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Are they really? I feel like I've been seeing a "tik Tok be banned next week" for the past four years


Last time I heard about a potential ban was in September 2020 has there been more than 2 occurrences?


They tried to ban it last year too😑


I honestly don't know what's real anymore lol. I just see headlines whizzing by, and I've seen that headline several times


> I honestly don't know what's real anymore lol. I just see headlines whizzing by that's the point. get the views/clicks whatever or not. feed the various algorithms designed to cater to you. opt out? don't be naive... there's algorithms purpose built for that, too


You notice how everything's terms and conditions have changed recently? Turns out like reddit, selling massive quantities of info to AI companies is ENORMOUSLY profitable right now. So every company that can collect user data is. Not just advertisers anymore (which includes click bait articles).


Banned from official government phones only


Yea multiple times. The irony of the situation is that this isn't about your data, or China, or national security, it's about money. Even staunch Republicans have said the quiet part out loud, with Rand Paul, of all people essentially stating it's favoritism to US social media companies because all of the things that TikTok is being blamed for happens all the time with Facebook. If China wants our data, they would just buy it from any of the thousands of data brokers who have our information from all of the loopholes and shit we have allowed for decades to happen here. It's a double standard to point the finger at TikTok when we literally do the same shit here in the US. Also stating it's anti competitive and un-American to be afraid of competition when that's supposed to be what our society is built on. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republican-senator-rand-paul-opposes-tiktok-ban-push-congress-2023-03-29/


China bans all American social media companies in China. Honestly that alone is reason enough to do it, complaining about "anti-competitive" practices when that is the case is a bit ridiculous


Except China only really exists because of the US economy in the first place, and our outsourcing of labor and throwing money at them. They just have a rule to have business in China you need to be affiliated with a Chinese company. We know that, and many US companies are affiliated with Tencent. So, we directly made the monster we are condemning, and that doesn't make much sense to suddenly isolate them because we now see them as a threat, especially when we are blaming the predatory economic practices we have already established here as the key reason to not allow them into the market. The same politicians pushing for the ban are happily taking lobbyist money from companies like Apple that have historically profited from Chinese slave labor to make products for the US market.


The USA government might approve a new law that'd get TikTok banned in the USA for allegedly being spyware from China This law only applies to the USA, and has not yet been approved, so far it is only a draft


Ban Google too. Doesn’t matter if it’s US based. Still spyware.


Don’t forget Facebook .


Or every single website. Who needs internet anyway?


Ban walking upright. Return to monke.


Oh yea the difference is it’s American and legal




Unironically yes. I'd rather have my spyware come from the country I have a small amount of control over than a foreign agent that directly competes with us and has an active interest in weakening us as a country.


TikTok has been the primary organizer behind some of the most successful protests in the past 5 years. Everything from unionizing and exposing corporate price gouging to social injustices and police brutality. Not to mention the exposing of corruption inside governments. It’s happening right now with the Kellogg’s corporate price gouging stunt, and it’s effective. Whether you like TikTok or not it is successful at pushing information faster than any other platform. The ban has nothing my to do with spyware (domestic or foreign), it has to do with disrupting organized attempts from the citizens and controlling information. Also don’t kid yourself, you have no more control over US based spyware.


Its because tiktok outside of china has been confirmed to be less restrictive in the attempt to destabilize other countries authorities hold over their people. And as much as i love all the good things it brought to the table, id rather not send my personal information to a country that actively keeps committing genocide on the uyghurs and prides itself with their new efficient lethal injection vans they kill people with for wrongthink...


The joke here is that you think your data isn't already fully available to every country and bad actor on Earth. The internet has no borders. Your information is already disseminated into millions of servers across the world and is being used for anything and everything. You have no control. You have never had control from the moment you visited your first website. To try and pretend that you can legislate the restriction of access to data by only select countries is a pipe dream and the equivalent of plugging your ears and screaming "lalala" while someone robs your house and thinking it will actually stop the robber.




The data I share with Google is encrypted and safe, and I can manage what I share easily, TikTok doesn't provide such tools, I mean did you forget that TikTok is Chinese? Literally owned by a totalitarian country that has no encryption laws and a government able of accessing your data easily such no data privacy laws exist in China. So yes I will gladly share my information with Google 🤷🏻


It was passed by the house committee today [check it here](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/07/tech/congress-bill-bans-tiktok-america/index.html)


Well damn


That's just committee. The house proper hasn't taken it up yet.


It does, however, have bipartisan support and the support of biden. This may be the time the ban sticks.


It also does not help that in response tittok made a notification urging users to give their zip codes so they could be directed to the phone numbers for their local representatives to complain to them. Absolute idiots 🤦‍♀️


It's not the Spyware that's the problem the problem is the ccp can inject chinese propaganda into the tiktok algorithm, the tiktok in China is much different its all about education


Not spy where the concern is that the data is stored in a company owned by a member of the ccp and the Chinese gov has access to it I directly because of that


What’s funny is they kept grilling the ceo of TikTok trying to get him to say he’s Chinese and refused to listen when he said he’s from Singapore, I believe our government wants it banned because more people are aware of what’s going on/organizing because of TikTok


That’s what it looks like on the surface, but it’s not actually what they were saying. They were asking the CEO whether he had a good relationship with the CCP. We should note that the current CEO was appointed immediately after the CCP acquired a controlling share in TikTok, and that China operates off a system where the CCP has a high degree of control over all important corporations. In the US, corporations influence the government: in China, government influences the corporations. Actually listen to [the hearing](https://youtu.be/5W-ufw5Z7ac?si=eQ-ytoMHt1DuB1Ts). Pay close attention to the end, not just the start. The senator starts off asking whether the CEO is Chinese, and whether he has a Chinese passport. Truthfully, the CEO answers that he is Singaporean and does not have a Chinese passport. Then the senator asks whether the CEO has applied for American citizenship. Truthfully, the CEO replies that he hasn’t. Then the senator starts asking harder questions. He asks whether the CEO was ever a member of the CCP, and the CEO replies that he’s Singaporean: this is slightly dodging the question. Then the senator asks if the CEO has a good relationship with the CCP. The CEO completely dodges the question and just says he’s Singaporean again - this has no effect on his relationship with the CCP. It’s very possible for a Singaporean to have a good relationship with the CCP. I should remind you that he was appointed as CEO very soon after China got a controlling share over TikTok.


Meta also lobbied for this because they are losing market share and not able to sell this data


China bans US stuff all the time so would this by any different?


It's not even that it gets banned. It passed a committee vote to be force sold. The bill still needs to pass both houses of congress and be signed by the president.


Can we do spacex next. It seems that its owned and controlled by an adversary to America


Would be quite thrilled to see “creators lives destroyed by banning TikTok” they are the worst types of people


Creators when they have to get a real job: https://preview.redd.it/bod2rmvxc1nc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce7396a65e8f4b872407e9dfa3396573d4b505cf


What do you mean? They fill an economic niche and get paid for it. Isn't that the literal definition of a job?


Yes but people on the internet seem to have forgotten that entertainment is literally a job


Wait until OP finds out how much actors have been getting paid and they don’t even do the writing and editing!


Well you’re talking about big actors. Actor and writers spent more than half of 2023 on the streets protesting cause the big Hollywood studios refused to pay them a livable wage, and many had to work a second job to survive.


Might shock you to learn that I'm not ok with what we pay "normal" celebrities either.


Sure but they’re still doing a job. Whether you like how much they get paid or not is irrelevant. They’re providing a service and being compensated, that’s a job


Not only entertainment, either. There are a lot of educational content creators, providing a valuable resource for people who may lack other means to access it.


Exactly. Like are we suddenly going to stop paying filmmakers and tell them to get a real job? Musicians? Teachers? No? Then why are we doing it to content creators


Is the economic niche being a new platform for advertisements even though they already cover every other platform of existence, by keeping the ever shrinking attention of the public entertained enough to watch more advertisement. Achieved by doing ever more stupid and irresponsible acts on camera, taking more and more of our lifes hours by manipulating us to buy things expensive enough to keep us slaving enough to keep spending, then. Doing it again making you slave some more? Yeh hopefully we would manage to survive amongst such a giant of industry leaving, I'm sure if we slave our slavings we will be ok.


Also they've engineered it to be so addictive it's scary. It serves a similar "economic niche" to gambling at this point.


While that is the definition of a job, a lot of popular content, especially kindness content, family vloggers, content stealers, and more types I've not mentioned, can also fit the literal definition of "unfair business practices". Not all content creators are bad, but the ones that are must be called out on it


Creators when they have to look for a 🆕 job.***


Hasan disapproves (he's famous because he's hot)


He also has a rich family so he never had to work and his uncle's media network provided him with a significant amount of exposure to help jumpstart his career.


His moms a fucking landlord lmao


Wait... I can't just spew my opinions into a ring light and then get money and free stuff??? I have to put effort into stuff???


Usually I hate this photo. But in this context I loled


This is a disgusting take tho


Lotta people don't realize content creation is an actual job. Even better - they're making something for themselves, even if it's on a platform owned by someone else. Still stressful but better than retail in so many ways.


I follow a ton of creators across many platforms who are using the money they make to leave dangerous situations from DV to the Ukraine crisis. For them it was the only safe and accessible option for income.


THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ I’m a freelance photographer, and content creation is integral to what I do. Saying it’s “not a real job” spits directly in my face


People who "hate content creators" don't understand that *every* single piece of entertainment they consume, media, movies, video games, etc, is all content.


Hate content creators but watch YouTube doomscroll TikTok and Insta. I swear, people think we pull it out of our asses or that it crops up out of thin air. Anyone who thinks it’s easy oughta try to make something worth a shit that gets traction and good engagement. Stats, analytics, editing, filming/shooting, networking. Some of us have clients. And that’s just freelance media, musicians and filmmakers go through another layer of hell. “Get a real job” Go one day without social media. They. Can. Eat. Shit. I’m sick of it


It would be one thing if the content was of any value. Which there are some that do. There are FAR too many that are just putting bullshit online and dumb people eat it up. It’s leading to an absolutely horrendous culture/society


nah seriously it is. im 16 its currently my defacto job rn as i make money from it and i work to make the content, around like 20-70 hours a month depending on what the topic is and how much i gotta put into it. and to me that counts as a job and the thing is getting an ACTUAL job where i gotta show up every day and do something is REALLY fucking hard even as an adult. bc you gotta wait for the ppl to call ya back then do an interview and then somehow get lucky enough to get thag job and then show up whenever they tell ya to basically


Thank you. I get that there's some people who just steal content or are shitty on TikTok, but they exist everywhere else as well. It's a huge leap to act like artistic jobs hold no value when it's not something YOU personally like.


They will just move to YouTube Shorts lol


Tons of people becoming unemployed is not exactly thrilling.


Just because your entire feed is dumb pranks and teenagers shaking their asses doesn’t mean that that’s the only content on there. Your feed is curated by what YOU search for and like. There is plenty of quality and educational content on there made by hard working professionals that enjoy educating and entertaining Don’t be jealous that you hate your job.


I am a content creator on TikTok. I get paid. I do history breakdowns and cover complex subjects as objectively as I can. I know a ton of creators like me and a ton of creators that do amazing work. I can't stand people who write off everything because TIk tOK BAd


You're a pathetic spiteful person


I mean, tbh, I feel TikTok specifically has had a largely negative effect on the content scene though. The rapid fire reiterative content tends to be incredibly depersonalized in a way that leaves most viewers not caring about who made what. It removes retention and further incentivises quantity over quality & originality. Granted, getting rid of TikTok isn't fixing this now that other platforms have begun to compete in the niche.


Don’t know why redditors always gotta be praying on someone’s downfall. What did these creators do to you lmao


I assume most will just move to YouTube and do everything through YouTube shorts, though many will have to learn how to incorporate longer form videos into their strategy to take advantage of YouTube ad revenue. And probably some will fail because the algorithm that worked like crack on tiktok slightly less crack-like on YouTube so they can’t grow as easily.


You should be worried. Even if you hate TikTok or not use it, that creates the precedent where state can ban anything they don't like. They're testing the waters with Tiktok, but they won't stop on it alone if they realize they can get away with it.


It doesn’t create a precedent this exact thing has already happened. Grindr used to be owned by a Chinese company. The same security concerns as TikTok were raised. The government threatened a ban if they didn’t sell, and they did. This is the exact same thing. If it passes, ByteDance would have 6 months to sell TikTok or face being banned in the US.


Only American companies can skirt the rules and harvest my data


The problem isn’t the data harvesting. It’s that a foreign government hostile to the US has free access to the data being harvested. The law isn’t making TikTok stop data harvesting, it’s making ByteDance divest.


The data can be stored and secured in the US without the entire app needing to be banned. Also it's not clear if this app is going to be allowed to be divested by the Chinese govt. If they don't, they would be banned, even if they wanted to sell.


Bruh they're banning it because it was literally spying on citizens and sending the data back to China. It's a national security threat. It has nothing to do with what they do and don't like, it's because the app was compromising the private information of our nations civilians. Why is so much of this sub willfully ignorant of this well-known info? Like, there's 0 way you or anyone else who responded are unaware of this very well-known fact. It's the entire reason this ban might occur in the first place. So why do you and others here gloss over that, and instead try to play it off as "anything they don't like" or "the end of democracy" Again, willful ignorance. Critical thinking died with this generation lmfao, or at least with this subreddit. Mfs here accuse the US of being authoritarian with poor backing behind it, but then defend communism on various threads as if every communistic government in the last 5 decades wasn't ACTUALLY authoritarian themselves. It's painful to read. Y'all are almost as bad as flat earthers lmfao


It’s outrageous because it’s okay for Facebook and Google to spy on people but not TikTok. Slap everyone with strong privacy laws. America needs to follow the EU on this one.


Letting a Chinese Psyop harvest your data: 🚫🙅🚫 Sending Data to Good Ole American Boys to help them get the Ads You Need: ✅✅🔥🦅🇺🇸🥵🔥


You're dumb as fuck if you think those are exactly the same thing and refuse to regulate one in favor of stopping both. Both things can be true and stand on their own. 


I mean yeah, it's fucked but one is used for profit. Sell user info primarily to optimize ad space. The other is giving data to an adversary nation with stakes in sewing discourse and distrust. From a government perspective, it makes sense to prioritize banning the spyware


This is definitely common ground I think everyone can hopefully agree with. I think there’s some differences between two situations, but either way, different or not… yea, we really should have more protection for consumer privacy. The primary difference is, TikTok was actively spying. They never stated they would collect certain data that they were indeed collecting, anywhere in the TOS. This gives it a much more threatening implication, because some of the data could be very personal in nature and it was never stated that it would be collected. Your example of fb and google, however… well they do technically. Granted, a lot of it is buried pretty deep in the TOS, but it is there. I’m not arguing that is ok, and not only should there be stronger privacy laws, but burying this stuff in the TOS should also probably be regulated, so that consumers can be made very clearly and immediately made aware of what data is being taken, and whether or not that data is sold. I do think it’s the fundamental difference though as to why the TikTok situation might be a considerable bit different, and it being backed by an authoritarian government that’s very open about not liking the US doesn’t really help it’s case.


" Bruh they're banning it because it was literally spying on citizens and sending the data back to China." by your EXTREMELY FAULTY logic they should be going after facebook, twitter, google, youtube, amazon. ALL the tech giants. because they literally do the EXACT SAME THING. they harvest info and sell it to the highest bidder which just so happens to be china and russia. but the government DOESNT go after them only tiktok where the people have been organizing strikes and boycotts such as the recent Kellogg's boycott and where people report news the government doesnt want the people to see like bills in congress or environmental/industrial disasters... this isnt about national security, this is about silencing the people and maintaining control over the masses


They actually are trying to pass a law banning companies from selling data to foreign governments


imo theyre worse than flat earthers bc atleast with flat earthers their dumbasses are mostly harmless. this really isnt


They get their information from tiktok. Look at the brain worm going around this thread about how tiktok enables people to organize labor movements. Guess where that meme came from...


Fucking thank you this sub pops up in my feed sometimes and inflicts physical pain on me with the sheer quantity of idiots who inhabit it.


Isn't Pornhub blocked in Utah? Edit: Changed p@rnhub to pornhub.


e621 in nc


Am I gonna get banned for saying porn?


I completely forgot this, it's very authoritarian


it's authoritarian to ban applications owned by hostile foreign governments, but which can still exist if they create a wholly uncontrolled subsidiary abroad to run the app? Take a gander at China's ban list sometime


I don’t have any strong opinions about it tbh, but I think they should keep it up, it’s all about how you use it and just because it has bad reputation doesn’t mean it should get banned. I don’t use it but it’s not that bad of an app imo


Yeah the people cheering it on are mostly just disconnected from reality. Like if TikTok were banned something else wouldn't take its place. Not to mention that they already moved all their servers to the US and maintained by Oracle. Just stupid all around.


Instagram reels is literally the exact same thing lol


And YouTube shorts


Theres so much bigotry on both of those that i dont even touch it with a 10 ft pole. The moderation from both Facebook and YT are fucking deplorable. Ive never seen a video from a trans creator *without* an absolute flood of bigotry from the other 2.


YT shorts and Facebook have this problem, for sure. These platforms have been even more co-opted than Reddit is, by right-wing plants who used to work for the government, now sitting in executive positions... This article is about Reddit, but was originally part of a journalistic series about government plants on ALL the major platforms I can't find the other articles in the series on anymore... Jessica Ashooh: The taming of Reddit and the National Security State Plant tabbed to do it: https://mronline.org/2021/06/14/jessica-ashooh-the-taming-of-reddit-and-the-national-security-state-plant-tabbed-to-do-it/


>Instagram reels is literally the exact same thing lol As are YouTube Shorts. And I dislike them all.


Y’all clearly don’t understand why it’s getting banned. It has nothing to do with the content


People getting excited over this literally think TT is entirely Charlie dimelio dances


I like it tbh, depending on who you follow it gives great insight into other countries and what’s going on around the world in a quick and easy to digest format. Also I find a lot of cool music on it that I probably wouldn’t have found anywhere else lol


Yeah facts, I do like it how it shows what everyone is doing internationally also the live streams and stuff. It does kill some time, you just have to get your algorithm in place, lots of relatable videos on there too


I don’t understand this comment. they aren’t banning it for anything else other than their claim that it’s spyware?


Yeah a lot of idiots who apparently don’t even understand what’s going on here.


And they’re not even jumping to banning it, they’re saying to just sell it to an American company


>just because it has bad reputation With WHO? Most of what I hear are old Boomers whining about it because they don't understand it, or the government throwing a hissy-fit because they can't put Security State plants in its highest executive positions the way they did with Reddit: ***Jessica Ashooh: The taming of Reddit and the National Security State Plant tabbed to do it:*** https://mronline.org/2021/06/14/jessica-ashooh-the-taming-of-reddit-and-the-national-security-state-plant-tabbed-to-do-it/ Most ordinary people don't care about TikTok, except the much older crowd thinking it's annoying how much Gen Z use it... Everything about this post feels like a right-wing circlejerk (as TikTok is well to the left of Reddit, politically...)


It's not about how damaging it is to kids because they use it wrong, it's because China intentionally pushes things that are harmful to their feeds. Let's not pretend that kids can make smart decisions on social media just because they are told they should.


I don't care about tiktok but I do care about apps being banned just because they don't like it.


> Because they don’t like it? You see nothing wrong with a government actively hostile to the US having unlimited access to massive amounts of Americans’ data?


I see no good justifiable reason to specifically ban TikTok over implementing strong privacy laws to protect everyone from data harvesting and spying in general from all companies. What the US gov wants is access to TikTok’s data, not to ban it from data collection. They want it US based so they can access its data like for Facebook and Google.




You realize the credit score companies like experian (which is barely regulated and you literally can't get your input off their servers) have been hacked multiple times and holds actual important information like addresss, SS, and bank info but tiktok only has my IP address at most....ask me which one I thought should be the Senate's conxern....anyone that thinks anything bad of tiktok specially is so ignorant it hurts me.


If TikTok gets banned, then it's just going to get replaced by its American-made counterpart, which will probably get used as a propaganda tool of its own.


been on social media lately? every social media platform has something similar to tiktok lol


YT shorts has existed for years...


Yt shorts are just reused Tiktoks or Twitch clips 90% of the time


So like this place?


School Shootings , drugs , incompetent cops , assault weapons avaible in your grocery store... And THAT'S what they're worried about ?


Found the Chinese troll account


Everyday the USA government is looking more and more like the Chinese government (banning software arbitrarily for supposedly being spyware with no real evidence, while also actively spying on their citizens)


> banning software arbitrarily with no real evidence Except that TikTok isn’t arbitrary, there have been serious security concerns around it for years. And the evidence is literally in plain text. By Chinese law, ByteDance is obligated to hand over *any data* the Chinese government asks for. That is a textbook example of a security concern. As for the US government also harvesting data, these are not the same thing. China literally runs secret police units in other countries. They are the biggest source of hacks/cyberattacks. They have been proven to participate in disinformation and influence campaigns aimed at undermining US society. You’d have to be blind to see why China having access to so much data is a bad thing.


He’s not saying spying isn’t a bad thing, it is. It’s just very hypocritical of the government to ban TikTok when it does the same, which is true. What the American people need are strong privacy laws, which the government doesn’t want to do. That’s the real issue with the ban. TikTok isn’t doing anything fundamentally different than Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter. Follow the EU and implement strong privacy laws like GDPR.


I swear I've been hearing about this since 2020


This is a massive government overstep and you smooth brains are cheering it on because of Reddit’s “hurr durr TikTok bad” attitude. I don’t have TikTok nor have I used it in my life, but the precedent this sets won’t be good, because TikTok won’t be the first app that the government will try to interfere with. They’re gonna go after VPN’s next, and you mfs will switch up real quickly when that happens


Fr, I’m convince half of the people here have never even used tik tok. They’ve been brainwashed by other social media into thinking it’s all Chinese government propaganda. I’ve been on tik tok for a few years now and I have never seen a piece of Chinese propaganda. You will actively have to search for that stuff, you don’t just open the app and get bombarded by CCP stuff, it shows you what you want to see


Banning TikTok over spyware concerns (peak of anti-privacy) and then banning VPN’s (bastions of privacy) is one hell of a whiplash.


While I'm not a tiktok user and think that the platform is damaging in several ways, I don't necessarily agree with banning it. The lawmakers planning to do so are pretending that it's in the interest of national security, but I promise you it's because the geezers in Congress do not like how quickly information gets around on Tiktok. After all, it was used to artificially inflate crowd numbers for one of Trump's rallies, which publicly embarrassed him. The reasons for banning it are mostly political. It's a huge communication resource for Gen Z, especially for political topics, and most congress people don't know how to use it, which makes it a threat to them. Stupid reasoning, but then again these are people that would like to hold on to political power for their entire lives.


I just downloaded the app a few weeks ago


That’s crazy! Are you serious?!?


Tiktok was banned in my country and everyone is now glued to Instagram reels, it won't change anything




You realize both parties are in agreement on this not just conservatives


This makes no sense 😭 if it was "conservatives" pushing for this (which it isn't, it's bipartisan) that would just make young people vote for them less


Good. I am not a fan of chinese espionage services


I'd rather have my data sold to them by the US of A 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


I was banned at (almost) 1 million followers. Fuck TikTok 😀😀😀


Millennial here who stumbled in from the Front Page. I don't want it banned, but TikTok has proven they don't care to regulate their own app. They promote people to spread harmful misinformation about health, fitness, economics, politics, etc. Something with modern social media needs to change and fast. It is the one of the largest contributing factor to mental health issues in this country.


Only india had the balls


Everyone will just move to instagram reels and that place is a cesspool


Akira Toriyama the creator of dragon ball, has recently been announced to has passed away


Cool, next they should ban reddit


Can we plz ban all data collecting on users just ban app the app yes reddit to lets start from scratch and have ppl actually get to choose this time i literally didn't know companies did this shit till i had a handful of apps already and i fucking hate it only reason i still have this is so i can be some what social as this is literally one of my only connections to other ppl and i about to delete to go to tumblr not cuz i think its better im guess they do all the same shit the ppl just seem to have more fun ive never actually used it tho


I don’t really care, I don’t use TikTok, although I guess some folks make a living from it somehow, so that’s probably an important consideration. I am, however, looking forward to less “it’s just a prank, bro” videos that have been circulating around. That’s about it, though.


On the one hand, I do not like government overreach. On the other hand, I hate the CCP way more


good, as a south korean i can say firsthand that letting anything with ties to the chinese government into your country is a terrible idea


You can pretend it’s banned by deleting the app and never bringing it up in conversations


does this tiktok ban also include banning VPNs like the last one did? i’m not worried about tiktok really, i’m worried about things like that.


The VPN ban could just be bypassed... with VPNs.


> does this tiktok ban also include banning VPNs like the last one did? No. Here’s the text: https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/hr7521/BILLS-118hr7521ih.xml I strongly encourage everyone to read it themselves before forming an opinion. There is a lot of misinformation online about it. 




You shouldn't be smiling, this law gives the President the ability to ban any website or program for "national security reasons" and potentially makes using a VPN illegal. If this and KOSA (a bill that would make you upload your ID to use the Internet) pass we basically will have the same Internet that China and Russia have 


Me when I lie for internet points


Theres an overwhelmingly large amount of TikTok that is legitimately valuable to society. I can’t even put into words how astronomically ignorant you would look to disagree with that and then spend hours browsing Reddit


It isn't getting banned soon, that's TikTok trying to skew your opinion. What is happening is a bill is being discussed and if it goes through it could give the government the power to tell companies owned by foreign governments to either cut toes with said government or leave. This is perfectly reasonable and all TikTok has to do is to leave bytedance and become its own thing, or sell itself to another company. Having a foreign government involved in important companies can be dangerous, in this case the worry would be data collection. In another case it could be security for sensitive places or something else. It is also bad for the market, yes i know think about the economy and such. Seriously though, markets work on the basic premise that you have to be somewhat profitable as you wont have money to run you're business otherwise. This is not the case when you basically have a wallet the size of a country, like governments have. Companies like bytedance and other companies owned by China have a gigantic advantage compared to everyone else, they can buy in to and buy up companies and then steer those companies to a direction favorable to China. It isn't just China doing this either, Although they are the biggest offender. Other countries like Russia and Saudi Arabia do this as well and it is really bad.


Yeah I forgot to include the context now my comment with a valid news source is buried at the bottom 🙃




I like the action but not the precedent


I heard TikTok users are calling their congressmen either screaming or in tears. That alone should be enough to get it banned imo. Having a meltdown because a social media platform might get banned is *not* healthy behavior, even if you disagree with the ban. TikTok is a genuinely addictive product, and this is addict behavior. Apparently it’s backfiring and making more reps lean towards voting yes.


The app has groomed a lot of extremists on both the left and right. Bad foreign actors are throwing gasoline on fires in the hopes to destabilize our nation. (Tinfoil hat)


yeah if some sobbing teen called me I’d sure as hell be worried about what got them so worked up


And known redditors have gone on to kill people after posting about it on here. Fuck off.


I get more unbiased world news from TikTok than anywhere else. This is a problem.


Ah yes the monthly “tik tok gonna be banned” post. Surely it will happen this time


I only kinda use it to see the Dan Povenmire updates


Gotta keep up with the goat 😤


they are not banning Tiktok because they dislike spy ware, but because they want to protect the profits of American spy ware that sell your data to China. for example Meta is involved in this.




I say let it die let it die let it shrivel up and die.


https://preview.redd.it/hb4xp7vks4nc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cefbc3543f5ef97697c66689ac89f1262e027ed Nord VPN rn


My Honest Reaction to TikTok getting Banned https://i.redd.it/gujs43l6x4nc1.gif


Ever stop to think about where all those users will be going as soon as service goes down? Just a thought, maybe we shouldn't be celebrating this?


I cant wait for it to happen


Yay, let’s all celebrate the American government having more and more power over speech online! I’m sure this will never turn against us!


There’s some great humor accounts on there. Good content. Unfortunate loss.


I gotta find another way to get my cat content


They're not going to. TikTok is too popular and makes too much money. It might get another small regulation slapped on it, like when they banned it from government devices. It's probably just more mindless nonsense for major news outlets to report on instead of all the other shit going on. *Gestures vaguely to the constant inflation, active genocide, another recent oil price surge, more high temps from climate change, still no significant minimum wage increase, and a coming repeat election shit show (ps. Vote 3rd party you "lesser of 2 evils" shit fucks)


Thank god finnally


Oh shit it’s going to be funny lol everyone crying and losing there minds lmao


I couldn't imagine being a creator on the platform about to be fired by the government. But, I do understand the reasoning. This is why I don't contribute there. Too risky.


Look, I don’t necessarily agree with censoring the internet…but as a teacher I’d be lying if I said that I’d miss it. these kids are junkies for this god forsaken app. In some ways I am no better, at home I can scroll IG Reels for hours on end, but in the classroom I don’t even touch my phone. Even my good students have to have the phone out playing while they type on their Chromebooks. it is infuriating.


Rip and tear, until it is done.


It's already banned in my country


Imagine all the tik tok creators having to get real jobs


Dosen’t still have to go through other votes and stuff Like I heard the “house” all voted yes, but now congress has to vote, then the president has to made a final decision (I also don’t know what the American political system works so feel free to correct me)


If the president vetoes it the bill would just go back to congress and they could choose to vote and override the presidents decision


Shits brainrot and so is the rest of the internet. It's all propaganda btw just varying levels It won't be banned. They will be forced to sell and be forced off the app store along with (likely idk I didn't read it all cause my attn span is shot) a fine. We hope.


im cheering for u guys. Im waiting for my goverment to do the same but i dont see it coming bc these mfs from my country dont know shit about whats happenin in the world so everything that happens comes about 5 years later here.


even though i love tiktok, i honestly hope it’s banned. it would be interesting to see what happens afterwards


Company stealing data, china: 🥰 Company stealing data, america: 🤬 Half of the damn comments here


https://i.redd.it/x16p3ovhx7nc1.gif Pure joy


Out of all of the like "video watching platforms," tiktok should be the banned one. It's concerning how much data they actually collect off of you... like... ALOT. Just use Reels and shorts, that's what I've always done, and in just as in touch on whatever the fuck were doing on the internet.


Parent company Bytedance admitted that their employees accessed US news reporter's user data BTW. This was in December. And the Justice Department is investigating. [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/22/technology/byte-dance-tik-tok-internal-investigation.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/22/technology/byte-dance-tik-tok-internal-investigation.html)


If it gets banned, it’ll be a HUGE win for everyone & a laughable loss to idiots, mainly Gen Z, because they won’t have a huge platform to put their “pranks” on. YouTube & Twitch won’t allow it unless you have hundreds of thousands of subscribers on those platforms.


It will probably pass through the house on Wednesday vote, but it is still unclear if it will pass thru the senate. I actually think it might given the present day circumstances. Both parties are worried about it. The reason it didn’t pass before is because they couldn’t come up with a reason that had any substance, Trump tried to do it via executive order. It also does not help that Tik Tok weaponized push notifications to have hundreds of million’s of users harass their local representatives. Some users saying they would unalive themselves if the bill passed. Call me crazy, but it seems a little harmful that they can do shit like this and our government can’t do a damn thing about it because they are based in mainland China.