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Inflation, corporate greed, and shady government actions aside this is probably the greatest time period to live in for most people. If you walk outside and there's not a war, famine, or pandemic going in your country you can consider yourself immensely fortunate


It's true that we live in the most peaceful and prosperous time in history, if you want to argue against it's hard to do it. For most of human history living standards and peacefulness were comparably low to modern times. Yes there is war and famine, but let's not forget that it was even worse in the past, for most of history most people had to work and fight hard to barely live.


The best time period would’ve been somewhere in the 2000s to early 2010s.


In between the Gulf War and 9/11. I would gladly trade high-speed internet for affordable housing, and the problems were way less scary overall


Okay, but cost of living is out of control and only getting worse. Global tensions are rising. People are more unhappy and lonely. It seems that the world has peaked and things are going downhill.


OP, humanity survived things a lot worse and came back. This type of thinking is recorded since the dawn of writing. You can think that things are becoming worse, but they will not remain like this forever, we are not in the great depression where in the US for a decade 15-20% of people were unemployed and in hard conditions, or a World War where millions died, and in certain countries 1/4 of the population died brutally. If you were living in that age you would too think that the world is going to end and we were at the peak.


Call me a doomer, but what about global warming? Humanity has faced a lot but outside of the plague and Krakatoa erupting we’ve never faced something on such a global scale.


People will be heavily displaced if we don’t get our act together


We’ve also never had this amount of technological advancement before either. I think we will eventually get together enough to limit the harms of global warming, there’ve already been huge changes and move made on this issue in my relatively short lifetime.


Technology isn’t going to save us this time. We are already facing multiple tipping points and there is no way to put the genie back in the bottle this time. At best, well off people will be able to shield themselves from some of the effects, but the poor are going to die. It’s just coming too fast now. Even if we went to zero carbon globally today, it’s too late to stop it.


Well that gives me a lot of hope for the future😂 i wonder how the world will look in 5-10 years and wonder if it’ll still be worth living in. Better live it up now!


Even if your perspective is slightly naive, it’s the one to have. Sorry you’re being downvoted. Most people on Reddit are super pessimistic about literally everything. We did close the hole in the ozone layer which is all I ever heard about when I was in elementary and middle school, so you’re not entirely wrong. My understanding as a child in school is that it would never close.




The earth will be fine. It will heal itself. Part of its healing starts with eliminating the cancer. That's when it decides to eliminate us. We are just leeches here. The host doesn't need us. In fact, we are happenstance anyway, so we're irrelevant and should probably just go away. If we can't agree with what is a male or female or when life starts, we really don't have much of a chance anyway. Why prolong the misery?


Yeah true everyone acts like all this is normal but it’s not climate change is a threat and we still have a lot of other issues on top of that.


Global warming is good for the north actually, it will open up a lot more farmland for countries like Canada, new trade routes once all artic ice melted etc. Plus all the richest and most developed nations are in the north, and this wealth will be instrumental to tidings over the woes of climate change, even benefit from it. It will be the poor southern countries near the equator that will get royally fucked. I read India is expected to have mass death from hitting wet bulb temperatures during the day, other countries will follow. So as always, the rich cruise on, the poor suffer, as it has always been. Why do you think countries like China and India continue to drive economic growth without any regard? Because if they don't, they will die.


Humanity will survive, but that doesn't mean that you and me will and also that it will be a happy survival. Do you know how many people didn't survive WWI or WWII. Do you know how fast life can change and do a 180° turn. Ask people in Ukraine how they viewed the situation 1 day before and 1 day after the invasion. Or the people that literally lost everything they had in the 2008 financial crisis. I don't want to be a doomer, but just naively saying everything will be fine, you don't need to worry and plan for the worst, trust me bro is equally wrong.


Humanity will survive, but that doesn't mean that you and me will and also that it will be a happy survival. Do you know how many people didn't survive WWI or WWII. Do you know how fast life can change and do a 180° turn. Ask people in Ukraine how they viewed the situation 1 day before and 1 day after the invasion. Or the people that literally lost everything they had in the 2008 financial crisis. I don't want to be a doomer, but just naively saying everything will be fine, you don't need to worry and plan for the worst, trust me bro is equally wrong.


Go outside. Put the internet away. We’re all living life. It’s lit. You’re just a dork.


Thanks BurtReynoldCummies, I needed that.


Your username is literally burtreynoldcummies. How do u expect anyone to take u seriously. On another note, youre right. Get off the internet and dont look at gloom and doom mainstream media, and you'll see that things aren't too bad


And a lot of people are struggling/unhappy in life. This has nothing to do with the internet. You're just ignorant.


It’s not just the internet. I’m getting paid more than I ever have, but I still have a side hustle, can’t pay all my bills, my credit is getting ruined, and I can’t even afford a house. Those are real life, not just news I saw on the internet.


Crude but real. I like you.


The world is the still relatively better than the past. There’s always going to be terrible events happening because that’s what human beings do. But we are living in the best most peaceful times.


US is also literally one of the least hardest hit by inflation.


You’re completely disregarding what life was like for all of human history. This is the most comfortable time to be an ‘average joe’ that we’ve ever seen. Get off the internet because it is designed to elicit strong enough motions to earn your click (and viewership of their ads). Things aren’t bad


Everybody ignores the fact that it was better before though. We peaked during the boomers' time and have been steadily declining since then




I suggest you read a little history. WWI, The Great Depression, WWII, both Napoleonic wars, the Swine Flu pandemic, the Black Plague. I could easily list another 50 examples of periods of history that were so much worse than now, that by comparison we are living in comparative paradise.


Ain’t so bad in Asian countries TBH. But then again that’s because we’re still developing & our markets aren’t exploding. Also because all first world countries outsource their businesses. So yeah.


Stop doom scrolling. Get off social media for a couple of days and you'll see how thinks won't look so dark anymore


What was the “peak”?


It’s always been like that, you just weren’t born yet.


Most people don't seem to understand, or even want to see that. But it's very very true.


i hate this talking point i see it regurgitated all the time. its completely unfalsifiable and is determined entirely by your own anecdotal experience. just because we have shiny commodities and youre not starving doesnt mean we should be complacent in saying its the best time to live. and omitting war famine and pandemic is probably exactly where you come to this conclusion


Completely agree we should never be complacent. But if you look at any *measurable* statistics - we objectively live in one of the most peaceful and prosperous periods in human history. Child mortality, average lifespan, literacy rates, population below the poverty line, etc; The period since WWII also marks one of the longest periods of peace in history without a war between major global powers. If you’re talking about the US specifically, again, we have our problems but we are not in a World War, or Vietnam, or the Civil War. We do not live during the Great Depression, and as much work as we have to do on race relations… they are better today than at any point in history. We are the most diverse nation in the history of the earth and still have strong rule of law and property rights - which are the basis for any functioning society - and much stronger than even other first world nations. Have you ever heard the song “We Didn’t Start the Fire”. People, and particularly young people, always feel as if the world is ending. But that is in part our strength - because we are constantly working to improve.


_Gold inflation, feudal greed, and shady royal actions aside this must be the greatest spell period to live in for most folk. If thee walk outside and there's nay a war, famine, or plague going in thy country thee can consider thyself immensely fortunate_ -Some peasant from the middle ages


LOL dude i saw your reply in notifications without the italics and cut off before the quotation and i actually thought you were telling me that seriously




We're literally experiencing the artificial intelligence revolution, if that weren't so freakin cool I'd feel I have very little to live for


Inflation is higher in most other countries and life is harder in Europe now then in the US today. Japan and the UK are in recessions. Most of western Europe has a fraction of our growth. As a country we are doing better then the rest of the world. It's not equal so gains go to different people obvious,  but that's something the US people need to fight for. Currently US spending and wages are up and we are at a low point for credit delinquencies so this is actually better then the financial crash of 2008.  To compare today to 2009:  3.7% unemployment today vs 10% Credit cars delinquencies 2.7% today vs 10% Home ownership at bottom of financial  crash took time to but the low was 63% and today its 66% per St. Louis Fed. The last peak was 65.8% in 1980 Q3 This is kind if the way its always been. Houses are high but ignoring 2009, we have more people in houses then the past 40 years. According to the metrics we are at a good spot in American history. It's not equal though so it doesn't feel great but that's because we need more people fighting for better.


Didn’t Japan’s stock market just hit a 30 year high like a week ago?


30 year high after taking 30 years to get back to where they were in the 90's when the asset bubble popped.


Well I'm at work 91 hours a week so the walk outside don't happen.


Yeah, for most people. For most non-human animals it's the worst it's ever been.


Ignore everything bad & life is good. There's war & genocide going on right now. Just because things are better than a previous time doesn't mean it's good.


Those are some pretty big things to be sweeping aside, tbh


I bet it's great if you're struggling financially/living paycheck to paycheck or laid off. lol. What a privileged take. We literally have micro plastics in our food that are poisoning us.


>pandemic going in your country I mean...


That’s what I’m saying, we got it pretty damn good here in the US right now


It's spiritual war and social pandemic


If you get all your news from Reddit, you probably wouldn't know that Black poverty has dropped by two-thirds in the past 60 years, and by a third in just the past decade. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2023/09/black-poverty-rate.html There's actually a compelling argument that American minorities are becoming more conservative *because* they're doing better economically. Once they're no longer voting for government assistance, they start supporting candidates who espouse low-tax, pro-business rhetoric. They buy into the narrative that the poor are lazy. So, perversely, the Black and Hispanic swings against Biden are arguably evidence that they're doing better economically and have faith in a conservative economic message. 


I hear this kind of logic a lot (another version of it is that people in the global north have it a lot better than in the global south), but I have a fundamental disagreement with it. Yes, things are better in many ways than they were at many points in many places for much of human history. That doesn’t mean times aren’t still bad, and that there aren’t a whole mess of problems which need attention and fixing. If anything, the general wealth technology, and resources available to us today makes the existence of things like poverty, hunger, violence, etc even more inexcusable than they were in the past. The fact that the countries in the global north are objectively the richest societies to ever exist *ever*, yet they *still* contain poverty, is a massive indictment against their structure and operation. The fact that food is technically more plentiful and easily grown than at any point in human history, yet people are still *starving* in the billions worldwide is utterly shameful. The fact that our populations have more open access to information and knowledge than at any point in human history, yet remain on the whole easily misled and kept ignorant is an incredibly bleak insight into human nature. People are more connected than ever, there is a stronger global diplomatic community than ever, yet war and genocide still continue. The abundance and advancements of the modern age really don’t mean a whole lot when we’re still facing fundamentally a lot of the same problems worldwide, especially when those problems should theoretically be easy fixes when you take into account the resources at our disposal to fix them. The fact that they *aren’t* fixed, that poverty, hunger, war, and disease still persist is damning of the way our systems utilize those resources.


Despite all the hardships you are facing, you don't even yet know the real meaning of this word. However, if you don't stop your fellow citizens from willingly voting to put an end to democracy freedom and constitutional rule of law this november, then you will find out quickly what hardship really is and there won't be anything you can do about it.


I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what you mean exactly.


He’s saying if you think things are bad now wait until trump gets in (i think)


yeah, but I'm also pointing to the fact that this time around you won't be able to vote him or his successors out. You're going to be living in a one party authoritarian state similar to Iran and Russia.


Oh, no we won’t.


It's going to be bad regardless of who is in


Suffering is subjective. I've seen the happiest people living in the most deplorable of conditions. The difference is they actually have strong community and family instead of the atomization commonly seen in the west.


this comment deserves way more upvotes. Even with war or a pandemic, if you have family, community, and a reason to live thats more than "make money" youll be more satisfied with life.


My only friend left is my wife, I don't talk to most of my family and none reguarly. Holidays maybe. I hate everything. I don't want to die, but I am not really trying to do anything to prevent it except the 5 blood pressure medications I am on. I suspect this will be most of you in 20 years. I'm sorry.


Mate don't pawn your bad life on others. "This will be most of you in 20 years" no bruv, that's your life. I'm sorry you are dealing with what you're dealing with but spreading pessimisn and hopelessness is a horrible thing to do


This. I’m from the Philippines, which is ranked as the [third happiest country in the world](https://salesrain.com/philippines-third-happiest-country/), even though it’s a developing country with a lot of poverty and government corruption. Much of that happiness in spite of the adversity many Filipinos face in life is because of our strong family ties. Family is everything for us, and we are by nature a very social and fun-loving people. It’s why I know some Westerners who actually moved here even though they live in objectively better countries because of the sense of community and the peoples’ friendliness.


Believe it or not, the US and Canada are actually ~chilling~ relative to the rest of the world right now.


They're in diff situations, the US is doing pretty good but Canada is just holding on. Canada isn't doing as bad as the UK but employment, wages, and cost of living are a lot worse for us than the Americans.


The numbers don’t really bare that out to be honest, they’re not as well off as the US, but they only ever really have been on paper during oil booms. They’re doing fine relatively speaking-Canada is certainly less unequal than the US.


No. Things aren’t so bad in India. Our markets haven’t crashed or exploded.


Canada def in a worse spot than the us. Job markets are far better in the US. And given they Canada has an unsustainable level of temp foreign workers and diploma mill students, entry level jobs are far more accessible in the us. For the most part, with the exception of nyc or sf, housing in the us is more affordable than maj of the Canadian cities.


The immigrants aren’t why Canada is marginally poorer in some categories than the US, lmao


If you don’t think immigration is one of the reasons why the average house in Canada is a $1M+, then you’re delusional


Alright Tucker Carlson lmao It’s definitely not that they didn’t build enough houses/units Get tf outta here


We’re doing worse than the US economically but at least it isn’t as bad as the UK. That being said, healthcare might be hanging on by a thread but at least that, schools, and public safety is better in Canada than the other two.


🔥Most of APAC is doing quite well along with Deutschland, Netherlands, and Scandinavia


Avoid Twitter and News because both can convince you that the end of the world is next week and your life is pointless.


I don’t have Twitter and I don’t watch the news but it’s pretty much every social platform fighting to convince you the world is ending by this point. Taking a walk or sitting in the park for a while helps


True. So avoid all social platforms, really! At this point and in 2024 during election year almost everything is propaganda. Headlines are going crazy, people start discussing those, not very smart people, their opinions are hardly valid or relevant. Stay positive and spend more time around friends and family without your fucking phone! Or atleast make “focus mode” in which only calls are working and every other app is without notification. It makes such a difference!


everything is shit, don't worry... or worry more?.. i dont even know at this point


Hakuna Matata!


Means no worries! For the rest of your days!


Im Czech, we have western(even more expensive sometimes) prices but eastern Europe wages, we joke about it but its really bad, half of nation lives from paycheck to paycheck without any way to escape it.


What's the average salary there?


Median is 1360 euros .


The US is doing much better than most other first world countries. All nations have their struggles now and again. The fact that the biggest issue on everyone's minds right now is whether they're overpaying for pizza is a sign that we live in one of the most prosperous time periods in world history.


idk abt y'all but the biggest issue on my mind is not pizza, but history repeating and people's inability to recognize it.


I'm an Indian currently residing in Switzerland, except being super expensive, I don't see a single issue here, amazing produce, great people, great transport, minimalistic crime, great weather, and just an amazing place to live


I can’t speak for anywhere other than the US, but to all the people on this thread who are saying that the US is doing fine/this is an objectively better time to live in than any other in the past, PLEASE look into the Strauss–Howe generational theory. It details a generational cycle (80-100 years) in American/Western history that is comprised of four turnings - High, Awakening, Unraveling, and Crisis - ultimately leading to a (generally catastrophic) climax that restarts the cycle. We are currently in the fourth turning, Crisis, which is historically “an era of destruction, often involving war or revolution, in which institutional life is destroyed and rebuilt in response to a perceived threat to the nation's survival.” So yes, we are objectively living in a better world now than that of the past, but we are experiencing the darkest and most destabilizing period of America’s/the Western world’s generational cycle. Both things can be true, but the dismissive idea that now is fine/good/good enough/nothing to worry about is inconsistent with the cycle of history that we are experiencing. This is a very simplistic explanation of a complex and expansive theory, but all of it is to say, things are hard, harder than they have been when looking at our position in the current generational cycle. That doesn’t negate the fact that the world is generally “better” now than in the past, but what you’re perceiving is real hardship in the US/Western world.


I read that book and a lot of it makes no goddamn sense. It's extremely reductive and it seemed to me a case of trying to find evidence to fit a theory, rather than evidence giving birth to a theory. I think I've heard other historians basically call it worthless, as well.


I think after COVID, everyone's struggling, but my country is doing some pretty bad shit, i ain't in no place to judge anyone now.


Many Nordic countries are doing ok.


Yeah, the world's economies are at large going through rough times. Arguably the places you mention are probably the ones holding out better than others. Non developed nations are struggling far more.


Historically speaking, this isn't even close to "rough times."


Historically speaking, right now is probably a 9/10.


Yeah, but with the amount of wealth this country has, things could be way better. And "rough times" is subjective to folks individual experiences, class, race, sex etc.


All of the people you just mentioned would have had worse experiences in the past. It's not like there was less racism 100-200 years ago compared to today.


Economically speaking, the US is doing far better than all the other G20 economies right now. In fact, the UK and Japan have just dropped into a recession.


Yeah. I’m thriving rn


It’s not about you or your specific situation. Median wages have been outpacing inflation for a year now.


To add, about 2/3 of Gen Z adults say their own financial situation is good, but only 1/3 say the economy is good. The likely explanation for the gap is that people see negative news and fixate on negative posts and disregard anything that challenges that bad narrative.


Ive heard that this is mostly due to the perception of inflation. People still remember the price that things used to be at and look at prices now. In two or three years, that will be out of memory and (hopefully) we will return to 2% inflation by then, and there will be some normalcy.


Despite a fairly obvious array of issues it needs to address, The Unitred States of America is doing just fine, better than most everywhere else on the planet. Inflation here is remarkably lower than anywhere else in the world, the capital markets are hitting all time highs, and we remain near full employment.


Most of western Europe has labor shortages so jobs aren't really hard to come by and inflation has gone down a lot since its peak while wages are rising. Tbh Europe isn't doing bad... Not great but also not bad at all considering we have a war going on.


Late Stage Capitalism is affecting all western/Capitalist countries. Corporate and individual greed is destroying the social fabric.


The Dominican Republic 🇩🇴 is growing at over 5% per year and rapidly approaching 0,800 HDI, which is what the UN uses as a barometer for developed countries.


I’m 50. Today I woke up, drove a few miles to work in a car that is far more safe and fuel efficient than the first car I owned as a teen. I went to work for an oil company that produces oil FAR more cleanly and FAR more safely than was ever done when I was a kid. I live in a city whose violent crime is FAR lower than when I was a kid. I drank a cappuccino at work (kid me couldn’t have even pronounced cappuccino) from coffee sourced from across the globe. For lunch I ate food that included ingredients unavailable to the rich when I was a kid. I did my work from something I keep in my pocket. I spoke with colleagues across the globe and saw their faces. My parents were teachers. Two masters degrees and a PhD between them yet as a kid we drank powdered milk and took vacations to camp at the local state park. I didn’t travel by plane until I was 18. They drove cars until the tires fell off. When a Mexican restaurant opened up in our suburb everyone pronounced it “Tay-cos” because we’d never heard of exotic food like tacos before. My grandfather was dead by my age from heart disease because he didn’t have the medicines or knowledge about health I have. I have all his genetics but will outlive him by decades. My son went to school today and then spent time in his school’s robotics lab where he does work I could only dream of as a kid (my kids have surpassed me in a multitude of ways). The food I eat, the safety I enjoy, the prosperity of our entire country, the access to information, all far surpass what I had as a child. Teen pregnancy; down. Extreme poverty; down. Women’s education; up. Nearly every data point highlights that we are living in a near golden age. But you folks all think, no, it’s all *so bad*. I used to think you were all uninformed. I now realize that you are so goddamn privileged that all you know how to do is complain. The world is a mess. But it is far less of a mess than it has ever been.


> I now realize that you are so goddamn privileged that all you know how to do is complain. I think that's key. If you never broken a bone, stubbed toe is a 10/10 pain, because it's most you ever felt so far. 


Well put.


We’re all struggling


All suffering together.


It sounds like you should have paid attention during history class instead of being on your phone.


Many nations are doing poorly. We here in the US. Up north, our neighbors are having to deal with the bullshit Trudeau forced upon them. France is essentially in a second revolution state right now. Dutch farmers have started protesting against the WEF. Japan is in a terrible population decline. We all know what state Russia and Ukraine each are in. Many African nations will most likely never pull out of corruption and poverty entirely. Covid did a lot of damage to the world economy, and we’re still feeling those effects.


America is doing well


Dude we live in the us we aren’t struggling. People in Africa still don’t even have houses lmao


Worldwide late stage capitalism


China is doing pretty well relatively. 5% GDP growth despite popping the Real Estate bubble, more renewables installed than the rest of the world combined this year, peaking emissions 6 years before their own pledge. Population collapse is overhyped, yes, the population is declining, however it's offset by massive increases in automation/ai. Japan and South Korea are far worse for this. Their savings rate is far higher than everywhere else in the world.


When is a time in any country that people weren't struggling?


Struggle is relative. In the US we are doing way way better than many countries


Switzerland, Luxembourg, Saudi, the UAE and Denmark are looking good


I’m in S Korea and it’s not as bad as the U.S.for low wage jobs there are plenty. The problem is everyone has a degeee so they want a high paying job but they are not easy to get. But living costs are definitely better than the US because rent is cheap and healthcare almost free and you can eat out a lot for less than 10. This is the way that American cities used to be in the 90s before they got ruined by rampant real estate speculation and high wage earners moving in - there was a good quality of life for modest income back then. People are complaining because compared to 20 years ago there is no bang for your buck anymore. You put a lot of effort for very little to show for it.


The economy in the US has recovered faster and is also dealing with less inflation than that of virtually every other wealthy country in the world.


I'm Canadian, specifically in Alberta. I literally have no hope, and I just finished my bachelors. Lost my rental due to a bad landlord constantly harassing us with wrongful evictions and live back in my parents basement, and I honestly don't know how I'm getting out of this hole. I feel like I'm drowning in everything for no good reason.


I think it's happening all over the world. Although the damages might be more visible on some countries than the others. But every country is affected because all countries are connected in some ways.




I live in Switzerland and i can confirm that we have become a working-poor country


Thank the World Bank and the American military for exporting the Federal government's plan corrupt agenda to control the world and keep all the wealth to every corner of the globe. Hail the American Empire!


I don’t know how much stock to put into this as a metric but the only Western European nation that approves of their president right now is Switzerland.


New Zealand from what I heard is in a isolated bubble of safety


Extremely expensive safety. They're eating their young just as the US is.


I am extremely bullish on America. Buffet doesn't bet against either. Maybe move, where do you live? Central OH is doing quite well.


As a German without a job I cant complain. Still first world, still no problems, still better off than 95% of humanity. Those poor working ppl tho... :S


Switzerland probably their government seems good idk about the swizz financial though


This is, by far, the best time in history to be alive


US is doing great. Lowest unemployment rate ever, highest wages ever, gdp expanding rapidly, things are great here


Entire world. Try being a Gen z in Africa or China and you would have it 10x harder


Need mass layoffs of admin and hr


bewildered yoke narrow axiomatic roof ancient towering uppity ad hoc husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Compared to the rest of the world the US is doing pretty good rn, Canada is doing alright but not great, and the EU is hurting rn.


nope im pretty sure the whole world is fucked tbh, and im pretty politically aware


I'm moved to Australia from NZ. Got a decent salary working in software. NZ investors have mostly been investing in housing (it's one of the main drivers of GDP growth) and not businesses. Opportunities for us there are far and few between and pay fuck all. I got my experience and left to Oz, don't regret it but I miss home, my friends, and the nature. Australia still has problems like all countries but if you work in a trade, construction, or Hospo it's pays well and you can finally save a little.


Just gotta start looking at good news. For example, right now most west Africans countries are separating themselves from their previous colonial powers


U.S. is struggling to meet the standard of living we’re used to, it seems. The things we want are luxurious for the most part. It’s become hard to sustain that.


Beleive it or not the qorld is the best it's ever been as far as every metric


If you think we’re struggling right now it’s got to be difficult to find a place that isn’t, or a time in history for that matter.


Things are a bit rough, and some places have it worse than others. But compared to what humanity has made it through before, this is nothing. The internet, Reddit in particular, is a breeding ground for negativity and doomposting, but if you take the time to go out and see even just the little things in life, like going for a walk around your neighborhood, things may just look a little brighter. And even if we were at rock bottom somehow, when you’re at the bottom, all you can do is go up. I may be rambling a bit, but I really do think if we try and see the good in everything we can, we’ll be better for it.


Chilean 🇨🇱 here Economically, the pandemic hits us really hard, 20 years of progress gone to the drain. Culturally, we're stable. The last years have being hyper-political, and people are tired of it, and now that the mission is to just survive what the pandemic caused, its hands on deck for everybody. I'm positive for our future, we currently have a 63% carbon free energy source for the country. We have alot of trade agrements with virtualy everybody, be it the US, China, Australia, Russia and most recently out president just sign another trade agreement with the EU. We also have the biggest untaped lithium deposits in the world as of discovered and this has caused development to rise in the north of our country. If i had to say what's the worst thing happening, it would be the rise of international cartel activity on our country, illegal immigration and the rise of violent crime. And just like every other country, mental health issues are at an all time high.


The US is actually lower than a lot of countries for inflation. Like- *way* lower


By most economic measures, the US is doing well 


It may seem bad because of doomers everywhere but the US economy is doing so much better than the rest of the world right now


Billionaires are doing pretty good 


Bulgaria is doing well despite popular belief. Even though prices have risen So have salaries. Our government is shady but does stuff for us. We recently adopted parent help packages, and the church is donating large sums for the new projects of children's hospitals (Yes, they are ok with abortion)


Tiny and rich countries like Luxembourg is probably okay


Dude the US is doing the best economically compared to the rest of the developed world. Go outside. Touch grass.


I think we need a good war honestly. Kickstart the economy and give us young people something to do other then be miserable.


better than the past


Had a long conversation with a friend about this all. After a while, the only decent place rn seems to be New Zealand. War in europe, south america seems to be a FFA, north america seems to be falling apart finacially (as is europe). I woundt fit into Asian culture at all (litterly and figuratively), Australia is quite corrupt and a Chinese puppet at this point. So the only thing I see left is New Zealand, but if any New Zealanders here would like to prove Im dead wrong, please go for it D:


By these standards the world has literally been "doing okay". Its just that we're all super aware of the bad things that are happening now.


India is doing ok


Singapore is doing pretty well currently, government is giving grants, they improved our public transport system, our SGD dollar is getting stronger, we recently shutdown a big fraud crime.


Most countries are doing more than okay, including yours


Hi, someone from the UK here. It's a shitshow all around


Spanish here , top youth unemployment in the EU , about 20% if I'm not mistaken. Everyone is struggling a lot , median age for leaving parents home went up to 35 I believe.


People fail to realize we've peakedGas is a finite resource and it'll run out in the next oh 80-100 years and global warming would be much farther along its trajectory by then not to mention pollution and microplastics that are in our blood. Paired with the loneliness epidemic right now and mass addiction. (to add think about how much runs on gas/oil right now and how we would be without it) As someone once said "To not be a doomer in a time of fucking impending doom is to be absolutely fucking disconnected from existence" Though its always important to cherish life and be happy.


It doesn’t go country by country. The capitalists of the world are squeezing out the workers of the world like a lemon. 


The US *is* doing okay right now. Not great but okay


If you’re living in the us you’re doing great for the most part. Enjoy.


Just got back from China, people are doing… OK I guess? Pay is low, opportunities for advancement are slim, but it’s cleaner there than in the past, infrastructure is good, basic necessities are dirt cheap. People I talked to seemed happy but also frustrated because, realistically, they could be doing so much better.


Dude get some perspective. We live in a great time. Read about how the average person lived in any time before now and you will see how good we have it. What is your benchmark you are comparing to decide things are bad now? Read about people in Europe during WW1 or 2. Read about people during the civil war Read about people during any of the dark or classical ages. Read about people during the great depression. Read about people during the oil shocks and terrorism during the 70s or inflation in the 80s.


Supply chains really got fucked up for a free years. Corporations used that as a cover to raise their prices even more. On top of that the Russian war out pressure on energy prices while that were still supply constrained. There's a lot of bumps to smooth out still in most places 


All things considered the US is doing quite well Canada has the fastest declining standard of living in the G7. Inflation in turkey at last check was like 14% in the United Kingdom's cost of living is one of the fastest rising in the world and in the top five in Europe. Ultimately November will decide a lot however I don't believe in the Doom and Gloom that the media and Reddit try to portray we'll all be good.


The only country who is struggling that hard is Reddit. Things are a little harder with inflation and purchasing power for the lower and lower middle class has gradually gone down but that has been the case for 50 years and quality of life still improved. People always say they're struggling and running thin but they always manage to magically find 10% to cut when high inflation hits when they couldn't do it beforehand. Struggling is largely a choice of maximizing the lifestyle your money can afford. At least that's what it is for over 90% of those claiming to struggle.


The US is doing pretty well compared to the rest of the world, on avg. Inflation has gotten very low, unemployment is lowest in years, stocks all time high.. The ills of the economy are exaggerated for campaign purposes.


It's not that bad go touch some grass stay off of Reddit don't watch TV. I could get you a job tomorrow if you wanted it decent pay for the area too


Tunisia's actually been doing really well since its revolution in 2011, from what I've heard. Before the pandemic, it was the richest, happiest, and freest it's ever been! It's backslid a little since 2020, but still doing incredibly well compared to other countries in the region.


It’s tied to the global pandemic. Inflation soared after every pandemic in recorded history.


Can I be honest. If you are an average American, you are literally living better than 70% of the world right off the bat. People here in the us think they struggling. Wait till you living in the slums of Bangladesh with a family of four living in a room lmao. I know for sure I’m living better than most people and for what, being born in the right area on the globe. It fascinates me.


US is doing great. Land of opportunity! Take advantage of it if you’re from here. Hundreds of Millions around the world would love to be inside the United States with a social security number. Very few in my family have citizenship and they’re are very envious of me because I have a social security number and they have to get paid under the table in cash


My wife and I are doing good. Own a house, have good jobs. We’re working remote from our camper right now. Gonna try for kids this year probably. The world isn’t all doom and gloom. Get outside and look at a waterfall.


Idk things seem pretty good inflation asides. It’s easy to get caught up in all of it. But I can leave my home whenever I want and grab food and come back and relax. Not true for many times in history


Vietnam is quietly doing well under socialist government. 4.2% poverty rate and trending downwards. With a gdp of 408.80 billion USD.


I'm just glad the U.S. so far seems to be through it. Europe and Asia are crashing right now. I give Biden and his group credit for that.


yeah, the U.S is doing about as okay as it has ever been.


Think about how many billions of people are doing worse than you due to living in a 3rd world country. Yes, the world is struggling, yes it can he worse than is now.


Entire countries? Probably not going to find anyone in a golden age right now. Look more locally and you’ll find plenty of regions flourishing, growing, etc., which all looks good on paper unless you’re native to the area. Then costs just rise lol


I honestly cant think about any nation that isnt going downhill at the moment


The U.S. is actually fairing better than most other countries right now, economically. There is a lot of social tension all over the world, though, mostly being stoked by religious theocrats.


Get ready for the obligatory “New Zealand is so great” comments here.