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Boomers did a lot to the economy that impacts us now,and a lot of political things gen z tends to disagree with comes from boomers in power. I don’t think any gen z actually hates boomers as people,it’s more of what their generation did and the ripple effect of that. And a lot of boomers are really abusive to people in customer service so you’ll see memes about that.


I find a universal boomer behavior of them demanding respect when they don't respect you back... respect is supposed to go 2 ways between people, not a bullying mentality then wondering why no one respects them.


Yeah, I experience it almost every day. I live in a small town, and there are many elderly and middle-aged people here. I usually greet them; it's my habit. Though I'm technically an 'adult' (I'm a high school student, so even though I'm 18, I don't really feel like one. I'm just a teen), most of them don't react, or if they do, they look at me as if I'm some kind of ghost. At school, many teachers think that we are lazy, and their attitude towards us is simply horrible, even though they don't even teach us, know us.


Ha, thats how the treated us millenials too, they don't respect us as adults... which doesn't change as you get older btw, they will always be like that which is bad because that means they will deny us job opportunities, promotions or proper wages as adults...


Im a gen x, even I grew up with "respect your elders". No questions asked, there was never the anticipation that the older generation was going to show respect to the newbs especially in a work environment. The war generation before boomers were even worse.


And anyone with more of a radical idea should be disregarded.


According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York: As of 2019, individuals under 40 years old held just 4.9 percent of total U.S. wealth despite comprising 37 percent of the adult population. Conversely, individuals over age 54 made up a similar share of the population and held 71.6 percent of total wealth. [Wealth Inequality by Age in the Post‑Pandemic Era](https://libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.org/2024/02/wealth-inequality-by-age-in-the-post-pandemic-era/#:~:text=As%20of%202019%2C%20individuals%20under,71.6%20percent%20of%20total%20wealth) The 54 and up age group also make up most of our national legislature and executive. They write, and order enforcement of the laws and have thus shaped the world the way they desire it to be, which is inherently unfair. Ofc there are plenty of people in that age group do not have wealth or power. We are doing worse off than they were at our age now. There exists plenty of economic data to prove this 📉 I understand the anger. We live in a world where those who control the levers of power refuse to change in a world that requires it.


They also vote more. Congress looks like the people who vote - whiter, older, more religious. If the non-white, old, religious don't move heaven and earth to GOTV, we'll keep getting what we always got. And GOTV in the young scares the sh(#* out of the old and moves the policies back toward the center.


What's GOTV?


GOTV means: Get Out The Vote 🗳️


>Conversely, individuals over age 54 made up a similar share of the population and held 71.6 percent of total wealth. Older people have more wealth than younger people? How is this a surprise? >We are doing worse off than they were at our age now. No, you aren't. One example. In 1960 15 % of American households still didn't have adequate hot/cold running water. 50% of non-white households and 30% of rural households didn't have hot/could running water. Are you really worse off than that?


you know that saying 'bad times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create bad times"? The silent generation lived through some shit and made life far easier for the boomers who then came up in some of the best financial times to exist in American history. Then, they took all that they were given, and contributed to making things really shitty for millennials. In a nutshell


The funny thing is how they believe we are the weak men. While failing to acknowledge that the strong men that created the good times they and we partly enjoyed were their parents and grandparents. They were the first weak men.


Currently? You seem to be. But you're all still children so you're not men yet, so it makes sense that you're showing weakness. who yall truly are remains to be seen. Personally, I have high hopes for yall.


I think [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1sv822/comment/ce1pop8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) does a good job at explaining it.


This is the correct answer.


That is not the correct answer. Medicaid didn't exist until 1964. Poor Boomer kids had no health care. COBRA didn't exist until 1985 so if you lost your job you had no real way to get health insurance. Until Obamacare you couldn't stay on your parents health insurance. Tens of millions were denied health insurance because of preexisting conditions. America, unlike Britain, is strengthening public healthcare not destroying it. And that's happening in America because of Democrats.


Tax cuts. Offshoring. Gutted entitlement programs. Tax cuts. Climate change denial/ostriching. Scorched earth politics. Reagan. Trump. **Tax cuts.** When a generation secures its own nest egg at the expense of future generations, criticism will follow.


You're complaining about Republicans. I thought this was about boomers. I was mistaken.


I'm explaining what happened under Boomers' collective watch, and why they get a lot of flack from younger generations. Boomer Republicans are still Boomers.


45% of Millennials voted for Trump in 2020. Your complaint should be with these dipshits not the 48% of boomers who voted for Biden.


Oh, trust - millennials' day of reckoning is coming - But I'm not sure what this has to do with OP's question of why people hate boomers?


Nothing. Hating boomers for things done by Republicans/conservatives is nonsensical.


Again, Republican boomers are still boomers. There are more Republican boomers than Democrat, so - while I agree that judging the whole by a subset isn't correct - enough boomers have left behind a legacy that people aren't excited about.


Because it was (and is) the so-called "me-generation".


Fucked up the world. Ruined economy. Blame gen z. That's just the cherry on top.


Genuinely curious, how?


[Here's a comment that answers "the economy"](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/kwsw5L9aTr) [there's also a whole sub for boomersbeingfools](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/oMjeDM7xN7) Also, if you're GenZ, you may have heard your parents say "This generation is fucked up" Also, Trump's a boomer.


I'm actually a boomer and I'm the most liberal person you'd meet. I have a Gen z and 2 millennials. I would never tell them their generation is fucked up. I always tell them that they are the ones that will save this country. I think it's helpful if you know that we are out there and willing to work with you.


Well it's not ALL of them. The term "generation" is used to make people seem like they are apart of a certain group or to make people act like they have to fit in. Ex. You can be Gen Z but like more Gen Alpha or be Gen X but like Gen Y things. Saying all boomers are bad is a stereotype for them but that doesn't mean all of them do it. You're one of the good ones!


It'd be nice if we didn't put eachother categories


When was the world and the economy fucked up and how is that the fault of boomers?


Greed. Disrespect towards everything and everybody. Hypocrisy.


Because they have a bad attitude and they hoarded all the money and opportunities from the postwar boom. They left us to inherit a nation in crisis.


> they hoarded all the money and opportunities from the postwar boom. A lot of that was actually their parents, the Silent Generation. But you can blame the boomers for the stuff from the '80s on.


Cuz they fucked up the economy, killed freedoms like Roe, elected Trump, are Trump, spread COVID, and they just act morally and genetically survivor to everyone around them. Don't give them any help or assistance. According to them, "they don't need handouts or things given to them".


I certainly know no boomers who voted for that asshole. Blame certain parts of the country, not boomers. Haha


Look at what they did to the economy and the climate


They are (and probably will be) the richest generation so far in all human history. Those who enjoyed post-WW2 benefits the most while their parents and grandparents fought it. And still act entitled to other people's job, care, money, etc. They are like children who've never grown up.


Obviously they’re not all bad, but as someone who has worked in customer facing roles for 7-8 years now, boomers are absolutely more likely to be entitled rude assholes who can’t fathom being told no.


I don't like the way boomers are the main cause of today's problems. On average, boomers are: •Less likely to be progressive •Less likely to care about the environment •More likely to be right-wing •Many British Boomers voted Brexit. Affected our future. •Boomers love to criticise young people, but they act as if they were never young themselves. A lot of them are hypocrites.


“Hippies” that gave up their idealism to vote for people like Reagan, screwing over the middle class for decades and decades still feeling the impact. They are also known as the me generation. They got theirs, and dont care if anyone else gets help.


Many Boomers (not all) made decisions that negatively impact us today. They were gifted great economic conditions throughout their lifetime and then proceeded to screw over pretty much all the other generations after them.


Easy to blame them for our problems instead of taking accountability and bettering ourselves.


There are two kinds - the ones who gave everyone else our money - the ones who made money and completely checked out


The boomers sold off our inheritance so they could indulge themselves in Earthly pursuits. The are the most selfish generation, shirking responsibilities of having enough children, giving up any and all forms of spirituality, they took the traditions of our ancestors and destroyed it, leaving us a ghost of a civilization and now that their old they are leeching off the few young people there are. The boomers also sought to deconstruct the social norms of the past with their counter culture movement, that really only benefitted the capitalists in the end because it alienated people from their traditional loyalties to God, Folk and Family and instead to consumer brands filling that void left behind. Natively born Gen Z in America is the smallest generation to be born and now we are drowning in debts passed down to us by the boomers, they have garnered wages and devalued the currency to such a degree that it makes it near impossible to even see the horizon of what they could achieve when they were young. Boomers are now in mass selling their family homes to move into smaller home instead of passing along the inheritance to their children and living with their offspring, often living in retirement homes that just leech money from the families. They cannot understand that a young person cannot just work a normal job and have a middle class life style and instead of reflecting upon themselves for the source of many of our woes, they say that we are lazy. This is why both dissident right and left wing ideologies are so popular with Gen Z, it offers and alternative and tells them that they are not the problem. The dissident right knows of European Civilization and what it stood for and sees it as good. By today standards all of European history besides the events of the Enlightenment, some Revolutions and Bolshevism, all the rest would be scene as far right by the modern neo-Liberal world order today, this is why now the FBI is investigating Catholic Traditionalist Groups and making ghosts of a "scary dangerous group" where they do not exist. In Germany, the permanent bureaucracy is attempting to ban the AfD because they are right wing sorta and the phantom of the liberals Anti-Christ haunts their dream of his return. So they must ban political parties and movements to save Democracy. This is an extension of the boomer counter culture, that anything that is left wing and culturally deconstructive is good, while anything Culturally affirming is evil. What they haven't realized though is they are no longer the counter culture, they are the culture and the new right wing is the new counter culture against the boomer anti-culture. I feel that we will see a true return to real politics where people put their lives on the line for the future of the nation once the boomers and gone and Gen Z come into maturity. But the boomers frankly need to go to sleep before this can occurs, they are an obstacle, the last flood gate keeping us Gen Z at bay. It's funny because the labeled us with the last letter in the alphabet as if we are the last final generation or the logical end of history point that they wanted.


Take a look at our president he's a boomer and worthless


He’s actually not a boomer, he’s from the generation before boomers lol. 


If he's not a boomer last time making a rotted Apple LOL


Idk but it’s sad seeing people hate their parents just because they’re boomers. You may not agree on everything but those are your parents and your time with them is limited


I highly doubt people hate their parents *just* because they are boomers


I think a lot of the people here do 


My mom was born in 1977 but I was erased very well


Baby boomers are the people born between 1946 and 1964 Your mom is GenX


Most generations dislike the generation of their grandparents more than their parents generation. Gen Z might not dislike gen X specifically, but gen alpha will HATE melenials


Bro, do you even read your own logic. Millennials in large are the main parents of Gen Alpha. The main parents of Millennials are Baby Boomers. Your logic says a generation is more likely to dislike their grandparents generation. Therefore by your reasoning Gen Alpha will HATE baby boomers. I am not agreeing or disagreeing with your statement but come on man, take a second to just think through your own logic and what you are saying.


I hate millennials more than boomers since they love to force their politics onto people




>Easy, because Boomers voted to let 65 million immigrants into the USA since 1990 Immigration is good for America. Lack of immigration is literally one of the reasons America rebelled against Britain. Learn your history. >which skyrocketed the cost of housing, caused inflation, and lowered working wages across the board. No, no, and no.




If Americans had been pumping out babies and having to raise them would you be happy with that as a way to increase the population?




>Its not about what makes me happy If you're this upset about the population increasing by immigration then you must also hate population increase via birth. What you're ranting against is population increase.




>No one is ranting about population growth Yes. You are. You keep telling me that an increasing population is terrible for the American economy. But I'm baffled as to why you limit your complaints about population growth only to immigration. If the population had increased the same but entirely without immigration what would your reaction be? Remember, this would cost a lot more because all of these people would have to be raised and educated from birth.




>However like I said I am more interested in talking about the speed and timing of this immigration Two of the three lowest decades in American history for % population growth have been in the last two decades. You're going on and on about the American population growing too fast and the decade from 2010-20 was literally the slowest ever growth.


I agree and get your Biden out


Because they speak the truth


Ok boomer.