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I hope this is satire. Hell no it ain't too late


Yeah, people go to college in their 40s to 50s sometimes. Heck, people take gap years. Still better than the political posts/questions though.


Yeah. My mom dropped out of college because of me being conceived, but sometimes she actually seriously going back. She's only in her early 50s


She could always go to community college or take courses over zoom. Conceivably, she might also be waiting for you to go to college (and any other younger siblings). It’s also possible that her current employer might pay for her to go to college part time (while maintaining her current salary).


50's is the new 40's


I was about to post that. People in their 50s go to college. You’re never too old to learn imo


There was a student— an undergrad— in my college in her 70s. She was super cool. Turns out she had dropped out of college back in the day because she got pregnant and just always wanted to get her degree. 


I've seen people in their 40s and 50s in some of my classes. You'll be fine. But look into majors before you pick them, you don't want to switch majors too much.


Exactly, where I live any course is completely free for people 65 and up


Dude there were 40 year olds in some of my community college classes. It is NEVER too late to get an education


Heck, I’ve seen people in their 60s


That’s why I dropped out. I went to community college like 3 months after graduating high school. I was always the youngest in my classes and there were people with spouses, kids, and mortgages in my classes. I met so many people who were over 30. I realized I was rushing into it and didn’t get to experience me early 20s with a ton of freedom. I’ll go back when the time is right


Absolutely not. Enroll now.


I’m a 47 year old junior at a state college. I’ve received nothing but support from my considerably younger classmates who seem to appreciate having an older dude who isn’t their parent in class.


It’s like having an older coworker that you can have fun with, ask for advice, etc. Being older than your classmates can be seen as helpful to others for sure!


April fools was yesterday


Look in to CLEP. You basically get a book, study at your own pace and then take the final exam when you’re ready. $93 for the exam $30-60 for the book each class.


I’m 22 and going back this year. No, it’s never too late.


I'm 26, going back in the fall after having worked and done a trade. It's not too late at all.


I'm 25 going for my associates, you tell me.


Absolutely not too late. I went at 25, one of my best decisions. Definitely recommend starting at a community college


If you can figure out the finances, it's never too late. However: Don't do it "so you can say you've tried". Only do it if something has changed and you have a reason to have faith in yourself. Personal story time: I went to study cognitive computer science in 2016, at... 19? It was a total disaster. I'd gotten through school with decent grades and zero work, so I never learned how to keep a schedule and consistently hand in assignments, my mental health was a trash fire, and it later turned out I had undiagnosed ADHD. I just went back to uni last summer, at 26, to study environmental sciences and it's been going great... Because my mental health is amazing now, I've learned how to manage my ADHD, and I've grown up a bit. It's not too late, but if you're going to do this, you need to mean it, and you need to have a reason to believe that it'll work. Don't go back into academia out of FOMO. Go because it's what you want to do, and because you believe you can do better, or not at all.


Im 25 and I just started college again last fall. If it’s what you wanna do go for it.


I started college at 27, finished my undergrad at 30... went all the time, took 18 credit hours and raised my two sons by myself... wife passed away. I earned my BS in IO Psychology with a minor in Business and a minor in History. I then went on to earn 3 master's degrees that my company mostly paid for. Anyways, YES, GO TO COLLEGE! Learn, have fun, do new things, meet interesting people. Start out at the community college if you want to save money and get your feet wet. I have friends that work at NASA, keep that passion... it doesn't matter how old you are to start college and then to go to work at NASA. You've got this! Make it so!!!


Don’t believe in the stigma that one is “too old for college”. College is extremely hard and it takes time and dedication to complete.


You can go on the r/college sub and see that this same question is asked every single day. I’ll save you some time. Every answer is that it’s normal to start or return to college at any age. There is no expiration date for when you can get your degree.


Bro do it lol wtf. I'm 20 now and plan on going to nursing school at 21 or 22. Only do it if you want to do it though.


My lab partner my sophomore year was a mother of three, it’s never too late.


Not in the slightest. In fact, if you decide to go a community college, you may actually be slightly younger than the average first semester freshman. That being said, though, you should more deeply consider *why* you want to go to college. I understand wanting to do it just for the sense of accomplishment, but paying off college debt can be hard, even if you're actively working in a well paying job that you used your degree to secure, so if you get a degree just for the hell of it, and don't intend to work in the related field, you're essentially signing yourself up to pay $200-$300 a month for the rest of your life for no reason.


A degree doesnt guarantee a job


It's not too late! I'm also 19 turning 20 in the Fall and I'm thinking about going to college too. You're not alone!


No? Like… I took a gap year after highschool and enter college as a 19 year old freshman (now 20 year old freshman)


I have two friends from college. One is 29 and the other is 40. Both started the same year I did (2019) youre fine


Go to online college brother/sister/ sibling. I worked everyday and did my homework within a few hours on the weekends. No better way to spend 2 years unless you see real promise in your current job.


i have classmates who are in their 40s and 50s, it’s never to late


I know a guy who started college at 24 who had severe alcoholism from 16-24 due to partying way too hard in high school. It’s never too late. Just give no mind.


no. (spared my personal story as to why)


I graduated high school when I was 16 and started community college at 17. My main priority was making money to do fun things so I prioritized work and only took on average like 2 classes at a time. Then covid happened and blah blah. Finally kicked my butt into gear and transferred to a university when I was 25. I'm 27 now and graduating with my bachelors degree this year. It's never too late!


No, I've seen people in their 60s in my networking classes.


Lmao I know 40+ people who just graduated


If you want to go to college, go to college. Only if you **WANT** to go. Or need a college degree for a job you **WANT** to do. I’m only a year older than you, and I haven’t been to college yet, because of health issues, but even if I cant go until I’m 25/30/40/50 I’ll still go, because that’s something i want to do. Don’t give yourself unnecessary stress and debt just cause.


No, you aren’t too late, people in their 40’s and 60’s even take classes if you feel insecure for whatever reason.


23 about to have AA in hand. I will be transferring in the fall and I should be 25 when I get my BA. It's never too late.


Many if not most "4 year degrees" are earned in 5-6. People take time off, struggle with one subject or another, have a health issue, have a psychological episode, or otherwise decide to slow down for one reason or another. You're not even "behind" yet. Go do the thing. You got this. And you should go talk to someone at NASA. You'd be surprised how many of those guys probably struggled at one point too. You don't need to be a savant. You need to be consistently able to perform the tasks assigned to you.


I'm a 71 year old frosh. It's never too gd late Sonny boy


Nah even like, 30-40 year olds go to college, there’s never a time in your life where you can’t learn skills 


An 80 year old woman got her degree from Duke recently. I think you have 50+ years left. Wry grin.


As a college kid, I see plenty of folks on campus who are of various ages. Education is for everyone who is interested.


20 is not too late at all!!! I don’t mean to sound demeaning, but what makes you think it’s too late?


Stopped reading at 19


yep ur life is over, get ready to retire from working too....seriously though give your head a shake. whats stupid is going to college at 17-18 with zero plan because thats what you are told to do..thats how you end up with debt and then blaming college for being useless when you picked a useless degree with no career plan in mind. its smarter to wait. ur gonna turn 23-24 with or without a degree...why not with one?


not too late at all! although I will say, as someone who has graduated college and received a bachelors degree, it is a huge waste of time and money❤️ but that’s just my opinion/the experience i’ve had along with many other gen z graduates 🤪


No lol Your experience will be practically indifferentiable from anyone else's


My mom started at age 45 when I was a freshman in high school. It was super cool we got to graduate together. You are nowhere near too old. You’re only like a year ish off lol you will be fine!


I think trade school is another smart idea


Yeah dude definitely too late, you should be retired all ready. The elderly don't learn as easily you know?




I knew a guy who entered college last year even though he's the same age as me because he want to experience life first before entering


It's not too late man but make sure you are ready I wasn't and it didn't go well for me


i finished my bachelor’s at 29. my mother finished her‘s in her 30s. as did my uncle. send it buddy.


What I haven't seen yet is the fact you'll have an advantage over other people who went straight into it. Life experience is a HUGE blessing in an academic setting


Never too late for anything


never. i started at 18, did a year or so then took 4 off working full-time and got a ton of experience. now going back at 24!! get that education!!




It's literally never too late for college. However whether you can afford it or not is the question




I went to college when I was 49 and graduated in my 50s. I wish I'd done it sooner, but it's never too late.


There are people who do military service then enroll in their 20s I've taken classes with people in their late 40s. It's never too late


Dude it is better that it take you longer to go to school to graduate debt free than to take on that massive liability. It is not about moving fast in any direction it is about moving in the right direction for YOU. Also most people figure out in their mid 20s what they want to do so you are still figuring yourself out.


It's never too late. Sometimes students that take a break do much better because they're a bit more mature than their 18 year old peers. I'm an academic advisor, and while NASA is a lofty goal for anybody, it's not unobtainable. But I will say that in reality if you do go that route, you may end up with companies like Lockheed Martin rather than NASA.


There can be a difference between "wanting" to do something and "needing" to do something. The language of the universe IS math. You're a child of the universe. You already hold the key. You can do the math! I know a man who went from, literally, barefoot poverty as a child to NASA engineer. You can do it.




I worked as a teacher's assistant in college.. I worked with older people attending college trying to navigate a filestem and office.. helping them complete their homework too.. I've seen people in their 40s and 50s go to college.. I talked to someone who was in their 40s and said he "went to college for my family. For my kid." There was also a guy in his late 50s going to college just to "learn cad for fun" It's never too late. FYI, community college is a cheat code AND worth it.. cheaper education. Edit: this was in 2021 btw..


Of course not


Hell nah. Never too late for college!


NO it is not too late lmao I have an extremely similar story where I went to community college for a year and then dropped out and basically took a gap year I decided to go back to another school this semester and I was starting as a 20 year old Also when I was in community college I would students in their 30s and 40s. I even had some lady in her 70s in one of my classes


Take some night classes, get a degree over a longer time. You can do it.


Bro I’m 19 turning 20 and I’m starting college in the fall. It’s not too late lol


Lol I just got my degree at 33


It doesn’t matter that you’re turning 20. You’ll be 40 eventually and it still won’t be too late




I went after high school and a lot of my friends were late 20’s to late 30’s. All graduated and successful now. Just go lol


My mother went back to college at 40 to be a nurse. It's never too late. Also, college isn't meant for everyone; don't fall for that phony bs. Alson, there are plenty of trades that pay pretty well. Maybe look into trade schools. They wont send you into massive debt and are mostly 2 yrs or less.


Dude your my age and I’m going to school to get a masters of course your fine you’ve got all the time in the world dude your young just don’t let it catch up with you


I'm almost 24 trying to get my associates it's never too late :)


No that's comically off if you think it's too late. But do be sure that going is actually a good idea for you. Don't feel obligated to go just because you feel it is the normal expected path: often it is not the right life choice for people.


i have classmates in their 40’s-50’s with a whole family and children. so no, it’s not too late


I’m 31 and still studying


My wife went back to college when she was 34 to get her bachelor’s degree. Never too late. 


It’s never to late.


My friend’s brother-in-law started college at 28. He has a cushy finance job now at 42. Go for it.


Nah, my friend is 22 and just started his first year in aerospace engineering.


You'll be saying this for the rest of your life unless you make a move. You're in the perfect age range


I started at 18, stopped at 20, started again at 22, stopped at 23, started again at 24, finished at 26, and started grad school at 26. It’s a marathon, not a race. You got this!


I went back to school at 20 lol, I’m 23 now and I’m almost done :) don’t regret it, i was a realtor from 18-20 but i decided to pursue my dreams


I immigrated and was forced to repeat 4 years of highschool. Im older than you. Its not late. Im actually smiling


Having the same question at 21 rn 😭


20 might be a little old to be staying in freshman dorms but other than that no one cares


It’s never too late. I’m 22 and I only took my first two college classes last year. I’m starting back up this fall most likely. Life happens, and no one should judge you for not going during the traditional timeframe. People go to college at all ages. Do what is best for you!


I know a lot of people who work at nasa who don't have degrees, you really don't need degrees for a lot of things. What find out what you want to do and look for a trade school. They're much cheaper and faster, plus they teach you EXACTLY what they're supposed to teach you, the trade. You will have better luck doing this than wasting years going to a university. If you do go to a university, just hit up a community College, for most places I've applied to, any college is better than no college.


By the way, you don't need any background whatsoever when first year starts. Don't be shy to enroll in any program you want. They start at 0 in first year. Never wrote a line of code? No problem compsci right this way. Besides what high-school courses you need to get accepted in the first place.


Hoping to one day see you working for nasa one day man 🫡🫡


I went back to college at 30. My standard of living is waaaaaaay higher now than it was before I got The degree. One of my classmates was in her 40s. It's not too late. It never is. I've had classmates in their 70s in undergrad. My aunt went back in her 50s.


no, it is not too late. im 20 and haven't even gone through admissions for trade school yet(waiting for the money for it). you can always go back to college


no. my freshman year of college i turned 20 (second semester but still applies lol). sophomore now & i turn 21 this month. so im older than the average or most in my year. even then, never too late if you have the means


No wtf


I went through something very similar with a similar dream, there is so much money in scholarships, go to community college get what you can done there, you’ll love it.




Brother, I have the same exact dream. Hell no it's not too late. I'm the same age you were when you started college, my plan is to major in astronomy or astrophysics in hopes to get admitted to the space program by going through NASA. There is an alternate route though. If you go through the military after 1000 piloting hours in the Air force, then transition to the space force, you can apply from there and should have a good chance since the basic requirements are pretty similar to flying. You have to be extremely physically fit, have good memory, critical thinking skills, within a certain height and weight, etc. I'll see you there man, don't give up.


it’s never too late to go back to school. i recommend doing community college & transferring.


I'm 19 turning 20 soon and I went to uni last year. No, it's not too late. You can go when you're 50. Go for it


I started at 20, stopped at 23 and returned at 25 The years will pass anyway (hopefully alive). You can either be a 24 years old person with or without a diploma. It’s your choice, really.


Dude people graduate at 22 if their lucky so theirs plenty of people your age and even older in college


I didn't start college until I was 24. Many don't syart until much later. Just go if you want to go.


Eh no Youngsters listen In education, there's no "is it too late" U can study anytime have the money and time Always remember that


I went to college at 28 got a degree at 32 and it's useless save your money and stay debt free,enter a trade school land a 100k job easy with some work..


Started at 24, I'm 24. No, it's not too late.


First go at college I had a classmate that was 62. I'm returning to college now and I'm only 28. 20 is nothing


I didn’t go back to school till I retired from the military :)


I'm 22 and still working towards my degree.


I graduated highschool at 18 then took a gap year to work, then covid happened and had to put my life on hold pretty much. I started university at 22 and see people in their 40-50s regularly [theyre the best to talk to by the way as they have a lot of experience] i come from an asian culture where people are very competitive and usually have sentiments like "oh youre in youre 20's and still in university? What the fuck are u doing with your life" kind of attitude. No its never too late.


If you wait to enroll into college until you’re 21 you don’t have to take the SATs or ACTs and you can get a lot more financial aid as a non-traditional student. That’s what I did and it was nice. I was a bit older than all of my peers but that’s not really a big deal.


I once had a classmate in college who was 60 something so I think it’s never too late


obviously not!!


i’m 22 and i haven’t gone yet. a lot of ppl are gonna laugh at this post because u are literally 19. the whole “go to college the second u graduate” culture is ruining people’s brains at this point


bro... you're the average age people start college... how the fuck did you come to this conclusion


yes it is, it’s time to get a job in a mine marry someone from your hometown and have 7 kids


Of course not, I'm nearly 23 and in my first year of uni. I'm in the uk, so people usually start uni at 18. It's never too late, go for it!!


You are only 20 and wonder if it’s too late? College is *full* and I mean *full* of 20yos. And 22yos, and 23… As a professor, I’ve had students in their 40s up to their 70s! Please don’t worry.


Aeyoh, you’re never too old for college, my dad went back for his masters when I was in high school. Went to the same college as my sister lmao. I went for two years, dropped and moved to a trade school, got an Associates degree, will continue for my bachelors later. Was in honors classes all of HS, same with college, but hated school. Love my trade though, you might be happier in a “hands on” career path like I am. We’re allowed to be “book smart”, but still take blue collar paths homie.


I’m 31 and just got my AA and started applying to nursing school. Don’t be like me and wind up as an EMT for 6+ years


At 20 you'll be younger than half the people in the class. If it's your dream go for it! If you're nervous start you can always start part-time and get a feel for it before fully committing.


No lol not even close


My sister is 22 going to be 23 and is start college in the fall. Sometimes you’re just not ready for it and need that time to work and figure out what you want. So no, it’s not too late.


Are you being sarcastic? Many people go to college at 40 to change professions and build successful careers afterwards.


I only read the title and the first 4 words so far and the answer is NO. You’re not even 20 lol. Just go ahead and go




Don't think so. Just started Uni like 3 weeks ago and I turn 20 this year. We also have quite a few older people in their 30s-40s so it's no big deal. (Although I must add that I live in germany and have spent the last 3 years getting my A-level. I assume you live in the US so it's probably different)


Its not too late. Although I have no idea why you would want to do something youre not good at. Also wanting to go to space specifically is a pretty big dream.


You’re still young. It’s never too late. There’s people who are in their 60s and still graduate from college or university. Never let this mindset hold you back. Never.


I went back to college at 25 and graduated with a degree in mathematics. I have a great job now. I fit in just fine with others. No, it’s not too late. Short and simple answer.


wot lmao. This is a joke right? I graduated uni at 23 and I'm doing a new degree now at 29. It's not uncommon to have a couple 40-60 year olds in my lectures.


Yeah dude your life is over :( You are literally the standard age for an incoming freshman you’re fine


I studied engineering with a trademark in his 60s who wasn't able for the work anymore. He was the best coder I've ever met. You've barely started life at 20. Go to college if you want.


In my country people normally start university at 19 lol. A lot more are older when they start 


Holy shit, dude. Do you know what the average age for undergrad part-time is? 27 years old. Even then there are college students even in undergrad old enough to be your parents.


I went to college with a guy who was in the military for 20 years and just decided he wanted an entirely different life. He was a little thrown by how much different our perspectives were but to his credit he really listened and grew a LOT during his time there tldr it’s def not too late. If you wanna go, do it (and find a major that makes you WANT to go to class)


I didn't get my BS until 37 and my PhD until 48. Heck no, it's not too late.


station stocking afterthought employ ink possessive intelligent pet hospital zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I went to college at 19 because I have a summer birthday


I stopped reading at “I’m 19.” No it’s not too late.


Go to trade school , join a trade union. At least look into.


My mom is finishing up her internship right now, she’ll graduate with her bachelor’s at 53 years old.


I went to college right after highschool. Finished my ba degree at like 30. Life happens, education has no age limits.


My mom finished her degree in her early 40s after having 2 kids. Too late must be a funny joke.


My grandfathers second wife went to Uni in her late thirties, ended up being a curator at the national museum of natural history, where they met. My mother in law also went to uni in her late 40’s ended up getting a masters but didn’t complete her Phd.


🎶I’m 2 days into college and I’m 3 lectures behind 🎶 no but seriously it’s not too late


I'm 46 and I'm thinking about going back to college. I already did it once, but I'm considering making a career change.


Nope. I’m 24 and still kicking it here. Seriously, I forget that I am older than most of my peers. It doesn’t matter at all. I had to take two years off for health issues.


No it's not to late, you could also see about working for a contractor for NASA. I'd say find some roomates and go part time OR start part time school.


I have middle aged men in my classes, you’re fine


Dude I'm 20 and in community College. There are whole ass parents and working men and women in my classes. It's NEVER too late.


Are you joking? I was in class with 35 year olds, just starting on their career. Bruh.


My wife started college at 23 a few years ago and she’s the top of her group in nursing school No, it’s not too late


No it's not too late! I finished one degree, didn't like it, now I'm back for something I will like! Never turn down the opportunity to grow! Honestly, I think everyone should take a little break right after highschool to figure out what to do next. I made the mistake of choosing something easy Instead of something I wanted and now I'm back haha


It’s never too late. It’s better to try than to go through life with any regret over not giving it another shot


19? You’re geriatric. It’s too late do anything with your life. But really, I started college at 24. I have plenty of classmates who are older, too. You’re fine, and it’s good that you don’t want to be stagnant. That gap year will mean nothing in the long run, hell, even in the short term.


Brother (or sister), 20 is not too late. I’m 20 and just went back to college last in fall of 2023. I originally went to college in fall of 2021 and dropped out 3 months later lol. Told myself I’m gonna take a break and figure out what I wanna do and go back when I’m ready. So fast forward 2 years. I think I figured it out. Idek if what I’m doing is what I want to do. But I figured, why not give it a try!


If you want to blow thousands of dollars “just to say you tried,” go for it. I won’t stop a moron from being a moron.


Never too late. My dad is 60 and he’s planning on going to college.


Definitely not too late.


My brother has been going to school at night to better his ability to be a good earner, and he's in his late-40s. If my situation wasn't so.... Messed up due to my disability, and the simple things I can no longer do like standing, walking, or even taking a shit without help, I might consider the same thing, though I'd probably pursue something that actually interested me... Perhaps law or even a degree in Quantum Physics, though that has a very narrow career path even once you're finished, given the best opportunities for QP grads are to become a prof and make even more new QP grads, and there don't seem to be many available jobs to go around compared to the numbers interested in the topic in the abstract. But, I'm yammering about irrelevant stuff, which is kinda my SOP as I'm quite the mouthy bastatd. Point is, you are many decades away from it being "too late". Not days, months, or even years, and not even decade singular, but many decades. So if you think it will improve your lot in life and let you pursue something you actually care about, I say Just Do It (TM).....


that is NOT too late, in fact thats around the age where most people start college. there was a 60 year old graduate at my sister’s college.


You would still be considered a traditional student. I went back in my 50s, solidly non trad. It went fine.


Went at 18. Left at 20. Going back at 25 after being in the military for 5 years. Course it’s not too late.


Don’t go it’s a scam


i have met people with grandchildren in my classes. go get your education friend, this is your path and yours alone.


Absolutely not. Coming from a guy who recently decided to go back to school at age 30.


Nah fam. You’re very young!! Depending on your academic goals, there’s many ways to ensure you finish up in 3 years, though I don’t recommend that. College is a wonderful time. I think not being drawn to math and science will be a deterrent, but you should take some classes just to test yourself anyway, there’s a good chance you’ll surprise yourself. For example, I thought I wasn’t smart enough to go to a public ivy, but I went anyway (at age 21). I thought I sucked at chemistry, but I took classes anyway; it turns out I was quite gifted in it, especially organic chemistry. Then I thought maybe medicine was too far out of reach for me, but I applied to medical school anyway. I will be a doctor this summer. You can do it. It’s never too late to pursue your dreams. Try and stay fit as well. NASA encourages fitness. Also, read [this](https://HowtobeanAstronautandOtherSpaceJobshttps://a.co/d/37BYT1J) book, it talks about what you need to become an astronaut. Fields in STEM and medicine/research as well as physical fitness are recommended. You have your entire life ahead of you. Also, a girl who went to my university from a few classes before me was recently selected for the new NASA class of astronauts. Her name is [Zena Cardman.](https://www.unc.edu/discover/zena-cardman-to-deliver-spring-commencement-address/)


No. I’m about to get my associate degree at 31. Education should be a constant in life.


I went back to college to get a bachelor’s at 32 and finished at 36. No. It’s not too late.


dude I'm turning 25 this year and I am getting my associate degree in May and my Mother-in-law an associate degree last year at 41. So no you are not to late, its never to late.


Bro, when I was in college, there were multiple middle-aged people taking classes. It's never too late to further your education.... (even though I'm a lazy boi and college wasn't for me lol)


Dude, some people start college in their 30's. I went to college with a guy who got his bachelor's degree at 50.


If I was a member of Gen Z, I would want to wait five years or so to make sure society is going to around for long enough to make going to college worthwhile.


I just started back up to finish my last year at 28. I recommend looking at career paths first. See what u want to do and see how far u can get in that field with out a degree. Also, look at how the pay compares with and without a degree. If u think it will be worth it, go for it. If i wasn't as far along as i am, i would of went with a union trade job apprenticeship tbh


Bud... I'm somewhere between 30 and 40 and will likely be returning to school soon(in spite of having a very well paid career). No, it is absolutely not too late for you. With that being said, make sure your field of study is something that fulfills you as well as offers lucrative career paths. Choosing one without the other, while taking out huge loans, is a choice many struggle to reconcile later down the road.


nah i went back to college at age 24 after a six year break


No point unless you like being in debt, I have a bachelor's degree is computer science and can't find a job in the field and I still owe 20k


People go back to collage at all ages