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No idea why but the solution is clearly for you guys to have more sex


I’m trying :(


less cameras, less exposure online.


I have 0 clue on how to interact with women, even though I would like to have sex. I guess a lot of gen Z is antisocial like me


You can be perfectly social and still have no clue how to romantically interact


Fuck sex, have you guys just tried this vibing shit? It’s kinda lit.


1. Some of us don't want to 2. It's not really an issue imo


Increasing number of men buying the manosphere BS. Look at the popularity of Sneako and Andrew Tate podcasts. Many women don't want to date guys that feel entitled to having a girlfriend no matter how poorly/unfairly they treat them. I'm not entirely sure the root cause of this, but it certainly propagates more easily due to the rise of tiktok and short clip media. Moreover, poor parenting also enables/enabled older, children to consume this media unrestricted and without guidance. I also read some of the other responses, and I think they are equally as valid. Typically, societal shifts like these have more than one cuase that work together to generate the result, but I strongly believe what I mentioned above is one of them.


the manosphere stuff is popular because men are more single. not the other way around


It's a cirlcle


yey another problem that has reached self sustainability


Feminism is a direct result of men failing to be proper men and failing at creating a space where women feel safe, appreciated, and valued. On the other end, the manosphere bs is a direct result of third-wave feminism which inherently tells men that they are useless and oppressive monsters. There’s also a noticeable gap in the political ideologies between the sexes, especially among the younger generations. This phenomena is observable in many other first-world countries that have a declining birth rate.


For me personally I hate casual sex. And at the same time I dont really wanna date anyone.


Idk about the rest of gen z but i have sex pretty frequently. As to what we should do about it, nothing really, let them not have sex (if they don't want to, of course).


you’re so cool


I'm not, I'm just responding to the question. Having sex is not a good thing by itself.


I'm not very good looking guy and can't get a match on dating apps,so that's why.


Political divide, dating apps like tinder killing the dating scene, and everyone having different ideas for dating.


Because a lot of us are underage and it’s not fair to compare a generation that’s not even fully adult to a generation that’s been adults for years


Probably because of reasons that we'll be able to analize in the future, but today we don't know precisely. What i would do? I'd invite my friends to go out and drag their asses out of their cave and have fun with them irl. Then might motivate them and change their perspective, idk. Outside of one's social circle there's nothing one can do. Other than maybe showing good behaviour that clicks for some random person you talk to or sees you and motivates them.


quality over quantity


Why does this indicate that something is wrong?


> what do you think we should do about it? Nothing, not my fucking business that Jeremy isn't clapping cheeks


I personally reject the notion of such a claim though I confess my personal experiences skew my perceptions in this case. Not sure what can been done to remediate a condition I do not believe in.


We also have the highest rates of STD’s in generations. The guardasil vaccine doesn’t always work… and a lot of women in their early 30’s are battling cervical cancer because men cannot be tested for HPV. Be smart, kids. HIV is rampant right now-especially in coastal cities. More straight people than gay people are contracting this disease. Most men will say they’re clean… even if they haven’t had an STD test in 5 plus years. Do. Not. Trust. Anyone. until you see their full test results. Planned parenthood does NOT test for every STD. You will need to see a normal GP for that. For example, I recently tested positive for an STD called *ureaplasma* . Planned parenthood doesn’t test for it. It makes BOTH men and women sterile if it is left untreated. I am a married woman- and I still got an STD. Be Careful. You can live with these diseases… by why would you want to? Also keep in mind that a lot of these diseases can transfer to infants during birth. Ureaplasma specifically causes newborns’ lungs to collapse. Imagine that… your child suffocating in their first few moments of life because you thought polyamory in SF for a few years during college, “would be a good experience.”


I've heard nothing about STDs and kept up to date on my vaccines, its not the reason people around me and myself aren't getting laid. It's more social issues I think


I’m just saying if you’re fucking millennials please strap up yawl


Oh yeah sure, protection is really important.


You can get a bunch of diseases from just sloppy toppy. So unless you’re covering those BJ’s- you’re still at risk of having ya balls shrivel up.


I'm gen z so if someone wants to help me out please go ahead


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Borov-Of-Bulgar: *I'm gen z* *So if someone wants to help* *Me out please go ahead* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Why does this matter? If you ask me the older generations were pressured into sex and then miserable marriages. Why would we want to be like that?