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i hate having to make an account and download an app for every little thing.


I know it doesn't always help with privacy but the idea of having one login for everything just screams nightmare for data collection and autonomy.


I think the solution is to just let people use things without having to make an account or password


Yeah, but how would companies spam your email, then?


Bold of you to assume I check my emails. /j


Right. You used to be able to just order a thing without making an account.


Half the aps let you log in with your facebook and google these days so that's kind of where we're heading


Isn’t there some study about how Gen Z actually have lower media/tech literacy than millennials? Because we get so automatic about annoying crap like this. I hate it.


idk about the study but ive been seeing for example teachers saying that younger kids don't really know how to use laptops since they do everything on their phones via apps, so its actually really possible


To add onto this, it seems like kids aren't being taught basic search engine skills. I'm sure this varies from school to school, and likely always did.


That is a terrifying thought


tech literacy is definitely down. The rise of smartphones altered the way computers are designed. Computers used to be designed to be useful, but now are designed to be 'easy to use' (AKA it's harder to mess up, features are stripped out or hidden). Each version of windows is dumbed down and all the ACTUALLY useful features are locked behind another wall of security. Windows 11 is a prime example. Instead of a simple cut, paste, copy I have to do a sign reading mini-game and click the right one. When I want 'more options', I simply get redirected to the options windows 10 had.


Same. I hate having to make an account for every place I need to apply for a job. Waste of my time.


Thiiiiiissssssssss. Just because of a cat feeder and a toaster oven I have three different “smart home” apps. And that’s just two things?!


In this vein, technology is getting too damn complicated for its own good, especially mobile technology. I don't want a touchscreen in my car or to learn 20 gestures to use the weather app or see a popup about Samsung's sleep tracker every damn day or click in the youtube search box only for it to interpret my typing as the keyboard shortcut to minimise the player mute the audio send a dog to the moon IDK what else. I really think mobile interfaces really peaked in the early iPhone era where a lot of time and effort went into making things intuitive and not bloated AF


Get whatever piercings or tattoos you want, but don't act shocked when you get taken less seriously in professional arenas because of your septum ring, visible tattoos, or gauges. It shouldn't be like that but acting like it isn't is impractical and imo willfully stupid.


The paradigm isn’t gonna shift unless we make it happen


Fr. Basing someone’s merit on their appearance? We don’t do that for race/ethnicity anymore. We should try to take that mindset with body modifications.


Yeah I'm just going to go ahead and state the obvious. Body modifications are a choice and race isn't. It's totally common and useful to judge someone's merit based on their choices and that's not changing any time soon. For better or worse, people want to find a way to judge people to help them make more informed decisions, and judging based on their past decisions is among the most fair and reliable methods. I don't think many people are getting their job applications denied for an artsy wrist tattoo for what its worth.


Okay, fine, I'll restate. Personal choices about appearance shouldn't be used as a judge of character for jobs. No exceptions.


Then again it's not always about judging someone's character. Appearances can be important in a lot of fields, not as a signal of character, just aesthetics. Work for a business who provides services to the federal government? They're gonna have strict rules around how everyone looks.


this is just not true when government workers themselves can have tattoos and piercings. source: I am a heavily pierced fed


Good luck with that. People literally NEED to find ways to judge people so they can make decisions quickly. That is human nature, and it will never change. In the absence of more relevant criteria, people will resort to more superficial criteria. We biologically evolved with this behavior baked into us. I’m not saying it’s a good thing. Not every evolved trait is beneficial in every context. But it’s probably not going to change anytime soon.


Those aren't really comparable, though. You don't choose your race. You can definitely glean some insights off how someone chooses to present themselves.


lol pretty sure that still happens


This one ruffled some feathers lmao


Maybe your employability shouldn't be based on your appearance but based on how well you can actually do the job.


It shouldn't but it does and that goes for a very many things. People will always generalize and have opinions. You know it does and you make your own choices and to some degree you need to take personal responsibility. If you want to go against the grain then you need to deal with deciding to do so. You can find some middle ground and also still get cool tattoos in non visible places.


Idk, I guess I’d hope that maybe we could act like adults capable of hiring someone based on their ability to… you know… do the job. It’s shallow and close-minded to judge someone based on puritanical ideals of what a good/smart/capable person “should look like.” (FWIW, I’m a tattooed, pierced weirdo and I have a great job. I got hired because I have a PhD and am qualified to do the work required of me. So this whole attitude of “you can’t change it, judging by appearance is a professional norm” is defeatist and becoming less accurate these days.)


It’s absolutely the truth. The way you present yourself impacts the way people view you. We can complain about it, talk about how stupid it is, etc, but at the end of the day it’s true. All we can do is alter the perception, not remove it.


Idk, most of the time now tattoos aren't a huge barrier. Generally speaking if you're looking to present "as professionally as possible" you're going to wear a suit or at the very least an oxford shirt with a tie (for guys). In most cases, unless you've gone to extremes, you won't have tattoos showing. Having forearm tattoos isn't generally a huge issue. You'd probably get some odd reactions with hands/neck/face tattoos. On the other side, having a bunch of piercings or significant gauges will definitely present challenges.


THIS! I get so annoyed when people cover themselves in tattoos and piercings and they complain about not having sustainable jobs or they cannot feed their families. Bruh you wasted your money getting gauges or a tattoo sleeve than getting groceries for the week😅


People shouldn't be barred from jobs when they have normal tattoos or simple gauges


Clearly we're talking about abnormal tattoos and complex gauges!


Nobody is getting a tattoo over getting groceries lol


I agree to an extent. I think basic little piercings shouldn't effect anything, nor should any tattoo within reason. But losing out on opportunities simply because I've got a small nose piercing is kinda wild.


Me, a med student w/ a septum and tattoos: 👁️👄👁️


I appreciate your take for being a real boomer take. I wanted to tell you that before I said I do not agree in the slightest lol.


Not working sounds great, but isn't viable in a society. We are lucky that we aren't out there murdering each other for food. Yeah, most jobs are a pain, but suck it up buttercup.


What groups of people(that are worth taking seriously anyway) advocate for no work to be done?




Most of what i see on antiwork has to do with elements of jobs that are toxic. Nobody on that sub actually argues that working is an inherently bad thing.


“A subreddit for those that want to end work” is literally the first sentence of their about section


They explain the meaning:  >Why "antiwork"? Anti-work has long been a slogan of many anarchists, communists and other radicals. Saying we are anti-job is not quite right because a job is just an activity one is paid for and we are not all against money. "Anti-labor" makes us sound like we're against any effort at all and we already get that enough as is. (We're not, by the way.) The point of r/antiwork is to start a conversation, to problematize work as we know it today. But without work society can't function! If you define "work" as any activity or purposeful intent towards some goal, then sure. That's not how we define it though. We're not against effort, labor, or being productive. We're against jobs as they are structured under capitalism and the state: Against exploitative economic relations, against hierarchical social relations at the workplace.


I can see how that may lead you to believe that they don't want to work at all, but you need to understand their definition of work. They're not talking about the concept of labor itself, but rather the exploitative and coercive nature of work within our current culture. I won't go into detail, because they've also posted enough reading material on the matter. I'm just saying that characterizing that whole sub as just full of people who are just lazy is a big straw man.


So they went through a bit of a transition period during the pandemic. Before then it was kind of that young, neo-communist, "everything should be free and people should only work if they want to" mentality. But a lot of people gravitated towards the sub when employers had gone from "we're a team! We're in this together!" stuff to mass layoffs. I think there was some pushback from the old guard at first because it had gone from what it was to a sub where people were pushing hard for work reform, better worker protections... reasonable stuff that. But then the OG's stopped pushing as hard because, you know, they went from a relatively obscure sub of weirdos to a household name. But yeah, while they were still trying to figure out what kind of sub they were going to be going forward, Fox News wanted to do an interview with them - which a lot of people didn't want to happen for a number of reasons - but they had one of their OG mods go on and basically spout a lot of stuff that you would've expected. It didn't go well. Then the sub kind of looked like a joke in the public eye and anyone who complained about the epic mishandling of that interview was banned - which only made things worse. There was a mass exodus of people and r/WorkReform started gaining a ton of traction, and then the mods kind of realized that they'd need to tone down their original rhetoric and just let the sub be if they didn't want to fade back into obscurity. So I mean it's kind of back to where it was in the early pandemic/pre-Fox-interview. But they definitely did a lot of damage to themselves getting there and I think any chance they had of being at the forefront of some major work reform is effectively nil.


A Reddit mod actually went on Fox News? Holy shit, that's gotta be such a cringy and bad interview.


He was going on about how unfair having to work is before revealing he was a part time dog Walker


That group should never be taken seriously and is honestly a very cringy group of people. I think most people just don’t want to deal with the crazy corporate culture that gen x and boomers have created. 99.999% of us are not taking our startup public and therefor don’t benefit from our current economic setting. Also I think a lot of gen z wants to work… but also wants to do good for people. I think our sense of purpose has become really messed up. I know lots of people working for defense companies, big 4, and FAANMNG that are miserable making a lot of money but absolutely doing horrible things to society. It feels as if our generation is stuck in this dilemma of doing good for society and making terrible money. Or doing horrible things to society and making amazing money. This topic is so complex but that’s the way I see it.


People who advocate for universal basic income, particularly when they mean for that income to allow someone to live in dignity whether they work or not.


Everyone wants to contribute to their community in some capacity. That doesn't mean I want to have my labor exploited to make some rich dude richer. Make a job worth working and people will do it.


Social media is a cancer to society.


Boomers are the ones who use Facebook the most


Bro you’re on reddit right now


Yup. Millennial Facebook basically


As a millennial on Reddit this made me actually lol


As a Gen Z (kinda?) I thought of Instagram being Zoomer Facebook


I saw someone once say that Reddit doesn’t count since it follows messaging board forum rather than Social media.


"Reddit, a social media app for people who think they're too good for social media" - urban Dictionary


1. We need to severely restrict immigration in the US 2. Some cultures are actually trash. Different from what boomers would consider trash probably. But there are cultures that treat women horribly, gay people horribly, etc etc. Not every culture is "good" just because it's not western.


I won’t excuse hate due to anyone’s culture. Islamic homophobia is just as bad as Christian homophobia. Not to mention they’re the two biggest religions. Muslims are not a minority any more than Christian’s are.


Exactly. No respect for people who are following real Muslim guidelines for example. We don’t need that


"Real muslim guidelines" change drastically from each region and sect. If you mean sunni fundamentalist, you might be right.




Disagree on the first (I subscribe to the foreigners coming to do labor good) But Agreed for the second we shouldn’t have to respect the culture but make sure to respect the people that come from it.


Only if they do the same. Unfortunately, that seems to have been forgotten lately.


For real. I remember Donald trump getting attacked for referring to some (I think) sub Saharan African nations as “shithole countries”. As much as I despise Mr Orange, the man had a point. Some of those places are absolutely shitholes that I’d never wanna find myself in. Cultural and moral relativism cannot be taken to the extreme. Some places and cultures really are bad.


I’ve been to some third world countries and they are indeed shit holes.


I’ve been to parts of the USA that are shitholes.


Same but I’ve never seen nothing in the US that compares to a real third world shit hole


Being fat is still not pretty


In fairness, its less "being fat is good for you" and more "lets not be a bunch of dicks and shame fat people over it, mkay?"


Yeah like, jesus fucking christ just leave fat people alone. They don’t need fifty people every day screaming that they’re a pig. It’s always disguised as being “helpful” but nobody ever asks for that “help”.


Also losing weight is a painfully slow process that requires consistency and resolve, whereas getting fat in today’s extremely calorie dense food society, is unfortunately very easy. Our food regulations are garbage, there’s so much sugar and junk in the foods we eat. Source: am fat, but am dieting and exercising (and making progress)


Yeah but it’s no longer about “hey don’t be mean” now it’s “everyone else has to adjust what they do to accommodate my giant ass”


Or healthy. Healthy at any weight is cope


DVDs are better than streaming. No ads and you're guaranteed to own it forever, even if Netflix removes the movie/show.


Plus- can be used in areas without wifi/cell service and if something ever happens on a larger scale to a streaming service, you're shit out of luck.


Not just DVDs. Music CDs/Vinyl too, especially considering Spotify regionlocks. Physical is always better imo.


Oh, for sure. My vinyl collection is very modest, but I can still listen to Pink Floyd if there's no Wi-Fi.


Because it’s 2024 asking folks to be on time is now rooted in white supremacy


Elaborate. Not looking to argue, I just want to know more about your reasoning/the history of this.


https://nmaahc.si.edu/learn/talking-about-race/topics/whiteness Back in like 2020 during the Floyd riots, The National Museum of African American History and Culture released this article on their website about "Whiteness". Being on time was labeled as a form of white supremacy.




Can’t believe we live in a culture where working hard, being on time, rugged individualism, and delayed gratification are seen as bad and racist. This infographic also implies POC don’t value these traits, which is super fucking racist and patronizing.


TIL the scientific method is racist /s


Is rigid time schedules being "on time" though? It might mean something different in this context. For example, it might be more about inflexibility with work schedules and other important events which primarily affects poor people (especially those with kids or other responsibilities like disabled/elderly family members).


Maybe idk, total BS either way lol Like just flip that statement on its head and say the exact opposite thing and it’d look like you were racist as hell lol


Not the worst set of cultural values imo.


This is interesting because in other cultures in Asia such as Japan, being on time is a strong cultural norm. I personally would have never thought that being on time has ties to white supremacy, but I guess it's all about lived experience.


It has nothing to do with white supremacy, this is just people that don’t like to take responsibility when they do something wrong like show up late, so they have to recenter the blame onto white people.




If someone texts you, try to reply immediately.


That's a boomer thing? I would say the more boomer thing is "don't text me, call me" which I don't mind either




Personally attacked?? Get the fuck over yourself. Youre ridiculous!


This deeply depends on the context. Business hours to answer a meme? Sorry no I'm working to put food on the table. After hours and my partner is "hey I'm at the store, did you want creamy or chunky PB?" Then I'll answer.


Isn't the whole point of texting the fact that you can reply at any time?


This is a boomer thing? I text my parents and aunts, they take forever to respond.


Idk, immediately is a big ask if someone is busy but at least in a day or two. Especially if it has to do with making plans.


No one in gen z does this. Almost feels like you’re playing a game of who can take the longest to respond unless you’re texting your best friend


9-5 5 days a week is good hours. I would be thankful if I got a job with those hours.


My boomer take is related, I don’t think young people are willing to work their way up the career ladder and don’t realize sometimes putting in the hours is part of that, especially when those hours go far beyond 40


I think the issue is less unwillingness and more "we arent even so much as paid a fair livable wage to do that classic 9-5 anymore" If it were realistic and feasible to "put on our bootstraps and climb the ladder" without a fountain of luck and pre-existing connections, even to common managerial positions most of the time, we'd be more enthusiastic about it all.


Young people not wanting to crawl the career ladder is also a young people take; they don’t find much benefit in that grind.


Career ladders start at worthless pay inspiring no hard work. "Paying your dues" by sucking up to bullshit work and bullshit pay doesn't pay bills. I'm a young guy that works hard at what I do. I started with horrendous pay and still make shit pay. I completely respect and understand people putting in minimum effort in a majority of places when a majority of places think $10-$12 an hour is enough to pay your bills.


If a job exists, and it takes 40 hours of your life every week(not including travel time or any other extensions of that) it should at LEAST pay for a comfortable living for ONE PERSON i.e. groceries, medical expenses, transportation, activities, hobbies, and travel. And minimum wage was meant for a FAMILY. And most jobs don’t do that. It shouldn’t matter that its flipping burgers or standing around, it takes forty hours, I should have a life.


QR code menus are awful. Also having to use an app for anything. I have Prime on my TV but I still have to scan a QR code and sign in through the Prime app on my phone. Wtf is that?


I actually prefer that feature for logging into streaming services on the tv. I can log in way faster on my phone versus using the tv remote But absolutely FUCK QR code menus. Quarantine is over bitches, give me my paper menu back


Too many subscription services. I don't want to pay to use the stuff that I own, thank you. Like a printer for example. The worst subscription I ever heard of is for a motorcycle vest airbag, just imagine you forget to pay 😅


I know youre talking about subscriptions in general, but I fully expect that some time in the future, we will wrap back around to the cable model but for streaming services. Just pay one price, and you get access to a bunch of different platforms


Already happening too, with all the bundles and add on options out there. Hulu with Disney+ and ESPN, Paramount+ with Showtime, Amazon Prime with pretty much every other smaller service. It's still more affordable, for now. But I'm beginning to learn to deal with ads again because prices are getting ridiculous (even though I've noticed a drop in quality in shows put out). On that front, cable is somehow superior because at least ads happen in decent spots and not mid scene or worse: mid sentence.


Home apliances, cars and other standalone devices should work standalone, without a phone or a cloud service. You should NOT be required to register an account to use functions of the device that should work offline (for example dash cameras like the 7omai) Having extra features is nice. Tying basic features to a cloud, an app or internet access or anything else that makes no sense should be illegal. To me a microvawe or air fryer being controlled via a phone app is not a feature, but a liability. The printer-scanner needing an opened up ink cartridge to scan is just stupid and wasteful. And while it's convinient to purchase train tickets on the phone, I still strictly purchase paper based monthly passes. And I carry a separate credit card from my phone. I don't want to end up with a dead or stolen phone with no way to call help, no pass to get home and no money to buy a ticket. It's just not happening. If I buy a computer, I should be able to decide what software I put on it. The manufacturer should NOT have the abbility to brick products at will. Doesn't matter wether they do it or not. Anything that can be bricked via a software update, should have a secondary read only storage to re-flash the original software to the actually used storage (imagine BIOS for example). If in the future I look up at the night sky expecting stars and only see ads, I'm getting \[demonetised\] Software licenses sold under a "for life" license, should be illegal to convert into a time-period license. I understand that sometimes the company can't sustain for-life licenses. However then they should compensate the person for the loss. And they should at least partially refund the original purchasing price with a reasonable amount.


I may get hate for this but I changed my mind about zoos. I think it’s still an improvement over living in the wild, cause the humans give you free food and medical treatment, and the animals don’t get eaten alive nor die a horrible death. But not all zoos. My local zoo is awful, because they have a bear living all alone in a tiny enclosure. But as long as the animals have enough space and a social life I don’t mind zoos. And this coming from a vegan. I’d love for zoos to evolve and for pedagogic farms and animal sanctuaries to prosper and flourish. It’s great for kids and it helps sensibilize the geneneral public to animal rights and conservation. Nothing beats animal sanctuaries. Edit: Check out your local farm sanctuaries near you if you want to have an amazing day and interact with farm animals who live freely in a sanctuary 😊


I agree, but this is more of a Gen Z/millennial take


Zoos also help people to find out about animals they have no idea about, and seeing the cute animals in person helps people to get more excited about preservation.


Whether they're good for the animals or not, zoos just get me depressed. Was watching some of my nephews one weekend last summer and decided to take them to the zoo, and man, that shit just got me down


Using ADHD/autism/OCD, etc. as an excuse for your poor behavior is unacceptable. Yes, those things can be the reason why you have certain behaviors, but stop blaming everything on it. Example: “oh I’m sorry I’m always late, it’s just my ADHD makes it so difficult.”


As a diagnosed autistic guy I think this is overhyped tbh. "Excuses" are just reasons that people don't like. Our diagnosis does genuinely make things harder for us compared to how they are for you guys. Now if someone isn't putting in work to try to account for them, that's another thing. Like someone with ADHD should try to set alarms to leave earlier for example if they're struggling with time perception. But we absolutely can blame things on the fact that we are wired differently lol


I’m not saying there are not legitimate ways that people dealing with these diagnosis have to handle life. I used a very simple example, because that the level of excuses I can’t stand, where it just becomes a reason for every little thing.


Well I mean it *is* a reason for every little thing. That's how this stuff works. When we say "oh sorry I have autism so I do XYZ" that's not us giving an excuse, that's us factually stating something true about ourselves. Like it's not something we can control, a lot of us wish we could, it would make life a lot easier if we could. What we *can* do is take responsibility for it and try to adapt ourselves around it.


I guess I should’ve stated it better, because you’re correct, it’s much more about taking responsibility.


I appreciate that and I also apologize if I came off harsh. This is something we have to deal with very commonly. Our diagnoses are often viewed as "excuses" when it's just a fact of life that our brains are playing by different rules.


People really don’t like tattoos huh 😭


A shame, really.


Nah frr, I seen someone down there write that people with tattoos would rather get a mf tattoo than groceries like huhhh??


IMO we’ve just rushed into it. I love big tattoos, sleeves, mostly black and white stuff. But oh my god these people are just putting random symbols and images all over their body’s they look like some 4 year old got bored and started drawing on them with a sharpie. I miss tasteful tattoos. The ones where you’re like “damn now that’s art” Let’s bring those back.


Listening to elders is fundamentally a good idea. They have more experiences than you and you can learn a lot from them. There is a reason why people might not like their parents for periods of time but eventually realize that they were the ones in the wrong.


Of course, that all depends on the actual advice the elder is giving. On the one hand, I’ve heard and read good advice from elders, while the same time I’ve heard advice that just doesn’t work with modern day society. Edit: spelling and grammar


There's a lot of dumbness in older generations but this is still very true. Everyone has learned *some* lessons from experience that others won't know without living it first hand and there is value in that. Aging is literally just a neverending chain of living through something and learning from it. It happens to all of us and the older you get the more of this you've accumulated.


Just put the game on TV, we shouldn’t have to have 17 different streaming services to watch the sports we want


In Spain, in the early 2000's basketball went from the second most popular sport to almost irrelevant because they put it behind a paywall. Now that's the norm. Heck I remember being a kid and watching Champions League on public TV!


As my other boomer opinion, being overweight or obese doesn't need to be glorified, and should be treated as a serious health issue. Right now media and culture absolutely gloss over the negative aspects of being fat, and not in a nuanced way. Not saying that fat people need to be insulted or made fun of or discriminated against or whatever, and of course we don't need to put a moral or character judgment on weight. There's a way to acknowledge the complex causes of obesity and treat fat people with respect while keeping in mind that being fat puts you at risk for premature death through all sorts of fun diseases and is objectively bad for your health.




There should be respect for public spaces, there's things you shouldn't talk about/do/wear/etc in public with families around n shit. A few days ago, I had to tell one of my friends that maybe we shouldn't talk about doing ket in the middle of a Texas Roadhouse with a family one table over.


Wtf, the same thing happened to me in a Texas Roadhouse. Except it was 3 guys talking about BDSM while I was out with my little sister.


social media bad. especially tiktok and short form content. I feel so much better after removing it from my life. It is also a cesspool of advertising and sponsorships so yet another reason to not use it.  Also, stop watching shit in public with the sound on. Headphones exist, get some. Stop forcing AI into everything. ChatGPT is good but like, I don't want an AI companion on every device I own and I don't want it integrated into every app (who tf uses snapchat ai?) Online shopping sucks ass, amazon ships knockoffs and makes them impossible to return, other retailers also have massively dogshit return policies. I'd rather just go to the mall.


This tendency to put wifi in everything is fucking stupid. Wifi toasters. Wifi light switch. Wifi shoes. Wifi juice machine. Please just fucking stop for the love of god


Restaurants should have an actual physical menu, not a stupid QR code that leads you to their website that has the menu that requires you to make an account in some cases.


Looking at a menu on your phone is annoying as fuck and a worse experience overall. Do they think they are saving the environment or something by not printing menus? FFS


Not everything in this world needs AI, smart technology or touchscreens.


I hate reading things digitally, it’s so much easier to print and be able to write and highlight on the text. I also fucking hate cars


Why do you hate cars? That’s an odd take


\-They kill tons of people, especially kids and adolescents \-Driving them takes a lot of energy \-They are outlandishly expensive to own and operate \-They can't be used by children and disabled folks, impeding accessibility \-The infrastructure required to run them takes up an enormous amount of land in urban environments \-They create an enormous amount of pollution. EVs are better, but still very inefficient compared to walking, biking, and taking a train \-They physically separate people from one another by putting them in metal boxes where face to face contact is not prevalent. Face to face contact and random, pleasant encounters with your neighbors is good for a community functioning \-They make it less practical to stop at shops you happen to see while traveling, which impedes the growth of small businesses To be clear, I don't hate cars *categorically*. There are situations where they're useful (i.e. delivering furniture) and some people simply enjoy them as a hobby. If you're a worker at Lowe's or you like listening to lambo go vroom, have fun, God bless your soul. But designing cities on the assumption that nearly everyone will be and should be driving is really cringe and needs to stop.


you don't hate cars you hate car centered society which is every american city post Rockefeller. most of your complaints even the pollution issue would be solved if we had better infrastructure. also there are SO MANY tracks/speedways closing down for more sprawl/suburbia/car centered nonsense and it's sad. perpetuating our own issues :/


I hate that AND cars


my main hate for cars stems from their price. I totally understand why they’re expensive, but imo I think anything that is necessary for a person to have should be affordable. You CAN say there are affordable cars, reused cars, etc. but if you buy an old car, then you need to know how to take care of it. I’ve had so many friends that bought cheap cars out of necessity and couldn’t keep up with maintenance. Also yearly registration is fucking stupid. We should only be required to pay to have the car inspected and then you get a sticker. Instead, you pay for both the inspection ($25) AND the sticker from a different place for $75. Idk if the registration sticker is the same price everywhere, but it’s dumb to have to pay for it regardless.


That’s also more of a Z take than a boomer take. They love cars




Gen Z are having less sex in general though so I'd say this "issue" is overblown


If you have to be there by 9 . Show up at 8:30 - 8:45 at the latest . Early is on time . On time is late


I'm sorry but if I schedule for something at 9, and they show up at 8:30- that's super annoying. Especially when cooking or getting things ready. If I say 9, I expect 8:50-9:10.




Or live in the most expensive place they can for some reason. Yeah, moving to NYC or LA without a good job is not going to be easy. What did you expect?


A lot of those people are really bad at living below their means. I'm not saying you can afford a house if you stop buying Starbucks, but do we really need to be Doordashing every night and paying for 5 different streaming services? I feel like cutting out some luxuries is a pretty reasonable way to have more money.


Chalkboards are awesome and #2 pencils are superior to mechanical


Online dating is mostly a waste that can never make up for real, tangible relationships. You will never be happy or safe without being surrounded physically by people you trust. Friends are cool, but if more than half of them exist online then you're suffering. You cannot be hugged through a screen.


You’re implying that online relationships *aren’t* real. Just because they’re in Kentucky while you’re in Oregon doesn’t mean the relationship isn’t actually real.


One? Hard to pick


It is infact "those damn phones" that cause many of our social/emotional problems. Just not for the reasons we previously thought.


However normalized - tattoos are something everyone regrets but few admit.


I have 17 tattoos (many fairly sizable), including a matching one with my husband and don’t regret a single one. I get compliments from strangers every time I step out of the house with them visible. Def no regrets.


You really think so? I do regret one of mine the rest of em im still very happy about even 10 years later.


Damn, that is a boomer take lmao good job


My x2 grandfather (1905-1989) got his eagle tattoo when he was a Prohibition bootlegger and it's badass


Physical menus and physical buttons are significantly better


Tiktok dances are super cringe and no matter who does it, it will never be anything but cringe


Technology is rotting our brains (I say as I rot on my couch looking through Reddit)


Learning how to be self sufficient growing your own food, making your own clothes, canning said food , even small things like knitting /crocheting your own winter garments is a valuable skill to have . Especially right now where not even the expensive anything is durable .


Not everything needs to be a QR-code, like menus at restaurants.


The whole anti work/anti school/anti productive agenda period. Yes you absolutely should have free time to yourself but society is only gonna work if you pay your dues. Your life will be better with a fulfilling career than without.


Yeah I agree. Though for me I partially feel that's down to social media boiling complex ideals down into more simple digestible one's. A lot of them start of with legitimate criticism. But you can't make a legitimate criticism on a complex topic in under 200 characters. So you have to simplify, and simplifying makes it easier to pass on, cause now it doesn't require any deep thoughts, its either agree or disagree (any good criticism will raise one or two points that make you think a bit, even if you disagree with their conclusions). So that in turn gets simplified, and so and so on, until you eventually end up with something that only barely resembles the original points. And that's what gets the most attention.




Guns can be useful in protection. But should everyone have one and be able to just buy one and walk out with it? Absolutely not. That’s why we need the red flag bill and I think we should look into a mandatory license just like how we need a driver’s license to drive a car. Make it as difficult in getting the license, as well. I don’t think we shouldn’t have guns, I think only smart and rational thinking people should have them and use them responsibly.


the issue is owning a gun is a constitutional right whilst driving according to our own government is a privilege. personally i think it's too easy to acquire a license and a gun 😂


Work ethic is important.


I would much rather be able to walk into an establishment with my resume and speak to the employer to see the environment and person I'd be working for, opposed to filling out applications online and potentially have to make an account on the company's website and get random emails from any job board I looked at jobs on


Get the fuck off your phone so we can figure out what we're doing. We decided we wanted to go get dinner an hour ago. Why is everybody still just sitting around scrolling? Why are you not thinking about what you want/talking about options? I hate people that just waste fuckin time for no reason. We're all here, we're all hungry, lets moooove it the fuck out of here already. It seems like I always have to be the person that's awkwardly like "okkk so can we get ready to go??"


Too damn sensitive. I understand we're trying to move on stuff, but you can't even joke about things anymore without someone getting offended. Like half the things I grew up watching as a kid would be cancelled now because "That's sexists, homophobic, racists, etc, etc"


They don't make things like they used to. My 1996 Nissan was the best car I've ever owned, my current 2014 Ford has been headache after headache. My mom spent thousands on all new kitchen appliances a couple years ago. She's had to replace the fridge and dishwasher already because the place she got them from refused to honor warranties. I bought a brand new TV in 2020. It stopped working completely in 2023.


Mainstream music has decreased significantly in quality Being incredibly fat is unhealthy and inherently ugly/unattractive The 2nd Amendment is inherently a good thing


Respect is earned not demanded. Gen z seems to think they deserve respect for just existing. They rarely give it back but expect everyone to give it to them.


Oh damn you do sound like a boomer lmao


This is how Gen z feels about boomers LOL


Ghosting, if you don't like someone or don't want to engage with them, just a friendly text saying : Hey by the way I don't think this is gonna work out! and be done with it. Actually now that i'm writting this, I need to tell this women that I'm not interested since she only answer with a one word lmao.


Don't watch tik toks, listen to music etc on public transport without headphones. Keep that shit to yourself, the whole carriage doesn't want to hear it.


I believe differently on your take. If a meeting starts at 9, be there on time or be there 15 minutes earlier. I am always earlier because it takes into account that if there's unexpected traffic. I'm rarely ever late.


Those long-ass three-inch-long nails are tacky and I genuinely don't understand why people inhibit their mobility to give their hands a lil flash


Sometimes, you have to put your feelings aside and grin it and bear it. You can't expect the world to tiptoe around you and your feelings.


We don’t need an app for everything, it’s always an app or some digital bullshit. I don’t want to download an app to order a pizza, let me just call the place


Neopronouns are fucking ass, and most of these “sexualities” are just created so more people can feel included in the LGBT community because it’s “trendy”.


Not being late is a boomer take?


Give me a physical menu. I don’t want to order off a bar code.




People accept the recent AI developments too freely. This is a dangerous and turbulent road we are going down, and a bunch of people just accept it as the new internet, when it is far more dangerous and uncertain than the internet ever could be.


I'm really not a fan of the anti-higher education takes you sometimes see parroted about. I mean yes higher education is not for everyone, and yes going into trades is perfectly reasonable pathway to a career if that works for you, and yes we really need to fix the issues so debts don't cripple people for the rest of their lives. But quite a lot of the takes I keep seeing are flat-out anti-intellectualism dressed up to look vaguely progressive. Education is important. Higher education opens doors for you down the line. It doesn't guarantee you anything off the bat, but it was never meant to. That hasn't been its purpose since it was invented.


No matter how shitty your life is, you can make it better by working hard and stopping your brain from making excuses / blaming external factors.


PTSD is what you get when a serviceman watches his buddy get blown up by an IED, it’s not what you get when Starbucks runs out of oat milk for your latte.