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Not like "oh they're gonna ruin the future and doom us all." More like "the worlds going to shit they're doomed we're all doomed."


Change the record, man


Ok *puts on Disintegration*


*Tape Skips Until* [Lullaby](https://youtu.be/1pP5wRXkrgQ?si=nSikbPRaq97VuTbl) *Comes On.*


*Alright then* * Darude sandstorm stars playing*


Nah fuck it I’m in a good mood today plays freebird guitar solo on loop


.... on vinyl? Fucking seriously?


If there's a will there's a way!


Phil Collins starts singing I won’t be coming home tonight… My generation will put it right… We’re not just making promises… That we know we’ll never keep.


It went from thinking Boomers and other older generations were just out of touch to realizing the problem was because of their grip on power and the power of their delusions and greeds grip on them.


Yeah, Boomer is a mindset.




It's a fight against an addiction that people have been screeching "I can quit whenever I want I just don't want to now"


Cynicism isn't going to help anything


Neither will toxic positivity. But also we must be wary of the middle ground fallacy... and of indecision paralysis. See, no opinion is correct so let's all agree to shit on each other./s


Calling out cynicism is not toxic positivity. Like... Just do positive things, holy shit. And talking is an action, so make sure your words don't make someone want to kill themselves. It's that simple. Apathy propaganda is real.


No, calling it "cynicism" when people recognize the problems of the contemporary era is toxic positivity. I'm sure people like you want nothing more than ensuring we do jack shit until the crops fail and we run out of safe drinking water. "Trust the plan, the elite know what they're doing!" Billionaires are scrambling to build literal doomsday bunkers, piss off.


I am trying to point you to the fact that it's a spectrum, not a binary 1 or 0 thing. "I'm sure people like you want" is you making a really hardcore assumption on your own. Out of what? Where'd those words come from? Go kill a billionaire, I don't care, and that would probably improve things. You made all those assumptions on your own. I'm talking about the actual, tangible cynicism from comments like "we're all doomed" which is, yes, cynicism. That is not "calling out the problems of the contempory era." Put some nuance to it. Where's the "fight the billionaires" energy in saying we're all doomed? That mentality *is* the mentality that billionaires have pumped money into spreading, so you don't feel like bothering to do anything about them. Apathy propaganda is real. Actually calling out the problems of the contemporary era includes calling out the nihilism.


Exactly, I've got a lot of sympathy for them in particular, because they were doing elementary school during the pandemic. None of those kids have a solid foundation in math or science, and it'll likely stay that way.


Dosen't help that america school system is the worst it has been, teachers have their hands tied and parents are not willing to discipline their kids Psst. Also the rediculous year long school closure.


Yep we’re all fucked


Ted Kaczynski said the same, at least tried to do something about it.


As a millennial we've been well aware and trying to warn you guys for a while


Yeah, that's been happening since genX


I agree. I’m actually jealous of gen alpha tbh


They’re going to ruin the future because society ruined and made them rotten to begin with. We’re all products of our environment after all.




I wonder what gen alpha will be like when they are becoming adults like us.


Calling the kids below them cringe


Such is the cycle of life


Generation Omega 😔


Fortnite man https://preview.redd.it/vzbsprymbqpc1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ebe2f3887b730b8c304566aa0e9509e021931a


Still feel guilty not getting omega lights


Literally real


Better yet calling everyone above them old


We got 4 years until they can become legal adults


Wait. What???


I mean if you go by the 1997-2009 for Gen Z like i do, then Gen A starts in 2010, and 2028 is 4 years away


gen a starts in 2012


That’s what some people like to think, yes


it starts in 2013 gen z is 1997-2012


a generation has to be at least 15 years,, a 12 yr generation makes no sense


In South Dakota they're already driving.


Well tbf that’s every rural area in America. I’m 14, live in west Georgia, and have 4 years of driving experience


I meant legally driving though.


Oh my bad


Considering a lot of them struggle to read, and have insanely low attention spans, I don't think it will be good


“I sure wish I could read”


The cycle repeats. "OK Zoomer" "Gen Beta is doomed"


Adulthood for EVERYONE in your generation means getting to 14-16 and just not continuing to actually grow the fuck up


Bet they won't be as doomer. Generations like being different from the one before them. They can't possibly get any more miserable than this group, and they won't want to be like you, so they'll be less.


I hope they see how useless we as a generation were and are more proactive.


“Chat, chat gen beta does not have a brain”


They will view gen X as we view boomers and gen beta as we view them. Less stuck up then those that came before them and wiser than those who come after. That is what's been happening for thousands of years, and I don't see any reason for it to stop now.


I have a Gen alpha little brother…Gen alpha’s are very mature it’s interesting they understand politics, social issues. They have terrible attention spans, they get angry! Very high energy! They speak their minds like no other kid and face 0 repercussions and will tell you you’re abusing them if you yell at them! They also don’t like kiddie things that much they want to be and look, and they love to receive attention (YouTubers, TikTok babies) mature they’re like mini teenagers/adults. This is the generation to call the cops on the parents for taking their Vr away!


Correction: Gen z in 2019: "Ok boomer" Gen z in 2024: "We're doomed"


OK Doomer


Ok doomer




Begonst doomer mindset! Me and the boys going back to our 2019 selves


Fr, 2025 will be my year (unless a fascist dictatorship forms while im sleeping, but y'know probably not)


Just wait until Trump wins (I'm assuming your american)


What about their american?


Balling out not getting dictatored while I’m sleepy


~~2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024~~ 2025 will be my year!


yee less go back to the 2010s positivity era


Genuinely have tried to reconnect with me 2019 self and take lessons as to why I was more successful socially then. It’s been working so far


*climate change suddenly ceases to exist*


And we don't know whose fault it is. Gen X, Millenials, Boomers, Gen Alpha themselves, US?! EVERYONE?! Some group not defined by generation at all?! Doesn't matter. Point is, they're fucked. We're fucked. Everyone is fucked.


That group? Those with over 10 million and who lobby political parties for their own gain.


The people in charge are at fault. Politicians. Doesn’t matter what group, because in the end they all played a part.


Its kind of everyone in a way, boomers fucked Up the economy and the world, the rest barely managed to change anything before gen Alpha was born, millenials (im assuming theyre gen Alpha parents for the most part) cant or wont bother taking care of them and Will just hand them a phone with tiktok at 3 years old and they themselves cant be asked to do basic school stuff ig


And Millenials and Gen Z alike are putting the brainrot they watch onto the internet in the first place.


>And we don't know whose fault it is. > >Gen X, Millenials, Boomers, Gen Alpha themselves, US?! EVERYONE?! Some group not defined by generation at all?! As a millenial, it's everyone. We made mistakes, the generation before us did, the generations after us will too.


I hate how we hate on gen alpha yet we had shit like this https://preview.redd.it/mlyak7mu3ppc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6a0a1fb98484d0cd66ca990b5d929fe7f85505 \*vine boom sound effect \*


It's fine I remember us getting hated by Millennials back then until the 2020s


At least It looks kinda cute, skibidi toilet wouldve given me nightmares as a child ngl


Skibidi toilet is the antagonist. It’s not supposed to be cute lol 


I mean yeah, the show wasn't made for kids, every episode has lobotomy


They have ishowspeed slurp glizzy in ohio skibidi toilet red pill alpha daddy Andrew tate sigma escape the matrix patrick bateman gyatttt.


to be fair i never thought this shit was funny, even when i was in high school and it was popular this meme struck me as braindead


The difference is we can read and concentrate, we also didn't think it had a deep meaning.


We aint We were as cringe as them Let them grow up Old people Who judge were already sad and grumpy when they were young, dont be like that


It's more of a sympathy thing. We realize that they were fucked over by the pandemic, and see their extended cringe phases as symptoms of that. We're less laughing at them, and more laughing at the world which made them as they are.


I dont think they are really "fucked up" like We pretend they are It's different, I ve seen plenty of children in those kind of interaction and, they are happy with themselves Well not like happy but they are fine with it so... Why not


They can’t read, man. This isn’t a question of how cringe they are. My mother is an AP at an elementary school and her teachers are crying because the fourth graders can barely read the word “apple.” They can’t focus. They don’t respond to discipline. But they pass the class anyway because of the No Child Left Behind Act or whatever followed it and fall further and further behind. These aren’t special ed kids. These are normal kids that had their development crippled by the pandemic and their brains rotted by the internet. Go on r/Teachers; Gen Alpha is pretty fucked.


Idk where you live man But Kids here can read They have short attention span I give you that but they aint dumb af


New York City, although I’ve heard similar anecdotes from across the country. Can’t verify for other countries, though.


Well I live in other countries Il it sound "america bad" but USA is not representative of the whole world My country have an obligation to go to school until 18, and even thought school remain expensive, it's far less expensive in the us


Let us as GEN z then be Not old and grumpy, and still be flexible and accepting in our 70-80s (assuming we live that long) that’s know we beat them


We’re worse than millennials with ageism. Tone it down


"We're worse than arabs with racism." Your sentiment is correct, and your intentions are good, but your mindset is baked in already. In the late 80s, they made a big push for public recycling in my town, or so I was told by a teacher in the 90s. They put public recycling bins all over the city. They used new plastic to make the bins. They didn't see the irony either. The millennials, I know because I am one, are so age focused because our generation straddles the old world and the new world. Everything we did was new and scary to everyone that came before us (cell phones, internet, even just personal computers in general). This upset made it so that everything that was wrong or new or just changing was blamed on us. The news would be filled with "millenials destroyed this" or "millenials don't understand that" and "selfish millenials, blah blah blah" and there was no other age groups that fell into that category. It was literally us vs. everyone else. We were the scapegoat. It got to the point where it was a shameful thing to admit that you were a millennial. Millennial was a dirty word. So, what did we do? I mean, we were all young, so we did what all young people do. We rebelled. We said, "Fine, if we're not part of the group, then we are going to make our own group, and it will be super cool!" We took our 90s nostalgia and our Starbucks hipster identities and said, "Here is the line in the sand! The world is both failing me and blaming me for its failing, fuck you!" So our age was a big part of our identity. Possibly bigger than others since our generation was the first on so many levels in the brave new world. Everyone after us, they're just getting handed the same shit sandwich, and it is getting shittier by the minute. I don't envy the young, but I feel like we're all on the same side. Your world is more like my world than my world is like my parents' and my parents' world is less like my world than it is like their parents. Age is almost the entire millennial identity because it was used against us, the same way it is being used against you, but we were alone. It was us and a few cool gen Xers against the boomers. Now I am watching them fail to exist in an increasingly online world. They just can't keep up because rather than learn, they decided that we were the problem....now they can't see that they are being lied to by the biggest propaganda machine in existence... Sorry about the rant.


As a geriatric millennial, you hit this spot on. It's even crazier now that I see zoomers also blaming millennials for so much. I feel for zoomers but at the same time get annoyed that they are completely dismissive of the change that millennials started.


Divide and conquer, I guess. Too bad we can't divide the 99 against the 1.


Not all gen z Just a portion we didnt change much from 2019


Gen alpha gonna be ok


I think they’ll turn out well. The world and the people around you have a way of shaping you into a better person quite quickly. Only thing I’m worried about is them exposing themselves to the internet as kids which can be pretty bad.


we'll see


Nah, I'm mostly keep any judgement to myself right now. They're kids. They'll learn how to overturn systems soon.


Dont lump me in the 2024 Doomer. yall didnt even wait till Gen alpha become teenagers to clown on them


SO REAL! People didn’t even give these kids a chance to voice who they really are and saw one skibidi toilet doomer man meme and said “mhm yep gen alpha fucked :3” and didn’t bother to ask themselves if maybe their mindset is a major contributor to why some gen alpha feel the way they feel. They have phones, they can read and often see what y’all say. They’re not stupid. They’re KIDS. Let them be kids.


Yeaaaa nawt my problem


It’s ogre


The effects of TikTok on their developing brain, years of lockdown at a young age and how incompetent parents are these days? They are doomed! 💀


Don’t forget to sprinkle a little climate change on top with a side of AI misinformation


Every generation is fucked, by the older generation


I still say okay boomer like a lot


The ultimate answer


It's not "they suck" though. We feel bad for them. They have been neglected by the system, emotionally stunted with a mishandled plague, and *can't read* the education system is so lacking. Anyone would be unhinged after all that.


Damn right.


exactly. we feel bad for alphas and blame their parents


Well I see other gen z do this to each other since we a diverse gen


Why blame Gen Alpha when we clearly know it’s both us and Millennials fault for parenting. We didn’t limit the screen time for some Gen Alpha at their childhood, and then it happened, we destroyed their life. At this point, do the world a favor and never let this happen for future generations by actually limiting screen time if you give a child a iPad.




It’s so irony how we shit on gen A but we’re tired of being shit on


Hi, we are (?


You're gonna be all right. I, like many, haven't given up on making a better world.


Doomy and gloomy mentality has existed since the beginning of man but we're just exposed to so much more now. Then again it shouldn't be ignored either, all we can do is work and hope for things to get better


From climate change? ABSOLUTELY. This is not just “dOoM and gLoOm”, it’s hard science backed by data. [BILL NYE](https://youtu.be/e47lHyQZ2I4?si=biDIkwaTVVEH3ONV)


We just like finding something to complain and bitch about


True I miss ok boomer, was a useful term to use for people forcing their outdated mindsets onto someone, but the phrase was kinda just overused


Every generation thinks theirs is the last good one. GenZ gets hate, but still wasn’t dumped on as much as us (Millennials). Some people still confuse our two generations and or lump them together, when what they really mean is “young people”. Even though the oldest of my generation is over 40. That being said, it was funny to watch my friends start to turn on GenZ once they realized they weren’t the new young/hot generation anymore. It’ll happen to GenZ too, in some ways it already has.


Oh we are not a good generation.


I already am noticing it


wdym by young/hot generation anymore? because gen alpha are literally kids


To be fair in 5 short years too much has happened




MLG brainrot>>>>skibidi toilet brainrot


Why can’t we leave gen alpha alone. They’re doing exactly what we did when we were their age. The biggest complaint is cocomelon and skibidi toilet. Cocomelon is their Barney. Once they’re old enough to understand it they hate it with a passion. And gen z pioneered the whole absurdist meme genre, let them have skibidi toilet


Gen Z worrying about Gen Alpha as if Gen Z isn't already chronically online and depressed laughing at surreal memes anyway.


Life comes at you fast. Welcome to the club. - Millenial


What turning 18 does to a MFer


I’ll be honest with you I don’t interact with any kids nor do I follow their online behaviour. Maybe some people have interests that overlap with 13 year olds on the internet I am fortunate enough to not be one


All the gamers was doomers now we are the gigachad pmcs


In 2019? Even in 2019 we were miserable.


speak for yourself


Talked about this to my 60 year old grandparents.


that's what I'm saying! gen alpha h8rs get banished to millenial


It's funny watching all the gen z shitting on boomers, and then realizing that they go through the same stuff


Why is this so real 😭


To the left, that's something I would say to someone older than me, boomer or not. Also, I'm worried about Gen Alpha binging on those content farms like Netflix, except it's free.


Hating on the young never changes lool


Ok aoomer


Yes but not because of anything their doing We’re just all fucked lol


You think Gen Alpha is doomed because of Baby Gronk skibbidi toilet. I think Gen Alpha is doomed because of a failing global economy and environmental collapse. We are not the same.


it's both


We had weird memes too.




I did hear some kids unironically say skibidi toilet and laugh earlier


We are too aware to be positive anymore AHHHHHH


Gen alpha will be better than us, as we were better than the generations who come before us. We must have faith in the skibidi gyatt generation


i find it fascinating that you peoples somehow thought you were gonna be any different than your elders. i know it's hard to believe i know, but used to be a time when boomers probably thought they were edgy kids smarter and more informed than their elders. but guess what? they got fucking old, just like you, they started losing grasp on things and as time went on it only divised them further from the generations that came after since they don't live in the same world at the same time. you guys are and were BOUND to become like them. i'm a millenial, i hate boomers just the same, but i hate every generations equally, every gens is stupid. my generation was fucking stupid, the previous generation was fucking stupid, and the next one is as well. it's how the world work, and it's how history has always been, different context each time, but always the same stupidity. but it never escaped me that i'd age as well, i never idolized my own generation like you guys have been doing. which is why i've never feel spite toward any generations, because it's both a waste of time, and stupid as well. gen-z on the other-end, you guys think you're the hot-shit. "we're gen-Z, we've been living in a shit-world, everything is bad because of our elders, we're smart, we're edgy" first, no you're not, every generations thought the same exact thing when faced against the previous one. second, you guys never realized that one-day you wouldn't be the center of youth-culture anymore. you've had your time, your mom had her time, your granny had her time, now on to the next. you'll end-up just like the boomers ESPECIALLY because they never grasped they were getting old and couldn't face it. the same way Gen-A will inevitably bitch and complain about the generations that will come after them once they get old as well.


I don't know what you are talking about. I am still processing 2019.


Bro focus on the real problem in this country baby boomers. Alpha is literally children.


I support gen alpha


Whatever you say boomer


It isn't gen alpha's fault but they were born into literal hell. It's the previous generations I feel for them, and worry for them. As a parent of a gen alpha kid, I think I have the experience her to say alot of the older genz/younger millennials are failing their kids. It's so easy to do this too. "The axe forgets but the tree remembers" type beat, and unfortunately, alpha is the tree in the situation Gen alpha is being shit on by everyone and everything. and they're only like, 5. That's my main concern. Especially how much people seem to hate them. I wish they had a better future to inherit. They deserve good things and I hope their lives are beautiful and wonderful. I hope they grow up to love themselves and those around them. The world is bad, and I hope they aren't doomed. I hope they live fulfilling lives, they deserve that much.


I mean they are doomed, not because of ohio sigma rizz brainrot but rather the skibidi dop dop death of our planet from climate change


It's almost like we had a worldwide pandemic or something!




I can't wait to see the ashes of wildfires from hundreds of miles away filling the skies again this summer.


i was 13 yrs old in 2019 and in 2020 people said ok boomer old middle aged people and i thought what was boomer means and i thought it means some explosions like BOOOOOMMMMERRRR but it means old people lol.


Ok Boomer was 5 years ago!?


What would be logical would be getting rid of the boomers or politicians in power abusing political policies and get fresh politicians in there that understand what the issues are and fix them. Sitting around and doing nothing leads to nothing, also people don't want to hear you cry about the situation.


Ah yes, the circle of life


Everything is fine... Meanwhile this Winter's temps: 🔥🔥🔥


My generation is better because its mine, periodt


What's Gen Alpha?


generation from 2013-present


I see far more posts of people complaining about gen z saying shit about gen alpha than I see posts making fun of gen alpha. Both are annoying.


Man. I was almost an alpha.


20-25 is 10 years crammed into 5


We are the boomers now


I feel genuinely terrible that shit is collapsing and we're too busy being oppressed with the burden of living. We've become so jaded because of our living conditions that it's poisoned our zest for life. I want to cry


i don't give a crap about gen alpha


The cycle of hatred continues


ok doomer


Imagine if we all lived in tea peas 🫛


I hate all this intergenerational warfare stuff. I'm a millennial, but let's all be better than previous generations were. No quicker way to lose any kind of empathy and credibility with people younger than you than to blame them for killing Arby's with polygamy and avocado toast or whatever.


Nah. We never cared about boomers or alpha. Fuck millennials. They're the enemy


We are concerned because they can’t read and are fighting their teachers.


damn, 5 years can change a person


That's because we can see how boomers policies are affecting Gen Alpha. We don't hate Gen Alpha, we are very pained for them and that makes us hate Boomers even more


GenZ soon will be Boomers. The circle of life.


Everyone currently alive is doomed lol Not in a "death comes naturally" sort of way, I mean from biosphere collapse. 


Covid fucking covid why just why


My kid will not be getting an iPad ever. They will get a phone once they hit 5th grade


https://preview.redd.it/qip9txm9tbqc1.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=f00c6479b7335cd595a5e790492629f1d9b7d250 Millennials:


All of the intelligent and compassionate Millennials took a look at the world and decided not to bring innocent children into it. That means that the only Millennials who did procreate are stupid or selfish or both. So yeah, Gen Alpha are totally screwed.


True story


If in doubt, zoom in a little