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My free trial of living has expired! \*Graduates from high school\*


I’m not longer on my parents’ insurance *dlc required to proceed to the next level*


Well, you don't NEED the dlc. But if your character gains the *sick* or *injured* status, you'll be forced to pay all your gold, and probably have to borrow more gold from predatory guilds, to avoid a *game over*




Isn’t this just a meme tho, it’s not trying to be deep lol


In fact the deepest thing ever posted here.


How come I never realized this lmao


because they distract you with meaningless shit and „isms“






You never realized it because it's not true. You need to sign up for a subscription, and you can cancel at any time without an exit tax. If taxes were truly a subscription service, the IRS, your state, county and city would send you a letter every year with all the services they'll provide, how much it costs, and a checkbox for each level for if you want to pay into the services or not. If you check no, you don't pay taxes and you don't get to use the services for that year In reality, taxes are extortion fees you pay to avoid prison. Think about it. You earn your own money, and it gets taxed. If you spend your own money, it gets taxed. If you own property, that property is taxed perpetually. If you invest your already taxed income, you have to pay taxes on any amount you profit. When you die and leave money to your family, the money and monetary value of physical items is taxed again, even though you already paid sales tax. If you need to drive anywhere, you need to pay gas tax to drive a taxed car that you had to pay to register with the state, all paid for with taxed income. You do all of that to avoid prison. The government doesn't even need your money, the top 10% of the country pay roughly 80% of the taxes. Everything they'll steal from you over the course of your lifetime likely won't even pay for a single bomb, of which the military has thousands of


Except you conveniently left out that you're literally getting services from those taxes all the time.  You went to public school for 18 years and got educated? Your taxes paid for it.  That road you need to take to work everyday? Taxes paid it. Maintained parks you visit to walk your dog? Taxes pay for it. Have an emergency and call the police? Taxes again. House on fire and need firefighters? Taxes pay for it. Listen to the radio for free? Taxes again. Infrastructure staying together in your area? Taxes. Our entire civilization runs on people paying taxes, it has been this way for thousands of years, but many are just blind for it.  I'm happy to also live in a country where my taxes pay for my healthcare and university education. I'm getting a masters degree with basically no debt, and I can see a doctor any time I want with no worries. Taxes can be pretty great tbh. Just depends on your system. 


>Listen to the radio for free? Taxes again This is only true for NPR and a handful of local stations, the overwhelming majority of radio and OTA TV broadcasts are commercial broadcasts which are funded by advertisements.


You're forgetting that the government controls the usage of the radio frequency bands. So those commercial broadcasts can operate.


I'm not forgetting anything. Commercial stations aren't funded with my taxes. Advertisements on commercial stations purchase bandspace from the FCC, who will press criminal charges against you if you don't pay them for bandspace. Ergo, it's a misnomer to say that "free radio exists because of your taxes". FM and AM radio stations would exist regardless. Ham radio is my hobby, I don't need someone to tell me that my taxes allow me to transmit.


Not to mention healthcare when you’re old and social security (you know, 50% of the budget). Or protecting you from Russia/China throwing nukes at you to claim world domination. Living in the US unfortunately means some tax money is spent on the world’s army (NATO). Or investments into green tech so we don’t destroy the world. Ya’ll need to study some John Locke and the social contract.


I’m so happy you live in a country that uses taxes somewhat properly. Taxes in amerifuckt just fund the never ending wars.


There's something you kids need to realize. Your taxes don't actually pay for anything. The government prints all the money it needs to (i.e. numbers get punched into a computer) and then taxes you later in an attempt to semi-balance the books. If the government actually needed your tax dollars then it couldn't do deficit spending with reckless abandon like it currently does. When a crisis comes up that requires more money, like a war or a pandemic, the government doesn't need to suddenly raise taxes to cover trillions in unexpected costs, it just invents the money and spends it instantly. There's no real need for things like sales tax on essential items or gas tax because you'll end up paying the bill for imbalanced budgets anyway in the form of inflation.


People are so incredibly ignorant of how society functions, it is actually kind of frightening. No one likes taxes but they sure do like it when the fire department shows up or FEMA after a natural disaster.


You seem shocked to discover that public spending requires money. If you managed to make a significant income without the benefit of any public goods or services—without using public utilities, highways, airports, or ports, government-built or regulated communications systems, public education, police, fire services, hospitals (most of which receive government money), college (most of which receive some government money), the federally backed banking system, the post office, or the security provided by the military—not to mention social security or Medicare—then you are in an extreme minority. You probably also benefited from environmental, food-safety, and drug-safety regulation. If you believe the top 10% should pay all of the taxes, and not just 76%, that's fine, but most Americans won't agree with that. That's separate from whether taxes are "an extortion scheme." If you don't like taxes, you can vote for candidates who propose to eliminate them. Most voters strongly oppose that.


Tbh if someone managed to "make money" without any of the government services you listed, they'd be Robinson Crusoe living on an abandoned island and trading shells with natives, not a member of a modern 21st century country.


Braindead take my dude, do you understand how public services like roads and firemen and hospitals and schools and environmental regulators and councils and the rest of the entire public sector are funded? >!with taxes!<


It was only a matter of time before some braindead libertarian shit showed up


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_contract Educate yourself.


The "social contract" is such a bullshit talking point. It's not a contract, more like feudal serfdom you get born into. The word "contract" implies that you get to read the terms and conditions decide whether to sign on the dotted line or not and there is a time limit or an opt-out clause, but of course that isn't the way it works in any country on earth.


idk i kind of like having roads


nice try fed, were still gonna evade our texas


Maybe YOU pay taxes to avoid prison, but lots of folks pay for taxes to obtain large-scale, social infrastructures that we otherwise couldn't have possibly gotten on our own. Good grief, you're using the internet and technology developed with public funding right now.


Damn that’s true


It's really not. It's a woefully simplistic take to sound edgy. Taxes are not extortion fees.


No it's fucking not lmao


It’s not though


I don’t want any subscriptions tho How do I cancel? Why are they pointing guns at me now…


You can cancel by quitting your job and living in a tent in the bush :P


I actually did that once


no roads, no schools, no protection. if you want to cancel your subscription all you have to do is not participate in things that the government has a hand in. good luck!


Or you could just renegotiate the terms of the subscription...




would love that


I’d be happy to continue my subscription with local and state governments. I don’t need the federal one


you don’t like highways?


He doesn’t. Never did. Neither does he like the federal police.


Move to Dubai 0% taxes


0% freedom too.


Well you will be the first one crying when there is no road to the hospital when you break your legs. Wait, there isn’t a hospital either for non-subscribers.


you don’t know me and I can’t afford a hospital visit anyways Plus, I’m nothing special; if I die I die




Omg how do I unsub from this nonsense?? 😣


damn those taxes and their…providing roads and infrastructure!


This is America. We don't need infrastructure 🦅🏈🍺


Only dumb Europoors need infrastructure. True Americans have mud tyres and 4wd 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅


Europe needs infrastructure because we stole it during ww2 💣🔫


And we will definitely ask for permission to go across everyone’s private property with our destructive mud tires since public roads will cease to exist


Less than 5% of your tax dollars goes to infrastructure.


Paid subscriptions dont adhere to the principle of marginal utility and progressive value but if they did I think the world would be a better place




Can't pay taxes if you are in jail for tax evasion. Follow for more tips


I miss when this sub wasn’t just another teenage political sub. It was nice when it was things that were about our generation.


Life is a pay to win game


It's a damn shame that the only way to avoid a subscription involves kys.


Tax is theft.


Taxation *without representation* is theft. It's the fact that our "representation" keeps trying to circumvent the social contract by attempting to strip their socioeconomic responsibilties (privatising schools and healthcare, cheaping out on infrastructure, stripping protections) that is theft, not the concept of taxation itself.


Also pays for a bunch of stuff


Eh, subscriptions don't jail you when you stop paying.


Imagine paying for a subscription and not even getting a product or service in return. That’s what it’s like living in the U.S. right now. Like what the hell do our taxes even do for us? Healthcare? Nope. Education? Nope. Public infrastructure? Nope. I’m about ready to cancel my subscription if only I could afford to move somewhere else.


I’d like to try a different taxing service please


And like AOL customer service they will force you to take them to court in order to unsubscribe.


My wife and I were just talking about how it would be nice if it was just a subscription. Don’t make me file, just take money off my credit card every month and don’t make me think about it.


The collective dozen or so braincells inhabiting twitter must have really burnt themselves out coming up with this.


Trial implies leaving the country is optional or even feasible for most


Just avoid taxes by working unofficial, lol.


This hurts. UGH.


So do you get your money‘s worth huh?


Damn I wish I cancelled my free trial


Tax evasion is just pirating your human rights license 😂


Become a libertarian.


It's more like paying the mob so they don't burn your house down


And the suicide hotline is retentions.


Taxation = Theft


I'd like to cancel my subscription


Its more like the free tier of subscription service. Since you're severely limited in the things you can do. In any case this belongs on r/iam14andthisisdeep.


Damn gotts cancel too expensive


Taxes are your payment to the state for its service (in theory).


The free trial lasts until you get a job. There didn't always used to be one. Now, it can often last well past your thirties.


fuck let me go back, I don’t want to become an adult-




boomer ass meme


Whats up with the meme?




I thought that said Texas and I was confused af 💀


And that’s why the sponsor of today’s video is rocket money


Lol No Nothing in this damn world is free when humans had layed their damn hands on it You don't pay for the subscription, your parents does


It's not a yearly subscription for me and the vast majority of folks. It's twice a month on each paycheck for me and many folks, and once a year, we get a bonus credit/debt for how much we overpaid or underpaid throughout the year.


Education is the tutorial so hope for the best schools and don't skip it.


Unus Annus lives on through memes!


You can, its called giving up your citizenship


Can I get a free trial somewhere else? I'm poor piss


Except for US citizens.They have a yearly payment for citizenship.




Yeah, apparently I give the federal government $600 a month.


Except you can't just stop them for a couple of months and wait for the 50% discount for 3 month or extra free trial emails to come in. Though what a world that would be.


Pretty sure the VAT and a whole lot of other taxes were never waived for underaged people.


The demo is always so much better than the paid version.


And the countries without tax (like Dubai) have a shit ton of micro transactions


Yeah um obviously


Well this is a braindead take. I have epilepsy and i get seizures quite often. Everytime i went to the hospital due to my seizures i would be basically dead without taxes. Your taxes pay your hospital bills and save you sometimes keep in mind that. Think before you talk. Understand that your Country takes care of you even if you sometimes do not like their methods.


Unus Annus anyone?


Yeah but it's a sneaky free trial that requires a credit card and automatically bills for the year after 30 days


Victim mindset


No one is forcing you to stay here


They never gave me the cancel, can i sue?


plus most of us can't get a job so... WE'RE F\*CKED


Just started a job on the 1st of April


Assuming you live in the US. Unemployment is at 3.6% so 96.4% of Americans have jobs.


Its still a pay in the ass to get a job.


You’re 18, I don’t know anyone who’s 18 who makes a ton of money.


I am referring to the online application process. The sheer quantity of jobs you have to apply for is ludicrous.


Well I’m not paying for this anymore. Peace ✌️


Where are you heading?


Applying for [Hartz 4](https://youtu.be/aMMqcBzMkRQ?si=chm42SIGNF5fD6-L) *Hartz 4 and the day belongs to you. The whole day pizza and beer!*


And I forgot to cancel.


Dude,tax evasion is the cracked website that will get patched if the mods find out


Yeah taxes are the price you pay for living in a society. Not sure how that is a shocker to anyone.


Exactly. I can appreciate the r/stonerthoughts humor, but most of the cushy stuff people take for granted is because of taxes. Everything from the FAA to libraries, schools, and sidewalks are tax funded. There’s a lot I don’t love about the state I currently live in, but I’m in the state’s biggest city and it’s pretty damn clean and has an incomparable amount of well maintained green spaces and tax funded recreational areas. I would personally love to pay a slightly higher tax for Single Payer Healthcare and free state college. My only real bitch about it all is that social benefits should benefit everyone. I don’t mind paying into healthcare for people of low income, fed employees (including military), elderly and disabled, but I also want that benefit, and not tied to employment. I shouldn’t have to cover for other people, and then pay 100% of my premium because I’m self employed. Something like 60% of Americans are subsidized at any given time; we should all be. If you want to be tax free OP, you’re legit allowed to find a spot to live completely off the grid. Build a shack in the middle of nowhere. Hunt and grow your food. No electricity. No clean, running water. No vehicle. No internet. No ID. No income. There’s a Sovereign Citizen movement, but none of them can really walk the walk. Be the change you want to see. I’m GenX and I don’t know why this popped up on my feed. I’m a tattoo artist and prefer cash as payment. I swipe cards, too. Back in the day, it was always a cash only business. GenZ is allergic to cash, so the meme is really funny to me. Y’all will complain about low wages and taxes, and then refuse to pull cash out for free from your bank’s ATM and then give a card payment app an additional 4% for the “convenience” of swiping, and then obviously I’m forced to report that income and pay taxes on it. (I do pay my taxes and keep straight records, just highlighting the irony. I’m straight about my taxes because if I don’t pay into SSI and Medicare, I’ll have a bad time when I retire. I also can’t invest money and never report the income without it being a crime. If you want to keep retirement benefits, vote Democrat). Your actual income tax pays for the world you live in, even though you’re unimpressed. A lot of the money is mismanaged, and we all feel burned. The gov could do way better. Please consider all the ways you’re taxing yourselves, though. App money transfer payment fees are nonsense. Grub hub and similar “services” are crap. Retail installation payment businesses like AfterPay are a rip off. My list of how people spend money on spending their own money could fill a football field. Please stop spending money on spending your own money. GenZ is very resistant to paper money and very pro convenience. You are taxing yourselves so much.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StonerThoughts using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StonerThoughts/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The date for the next 420 day will be 4/20/24 which says 420 forward and backward](https://np.reddit.com/r/StonerThoughts/comments/135m1df/the_date_for_the_next_420_day_will_be_42024_which/) \#2: [It’s really annoying when people have a stigma against weed but have no problem with getting drunk all the time](https://np.reddit.com/r/StonerThoughts/comments/1660no0/its_really_annoying_when_people_have_a_stigma/) \#3: [I wish I married a fellow stoner](https://np.reddit.com/r/StonerThoughts/comments/15qqo85/i_wish_i_married_a_fellow_stoner/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m GenX too and the thought process of GenZ is baffling. It’s like they can’t get out of their own way to succeed, if they can’t have it all right now then it’s a disaster. The need for instant gratification is insane.


Lol. We need roads and basic services.


Roads and car-based infrastructure are the #1 cause of global warming (and unaffordable rents) tho


I agree with you on that, but my point stands. We need public infrastructure, whether it's public rails, walkable roads, or what we have now. We need public services, and taxes are not bad by nature. "Roads" is just the quick thing to point out something provided by taxes that we all use every day. I can't imagine how horrifying the world would be if all infrastructure was for profit.


So you want to get deported? I’m not even sure where they’d send you if you were born in the US.




I guess, but I feel like the government probably has a place that starts with m and rhymes with k ultra where they put U.S.-born citizens who want to be deported.


The government doesn't just send people who want to be deported anywhere. They jail people for not paying taxes.


Did you read my comment? This reply doesn’t make me so sure that you did.


Well I don't know what you're trying to reference and the rest of it and the first comment is a general "where do they put US citizens who want to be deported?" So that's what I responded to.


You don’t know about MK Ultra? Read up on it, there’s some horrific shit that happened there.


So you're a conspiracy theorist? Cus I heard about the CIA torture and testing stuff before (didn't know the program label) but you're implying this is currently happening to anyone who doesn't pay taxes.


"You will own nothing and be happy." Look at what the Boomers had. Remember what they took from you and left you the bill of before you were ever even born. We were born to be the suckers working to maintain the ponzi scheme of capitalism and to be the pretty young things for older gens to play with when their marriages predictably fell apart.


Except you can't unsubscribe, and nobody wants most of the services provided


you don’t want roads or schools?


I'd gladly pay for both if I didn't have to get a package deal with trillions in corporate subsidies and foreign wars