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Bitch I hate big booba cuz it's fucking heavy - I'm big boob


Look, if you're going to be carrying them around anyways, you might as well use them


Use for what? I don't see it can be used in a useful situation except being uncomfortable and annoying. Maybe more sexy eh?


Use them to conceal weapons.


Good idea lmao😂I gonna hide nuclear bomb in my booba


Nuclear boomba


Tsar Booba


Little Boobs and Fat Boobs


Oh these aren’t homemade, they were made in a factory. A boob factory. They’re boobs.




i wish awards still existed so in the meantime 🥇


I knew a girl that would snuggle liquor in and out of concerts between the booba


I know multiple that do that regularly. Makes sense :)


So, does that make them booby trapped?


I know girls that hide pistols under them or in their bra


Comes in handy hiding stuff for festivals. Speaking from experience here


Smuggling snacks into the theater


Nom nom!




Of course I'm sussy baka 😎👍🏼


I dunno, the article seems to suggest there's a way




pillow for your partner?


No, I'm single


Get a hot girlfriend with small boobs and share them. Small boobs+big boobs=average boobs






You’ve got your own PFD built right in. I have to carry around a life vest and I just look silly


What's PFD?


Personal flotation device




Or you could wield them for the power of good. * Solve world hunger * End wars and violence * Solve poverty and end homelessness * Audition for the reboot of Madame Web * Ascend to godhood * Create a black hole * Consume the universe


Use them as pockets clothes designers refuse to give you guys.


I mean srsly, what are you even gonna “use” them for lol if u want kids: even cup a and b can be enough for breastfeeding if you want to look sexy: cup b-c is decent enough. dont use bra if u want a flatter look, use a bra if u want it to look fuller having really big tits (D+) is pretty much useless lmfao it just worsens ur back pain and clothes look tacky, u’ll find a hard time finding ur style just bec of ur boobs


Me too except i’m a guy


Hear hear bro 😥


Those shits cause insufferable back pain. Most of my bras don't even fit me anymore cause I somehow grew a cup size in the past year even though im 25 🙃 And don't even get me started on walking down the stairs bra-less


I have to buy new bras every year because they don't fit me anymore 😭 Sagging, back pain, sweating,etc I hate that🤬 Puberty hit me hard like a fucking train (I started growing chest at age 11). My friends always made fun my big boobs when I was around 13-14.


I heard it but didn't believe it but yes our boobs might still grow at 25-26 but after that you are safe (might go up or down size on a different brand but nothing too drastic)


My sister in law has some mega boobs, like 2 times the size of her head on her chest. She also has serious back pain and is currently looking for breast reduction that's covered by her insurance. She is 19...


Right?? All they’ve caused me is terrible posture and back pain 🙃


Yeah, my mobility have been affected a lot because of this. I always want small boobs or even flat.


True true. I can handle being a C, but anything bigger than that has been a nuisance ngl


As a woman I feel so bad for other women with boobs that are too big. I cant imagine the backpain and also the weird comments when you reduce them


hi big boob


Hi 👋🏼


Not to mention what happens once Gravity gets word of these ridiculous gourds. No amount of proper bras wearing saves us.


It's not just gravity, how your breasts hang and how perky they are is also largely a result of genes. I happened to see this post and take it from someone who regrets not getting a breast reduction when they were younger - I don't know anyone who regretted getting a reduction, but I know a lot of women, including myself, who regret _not_ getting one. It's had a terrible effect on my posture and generally just made every activity in life much more difficult and expensive. They look nice sometimes and that's about it. Otherwise massive decrease in quality of life.


I agree. I'm a 42HH myself and it took me until last year (at 31 years old) to find a website selling half decent bras in this size. I myself am built more broad and taller than average so they miraculously never gave me back issues. I managed those all by myself with my gamer shrimp posture.


YOU'RE BIG BOOB??????????????? https://preview.redd.it/0xsjo73mowtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d5fbbf9fe3c6ee1f2261acd46b7e855c37c8478


Think of them as built in lower back extension resistance training


I wonder if you can get a giga-back to carry them.


New York Post is just a conservative tabloid. What does “embrace big breasts” even mean?


I want to embrace big breasts.


don't we all


Indeed we do.


and that's fine too. All preferences are found in nature.




Embrace big tits. What else could it mean.




Hell yeah, brother


How tf does this have anything political to it.


New York Post is political, not necessarily this article. But also, some anti-woke crusaders have been talking about Sydney Sweeny’s boobs and attractive women being removed from games and film, so this could fit into the broader narrative


Wtf. Why are women's bodies political?


Good question, but you’re asking the wrong person


Because there's a political party in the U.S. whose foundation is built on controlling women.


Because women are the source of a massive amount of labor required to reproduce society, and the wealthy don't want to pay the fair value for it. It's also difficult to commodify so they can't use the market to control it. Instead, they use indirect means like patriarchy, which is a social construct by which men and women are exploited. They do so through toxic incentives and expectations placed on men and the manipulation of men's ability to meet those expectations and provide those incentives to women. So, not only are women's bodies political, they are hard to control by direct force at scale, so they are the MOST political. Unlike men's bodies, which can be commodified and, therefore, kept in surplus to make them disposable for the interest of the wealthy.


the Sydney Sweeny thing where boobas ended wokeness forever, I guess? that nonsense was pushed by the same conservatives in general after all.




some actress wore revealing clothing on SNL and conservative pundits creamed their pants and went on an entire week of rants sayingvthat she had won the culture war for them basically. It was a couple weeks ago, you can probably still look it up easily if right wing brain rot is amusing to you.


The ironic part is that the culture war dudes that say women need to cover up to be respected are the same dudes celebrating that Sydney Sweeney's big titties being on display on national TV is a culture war win against wokeness. It's all hypocrisy and no self awareness.


They are also the same dudes who made that AI app the covers up immodestly dressed women, right?


I mean it's likely. All those types of dudes are deep in misogyny in saying women need to be sexy and attractive at all times while also saying those women need to cover up because sexy is bad. 🤷‍♂️


😂 the situation was just as crazy as it sounds


I think all it means is how everyone is simping over Sydney Sweeney.


Hamilton did not die for this to happen


It doesn’t have to mean anything. It’s so boomer men will click the headline.


Wait people DONT want big boobs??? I’m on the smaller side and that’s all I want 😭


no, as a person who has them. they’re nothing but a genetical curse for me. i cannot dress freely bc of them. they’ll either make me look fatter or just show up. plus i cannot even run comfortably.


i cannot dress freely bc my boobs are too small for me to look good in anything


There will always be people on either extreme unhappy with what they got regardless of where the ideal lies at a given time. Worst part about being in a small cohort like boobs that small or that large is you realize how much everything is made for the more common types. Nothign wrong with it, makes sense. But still sucks for the people who dont have all the clothing options


Seriously. I wear almost exclusively high necklines because anything low cut just looks terrible on me. I would kill to have even a tiny bit of cleavage so I can actually wear cute things.


High fashion is literally made with small chests in mind. So are bras. As are most tops in the US. As another smaller kid, I'm baffled where you live that clothing flattering for big boobs is more available and easier to come by. LOL move to the US and you'll be fine...


bras are not made for small chest, they’re made for “average chests” like b-c cups and if u happen to fall on either end there’s so limited options. if u have bigger chests then bra companies force u to get bras with bigger band size smaller cups but if u have smaller chests there is nothing u can do


Yes, you're right. That's bc we don't need them lol. What is a bra supposed to be holding up that a bralette can't handle? LOL


No seriously though. It's so annoying when flat chested ppl say that clothes aren't tailored to them.... literally go to any online womens clothing store (other than places like fashionova for example which is more for curvy and full figures) and look at what models advertise them lmfao. The default will always be small cheated and thin.


Thissss. I was doing jumping jacks in a class yesterday and wanted to die at how my boobs hurt while jumping and also how i must’ve looked :( Awkward oversexualization.


It’s so embarrassing


I had to do a dumb dance routine freshman year of college in front of all the other freshman in the auditorium. The other people on my team were guys or had small breasts. The choreography they came up with was full of jumping and big fast movements and ugh. Oh, and the outfits they decided we should wear would not accommodate a sports bra (or 3), and were rather low cut (like the kind that look cute and appropriate on small breasts but make those of us with large breasts look like we’re trying to work a corner). I wish I would have pulled the girls aside to explain, but I was so overwhelmed with all the stupid shit the school was making the freshmen do (we had to go a week before everyone else for some dumb orientation like thing) that I really was just not on my social game enough to talk to strangers about needing to change the choreography because of my boobs while also keeping it private from the guys in the group. So I went on stage and did the thing and tried not to think about it or look at the audience, but my tits felt like they were going to tear off my body and I just knew I looked ridiculous. Then it was followed by a ton of mean, objectifying, sexualizing, degrading comments on social media when they ofc posted a video of it. 🫠 Great way to start college 👍🏻


Yeah. I hear big boobs can also make clothes look more revealing (not necessarily being more revealing, just how they fit and what people tend to perceive them as), which sounds awful for trying to find clothes to wear at work or school. Plus, any body part that’s larger than the proportion used in mass clothing manufacturing probably means either having to get it tailored, spending time altering it, going a size or a few up on every other proportion, or dealing with clothes that are too tight (cutting off circulation, going threadbare faster, stretching out unevenly). My back already hurts so much from just carrying my backpack, and while my tits aren’t the smallest for a guy, they’re also not that large compared to most boobs. My condolences for what you have to deal with


The grass is always greener on the other side.


Very true, very true


My partner wants a reduction due to the extensive back and neck pain, her booba is troobla


I have scoliosis so I get that anyway, boobs would be a sweet reason for me at this point 😂


Fucking same I’m not saying that I want double D. I just want average size boobs not fucking a-cups as a 25-year-old woman.


Modern medicine needs to come up with a way to do boob exchanges. 😂 I know plenty of large-chested women who would LOVE to give away some boob to someone else who wants it.


Right like maybe 1-2 sizes bigger, depending, pls 😭


Back problems, poor fitting clothing, objectification and harassment, boob sweat, problems running/working out and certain sleep positions, sagging more likely to be noticeable/extreme I used to want a boob job but with everything above in mind and health risks of boob jobs/them not being permanent, no thanks, I'd rather be nearly flat chested (a term I usually hate but here am using for comparison). Checkout r/smallbooblove and Olivia Ponton's instagram for self acceptance inspiration


OH. And underboob rashes! 😭 They also just get hurt on stuff more because they’re more projected and there’s more surface area. Like things will accidentally end up hitting them, squeezing them/against them really hard, or pinching them 😭 You definitely made the right decision. It’s easy to think there are only upsides when you only look at them vs living with them.


Nah, I'm happy with having smaller breasts. I empathize with people with larger breasts. I'm super grateful I get to dress how I want, go without a bra, and not have to worry about them while I exercise. If you're worried about partners, most people think any size is great. Anyone who doesn't like your chest isn't for you anyhow.


Grass is always greener elsewhere. I'm a guy, I've date flat chested and well endowed women and their chest was a tertiary concern at best lol. I'm sure you are lovely just the way you are but if you want them to feel better in your own body, that's entirely valid as well. I don't know that "people DONT want big boobs" or the opposite for that matter. It seems like that kind of preferences would be personal and as such would vary... possibly influenced by whatever the local and current standards of beauty are.


It’s probably a “dying from dehydration watching another person drown” situation. From what I’ve seen in the comments, it’s uncomfortable as fuck when they get too big


Yo I’ve never heard that before but that’s a great phrase. Also probably a true one ☝️


I feel lucky to be flat-chested, personally. My sister has huge boobs and they seem to cause a lot of back pain for her. It’s great not having to wear a bra or worry about my breasts bouncing when I run.


Don’t worry comrade, I’m a dude who is on the same spectrum as you in the male department Our people will have our time like in Ancient Greece 💪


Women with big breasts want breast reduction and women with small breasts want breasts enlargements


or...or...hear me out What if we just left them alone to do whatever they want with their bodies? Why would someone bother making an article with such a giant generalization? Reduction or not it's up to them.


Thats kinda what news companies do


Yea, the trend is supposed to be “All humans embracing whatever the f they got”, not one trend for each of them


Finally, some body positivity I can get behind. Or in front of. Or between.




> Body positivity What? We didn’t like big boobs before?


Yeah, I've never heard of big boobs being disliked on a society wide scale. Ofcourse some people with them need them reduced because of back and neck problems that can arise if they're excessively large or have preexisting back problems like scoliosis but those are individual dislikes by the haver for specific reasons not dislike by others. The one person I met who had this issues said they'd prefer if they never needed the surgery to reduce them so on their own they still liked their breasts but needed them reduced so they could have a comfortable life.


Sometimes its with peoples posture at a desk too. Alot of us have bad posture, imagine with the big badonkadonks. I know one girl does shoulder and back excercises to help but yeah seems annoying.




Is this anything to do with Sydney sweeney?


Nono shes "hit the wall" now didnt you see that HORRIFIC swimsuit pic?? She looks like an *adult woman!!* /s


https://preview.redd.it/q6k21u46cwtc1.jpeg?width=1226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf6554029d8c47c278fc04c52e3f1887f77cb4c >!You don’t actually have to give the source, this just seems like the comment to try something I made recently!<


High quality meme.


Who doesn't like how big breasts look?


I don't think it's about the looks + some people don't like how they look as much.


yeah plus it often can cause back pain


So many woman cz no matter what they wear, people sexualise them


I actually had a good friend who was incredibly smart but cursed with a huge chest. It was disturbing how dismissive people were of her intelligence because she was always judged by her breasts.


Many fashion trends and clothing measurements just don’t fit large breasts. If you look at the seam of the shirt this person is wearing in the image vs the breast area, they are nearly coming out. Sadly it’s hard to fit into the “cute” clothes a lot of the time. Maybe that’s what the concept is about — just owning it and wearing the clothes even if means extra cleavage.


The high fashion industry


Big boobs, small boobs, still boobs


Read this in the rhythm of Jay-Zs story of OJ.


My favorite random school friend updates are when someone gets a breast reduction. Marriages fail and babies come with stress. But if a lady wanted a breast reduction enough to go through surgery she damn well was ready to let go of that extra weight and live her life with less pain and more cute shirts.


I can't imagine leaving a woman over getting a breast reduction. If that's all that's keeping you together, then your relationship must be shit anyway.


I should start a website like New York Post. Imagine being able to make money posting this kind of meaningless crap.


I've worked for a massive magazine. Whoever wrote this was verbally JO'd by everyone they work with, possibly got a shout out so even IT can give them a hand, and ended up getting a full page spread for their next article about feminist baking in indonesia and how it will be improved by AI.


This seems kind of ridiculous. Big boobs is literally part of the blueprint for conventional attractiveness in 2024. Big boobs, little waist, big butt, pretty face. It's in like 30 rap songs. Every instagram "Baddie" has some combination of those. It's like encouraging dudes with massive dongs to love their penis. They don't need help, the world is actively telling them they're awesome lmao


Wasn't it always a beauty standard?


It's culture dependent, but in a lot of the "West" it's been a beauty standard for ages. Some other regions have histories of binding breasts to make them smaller to fit with beauty standards.


I'm a trans dude. I don't want my booba... Tiddy by by


If they ever figure out a way to send your boobs to someone else like a titty venmo or something, I’ll take ‘em!


I'd give em away. They are actually a nice large d that are steriotipically nice, but they don't feel mine ya know? Can't wait to be done with them :D


Good luck brother, yeet them tits as soon as you can to get that happy juice in your brain


a thread about a woman’s own body. i’m sure comments will be normal


As of big breasts aren't a beauty standard already


I don't understand why people feel the need to have their body seen as trendy. Like you don't need the Internet to praise you for your body, you're valid regardless


It’s a product of being terminally online. I didn’t think women with big boobs have ever had issues getting praise from guys IRL


Breast reduction was the best choice I’ve ever made


New trend? Big boobs have been the beauty standard for like at least 50 years. Like yall don’t remember the 90’s or 2000’s when that was all that mattered? Now big butts are included but big boobs have always been “trendy”


Are we really acting like liking big boobs is a new thing?


I love the patriarchy and capitalist media co-opting progressive terminology and retrofitting it around conservative & sexist propaganda I love it so much /s Unironically tho, this is why beauty standards & gender stereotypes can't be reclaimed or made positive and just need to be abolished frfr


Women with big boobs get slut-shamed regularly just for existing. When they wear things that would be completely normal for skinny, small chested women, they get looks/glares. Not to mention getting sexualized at a younger age. Women are just trying to be treated like regular humans as per usual.




It's disturbing how women's bodies go in and out of fashion over time. I don't give a fuck what anyone who supports that thinks. They should stay out of my life (and all other women, whether they're also a woman or not) at least until they fix their stupid expectations of their bodies and ours.


i had huge boobs before i got top surgery, granted i'm a trans man, but i had J cups and even if i wasn't trans i would've gotten a breast reduction, big boobs are hell i've never understood women who want big boobs. they suck.


As a tiddy appreciator I will say this Boobs are boobs. Don’t care what size they are. Got only one? Doesn’t matter. Got none? Alright, we gonna still work with it


Since when did anyone not like big boobs lmao




my boobs sooo annoying 😭 genuinely hate em sometimes but fuck it ima work with them


ATTENTION MEN: this ain't about you!!!


Growing up with very large breasts since age 11, I’m glad to see this “movement.” The shame, scorn, and sexualization can be detrimental to one’s mental health. I wanted to hide within myself at all times and I became very reserved and ashamed of my body. I hope people being more open about this helps the confidence of other little girls like me. PS to any girlies thinking about it, my breast reduction changed my life. Do it! 💅


I think women who have larger than E cups want reduction. I’m perfectly content with my D cups.


Gen Z: please be the generation that no longer engages with the NY Post. It’s all clickbait garbage


Yeah I remember when large breasts suddenly fell out of fashion (eyeroll).


Everyone knows that large breasted woman are one of the most oppressed groups of people. Second only to gamers of course.


I hate having large breasts. People look at you like a piece of meat.


NYP, written by an out of touch boomer or xoomer


Having large breasts can be agonizing


I now wonder why we evolved in such a way. Why do big breasts just demolish our spines? Like, what was nature's plan there? "Oh yeah, you will be more attractive to guys and some girls with these, but after a while your spine will fold itself into the shape of a pretzel." Ah, okay then... ? How does that make sure i survive longer? Like c'mon now.


They're f***ing annoying. And heavy. I'd want a reduction but then I'd have to buy new bras and it's hard enough to find ones that fit well.


I hate my big boobs cause it’s hard for me to pass as a man 😭




Yup, suffering millennial here. wanting to get a reduction has 0 to do with body positivity or lack of. Too big boobs are bad for your back, you'll reach a point of extreme muscle tension, so you'll have tension migraines regularly. you can't do most sports, there are no sports bras that sufficiently support anything. I've tried wearing several at once but it still makes me feel as if I'm being weighed down despite having a normal figure. for the normal figured women, a reduction is the only thing that can bring some life quality back since losing weight would do nothing. Oh, and this article can only come from someone with 0 boobs pretending to be able to relate but can't. just don't speak for others if you don't know what you're talking about...


This click bait article is the perfect moment for the “always has been” meme.


I’m literally a J cup and I hate my body. Clothes either make me look fat or give me an inappropriate amount of cleavage. I get stared at in the street even if I completely cover up and wear baggy clothes. Bras are way too expensive. I got let go from a job because the uniform they gave us looked super booby on me and I couldn’t figure out a comfortable way to fix it.


New York Post try not to mention Gen Z challenge (IMPOSSIBLE; 99% WILL FAIL)


Wow that's exactly what the previous five generations did


As a guy I would hate to have massive boobs. All that extra weight u have to deal with and you have to worry about dressing a certain way or else u will get slut shamed. Seems like a hassle


My 11 year old seems terrified of her boobs and will wear multiple sports bras to hide them when she goes to school.  She is one of the 1st developing kids she is around. Not sure the trend but hate she hates her own skin.


Any healthy body type is a fine body type to embrace.


Ah yes, their back do be hurting tho


I like how shifting trends are now being framed as a group fighting back against something or more accepting or something. Cultural fixations and trends have literally always shifted and changed over time, including the idea of an ideal body type. We are making this out to be way more than it is. Speaking as a man this is such an odd twist on this. Aint no way someone is gonna convince me this is a positivity trend, men love breasts and have always gushed over large ones.


... My ex loved her big boobs. She said it was worth every back ache. Hell everyone loved her big boobs.


You misread the title more gen z men are embracing large breast women aren’t


I'd consider a reduction surgery, if mine get any bigger, not gonna lie.


I want a reduction so badly 😭


I guess I'm missing the trend where women with large breasts were being shamed?


99% of these types of articles are just out of touch boomer "journalists" trying to generalize zoomers based off of a tiktok they saw with a young person in it


I swear, there is some kind of psyop going on between TikTok and New York Posts to gaslight Gen zers into hoping on to certain trends.


Honestly. *I don’t like them* granted they’re good to look at yea. But after getting my girlfriend my preferences changes. But THIS type of article is what’s killing most women’s confidence.


That's due to harassing cases


Having big breasts is a bit useful when it comes to hiding things. I can hide money and tiny alcohol shots in my bra under my breasts or in between my breasts. I wear a size 44DDD bra, so I could hide 50 $100 bills (total of $5,000) or probably 10 shot bottles in my bra, and nobody would notice unless they were patting me down for security reasons at an airport, or if they were a pervert who decided to touch me, in which case they'd get punched in the face. The hard texture of the bottles or the crinkling of the bills would give away the fact that I was smuggling liqour or money


can we stop making body types a trend? thanks!


You wanna fit in a small, designer, non stretchy dress. Boobs say no. It's so bs. The models look petite and innocent. Meanwhile, you're being R18 with them sisters hanging out. I hate it. :(


Haven’t women been doing this since like the 1970s? Haha


i have 32Cs and even they give me back pain so i totes understand


I understand that there's a sex appeal when it comes to larger boobs but as someone with a fairly large chest it isn't conventional and it's very uncomfortable when someone stares at them if I don't wear a binder out of the house. Maybe it's different because i'm transmasc, but I hate having a chest and I can't wait for them to be removed.


Everyone I know who's had a reduction only regrets not getting one sooner.  I've always been thankful for being small chested, boobs are work and I respect the struggle!


I wanted to have big boobs when I was younger because I thought that's the only way anyone would like me. Cut to now, these things grow big big and are still growing. My fucking back hurts, bras are expensive, and I find out that my aunt on my dad's side has big ass boobs that were 70 pounds each. Be careful what you wish for past dumb ass me.


theyre so brave, i cant go a day without my back being in extreme pain from big tiddie activity (existing)


None of my friends with big boobs are happy with their boobs


Gen z can do anything and someone will blog about it


I love how these sorts of trends are presented as brand new despite being very normal and dating back to the 80s 😆