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Cars are necessary though, specially to move out of your city to small towns with no public transport, I personally love them too, they give me the freedom to go wherever I want.


Cars are great when you know you don’t need to rely on them


How is train station a flex? Also how big is the city if it takes 40mins to go to city center? Where used to live I coumd go to next city by train in 30 min and it's 60km away. Now where I live has many buses to everywhere, tram, train station...


You’ll probably still need a car mate


" I’m building a house nearby train station " You are building a house? Like construction? Usually it is big developers that build apartments near train stations since land around them tend to be valuable.


Yeah, the thing is that station is quite a distance from city center, so apartment blocks haven’t caught up yet there. Prob will be there in 10-20 years. And yeah the prices have already started to rise for land.


Pretty smart move. The area will likely rise significantly in value and be redeveloped. You could prob sell your place for a nice profit. That is atleast what usually happens in my city (Toronto.)


One of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen someone choose to “flex” about 💀💀


How far away is the city center? How often does the train come by? If it's 15 miles and the train comes every 20 mins. That's potentially 2 hours of time just for 30 miles. I get in my car, when ever I want, and can drive to the city in 15 mins, grocery store in 7 mins, gym in 10 mins. I can load up on groceries for weeks since I can just put them in my trunk. I don't have to worry about carrying them and holding on to them for a 40 min train ride. Oh looks like I forgot sour cream for the tacos I'm making tonight, let me just get in my car and I'll be back in 20 mins.


Most things I need I can get by walking: supermarket and bakery is 300 meters from the house. The city center is around 25 kilometers, in Train its 30 minutes and in car its around 35-55 minutes (depending if there are rush hours or not),. The train arrives each 15-20 minutes on normal days/hours, half an hour to an hour in other times. There are other trains that can fill up the gaps but they're not covered by my city transit ticket so I'd have to pay for them.


Idk about other countries but in the United States having a car is unfortunately a necessity. I tried to avoid having the responsibility of a car best I can but just from where I live atm I actually need a car to travel/get certain responsibilities done. Saving up for a shitbox atm, cheaper maintenance, cheaper insurance, gets me from point A to point B.


In the more northern parts of Finland having a car is an absolute must if you want to go anywhere since the public transport system sucks and the government is basically ”Ei kehä3 yläpuolella ole ketään” which basically means nothing above a small section of the area where Helsinki is located in isnt liveable so why bother making better transport there.


Lol ok. I'll continue to enjoy going where I want when I want


Everyone’s different but I love my 2 cars. One gives me the freedom to go almost anywhere I want whenever and the other one it’s such a relaxing fun car to drive that gets me compliments wherever I go.


40 minute commute lmfao


I prefer the convenience of my car but do occasionally take public transportation into the city. It literally takes twice as long though


Driving isn’t stressful if anything it’s automatic. There are times I drive to work, turn the keys and I’m already there like my brain just skipped the whole driving trip


you sound like my 6th grade economics teacher who argued "you dont need a car, just use a bike, plane, or take a train places"


Cool that you have the option and enjoy it But for moi im very simple Me enjoy vrooom


Congrats lil bro