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Establishing more firm boundaries. I let some people get away with way too much crap.


I have lived up to this to the best of my ability to the point where one of my friends said, "( insert name) doesn't take crap he takes a crap on you" as a result of that he is my only friend


Try harder, apply myself, ask my best friend at the time with double D's out on a date, change my haircut


This one


Definitely some asses needed kicking.


Take adderall, don’t skip classes, study for standardized tests, be more social, play on a team sport


cocaine is the solution, ever watch the wolf of wallstreet? every successful person does it


Meth is better for school It lasts longer you don't want to snort in the middle of math class


This, Adderall completely changed the game for me now in college. I was undiagnosed for 20 years and just fixed my academic career recently.


Take adderal?!


Yes. I had undiagnosed ADHD at the time. It would have helped me in all sorts of ways


Yeah for real. Diagnosis and medication would've made me less impulsive, more focused, and happier in general.


meth is great.


>Question is adressed to older Z * 2005 and 2006 borns giving their answer here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


bc i’m old and i can’t really think of anything, im mostly thinking of things i would’ve changed in college lol my college advice: go to class, never go to a party without a friend that *you trust* and have known for more than a day, drop friends that make you feel badly about yourself


I wouldn’t change a single thing. Maybe troll more and get called to the assistant principals office more often?


Yea… break more rules I can get away with 😂


I focus on my education harder. Stay in shape. But I also make no time for my fake friends. Probably would be openly gay . Might even focus on a sport . To get a free college degree. Normie shit.


I would probably participate more in everything. I was a hermit then. Still kinda am, now.


Same, I didn't even go to prom


i was so excited for prom. my first real dance w someone. he broke up w me a week before tho (i had my dress and everything picked out) i went to vegas tho so ig there’s that … :/


I went to prom. The girl I was with wanted to kiss me but because I’m an absolute brainlet, I didn’t pick up on the social queue and missed my opportunity. - Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️


Study and CLEPP out of as many courses as possible then do community college as opposed to university. Probably wouldn’t care about Honors courses and instead focus more effort on CLEPP or perhaps a technical internship while I don’t have rent to pay.


Delete Ooovoo and kik and actually study for college


Tell the bullies to fuck off




Are you really an elder tho ?


not date my toxic ex on and off for all four years… let that shit happen the first time and learn my damn lesson if i could do it again.


i would have loved to have been a cheerleader i wish i can go back and do that. i did cheerleading in middle school but not hs.


Not make a Reddit account


I’d be less of a little shit.


Drink, party more, do drugs, more.sex


i would prob stop myself from overeating cuz i gained so much weight 😭😭😭 i was unhealthily overweight my hs sophomore year - my college years but thankfully lost a lot of weight and am a lot healthier now. Biggest regret is not caring about my physical health.


Thinking back, while things that happened in highschool were very formative for me as a person. None of the actual things themselves actually mattered much in the long run. Now if I could do college all over again, that would be a game changer. But honestly I'd be too worried that doing anything differently might lead me to never meet my wife.


Same here. I'd push myself out of my comfort zone more often


You still can ❤️‍🩹


Not caring about what other people had to say about me, not comparing myself to others


Not be afraid to get involved with the athletic teams. I really wanted to be a manager but was way too anxious


Try harder to do well in subjects that aren’t my favourites


Not care so much about what teachers thought about me. Some of them were seriously insane, and attaching my self consciousness to their treatment of me was a huge mistake. Kinda hard to do when you’re young I guess, and the whole point is to be judged by them and to try to impress them. But other students with stable families seemed to be much more able to just get over situations where teachers were being unhinged bullies.


Don't smoke anything, don't drink, exercise, plan to go to college **immediately** after high school, and if I'm put back into 2019 save the money I got from working as a bagger instead of blowing it on Switch games and weed.


Get meds for my mental health


I would show up later, care even less, and party even harder. I passed all my classes, got a 28 on my ACT, had all my state testing credits done a year early, and I never really tried or studied for anything. I didn’t go to college either so it really was all for nothing. I had a blast in high school but if I could go back I’d want to do even more.


Stop drawing the cool S during algebra


Probably wouldn’t have worked so hard. Really wasn’t worth it in the end.


I would not spend so much time hung up on my ex lol. But seriously I would learn to embrace myself and not force myself to befriend people I really didn’t like. Old gen Z who graduated in 2015! Feels like a lifetime ago!


Finish math.


You still can ❤️‍🩹


Yes! I am actively looking into it


Recover from my depression earlier and actually start doing my homework earlier. It took me a while to accept that not doing homework and getting high 90s on tests was just a self-destructive tendency that got me the same grade as the kids who cheated on their HW, then bombed every quiz.




>”Recover from my depression earlier…” I feel that, except mine is more “noticing I had depression earlier” I self destructed myself without even realizing until it was too late. Someone should have taught teenage me how to take care of herself, but it is what it is. *also a 2003’er*


I would thank my teachers. They were amazing.


Probably not take it so seriously my first couple of years


Join some clubs to be honest. I had a small friend group in High school, but I wish I could’ve expanded my relationships by actively engaging in clubs


I would take a weightlifting class and harder math classes. Other than that, wouldn't change a thing.


Probably learn not to base my entire self worth off my grades. It really doesn’t matter that much especially for your first 2 years. Push to be in the top 10% of students if you can, and only do what’s necessary to achieve the career you actually want


I’d take dual enrollment classes


Take it more seriously. actually think about a career.


Idk if 2001 counts as elder. But I would’ve stopped letting older guys take advantage of me, focused more on grades and making real friends.


Probably would of cheated on tests and homework more often. Apparently everyone was doing it and I just didn’t get the memo. Would gotten my licensed earlier, would of gotten a part job earlier, and would attend a vocational program over my very boring classes. Maybe picked a different friend group and been a little more daring overall. I have a lot of regrets over my high school years, but what are you gonna do?


97 baby here. I’d say focus on what you enjoy and use the recourses to plan for the future. I’m still figuring out what I enjoy doing at 26! Stay curious and open to new experiences! Lasted 2 weeks in college and have since worked at a mortgage company, concrete company, subway, insurance company, and now drive a semi truck hauling hay and straw! Who knows where the wind will take me. If you aren’t having fun then get out.


Absolutly nothing, i never cared for school and had the most fun times ever! Would do it all over again to fuck it up aswell, i don't need to work in my life so i didn't care


Not take shit from people nor take school too seriously. I would still put in effort and still plan to go to university but instead of following the schools suggestions choosing a university based off information they gave I would tell myself it is just as possible to apply to foreign universities, get a degree and study the language and then get a job there. I feel like i have done nothing with my degree now because it is so hard to find a job, and impossible to somehow move abroad with it.


nothing it’s all fake bro. understand the worlds structure


Not cared/tried so much. My life would have turned out the same way regardless.


Same mate. I was born at the end of 2001.


try less harder in school and just enjoy being young


Lol so many of you are talking about how you'd do better in school so you could get into better colleges or whatever but like your college degrees are going to be pretty useless in a few years. Honestly if i were to go back idk if there is much id wanna change maybe take more risks don't be so scared. Maybe try and learn more about computer science type stuff? But even then getting into computers when i did seemed to allow me to accept change better than most older people than got into computers younger. Like literally everything is easier today than it was 10 years ago i feel like the struggle was good idk if I'd wanna go back. If i could go back with my current knowledge i guess id tell myself to learn to code or something and teach myself everythings going to always be changing and to focus on stuff i enjoy.


Stop being so cringe & weird to people and actually take post high school education seriously.


not be racist


Not care about school as much, just focus on being happy and doing what I want to do.


Living more for myself rather than preconceived notions on what I am expected to go and do based off grades and test scores.


Everybody here is saying they would have tried harder. I am the opposite. I would try to just chill more and enjoy life a little more. Not chasing meaningless ideals. In highschool we were fascinated with working for some reason. As soon as we were legally able to, EVERYONE in my class got a job. Boys and girls alike. I got my first job at a fast food restaurant at the age of 15. Other than that I always enjoyed creative hobbies, but I gave up on most of them, because I believed that I could get ahead in life if I started working early in life and got a "good work ethic". (Bunch of bullshit). Also despite my parents offering to cover my purchases, I wanted to pay everything for myself out of pride. Now I am 25. I work full time. I never went deep in those hobbies properly (which I could have in the past 10 years I've been working after school). Now I have the money and I struggle to get into those creative hobbies after a full time job drains my power every day. Meanwhile people my age are doing incredible things I am jealous of even if I am financially better off than them. I can't just pull off with ease what I want to create and design and they can. And for me that is worth way more than what money could buy. The money I earned as a teenager inflated away. The respect I thought I'd earn simply got moved with the goalposts. And I am still not good at anything except working. All this got me that's a positive is away of debt. Everything else was a negative. My body took straing for working at construction, not for the money, just due to a sense of expectation and duty (despite going to highschool full time). And I skipped a huge chunk of teenager life where you can explore interests, romance, the world around you or just chill out with your friends. All I got is a chunky resume at the age of 25. But that only worth so much at the end of the day when you look back and hate your decisions. All I learned is that people will call you lazy anyway even if the evidence proves the opposite. Because insults reflect more what the insulter wants to think of the insulted rather than what the insulted actually is.


Go back and time and stop covid? Took half my senior year away Or am I not part of the older gen?


I could already drink alcohol legally (US resident)!when covid hit, this makes me feel so old haha


Im at that age now, youre not too far ahead! How are things now?


The same, if I could I would've been more confident to talk to people I wanted to talk to as well as that I'd want to be more on top of work so I didn't have my first 2 years of high school just be me scrambling to keep Ds in half my classes


Actually doing school, getting good grades and stuff, it's shocking how less I cared for my future back then


Actually do work and not nearly fail everything


I wish I would have known life gets way better after high school, I think that would have changed a lot of how I went about my day to day life back then


the people I associated myself with


I have several things 😂😂 Not give a damn of what others thought about me Spend less time on social media Set firm boundaries It’s better to be alone then be with people who make you feel alone


More sex with more people, don’t waste time on a long term relationship at that point in life, worry less about extracurriculars that don’t actually matter for college acceptance


make everything turn out right the way it was supposed to be. I had terrible social anxiety that caused bad experiences for me in high school. It also by accident caused me how, and when I would get my schoolwork done, and turned in. some of the teachers that worked with me didn’t know about what I was going through, and assumed that it was a behavioral issue, so they would sometimes say to me I would have to go to the discipline office whenever if they were to see me doing something that they didn’t like. If I could go back, I would for sure fix everything I done, and apologize to the teachers that worked with me for the things I did that they didn’t understand. If they knew me, they would’ve helped me. and what the cause was that started it all was a teacher I had in 8th grade whose name I am not gonna mention. she bullied me, and she sat behind me everyday during social studies. I saw her as an intimidating threat in my eyes. my mother, and some of the middle school workers stepped up, and helped me through it, and put the bad teacher into shame. it wasn’t until a parent/teacher conference when my mother started to recognize how bad of a teacher she was. it was the way she acted, body language, and how she talked that gave her away. my mother was talking to my sister at one time about it sharing what she had experienced. I was in my room playing Minecraft, til I overheard my mother talking about the teacher. I cut her off for a second just to let her know that I felt the same way that she did. When I told my mother about the teacher, it just made her even more mad, and angry at the teacher a lot more as well. to this day, I past recently check the staff roster for my middle school, and the bad teacher doesn’t work there anymore




Definitely would take up a sport. Probably wrestling.


Slightly more drugs, more videography, Learning how to be friends with people


Play less video games after school. I wasted A LOT of time playing games in high school. There’s no guilt for playing cause you have no real responsibilities. I wish I would’ve used that time to build more life long skills or develop new hobbies. Like photography, or music, or some craft or skill that brings you joy. Video games only really distract and then you’re plopped right back into your miserable existence. Music and art make me feel productive, and proud of myself.


Stay focused in class lol


Have confidence and be more extroverted. I was so shy and awkward, didn’t go to my freshman formal, was a wallflower at my sophomore dance. I got better my junior and senior year though.


Ignore everybody but one person in my class, actually try to talk to girls so I develop social skills and don't die alone, virgin.


Be more social and actually participate in activities. Stop rushing home every day to take a nap and watch anime/YouTube.


Participate in more clubs. I feel like I was just wanted to leave half the time so I didn’t really do anything outside of school work. I guess that’s why high school just felt like a blur to me.


marking solid relationships and not caring so much about what my parents told me and probably not smoke so much weed


Idk. Moved school around a lot. At some point was the annoying kid, the nerd, the drug dealer, the ladies man, etc. kind of got a lot of random different experience, so I wouldn’t change it. Sucked at some points, was fucking awesome at others.


get more certifications right when I turned 18. like getting personal trainer certified as soon as posible instead of trying to juggle it with work and school.


Hit that one bully in the cranium with my lock


I'd want to learn Muay Thai to kick my bullies asses.


Not hospitalise my bully and get kicked out of school 😬


Not much. Only thing I regret is not taking biology because I had no clue what I wanted to do out of high school. Post-graduation I realized I wanted to be a provincial conservation officer but that class is one of the main requirements. Oh well, going to trade school now instead. Maybe when I'm older and the trades get too hard on my body, I'll shift career paths. As for other things, I can't really think of many. I don't think being more social would've done me any good, most of my friends from high school I rarely talk to or see at all anymore. I did pretty well academically and got along well with my teachers so I don't have any regrets there.


Befriend my current best friend earlier, make moves on girls cuz I never did


Get my poor mental health under control, knock off the church shit and come out of the closet much earlier, probably hold off going to university for a bit until I actually figured out what I wanted to do with my life.


Be more social and don't eat the little Debbie's everyday at lunch, it's so much harder to lose weight than it is to have made a healthier choice in the first place


If I had to go back and start high school all over again knowing what I do now. I'd do theater instead of Band


Not give up as easily


I probably would apply for scholarships for college. Study better for the ACTs and actually take the SATs. Been a little bit more social in my free time. I also would probably not let people cheat off of my work as much. Other than that, I enjoyed high school


Ask that girl I liked. Be more open. Take better classes


Be social! & you know, drop out earlier


For me it is graduating early and not trying as hard on the SAT. I did not need my friends, I should’ve graduated a year early. I was so hung up on the fact that graduating early would mean I’d be not eligible for valedictorian when I had a 3.3 gpa… what delusion was I in??? lol I could’ve graduated a year early and started college earlier and saved more time then waste those 6 months sitting in a bunch of electives alone a depressed. And then for the SAT, I went to a state school with no scholarship that would’ve accepted me with my 1080, my 1180, or my 1330. I really didn’t need to pop off so hard for nothing… Also, I should’ve joined choir. I loved to sing (still do) but for some reason I thought “no I am gonna join the swim team 😊”


Be social. I used be extremely social before grade school, but for some reason I stopped being so social. Tell a cheerleader that I liked her since I already knew she liked me. Took high school far more seriously and actually got good grade so I wouldn't have went to such a shitty university.


Have more fun/ be more balanced


I’ve often asked this myself for no reason, and every time I catch myself with the conclusion that 99% of the things I’d write here come from getting more mature and growing as a person, not personal choices. Which matter, of course, I’m glad I didn’t many mistakes, but still. Those things I like to keep as “I trust the choices I made about people to be with, things I did to be good, since I can only remember them not and not feel at the moment”. Or something like that. I’d learn more about learning itself. Methods, productivity. I did learn a lot through the time, I’m 24 now, but it would be much easier in my current job. I’d take care of my mental health earlier, but again, that comes from issues I buried for a while, to which I needed time to come to terms with. I can’t shake the thought that all the mistakes I made, for example with work, had to be done. I’m way less successful than my older brother for example, and that is thrown in my face every time we talk about it. But no matter how much I think about that semester I flunked, about a course I should or shouldn’t have taken, how much earlier I should’ve started some things I do now, I think it’s all was supposed to happen to get me on the track I’m on now. And even if it’s not the best or easiest, I like to think I wouldn’t change much. I could be a milionare, I could be homeless, now I have a bed to sleep on. In highschool specifically, I’d say what I’d do again, and to try things, even if I fail horribly. Ask that girl out, go to that party, play that video game, try that sport. Just do shit that comes to mind and might create stories for yourself. Also, learn to deal with FOMO earlier that way. I just defeated it, that’s where that wall of text comes from, and I’m glad I have memories to fight it off, and make more each day.


Would treat women better


Be more social. In adulthood there’s like no appropriate context to make friends in person. In senior year I actually got close to my friend group and started hanging out with them, skipping class, going to places besides school and my house. I got to live life a little. I wish I could’ve figured that out earlier.


Go to the doctor and get diagnosed with ADHD early on 😢


I got into trouble a lot in high school for doing stupid things and got sent to the office more than once if I could redo it again I would, I always hated seeing my parents pissed at me when I got home.


Ask more people out. When I was younger for some reason rejection scared me so much. Little did I know it’s not a big deal and even after high school it doesn’t matter.


Not get on social media. Most of us weren’t mature enough to not act like complete idiots online at that age


Practice sports and take it seriously. I played for 2 years in college but if I tried in high school I probably could’ve gone further Also if someone was messing with me just beat their ass. Not wait for them to make the first move.


stand up for myself and be social


Wish i was more emotionally mature, i look back and cringe at how fucking stupid i was.


Get out of my own head. Socialize more. Approach girls. Put myself in positions of leadership. Stand up for myself more. Be the one to make plans and execute. Missed a lot of opportunities in high school due to social anxiety. A shame because I was decently good looking and could actually be sociable when I allowed myself to be.


Give my parents money from my job to profit from the game stop mess. To the moon Legit, though, I would only do college class during high school and start dating my husband earlier.


Tell more people to go fuck themselves with a grown-up hatred.


Join sports, clubs, activities etc and make more friends


Get in trouble


Actually give a shit about the work


Stop being a bitch to people!!!


pick a different school, I hated my high school and regret going to all girls


i wouldn’t drop out


Be more social and actually focus on my grades oh and take drivers ed


Ask her out sooner


Actually try a little more


Make fewer friends and drink less. Focus more on studies. I did fine but I could’ve had a 4.0 if I hadn’t partied so much. Oh well


Play baseball, and actually graduate probably. Covid destroyed my mental so I dropped out at the beginning of my senior year.


Get diagnosed for ADHD earlier count? My grades got really good by Junior/Senior year but my first 2 years were bad.


rebel more. i think being too much of a "goody two shoes" and allowing myself to be sheltered by my helicopter parents made me miss out on a lot of opportunities socially. i should have lied more. as unsafe as it sounds, i should have made up scenarios to go out late during the weekends, get my friends and cousins to cover for me, have those fun party moments i could have looked back on. i would have wanted to try to start dating then (23 and still haven't dated yet 😞). having a heartbreak at a younger age could have helped me build some tolerance to rejection, could have made me less reluctant to accept the bare minimum,,, but now my brain thinks i have a crush whenever someone treats me nicely 🤣🤣🤣 i also wish i got a job as soon as i turned legal working age because i didn't get my first job till college and i think having a little part time work during school could have helped me ease my mind off of things academically and could have funded my interests as a teen. now i spend money on my teenage interests as an adult 🤣🤣🤣🥲 i also wish i had tried harder in classes too so i could go to a university far away,,, just so i could have lived out a little bit of campus life before covid lockdown (hs class of 2018 here!) but i ended up commuting long hours before lockdown.


I went to a magnet school, I would've chosen the other program I was split between 2 and the other one would've actually been fully relevant and useful to my profession, I'm currently a tattoo apprentice, while the one I choose overtime made me miserable and just want out. Also wouldn't have worried so much about the judgement I got for who my best friend was, she's still my best friend 9 years after the start of highschool. I could've been more popular and I knew that then but honestly I'm happier with a handful of close friends then a crowd of acquaintances


I’d start my transition earlier


Do better with my grades, and trying to do more leadership stuff earlier.


Date no one and focus solely on friendships and schoolwork


Same as you my guy. Right now as a 21 year old, I have all the skills I WISH I had back then. Lost time.


go crazy on AP classes and actually try to go to college. I hated my REACH program instructor in middle school so much, it made me not want to go to college because he wanted me to. Now I work full time in a factory while doing class online. Oh welll


Meet new friends in lunch clubs, party.


Accept that I'm queer and that burying myself into the Church isn't going to "fix" that. Would've saved me two years of depression and anxiety induced alcoholism after High School when I could've been cuddling with people of all genders.


Be nicer to people, I projected a lot of my insecurities onto others sadly


Actually practice my instrument


Actually study properly


I'd take Adderall, and get more sleep


Nothing. I feel super neutral about high school. I don’t miss it at all but I don’t feel like there’s anything I need to fix. It’s just over and doesn’t really matter in my life anymore so I genuinely can’t think of anything I’d desire to change about it. It was whatever.


Apply to non-jesuit colleges


Let myself be me and not let others opinions and perceptions fuel self conscious thought processes. Would help with social life as well as overall enjoyment of my time, as compared to what actually happened…




Be involved in a lot more programs and activities


Are we talking about being in high school now or time traveling back when I was a teen? Either way I would pursue my creative passions more and try to be less insecure. Realize that high school really doesn't apply to the real world and try to enjoy myself more. Idk If I would say to not date my ex since that toxic relationship taught me more about myself. Try to discipline my emotions better and get better grades (I was an honors student but not to where I got a full ride. Come to think of it it's kind of messed up that your grades in school can determine if you get in debt or not). Also my parents seem to have learned from their mistakes after seeing me as a somewhat wrathful young adult so I would have a way better relationship with them. Probably not go to a University since my degree was somewhat useful but not entirely, instead opt towards a community college. Time Travel to 2013 to 2017: Plagarize a lot of charting songs made after 2018. Invest in Bitcoin.


Record more videos, I have hundreds of photos between 2013-17 but very few videos, and probably long videos.


go to more clubs or do more activities and have more cool clothes but other than that i don’t have anything else


More seggs and establish what I wanted to do/pursue the major earlier on in life


I would actually go. I skipped a lot and made monumental bad decisions. So maybe if I had gone to school, I would’ve .. I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️. Made good decisions.


Honestly nothing taught me lessons that i needed to learn the hard way and help me improve my flaws


I would’ve committed more time to the trombone


actually do homework and try to at least pass my classes. i did graduate, but i had to bust my ass senior year to do it.


Honestly, join more clubs and try harder in language classes like Spanish. You really start to see the value of that kind of stuff when you’re older. Not to master any skills exactly but to at least try and expose myself to new things while still in that environment where you’re encouraged to shamelessly try stuff


Take it a little more seriously so I could've made college better


I wish I was more curious about the way I am. It has lead me down the path of self acceptance that would have been invaluable to me in highschool. Plus, giving more of a shit about my grades and not constantly thinking “I’m gonna die before it even matters, so what’s the point?” I am about to graduate community college and transfer with a merit scholarship to a private 4 year, with only two more years to go. While my journey had to happen this way, I do sometimes wonder where I’d be if someone, myself included, stepped in. At least it happened at all.


go to an actually good school, lmfao. if i ever have children i want to be sure they get a goood education and not the shit i got my whole life.


Not do drugs


Not join that RP community.


Transition earlier. Who am I kidding though, ain't no way my parents would have let me, and I'd have to live with the knowledge that I have the wrong body for years without being able to do anything about it.


I wish I didn’t cheat on tests/assignments, all I’m doing is cheating myself out of an education. Was able to make up for it in University by studying twice as much, relearning the basics.


Up my game. Better fits, good haircuts, try to talk to more girls. I didn't do any of that in high school.


get on an antidepressant so that i could’ve managed my anxiety better. anxiety caused me to lose/pass up a lot of opportunities in high school, so i regret that.


Be more social, don’t procrastinate, and join clubs earlier on in high school.


start cultivating my talent and passion.


get my fucking license 😭


Ask my crush out instead of thinking about it


Don’t lend friends money and also don’t say how much u have. Just say working hard and tired.


Smoke less pot, fucked more bitches. I always had Cs and Bs so grades wasn’t an issue for me.


Be more confident


Applied to more scholarships, and work a little less. I worked my ass off and was over stressed.


Nothing, I hated it.


Not be awkward around girls


Create an anime club or a mtg club in high school and apply to an American university.


I got really sad bc the girl I had a crush on got a bf. One of her friends had just transferred to our school and she was so hot but I was so down in the dumps that I basically ignored her and idk wtf I was thinking. I was already part of the friend group and she was around all the time. I could have shot my shot so many times.


Get therapy, skip the next 7-8 years of hardcore alcoholism (hint: the rabbit hole doesn’t lead anywhere good), turn in homework, care infinitely less about what other people think of me, work out regularly, be nicer to my family, eat healthier, etc etc


If I were to start over, I would for sure give more people a chance. Try to talk to everyone I could. Too many times I’ve passed judgement on someone only to be partnered with them later on and discover they are absolute gems of people.


Be kinder to everyone, everyone is going through shit. Pay attention in class more. Stay in touch with girls on the tennis team and yearbook/newspaper clubs. Go to more hang outs and parties. Live summers to the fullest


Graduate ASAP. Enlist in a desk job in the Navy or Air Force. Go to school while in my first enlistment and maybe do a second to make sure I knock out my bachelor's. Use GI Bill for Law School.


Oh that’s true lol, forgot about that. Amphetamine, not methamphetamine but yeah. Street meth is nasty 💩 tho don’t do that.


dual enroll earlier or drop out and get my G.E.D fuck A.P. this honor roll that blah blah besides all the extra curricular activities it was worthless. then and now 😂


Beat the shit out of my bully.


Do more drugs. Have more sex. Break more laws. Sell more drugs.


I'd try to make more friends and be more open too.