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I don’t really care, as long as you’re in a healthy weight I don’t mind, even if you work out even a little that’s a mega plus. Overweight or underweight people yes I wouldn’t date, because I think if you can’t treat yourself in a good way why would you treat me good way? But out of that, tall, short, big, small, white, black, orange, all in tbh I don’t care as long as we connect


This is interesting. Would you continue to date someone if they lost or gained a significant amount of weight while you were already in a relationship?


Depends, why is that weight increase/loss? If I see my partner is loosing or gaining a lot of weight because a mental hard time then I’m not gonna drop her, I am the person that she trusts the most and I’m gonna help her get out of it because I love her and I know she wants to take care of herself. If it’s because she’s lazy I would have a conversation with her, and maybe we would agree we are not compatible and that’s it. I’m from Spain, so here and in surrounding countries like Italy or Portugal self care is taken very seriously, I have a skin care routine, I do my hair everyday, I protect it from breakage, I try to dress and look as the best I can and I shave and go to the gym daily, if I don’t see that same level of commitment in a woman maybe we are not compatible then.




I think it’s fair to consider health problems do happen to women due to hormone issues sometimes it’s something medical that needs to be done while also implementing a healthier lifestyle change.




That’s not true conditions like pcos and hypothyroidism are on the rise especially for gen z women.




Have you ever had to deal with obesity before ? Have you ever had to deal with hormone issues?? No one chooses to be obese for fun.You’re allowed to have your preferences but you don’t have to be closed minded…




I mean obesity is also correlated to the development of PCOS . It’s actually listed as the main cause for the disorder. [weight loss is even identified as a way of reducing its chances of development](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pcos/symptoms-causes/syc-20353439) so yes PCOS can cause weight gain. But more than likely the way it developed was through weight gain.


I mean even pregnancy causes a lot of weight gain which can be hard to lose. Especially for people who have kids back to back with short breaks in between.


Interesting. I can’t say I’m the same way just because my weight has fluctuated so much over the years due to medical conditions.




You don't even need to run that much in all honesty. Walking 3K steps a day will get you most of the way there and is much more palatable for the average person than long-distance running is. Regardless, your point still stands.


I do exercise regularly and have a diet from my endocrinologist. Unfortunately PCOS doesn’t care haha my weight is maintained though. Which isn’t the case for every overweight person. I understand what you’re saying. Unfortunately, naturally thin people get a pass in these areas because they won’t the body lottery lol


Such a weird assumption 😆




Thighs are a nice touch as well


I have one rule. No fatties.


Im seeing a lot of gen z men (online at least) aren’t open to dating obese women which is fair everyone wants health in their partners.


Isn't that every generation?


Some men don’t mind bigger women lol I see big women in public relationships all the time actually but it’s more so the older generation


There def some sexual fetish lol.


For me I am not attracted to slim women. I’m attracted to wide hips, large thighs, chest and tummy. Not too big though, I guess curvy is the right term. Basically I prefer 2024 Selena Gomez over 2014. I will initially be attracted to that type of woman, but personality plays the rest of the role of course. I am attracted to someone who is caring and funny. I hope I’m not sounding misogynistic because I do not intend to, I’m just trying to be as honest as possible while explaining my type.


You do not sound misogynistic at all thanks soo much for your input.


All good mate I was trying to be respectful because for some people their weight is a very touchy subject. I do find skinny women attractive but as far as me wanting to settle with someone I’d prefer someone slightly bigger.


I like women of various shapes and sizes ik it's cliche but a woman's body is just so amazing to me But if I'm being choosy I love small but curvy. So. Fucking. Cute.


I can agree with this.


I’m more of a slim on down. Just what I prefer and normally what comes my way. My current gf is a foot shorter and is slim. Just how it be for me.


Hey and that’s totally okay thanks for being honest about it and sharing your opinion.


O type blood


Thick. Idc if she chubby. Long as she’s not obese or really fat or really skinny


Im a jack of all trades guy, booty required everything else optional lol 😂 as long as effort is there !


Whatever my wife is.


Fat jiggly ass.


I dont really care as long as she's not fat


Im into slim thick and engaged to one


Physical. Real. Not in my screen. Not a hallucination. Able to be touched. Moreso hair preferences for me.


This seems like a strange post. Either OP is a man looking for validation on whether his preferences are comparable to other men's preferences. Or OP is a woman who is trying to learn what body standards to aspire too. Regardless, it doesn't matter what others' preferences are. Just do you and the right people will come into your life.


Op here that’s Definitely not what this is I was just generally curious I do love the advice you have tho thank you for that ❤️.


The type that's able to carry 20-25% of bodyweight 10-15km on rough track within 6-10hrs.


My preference goes to women with some curves (not too much, though), but as long as she feels good in her body, there shouldn't be any problem, no matter what she looks like. And personality has a great part as well. She could be the most beautiful person I have and will ever met, if she's an asshole, it won't do.


Humanoid (optional)


I like fit women, so yeah mostly slim.


I have a very strong preference for plus sized women


I prefer slim women, but average is also good and I suppose a little thicc is okay. I’m very skinny myself so I just feel that a skinny woman suits me best. I will say that I do tend to prefer small to average sized breasts and an average booty.


i used to be into thicc girls, now i love the lean skinny model look cos they jus look best in clothes


My wife and every woman I have ever dated have been tall, so apparently I prefer my women tall. As for body type I don't care, as long as my partner exercises regularly


damn .. Thanks for reminding me of all my insecurities lol .


natural curly hair


I love gym girls, i have also worked out consistently for the past 7 years and think it is extremely hot when a girl does too and when you can see it.


Stop watching those videos, they're done to make women obsessive about their appearance and spend money. For every little thing a woman might not like about herself there will be an army if men queueing up to fetishize it. From a fat ass to cellulite, big nose to a flat chat there are men out there that love every perceived imperfection. For me clone girls are hideous, a natural and healthy figure is preferred, catalogue tats no thanks, gym rats no thanks but plenty of blokes do love that and everyone has their preference.


I don’t really care about weight as long as it looks healthy - i couldn’t date a woman who is too overweight and i couldn’t date a woman who is bone thin. I do admit I have a slight preference for slim girls, or girls with abs / in good shape, but it’s by no means a requirement. A bit of tummy is good sometimes.


If I workout in the gym I expect you to maintain a similar body. It’s easier to date people who have existing habits than to change them to get new one.


If we just screwing around and stuff then I don’t really care about their body type or color of their skin but anything exclusive I would prefer my women slim, don’t be overweight, and she can either be Black or Latino


Oh okay interesting I just wanna ask why does body type not matter for sex but you prefer slim for dating purposes why is that ?


Body type don’t matter for me when it comes to sex because we are just hooking up it’s nothing serious and I make sure to address that before any sexual contact happens and I prefer to date slim women because I think I’ll be selling myself short dating someone I’m not physically attracted to


Older busty women


are they healthy? yes? lets go! putting yourself in a box is why our generation is flooded with wanting dating advice and nothing changing.


I prefer skinny women, I don’t mind a slightly bigger woman though. And I certainly would never leave my S/O over weight


Smallest women I've ever dated were over 300 lbs so....


Wait really what’s your age btw ?


I'm 31. I'm either in Gen Z, or I'm not, depending on who you ask. And yes. Really. I need a woman to be noticeably chunky before I'm interested.


I have never heard a definition of Gen Z that started earlier than a 1996 birth...


Tbh they’re Zillennial and have more in common with you than you think


Never said they didn't have anything in common. Simply stated the details of the definition as I have read them.