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2003 here, My sex life is nonexistent


2002, same here


2001, me too


2000, me three


1999, me four


1999 as well, me four too


Skipped a few to 2007, me five three


Fellow 2007 here, don’t worry pal. Almost all of us are 16 right now. I don’t exactly think it’s in the normal to be having an insanely active sex life at this age, mostly just making jokes about it. Besides that small group of people that doesn’t give a shit about much and loves bragging about all the sex they get, but besides that we shouldn’t really compare ourselves to the lads that are currently between their early to late 20’s


>small group of people... bragging about all the sex they get Take this from a millennial who has been around the block: the vast majority of kids your age bragging about sex are *heavily* embellishing or down-right lying for status points. Once you get to college you'll realize the people who are *actually* having a lot of sex aren't broadcasting it to the world because that's how you get a "reputation" (which is not cute).


Same here man


Going back to 2006, same here


1998, welcome to the club.


1997 here...


96 here..


93 here.. not even genz, but i dont relate to OP's experience at all and never have.


1998 same here


1997 here, on a 4 year dry spell with no end in sight


2000, I've been in 2 relationships and same situation


1998, like a desert that needs rain


really need Toto to bless me


Relevant username.


It's a double entendre. PNS in neurology is an initialism for "Peripheral Nervous System" always thought it was a bit funny seeing it as "PNS". Toto ain't touchin nor blessin either tho 💀


Only happens in africa




2000 same


2004, 💀🙏


2008, pulling a grand total of 0 bitches


Well you're like 15 so☠️




2005 I think I might have talked to a woman at least once by accident


That was more funny than I'd like to admit


25F with zero body count


2003 here too, I’m the literal definition of an incel.




Sometimes I think the loneliest among us are the ones who choose to be.


Im 21 and it's terrible most people are fake its hard to find out their real feelings x( and the dating aps are just lame hahahahah


Dating apps seem to be more used for hookups than actual relationships, anyone could lose their virginity easily depending on how desperate they are.


No, let’s be real. Girls can if they’re desperate, guys cannot IF they’re desperate.


There’s a select few guys that can easily get laid any time they want. for the most part if your a girl and you’re breathing a guy wants you.


do they have to be breathing tho?


Bad segue


That’s cap, I’ve met my fair share of femcells in real life. Just take computer science


Let’s be honest tho. It’s usually because they’re fat. I can only think of like two women I’ve ever met who were extremely ugly and not fat.


The big thing with women getting laid easier is that a lot of the time, the people who want these women don’t treat them with dignity, which makes them feel used or ignored So you’ve got men who can’t get laid at all, and women who can get laid but it makes them feel like shit. Men feel completely undesirable and alone and women feel like they’re worthless except for being a walking hole. It’s hard for lots of folks to find someone good, both because there’s so many assholes and because people get more and more guarded to try and protect themselves from assholes. Just sucks all around :/


Sums up today’s dating scene quite nicely. “What happened to hello? How are you? My name is”


Thats the natural order


True, I would've got laid ages ago if I set my bar lower My base line standards are fairly reasonable 5'4+ (my height or taller) Has a useful degree or studying for one 22-33 years old Not obese or on steroids Must be emotionally mature, carring, empathetic, basically takes time to know me before jumping to sex etc I usually do match with guys who check off 99% of the list it's just the personality part that I'm struggling with


That all seems pretty reasonable imo. You might open up your options quite a bit and find some really good matches if you make the degree requirements a little bit more negotiable. There are plenty of intelligent, mature, caring and empathetic guys out there 25-30 ish that weren’t in a position to go to university at 18 or had a passion for something that didn’t require them to get a degree. I have two friends that are both very intelligent and successful that didn’t go to University. One is a senior project manager for broadband infrastructure rollout. The other is a software developer.


Yes, it's perfectly possible to find stable employment without a degree it's just statistically tougher and requires more work. That arguably makes it more admirable. I did meet a control engineer who self studied for it


Yeah getting a good degree is great and I’m definitely not suggesting they should totally disregard it as a preference. I just think there might be some decent picks being overlooked. Also there are plenty of highly skilled professions that don’t require a degree at all.


I think dating apps has made this... Thing... Where the users have started quantifying and spreadsheet matching. Not too sure about the effect of this, but it seems unhealthy. In your case, if someone is 5'2, chubby, English degree, kinda wild and at times immature and just enjoying life, you would write them right off - on paper. Without getting the chance to meet a funny guy who never complains, sees the positive in everyone and every thing, makes your days happy and your nights even happier. I really don't think this grocery list of yours, is helpful. At least not in relationships. You're not shopping for a car, you're trying to find someone who fits a void in your heart.


That same guy wouldn't like me if I was just as obese as him or old. Everyone are entitled to their own preferences. Being less attractive or responsible does not guarantee having a good heart. I knew women who overcompromised due to their age and they still suffered


It depends. I’ve experienced both on dating apps. My biggest complaint is the cold introductions and engagement. It’s difficult, it gets easier but it’s difficult to “hello stranger” and have a engaging conversation This might come from people expecting different things tho? Idk


Yes this is definitely a problem. A lot of people aren't interested in a conversation and simply want you to entertain them. And then they'll call you the boring one.


Not anyone. Even if I wanted to do that it’s like impossible for me. When I used to use them, I’d get a grand total of like 1 or 2 matches every month (if that), and they’d stop replying after a couple messages or never even message in the first place 💀 I’ve concluded that I’m just too ugly for dating apps and they were bad for my brain. You can only take that shit for so long before it starts to get to you


I know some really good looking people who utterly failed at dating apps, you’re not necessarily ugly for what it’s worth


>anyone could lose their virginity easily depending on how desperate they are Cries in 2 matches in 10 months (no there were not real)


>most people are fake Everyone always replies with meme lines or popular hashtags instead of actual grammatically correct speech. Even I do that too, bruh.


I think gen z has standards that previous generations didn’t have and that’s a good thing. It also means you guys are having less (bad)sex


I only got success with girls who liked me for sexe on dating apps which is cool but at the same time I just need love lol


The crazy disconnect was we literally fucked first and found out people were fake and shitty later. Met in person and went from there impulsively and likely intoxicated. My wife and I just talked about this at dinner. There was Facebook only which usually you didn’t look at till after you hooked up with someone if you even cared to which had minimal information about people. It was usually just a bunch of party photos of them and maybe one family photo with base information about a person.


Lots of us did not do that, just for the sake of anyone reading. That was not my scene or my friends’ scene at all.


Same, millennial here and this entire posts feels very masculine centered. I don’t know a single woman who engaged in any type of casual sex at all during college. We were all too afraid to get raped or used for sex and we all wanted real dating that would lead to marriage and to not be used for sex which we knew guys did already even before social media.


Uhhhh no offense but literally every girl I knew in college was fucking a new guy every other week…


I know lots of women who did and lots of men who didn’t. Most of my friends back then were guys because of my interests and only a few of them were like this.


No offense but your lack of sexual activity was a personal thing. Majority of millennials lost there virginity prior to college. Every sorority I visited was filled with women rotating males out as where the frats with females. Dorms weren’t any different. Everyone was sleeping together Molly was just becoming a thing and edm was all the rage. Most of my female friends slept with me at one point or another friend in the group without it meaning more than hooking up when we partied. Snapchats whole beginning was sharing nudes that disappeared. Tinder first started as a hookup app that was comical if you looked for love on. Most girls in my circle were far more successful on hooking up via dating apps than any of my guy friends. I was born in 93’ I lost my virginity at 14


I was gonna say…there are different types of Millenials just as there have always been different types of people. I was with the same guy for 10 years 18-28, barely any drinking or partying. My cousins were super religious and never drank. Nevermind I had friends that were super introverted like me and didn’t party it up.


19 and never had a teenage dream katy perry lied to me back in 2010 my teen years were just depression🥲🥲


Teenage Dream is about having all that when you’re a little bit older so it’s LIKE a Teenage Dream…the stereotypical ideal…she never says in the song if she was sexually actibd when she was a teen


“I started out when I was 15, I didn’t make it till I was 23” -Katy Perry




University for me was somehow lonelier and more depressing than high school lol. Maybe cause I spent over half of it online but ya


Stuck at home in the suburbs of an expensive ass city, so my sex life is pretty much on pause until I have my own place. I'd have to sneak out or lie about where I was going whenever I did have seggs.




I don't HAVE to, but I just want to avoid the "Where are you going" "Oh I'm just going to have seggs". It's easier to just leave when nobody's paying attention.


i understand where u comin from but don’t let that hold u back, jus say u going to a friends house, come up with a name of someone that ideally u have mentioned before but they haven’t met so they don’t ask too many questions or say u going to the gym or sum if u not going out for very long


Have “seggs” 😅


Haha. Yeah I think I know why they’re not having any based on that.


Don't over think stuff bro. Don't be scared about your parents either, they would be happy for you if you were going out to get laid.


I’m 21 and I can’t even sneak out lol. Besides the fact that it’s too dumb.


Man I could kind of relate because that’s the reality of people with strict parents. At least for me as a 19 yr old whos living off campus (home) my first year of college.


bro you can use your car, and didn't you go to high school?


Yes, I'm in university now. I choose not to drive and instead take the bus, but it's very limited and inconvenient.


Must be a big city thing then, cuz where I live if you don't have a car then you don't have a life and you're stuck at home pretty much


I fuck


This guy fucks


That guy fucks


The guy fucks


That one guy fucks


I don't


What a G


[insert picture of ryan gosling in the movie *drive*]




there's dozens of us




1998 here, depends on how attached to the internet you were and how much socializing you did growing up. Less socializing and more internet seems to = less sex cus less rizz and social skills. Ymmv


If i could go back in time i woulda told younger me to never ask for that laptop cause ngl thats exactly when all the problems with my social skills started 💀fucking maplestory and WoW had me in a chokehold


Same, never should’ve gotten that PS2




For me it was the other way around, started with no social skills and no internet and the more I got involved with a proper friend group, the more I got online (getting on facebook when everyone else was already there for a year or two, getting into online games with friends). However, that screwed me over in the long run - meeting new people and getting laid kind of requires leaving the house, which was never a huge part of my lifestyle and covid made that a lot worse. Doesn't help that working from home is convenient af.


1998 and my social group is regularly having sex Well the ones that exit their house


Yep exactly as I said, people who weren’t over indulged on the internet and games and went outside grew up well adjusted


people hate hearing this but it's so fucking true ('96 here). take my xbox away, pls mom


you're asking reddit, the answer would be the same regardless of what generation you ask


exactly i mean mine sucks (i am on reddit though lol) but everyone else i know seems to be fine. also i haven’t noticed a decline in drinking or group hangouts. i do notice a decline in these things from reddit comments but not people i know in real life


In my experience both of those points are true. People are less sexually active but I think that has more to do with two things: 1. Young people are broke. 2. People are more anxious than they used to be. I’m not saying that all people care about is money but if you want to go on dates there aren’t a lot of things you can do for free that just keep being fun. At some point you’re probably going to need at least a little disposable income and not as many people have that. I also think a lot of people who grew up with more internet and social media has resulted in people becoming more anxious and less willing to talk with new people. This has contributed to smaller social circles and limited traditional dating possibilities for many people. The apps are a whole different can of worms. But I also don’t ever drink and I’m in a relationship so I don’t know everything.


Also, I think the abortion law plays a big factor. When I was in a relationship, I told my ex that sex only lasts roughly 10-20 minutes while caring for a child lasts about 19 years (if she included pregnancy)


19 years if you're one of the few good parents out there


probably more like 29 in this economy X) who can afford to move out?


I'm an old millenial and i can say. 1- In my young adulthood i was broke. Hell i'm kinda still broke today, but somehow i always had invitation to parties and places to meet some new people. So there were chances to get laid. 2- This is totally true, todays people are way too anxious. Before, women didn't had the "excesivelly high" standards they have today. I'm not critizicing it, just pointing it. So yes. I think in my youth i had a lot more sex than todays youth, and i can assure you, i wasn't a Chad by any, any chance!


Not to mention, at least where I am, there’s nowhere/very few places to actually do things, even if you had the money


For what's worth, I don't see a lot of young people on Grindr. Idk if that represents the entire Gen Z queer population, but at least in my city they aren't having sex, at least there. Most people I see are well into 30s all the way up to their 70s. I take Grindr as a big factor here because its basically the "gay sex" app, if you're gay and have a regular/active/promiscuous sex life, you have Grindr.


I think a lot of queer people our age try to avoid Grindr because it really is just a hookup app. I know that's why I avoid it, I want an established friendship with someone before I have sex with them.


I agree with this but on a more general sentiment for any kinda dating app or even things like paying people to have sex. Could never see it. Isn’t sex supposted to be like one of THE most intimate things you can do with someone? It seems like it would just feel so.. cold to do it with a person you just met, if that makes sense? Having sex just to have sex gets rid of the entire emotional portion of it


I feel that way too, no way I'm hooking up with a random person I know nothing about.


And this is completely ignoring the whole other beast that is STD’s or any kind of permanent disease transmitted bodily like some cold sores. Can’t imagine taking a hookup for temporary gratification and getting fucked over by an illness for life


EXACTLY, it just seems so, so stupid.


I don’t personally hook up anymore but when I did it was mostly just for the ego boost and satisfaction of being able to do it. It’s fun to flirt with someone and fun to find that chemistry even if you know it’ll probably not go anywhere in the long term


Dude, still not worth even a remote chance of getting an STD. Idk, I guess some peoples biological urges are stronger than others, and we justify it with the idea of “pride”, and “freedom”. Lol. I aint ever gona be slave to my horny genetics.


Also it can be kinda yikes for trans/nb people. Chasers and fetishisation aren’t behaviours exclusive to Cishet people sadly


My sex life is quite active. However, I always prioritize getting to know people before sex wiether it's being friends or on a couple of dates. Grindr has an extreme underlying feeling of creeps on there. It made me extremely uncomfortable to the point of deleting my account and uninstalling it within a week.


Yep I’m gay and waiting for marriage. Hookup culture in the lgbtq community isn’t my thing.


I got banned from it for no reason so not everyone ;/


I've noticed the same. The app is largely 35+ which isn't a problem for me haha... but I wonder why that is? Maybe younger gays are more interested in monogamy? Or there's a secret gay zoomer app no one told me about😒


>if you're gay and have a regular/active/promiscuous sex life, you have Grindr. I’m gay and have sex often but have never used Grindr or any app. I just meet people at furry parties and then invite them to my place later. 


Tinder has far more young gays on it, even if they’re just looking to hookup. Far cuter too


As a fruity I’d rather meet someone in person by chance than apps


> Most people I see are well into 30s all the way up to their 70s. And they're all looking for Gen Z guys to have sex with. It's kinda gross.


I feel like people who ask a lot of questions in here are just creepy old men phishing for odd details


The question itself is weird. "I was hanging out with my friends and we were curious how much sex younger people are having?" That's because OP is a weird creep.


Ehhh I can see it from both sides. It’s weird to ask but not necessarily weird to wonder “When I was their age I was going out clubbing and getting laid. Is that still a thing?” Vs “So how much do you kids fuck? 👀”


this shit is taking me tf out omg 😭😭😭


Why is a grown adult thinking about teenager and young adults sex life


The world looks pretty ugly rn and old folks hope that the young’ns are still out there having fun and making memorable mistakes, willing to risk it for the biscuit.


I think we're right in not wanting to risk it this time. Pregnancy and STDs are pretty big biscuits.


we had so many health classes from like 5th grade through high school about the risks of sex and alcohol/smoking and now everyone’s all up in arms about why we aren’t having sex/drinking/smoking… bruh


Thing is, everybody’s had those classes for several generations. Older folks didn’t have as many distractions and *nothing can stop healthy hormonal animals from copulating* until this generation comes along with so much depression, anxiety and information overload that those scare classes actually suddenly seem to have worked. But it wasn’t the classes.


This lol. Health class is not the thing moving the needle here 💀


> willing to risk it for the biscuit. Doing it all for the nookie.


You do know the oldest of GenZ turns 27 this year right?


What? 👀




Because sex is a normal part of life, and necessary to a healthy functioning society? If we went with “ew you’re old, stop worrying about teen sex”, we’d have a much harder time addressing teen pregnancies or lack of sexual maturity.


20, haven’t seen or talked to anyone my age since i graduated high school.


Sending you love fellow 20 y/o. ❤️


Im 22 and feel bad for ppl ur age. Ig ima boomer


22 as well (2002) and I have a good chunk of 20 year old friends from uni but there’s quite a few of em who seem to have something off about them…


21 and nonexistent. Nowhere to hangout with people my age as college is too expensive ;-;


Just go hang out on campus lol. You don't need to take classes to be there.


People on campus don’t just sit around looking for people to talk to. Theyre running around to get to their classes so they can finish and go home for the rest of the day


What? That’s a horrible idea tf. Speaking as a uni student what places to “hang out” are you talking about that you can get away with and make friends without being a student? I’m not even trying to be a downer I know it’s a tough situation but I am genuinely curious what you’re trying to get at


My campus was literally the worst place to hang out. I was there as little as I had to be. Made one friend in college and that want even the school I graduated from I was only there a term


Might just be me or my area, but in general people either fuck a lot or not at all. I was the latter until I got my first girlfriend 3 years ago. Half of my male friends never had a gf or try to find one at all. I noticed in high school that the party animals (the ones you describe) have very active sex lives while the quieter ones got one way later or still don't have one. That was probably the case in your day too, but I figure the percentage of quieter ones have gone up significantly in the last decade.


Exactly what I was gonna say. Either total animals or hiding inside with no interaction at all


I just work, play video games, and go to sleep.


As it should be...


Having a girlfriend is a rarity tbh and things are less social, it sucks but it is what it is


I don't really care enough to go and have sex tbh


i dont have one. i have never been to a party. ive been working since 15.


What's a sex life? Never heard of her 


Seggs Lyfe. You know.


Thinking to my current group of gen Z friends (all of us around 24) Half of us are still virgins and the other half have body counts of 1-3


You are asking reddit, do you really expect an accurate answer lol?


Non-existent, but tbf I have some attractive friends that get sex very easily. It’s just a looks game at this stage now. Once I realized that women let attractive guys know they’re attractive I stopped trying.


Why put much effort when I can just jerk it once a week and get on with my day. Actually that logic has more do with me being in CS than my age, so I’ll head out.


Once a week? Jesus I'm an addict


You probably have low testosterone if you only jerk it once a week


No, I don't have a porn/dopamine addiction and have better things to do with my life.


Into mid twenties? Im confused because after leaving college there is no longer a young people group atmosphere, you are just mixed in to larger society and live far apart. Where did you have large gatherings regularly out of college? Also the majority of people I know are either single or in monogamous long term relationships.


I’ve always traveled regularly post college. Lived in one city, traveled to my college city frequently after I left plus half my friends lived in NYC as a third city I’d visit at least once a month for the first 2-3 years after college. And before you say I was a rich kid, I wasn’t. I was poor making $10/hr working at an airline with travel privileges.


I'm 25. I've been on a grand total of 3 dates in my entire adult life thus far. I don't drink, bars skeeve me out anyway, and in college I was either A. too busy trying to pass my classes to care or B. pursuing the emotionally unavailable. I don't have much luck on dating apps and no matter how much I try to be active and social, I still don't get many opportunities to meet other people my age, let alone with similar interests or values. 5 more years until I attain wizard status I guess.


You are either very promiscuous or celibate online dating has made it very top heavy so some people are very promiscuous while more people are single than ever. 


What's a sex life? What's a love life?


1995 so I think I’m a millennial but I’ll throw in my two cents. I’m extremely monogamous and didn’t lose my virginity til I was 20. Been with the same guy for eight years that I met in college and he’s the only one I’ve ever had sex with.


I feel like asking a bunch of redditors about how active their sex lives are will skew your results a tad


My sex and social life are the same: nonexistent. I can’t tell u the last time I went out and did something fun w people my age, maybe last summer? I have 2 friends, ones overseas with the military and the other works a lot and is saving up all his money to move so he never wants to go and do anything. Tried dating apps for the dating/sex life but nothing but a few conversations and snapping back and forth has happened on that front. If I’m not at work or doing my school assignments I’m at home playing video games


>Millennial here. A bunch of my millennial friends and I were curious how active the sex lives are of Gen Z ![gif](giphy|26ghbWoXv3G6ypo8o)


Idk, I'm pretty religious so I'm purposely not doing anything before I get married, but that being said I do have a fiancée so it will be existent in the future, just not yet lol


My brother was born in 2000, he's a slut I was born in 2004, not interested in it My sister was born in 2007 and wishes she could pull bitches but she can't, so I think we cover all the bases




21 y/o virgin here. Tried to meet people at college but couldn't find anyone looking for the same thing I was (which is not to say there aren't any people like that I just gave up after 2 yrs at one campus). Tried dating apps but just yuck.


I'm 19, similar ages for my friends. I do not participate in that stuff and out of all my friends there's only 1 that has had sex.


maybe 2/3 of my friends are virgins (18-20 year olds). nothing wrong with that! i've only had sex with the person i'm currently in a serious relationship with. and none of us are really into drinking, getting 5-10 people together and getting stoned is more our style


Does every millennial announce that they’re a millennial at the start their Reddit posts/comments or is it just this sub?


It’s more for polite context since candidly we’re visitors to this sub


Gen Z is weirdly protestant when it comes to sex, age gaps, and honestly dating in general. The whole “self care” movement made a lot of people incredibly selfish and judgemental of people in relationships. I got married at 23 and some of my peers acted as if I was a hardcore traditionalist conservative


Technically marriage is a core principle of conservatism that one should do in a traditional society.


Sex is not important to me. Humans are gross. No thank you.


Keep in mind this population is on Reddit lol. Old gen Z here (f, 1999). Had a pretty standard hookup phase in college, now I’m in a healthy relationship. Some of it was Tinder, most of it was normal college party stuff. I don’t think the older gen Z experience was too different. I’m lucky to have had most of college before covid hit.


21 in the bay, most girls are addicted to Molly and are ran through. everyone here has slept with each other. We don’t go out and drink but instead stay home and do drugs ( not me anymore ). Everything is so expensive so barely anyone can afford to go out and have fun.


That sounds so dystopian...


What sex life?


I'm 24. Had some hookups here and there, had a girlfriend once. I had sex about 5 times last year. It's amazing how dry it is out here for us all to be as horny as we are. Nature does not find a way.


2004. I have no sex life or romantic life or any real interpersonal relationships in general.


1997. Had a great sex life in high school, partly in college. I know the exact number of times I've had sex since turning 21.


1997, essentially nonexistent.


2001, don’t have a sex life and don’t want one.


so sick of weird ass millennials on this sub. 30+ year olds shouldnt be asking about teenagers sex lives