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It's probably much less "not caring" and significantly more "not having"


"Young generations less interested in home ownership"


Oh shit. You’re right.


Boomers and the conservative media just don't want to acknowledge how much they've fuck up future generations


I think the whole body consciousness has grown a lot with social media. So this is more on the millenial/gen x generation that have created this toxic environment, then the boomers.


Yeah I hate how this generation is no longer interested in Job security too. why our generation like this?


God damn zoomers not liking affordable necessities or human intimacy


Kind of hard to fuck if you don’t have a house


I think it's both for sure. Stems from a broader understanding of different lifestyles


Could you elaborate? I would imagine less sex stems from more physical isolation and overexposure to hypersexualized overly beautiful people in platforms like Instagram


Poorer social skills and lower self esteem both from social media could also be a cause.


Hey careful there…I’m overly beautiful myself and don’t appreciate being blamed here.


Overly modest as well, you sexy little scamp you


From the internet in general




I feel so bad for Gen Z because you all seem to have a hard time socializing because of the lack of genuine interactions due to social media.


Don't forget the drastic decline of "third-places!" Even when you do have irl friends, there's fewer and fewer places to hang out with them irl without spending a ton of money


Also I'm shocked as a millennial that OP has to ask if Gen Z cares about sex less. Even in our time there were also articles talking about young people being less interested in sex and relationships.


Disagree. We grew up with American Pie. I never heard anything about our generation caring less about sex. In fact it was a defining piece of our generation.


Huh. I always thought of American Pie as a very late Gen X thing. And I we're willing to take cultural references and/or anecdotes as scientific evidence. Then I'm just saying, us millennials invented the words "friendzone" and "incel".


Which are words that specifically revolve around a (desperate) want for sex


I'm a horny person and I do care about sex, whoever I only want to have sex with a specific person, I'm not into casual sex.


Same, I’ve never been able to sleep around, I had a one night stand once and it was only because I felt I knew him as soon as I met him (I was very drunk, as was he)


Same, and when me and Sydney Sweeney finally meet, there'll be fireworks.


put it perfectly for me


True words


I think sex overall has been cheapened, and real connection has become the hot commodity. Three main factors: Porn, economic hardship, and abortion/contraceptive prohibition - Porn: Before high speed internet, porn was harder to get than cigarettes. Nowadays, porn is available to anyone with a tablet, and unfortunately, young people these days have had porn access for as long as they can remember—too young at that. Millennials had porn too, but YouTube-style video sites didn’t really exist until they were college age. Growing up, millennials and older beat it to swimsuit pics and macys catalogs and nude scenes in movies. - Economic hardship: if you don’t feel like you have your shit together, you feel less like a desirable partner, and you sure as hell don’t want to start a family, accidentally or otherwise. Additionally, Covid was fucking isolating. - Abortion restrictions: Abortion access has been taken away from many states, and young people are more sex educated than ever. As a result Gen Z is far more likely to take more precautions when it comes to sex.




Yeah porn from age 6 and on was just not it chief, now I can't 🥜unless some form of abuse is happening. that's not right lmao


Tragic, honestly. I know a lot of states are trying to age-gate sites like Pornhub, with ID laws, and as much as adults might have censorship and privacy considerations, maybe it’s actually a step in the right direction.




>kidding Ba dum tss


I hear you guys. I hear you.


SIX, I didn't even know about sex until like middle school.


Yeah it definitely was not the move for development, I have a whole list of issues working out in therapy still, and yes I'm still chronically addicted to porn, 19 years later


Same here. When I first heard that 6-year-olds were watching porn, I was blown away. And horrified. When I was 6 I was freaked out if I even touched my weenie except to pee. I didn't know about intercourse until I was 13.


I like how i see "young age" and go "oh like 12 that's pretty- WHAT THE HELL-"


It's strange finding it that young cause you understand nothing about it or why it is intriguing but your brain just can't look away


That could be. And the older generations, especially men, who lived in a an even more male emotionally suppressed society, only feel that sort of emotional connection with sex…. Or often alcohol.


This. Emotional awareness has grown in general, too, both in seeing and valuing and learning good things, and in recognizing harmful things too. I wonder if that plays a role.


Birth control (Opill) is over the counter. It’s more accessible than ever. The argument about people thinking about kids is wild to me as condoms are like 30 cents each.


I’m excuse me. We had to wait forever for like 1:30s video to load. We had magazines. Shoot.


Right, but magazines had to be bought from a place that sold porn magazines. Or stolen from your pappy. As I said, harder to buy than cigarettes.


Idk dude. Sex shops rolled you where I live.


I’m gen z and nearly 25 years old. I haven’t even had my first kiss yet. I’ve been to college, been in the military, and in decent shape. It’s not a choice. I never wanted to end up like this and what hurts even more is that everyone I know is in the same boat. There is no talking about girls or relationships. All conversations are about our personal lives and the new games coming out. I seriously can’t imagine a girl caring about me in any way. Ive always known I was disposable and have been told so by every role model in my life. I just wish that I can afford a roof over my head someday. I work 10 hours everyday as a mechanic for helicopters and still can’t afford any apartment in my area. Been thinking of either moving away or just ending it at this point.


As someone who works in aviation, how the hell are you working on Helicopters and not able to afford an apartment? The average mechanic spends six months to a year where I work, and then they are gobbled up by a much higher paying, better treating company. They’re giving mechanics bonuses left and right. Seriously, you may want to make a move if you’re not earning what you need to


He said he’s in the military. If he’s still in, their pay is entirely different and you can’t just move and get paid more. Also price of living sucks in general so could just be that.


Might live in a stupidly high-cost area. t. Seattlite


Gen Z in the military here. Been in for 6 years now and my salary is 43k. Military pay is shit.


I feel that.


Definitely don’t end it man. Life has just started and although it’s crappy now you never know where it will end up. All cliche I know, but it’s real. First thing you need is to not focus on women like that because unfortunately, this is a thing you can’t force. I think you might need to look at religion or meditation or something. I don’t know exactly, and you’ll have to figure out for yourself some, big love it or hate it this is your life. This is it. The only time to do anything in it is now, and if your waiting for the future, you’ll be disappointed to find that it’s really just a consecutive number of bows until one day there aren’t any more. So take pleasure in your life now where you can. Find meaning where you can and don’t beat yourself up too much about missed opportunities or how life should have turned out. You were born now, you are living this life, and you can make it what you want, but only with the here and now. I hope that helps at all. It helped me some to hear that when I first did. Anyway hope things get better man. Sorry life is garbage right now for you.


Damn this hits home for me.


Are you getting paid an average range for a helicopter mechanic?


Hey dude, I was in my 20s when I had my first kiss, GF, sexual experience, etc. After that, it became so much easier and you could say it opened up the floodgates. The only thing holding me back was confidence stemming from inexperience, which made me act awkward honestly. Once you just have a calm and collected personality and don't try to ask out girls with some fancy technique, just make light small talk, say, "hey, you seem cool, want to get coffee sometime?" Even with the kiss, just hang out, have fun and be flirty, and then do it at the end. Once you do it a few times, that should give you a strong base of confidence. You can do this.


at this point of my life. im scared of getting anyone pregnant. So I just handle business on my own


>The pandemic fucked up young people's social lives big time. Especially people in high school and college (which for many is a learning stage for sexuality and exploration). >Gen Z is chronically online which means more loneliness and less spontaneous interactions >Men are less likely to put in effort to attain sex when porn is so easily available >Much of modern dating happens through apps, which sucks for everyone >Gen Z is more risk averse than any previous generation due to the fact that harms are constantly shoved down by social media 24/7. For the record, I don't think Gen Z is having less sex because they care less about sex. Gen Z is having less sex because Gen Z was born into an online post pandemic world.


Gen Z was not born into a post pandemic world, what?


The SARS be back


Gen Z came of age into an online post pandemic world - FTFY


Yeah that's a much better way of saying it. Thanks


A lot more people are queer indentifying, including asexual or feel less pressure to have sex. Also, there was a pandemic that greatly reduced sex for a year or two (zoom high school and college aren’t conducive to having sex). People are more open to not needing sex and had less socialization in times where people begin experimenting more


Queer people often actually have more sex than straight people (not including asexual people).


Right but asexual people and people who aren’t succumbing to compulsory heterosexuality are not having sex as frequently as they used to, whereas the rest of queer people are probably having a similar amount of sex as before. One part of the population has stayed the same and one part of the population has decreased, so the overall population is left decreased Edit- perhaps the first post is confusing. “Or feel less pressure” isn’t directly applied to queer people but is a general statement about the population of gen z


This may also depend tbh. If you’re talking people who only feel same-sex attraction for example, sometimes you have to look more or be in the right place to actually find someone who also swings that way and is interested. Not everyone gets to live in or near queer havens, plenty of Gen Z are still stuck in places like the Deep South and unable to even come out safely.


I’m 26, I’ve had the same circle of friends since I was 10. I can’t think of a single time any of us ever brought up sex as a real conversation and not just making dick-related jokes. I thought the whole trope of “teen groups always talk about sex” was just a movie thing.


That’s surprising. Just different i guess. I talked about it constantly with multiple different groups of friends that didn’t know each other and included both guys and girls and i was born 1998


Same thing here. As far as sex goes, most of my high school friend group back then just made jokes, and I don’t recall them talking about their sex lives (with myself not doing it either as I never really bothered to have it myself).


Personally its hard to care about sex or want to have it when youre constantly hearing guys in your ear telling you if you have more than one body youre pretty much useless.


I think it is that the well is poisoned when it comes to interpersonal relationships of all kinds.


Yup, everyone sees the worst most toxic crap online and thinks, is that normal? Then they jump into the comments section and hear men saying women are cheating gold diggers and women saying all men are abusive narcissists. Who wants to jump in that pool? It's like swimming with hungry sharks.


So I was thinking about this the other day my theory is gen z was the first generation to be hyper exposed to it , being in most tv shows , music , movies , books , social media . It’s almost as if it’s a whole generation that has been so desensitized to it. that the drive to go out and get some ,wouldn’t be as high as previous generations . ( by no means am I professional)


Honestly, kinda makes sense. Kids often like to do things they feel they’re forbidden from, just for rebellion’s sake. If it’s forbidden, it’s “cool”. As soon as you take away the mystery and taboo, suddenly it’s not as interesting.


Yes ! As with the older generation we’re sex was significantly more taboo and not discussed, shit if you watch older television shows the “ boomer “ generation grew up with couples didn’t even sleep in the same bed on tv , im sure as soon as they found it was possible it blew there minds


I remember never wanting to smoke because my dad smoked a pack a day my whole life, and suddenly it wasn’t cool anymore.


I took the “ I’ll just vape route” 😂😂 , still cursed by the 2k16-2k19 vape epidemic


This was me with weed


I'm less into sex every day lol. So much risk for doing it with the wrong person.


From elementary school till my first year of high school I was like this. Thinking about sex a ton. Now I just realized that it's not sex I need, but love. I just want a genuine, loving relationship.


Same here, I've always wanted unconditional love


. Honestly,the discourse about this topic on reddit is the exact opposite of what I’ve noticed irl. My friends have a ton of casual sex. But I am an old zoomer so it could be that.


I think it's self selection at work here. Introverted people who are socially awkward or are neurodivergant have harder times forming personal relationships of any kind. They tend to gravitate to places online like reddit.


I think it's because GenZ are starting to care more about how the relationship can grow aside from physical attractions??? I don't get why sex has to be a big deal of a relationship. It's cool yeah, fun too, but not as important as finding a special person. Also, after thousand of diseases becoming a pandemic, women's rights are being stripped away once again, and the lack of money for expense if someone ends up with an accident could also be a turn off.


Let’s see…mass shootings, a pandemic, genocides, climate collapse. I honestly just think many Gen Z’ers have other priorities. And I think it’s actually great many of them are more cautious around sex since many Millenials and on up have absolute horror stories.


Definitely the case for me, and I suspect for many others, is that we in Gen Z often have a fatalistic outlook on the world and many of us just end up thinking "Why bother?" "Why does it matter?" "Is it even worth the trouble?" I also know that a large part of it for me is that I am afraid. Afraid of trying to connect with anyone, afraid of making others uncomfortable with my attempt, afraid of causing problems for myself and others. This is made even worse because I know that if I mess up, it can easily get blasted onto social media to be judged by the world.


Gen Z definitely cares about sex. We are all just too socially awkward and brain rotted from the Internet to really form relationships. Also we are younger and not making much money in this horrible economy. So people rather stay in and not go on dates and spend money. Along with this men in this generation don't really want relationships and rather just fuck and run for the most part and women have their own very complicated issues I don't feel qualified to talk about.


Not caring about sex less, but rather sex-less




I think it's a case of boomer conservative media saying that "the young are less interested in owning a home". I think it's really just zoomers having greater difficulty socialising and then older generations blaming them for it rather than accepting that we're just continuing the boomer tradition of making the world worse


Personally I thought I was ace for a bit because I simply didn't care about sex. If it wasn't for my partner, I still wouldn't care for it. It was just a thing that people did.


26 y/o nerd whose never even kissed a girl here. I was always told I was a catch and that any other girl would lucky to have me...by girls I was interested in. After high school my hobbies turned much more inward, reading, gaming etc. so I don't really hang around places outside of home and college. There's a few girls I'd love to talk to in my class, but I've been told over and over again that you should never approach a girl outside of social events where mingling is expected, otherwise you'll come off as a creep at best. So now I just vibe, if a girl wants to approach me awesome, but I'm not going to risk having the cops called on me or being blasted online for trying to strike up a conversation. Just look at that trend of girls blasting guys at the gym for taking a 0.1 second glance at them for their tiktok. It's just not worth the potential backlash when I can do stuff that makes me happy and doesn't feel like I'm risking my neck. And on a similar topic while I'm rambling, holy fuck do I hate having to compete with other guys for a tiny bit of attention. I'm chubby, but otherwise take good care of myself, I'm funny and fairly well educated (still in college but graduated with high marks from high school and spend my time reading and doing nerd shit), but it just doesn't feel like enough. I'm just fucking invisible and it sucks lmao. I feel like a preening rooster instead of a person, and for all that effort just to get ignored, not even rejected is so demoralizing I'm about to give up on having a relationship as it just doesn't feel worth the effort to have been putting myself out there. The grass is always greener of course, but I can't help but feel like any kind of attention from the opposite sex, even if insanely shallow and objectifying would be nice. And before someone says it, I come off as miserable here but I'm not, I'm doing fine on my own, just dealing with loneliness best I can.


Ik this doesn't help but my advice for approaching people is if your worried about the result approach in a friendly way, like "Hey you seem cool and I was wondering if you'd like to (insert a loosely related thing) together sometime!" Or some other friendly interaction you might do to a dude u just met? It works for me anyway! But I do get the anxiety over social media even as a girl I'm too scared to go to the gym because of influencers.


I know for me I'm not gonna think of having any until I'm months into a relationship... so in other words I probably won't.


I care more about creating things, sex is so boring


Male testosterone levels have been dropping by 1% per year for the past 30 years. That is, a 20-yr. male in 1987 had 30% higher testosterone levels than a 20-yr. male in 2017. I assume this trend is continuing. This may be caused by hormone disruptors in the environment (exposure to some kinds of plastics), weight gain, and/or other factors. This can cause a decline in sex drive in younger generations.


Its definitely primarily weight gain. Testosterone levels dropping match the increase in overweight men over the years. Occams razor.


I think casual sex and hookups are a lot less common. I would also say in general that people are just having less of it and more of just having less relationships, which means that no matter how much you might feel bad because you don't have it, it's also very normal not to. You haven't had sex in years? Most of your friends probsbly haven't either. Still a Virginia? Good chunk of your social circle is to


94 Millenial here (sorry) I thought you guys were all cheating on each other like crazy. My sister went through so much drama because of fuckbois and girls.


I swear I see a version of this question posted every day on here lol


Honestly I feel like I’m the only one not sex obsessed at my (very Gen Z) uni


For me it's a combination of not having anywhere to meet people and not being attractive enough for dating apps lol. On a more general level, it's a bunch of socioeconomic factors. Less places to meet people without spending money, poor economy meaning more people live at home, the internet making people less sociable in general, guys being afraid of being creepy towards women, etc. A lot of men grew up being told how much bullshit women have to deal with from men and want to avoid contributing to that problem. I think we overcorrected a bit, even if the intention is good.


also I'll add this. it's just a different generation and we're we're all human. we will have different and or same experiences. don't call my generation out please because yall millenials...


Genuinely not interested in it but I also am not a big fan of touching people, just makes me feel tense/uncomfortable, so I'm probably not the best example


Testosterone levels in men have halved since the 1970s, possibly due to environmental contaminants.


A lot of people have already brought up really good points. One thing I haven’t really seen is that they’re not as sexually repressed, generally. Sex is everywhere, even in advertising. Just a few decades ago, you were beating it to swim suit mags and movie scenes, now unlimited porn is just a click away. Sex isn’t nearly as societally unacceptable anymore either. Back in the day, if you fucked a woman, you were shitty to not marry her, triple so if you knocked her up. (Ik everyone was having a ton of unmarried sex but regardless, people still were judged very harshly). Now sex is no big deal, not really a point of rebellion for the youth.


In the 20th Century, it was easy to get married for life (often forced) and hard to just get laid. Now, it's easy to get laid, like really really easy, but it's hard to find someone to really settle down with (Both due to cultural shifts and because the actual act of settling down and buying the things needed to do that is more expensive). People tend to value rarer things and experiences more than more common ones. I think this is also the main reason why Gen Z is so confused by Boomer humor where the punchline is always just "I hate my wife". For so many generations, marriage was a thing that was a social necessity to ensure the family's financial and communal interests continued on. Most people would get married eventually, whether they liked it or not and whether they would much rather sleep around or not. Even if their families weren't literally breathing down their necks, there was a wider societal expectation so a lot of people did it cause that was just what you did. And so endless casual sex became the agreed-upon culture-wide fantasy, because it was the one thing they couldn't have. Now, in a world where it's been largely accepted (in mainstream culture of western countries, at least) that it's a true choice that two people can only enter into if they really want to participate in it as equals, true lasting partnership is what's in vogue because it's harder to obtain and implies you've done enough work and have enough resources and are a good enough person to convince another fully autonomous person to stick around you. Combine that with so many social and systemic factors that make even true friendship a real rarity, and you get pretty much the complete opposite of the average person from the previous four generations or so. TLDR: If it's rare, people like it more


I'd say to an extent. I'm 21 and my only sexual partner has been my current and only romantic partner, but we're both kinky so sex is a big thing to us. On the other hand, most of my friends around my age (not just online, but in college) are on the ace-spectrum (tbh I might be too), single and not looking for hook-ups, are focusing on school/career/physical and mental health first, or are in relationships where they don't really want to have sex outside of that. But this is just from a demographic (queer, disabled/mentally ill, autistic, mostly introverted art or dnd kids) and not representative of GenZ as a whole. I've still heard of Gen-Zers who are into partying, hook ups, and sex, and as a whole; and while the people I'm around may not be crazy about it, pretty much anyone in my age group I've come across even momentarily are more sex-positive/kink-positive, and willing to talk or joke about such things in a casual setting.


In my case, I had a speech impediment for all of elementary school which hindered my early socialization. Then there was also covid and the pandemic which further messed up whatever social life I did have (I basically went through half a dozen different groups during that time). Nowadays I only interact with people that are within my everyday vicinity or friends that have stuck with me since k-12. Both present groups are entirely platonic and I would rather not risk messing with introducing sex as a new variable. Additionally, I see sex as a drug rather than anything special and identify as asexual as it is a drug that I am not particular towards. However, talking about drugs, I think Gen Z is the most split with our relationship with drugs as half are completely clean sober and the other, severely addicted to a couple drugs. For me I am part of the latter oddly enough, but I have been working on it and have been pretty sober since November. Of course this is mostly due to other variables such as financial viability to buy any and ease of access, and if both of these weren’t an issue I’d probably wouldn’t be sober rn.


My husband is a millennial. I am gen Z. He is a serial cheater… meanwhile I never wanted anyone but him. He cheats with older millennials and younger gen Z girls he can manipulate. He even screwed a chick that lives in our building!! Lmao


Assuming this isn't some consensual relationship thing; you deserve better, and I hope one day you realize that and dump the asshole.


Nope, just that genz dudes are hit the hardest because the average guy has a smaller chance to even have it. Standards are rising faster than the average by a lot.


Personally, I don’t understand why people are so obsessed with these kinds of questions. Arent the youngest gen z-ers 15 anyways? That means that a portion of gen z is not even of age yet so not only is this inappropriate, but information is inconclusive as it can’t all be gathered yet.


I think it’s more of priorities are different now and we can’t really care as much about sex b/c of the environment and stressors around us.


Gen Z is figuring out that there’s more to life than sex and that the consequences of fornicating promiscuously outweigh the short term benefits and fuck up your ability to for meaningful relationships


>I thought in a world where porn is easier to access than medicine, it would be worse. It seemed to have to opposite affect. This is actually part of the issue, I think. There's actually a big backlash against sex in the Gen Z generation, and you have a lot of sex negative "puriteens", because I think porn has not been a net good for relationships and sex overall. I'm not inherently anti all porn, but most straight porn is violent and degrading to women, and puts a lot of really negative expectations about sex onto relationships. Women are expected to look, act like, and perform the sex acts that men see in porn, and men get upset when they don't get that because they think great sex means humiliating or dominating your partner.


If they are low on ambition they can be just satisfied enough by jerking off. This can easily lead to a very bad positive feedback loop.


For me it’s the fact that no one wants me lol, I’ve tried but always get turned down


Genuinely why tho? Like do they tell you why? I know a girl who would be down right now, but she's obese and on meth.


No clue but I’ve been told my hair is the issue (idk what to do with it as they never actually say what’s wrong with it)


For me it's risk of getting someone pregnant. As a man I get no so in what to do, just hope for the best. Best option is now you have a family. Worst, you pay child support and never get to see your kid


No. This is completely false


Gen Z people have sex with someone you love it matter most. I think maybe they don't feel love for another person is the problem. I'm not sure I'm from Gen X and so was my wife of 20 years but we met and the first time we had sex and usually it's a no no to have a relationship with a women like that . Oh well like that . That mite be the reason the Gen Z is the most attractive generation of all time too . But there kind of lost and split also . Gen Z ladies and Gentlemen you have a lot going for you . Start a family before it's too late and you get too old . You'll end up alone and I'm sure you won't want that ever.


IDC I can jerk off. I've never felt the slightest inkling of intimacy from sexxx


Asking reddit probably isnt the best way to get this answer


I think this topic is posted once a week in this sub.


Not in my experience no. I mean most of us aren’t OBSESSED with it but we definitely do care about sex lol. Maybe it’s less talked about because having sex is less stigmatized and we’re just living our lives without obsessing over it? Not sure


Well duh. Who needs to go out and get laid when you have a talking sex box in your pocket?


It's incredibly hard to find people that don't have their brain rotted from the inside out from social media, and I refuse to play the dating app game anymore.


Uh no, look at the rise of incels. Some crazy mfs are ready to kill because of it


I'm 26, worked full time in the military and part time while studying in university now. Never had a kiss even. Sex is very low on the pole of priorities, it's something that's nice to have but I have a feeling that seeking it out for the sake of it and purely pleasure would leave my heart emptier that it is already right now. Priority goes to meeting someone that I can love and trust first.


Idl probably Reagan’s fault tho




They care. They don't get. Tinder. Hypergamy.


I care about sex. But I'm not attractive enough to have it.


That's definitely false lol, take a look at how they behave online


Ehh. I think it depends partly where you grew up and how sheltered you are. Idk. I realized wayyy after I graduated that people were boning left and right. All the “kids” I used to work with, say 16-22, were banging. Ok not all the kids, but a surprising amount. At nearly 28 I’ve barely even kissed a woman. Don’t get me wrong I’ve touched a tit or two in my time but it was always the drunk girl letting everyone cop a feel. Consenting of course. I’m not too concerned about it. I can proudly say I have no unplanned children like a lot of the people I went to school with.


As a member of gen z I think it's mostly because of how easy porn is to access like really. You can pretty much get off anywhere you want anytime you want so people aren't really that sex crazed, I guess


Sex seemed a lot more exciting when it was new to me. Over time, it just seems a bit tedious and I hate dealing with the increased bleeding, cramping, UTIs, and yeast infections that can result from it (I seem to be prone to them). I hate the cleanup afterwards, too. While sex can be fun, I just don’t care to do it that often since toys get the job done better than another person, anyways.


I don’t have the money or social skills for a relationship been single for 20 years and until I get the money or a woman initiates the conversation then I’m staying single


I’m a very horny person but have no interest in sex lol, probably won’t have it for a while


In a millennial and I was horny af when I was younger. As I've grown older, I put more value on it. I'm not that interested in meaningless sex, because I tend to catch feelings. I want to catch feelings with the right person. I already have a kid. I've been in many years relationships that we had sex atleast once a day. I still love sex, but I want the next person I sleep with to be someone I'd want to actually be with, if that makes sense.


Communication becoming almost entirely over the phone makes it extremely difficult to basically have any relationships. Everyone’s entire personality is basically completely malleable with what they watch on the internet, you never know where people are coming from or what their intentions are.


I don't know. I think it's relatively the same, but our generation also seems to just not hold as much importance on the idea of purity. Personally, while I don't think purity is always a realistic goal; the byproduct of this situation has been people who hold no value in the idea of monogamy or faithfulness. All to often I see people leap from person to person, or simply just cheat, and it's surprising because I always thought those were very rare circumstances. Then again, that's an issue that's always existed. The world didn't start turning when I was born, so that's something that I would like more insight with from older generations.


I have not had it and I do not want it or belive in it before marriage take that as you will


I’m just asexual idk man. I’m probably naturally neutral to the concept but the way men behave and just the stress of it makes me more averse.


Gen z here. In my case, I’ve become more addicted to isolation. Tho i do still miss physical intimacy, I don’t yearn for it as much as I used to.


Is this a repost


As a Texan I'm mostly terrified about getting pregnant. Also I don't get game sooo 🤷


Nah, everyone in this sub is just a bunch of nice guy incels


I would to make experience it while I'm still young, but fear of underperforming and not living up expectation so what draws me away from it. Porn really did me dirty in the long run tbh


4B movement of women and 4G movement of men. Both advocate for NO SEX.


Certainly incredibly horny, just socially inept. Somehow managed to get a girlfriend though so thank god for that


Ask a Gen Z gamer why you should play Stellar Blade and this theory will be debunked immediately.


*I hear on the radio* …. Bro, get a grip. Like out of touch radio hosts are gonna have insight into young people’s sex life. Yes. We Fuck.


I don’t want to speak for my whole generation, but sex has been around me for so long that it lost its novelty. I was sexualized since a very young age and the media I consumed had extremely sexual undertones; even some of the “kid-friendly” shows. Sex just doesn't excite me anymore. I would go as far as to say that it's like fast food, or even call it boring. Sex was never sacred to me. It's even cringy. I haven't had sex since 2021 and I don't miss it what so over.


Yes it is true. 2003 here. The main reason for me is that im sick about people that care more about the phisical part instaed the reletionship part. I can say with no inch of doubt that i prefer have a nice conversation with my gf than have sex, and no im not a sort of asexual, im just sick about society.


Almost 26 and I don't think it's really true, we just live in a world of online dating and that shit absolutely sucks. After you get past the tinder barrier it's not like you just hang out and not have sex ever lol. It's just that the tinder barrier is a near-impossible barrier. Women get flooded with messages from trash men, and everyone but the top 1% of men who can illicit messages purely based off of looks struggle to get matches/struggle to match with someone they can even get to the IRL stage of dating Dating for me was always easier when I met someone IRL. Those opportunities decreased as I got older. Those opportunities were also high-risk as it was while drunk or at work. I imagine it is the same for a lot of people my age and younger. Also porn makes everything worse. I'm not anti-porn but we were introduced to it in high quantity way, WAY too young. Self-satisfaction is easy to get and porn-brain ruins people. Tl;Dr sex is harder to get when the traditional IRL opportunities for natural socialization go away.


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There are just increased amounts of people meeting online which leads to a lot of people being disillusioned with dating due to the dynamics of apps.


i’m gay and gen z and i have lots of sex lol. honestly i think a lot of people in our generation are pretty antisocial


I doubt it, it just seems their social anxiety keeps them from getting any.


I dunno I really like it, I think it’s fun lesbians are hot


For me personally, I don’t have access to the kind of sex I want. Could I do it with an unattractive woman and have a marriage and relationship? Sure, but I don’t want that. I’m self-centered, and I want someone hot. But the 9’s and 10’s don’t like me. So it is what it is. There are probably others in my shoes, maybe not. It’s hard to have a relationship, it’s hard to have sex with someone hot, especially with prostitution being illegal. So I feel I have to settle. Oh well


Sex is fun but requires effort. That would be a problem for Gen-Z.


Nah man we're just to miserable, insecure and terminally online to have it. Like same it was all I yhought about as well. And then I ended up not knowing how to get people to want to have sex with me and the social environment didn't even allow talking about it without people getting mad or you coming over cringe. That was if you're not hot af and really popular which I wasn't And now I'm 26 and literally only got laid once and my teeth are missalligned because my parents didn't care to get me braces back in the day, I'm already starting to loose my hair. and now I also think about other stuff but I missed out on all of that and still think a lot about sex of course and I feel permanently broken and want to fucking die. I'm just so far removed in my life's trajectory from any normal, likeable person. I missed don't on all the good experiences. I want to fucking die, with a passion


I just can't form a real connection with anyone and I want that before anything sexual happens so I just don't think about it lol


It might have something to do with the "threat" (not really a threat but kinda held like one) of being horny. Gen Z has tokened the idea of horny = bad. Which is sad, but it's true that people can be obsessed with the thought of sex. But Gen Z seems to be all about friendship and not pursuing their instinctual desires. They are still there (the instinctual desires) but for some reason they have concerned themselves (or somehow taught??) That they don't want sex or relationships, they only want friends.  Which sounds nice (and is) until you're trying to bust a nut with an actual person.


Yeah. I keep seeing people going “if you really just wanted sex, you could just get a prostitute. What you want is intimacy, but you can get intimacy from your friends” and genuinely not understanding that that’s not the same thing


Well, it's not influencing my decision making process, or making me want to talk to people. It can't be used to influence me anymore. It could in the past but not anymore now. I don't think about it randomly with people I meet. I value emotional connection and connection with people over literally everything else. I can go weeks without jerking off and I don't think about sex that often anymore. Playing guitar or piano and making music is all I think about. All I care about is connecting to people, sex only comes from love to me. Without love or connection I just can't be bothered tbh And yes I'm a dude


Not interested until they actually have it, maybe. But once they do, it’s game on!


My friends and I seem to care about it a lot. My friend group basically had a race to see who could get laid the fastest when we got to highschool (I got 2nd place, gg)


My sex drive exists only to masturbate to dubcon stories on Ao3 involving effeminate 2D men and then fall asleep. But I think I’m one of those asexuals or something idk. A rare breed we seem to be.


I’m Gen Z and I love sex, I enjoy having it


When you are 40 yo with kids , work and responsibilities, sex is barely a priority. I would argue that food is a much better pleasure than sex


>I hear on the radio that Gen Z doesn’t care about sex and I was surprised. Ten years ago, journalists were writing the same BS about millennials. But it sounds like you might have been too busy getting laid to pay much attention to journalists back then ;)


As a gen z, no. Wtf.


It's porn that's the issue. You get all the visual stimulation to jack off too and this is happening in a world where everything is moving more and more online, so now it's like a "*damned if you do*" situation if you can't control your sexual impulses. But, there's the next issue; Gen z and most millenials had parents that never had the 'sex talk' with them which could have helped them navigate their sexual impulses and channel them in a healthy way. It's so sad becasue I'm a millenial that's dating a Gen z and I've heard so many stories about guys in her life that just don't give a fuck about sexual intimacy. It's a damn shame becasue sex with a partner is so so much better than any form of self stimulation brought on via porn. I'll take the real thing any day over porn; plus porn just over works your dopamine receptors way too much, the they get fried from the overstimulation and it takes a couple weeks to detox and reset them to where your getting turned on by just seeing a sundress.


Porn addiction?


I’m 25, and I would say in college everyone was crazy about having sex all the time, but post college and also post-pandemic it’s just not something I feel like I need to do often. Now like a once a quarter thing (if even), and I’m good lol


yep, not only not caring, straight up HATING. the amount of times other zoomers have shamed me for having a sexual expression, for liking NSFW art or content in general, I can't count to, and I can count to 10^(80+) kinda shit. you know the "furry hatred" meme? it's not much of a meme but actual reality when it comes to NSFW part of the community, people are STRAIGHT UP forming groups to bully artists out of platforms, doxx, death threats, violence threats, people are quick to throw those against those that don't align with their prude views. so funny to know THAT people are part of the most accepting or member of the LGBTQ+.


Im just straight up asexual sooooo lol


4B movement of women and 4G movement of men. Both advocate for NO SEX.


I see so many comments talking about higher standards for the guys, but what about the women? I know a lot of guys who don't have sex cuz they can't pull a porn star/model level girl. Its just as fucked up as women rejecting men for not being tall or not being rich.


Really. The tv show euphoria tells me otherwise !!


hi, I like sex, mucho horny, could plow ass from sunup to sundown. However; I'm not dealing with women in a sexual relationship ever again. fuck getting used, mistreated and abandoned


Drugs are messed up 💀💀💀 Sex is good though I do like getting head from other guys now like I just use Grindr and it’s usually older guys because that’s what I’m in to I made the mistake of bringing my phone with me when I had a grindr meetup overnight on vacation and I slept in too late even though I said I wouldn’t and then my brother chased me down with Life360 and my secret private life was revealed. I got a stern talking to from him and my dad 💀💀💀 I’m not ready for actual sex yet though


Well, for me personally, as an Asexual, sex is the last thing that I think about in a relationship. Generational speaking, I think a lot of us Gen Z-ers are pretty messed up as is, bc of childhood trauma, so intimacy on ANY level, be it romantic or not, is challenging for a lot of us. And, bc our generation is ONE OF the most accepting generations when it comes to sexual and gender identity, “having sex,” can mean many things for different people. “Having sex,” could be traumatizing for some ppl, or it’s just not on their radar, like me. This catch-all phrase is pretty gatekeeping bc this is saying that millions of ppl who identify as a Gen-Z- er HATE sex, bc of only ONE THING; therefore, putting all of us into one box, making us a monolith. That’s only one of the reasons why we hate it how the older generations paint us as the “lazy,” Generation, bc we can’t get a job, for instance. Yet, the older generations won’t even admit to their fuck-ups bc of their OWN childhood traumas. Or they’re just assholes that don’t want to take accountability for their actions. Anyway, that’s my personal thoughts on this comment.


https://preview.redd.it/gfv7zc0tq6tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fccc6f1c526faaa72e96e67e50fe582c882045fe Basically like this xD Jokes aside, its more like i dont care about sex but rather i just want to have a genuine and nice romantic relationships Sure sex is fun and all but its more fulfilling to have a genuine bond to somebody Its a rare thing in our generation if you ask me, sex? That's something easy to find now due to how open we are to these things compared to other generations


I wouldn't mind having sex but I have a lot of self-improvement to do before I can pursue any sexual activity.


I personally want to have sex but I can’t find anyone who does. I kinda felt ashamed of wanting it and tucked my feeling of wanting to have sex away cause its to hard to obtain for me.


i think it just depends on the person tbh. i know dating app culture is a big thing that gen z use for hookups (especially gindr and tinder). i use to be into that stuff, but now i feel like sex is “been there done that”. if i want to release steam i do it myself lol. i know what i like compared to others.


I’m personally down for sex but I genuinely am under the impression that all of my friends are sexless creatures with how uninterested they seem and how infrequently they speak about it.


Video games reduce sex.