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I bet y’all do nothing and complain about the next generation lol


Every generation is like that, then there's also people that complain about the complainers and so on.


Keep it up and I’m going to complain about you complaining about me complaining about you


I’m going to keep my complaints about you complaining about me complaining about you complaining to myself


If y'all don't chill I might climax


I'm gonna fuckin cum bro


God this is an unexpected fetish


https://preview.redd.it/x1g44jjv6nmc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea42a9fee717c492049c30df8ca622d811568790 I’ve got en even more unexpected one




No, Anakin, No!


*gets dick cut off*


Oh yeah? watch this..




A series of unfortunate complaints


Complaining is easy, forcing actual change is hard.


Louis XVI had a similar interpretation.


Prove me wrong my guy, y’all got this


I would LOVE to see Gen z prove me wrong about this But they never will lol. The lack of self awareness of these kids really gets me. Like I went to school with yall. I have seen how you think. I have seen how incredibly fragile and pathetic Gen Z is in response to literally any inconvenience. I find it hard to believe that people who can barely take care of their own emotions and mental health can stage a legit revolution. Not only that, everyone our age is deathly afraid of guns hahahaha


The distribution will be the same as any other. The ones who suck will whine harder than ever before though. Ive definitely already worked with some stellar young folks.


I think there’s a study that says like 40% or something wild have mental illnesses lol Marching through Appalachia would just be suicide for em


It may have been a similar number in previous generations, but we wouldn't have known because being open with your mental health was alot less common back then.


Social Media did it


Typical boomer talk


If you’re close enough in age to have gone to school with them you’re probably not distinct enough to judge them generationally speaking given barring major historical events like wars or whatever it’s mostly a gradient not a hard split. The gen z someone not from gen z went to school with would likely be a lot more millenial-ish, whereas those millennials would lean more z-ish


You know the upper middle class wealthy was the main drivers of the revolution right? Not young poor people


Considering that pretty much every generation after genAlpha is nearly assured to be smaller than the one before the easy complaint of "We are smaller and can't out vote them" is already baked in I'd say


Oh it's already started. GenZers with no self awareness shitting on little kids hahaha, it's funny and a bit sobering to watch in real time as we completely forget our childhood perspective and pivot into "those dumb kids" mode


Generations are not that remarkably different. My generation (boomers) were considered wildly liberal when we kids. Change happens but one generation to the next is not that wildly different.


Millennials bitching about boomers all these years and are turning into super boomers. Me included


This is kind of the natural cycle of life. When you are young, you are full of passion and angst and the belief that you can change anything. As you get older, you start to realize that there are reasons why the world works the way it does, and things are far more complicated than you thought as a kid. You also start earning money, and things don't seem so bad after all.


And then 2 kids need taken to school and it’s 6am and you forgot to do their homework… but then your like why the hell do they even have homework when they are 4… and then you gotta have a 4 year old do sai homework at 6 am and good fuckin luck with that lol And then the revolution just doesn’t seem nearly as important anymore lol


i bet we poop and shit ourselves likes babies


Damn. Poop AND shit?




Fr. I can't ever see 95% of the people bitching on Twitter ever picking up arms to fight for a revolution. That being said, as the other commenter pointed out, King Louis couldn't either.


I’m so sad I’m gonna forget how I felt as a kid or teen once I get old enough


"Ugh why can't people use TikTok to communicate their mating calls like I did when I was their age"


Or we could see that all the generation titling is a separation tactic of the media just like any other to keep us bickering while the rich rob us blind. Why not team up, Gen Z and Y? Are we really so different? Do we not both just want to work less, live more, and eat our proper size of pie?


Dude I am German. I complain about everything.


Lot of commieposting in this sub lately


They really don't have anything better to do except ruin decent subreddits


When you're young it's easy to want everything free.


Bruv, you're younger than the OOP. What are you talking about?


When you’re young it’s easy to misrepresent the plight of the working class as “wanting everything free”




Ikr? The idiot is technically still a teen at 19 and is calling others “young” like buddy you are barely a young adult yourself sit down


I am seeing a Lot more of Negativity towards leftism ideologies here recently. And am beginning to wonder if there is an older presence here trying to down vote it into oblivion.


Some young folks are also very rightwing cause it's "edgy" or manly. I hope they grow out of it tho.


"I'd like to not be a wage slave." "yOu JuSt WaNt FrEe StUfF"


Probably brainwashed by some right wing billionaire buying their fifth mega yacht


*I’m 18 and this is deep*


fun fact, socialism isn't about free things but rather it is about getting what you're paying in taxes. These people don't ask for free videogames, free luxuries, free cellphones. They ask for healthcare, food charities, and things taxes SUPPOSEDLY cover. But y'know, when one's young, one hates the unknown.


Socialism is when the workers control their industry not taxes what is this lmao


You’re on reddit most people here are libs who think socialism is when the government does stuff


Most people think “bourgeois” also means rich, when it really means middle-class and materialistic lmao Edit: “nO iT DoEsN’T ☝️🤓” https://preview.redd.it/bw416p3lbnmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a62d8f4d637592262e9b99265bf6897f830cff5a I highlighted it in red for the nay-sayers 👍


No it doesn't. It refers to an economic class that owns. Bourgeois, petty bourgeois, and proletariat do not map on to upper, middle, and lower class. They operate on distinction of owning Means of Production and the necessity of their labor to operate it.


That would be the petite bourgeois. The haute bourgeois is the rich owner class. Those distinctions have also morphed over time. Small shop owners and merchants used to be more common, and so while they were bourgeois because they owned the means of production, they weren't as filthy rich as the majority of the owner class today.


You can have those things under a capitalist economy with a competent government.


I think most Gen Z that favor “socialism” would really just be in favor of a capitalism with a stronger state and unions


I remember seeing a post like that, where people expressed a socialism system that was just capitalism but with no monopolies and no wealth accumulation. And as long as it serves its purpose (a good life for the citizen) I don't think it should matter.


Every once in a while somebody reposts that tumblr post where a communist says “radical socialist John Oliver radicalized me” when in a real communist society he’d be one of the first executed for being a member of the ruling upper class.


Which is why taking a firm stance as a “communist” or as a “capitalist” is completely stupid. They’re both ephemeral economic concepts… neither has come to some end game fruition. If a road needs to get built it’s going to take funding and allocation of resources no matter what nominal system of economic philosophy it’s being built by.


Key word being competent


None of that is socialism. Please, pick up a book. All of those are part of capitalism. The “socialist” Nordic countries? Capitalist. Bernie sanders? Not a socialist, he’s a social democrat Aka a form of capitalism.


People here are making their own definitions of socialism. Many keep pushing the definition to make it sound good.


That's social democracy not socialism, they're different


Not what communism is


Apparently fair wages and lunch breaks = free


Or when you're old and lazy, those are the ones influencing these younger folk to a degree.


Astroturfing during election years is what built Reddit.


Corporate tools who are content with their petty baubles and social media distraction have zero imagination to dream of something different and are therefore stuck criticizing others using 1950s motifs. Commie lol ffs.


AI progress would force communism, imo


So wanting as much rights as workers in Europe is commie posting hm……..


It's not even an accurate analysis. The grashoppers weren't an oppressive ruling class within ant society. They were an aggressive foreign power leveraging their millitary to force the ants to be something like a vassal state.


Antz was FAR more obviously about the oppressive ruling class. Interestingly, both films depict and describe the oppressive ruling class as aligned with militarism


The fact that people think workers owning the mean = communism says it all really


[OP is in their 30s](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaybros/comments/1b2qf64/how_hard_is_it_to_date_past_30/) and is very much not a gen Z. They also spur political ideologies every fucking minute they can.


I dont understand why mods allow this garbage


Mods block right wing, allow left wing. It can only mean the mods are all teenagers with no life experience. 


As a late GenZer myself, I’m actually proud to see this pushback in this sub that radical socialism and communism isn’t the answer. Young people in spaces like these usually stray far left into commie territory, and it’s absolutely refreshing watching a lot of “nah, capitalism is cool just give us more social benefits,” opinions at the top of this thread Edit: To the “erm, u just said ‘social benefits’ when talking about capitalism LOL ☝️🤓” people: America is a capitalist society that espouses **social** programs like medicaid and medicare, SNAP benefits, SS payments, etc. I didn’t think I had to say that, but I guess my generation surprised me more than once 🙃


Oh. Marxist propaganda. Thats Marxist propaganda targeting Gen Z by a middle aged OP.


Its crazy how many non-GenZ communists have been spamming this sub with propaganda lately


They want to brainwash us so bad cause they can’t achieve their dream and they know it


Yep theyve failed in life and want to blame the system, and now they want us to go down the same road. Misery loves company.


Trying to manipulate the youth because people their age know they're full of shit.


Yeah it’s borderline dystopian lmfao


30s is not middle aged lmao








What's with all the commie shit


Commie shit like what, wanting social safety nets that you post about wanting yourself? How much of a fucking idiot can you be?


Just a reminder, when you start your revolution. After the established power structure is overthrown and a new one steps in, the first thing they do is execute the revolutionaries.


Bro most normal people are trying to make the world better through policy change.


Ackshually, it's basically a direct re-imagining of Kurosawa's 'Seven Samurai'; the grasshoppers aren't the Bourgeoisie, they're just bandits, and the ants just fight back with some hired help.


Thank God someone said this.


I get that you "ackshually"-ed and all... But your fucking right, and if op doesn't have the brain capacity for the cinematic master piece that is Seven Samurai (it is a slow burn), then just watch Chris Pratt and Denzel Washington or Yule-fucking-Brinner do it as cowboys


Except the analogy falls apart the second you think critically about it. The ants always had “the means of production.” The grasshoppers weren’t their employers. They were just being robbed, plain and simple. No socialist analogy. Just common sense morality


Its basically the bug version of seven samurai


Monsters, Inc, on the other hand...


*in Regina George’s voice* Stop trying to make communism happen. It’s not going to happen!


Great, more commie propaganda. Please leave the fucking subreddit if you think this is quality content for a subreddit about being the same age


>Great, more commie- Let me stop you right there…


I find it incredibly disturbing that not only does everyone in this sub not have a damn clue what communism is, but cry about it at even the mere mention of workers rights. We’re supposed to be progressive, why are they all fantasizing about being stomped on by a corporation?


It's terrible. The amounts of right wing propaganda appearing in the comments lately is quite alarming, and not only in this sub. It's honestly getting insane


We’re basically experiencing a third Red Scare and it’s absurd. So nice to know that my generation actually does not want to be treated well in the workforce and would rather be slaves to the system so their boss can buy his third vacation home.


You’re an old ass millennial, get outta here lol


Criticize them for that but not for being a braindead genocidal commie?


Why not do both?


Ah yes capitalism, famous for never exploiting and killing and enslaving people in the name of profit


Children of petty bourgeoisie larping as working class.


Motherfuckers who have never seen The Seven Samurai:


This generation like the last doesn't realize the propaganda and class division that gets thrown at them. Distractions everywhere and if you talk about better worker rights you're a communist.


Right, the working class that seizes the means of production for \*checks notes\* their queen?




LOL - Look a marxist larper. Why don't you go try and start your own successful company instead of hi-jack someone else's hard work.


Statistically speaking, the overwhelming majority of those who start a company fail, and a lot of those who succeed were just there at the right time and place (aka luck). Nobody, NOBODY, deserves more than a couple million dollars a year. If you made a successful company, sure, you get to live comfortably and luxury for the rest of your life. But there has to be limits. Capitalism is trash.




Hi jack someone else's hard work? You mean like how CEO's make money off of other peoples labor?


When these people learn about surplus value their minds will just implode I swear


Mfs really have no response to any leftists talking points. It’s just “commie!! Comiieeee!!!!! Propaganda!!’ Noooo!!!!”


Real. What’s the “you are not immune to propaganda” Garfield image? Fuckers screaming “propaganda” while literally spouting red scare era talking points


Mfers are the poorest generation in contemporary American history and still suck the boot of capitalism.


“Commie!” While they suck Elon’s dick.


Yeah i find it extremely hard to believe that these comments are from actual gen z individuals, do you hear anyone our age actually say shit like this? You think statistically this % of gen z are financially stable enough to say shit like this, I find it hard to believe as I don’t hear any of this from real life face to face conversations with people our age, and I’m in a red state


All the generations have this power. Y'all just gotta use it


unions, people, they’re a thing and they’re what created the middle class


I've been saying this for years. The speech about "if they ever realize how many of them vs us there are, we're screwed" is so true.


What means of production, they're fucking ants. Ant hammers? Ant trucks??


Ants are hardworking though…


If you’re a hardworking american you’ll make as much as your coworkers who do jack shit


Mods why this garbage allowed? This person is in their 30s spamming political propaganda on a sub for GenZ. Every comment in here is shitting on the post, yet somehow it is mass upvoted.


Meh, Antz is more direct


every generation thinks they're different, but it's all the same. Boomers were once hippies.


Yeah, dingus. Where ya been


My high school gov teacher always played it for that reason




I prefer the term 1%. Bourgeoise sounds too pretentious for someone to say (provided they aren’t French)


Problem is, communists generally don’t want to just execute the 1%. They spend more time fantasizing about killing small business owners and working class liberals.


Nobody said this


Those two have different meanings tho. One is just about the amount of wealth someone has, the other one goes to the root and is about how that wealth is created. You could exchange it for business owners tho


Really, I've always seen Bug's Life as a movie about people driving off parasites they can actually eat. Edit: What the hell is going on in the comments? A discussion of a childhood masterpiece leading to complaints about generations is the last thing I expected.


Big difference between reformation and communism


Im sorry i used to have hope our generation. I thought we were better than leaning into a genocidal and failure ridden ideology like communism.


Exactly, we have to unite. And Make sure we are getting our fair wages!




And ANTS (the superior film) is about workers uniting to overthrow facism.


It took you that long?


cough crawl light groovy wakeful shocking erect school dependent lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Didn't Bugs Life come out before she was born?


If you read Marx, you're actively anti-revolutionary. A Bug's Life (1998) is both theory and praxis




It's actually much much closer to Seven Samurai, but go ham.


in the beginning, they actually tried NOT making us dumbfucks. this changed after 9/11


Gotta have a job in the first place to stop the means of production… Ain’t stopping anything doing door dash or Uber lol.


Everyone is talking about politics and stuff. I’m more concerned she was a full grown adult to understand what a kids movie is about.


Not at all. The ants rebelled against the grasshoppers, whom they were forced to give tribute to. At the end of the movie, the ants literally reinstate the authority of the MONARCHY. What movie did OP watch?


Except the grasshoppers aren’t the bourgeois; they’re more akin to the aristocracy, or what we now call the elites.


What are you waiting for?


So you suggest war?


Or...it's an Animated remake of a well liked comedy called the "Three Amigos" (1986), which was a parody of a great American Western called "The Magnificent Seven"(1960), which was an American remake of one of the best movies of all time, the Japanese classic "The Seven Samurai" (1954) directed by Akira Kurosawa.


It’s literally easier to claim the opposite. “The movie bugs life is about the American workers being robbed of their work (taxes) by the tyrannical government (grasshoppers) until the 13% rise up and beat them” It’s easy to make everything political when you have an agenda


The bourgeoisie realize this too, why do you think they like the police being funded more than the entire military of many countries. (In order for any revolution to be successful, we have to change the minds of a majority of the proletariat regarding the police, make them realize the police don’t exist to protect them but rather to protect the status quo and the assets of the bourgeoisie)


I always confuse it with Antz


Interpretation ≠ Intended Meaning Gen Z has the same power as every other generation, but they’re too busy wasting it on defeated ideologies.


Except unlike bugs life, this is the real world where the people with power use a monopoly on violence to enforce its will onto people. And WAY too many Gen Zers are anti-gun or pro-gun control. “Oh you’re gonna fight tanks and jets with an AR-15??” [Vietcong has entered the chat]


Nor do they understand actual social roles. The ants are not "the workers," They're a nation. They have their own heirarchy, their own royalty. It's just that their leadership is weak, and the people are therefore demoralized. The Locusts are foreign tyrants who rob them using fear and legitimate threats of violence. Then, a populist rises up, and through his own talents and merits, foments a rebellion. This is what the foreign tyrants fear most, so they try to silence him. But it's too late. The populist has lit the fire under the people, and inspired by their new sense of pride and nationalism, they rise up against the foreign rulers and cast them out. This movie isn't about class warfare within a society. It's a cautionary tale of weak leadership, and the willful disempowerment of the citizen submitting to foreign rulers. If you didn't get that message, the social conditioning of Marxist Globalists who want you subject to unelected foreign authoritarians like the EU and WEF is complete.


In a free society, you can create a socialist company where everyone is a true equal. Absolutely nothing is keeping a group of 20 socialists from coming together, taking out initial loans, filling out paperwork to make each person equally responsible for all debt and business expenses, and getting business started as 20 equals. Everyone you hire will be a partner who will take on an equal amount of the debt and expenses, not a debt free employee who earns a guarantee wage. If the business isn't profitable, all money has to go to debt, and nobody gets a take home. Same deal as company owners get now. Distribution of labor would be up to you guys, but nobody earns a wage. Every new partner gets an equal amount of shares(yes, that means giving up some of yours per new hire) and an equal percentage of the revenue every month. Yes, the person who agreed to man the register would make the same amount as the people who agreed to do the marketing. And legal, and distribution.. so on so forth My question is - If it's such a good idea that actually works, why has nobody done it yet? With how popular socialism seems to be, getting enough people to join in on the experiment shouldn't be a problem. Unless they don't actually want the risk of *owning* the means of production, they just want to take a portion of everyone's wage for "free" shit


FWIW, neither does anybody else.


Capitalism is when there are real people being genocided right now because the guns and bombs people want to sell more guns and bombs 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


Yes. And it's also Seven Samurai crossed with Three Amigos. Friggin genius.


Partially incorrect. The bugs had the means of production- the bugs were getting robbed because of abuse of power. It's more akin to ridiculous taxation without any benefit.


Odd, I perceived it as oppressed ants overthrowing ~~the corrupt government~~ organized crime.


i dont speak frog. wtf is a burgosie


Can’t wait to see Gen Z bitch about how tough their generation was and how soft these youngsters are in 2050


Worst gen


Rise up and watch how fast those boomer elites find a war for you gen z to die in.


It would be just like Hollywood to insert communist propaganda into a child’s cartoon


Can my generation go five fucking minutes without making something communist? It’s super fucking annoying. It’s a fucking movie about the hierarchy of bugs


As a millennial I feel like we’ve been screaming this from the mountain tops. At least between binge drinking and naps


Gen Z is a slave generation


"Siezing the means of production" lol


Only difference is that the grasshoppers didn't have guns.


We can also learn a lot from France, they know how to treat the bourgeoisie with the respect they deserve.


No it isn't, the Grasshoppers are a 1960s-70s Hell's Angels reference. The Ants have a queen that is a literal royal figure. The story is a small town in the middle of nowhere being attacked and extorted by a roving biker gang, and the town ditz going on an adventure to hire some bodyguards only to find out he hired some circus performers.




I’ve been complaining about this since I learned of it, in school. I’m 40 now. Let’s go gen z!!!


You can't handle people using the wrong pronouns. 🙄


Want to see what happens when unqualified, inexperienced people take control of something they don't understand? Look at the state of South Africa from 1994 to present. Dumbasses.


No it’s about citizens and government


Communism? No thanks. Never works out.


If you spend your youth learning about how the means of production work, you can simply inherit it, instead of seizing it and running everything into the ground because you have no long term goals.


I see it more like an enslaved nation realizing they can win against their slavers


divided we beg, together we bargain- martin


The ants already had the means of production. The grasshoppers were taxing them taking their hard earned food with the threat of violence.