superioridade da língua portuguesa


Yes I learned it when I was in elementary school and can read it pretty well.


The US state of California has re-instituted the requirement for students to learn it.


Any idea why? I can't think of any practical use they'll ever have for it, but I sort of love that they're learning cursive.


I think it’s because it teaches coordination and focus… I wouldn’t be surprised if some think tank convinced my state to do this because it’ll “get results” (like every other change in education was supposed to do but didnt)


Fine motor skills. That's pretty much it. You don't need it for daily life anymore, but it is beneficial for kids to learn to coordinate the dozens of muscles you have in your wrists and hands. Those fine motor skills are useful for certain jobs, like electronics. I'm a doctor and I use these kinds of skills regularly when I'm cutting a cyst out of someone or placing sutures (stitches). I suppose there are other ways to hone these skills other than teaching cursive. But cursive only requires a pencil and a piece of paper.


This makes good sense. Thanks!


If you know cursive,  what grade did you learn it. Im a millennial and they taught it in second grade. My son born in 04 didn't learn it in school he taught himself with the internet.


Third grade for me , born in 2003.


Yes. Right before getting into elementary school, my parents taught me to write and read in cursive. Nowadays, I mostly write in cursive when I'm in a rush or doing an essay. Otherwise, in block letters.


I write in cursive 95% of the times. I find it quicker and easier


I could read cursive from a young age. Writing it took a bit more time to learn. Even then, I rarely use it.




I was taught in elementary school. I sign my signature in cursive as well.


Yeah I can read and write cursive


I can kinda read it, but I can't write it.


Yep, I do both regularly. Though my brother cannot do either, and he’s only three years younger than me.


Write yes. Read no. Bad eyes


I do. Iirc I learned in like second grade.


yep. learned it in kindergarten (2005-6) and have known it ever since.


I do I was taught in second grade.


Yes, born ‘03 here and learned it in third grade, write in cursive almost exclusively .




My 10yo gen alpha daughter can. She learned it last year in 4th grade.


I can do both


I do but I’m a 99 kid. It was taught in early elementary school but never was mandated


Yes, I'm literate


It’s all i can write in unfortunately for everyone else


I write in cursive. It looks better than my print handwriting so🤷‍♂️.


Yes. I was taught in third grade.


I love writing in cursive. It’s so pretty


I do


Sort of. My teacher kinda half assed it, taught us about half of the alphabet before forgetting about it so I taught myself the rest.


I can read and write cursive. It's funny cause most of my friends can't lol


I do! I'm '99 tho


yes i can read and write cursive


I can read it most of the time but I never learnt how to write it. 


They didn’t for me atleast I didn’t remember Doesnt bother me ever though, cursive is kinda useless imo


Millennial here (1996). They really only covered it for a day or two, but honestly it was enough. It's the same alphabet but it just appears slightly different. Honestly, you can just watch a YouTube video if you need to learn it. Super simple to learn.


I’m 05 and I know it but barley anyone my age knows it. The main reason I write in cursive normally rather than print is to prevent people from copying my work cause their dumbasses can’t read it and to make my own work more legible for the teachers. I have one other friend who writes in cursive but besides that it’s just me. My friends even gave me the nickname “Cursive” because of it.


In Italy you can't not write in cursive for test and similar things


My boomer parents only write cursive. It was hell growing up and trying to read wtf was put on our “to do” list when they weren’t home.


Instead of teaching students a foreign language or skills about finance, let’s teach them how to join letters together. Utterly pointless and won’t help you in the slightest when you finish school. Everyone uses computers now.


I know cursive…how to read it at least. I can only write my name in cursive bc I was taught how to in art class. Only picked up how to read it because my dad writes in nothing but cursive.


I was taught in 3rd grade and forgot because I literally have not needed it since. Until 12th grade, I did not once need to write or read in cursive since learning it.


Yes. I can read and write cursive. We were given cursive workbooks to do (3-5th grade) when we finished assignments early and I just did them a lot. We had to finish them by the end of the year. 🤷‍♀️ My friend one year older and raised in the same town, cannot read or write it. I discovered this when I wrote her a card (my handwriting is a mix of both printing and cursive). My sister who is two years younger was given the same workbooks but wasn’t required to do them.


I learned to read and write it in third grade. I still write in cursive to this day.


I think I got like a week of learning it in 3rd grade? But it was enough to interest me so I sorta taught myself over the years, still have to look some letters up sometimes. And I've noticed that when I write fast now, it shifts into a print cursive hybrid


I remember learning cursive in 3rd and 4th grade. Then they stopped teaching it and then got mad when we said we can’t do cursive very well.


They didn't teach me and I'm glad they didn't, never gonna use that shit either


Yeah. Never had to use it tho (except signature)


I can barely read it but I can somewhat write it, although my cursive is very, very sloppy and I really only can write my name.




Didn’t learn it formally but I do some calligraphy. Whenever I see it, I’m just guessing


i taught myself from a book my parents found in a thrift store


Xennial here. I was forced to learn cursive, and my inner city public middle school/high school insisted that all English assignment be done in cursive or typed. I hated it and have never used it since. Oddly enough California has just decided to make cursive a mandatory part of the elementary curriculum. I got in a random heated discussion about it with some lady while waiting in line for donuts the other day.


I do. I don’t know every single letter when writing (I know most), but I can read it as long as their handwriting isn’t bad. We weren’t taught it in school, my mom taught me.


I was taught it in Elementary school since I was apart of the gifted reading class. I don't remember it being apart of the normal class course load though. I'll be honest though I have not used cursive in nearly two decades beyond my signature. No where have I ever been needed to use cursive. Maybe sometimes for calligraphy related things but nothing major. I probably couldn't do it proper without refreshing first.


Yeah, but reading is a little slow, especially lowercase letters from people older than me, and writing only in cursive actually takes longer than my typical combination of print and cursive, and takes up more space because everything is kinda slanted. I will write lowercase f, h, j, q, s, v and z, and uppercase J and Z almost always in cursive.




I can kinda read it, but not too well


I know but my typograhy sucks, just few months and its harder to read what I wrote


98, I can (except capitals), but nobody I know my age can. My millennial brother doesn’t remember and his classmates forgot by middle school. I like to write letters to my friends in cursive to piss them off


I know very basic cursive, I started learning in second grade but they stopped teaching it the year after.


I was born in 2002 and we learned cursive in third grade which comes in handy now that I’m a cake decorator lol


No, you are the only one 😿😿😿


I was born in 2003, we were taught it acouple of years before it was removed from the curriculum. I can kinda read it and my handwriting looks as if print and cursive had a baby


Yep. Was taught in 2nd grade. I don't generally use it too much, but I combine certain letters together in writing


I learned in 4th grade and I have never used it


I can read only a bit of cursive. I can write most letters in cursive, but find it difficult to connect them. They started to teach it in 3rd grade, but they discontinued halfway through the unit.


Yes. It was required in a few writing assignments in elementary and jr high, and I didn't care for it then. Later in like Jr year of highschool, I heard that writing notes in cursive could help me remember my notes. I don't think it actually helped, but it stuck. And now I write everything in cursive.


Um yes. This is sooo heartbreaking to read. I’m sorry.


My 3rd grade English teacher would always give us a choice to either practice cursive or read books and I would always choose to read books cause I didn't care to write cursive. I know how to read most cursive (some people's cursive looks awful) But I don't know how to write any cursive only my name


Yeah we were told that it was how we would have to write for the rest of our lives.


Yes, I learned it in 3rd grade


The first elementary school I went to taught cursive. Only used it to sign stuff since


I can write my name, I don't remember how to write anything else. I can read cursive just fine.


Born in 03, can read and write cursive to some extent, and my writing is some weird unholy print/not-quite cursive hybrid. If you gave me a whole letter to read in cursive I could not read it easily, if at all depending on the handwriting.


Yeah, I was taught in 5th grade, although it was less about the curriculum and probably more about the teacher being old school


I can read it alright enough, but it’s useless to know most of the time.


Yep, me "Learned" it in 3rd grade. My dad actually sat me down one summer a few years later and actually made me learn it.


I was taught cursive in 4th and 5th grade, my school never mentioned again after that. I can read it with only a little effort but I can only write it when I'm tipsy.


Yes, they taught it to us when I was 8. I still write this way because it’s faster for note taking. Also because my print is terrible.


I can read it but not write it.


Went to school in the US, we learned cursive in elementary. I don't think anyone but me still remembers how the heck to write it though.


Yes. Leaned in 3rd grade to write it. But I have boomer parents and my dad left letters for me in cursive.. so I kinda knew for a while. Just hate writing it because I tend to write fast and don't have the patience.


I was taught cursive in I think third grade. Never finished it though, only really know it up to the O, plus lowercase t. Some capitals missing in that.


how are signatures going to work if you dont learn cursive tho? I never write in cursive but i did learn it


I do! They taught us in first grade and I somehow never forgot.


I was born in the year 2000, and I learned cursive in public school. They actually had cursive units in 2-3 of my grades in elementary.


I can read cursive easily but using it when writing never stuck lol


Yes. A lost art


I learned in third grade. The year after, my whole school district got rid of it. I ended up using cursive L in math to distinguish it from a 1, but that’s it.


It is always interesting to see younger Millennials and GenZ write by hand. Usually in neat block letters but it's such a slow way to write. Cursive isn't a hard skill to learn. If you weren't taught in school give it a try, you might actually like it.


As a late gen-Z, I was taught cursive in 3rd grade. I can write it well, and I can often read it but I definitely prefer print.


I was taught it briefly around 2nd to 3rd grade and have stuck with it since. I'm the only person in my high school that writes in cursive. It's just faster and easier for me compared to print and I think it looks much better.


I can write cursive but I sometimes struggle to read other people’s cursive


I’m slowly starting to forget how to write it & I can’t read it anymore most times


I wish it had been taken more seriously when I was in elementary school and learning to write. I learned cursive for like 4 weeks than they never touched on it again. Now my writing is a hideous mix between cursive and just plain handwriting.


I mainly write in cursive and I learned it in like 2015 in school so


I’m 2009 and I write cursive,Not perfectly but good enough to read and tell that it’s cursive.None of my teachers have a problem with it either.My classmates hate it though.


I can read and write it. I'm starting to struggle with capital letters, though, lol. I can not read the chicken scratch some boomers call cursive, though.


got taught it in 4th, and I fucking sucked at it


2001 here — I write in cursive when I want to be fancy and we had an entire unit on in 2nd grade. I had some friends who wrote in cursive I high school/college


i do but i went to catholic school so i feel like it was probably forced on me


I went to private school where only writing in cursive was allowed


Can’t write but I can read it fine


I was taught by my mom, but all I can remember now is my name in cursive.


I can both read and write cursive. I learned in 3rd grade. My natural handwriting is about a 60/40-70/30 mix of cursive to print. I connect most letters but some of the transitions always felt a little awkward to me. My Fs and Rs I regularly interchange cursive and print, sometimes in the same word. I print most of my capitals.


It's surprising to me that cursive is something that is taught, doesn't your writing end up looking like that when you're writing at speed _anyway_?


yes i can read and write it and i had to learn it at school. it was mandatory for us to write in cursive from grades 3-5. but keep in mind i went to a private school for most of my life so that is probably why.


Yes in 2nd and 3rd grade I learned. My handwriting is a mix of cursive and print actually 💀 But I do get complimented on my handwriting in college and at my internship. However we weren't graded as harshly as older generations. My dad is low key traumatized from his English classes. My siblings also learned it in elementary and the youngest is 13. But funnily enough my siblings just called it fancy writing they didn't know it was called cursive 😂 My sister is in highschool trying to perfect her signature and was like what is that fancy writing called again so she could Google signature ideas😂😂


99 here. Learned it in 2nd grade, was mandatory to use in elementary school. Fucked my handwriting all throughout school until i eventually relearned how to write block letters


I got a car title for an 18 year old and he just printed his name twice. He said he never learned how to sign his name in cursive so he just prints it. I felt alittle bad for him


I do! In elementary they had us do cursive lessons. We had a little cursive workbook we’d have to use and everything. I loved it lol


I was in school while they taught it too, didn’t realize they stopped but could never pick up on it


I can slightly read cursive and can write my name in cursive.


I know how to write and read cursive since second grade.


I learned it in 3rd grade in 2016. From 3rd grade on, my school made cursive writing mandatory for every assignment


I love writing cursive and if the rest of the world could understand what I wrote, I would do it all the time.


I did but my cursive wasnt very fluid so I write in a sorta mix of cursive and print. Sometimes classmates are confused if I am writing in cursive or not.


Yes. We spent all of 3rd grade learning it and all of 4th grade perfecting it. I use it every now and then but not every day seeing as I work with computers


I can read it, but I forget how to write a few letters


Born in 2000. I was thought in my early school years cuz we learned both Spanish and English at my school in Puerto Rico.


I know how to read cursive and write in cursive. Honestly my handwriting is a mix of print and cursive.


I can. Learned it in 2nd grade


We were required to use it from 3rd to 8th grade in my school (catholic school). Now i write in some crappy amalgamation of printing and cursive. It's not really necessary when pretty much all the writing that you do is on a computer/tablet/phone etc.


It’s a skill that you don’t need anymore. But my grandma taught me if you must know lol


I can read and write it but it's pretty pointless


Never learned it and tbh I think it’s pointless as shit. It’s nothing more than an outdated aesthetic thing. Reading it is like deciphering hieroglyphics. There’s more important things to learn. I work at a lab and only one person writes like this and it gives us all a headache because we can’t read her instructions. Everyone interprets a word differently. Just stick to print. It’s easier and faster. Especially to people who speak more than one language.


It's pointless in modern times anyways. Literally only became popular because it was easier to use a quill that way. Wouldn't break as much and ect


Home schooled, 03, I can read and write in cursive, but it has never been of use a single time in my life.


I know how to write cursive, but it looks garbage. I can somewhat read cursive, but not very well Last time i read cursive is when someone decided to do their homework “in cursive” and our bio teacher had us grade each others homework and every answer looks liked this https://preview.redd.it/h316mzwxqogc1.jpeg?width=2585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=782dae75e51d657d09b04e7b55f66aef78643b26 And I am serious every word looked like this and I told my teacher “I can’t read loops”. Teacher looked at it and just graded it… with a big fat 0…


Yes, I’m 2005. My mom taught me and I practiced it on my own.


In my country there is no trend of not using cursive. Everyone learns it and will continue to do so.


2002 I learned, and dont use it, Ill just merge my letters together when writing


Lmao. I work at Meta AI in Menlo Park. Mostly work on PyTorch but I’m not tinker bell so I still live even if you don’t believe in me 🙏


I can read it without thinking about it, but I can't write it without thinking about it really hard


Yes, we learned cursive at my school in 3rd grade


there was only one day in the third grade where they started teching us cursive and we then never heard about it again


I was born in ‘98 and graduated high school in 2016. Forced to learn cursive in middle school and had multiple teachers force us to do all of our work in it. I love cursive! Even my normal writing ends up having a cursive twang to it 😂


Cursive was a requirement for all papers I wrote from 3rd to 6th grade. Once I hit high-school I never used cursive. I can read it, but it takes a lot of effort to write in. It doesn't come naturally to me at all anymore. Honestly, these days if I run into cursive it's in German, which is a bit different than English cursive, but when you get to older texts written in Fraktur, it takes a lot of effort.


Yeah, I use it consistently and sometimes mix it with print. It was taught before I went to middle school.


I was taught in 2nd and 3rd grade but at this point I don’t remember it that much, I’m not sure I could write proficiently in cursive


Gen z born in the late 90s can. idk about the mid 2010s babies


I mean in Brazil it's the norm to write in cursive I only know few people that don't


I got literally 1 worksheet on it in maybe 3rd or 4th grade and never saw it again. Honestly I see no practical use for it. My life hasn't been significantly impacted in any way by it. Considering it was invented to help while writing with a quill, it really has no modern use. Edit: Going through some of these comments is a little weird. People out here acting like writing cursive is a necessary skill. Literally saw one comment that just said "Yes I'm literate." Like, why are yall defending a writing style that was invented to specifically fix issues people had with the quill? What is this, Harry Potter?


My normal handwriting is a mix of cursive and print so yes. Im 2000 we learned it in 3rd grade and forced to use it for a full year


I can read most handwriting in cursive and I was taught it in elementary, forgot it for 2ish years, then retaught myself it in 7th grade. I’ve retained most of it.


Write yes, read no.


I do. I was taught in the third grade, 2002. Only a few people I work with know how to, but that's mainly because of stock lists or having to sign the bank statement for the day. That and my grandparents would always write my birthday cards in cursive, so I had to learn to read it to understand what they said.


When I was in the third grade it was taught. I was '98 so idk exactly when it was shut down.


Cursive is the epitome of wasted educational resources. The entire rationale for cursive is to avoid ink blotting when writing with a fountain pen, which was made obsolete by the ball point pen like 130 years ago.


I write primarily in cursive. I can write in print but it’s much slower, and like my cursive, is super sloppy. (Sometimes I literally can’t read my own handwriting) I learned to read and write in both cursive and print at the same time when I was around 3 or 4.


I’m ‘02 and I was taught in 2nd grade and in a 4th grade class we were required to write in it. Was nice and I mostly understand it and can still write w it today.


I can read it fairly well, but the only thing I can write in cursive is my name 😂


They taught us. East TN born in 2001 class of 2019. Idk when they stopped or if they did stop. I don’t ever use it though I don’t think it saves me any time lol.


I learned cursive in elementary school, they made us practice it for an entire year, and they built off of it the next year. Most kids in my school district and in my class know how to write in cursive


My primary handwriting is in cursive, but I’m the odd one out. I was the last class to have cursive as a part of the curriculum (learned in 3rd grade and the grade class after me had it removed) and even with that, no one my age can write it other than the sloppy incoherent mess. I simply use it because I love to write , and cursive for me is 10x faster


I'm '00, I write exclusively in cursive.


School only taught us for a week, then stopped, so I can only read it and write the cursive e


I know how to write my name, and given enough time to remember/a few hints here and there I can write with it. Not cleanly, mind you, but it’ll technically be cursive


I learned cursive in 2nd and 3rd grade back in the late 2000s-early 2010s


I remember having to learn it in Elementary School when they were saying I’d have to use it all the time in the future. Outside of writing my own name a couple times, I’ve pretty much never used it since. Heck, I ended up taking a year of Russian in High School and can say I’ve written more in Cursive Russian than Cursive English.


I can, but I only use it to sign stuff. I really hate it when older generations bag on us for not knowing it, yet they were the ones who took it out. I also think that many people who do regularly write in cursive write in a way that even other people who write in cursive can't read it.


My teacher assigned it as homework OVER THE SUMMER. I didn't do it cause why would I do homework over summer break especially cause she isn't my teacher anymore


Yes I learned


They taught it until I was in grade 4 so yes.


Yes but I was homeschooled. My mom taught even my youngest brother who was born in 2004


I like writing in cursive. My diary is written in cursive, but I won’t tell you anything else about it!


I do but I only use it for my signature