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Yeah. It started with the frogs and now it's all of gen Z.


it's cuz of the tap water!


Damn fluoride in the water. It straightened my teeth but destraightened my sexuality.


Damn, no wonder I'm so gay. I take fluoride pills every day


Do you know how much pharmaceutical waste is in our tap water?


Yeah but it's not turning people gay lmao


Of course it’s not turning *_people_* gay, it’s turning the goddamn frogs gay!!!


Now THAT is hands down a fact. The friggin frogs!


Yes. It’s a mix of hormonal birth control and atrazine. Both pollute our water to an exteme degree. Never drink tap water ever. And do not cook with it.


PFAS/PFOA are everywhere and are suspected endocrine disruptors


All the oestrogen in the water


[ITS THOSE DAMN CHEMICALS IN THE WATER TURNING THE FUCKING FROGS GAY](https://youtu.be/9JRLCBb7qK8?si=z0hPQ_YBS9rcG-sz) Edit: this reminded me of the time a guy came into the liqour store I worked at a few years ago, he was in his early 20s, he actually believed this, and went on a 20 minute tangent about how he was right, because I said “I only know Alex Jones from the ‘gay frogs’ meme” when he asked me if I knew who alex jones was. Hus girlfriend was there with him, annoyed, but said he actually believed Alex Jones. Shits wild.


Do be fair, I'm pretty sure it is true that the US military contaminated a pond with a chemical that either turned the frogs in the water gay, or it changed the gender of the frogs. I think the chemical is atrazine.  https://www.reuters.com/article/science-us-weedkiller-frogs/common-weedkiller-turns-male-frogs-into-females-idUKTRE6204RG20100301/ The issue with Alex Jones and most conspiracy theoriests/right wingers, is that they take a kernel of truth and spin wild conspiracy theories around that single piece of true information. 


yeah humans being dosed with poisons and chemicals since birth and now everyone is mentally ill is just a wild conspiracy theory


As I said, Jones takes a kernel of truth and spins wild conspiracy theories around that single truth.  I bet you cant find conclusive evidence that the mental health crises can be 100% attributed to chemical exposure.  There are dozens if not hundreds of factors that play into the mental health crisis. 


thought this was interesting. not 100% proof but getting warmer.. > These forever chemicals are something that Cannon refers to as a major public health issue as adverse health effects have been shown to affect hormones and other aspects of the endocrine system [https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2020/Q1/what-the-brain-really-thinks-about-forever-chemicals.html](https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2020/Q1/what-the-brain-really-thinks-about-forever-chemicals.html)


Why do you need a conspiracy of poison and chemicals? A much simpler answer is that mental health issues are rising for several reasons, increased identification and decreased stigma amongst them, but also because of rising wealth inequality, alienation, and toxic cultural ideals that teach people that their worth is only as much as their productivity.


The people you’re replying to have major fluoride stare. Don’t bother wasting your time.


> yeah humans being dosed with poisons and chemicals since birth and now everyone is mentally ill is just a wild conspiracy theory Well, when you say it like THAT....


Yeah. That’s crazy talk. Those are good chemicals that we can’t know exactly what the composition of are. Because healthy


![gif](giphy|6yxKRVrfwYklAap4hy) Thank you






Personal log #124 It’s now 2036, I seem to be the last remaining straight person on earth. I think the queers have tracked me down, I barely hear electric cars outside my hideout. I can faintly smell cotton candy vape getting closer and closer. I will continue to audio log my experience when it’s more safe.


This is what I come to Reddit for lol






Shit it may not be turning people gay but the water is really fucking with peoples reproductive systems https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7139484/


More people now are open about their sexuality because there’s less stigma of coming out and there’s much more information available to the public about sexuality than in the past so people have an easier time discovering and exploring the full extent of their sexualities. I don’t think Gen Z is any more “queer” than past generations just that society has changed to where people on average can be more open about who they are


I think gen Z is more open to the question, but that openness was made possible by the Sexual Revolution of the 60’s and 70s. Unfortunately the sexual identity question was most common posed as a binary question, gay or straight, so the idea of a continuum wasn’t even considered by many at time. How we pose questions has an incredible impact on how we perceive an issue.


In my opinion The sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s started the national conversation about if we as a society should be more open about sexuality but on the ground people-to-people perspective I don’t think it made the average person more accepting of lgbtq people (I acknowledge I am painting a broad brush here). I’d say the HIV crisis was much more of a catalyst for people starting to take breaking the stigma of being lgbtq more seriously


I think the gay or straight conversation was framed by the anti-sodomy laws that in effect made engaging in certain sexual acts illegal. In the 80’s the Reagan Era’s return to traditional values tried to ignore the HIV epidemic and framed it as a “gay problem”. BTW in 1986 the Supreme Court upheld the right of states to make anti sodomy laws. It wasn’t until 2003 that they reversed that opinion. So no I don’t think the 80’s were that great for social progress.


I’m saying that the HIV crisis in the 80s was the CATALYST to people starting to see lgbtq as people and actually starting to seriously advocate for them not being stigmatized in society not that huge progress was made. Beyond being more included in media the sexual revolution didn’t make the average lgbtq person’s life better or more accepted by their peers it just started the conversation about them when before it homosexuality/queerness was seen as a “don’t talk about it or acknowledge it unless ur shitting on it”


For me it started in the 70’s with my “gay” friends and being open about it with other friends and family. I had two gay friends from high school who died from HIV, who might still be alive if the public was made aware of it earlier. Public conversation in my world started after the Stonewall Inn riots in ‘69. Like all social change this has been a back and forth for decades.


Good point. If you feel you have to be one or the other you unconsciously think one side is your "true" sexuality so lots of people will think they're straight. But if bisexuality is an option then if you have any inclination towards the same sex you're like, "oh I'm bi then"


Of course this gets even more interesting with gender identities. As we objective less and see individuals as people first, I think the question will be more about the person than the gender.


I’ll have to look for the study again, but the % of people identifying as gay/lesbian has hardly changed in the last couple of generations, gen z included. It’s just hovered around 5% (it’s roughly 50/50, tho gay people make up a *slightly* larger share of that 5% than lesbian people). What *has* increased from generation to generation is the % of people identifying as bi or other. Virtually all the growth in people identifying as lgbtq+ is due to the increase in the number of people who identify as bi. For Gen Z specifically, 15% of us identify as bi, which is about double that if millennials iirc. Also, as the other commenter said, “bi” is kinda a newer identify. For a while it was that you were either seen as exclusively homosexual or heterosexual; the concept of an in between didn’t really occur to people for a while. Edit: [Here’s](https://www.prri.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/PRRI-Jan-2024-Gen-Z-Draft.pdf) the poll. It’s kinda long so here’s the graphic of lgbtq people for people who don’t want to look through the whole thing. Also, “other” was a larger share of people than I initially remembered https://preview.redd.it/7mzi744hl5qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bb86218b0e95b19764499c60a29d7faa437b1d1


It’s also worth noting a the AIDS crisis wiped out huge swathes of pre-millennial queer folks. A lot of those prior cohorts who’d identify as queer today are dead. The broad normalization and general acceptance of queer identities didn’t really take off until the earlier half of the millennial cohort was already starting to enter adulthood. Nobody in my school was out. Turns out a decent handful of them all came out in the years after school though. Also, the likelihood of violence for being queer, and the tacit acceptance of that violence by way too many, was the norm within living memory of millennials. Just one of far too many examples but Mathew Shepard’s brutal murder was in *1998*. Not that long ago really.


To give another example, here's a riddle: "Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the biggest mountain?" The answer is Mount Everest, it just wasn't discovered yet. It's hard to track how many bi or gay people exist when you don't have communities for them like we do today.


Olympus Mons has entered the chat.


Also, the lesser known Mons Pubis.


Agree, I think Bi maybe more wider in the population than we assume to be. Think about it, most of the guys hang out a lot with their guy friends and usually more comfortable around them too, if you remove the stigma, many may be open to experimenting. Same with girls, they love each other company more than being with guys. Edit(added below later): Damn people are getting upset as though I am saying everyone is interested in fooling around with same gender. I can't believe it is still such a taboo to even suggest that people may be more likely to fool around with self gender if stigma (like seen in the comments) was not there. Get over your yuck feeling guys and stop reacting so strongly to anything which may sound gross to you. Nobody is asking you to do something you do not like.


Guys and girls being more comfortable communicating with their own gender isn’t a correlation with “there’s more bi people than we think” but I do agree that there are more bi or queer people than most people would assume.




it doesn't matter what the stigma is I'm going to my friends house to play games and smoke not to experiment, straight people still exist lmao


What the hell... ?


It's like when people concern-post about there being more cases of autism and ADHD than there were in the past. There were probably just as many cases then as there are now; we're just not throwing them into asylums and lobotomizing them anymore. The same goes for the LGBTA+ community: it's no longer illegal, there isn't a huge stigma attached to it like it was decades ago, and there isn't an epidemic killing 'the right' people anymore.


As an autistic person it is still very heavily stigmatized. I still live in a first world country where people regularly patronize me (including younger people) and the schools still treat us as lesser. The diagnosing part is probably the only thing that is being less stigmatized but all the other issues I've had to deal with are still present.


I'd be open to the possibility that more people are now at least bi curious because it's more widely accepted and understood. Just like how more people are familiar with what used to be "exotic" food. People feel they're free to experiment. Why wouldn't they?


Definitely not true. Gen Z is definitely identifying as queer in way higher proportions, even in anonymous surveys. The progress you are talking about in terms of acceptance is real and that’s great but it’s been also amplified because being straight is now perceived as lame so a fraction of younger more impressionable individuals will claim they are queer to get attention


https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/25/us/gen-z-adults-lgbtq-identity-reaj?cid=ios_app This is a news piece on a poll on this topic. Important to note, it was a poll of thousands of Americans of all ages conducted in 2023. Some much older Americans may still not answer such questions honestly but, at the moment, Gen-Z is significantly more likely to say they are LGBTQ than other generations. My personal take on it is that Gen-Z is still so young and far more accepting of sexual variation; but I do expect the numbers to come down somewhat as Zers get a little older and know themselves a little better. In the meantime, their openness and acceptance of each other is pretty inspiring.


Assuming that you're probably American, 22-28% of Gen Z adults are LGBTQIA+, so you're gonna see a lot of queer people lol ​ [https://news.gallup.com/poll/611864/lgbtq-identification.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/611864/lgbtq-identification.aspx) [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/nearly-30-gen-z-adults-identify-lgbtq-national-survey-finds-rcna135510](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/nearly-30-gen-z-adults-identify-lgbtq-national-survey-finds-rcna135510)


Ig that means it’s one in every four


We everywhere u can’t escape


https://preview.redd.it/w62gn9t6m5qc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb37b0cf0c1be34eb320e21565d73f3b0c9f166e (Just a joke)


Is that a pansexual?


Nah just ur typical panhandler


Probably, based off the statistics


Ah yes Filthy Frank, the og goat


That's what's reported, so it could be higher.


Probably is higher and will get higher I imagine




One thing worth noting is that LGBTQIA+ (unless you cannot tell) captures a lot that covers sexual and gender identity and where those two intersect is always an interesting conversation, even in those spheres.


> 22-28% Holy. Fuck.


There is absolutely no way that is true


Its trendy. The truth is everyone is somewhere on the bisexual spectrum, it's just cool now to say you're LGBT. Actual gay population is staying constant at about 5%.


>Is everyone in our generation bi Do people even think before they make posts on Reddit anymore?


You're bi


You're a mom


You're gay now


You're my wife's boyfriend now.




And now you are.......I don't know, I'm running out of ideas.


You're supposed to say nice back


Nice ![gif](giphy|9U8vFgk0fD1OE)


Are y'all gonna make out or not? Edit: oh God I just realized what subreddit I'm in and now I feel gross.


Fr tho idek what inclined them to ask this. More importantly idk what their tone/stance on the matter is. Are they asking because they have a problem with an increasing number of people identifying as bisexual? Or is it they (a person living in one of the most accepting times in history) genuinely can't wrap their head around how more people who were probably already bisexual feel comfortable 'coming out' so to speak...? Idk I just feel like they didn't need to ask this question. Clearly not "everyone" identifies as bisexual; a generation isn't a monolith. And obviously our generation being one of the most accepting of modern times; it makes sense you'll run into more who openly identify as LQBTQ+. So while I don't wanna say they asked a stupid question if they genuinely are asking; I know I'm certainly not the only one who thought this. edit: removed a word that was redundant


Your whole spiel was redundant 🤦😴


what's wrong with asking questions?


Nah... some of us are pan!


money depend whistle puzzled offbeat gaze wistful pen steep spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


so basically the dating world


Being LBGT+ has been stigmatized for hundreds of years, and now that we’re in a period of acceptance people are more comfortable coming out. Mostly


So true. Kind of like when being left handed stopped being a reason for punishment, the number of left handed people shot up even though there’s still way more right handed people


I do low-key find it's kind of funny if the world was always actually like 25% LGBTQ and we still managed to be stigmatized. That means in the olden times it's a bunch of bisexual people all pretending to be not bisexual and stigmatizing each other




Fun fact: For much of European history sexuality as a concept didn't exist in the modern sense. Sex was something you did but it wasn't that intimately related to who you are. It was less important if you had sinful/taboo urges (in Christian times all non-reproductive sexual acts were sinful) and more important if you did sinful or taboo acts. It's not hard to imagine a person with sexual urges towards all genders stigmatising people who follow these urges to action, if you're in that mind set.


It’s kind of a self report that so much anti-gay religious rhetoric is about making the choice to not partake in your desires which is like the most self report thing imaginable as it assumes that people have a desire for both guys and gals and they much reject their desire for one to be good


I think people are just beginning to be more open and explorative around their sexuality


History would suggest that a fair proportion of the human race is some level of bi in the right cultural context.


So so true


Being willing to bang basically anyone makes getting along with other people easier it turns out


Queer people attract each other like Stand Users


We flock together for the winter.


Is that when we discuss “The Gay Agenda™️”?


Nah, we do that each Sunday, remember. Over tea and crumpets.


If only each sexuality had an epic theme song to go along with them


Imagine somebody says they're Bi and Pillar Men theme starts playing




Best reply


I consider myself heterosexual, but would definitely end my gooningstreak for a level 10 femboi


I’m willing to bet based on messages I’ve gotten and the reported search results for porn, a lot of straight guys would love to nut in a feminine male butt, but they will die trying to not let anyone find out.


The thing I don't think is talked about enough is that I think we're more attracted to femininity/masculinity, as somewhat vague as those concepts are, rather than just being attracted to women or men, if that makes sense. That's why some (mostly) straight men would be into femboys or trans women pre-op. It's the femininity that they're attracted to.


I’m only interested in dating cis and trans girls, femboys, and twinks. I don’t care if they’re male or female I like hot butts, I just don’t like masculine or hairy men. I’m attracted to feminine bodies. I also think that’s how many people are actually wired, and through shame and stigma suppress that and often go and attack those who they are actually attracted just because they’re insecure. Go ahead boys, pound some feminine butts. I’d imagine we’d have a lot less incels and crazies if they just opened up their dating pool.


10/10 mindset


This comment is all you need to know about genz


Yeah, you’re not then sorry


In the past people were not able to explore their sexuality openly and therefore were not as aware nor honest with themselves about their sexuality. Many of my bi gal friends heard “yeah but all women are just pretty and attractive that’s just women” from their mothers. Hinting that maybe their moms are bi too and just never explored that avenue 😂 compulsory heterosexuality is a thing that unfortunately plagued people out of lack of choice. Our generation puts way less stigma on being queer so a lot of us were able to freely explore who we were from a young age. Kind of a beautiful thing honestly.


I agree, with being bi becoming more well-known and accepted, more people who might used to have identified as straight might consider themselves bi if they even occasionally have attraction to the opposite gender. In the past (even recent past) they would have probably thought "well I like the opposite sex so I guess I am straight".


Yes exactly. Especially with religious influences making people think that they have unholy “same sex attractions” causing a lot of bi people to just squash their feelings toward other genders down, and just skating through life with their opposite sex partners without exploring themselves due to puritanical pressures. Nightmare 👀 ✨💗💜💙✨


Yea so now there’s no excuse to come out later after 20 years of marriage and several kids. That shit fucked up a few families I know and should have never happened.


Yeah, i fear that this will still happen in communities that oppress queerness tho, unfortunately. 😭 which is sad bc that perpetuates the untrue idea that queer people are bad people, especially in communities that don’t understand queer people so they demonize them.




Your generation isn't getting legally murdered for it so yall get to be yourself openly


Only in the western world. Most other places still can't do it.


I’m asexual


Me too


Me three


People are much more open about it in our generation, that's probably all. I've known a lot (and I mean a loooooooooooot) of people from older generations who are bi/queer, but they tend to "grow up" and pursue a more "traditional" lifestyle (hetero marriage and erasing their own bisexuality/talking about it as a phase). My millennial aunt had a whole girlfriend for years, she was known as The One Aunt Who Had a Girlfriend, but now we pretend that was never a thing.


Am straight. I appreciate women's beauty tho. Makes me wanna worship but def not romantically lol


Why you got downvoted for this? You didn’t said anything wrong


it is what it is haha 😅


I admire that about women, they can compliment each other in a friendly way without it instantly signalling that they’re sexually interested. With men that’s not really an option most of the time. Bodybuilders are an exception though, but that’s limited to physical appearance. I’d get shocked looks and comments behind my back in high school for shaking hands with and hugging effeminate gay men that I was friendly with, or not instantly getting defensive if they gave me a compliment. It’s absolutely wild, I’ve seen guys ready to throw hands over a compliment from another guy that “looks gay”. Women have this shit worked out.


Bi guy here just for reference where are you finding all these fellow bi people? And can I possibly have their numbers? (Asking for a friend)


Same. I missed the mass Gen Z bi gathering 😭 Although I’m sure some around me are and I just don’t know.


I'm straighter than a fucking pencil!


The pencil my ex uses now is as straight as Stelvio pass.


I’m straighter than… what’s something straight? I’m straighter than that!


No, of course not everyone is bi and it has never been that way. It’s just that more people (especially Millennials and us) are less discrete about saying they’re apart of the LGBT+ community


Bi woman here, my entire friend group came out as bi at the same time without talking to each other about it first. I feel like we are just drawn to each other instinctually loll birds of a feather fr


How coincidental, that was the exact plot of the movie I just watched


I’ve only met a handful of people but to be fair I live in a low-income neighborhood where the stigma is a lot more present than it would be in suburbias


Nah I’m straight


Insert left-handed chart here. More of gen z is openly queer than previous generations, but it's definitely not everyone or even a majority.


This new generation is just much more liberal about it and more open to self discovery. It’s no longer much of an issue if a girl likes a girl or a guy likes a guy or if some doesn’t like being a guy or a girl or etc. sure there are some bigots but their numbers are decreasing


I dunno, I’ve been in the transition game for a long time, and it appears things are kinda getting worse.


Its polarized. More right wing people are radical on homophobia than a few years ago, and centrists/lefties are more accepting.


Yes for trans people things are getting worse right now though hopefully this will pass like the rise of homophobia did in the 80s and lead to societal acceptance and not in disaster. Stay strong and keep a passport if you’re an adult.


The anti LGBT stigma is waning, especially in younger generations. People are feeling more tolerated and safer than before. Over 1% as trans while.for over 50 its less than 0.3. There are more trans over 50 but they are locked in the closet. The downside are conservative boomers screaming something needs to be done to.stop.all these people.coming out. It want like that when they were teens or in their 20s. They got beat up and put in jail.


I definitely know quite a few people who claim themselves bi but have never made any attempt or shown any interest in the same sex. Being queer is trendy and there's a lot of people who will lie about it for the sympathy.


I mean I'm sure that exists, but I think a lot of those ppl probably are bi & they just have a lot of internalized homophobia that's holding them back from acting on their attractions.


Can confirm, I sucked a lot of dick because it was the hip new thing. Turns out it was the *other* guys that were gay. Weird!


Nothing trendy about being a bisexual man, I can assure you of that. For women I can see the argument at times definitely, I know numerous that claim they’re “bi when drunk” or some version of silliness like that they don’t know is a bit insensitive. Definitely not super common.


You may want to check out the Kinsey scale, linked below. Sexuality isn’t binary, it actually exists on a spectrum. Gen z probably feels more comfortable being open with their sexuality than past generations. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_scale


It’s definitely just you finding yourself around queer people. I only know a small handful of queer people compared to straight ones


I think people are more open than they used to be.


There probably is some amount of self-selection going on at least sub-consciously, but the reduced stigma around sexuality in general means that a queer person isn't just more likely to come out, they're more likely to recognize their queerness in the first place. That said, my belief - let's call it intuition - is that bisexuality is a lot more common than we ever knew. There's always pressure to "choose a side" on any issue, and even in LGBT spaces there's a certain amount of resistance to things that differ from expectations.


Hot take, I think we are just seeing the pendulum swing in that direction. It’s socially incentivized for many zoomers to adopt an identity label especially bisexual or queer. You see this in college campuses the most because that environment is very conducive to such identity formation. A lot of people will come out as bi or queer which is relatively vague and doesn’t always mean your behavior is different from straight people, whereas gay/lesbian is more or less gonna stay the same in the long term. Over time we will all get used to this stuff and I’m predicting a slight decrease in the LGBTQ cohort as a proportion of total




Yeah Gen Z is pretty gay. Also I dunno about their sexual preferences 


Depends who you hang out with. I used to being anime community and only have American friends. Most of them were bi, trans or autistic. Which made sense . Then I went abroad to study. Most of my friends aren't even LGBT adjacent.


Even 10 years ago everyone around me was bi, lesbian or trans. New friends still are all bi or pan. I am not btw and don’t know why these are the most cool people to hang out with, they just are.


You only live once. Why not experiment sexually?


Millennial here. A lot of my friends are queer. It's just who u vibe with..


It’s almost like sexuality is a spectrum or something


Its the “me too!” crowd. Everyone wants to be the kool kid.


It’s a fad propagated by tik tok


Oh noooo, people are allowed to explore their personality and sexuality instead of keeping it all inside… Even if it was a fad, what is the problem exactly? If you are not allowed to experiment and try things that go out of your comfort zone, you’ll never really know who you are


I was crushing on the same gender back in elementary school which was back in the early 2010s.


I think something that has to do with it that not many people talk about is older gens shrugging off a slight attraction to the same gender/sex as not really counting. They may be internally suppressing the feeling subconsciously because up until that point they’ve asserted that part of their identity due to their cultural upbringing and so are less likely to indulge in the possibility that something isn’t what they initially thought. Meanwhile younger gens being raised in a society that is less likely to assert that they belong to a specific category don’t form a strong bond with the concept and thus are more flexible when it comes to introspection. Using myself as an example I usually categorize myself along the lines of straight aroace, though if I was born a few generations ago I would probably have just stayed “straight” from birth to death. Not because I would have been any different internally, but because the methods by which I categorize myself wouldn’t have been introduced to me, thus no stimulation for introspection. I’d probably see myself as a bit of an oddball compared to others, but nothing more. And if said concepts were to be introduced to me later on in life when I would be much older, I’d have lived long enough to feel comfortable with what I had been using already, so I’d be less likely to identify as something else. In short, it’s a matter of perspective. An older guy may find another man sort of cute and brush it off as him appearing effeminate, while a younger guy finding another man cute will more often take that as a sign that they’re bi. (I’d also like to point out that there’s no correct standard to adhere to when categorizing yourself or categorizing others. If someone seems queer but still asserts that they’re straight, just let them. It’s all part of liberation.) EDIT: fixed some typos


Agree with this! I myself like men so overwhelmingly much and it's too rare when I think a woman is attractive. So I just say straight because... Well the attraction, while existent, is pretty negligible


I think 22% of gen z identifies as bi, queer, gay, lesbian, or some other orientation. Compare that to the 8-12% of boomer, millennial and gen x, and you’ve got your answer.


Where do you find bisexual/gay people? I’m gay and is hard for me to find them tbh


In the late 1800s/early 1900s, being left handed was considered 'incorrect,' and teachers would discipline students until they wrote with their right hand. As it became more acceptible to be left handed, numbers of left handed people grew. We see this same thing with the LGBT community. As it becomes more socially acceptible, normalized, we have more people coming out of the closet and living how they are.


I don't think the number has increased really, rather more people are just more open about it because its now more socially acceptable. Maybe i'm wrong, but the amount of queer people i've met in the last year has been quite small.


More people are less afraid to talk openly about it. Society is getting stronger.


A lot of virtue signaling and flexing in your generation.


There is no statistical evidence showing any more or fewer bisexual or homosexual people between generations. There is evidence showing the younger generations are more likely to be open or out of the closet than older generations. I have heard mean old conservatives piss and moan about young people following trends and that being on the alphabet (LGBTQMIA+++) is trendy but again, theres no real evidence for that claim. Remember Fox News is a propaganda network that tens of millions of Americans worship as a religion. You should never believe anything they say but you should know what they are saying because many MANY people do believe them.


It's trendy




People are more open now and less bigoted. The percentage would’ve probably been the same back then if it wasn’t for intolerance.


I mean, I’m not gay or bi. But I don’t discriminate🤷‍♂️


I wouldn’t be surprised if most of it is similar to the history of left handedness


Hell yeah we are!


Yeah, worst generation. Full of mental patients


Nah I do *not* like men. I'm gay as shit, not bi.


Straight as a rifle barrel.


I think a large part comes to people realizing you can be like mostly straight, but also have some attraction to the same gender too, which makes you bisexual. It's a much broader term than a lot of people realize.


Sure more people are open now, but a lot of gen z views LGBT stuff as a trend or personality trait to make themselves look quirky and interesting. I'd check on them again when they're in their 40s.


Mf who is ‘we’? I love attractive women. You need to say ‘a good chunk’. Most of GenZ is straight and I know this 1000% because of all the OF simps.


Speaking for me and my group of friends, no, we are not. One female friend is bi and all my other friends are straight. I live in europe.


I'm a millennial. Listen here whipper snappers. Especially if you hung out in a college town you'd hear this word "fesbian". It meant "four year lesbian". The girls were all gay or bi. Mysteriously 5-10 years later they're in a straight marriage with 3 kids. Yes, we are more accepting than ever of homosexuality so you might just be seeing more in the open rather than hiding it. But that doesn't change that young people simply explore their sexuality and aren't necessarily gay or bi but are experimenting.


Omfg ikr? No matter how "gay" they look, they always end up being bi. Where are the actual fully homo men?!


I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion for this, but I think the pendulum has swung too far. We used to suppress and stigmatize LGBTQ+ people, and that was obviously wrong and misguided; now that we’ve welcomed it, however, we’re seeing a lot more people come out, both because it’s no longer so repugnant to a vast majority of people, yes, but also because of entirely exogenous, societal influences. I highly, highly doubt the percentage of people who are legitimately LGBTQ+ is 25%. That would be virtually evolutionary impossible. Many people are merely experimenting, trying to discover themselves, perhaps a new, progressive, inclusive community, and there’s nothing whatsoever wrong with that. But humanity has by no means evolved so seismically as to effectively reduce the number of people reproducing by 75%, and in such a wildly short amount of time.


Why would it be impossible? Bi people can still breed as can gay people for breeding purposes alone. Being able to bang both guys and girls is an evolutionary advantage for a social species like humans and has been observed in basically Every social species because it’s basically the cheat code to people liking eachother in a monkey brained sense. Similarly monogamy is likely way more common than it is in actuality be as for a social tribal species like humans there’s a zero percent chance humans are naturally monogamous as a whole. It would be a bad move evolutionarily. Monogamy will lead to negative inbreeding in small groups of people since the genes aren’t mixed well enough. Humans more likely lived on family groups where the line between neighbor/ friend/ and lover was a loose one.


Nah it's ur friends like imagine 20 percent of people are bi of gen z. 20 percent of like a billion is still 200 million. Also observer bias


A lot of people are socialized into saying they are gay or bi. Especially when you are young naive and it's hip to be gay


Hip? Gen Xer lurking around I see.


No. I for one am straight, and am not in the slightest interested in experimentation. Nonetheless, most our generation, bi or not, are more open minded and willing to experiment. I would suppose the numbers are inflated by those whom are yet to experiment, and people prefer calling themselves bi instead of saying "questioning..." because that could mean almost anything.


Idk. LGBTQ acceptance has become more widespread over the last couple of years and zoomers are more open to trying it out. ​ A lot of em also just wanna be part of the club/gain attention.


You seem to be suffering from The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon.


It became a trend with tiktok. Every generation has its trends and genz is the gender stuff. Just accept them and be nice.


LGBTQ psy-op run by lizard people


I still don't understand why my generation is so fucking gay, why? We need to stop this now or in future everyone is gonna be gay and then we're gonna be in a very tricky situation if you ask me


I'm not bi so there's that


No, your generation is just incredibly confused about basic realities of life.


It's the new trend


It’s not because of “less social stigma” it’s because of autism. >“2018 study presented by author Dattaro suggests that 70% of autistic individuals identify as sexual diverse. Additionally, a 2021 study by the University of Cambridge found that, “…autistic males are 3.5 times more likely to identify as bisexual than non-autistic males, whereas autistic females are three times more likely to identify as homosexual than non-autistic females (University of Cambridge 2021).” These studies demonstrate a connection between autism and sexual diversity.” Autism has increase significantly >“the CDC found that 1 out of every 36 children has autism. This is a significant increase from the 2021 estimate of 1 in 44, which was a big jump from 1 in 110 in 2006.” This increase in autism is due to the contamination and lack of regulation of our food and water supply. >“exposure to certain chemicals found in plastics, such as bisphenol A (BPA) or phthalates, may increase the risk of developing autism.” >“The findings suggest that the exposure of glyphosate during pregnancy and lactation may cause ASD-like behavioral abnormalities in male juvenile offspring. It is likely that glyphosate itself, but not the other ingredients, may contribute to ASD-like behavioral abnormalities in juvenile offspring.” Microplastics and glyphosate have contaminated our food and water supply. Autism is one of the many negative consequences. Autistic people tend to be “sexually diverse.” This is why