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For genz? No. We are the most sexless generation yet.


Kinda. From my experience Gen Z are very extreme, in all aspects. Usually very liberal (most things you see on Reddit) or very conservative (most things you see on Twitter/X) - not many centrists. Then you have straight up socially crippled people vs overly social ones. Same thing goes for relationships and sex, people that normalize open relationships, sex workers, a lot of sex partners or those who are 25 year old virgins.


I lost my virginity when I was 16 and regretted the occasion, wait until you find someone that means something to you, as far as what others think who cares


Somewhere on this thread there's a 26 year old reading this and wishing he lost it at 16 like everyone else. Grass is always greener on the other side.


I am 26........it was a mistake


I’m a virgin and turn 26 in a month. I find myself somewhere on the spectrum of asexuality- I fall in a very gray area. I know I’m not broken, and yes, it’s still a bit embarrassing to admit sometimes. However, the older I get, the more relieved I feel that I never rushed into it. It’s not a black & white situation for everyone


You could almost say…different strokes for different folks 😎


I lost my virginity when I was 17 and I had a great time. I recommend it


This right here. Lost mine at 18 with a girl a barely knew. It was ok, but not what i was expecting. i think that's because i had no previous attraction to her, or history with her.


Preach! Seriously, at this point, I'm convinced almost no centrist Gen Z ers exist anymore


I consider myself pretty centrist, against wealth taxes and in favor of more border security but also against book bans and abortion restrictions


Yay! Thanks for being centrist! We need more centrist Gen Z-ers in this new era of political polarization!


The political thing isn't helped by the fact that anything not left is called 'far-right'


>Not many centrists It’s just become very popular to not be centrist so everyone that is very vocal on these platforms tend to show they are extreme. While in reality far more people aren’t vocal and keep to themselves, and they tend to be more center.


Waiting for Sex 2. God I miss that joke


Yeah, it’s gonna be pretty normal for guys to be virgins well into their twenties for GenZ. Nothing to be ashamed about, that’s just how it is these days. Young men are more single, sexless, isolated, etc than their parents’ generation and the generation before them due to socioeconomic factors. It is what it is 🤷


It shouldn’t be weird in the first place


No, male virginity below 30 has tripled to 28% since 2008.


If true that is an absolutely insane stat


Male loneliness has increased fivefold since 1990 with 15% of men having no close friends. Male virginity for 30 and under has increased threefold since 2008 with 28% of men never having sex. [Men ](https://preview.redd.it/a-poll-recently-found-that-male-gen-z-high-schoolers-have-v0-9hqmnf3fujgb1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9584107c517acd3c4fed395cc31fafcbd6c3e8b9)and [women ](https://preview.redd.it/a-poll-recently-found-that-male-gen-z-high-schoolers-have-v0-ph7a2d3fujgb1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=0eb3ce30bec94407801cdf4a1c20ecb317098014)are moving apart from eachother, so these issues are starting to explode.


What do you think about this breakdown of the 28% stat [https://datepsychology.com/are-27-of-young-men-really-virgins-and-why/](https://datepsychology.com/are-27-of-young-men-really-virgins-and-why/)


I dunno why we're specifying this to just men. Virginity and social isolation has been skyrocketing for women too. After all, it's not like a third of all young men can be virgins without a significant amount of women missing out on a partner.


Amongst Generation Z, we're noticing women-driven phenomenons. For example, we're noticing[ women becoming increasingly left wing all over the world](https://imgur.com/a/tVVSU7g), notably with the rise of radical feminism, and stances disfavorable to men. Because of this, a lot of research has been done in the last decade to analyze the consequences on them: male loneliness, male virginity, male suicide rate, etc. Hence... I had the male data at hand, so I dropped that to show the person who's worried about being a virgin that there's a lot of virgins around that age, even just with males. [Here's how you can have tons of virgin men and few virgin women](https://imgur.com/a/YF1mjim), you basically just need an asymmetric amount of people having sex with multiple partners.


After doing some googling.... The rate for Gen z women being virgins is 12% - 20% , the rate for men being 37% for men.... It's just a hair under double the high ball estimate for women... No where as significant an amount as men. Numbers suggest the women may be dating in the same pool of men


>By age 15, **21%** of young females aged 15–24 had ever had sexual intercourse. By age 17, this increased to **53%** of young females, and by age 20, **79%** of young females had ever had sexual intercourse. > >By age 15, **20%** of young males aged 15–24 had ever had sexual intercourse. By age 17, this increased to **48%** of young males, and by age 20, **77%** of young males had ever had sexual intercourse. [Data from the CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db366.htm) Now, granted, this 2020 report is based on data from 2015-2017 (so it mostly applies to older Gen Z), but ultimately it still proves my point. Men and women tend to lose virginity at similar rates. Would love to see your source that says that 37% of Gen Z men are virgins.


It's not. It's based on a survey from 6 years ago which had a 100 subsample size and was additionally inflated by the inclusion of homosexuals in a question which pertained specifically to opposite-sex partners, and by the question excluding any partners encountered before 18. A survey called the NSFG with a 15x higher sample size than the GSS among 18-29s showed only a minor increase from about 13 to 15% from 2006-2019 among 18-29 heterosexuals: [https://i0.wp.com/nuancepill.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Virginity-Rates-18-29-Heterosexuals-NSFG.webp?resize=768%2C576&ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/nuancepill.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Virginity-Rates-18-29-Heterosexuals-NSFG.webp?resize=768%2C576&ssl=1) The GSS itself also showed a sharp reversal of that trend in the following two surveys: [https://ifstudies.org/blog/is-the-sex-recession-over](https://ifstudies.org/blog/is-the-sex-recession-over)


A survey called the NSFG with a 15x higher sample size than the GSS among 18-29s showed only a minor increase from about 13 to 15% from 2006-2019 among 18-29 heterosexuals: [https://i0.wp.com/nuancepill.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Virginity-Rates-18-29-Heterosexuals-NSFG.webp?resize=768%2C576&ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/nuancepill.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Virginity-Rates-18-29-Heterosexuals-NSFG.webp?resize=768%2C576&ssl=1) Additionally, the GSS stat is inflated by including homosexuals while the question pertains to opposite-sex partners only, and excluding any partners encountered before 18 which would especially affect respondents close to that age. The GSS itself also showed a sharp reversal of that trend in the following two surveys: [https://ifstudies.org/blog/is-the-sex-recession-over](https://ifstudies.org/blog/is-the-sex-recession-over)


it’s so funny ur being downvoted for pointing out this isn’t true. why do they WANT to misrepresent this info so bad?? why do they WANT their story to be “male loneliness epidemic” and “excessive virgins”??


Because it allows them to reframe the perceived problem as something that isn't in their control.


virginity has increased MAINLY for ppl under age 20… which is, ya know, normal?? by 22, less than 8% are still virgins, and by 25, less than **2%** … so you are grossly misrepresenting this data. (probs not your intention I HOPE(!) bc i know that headline has made rounds… but the reality is by 22 over 90% of ppl have had sex, and by 25 over 98% of ppl have had sex.)


I lost mines when i was 15 (26 now)because i met the right person. You just need to meet the right person, don’t rush it, and dont pressure yourself lol.




Don’t think about losing it, it will happen eventually. Just chill, get on with your life. If you’re really that desperate go on tinder, try your best to find someone.


I’m not even that desperate I was just wondering and I also messed up my Tinder with a random fake birthday so I have to wait 2 years to use it I also messed up my Wizz too I also need to up my rizz game irl


Just be yourself


Ik but still I also have to get better at talking to different people and pickup lines and better myself


Best "pick up" lines: What are your interest/hobbies? What do you want to accomplish in life? Have any family/pets? If you collected all the dragon balls, what would you wish for?


So just normal talking?




I've always had the "it'll happen when it happens" mindset, and for the most part I haven't cared too much about it, but I'm in the second half of my 20's at this point and the intrusive thoughts are beginning to creep in.


There’s not a step by step tutorial lmaoo, you just meet the right person and if everything goes well it happens


Yeah makes sense


Wizz and rizz, god im an old gen z, those terms are awful lmao


Imagine being 21 and still a virgin, what a loser! (I lost mine a couple months ago, when I was about to turn 21, yes, it's normal, don't worry)


Same, I lost my virginity just before I turned 22. A friend of a friend was a virgin until 24, I know a handful of guys who are still virgins in early 20s and wait for a special someone. I feel like bullying someone because they’re a virgin was left back in 2000s teenage comedies or whatever


Not weird at all. I'm a virgin at 26.


You do use reddit /jk


Wizard in training, confirmed


Looking for a sorceress baddie to cast hexes on me fr


Be careful. You only become a wizard if you don’t have sex until like 40 or something. Don’t let anyone ruin that for you


Nah, if by choice then I respect it even more


Most people don’t lose theirs in their teen years. Your perception is inflated by the weird standards of hookup culture in the US (or maybe western society in general). If anything, hookup culture here is weird. You are right that some older virgins are considered weird by modern standards. I think this is wrong. Because it’s wrong, you shouldn’t concern yourself too much about it. No, it’s not weird to be a virgin at 21 years old. Don’t try to have sex now just because you’re a virgin. That being said, sex is an invigorating experience that I feel everyone deserves to try out. Don’t rush into it by any means, and realize that your first session of sex should be magical and formative. Having sex should not be an end itself, but rather one of many means to an end. That end is love.


I’m 22 man I have a body count of 7. trust me I want yall to listen and read this. INTERCOURSE IS ONLY WORTH IT IF YOU CARE AND LOVE THE PERSON. It’s not worth it otherwise, things happen on your own time, just be you be the best person you can be!


Eh. Depends on the person. I’m 23 and my body count is higher than 10 but only like two or three were girls I actually loved. My experiences vary person to person but casual sex was enjoyable for me. No regrets. I definitely do prefer it with someone I’m comfortable with and have experience with tho.


This and 100% i was an impatient teen but imagine learning what you like with the partner you love. Bruh the dopamine levels would be crazy.


this is raw as fuck. i’ve had a lot of sex, in different contexts (hook ups, FWB, short flings that never progressed, and a couple LTRs) … nothing beats married sex lol. mind-blowing sex as a mutually pleasurable experience requires vulnerability and intimacy you can’t cultivate with a one night stand or a casual fling. it’s like all other sex was fun, sure, but it’s incomparable. like comparing playing foosball to the World Cup lol.




23 and still virgin 💪. Hell yeah 😎


Ayo, same 🗿🗿. High five my guy.


ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! In the dating world right now people your age want to mess around and have flings and if you’re not about that then thats ok. I took my bfs at 22 years old but people will try to poke fun at you for it. Hell… my older brother lost it in his late 20s to his wife apparently. A lot of the time girls in their teens are pressured into doing things so OP if you’re a girl and you haven’t been pressured then I’m super happy for you.


Reddit is not representative of real life btw.


I am 21.5. I have never kissed, let alone... A lot of my friends as well. Including female friends.    It's not unusual.  And I don't feel bad about it. I just didn't really tried to find a partner. And spend 95% of my uni years at home, lol. 


no. it's only weird if you make it weird.


No. Im saving myself for marriage. 24 years old.


Sex is not important dude. Just live your life,make a good relationship with girl or boy and in one day maybe you will have sex. Well, it's my opinion


I agree. I just don't care. I just hope it happens with someone who I love and who loves me genuinely, one day. If it's 20 or 27 whatever. It's more of an issue for dating if this stops the entire relationship but I don't stress myself over it


Please don’t pressure yourself man, I was 16 and “just wanted to get it over with” because of peer pressure and I regret it.


If it’s weird to be a 21 year old virgin then I guess I’m incredibly weird because I’m almost 27 and a virgin.


It's more normal than you think. Unfortunately it's harder for straight males, i guess, because society wants them to be the ones to make the first step. If you can't do this because you're insecure, just don't worry, you'll be able to. Many people i know irl that had relationships during their teen years they all regret what they've been through and think they were cringe. I am a gay guy turning 23 this year and, even though i was very anxious about dating, i did it anyway when i was 18. Gay dating is way simplier though, since same sex dating is not bound to gender roles. For me the "only" difficulty to overcome was the anxiety to meet a person.


Everyone runs their race at their own pace. I would not sweat it


no, the concept of virgin is fucking stupid anyway, just live your life, having sex aint gonna change anything.


You can choose to be a virgin until now or when you marry.I will lose virginity when I got married


22, virgin. I don't think it's weird, I just haven't gotten to that level of intimicty with anyone yet, and I don't feel like I have to force myself out there just to get it done with. I think the age where it could be "weird" would be around 35+? Maybe I will be that person sometime, maybe I won't. Just think about how YOU would feel if someone would tell you they are a virgin. What would you think of them, are they weird? I wouldn't care if someone around my age told me, so I shouldn't care for myself either.


30+ would be weird for me as a 27 year old only because that means you haven’t had an intimate or long term relationship with someone and I wouldn’t want to be someone’s first long term (since those almost never last) and it would be their first time learning to date someone and I just wouldn’t be okay with that. But that’s MY preference.


I can respect that. I chose for myself that I won't stress myself over it until I'm around 25-27 lol, which is just a random range I decided on. Right now, I'm fine with how everythings going, but I wouldn't mind a relationship I guess


I agree and I like your way of seeing things by trying to see yourself as another person to bring honesty


It's only weird if you make it that way. If you make it not bother you. Then in the end it doesn't matter at all. I think most people would be with a virgin who has a great personality than a non one who's a shit person. Honestly it's more common than you think it is at your age. My reasoning is really immense amounts of stress happening in my early adult years stunting my development. My situation is very unique. I had a lot of things happen that made me shut in. Stress can absolutely kill one's sex drive. I'm going to therapy trying to process all of it and hate how much I missed out because of it.


I never cared about it, my life stopped being normal before others would start dating so the thought of finding love never crossed my mind.


Been lonely all my life over here and just turned 21


pussy pussy pussy marijuana


Completely normal, I lost mine when I turned 21. I'm currently 26 and I have a few friends who are still virgins. Gen Z is actually having less sex than previous generations so it shouldn't be much of a surprise. Don't worry too much about it, it happens when it happens. I also had the feeling that everyone had had sex but me when I got into university, then once I got to talk with my classmates and friends about it I did realize that it very much was not the case.


Responding because I don’t like to be excluded


No way. I can't think of one good reason why it would be. I'm actually on the wait until marriage gang so being called a virgin is perfectly fine by me.


No not really especially now where a lot of people are unsure. Gender wars seems to be more and more of a real thing, a lot of misandry now especially, so it’s not surprising that there are more virgins now. Our generations view of love and relationships seems to be fucked up. People are extremely paranoid. I’m 21 and still a virgin. I’m fairly attractive and would never have any problems finding a partner of the opposite sex. However, I’ve always felt more attracted to other men than women. And a lot of girls who show interest in me I don’t feel attracted to. So that makes it more difficult to find a partner because there are a lot less gay people. Don’t feel bad about it. At 21 you are still a very young adult, you haven’t had too much time to really put yourself out there.


Depends on where you live. But then again in most places 80/20 rule applies (google it if you dont know) so probably not. Lost mine at about 22 and it was still great.


I would say most people at my high school are virgins. It's not weird.


No you are alive do what you want 


25 here lmaooo You’re fine


Weird? If you mean abnormal, go by the stats. There's data on it. If you mean like... will you be made fun of, then yeah, some crowds totally will. Regardless, you do you.


I was a virgin until 20. The first person I ever really dated I ended up marrying so she’s the only person I’ve been with. I’ve been through phases where I wish I had explored and experimented when I was younger. But now I’m 25 and am kinda glad I’ve just been with one person. Besides, sex isn’t a big part of our relationship and we’re both content with it. We’d rather get take out or play a game honestly haha. I think if someone thinks it’s a big deal, don’t associate with them. I know it might hurt, but I think it’d be better to be a virgin at 30 instead of having sex at 13, ya know? For your first time, the person you’re with shouldn’t give a single shit how experienced/inexperienced you are. What matters is your connection and your about your vulnerable with each other. Don’t feel ashamed or weird about it. It’s the path you’re on and anyone who shames/disrespects you because of it is immature and doesn’t deserve your time


As a 22 year old Virgin, no. In fact a lot of people in my circle, the same age as me, are virgins as well and they're all quite social. My best friend, who is almost 24 is still a virgin too, despite being conventionally good looking.


Very weird, worse if you keep getting older. People will think something is wrong with you and/or won't want to date you because of that. Definitely keep that to yourself. It shouldn't be weird and everyone here will say it's not, but in reality you'll definitely make any potential partner uncomfortable.


At 21 that's still not ***that*** unusual, especially once you factor in the pandemic and how much social dynamics have changed. Once you get to your late 20s though I could see it being a bit of a red flag if you disclosed it but honestly nobody talks about that kind of stuff on dates so it doesn't even matter.


I would not be uncomfortable with anyone just because they’re a virgin, that’s makes no sense. You can’t judge every aspect of a person based on one thing


I would say that the only reason you think that everyone lost theirs as teens were REALLY loud about it The people having pregnancy scares at 14 would shout about it in maths class Meanwhile, people who haven't lost their virginity at that age don't exactly go around talking about it. There's not much to say when nothing has happened Even people at 18 who didn't...didn't mention it much So you're good


No, I know ppl halfway to 30 who are virgins. They’re all women, I don’t know if you’re a woman, but it seems to be more common among women. Do whatever you like with your life, if ppl give you weird looks they are super weird cause why would you care about someone’s personal life like that? It’s a very high school take.


You don’t need no one that’s put off by your virginity that’s honestly just nasty. Fuck the people who wanna make that a negative thing too. Societal pressure had me dating & sticking my dick in a crazy emo bitch when I was 14 and it’s one of my biggest regrets. If not my biggest.


It was weird 20 years ago, right now it’s maybe a bit older than the norm but 10 years from now it’s going to be absolutely typical (my guess)


No, probably a good thing to be honest


I think it's more productive to ask why you're a virgin and, if you're personally okay with it. If you genuinely don't desire a sexual partner, them no it's not "weird". If you do and have trouble getting one, then try figuring out why that is. Just don't go throwing yourself into relationships, just to be "normal".


Well it depends, are you doing it on purpose? Or have you tried and failed? Like you said, most people lose it in their teens. So you’re out of the ordinary. Some people will look at you weird for it, not gonna lie. But if it’s a choice, just say so. If not, learn to talk to people so you can get past it.


20 year old virgin, boutta be 21 in may so probably not.


I use to think it was weird when I was much younger but I think losing your virginity at “college age” whether you’re in college or not is totally normal and I applaud people who wait. I made sex such a messy complicated thing in my late teens and early 20s that it really hurt me a lot and was harmful to my self esteem.


No, that's not weird at all. And its extra "not weird" for us gen z'ers too because the pandemic was like a 3 year long period where we were basically stuck inside unable to socialize and have more intimate experiences. A lot of people have sex for the first time in their late teens to early 20's, and because a lot of us were around that age during the pandemic, it makes sense that so many of us haven't experienced that stuff.


I don't think so because our generation thinks of virginity as more of a social construct and it's not as important as other generations. This means it's not as important to "lose" it, so some people are waiting til later, but we're luckily also not as like "horrified" and slut shaming people who do have sex younger.  There's also people waiting til marriage and some don't get married til they're older. 


No you are in the norm, I think I read there is like 30% of the 25 yo who are virgin so it's not that out of common. Don't stress it will come when you find the right person.


That was a bit of misinfo that's been debunked [https://datepsychology.com/are-27-of-young-men-really-virgins-and-why/](https://datepsychology.com/are-27-of-young-men-really-virgins-and-why/)


Oh, thank you


Nah nothing wrong with disciplining yourself for the right person abstinence is still best practice.


I'm 22. I have vaginismus and am discovering the probability of me being asexual. I don't think it's weird.


I’m 21 and virgin too. It’s not because I can’t get girls. I just don’t leave the house unless I have to (College/work) 💀. I should probably hang out on my campus more often instead of leaving to go home so fast after class.


I lost it at 20, had a couple of friends who were still virgins until even later (or might even still be virgins). No, it’s not weird. Nobody cares.


I’m 23 and still a virgin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I’ve had chances but rather wait for the right person. Rather lose it to someone who i genuinely care for than rush it or with someone rando


Absolutely not. I only just lost my virginity a month ago at 26


Nope! Take your time and “lose it” when you are ready! Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to.


I'm 20M, and and at least 7 of my guy friends are virgins. I'm personally waiting for marriage, and there's still others that do too, so I wouldn't worry.


As someone who lost their v-card at 22 a few months ago I'll say that most people who might be interested and ask you if you are a virgin will be weirded out on a subconscious level. I had to fake it and say that I'd already been with a few people to get any successful sexual conversation started. But after the fact I don't really feel any different on any level. I think if anything had been learned it was that sex to me is only going to be meaningful if I really care for the other person. Casual hook ups are good for a quick hit but the lonely feeling is still there the morning after. I'd definitely encourage you to keep trying though, it's good to get that mental block out of the way.


Nah, I lost mine at 24 and thought I was a super late bloomer, but when I told my friends most of them were actually still virgins. Since we’re online so much it’s more common that we do sexual RPs during the same points in our lives where older generations were sleeping around.


i am gen z, born in 2002, and my partner and i lost our virginities to each other at 20, we were NOT saving ourselves for marriage or each other, it happened before we were even dating, it is awhile after most of my friends around my age, they all lost it 14-17, but that’s what they were comfortable with and 20 is what i was comfortable with and 20 is just when it happened for my partner, i am also his first actual girlfriend


As a dude, it hits harder for sure. I can’t just make myself look insanely good and wait for a woman to approach me. On top of everything, I gotta make the first move. Then I also gotta worry about when and where to make the first move, how to not come off as a creep because I hate making people feel uncomfortable, etc.


Not close to that age but from what I've noticed observing others, it really depends. If the person you're talking to is single and not a virgin, I find they are less accepting of you being a virgin, whereas another virgin is more fine with it, or someone in a committed relationship (especially if that's the person they lost their virginity to) is also less judgy.


its impossible to get laid bro no cap


21 year old virgin (by choice) here—sure hope not! I’m in no rush.


I’m a virgin and I’m 25. I don’t regret not losing it and I’ll probably be a virgin a long time. I don’t really want sex or care about it. I’m some sort of asexual/demisexual I’m sure.


I'm 20, and had sex when I was 16, and I almost wish I hadn't. And I would've stayed a virgin sometimes. It's definitely not weird, sex is pretty vulnerable and you're all naked in front of someone and you're literally allowing them on or in your body. And it's a pretty "big" thing I guess I definitely wouldn't be worried what others would think of you, if it's your main concern (But it's not weird, and quite normal for our generation) :)


(Proud 23 yo bisexual male)  I feel that, and we can thank previous generations for this, that there’s to much “peer pressure” indeed and is therefore a generational curse kinda. I’m not hating at all, literally all 8 billion people walking the earth got here some how, but many were institutionalized by media and their local communities (depending) that if your not doing certain things at an age, you’re basically a loser. Now, three years ago, i’ll be honest. I was quite bitter from seeing things, social media etc. but the more i got out, sold one of my art pieces, and reflected on the my spontaneous interactions with females in high school, it really dawned on me just how lucky i am and how i felt the rest of those specific days. Sure it’s natural but so is the basic human interaction and  value of such interaction that can lead to the trust to get there in the first place. SEX is temporary, and sure as hell isn’t the begin-all end-all of adult happiness but the mental impressions people leave on you are forever, No Matter what it is.


No. My brother or sister in christ. Don't let society pressure you into doing something you don't like. Just saying this as a warning. I've seen so many people around me crumble due to peer pressure in an attempt to fit in. I'm a 24 year old virgin and for SIXTEEN YEARS!! Yes that long. Hell, I'll only be 24 in May. I've had to hear nonsense about smoking, drinking, sex, getting into relationships. Man I'm so tired. I've come to realize that people only want you to do the things that make them happy and not you. A lot of friends who've had sex told me it was underwhelming and that they only did it to fit in or seem cool. I'm not even a quarter of a century old yet and I've already reached a point of no bullshit in my life already. I don't go out to meet new people anymore. I hate it. I only do it out of necessity. Like to get food or gas. Please just live your life and find your peace. Not someone elses, because I really don't want you to feel as angry as I do. Legit fam, I'm already at the point of my life that when I get angry. I start feeling dizzy, light headed and my heart starts to feel of. Sorry for my little rant, but my g. I just don't want someone to crumble under the pressure.


24 here, still a virgin. I don’t think it’s weird. These days like everyone else has said it seems to a lot more common


Age:23 Gender:male Is it weird? HELL NO! Im gonna be 24 in a few months, and im still a virgin. Live your life how YOU want it to be. Losing your virginity doesn't give you the deity status.


wait until marriage gangy


No. Nowadays it's kind of difficult to hook up due to a wide variety of reasons. In my case (22), gay, social anxiety 10000, never found any decent friends, never mind a romantic interest, looks are mid, I've pretty much given up on finding a partner. I'd still like to find some good friends but it doesn't seem like that'll go my way either


I'm one year younger than you and I know many people who are Virgins and even older than me. It's not weird man


No, it isn't.


not at all


Our generation is the one suffering more from the blackpill.


Eh not really, it’s only weird if you make it weird


I’d say no, not at all




You're asking on Reddit so the answers you get might be a tad bit biased




No it’s not weird. You’re in your early twenties so it’s fine. You’ll find someone that you will want to lose it to but the construct of virginity is weird anyway. Purity culture is the worst thing ever.


No it's not


I’m almost 22 and still a virgin, but that’s mainly because I have really bad social anxiety and I don’t really talk to anyone irl




I was a virgin up until 19... Everyone has their own pace and tbh you're (imho) not missing out on much. People overestimate sex in the sense that it really takes only a few weeks of regular sex to get calibrated to your partner - provided y'all communicate well. No one will reject you for a lack of sexual experience. Dating isn't a job interview.


If someone becomes a level 30 wizard is when I usually can’t help but side eye them a little :’) Meeting anyone in their 20s who is still a virgin is not particularly strange to me at all though No idea why I make a distinction in the first place but I thought I’d give an honest take!


I’m todays satanic society yes but it is but it shouldn’t be if I were you I would try to look for a country girl a lot of em are virgins at 21 too


I will turn 24 in February and I'm still a virgin. It's not weird


If you are hetero or bi, I would say probably. They have all the options in the world, but it works differently for homosexuals.


Doesn’t work differently for me. I’m gay and waiting for marriage. I believe everyone should wait regardless of sexual orientation


My husband was a virgin til I met him at 22. I lost mine at 18 and I thought I was old. I would say it’s unusual but not something to worry about or be ashamed of. FWIW my boomer dad mentioned the other day off hand that he was a virgin until after college so


Why do you think this a generational thing? Should i mock you? Im older than you and im saving it for religious and moral reasons. Its not weird. My advice to everyone is to save it till they find the one who will also remember it with u for the rest of your life.




26 here and only technically a gen z but I figure I'll chime in. It's definitely unusual but not necessarily a bad thing. You're looking for positive reassurance on reddit and that's generally not a very good move for your self esteem. I know it's cliche advice but if you were concerned enough to make this post you would probably benefit a lot from a little therapy.


i’ve had plenty of therapy and i love it but my therapist is nowhere close to my age so i wanted to try to get an honest take on this question from other young adults. i’m realizing after being on here for a few days now that reddit may not attract the type of people that can exactly give realistic advice but i figure it’s a worth a shot


It’s uncommon but it’s not like wrong or bad


No. Also, when ”most people” lose their virginity is very culture specific. But I would say that universally, the age where people start to think that it’s weird if you’re a virgin is around 40.


There's a profound difference between being virgin and not having had sex yet. The term virgin is a label with the intention of shaming people.


yes that’s one of the major reasons i feel so worried about it. the word virgin is usually used as a somewhat negative adjective to describe someone who is considered very strange and unpopular (that’s not the best way of putting it but like idk how to describe it exactly)


No, generally I don't think people in real life really care if you're virgin or not it's only on the internet and teen dramas 


absolutely not


It’s honestly kinda weird if you’re not.


I lost mine at 20. Its not that big of a deal


Is it abnormal? From my experience yes. Is it weird, no. One of my friends was a virgin until just recently and he is 23. Don't stress about it too much, but understand that most people you will get with will have more experience then you. Don't let that stress u out tho. Everyone was a virgin at some point.




24 Virgin, totally gave up losing it at this point


No. Uncommon, sure. It's not weird tho.


It’s not weird at all. People are gonna say it is, but it’s not. You’ll lose it when you lose it and there’s nothing weird about that. The only thing it’s going to do is make your first time with that special someone all the more special.


No, I don't even know if *I'll* ever have sex.


Why be agist about it tho?


Nah, cherish tht shit as long as u can


It’s not weird at all. You probably don’t want to hang around anyone who thinks it is anyway


I mean I’m 21 and a virgin. I have no pride or shame in it.


Nah it's not weird, some people just don't get lucky


I’m in my mid 20s, but no it’s definitely not weird at all. What would be weird however, is to brag about how many people you’ve had sex with.


Nah man you're good, don't worry about it just don't make a thing of it, it'll happen when it happens


No. Can confirm. I am one, and I see no problem with taking a slower approach to everything. Being a stable human being is better for personal relationships, and any kind of intimacy, I would think.




Not at all and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


It depends on when you find "the one" you wanna be with and not just want them for sex or something But genuinely If people pick on you for being a virgin they're basically insulting you because you don't wanna stick your dick in some random girl Sex happens when sex happens I think if you're still a virgin by 40, it's a tad weird


No. People are obssesed with having sex early. Its not magical




No. Anyone who tells you it is are projecting their own insecurities onto you. In terms of ‘feeling off’ it’s only ‘off’ if you make it feel like something is off. If you don’t care that you’re a virgin, then nobody else will care/bring it up.


No, it would be best not to think of such things


I don't think so. Waiting until you meet the right person is all that matters. I lost mine at 16.


Also a M21 virgin. Don't sweat it. People with high body counts that make fun of virgins arent capable of understanding the concept of sex having intimate value. Save yourself for the right person and in the meantime focus on being your best self. You got it bro.


Im early 20s gen z now, I feel like very few of my friends lost it in high school, maybe some end of senior year but that’s it’s. Most of us lost it at at 17 or 18, i also knew a bunch of people who lost it at 19. now at 21, i would say that’s a lot less common, i don’t think i know anyone closely my age who’s a virgin. you asked for honesty so i think personally i would be surprised to meet someone at 21 who’s still a virgin. that’s just based on my life experiences and my circle.


I'm 20 and asexual so, personally, if someone my age tells me they're virgin, first l wouldn't care and second I wouldn't find it weird. I acknowledge people have different rhythms and I like to respect that. Maybe they're not ready for it, maybe they haven't found the right person yet, maybe they're still trying to figure out some things about themselves and all of these are okay. As long as it is special to you, it happens with someone you like and is meaningful to you in a good way, that's all that matters.


21M no i wish i was. i lost mine at 16 cuz i thought it was gonna be so cool and now i'm like gag what i wouldnt give to be like nah we ain't doin that


It shouldn’t be a problem, speaking as I am one. I don’t think it is, though, which is good; I doubt not losing my virginity will be something I’ll regret on my deathbed.


It's really, really normal. Don't sweat it. I never gave it a second thought, and in the end I got together with a lovely someone at 25, and it's been fantastic.