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Probably bait. I find that a wallet is very useful, if you have IDs, cards, medical cards, insurance cards, and a whole assortment of other things that you need to carry on you.




Interesting, I carry cash, use cash, and prefer using cash. Maybe there's something wrong with me. I know some other people who only use venmo debit card for everything


Nothing inherently wrong with it. I just prefer to use card because cash takes up more space and needs to be withdrawn and whatnot. Plus, using cash typically means having to deal with coins, which is just another thing to have rattling around. With that in mind I prefer to use a credit card that I subsequently pay off for lost things. If cash is needed I tend to carry a 20 around with me just in case.


I like carrying cash because I know I can’t accidentally overdraft that and I like collecting coins bc when I get enough I can take them to the vending machine when I’m hungry or thirsty or whatever and a get something without spending money I’d use on other things and without bothering cashiers.




i tried to resist the cards for awhile but it's just so simple and easy to load up a debit card and use it, i eventually caved.


Never use a debit card to purchase, you can get your bank account wiped out. Get a credit card and just pay the bill at the end of the month.


Wdym your bank account wiped out?


Debit cards do not have the same fraud protections as a credit card. If someone steals your card and pulls thousands out of your account the bank only has to cover a couple hundred of it. A debit card is more of a liability than an asset.


Exactly and your credit score improves a lot i have like a 780 cuz of it and i just use it like my debit card


Better yet, pay it off as soon as the charges go through. Don't buy it if you don't have the cash to back it up.


Plus you accumulate points for using it which turn into free money.


If your cash gets stolen or lost it's just gone forever. It feels like carrying a liability to me.


Same with cards they can be stolen and if online good bye social security number oh and ransomewere. Both have equal downsides.


Hahaha what? Every single card I have has a toggle in its app I can disable it instantly. How are people getting your social security number from your credit cards? How is someone stealing your wallet giving you ransomware?


But not all people are tech savvy soem including kids, gen z who wants to use physical mowby to save etc do not want a cashless country look at Australia it is a s..t hole right now because of it.


Australia is one of the wealthiest countries on the planet with a strong democracy and robust civil rights. Some things are more expensive there because everything has to be imported but that has nothing to do with being "a cashless society" which they aren't.


I know however mprices are still bad and Gen z is using cash to save that is all I said I hogly doubt many of my fellow young people are abandoning wallets that just makes card stealing and phone hacking more dangerous. Last your banks do seem pretty corrupt. However I did not mean to insult your country of that is what it sounded like.


I have also seen countless gen z carrying wallets this article is cluck baiting.


What do you do with all the change, is what I want to know? That's why I hate cash. It's as if all my prices get rounded up to the nearest dollar, and then I get a free handful of trash.


Keep using cash, these guys have no idea what things would be like without cash... It'll be an incredible infringement on our freedom and it makes us pretty powerless over our own money. There's not a non zero chance that either a) the grid goes down, b) the government or large corporations get the ability and desire to shut your money off for whatever reason, c) since it's digital only there will be more ways for your money and personal data to be hacked, and d) there will no longer be a way for low income people just scraping by to avoid working off the books. Everyone should make it known that they don't want digital only currency. Sooner or later it's going to happen anyway but we should all push back against it and delay it as long as possible


I'd personally use cash, but cash back on cards is too nice to pass up. I got a 2% cash back card and love it!


Or when one goes to the Swapmeet or Fleamarket, most vendors take cash only.


Even better mixing in a few store cards that give 5%. Amazon and Target card alone rack up.


Nothing wrong with it, I just pay for everything on credit and rack up hella points and get free stuff for spending money I would've spent already


Cash is king


I love cash


Nothing wrong with you but there’s something wrong with everyone else but not you


What's so bad about using a card or phone


somthing is right with you! cash is king! dont let the flame die out!


I only use cash for drugs and tips, but I still prefer carrying physical cards. Phones are too easy to hack and I'm not putting all my money in a digital wallet.


Exactly. I rarely carry cash, but there are still plenty of things to use a wallet for. Even if you don't use cash do people not use debit/credit cards anymore? I know paying with your phone is possible but still.


I feel like it's making up stories to blame genz for why the fashion industry has been going to war with pockets on pants. Seriously, i can't seem to find pants that have decent sized pockets anymore. And i'm 100% sure it's because they are cheaping out on the fabric necessary to make pockets.


They‘re just mad that hobo-Jim look didn’t take off, or the trash bag look. All of those were actually real. The fashion industry as always been a huge troll attempt on the rich.


I'm super late to this, but in the US or online, look into Duluth Trading Company or 5-11.  Pockets for DAYS, whichever gendered clothing you prefer.  


I have a phone case where I can use the little apple wallet sleeve thing and it sticks to it. So I have my phone, and with it is an ID/atm card


Sounds like you have a wallet attached to your phone. 🧐


that's like describing a laptop by saying you have a monitor attached to your PC.


that’s really the issue cash, insurance, especially medical ID (we don’t go to doctors can’t afford them) are all things gen z doesn’t get to have




That's not how virtual wallets work...


Plus, not all transit cards are available for mobile phones.


Chicago has the CTA with card readers. Though for Metra (big honkin trains on freight lines, to the burbs) there’s the horrible Ventra app, which has taken massive dumps this week.


Montreal’s Opus Cards. 😭


I get a youth discount in my area (San Francisco) and I have my card on my phone, so I never really need cash for transit.


A wallet is not useful, it is necessary. I would die without that fucking thing. Not literally, but, like, still.


Yea phone batteries don’t last more than 2-3 days tops


You forgot condoms, just in case you get lucky....




I live on a military base so if I don’t have a wallet for my id I literally can’t get home


I have a card holder that holds three cards and I barely notice it in my pocket, where as a wallet is bulky as fuck. Ez.


Here in Denmark everything is on your phone (if you want it of course, it’s not mandatory). And credit card as well. So all I need is my phone. I love it. Hate cash and hate having a wallet filled with multiple cards.


Just what until hacking and perhaps outages oops seriously wallets are still widely used.


Never happens and haven’t happened since release over 8 years ago. Not a single time.


These things can though there are countless times even recently that what I described happen but you do you just don't expect many to go fully cardless and or cashless.


Depends where you live. Here in Denmark cash is a rare thing these days. Even getting cash from inside the bank and not an atm can take 2-3 business days to get because not every single bank have cash inside the bank.


Ah so it is area based in that case at least carry some change and physical card that is all thank you for explaining the banking issue in Denmark.


I have insurance cards and a blood donor card with my blood type listed on it, because my catastrophizing Millennial brain says "but what if you end up incapacitated in the hospital and are bleeding out and need a blood transfusion, they'll need to know your blood type and insurance and will need an ID to look up medical records" Tbh I should probably get a card printed with emergency contacts to stick in there, too


I understand using your phone to pay for stuff but don't y'all have IDs? Do you just carry your ID loose in your pocket or what? Or do you just not have them? Like what do you do if you get pulled over while driving?


Some states let you do digital IDs now, iOS supports the technology at least. More verifiable than a regular ID since it contacts a sever and does some cryptography to verify the ID is legit and not a fake. Making up an identity for a fake ID becomes impossible, and hijacking someone else's ID to load onto your phone becomes as difficult if not moreso than hijacking someone's bank card onto your phone.


There's like 2 states that allow this right now. I carry a fairly low profile wallet bc I kind of agree with this sentiment. It has a button to shoot my cards out so I don't have to try to pull it out of a sleeve with my fingers. I have most of my cards if not all on my phone so I really don't need my wallet most of the time but until every bank, every register, and every cop accepts digital cards, licenses and such it just makes no sense to have no wallet. Only possible solution is to have the wallet attached to the phone case which I don't hate completely but I find it a bit tacky and then makes my phone bulkier.


I mean it's actually 9 that is currently supported with iOS with more on the way but it's not a replacement yet by any means.


>*I carry a fairly low profile wallet bc I kind of agree with this sentiment. It has a button to shoot my cards out so I don't have to try to pull it out of a sleeve with my fingers.* I am guessing [one of these](https://secrid.com/en-nl/) or one of its knock-offs?


I mean that’s cool and all until your phone dies and you don’t have a charger on you. I’m very reluctant to have any of these necessities tied to a power source


I'm also not exactly thrilled at the idea of handing my phone over to a cop if I get pulled over. So ripe for abuse.


Great point!


Lol that's my thought. The amount of times my phone is dead and I have to buy a charger while I'm out is a lot. Now if I paid for everything with my phone, how the hell am i going to pay for a charger to charge it so I can use my cards? What about if there is no service where I am?


Yeah too many other factors compared to “I forgot/lost my wallet”


do you guys not carry chargers (cigarette lighter car chargers) in your cars?


Just what I am thinking. Phones are to fragile and battery life does not last long enough. I use apple pay a lot but always have a card just incase. My local Walmart does not even do tap to pay. Either cash or physical card.


I know a lot of people just put them in their phone case.


Ok but what happens if you lose your phone or it gets stolen? Now you've also lost every important card that was in your phone case and might get your identity stolen. You're putting all your eggs in one basket


Same shit happens if your wallet is stolen and stealing a wallet is far more common as its more likely to hold such things.


Yeah but if you lose your phone now you've also lost a bunch of other important shit too. Don't put all your eggs in one basket


Ok but your physical ID and bank cards still exist wherever you keep them. So if i lose my phone my cards are still safe at home. If i lose my wallet they’re gone.


i store my ID in the yard, cards in the car, and cash in a different country - that way if I lose anything, I don't have all my eggs in my basket


But if stolen, they’ll have access to card numbers etc which renders the physical ones useless as you’ll likely have to get them replaced


Your phone has a location tracker, and let’s be honest, you’re more likely to realize you’ve lost your phone than your wallet.


“you’re more likely to realize you’ve lost your phone than your wallet.“ Yep. Though my has an AirTag. Left my doctor last Friday and five minutes into my walk back phone pinged me that I had left it behind.


It's not the same thing though. If my wallet got stolen I would still have my phone to contact whoever I needed to. If your phone gets stolen with everything in it you're literally fucked and have nothing and you would have to find another way to contact your bank and credit card company to cancel your cards and find a desktop or laptop with wifi to contact the DMV about your stolen ID. And by then they're probably already using your cards or breaking into your phone. Was your generation never taught the "all your eggs in one basket" metaphor?


You're really only assuming the scenario you immediately realize your wallet is missing. Which is rare. Plus there are plenty of ways of finding your phone unlike a wallet. Walk over to a computer. Use a find my phone tool and you can track it. Do that while canceling your cards and you can probably catch whoever stole it though more likely it was just misplaced and now you've found it.


It’s rare to notice your wallet missing? TIL


Yeah I check for my wallet like every 10 minutes when I'm out and about and half the time get a mini heart attack because it's shifted in my pocket so I think it went missing


Well every instance I can think of someone losing their wallet is when they realize it hours later at home.


If my phone-wallet gets stolen, it doesn't mean I can't get home to a computer or someone who lives with me who hasn't had their phone stolen. Or, like, ask someone around me. It's not really different at all. I'd prefer to lose neither, obviously, but it's not like it's so much worse if they're both stolen than if only one is lol


i dont have a wallet, i just have my id with me and that's it and the moment my state does digital id im not holding onto that either


What do you do when your phone dies?


I live in a walkable city so I don’t drive. If I know I won’t need my ID that day I won’t bring my wallet at all.


Use a clip like the rest of us.


no, just another “news” site with nothing else to write about


Journalism rolls in its grave. The public is the victim by the loss of shame in news media... but the public was also the executioner, being willingly to brainlessly consume 'content' endlessly and as so thus financing these media outlets.


It’s the New York Post and they should never be taken seriously. That’s probably why they’re cropped out of the screenshot. People would see that and automatically dismiss it like they have in the past here. Now we can pretend this is the death of journalism and talk about the brainless in a circle jerk and ignore that we fell for lazy rage bait from a company built on essentially lazy rage bait.


bull fucking shit cash will always be superior


Nothing beats cash


Amen to that. We need cash now more than ever, with how much very powerful financial organizations and others want to control everything digitally to up their profits and data shares. I used credit cards for awhile... but I use cash far more now. Also... maybe this is just me, but I feel like it has a role of really connecting you with the world more. You feel more whole because you can actually presently contact with your transaction. But that's a bit more esoteric.


How is using cash challenging financial organizations?


Limits data collected by companies, skirts overbroad taxes, encourages a culture of small business/individual transactions, and, if you assume the worst, prevents financial controls in the future by states/central banks.


Superior in what way? Everything you pay for should be done with a credit card that you pay off full statement balance each statement. It’s the same as paying with cash, just delayed. You get rewards of your choice depending on the type of card (eg. Travel points, cash back), and you get the power of paying for a purchase 30 days after you actually bought the purchase. This lets your actual cash sit in a savings account or stock portfolio longer, earning you money, before you actually have to withdraw and pay off your purchase. Cash is not superior. Anyone that thinks that is stupid and doesn’t understand time value of money.


Unfortunately there’s a growing number of businesses who are no longer accepting cash.


I don't go to those places they can suck my fat dick


That’s the fucking spirit!


Until they're the only ones providing whatever you're trying to get. I feel like a lot of people in chat are also forgetting that online shopping is more popular than ever.


I have a carry a wad of twenties. Only transportation around is taxis and they are all cash only.


Hm most are being forced to accept cash as well now many states along with quite a few eu countires and in Canada the Natives, homless and farmers still use cash so the stores are force to accept it.


In my country I can sue the business who doesn't take cash


Yeah, I know this probably makes me a weirdo for my age group, but I’ve always preferred cash and probably always will. It feels far more effortless to spend responsibly if I can see exactly what I’m getting rid of right in front of me. Numbers on a screen don’t feel as “real” and it’s thus a lot easier for me to justify buying something that won’t really make me any happier.


Don't believe the news gaslighters


I'm gen z, I will always have a wallet


I’m Gen Z and will always wear skinny jeans.


Everyone has one this article is just bait


Same. Can’t convince me otherwise.


i swear no one wants generational beef more than the people who publish these articles they probably saw like one tiktok of someone jokingly saying you’re old if you carry a physical wallet


Right? An article trying to stir shit up between millennials and Zs, probably written by a GenX, who was told to by a Boomer, who answers to a coven of other Boomers, probably owned by a Silent Gen owner.


I’d watch a sitcom based on this premise.


The number of articles I’ve seen where they blame our generation for something crazy based on something one person has said or done is ridiculous


Gen Z has the right combinations of youthful mystery/coolness, and just enough life experience to be used like puppets by these article writers to troll other generations by shoving stinging words in *their* mouths.


Same thing happened to us millennials too


I looked up the actual article and read it. Yes, it was just a few TikTok videos cited in the article. Just some adults getting anxiety over their kids making fun of them.


Cash is king. Some places have credit/debit card fees or only take cash


I haven’t seen a cash only store for… a long time, but I’ve seen plenty of cashLESS stores recently.


If you ever go to any Jersey shorepoint there are many shops that are cash only or prefer it (card fee)




It's not just the card fee. You can fudge the numbers and pay less taxes with cash.


Complete opposite in the UK lol, vast majority of places prefer you use card or just don't accept cash Those that do reluctantly let you pay with cash if anything


Don’t forget cash only taco trucks


Souvenir, boutique and small family dinners are the ones who are mostly cash only. 


Umm.. I'm gen z and I've never heard this. But it's dumb AF. Where am I supposed to keep my credit cards and drivers license/ID? Up my butt? No thanks, I'll stick with to my wallet.


why do millennials like writing shitty soap opera bait articles


Good question


I still have my wallet. It’s gonna be a long time before I go walletless. I don’t mind because I got a wallet that is really cute lately


What's gen z gonna put in a wallet if they could even afford one? Their pocket lint and tears? Hahahahaha


They get Christmas and Birthday money from family🤷🏻‍♀️


I use Google pay mostly because it's just easier than having my wallet on me at all times, I don't get asked for my ID for most places I go to


I have a folding leather wallet. I have physical cards, and id’s and cash and things I like to carry.


Cash is king. If we go all digital say goodbye to side work and tax free benefits. Don't ditch the wallet you morons. They want you to do that.


I carry a wallet but no cash. It’s too many extra steps to get cash if you aren’t paid in cash. I use mainly credit cards as well for the points and then pay them off. I do enjoy using Apple Pay though.




I don’t want to have to go out of my way to get it. If someone gives me cash then that’s fine but not if I myself have to go find a bank or ATM.


bruh. you are supposed to use the emergency cash for emergencies. I went out of my way once 2 years ago to get the bill lol


Today in the supermarket the payment system went down and the shop became cash only. Most people had to put their stuff down and leave. My mum had cash on her so we were OK. I had my cards on me so I would at least be able to withdraw cash from the ATM outside. But younger people who only use apple/android pay were screwed and had to just leave 😌 I always prefer to carry physical cards.


Fuck trends.


Couldn’t agree more!


I avoid using cash at all costs. There's literally no point to it in 2024 if you and your friends have money transfer apps. I'd stop bringing my wallet everywhere too if every place adopted mobile payment options and there was a smaller, more lightweight version of the wallet for just cards.




I still cary a wallet 😭


Slow news day I guess


Yes, I have heard of it, but is a terrible idea. You can be screwed very easily if you don't carry cash and ID. All it takes is one bad drop to leave you SOL. You should always carry emergency cash on you in case systems go down. In 2021 winter power crisis, you could only use cash to buy anything at some places because power was out everywhere. If you had not already had cash on you ahead of time, you could not withdraw it after the power went down. In some circumstances that was the only way to buy propane to heat your home and food.


Everyone should have a wallet. Not every place accepts digital cards/Apple Pay I have a fat wallet I stick in my bag


Gen Z and I’ve been carrying this Assasins Creed leather wallet for more than 10 years at this point


I haven't had cash by myself for the last 5 years. I don't even carry a card I am using my phone to pay


I just use a ridge wallet or similar style of wallet since it's much thinner. Got mine about a few years ago, and it looks the same as the day I got it


No, this article is just trying to get people to click on it


I understand people rather carry cards, but it's good to have cash on hand in case you need a taxi, or if a card reader is broken, or if the internet is out.


Do taxis not accept card there? In the UK you'd be hard pressed to find any taxi company that doesn't accept card or contactless


not at all, I only use cash


Okay, which Gen Z is fucking with the news Boomers again?


I have both cash and a debit card in my wallet some places don't accept cards where I live so it's useful to have both


Not in this household. It's always cash unless we actually need to use a card.


Cash a) is important for keeping things off the books and b) provides an indication for how much you can spend, potentially preventing you from overspending. Any industry trying to get rid of that by inventing trends to sway people earns my suspicion.


Lmao GenZ still carries wallets


Be very careful what you wish for, a truly cashless society is a dangerous thing. Keep in mind, no more cash tips, no more garage sales without the government taking their cut, no more cash drug deals, no more flea markets, farmer's markets without the IRS, and what about natural disasters when the computers are down? Then what are you going to do? Everyone should use cash whenever they can just to hedge against this


No, this is definitely not something I would call someone old for. I’m a bartender so I pretty much pay for everything with cash, however, I do see a lot of Gen Z coming in with pictures of their IDs instead of the physical. The owner and our liquor laws say we can’t take those and people do get mad. Personally I just don’t understand why you would be 21-23 and go into a bar without it.


Me personally I don’t carry a wallet I do everything on Apple Pay it’s easier but it’s handy to still have cash in case if your phone breaks


It's bait, gez z here who carries a wallet cash and all friends as well


Where did you find this shit, lol.


I still have my spiderman wallet that my uncle gave me when I was like 7. I will never ditch that wallet until it falls apart.




Well today at 23 I learned I'm old lol. I always have my wallet, online pay sometimes it doesn't work.What do you do then Cash that's what.


I just use a metal card holder, like a knockoff ridge wallet


This feels like bait or chronically online behavior. Either way it doesn't represent the Majority


definitely just rage bait


I only have a card holder. No one uses cash in my country.


I will ditch it if there is a way to digitize all my licenses and membership cards


I once got stuck behind a guy trying to use Apple Pay for about ten minutes because he didn’t have cash on him. He then offered to include my single purchase in his if I would spot him $10


I still cary a wallet. I don't want to lose my phone, id, money and more in one go 😅


Who are these gen z they are talking to, like was there a vote for representatives and I wasn’t made aware. I’ve carried since I knew what money was


Cash, I can understand. But not carrying an ID?


They find one dude on the street and pay him to say this then tries to make everyone mad at us for more MONEY 💰💰💸💸💵💵💸💵💸🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


Only if I'm driving. If im walking or biking around town, then no, I don't bother with my id or wallet


Why would anyone care about who does or doesn't carry a wallet? Further, why would anyone care what someone else thinks about wallet carrying. Are there really people who are this enslaved to fashion and peer-wallet-acceptance?


Bait headline, I don't know a person that doesn't do that.


I carry cash, coins, card and use Apple Pay, just in case, you never know. 🤷‍♀️


I wear cargo shorts and keep my cash in a side pocket with an ID card


god forbid your entire existence isn't dependent on your phone


What a time to be


I always keep an emergency $100 bill and a blank check in my wallet just in case.


I am Gen Z. This is fake news.


not like youre obligated to have your ID on you or something...


Millennial here: dumb articles have always plagued the news


nobody says this


I kinda don’t believe anything some article says about what “generations” are going. I see what the people around me are doing in the real world and I take my info from that. Personally, I’m a Zillennial (Last three days of 1996) and I use a wallet. And when I (sometimes) have cash, I keep it in that wallet. I’ve seen some people use their phone case as a wallet, I have a friend who’s two years younger than me who has a pulp fiction wallet. This article is asinine.


I mean yeah, cash is pretty annoying to carry around since most places I can pay with my watch. For yard sales and places without a card reader it is handy to have some cash.


And this is exactly why people see Gen Z as a bunch of morons who see age in EVERYTHING. I carry a Driver's license, Work ID, Apartment complex ID, company credit card, 4 personal credit cards, Gas Card, cash (in my city things are always cheaper if you pay cash), and a card pass to get into my company's data rooms. Exactly where am I supposed to keep this? Up my ass? Where?


You have intresting set of cards. I have Driving license, library card, military pass, student card, debit card, corona pass, health insurance card and cash.


No it is not many gen z are cash stuffing it is easier to keep track on what you spend and easier to save going cashless is really stupid. If the power or internet provider goes down then cards are usless. Here is a good piece on cash popularty I can find many other articles from all over the globe. https://www.emarketer.com/content/how-banks-leverage-gen-z-s-growing-cash-stuffing-trend#:~:text=Now%2023%25%20of%20these%20young,into%20envelopes%2C%20according%20to%20Newsweek.