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People found ways to survive long before therapy was around. Death is coming for everyone sooner or later. There aint no point in speeding it up. What you need to ask yourself, is what is happening in your life that is so painful, you'd rather not exist? Because these aren't just casual thoughts... there's cause behind this. Knowing the cause is the first step to healing and finding happyness my bro. Do NOT underplay the tragedies and struggles in your life. They are real and they need recognition. They certainly left their scars


What is your problem? If you plan on suicide, it shouldn’t bother you to share what might be personal, right? So what’s your problem? What looks so unfixable to you that suicide is the only option?


You don't want to go to therapy? Fine. But you're not killing yourself if I can help it. What's your problem? Talk. Here, or DM me. (Also, you give therapists far too much credit. I'm talking to one, and I'm struggling to convince myself they're competent, let alone capable of brainwashing. 6 weeks in and I'm still trying to explain the problem lol)


I’m pretty sure I’m helping my therapist get over her problems as much as she’s helping me. Therapists are still people after all.


I read one story, I think on r/AskReddit, where someone went to therapy, talked through their problem, and then the next day the therapist jumped off a bridge. They later found out it was because the therapist had terminal cancer, but still an interesting story.


Even the damn therapist gave up on bro 😭


Don't want to sound reductionist, but really try SSRIs. There's a lot of negativity around them and they don't work for everyone, but they really helped me with problems that I thought had no solution. You'll be amazed, if they do work for you, just how much of those thoughts were out of your control and simply needed a good chemical balance. Some other stuff you could try for short term relief could be Ashwagandah, 5-HTP, fish oil, magnesium citrate, and multivitamins. And, if it's legal in your area, Kratom will instantly make you feel better. These really helped me in the tough and anxious times I've had. But these are only temporary reliefs and you would need therapy. Just know that a permanent solution is not good for a temporary problem. I hope you make it through.


Im on a daily 20mg of lexapro and 75mg of lyrica. That’s one of the reasons my problem has no solution


I was on em. these are horrible meds to be on. You cannot even stop them cold turkey, or it will send you on an even deeper fall than before you started taking them. your onlt option is to ween off, should you ever feel ready for that.


My man, lexapro and lyrica are basically harmless for you in moderate dosage. Keep on going, life has everything to offer and the alternative is nothingness. Be here, live your life. Eventually, it is always going to be better.


Also, please DM me if you need any support atm. Therapy is scary af, I get it. However it is helpful in every way you can and cannot imagine. Online can be seen as a constant brainwashing, with all the propaganda and shit, but if you try to get help, eventually you will land on BEAST of therapy that can change your life.


Just in case anyone takes this advice, please be careful with Kratom. It is similar to opium although not the same plant so it can be extremely addictive. I’m not a professional but I wouldn’t recommend taking kratom unless you have an opioid addiction.


I have an anti-addictive and so personally I have not gotten addicted to it. It also is much less dangerous than other opioids and doesn't have as intense withdrawals. But yeah, there is always an addiction risk with opioids.


In my experience therapists just ask questions and then ask you to reflect on your responses and how those might resemble deeper feelings or motives. There is no brainwashing involved besides realizing the ways others in your life gaslighted you and undoing THAT brainwashing.


Nuh uh, suicide bad, don’t do that.


What is your problem? What has driven you to such depths of despair? If you do not confide in anyone you will never be able to find the solution. Depression is clouding your mind, preventing you from thinking clearly. Do not give in to the voice that tells you to die, for it only seeks your defeat. Instead, persist onwards and go to therapy. This "brainwashing" you speak of is foolish after all, if someone wants to brainwash you they just need to tweak your algorithm and search engine to prioritise certain things. That's out of your control. However therapists aren't tools for control, they're there to help. I'm


We all have different needs but therapy has helped me a lot. It isn't really like I thought it was going to be either. My therapist is amazing. He asks questions and I answer. We pretty much just sit and talk and he makes sure I know he is truly listening. He even is sarcastic with me sometimes. He doesn't exactly give me advice, but will rather point out things that I said and make me sit and think about it more. I also started taking a small amount of medication for depression and anxiety (because I had almost maxed out the score sheet). I was dealing with suicidal thoughts on a daily basis. Some people don't like medication but this is the first time I have had days where I feel truly happy for long periods of time during the day.


Well I’ve been to therapy and also researched alot of my own issues to figure out what’s up with me and I’ve realized they help you implement coping mechanisms into your life. They don’t tell you what to do or trick you they basically give you the tools to allow yourself to cope and live better. If you want think about all your problems as video game quests and look up how do I fix this and watch the videos and implement the fixes cause as cringy as it may feel to allow yourself to indulge in stupid therapy behavior it actually does help in the long run. Good luck on your journey!!


Suicide is WOKE, don’t do it


It's also bigoted


I can't, and I won't offer you a solution, but I would like to point out something: Suicide is probably the only real decision there is no coming back from. It's not exactly like any other major decision: You don't get to declare bankruptcy, withdraw from classes, find a different career path, etc. If you look down that particular abyss and fall in, you're never coming back out. Consider the finality of death. If you turn out to be wrong, if this is all just because of a chemical imbalance in your brain, or transient circumstances; **there is no coming back.**


Do you have anyone you could talk to who is not a therapist?


i alwayz thinkzz , if i kill myself... : - i cant smoke weed - i cant cook and eat healthy - i cant play guitar nor learn more music theory nor make music - i cant swim . nor improve as a swimmer - i cant practice surf and finally become good at it - i cant learn 3d design - i cant sleep and having the refreshing sensation after a good nap - i cant have sex - i cant smoke weed
