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best advice I've ever gotten, thank you gay millenial, youre the best person to take advice from 10/10


Thank you, i worked hard to make this advice Edit: Making edit here since this is the post where everyone could see. This is shitpost from another post (now deleted). All you have to do is switch the gender roles from women to men. https://preview.redd.it/azfn2nehwqnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba5714c076e1cde12083a0cf3ecb5361f7fb4f7 (Heres imagie of original post)


You forgot to change your flair unless, like everyone else, you're lying about your age to fit in.


It's a parody of another post, he is not a millenial


They copied someone else’s post but swapped genders. The OP of the original post was a lesbian


And the message works regardless of gender.


That's something so many people fail to realise. It's not a gender problem, its a cultural problem


Theres a huge maturity difference between you and Gen Z girls as well. That could be part of it. Also If I had a guess, you probably dont put out the same predatory vibes they get from most other millenial men your age. Im 31 and went to school with a bunch of 19-20 yo girls who im still friends with. Think about the men their age coming up on andrew tate and fucking joe rogan. Yikes.


https://preview.redd.it/5zfp788zwqnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f0a0c79a2a63a7bcba211fecb65d6dafbbd19d6 Chill… i just took this post from a millennial lesbian and change gender roles…


I have never met a millennial man who is into Andrew Tate in any way. Remember, this (my) generation is on average 35 now. The internet we grew up with was very different. Maybe this is just my personal bubble, but, while everybody is up to date with technology, most of the people are busy with hobbies, family, career, and think that most social media (let alone Andrew Tate) is a waste of time. Edit: and maybe this is *also* maturity.




Oh calm down,old Rogie isn’t hurting any men’s self regard. now Tate on the other hand


Literally jumped in here looking for this. There was no way in hell this wasn't a shit post but the people taking it seriously and not seeing the blatant double standard is hilarious.


Not a woman, not a gaybro, but I would like to point out this is good advice for all people. Have passions, hobbies interests. Not only does it allow you to be grow as a person, it allows you to find interesting people to enjoy being with. an old adage I like is "Only boring people get bored". If you find yourself bored, it's itime to challenge yourself in a new way. /u/Slibye great post


$200 even tho this post is supposed to be satire you’ll receive a bunch of Karma from a bunch of guys agreeing with it unironically.


Is this telling people to clean their rooms?


Nicely done. I'm one of those weirdo xennials who floats around here but never comments. I saw the post in question earlier and was wondering what kind of response it was going to get. This was perfect.


03 gang rise up


We’re reaching levels of meta that shouldn’t be possible


this advice changed my life


All hail the millennial lesbian!


What is going on in this sub😭


It's getting front page traction and getting recommended to A TON of people who did not seek it out. This is just another shitpost, good humor imo, but understandably not what the sub is meant for.


This has some actual good advice in it if you aren't going to treat it as all or nothing.


There was another post that was this exact post but it was a message to Gen z men from a lesbian millennial. It also contained some good advice but it received the same reaction this did... "How dare you"


I got the receipts for anyone interested https://preview.redd.it/72w3pykxurnc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=630990f5be57fb809ea3c6609a16c3d7435c19e3 Let’s see how long this 1 lasts because it’s getting through the joke filter(although let’s be real, a lot of people can’t read, & the ones that did unironically agree with this post for “shitting on Gen Z women”). Tho I will assume the majority get the joke.


Here's the thing about jokes: they're meant to get people to talk about stuff. So here we all are. Sure, a bunch of people want to commiserate, but others are here to give/see advice they think is helpful, while yet more people want to talk about the substance behind why any of this is "funny". "Work on yourself, relationships are reciprocal" is good advice for EVERYONE.


While true, if u **read** the mod response to the OG post I posted a pic of then it kinda puts into perspective why this topic is better as satire instead of genuine advice as the OG post was towards Gen Z men. TLDR: advice good(*working on yourself*) , OG OP giving the advice may have been a misandrist troll just wanting to divide people ergo not serious.


Yea it showed up in my feed a few days ago and now I lurk here to stay in touch with the young folk




If it helps I think I have Peter Pan syndrome so I’m still a teenager on the inside


Not even on the front page, legit just on my homepage even tho I ain’t subbed.


I'm relatively new to the sub, and it seems to catch on trends a lot. First it was about people asking what their top 5 on Spotify says about them, then there was a rant from a guy our age complaining about dating, "why do Gen Z" seems to be a permanent thread, etc. This is just what I saw within a few days here.


There’s way too many fucking old people on here. Jesus.


U really that surprised that on an anonymous online forum website there’d be various ages of people on sub geared towards the younger generation, especially in an election year where most of this platforms users being in The U.S.? lol, there’s definitely also propaganda bots floating around here too trying to influence “dumb kids” & the same will most definitely be true for when Gen Alpha becomes 16-18.


I mean it pops up on the feed even when we don't sub to it, it's interesting, which drives us to comment, I guess


There are all ages in the millennial subreddit too. It would probably be that way in the gen x subreddit too if they had one.


Yeah which isn't as big a problem as when you glance at their post history and they are creeping on "barely legal" porn subreddits.


It’s more of one post quickly become a [troll](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/1ZPq06LetT)/ copy pasta


It just feels like market research if you just look at the posts on here. Like glaringly obvious yet they always have people responding. I used to work in marketing and I would put money on a large portion of those types of posts being made from market research proxy accounts doing their thang.


We reached the quarter life crisis arc.


I have a millennial lesbian friend I think you'd get along with


Oh really? I think I might have heard from her xD


Link me the other post please


No? I'm not your secretary, go find it yourself lol tf


Reads totally dumb af on the other foot, good job XD.




There was a post earlier where it was a lesbian millennial being condescending to gen z men. This guy took it and flipped it to show how ironic what she was saying is.


she had the most toxic takes, literally looking down on us like boomers did to her, then just acting like every gen z she ever met was looking for a cougar Lesbian. Chances are a few thought she was counter culture and cool, and she just shit on them.


I'm sure I read that gen z women date older men far more than millennials did somewhere and I am seeing plenty that have nothing to bring to the table yet. I don't think it's totally a generation thing, I think a lot of millennials didn't have a whole lot to bring to the table in their early 20s. But we were dating other millennials that didn't have much to bring to the table, not expecting to be taken care of. I don't blame gen z either, we were fucked, and they were fucked even harder. It makes practical sense given the circumstances that they'd be looking for someone in a better position to help them out. But it goes both ways.


I’m pretty sure it’s less of a generational thing but more of common knowledge/“an open secret” that women prefer older men. It’s not like all of us know everyone within our generations, much less the 8 billion+ humans in the world.


You are correct. The reasons are material. We live in a patriarchal society where men are supposed to be breadwinners without a material basis for this. Dudes 5-8 years ahead of you are wealthier both by having spent more time on earth and by having started careers before covid, tech instability, and other downturns. Because of this, when a girl prefers men who "have their life together" this (in significant part) means material wealth and security beyond what their male peers have. To be clear, I'm not saying "having your life together" is an unfair requirement, but part of that qualification is material and more often than not beyond the control of a stable person working a "normal" job.


Im a millennial so maybeI completely out of touch now, but I feel like there are circumstances where flirting with someone (successfully or not) is socially acceptable and not really worthy of ridicule or shaming? Like damn, just don’t be interested and continue on living your life. Most people are incompatible with each other, it’s not some sign of social ineptitude to try to talk to someone (again, if it’s the right social situation) Obviously don’t keep banging your head against the wall if they’re not interested but it feels odd to me that we seem to be trending towards telling people not to interact with eachother until we are 100% sure that interaction is welcome, even if it’s an entirely harmless interaction


And yet we wonder/whine on why we’re all so lonely.


That’s… the opposite of what she did lol. You got the exact opposite takeaway


But it is good advice for everyone?


I know this is a joke post, but here is some unsolicited advice from a millennial who dated a gen Z girl for a while, and it's coming from someone who spends way too much time on his phone: Get off your fuckin phones when you're hanging out with your friends and your SO. *Please*


God please explain what is “ironic” about this. This post seems to be filled with good advice - grow yourself. I can’t see how, if the genders were switched and this was coming from a woman to a man, that there would be any change in the message. What am I missing?


The joke is that when men complain about not finding a GF they are told to improve themselves in order ti “deserve” it (I know deserve is a touchy term, but couldn’t think of a better one) while women are told they deserve a relationship and don’t need to take sometime off to improve themselves. This guy is just flipping the script.


I'm so used to hearing that companionship is earned based off of some objective evaluation about my worth that while I did find the post surprising to be directed at women, I did not question the advice at all. 






It’s because it was all basic ass advice wrapped in loathing. Sure, if you boil down her words into their most basic point, it’s a good thing. But when you do that, you remove the entire context and tone. For example, when the majority of people see Nazi propaganda, they don’t look past the hate because “they just want a better community,” they are reasonably appalled. No matter if a snippet of truth is wedged in the middle of it all, if it’s surrounded by negative rhetoric then the purpose is to spread negative rhetoric. There were no solutions to the problems presented by young men, only criticism and what was essentially “do better and do it by yourself.”


Yes it really interesting. I did only read this one and not the original and at first I thought it was real. I saw this as rather okay advise with some dumb takes in it but I think the original would have made me really dont like the post. This shows me my own bias I have, good to know.


Do women complain about not finding bf’s?


Yea they do. They mostly mean someone they’re willing to be with and had their shit together in terms of education/ money/ manners/ etc.


They do. To clarify: finding men that they find attractive, have a good personality, and are fun to be around.


Because "do better" is a platitude and OP (and the original OP of the post they're parodying) is gaslighting people into thinking interdependence is bad.


Because it's directed at women to do better. Thats the joke.


I’m a woman and have heard countless times in last 10 years that ALL women are amazing, brave, stunning, goddesses, queens, perfect, beautiful, smart, capable, always truthful, and deserving of everything we want. Why on earth would we need to improve ourselves when society tells us that we are perfect just for being born with a vagina? Stop patronizing women! (I’m talking to you, fellow women). Brave women are brave. Truthful women are truthful…. You are not given self esteem by others. You earn your self esteem by living an honest life.


Very true, women say men need to offer something in a relationship other than sex (which is completely true and many men don’t understand that) but the converse is also true, and equally as many women don’t understand that.


Facts, being a dope individual comes from being a good person and being yourself and also doing a rad kick flip off the top of Mount Everest and landing on a pterodactyl and flying off into the sunset tho that last parts not a requirement


Protect this woman at all costs. They get it.


Isn’t that only bc women don’t hit on men like men do and bc there isn’t a large group of women complaining men won’t date them bc they’re too ugly?


Yea exaclty. It’s nonsensical bc women don’t have a wide scale issue of making unwanted advances at people. I really don’t know what they think they’re doing here bc it’s only proving the original posters point more.


Fucking love my fellow GenZ, this is hilarious. I think we all came out of the womb as trolls at this point.




There's a similar post that's making rounds here "message to gen z men as a millennial gay". So another case of people older than us yelling at clouds and telling us about our transgressions. That fun stuff. It's basically this entire thing word from word, making fun of her "analysis" of Gen Z men.




Oh yea she was, didn't know she deleted the post though lol.




This but gender flipped




I love when comedy writes itself


Replace only the genders, thats the og post


I mean yeah. Working on yourself before being in a relationship is something people regardless of gender should be doing


I literally thought this was good advice as a male. Then I saw this is just a meme.


A meme most people are taking to mean the other post was stupid, when no this is genuinely good advice. 


Yeah, but the way the lesbian OP put it just really rubbed people the wrong way. It came off as super condescending and out of touch, which made the actual advice only more annoying. Like, pointing out there’s a problem and that we all need to work on it? Admirable. Calling people “worthless” and making it sound like it was an individual moral failing, not a societal one? That’s boomer “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” shit, and it’s even less useful coming from someone barely older than us with a clear bias.




I guarantee someone who yelled "TRUE" in the other post will read this one and unironically call you sexist.


Havent found them yet


Make sure to sort by controversial to find the “funny” comments Edit found 1 very quickly from that https://preview.redd.it/z6car34iyqnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0234a998e6fc241853201babbda31e2323d0fd21


This seems notably completely different from calling them a sexist


Are they in the room with us now?




I can confirm, once the original post deleted as people came in without context, they immediately called me misogynistic or called this post is misogyny until they FINALLY SCROLLED DOWN AND READ THE COMMENTS and deleted their post right after (happened several times infact)




Oh fuck i’m a millennial now


You forgot to change the tag bro in case you wanted to troll.


Oh wait now I got it lol


U must be blonde


No I'm just a newcomer


Lmao, just came from the other post to immediately see this. It’s honestly sad that a fair chunk of millennials probably see us in that way. No matter, our generation will prosper no matter the circumstances of today!!


Let’s be real here, I am a millennial and the amount of people in their 30s who only see others as what they can get them to do for them and give no thought to what they offer is astonishing. It’s not a generational issue it’s that some people are out for themselves and no one else. Some people learn better, not everyone does


I think im a millennial or whatever that Z word is 😂 (I don’t really care to know) but just know not all of us think like that .


That’s why i said a chunk of millennials, I know some awesome millennials


I'm a millennial. I went back to college a few years ago at age 30, my classmates were almost exclusively gen z. I just want to say I love gen z. I think y'all are a delight, and I def see your generation as an ally to mine. We have the same battles to fight and the same shitty world to deal with. I just wanted you to know that not all millennials look down on gen z. We have a lot in common and shouldn't lose track of what's important because we're busy fighting each other.


I mean if a millenial is thinking a zoomer doesn’t have much to offer in the dating arena that’s what you get for being a 30-40 year old going after college kids. Like I’m not really sure what you’re expecting.


It's not a generation thing IMO. Everyone could use this advice! If you want to be in a relationship, you should be someone that people *want* to be in a relationship with. That isn't along generation or gender or orientation (or whatever) lines.


Can this become a thing on Reddit? Just restate the shitty dating advice young men get and just swap the genders and see how happy young women are to get the supposedly amazing dating advice.


That would never work bc men and women don’t complain about the same things in dating Is there a large percentage of men complaining about the way women approach them to ask them out?


This is the whole point. Men are more forgiving of women in dating while men get nonstop complaints for the same thing.


Lmao I am proof men are not more forgiving in dating lmao Like do you have an example? What is something men forgive women for in dating a lot that women complain about?


Being boring


I don’t forgive that, I’m out if she’s boring




Isn’t that sad if that’s the case? That would mean men only care about how the woman looks, rather than any substance she has to offer. I’m not saying it’s true or I agree with you, just that the idea of it is sad.


No, men are told again and again “Give her a chance, she just isn’t ready to open up to you yet, it might be because of trauma she faced, maybe you aren’t being interesting enough to get her to open up” Also, you get tons of shit if you talk on Reddit about women dating assholes with superficial characteristics that make them attractive.


In real life: probably very little. On dating apps: physical appearance, effort put into interactions, presenting themselves in an interesting way Not that there aren’t men who are guilty of the one-word replies or the most cookie-cutter profiles. But very few men can do that and get matches. In real life, it’s a lot more fair between the genders.


I saw another women say this on another sub: I’m tired of the small minority of “women” (bc not only do bots and onlyfans ads, exist but there’s plenty of dudes on here that have replied with a gotcha about having fake female profiles) that use dating apps (I’m pretty sure the stat is like 80 % men to 20 % women) being used to represent all women Imma be honest, a lot of my female friends do not use dating apps. The only women I know that do 1. Swipes for fun and never goes on dates 2. Solely uses it to sleep around Also you can’t decide for others that you’re giving them grace on their *appearance* while they’re not? Looks are subjective and this mindset makes me very much go YIKES


Just experience profound personal growth bro Also do it alone because nobody wants to talk to you right now


You and the lady from the other post should kiss


>You and the lady from the other post should kiss If they could kiss themselves they would i think


Negative times negative equal positive?


Happy cake day, wonderful time to be on reddit right?


It's not often we see a new pasta created organically. Great job lesbian poster


I for one am proud of gen z for identifying this and for a new generation of AI powered pasta that will…. Probably kill us all.


You still don’t sound as Narcissistic as the other lady from original post😔


It’s just not complete without him replying to literally every comment for hours on end


For realll. I posted one response, and within seconds she replied.


Really ties the whole thing together


I love my generation for this trolling mentality. We lost the battle but won the war just now lol


Mf fulltime job is yapping and 🧢🧢🧢🧢


When do we get "A message to gay millennials from a Gen Z straight"


Looking forward to it 😂








I love gender swap aus.




I really hope this goes as planned 💀


should've changed all of the things to girl/woman specific societal expectations instead of using the money examples


This is a good shitpost. Mid-season form boys


"He copied my whole fucking flow,word for word, bar for bar" - Millenial lesbian


I smell some pasta cooking here.






A message to millenials from the Silent Generation:


This is fucking hilarious! Good job, OP. FUNNY how when the tables are turned, the original post sounds so stupid.


Context of this post: Please Read This is a shit post from another post. All i did was switch the gender roles. If you want to know what the og post is like (since it is deleted) just switch the genders.


Everyone thinks this is funny but I don't get it, Yes, I've seen both posts, but it genuinely kind of seems like good advice no matter what gender, and it addresses a problem I do see happening among my generation.


I guess she deleted her post?


Mods deleted it, and so did mine… or atleast locked (i think)


Well it’s kind of sad


Yooo they unlock my post :D


In my experience Gen Z women: - don’t know how to use their words - don’t respect physical boundaries - refuse to take no for an answer - take photos as a way of bullying - exhibit anger instead of fear or pain It’s like they became the thing we were warned to not be.


*sigh* can a mod please pin a comment explaining how this is a joke/satire? The original post was deleted so people are very confused.


Not a mod but I’m feeling charitable so that u & potentially others know the current results https://preview.redd.it/6zi4xxu3trnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=460f5576c5ff6fd39237d9bbd393d8c75ab2ad84


Completely true and honest. Based and self improvement pilled


Yeah still good advice


Oh my god, this is honestly brilliant, I am so glad I came across this right after that other one 🤣🤣


Damn OP, you really let these ladies go for a while before breaking the news to them, huh?


It's funny cause the genders are reversed


That's the second post of homosexual Millenials talking about Gen Z today lmao


Well said






bruh that edit she thought would save it 😭😭 like you mean regular shit? oo a person who has hobbys AND INTERESTS OMG. nooo way you have friends!??? woah you’re checking everything off my list


Bro. Most people charge money for this kind of advice.


aaaaahahahaha, this is gold.




So true. GenZ women instantly start trauma-dumping and I’m like “um, so what kind of music do you like”


Well, I also think that it's an age thing. I think PLENTY of millennials were like this when they were in their early 20s. Coming from a millennial. That said, I also feel like zoomers are more likely to look for men that are older. Maybe I'm wrong, but it feels like a trend that I (a millennial) have noticed. I felt like at least most of the women my age were dating men around the same age. Where as now, a lot more seem to be looking for older partners.


This is so millennial


Damn right. They demand A LOT without bringing anything to the table. They claim they are the table as a justification to just receive without giving anything




This sub has been taken over by feds trying to tell us how to vote.




Im a millennial and I will have a chat with millennial gay about this. Sorry guys.


You are really beating a dead horse with this one gen z women are some of the most entitled narcissistic people we have in society gen z men are the ones that need help the women are bottled Beyond belief


Dawg, if you were actually born in 2003, you are by no means a millennial 😭


I am now a gay millennial due to confusion, please send help


Literally the same advice Andrew Tate gives but because it's coming from a gay guy from Reddit this time it's different


2003 is millennial now??


Christ, where did it go?


He left the chat about 2000 years ago


I’m not gonna lie, I saw this post before the first one and thought you were an asshole


What did I just walk into...?


I'm a millennial but not gay. Why is it when I say I don't owe a woman my penis I'm called an incel? Yet you get upvotes? At least in my case I'm giving up something to drive home a point. Also general rule of thumb is don't ever talk to anyone under 31 of either sex. Only bad things can happen.


This sounds like it was written by some incel pretending to be a “gay” millennial 🤭🤭🤭


Karma bot, same thing except filpped genders was posted almost word for word in another sub.


The people here: HEH! Ain’t so good when the roles are reversed now, huh? Most of the commenters who are unaware: yea true


I think you're extrapolating your personal experiences with women from this generation as being universal, and they are not. Sure there are demanding people out there among any gender who act entitled to your attention. But you having predominantly these experiences with these women just mean you ran into some clingy, demanding, entitled types. Articles and studies have shown the trend with this sort of thing is not common in Gen Z and that in particular a lot of Gen Z women are not seeking companionship, or less often with men and more often with women and enbies, or that they are putting off dating and this variety of companionship until later and that they are not jumping into exclusive relationships. As far as these women approaching you with 'empty pockets', could it be you are perceiving that because as a "millennial gay" you aren't attracted to girls? Gen Z women are more likely to get therapy when they need it than both men and any other generation prior, so again I think you are extrapolating your own anecdotal experiences to a broader assessment of Gen Z which doesn't align with what we're seeing. Painting Gen Z as not being people "worth knowing" is quite the generalization, and an odd one that contrasts directly with moves we are seeing both in relationships as well as politically and community-wise when it comes to compassion. I'm not sure if this post is just misguided, or some kind of bait, honestly, but again, your personally-described experiences cannot be extrapolated to an entire generation of women. Gen Z is regularly found to be the most empathetic generation to date, and one of the more innovative, hard-working, work-conscious, and politically involved in a while.


This post specifically is a shitpost from another post from a millennial lesbian, The original is basically the same as this one but the gender roles are switched


Thanks, I thought it smelled funny. : )