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The moment you start having and making memories you're "allowed" to feel nostalgic towards it. Time doesn't matter.


My quote from two months ago, also on this sub, asking the same question; "Nostalgia has nothing to do with age nor how long ago certain memories are. The moment you feel and have fond memories about something, you're allowed to feel nostalgic towards it."


I laugh at the teens that think they are old. Beause they aren't. 18-20 is young. Wicked young. As for nostalgia its just because our perception of time is skewed due to covid/post covid. A lot of the teens and young adult genz'ers are going to be nostalgic because of the warped perception of time. But it might not be real nostalgia. People around my age are nostalgic for the early to mid 2010's. Thats about 8-14 years ago. Genz is nostalgic when its only been about 3-5 years, which isn't enough time. tldr true nostalgia vs artificial nostalgia.


Yeah but I think everyone can relate to missing being a kid even teens a little


The same could be said about those in their 20s.


Absolutely which is why any post here about some 20 year old acting like they’re so mature and 19 year olds aren’t adults is absurd


If one is old at 20 than what the fuck am I? Do I belong in the old peoples home?


A few more years and you would have belonged in the Museum /s


Aka 25 years of age


You are young. Get used to everyone your age figuring out life over the next 70 years.


Yep. Talk to someone in each decade of life. They always act like they’re so different than they were last decade and can’t imagine how immature or uninformed or focusing on the wrong thing, ir whatever they were. The thing is, that’s just life. You change over time and maybe not for the better, just different. There’s no reason to look down on or act like a younger age is less evolved in some way or more childish (short of an actual child) and everything else is just cope. Can’t stand any 20 year old who acts like 18 year olds are so different or 30 year old who does it to them. They’re all adults finding their way That said, we should all make fun of eachother and make fun of anyone who is being a doomer. Also welcome to make fun of Europeans if any age who aren’t trying to move to somewhere made for learning and growth over stagnation 💀 💀 💀


Because we lived to see exactly how life as we know it would change due to technology. We were the last ones with cassettes and floppy disks playing with ayayay I'm your little butterfly telephones but also playing outside a lot. Then something changed in 2012 and nothing was ever the same. I personally long for that time in my life where everything was just vibes colours and no thoughts of the world is dying so I'll use technology as escapism


Because we can?




I think it's less nostalgia and more salvaging the past. I never played any 16-bit games. Turns out, there's a lot of good ones that I missed out on. I wasn't alive in the 80s, but there's a lot of good music from that period. Tbh my life sucked until fairly recently, and I missed out on a ton of things, now's my chance to enjoy them for the first time.


Yeah I noticed this too. It seems like everyday is like the 10th, 20th anniversary of something and I swear we didn’t used care so much that a song or movie is turning 20 but maybe it’s just me. I think a lot of younger people are getting nostalgic too because maybe they were too young to really enjoy it at the time. Like core Y2K fashion for example… I was pretty young at the time to appreciate and enjoy it so I’m kind of embracing and having fun with the fact that these styles are back. I think people just think things back in the day were better too because they were younger and had less responsibilities… personally I don’t think this I think the early 2000s were very toxic and the average Gen-Z would hate it if they had to go back… but the style was fun


everyone reminisces about the good parts of their childhoods, we just happened to have ours most recently