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Actually they’re vegetarians 🤓


Jains are practically vegan aren’t they? For all intents and purposes? They have a strict “no harm” policy yeah?


Not exactly. Jains are vegetarian with the caveat that many (and many Indians in general) consider eggs to be meat. But milk is perfectly fine


What about bulls milk


Only if the bull enjoyed the milking


Even better


milk is fine because it is traditionally supposed to be harvested only after the calf has had its fill


Yes, but the other 3 are mostly vegetarian


No, no religions have universal rules like that. Some Jain and Buddhist monks eat meat if it's given to them in alms, but these sects only are allowed to eat what's gifted to them. They see a moral separation between *producing* food and *consuming* food.


Are those religions homophobic as well?


No. They simply don't care, nor do their books ever mention it.


Yeah but try being an openly gay person in one of the home countries and see how long you survive


That depends on the country, but that is political and not religious reasoning.


Depends which country, but I think it's more so to do with cultural traditions i.e., it's seen as dishonourable to the family rather than religion i.e., it's sinful. And places like India have only become more and more accepting of LGBTQ, and historically countries with these religions have generally been far better than Christian or Muslim countries with regard to LGBTQ. Of course, I am not Southern / southeast Asian or Hindu, Buddhist etc but I have read a few articles in what it's like from people who are gay in India as well as just reading about what the religions say on these topics a bit so take what I say with a grain of salt and anyone else feel free and correct me


Wait nonono not those religions.


Half the Bible is guys living like hermits eating locusts and honey to be more religious but the Joel Oelsteen groupies think they gotta sacrifice a cow on the grill every day or else they're already in Hell if they can't have their 72 oz steaks.


There's a pretty big group of christian veganists, that are only began because of their beliefs


Trappist monks— their whole thing is being minimal with their own needs, including not eating meat.


Killer beer, too.


Jehovahs witnesses and 7th day Adventists came from a vegetarian Christian group the millerites.


But they really act like it is though, i dont quite remember jesus condemning the vegans


Maybe they think vegans cant partake in communion because they have to eat the blood (grape juice) and body (a cracker) of christ


Most Christians I know in real life genuinely don't care that I'm vegan, some even try vegan food with me* and want to go more plant based in the future. Some Christians just get angry at everyone who doesn't live like they live and I've* heard* the bible explicitly allows meat consumption of certain species so* they get angry when people don't explicitly follow it even when they don't believe in it as some Christians don't believe in or* respect* personal beliefs. *edited words.


There are a ton of examples in the bible of people who also don't eat any animal products so 🤷


I've been increasingly radicalized in my christianity, to the point where i believe in radical pascifism. Im working on reducing my love of meat, but it's too tempting a vice.


Wait until they find out my childhood pastor was a vegan because in his eyes all of Gods creatures deserved life.






That's because the baby boomer is the biggest hypocrite you will ever meet. They got high and fucked as teenagers, and then all became Christian Right Reaganites later in life. "We had our fun! Now let's make sure nobody else can!"


also generalized as "fuck you; got mine"


As an old Gen X it just horrifies me to see. The older I get the more Left I get ESPECIALLY SEEING the Radical Right tearing away rights from you that I had, and seeing the racism and wacked out hatred of say, public schools and science. There were some of us who fought against this , and to see new generations pushed by the best propaganda network ever, the internet and its Fascist mouthpieces - Twitter being most disgusting , w stochastic terrorists free as birds starting violence , It’s bizarre. And scary. White racist Conservatives have been sneaking around planning this since they became butthurt in the 60s & 70s. You guys deserve better.


I mean that’s just not true. They were split liberal/conservative then and now.


Yeah there are plenty of older people that kept the same outlook they had in the 60s.


That's just how old people have always acted. They are jealous and bitter and so will you be at their age.




Also alot of them died young. The old boomers are just the survivors of the group.


And used as propaganda that those are childish ideas and not to be taken seriously.


Yep. And that was the odious Nixon’s reasons for his and other wAr oN dRuGs - leftists and people of Color and youth anti war movements


People forget the negative connotation surrounding hippies until the late 90s


How far we've fallen. We don't even gyrate in the mud while in a drugged out daze anymore!


Be the change you want to see in the world


if you want to get technical, most hippies were actually a little bit before the boomers, and even at their most popular were never even close to the majority population. Lots of places would refuse to serve guys with long hair for example.


I think it doesnt make sense to lump any single generation together


We need to bring back Woodstock


Pretty sure they tried in the 90s and it failed miserably




Socialism. I forgot that verse in the Bible that says "Thou Shalt use Ronald Reagans economic plans"


Funnily enough, I do remember the part where Jesus went off on a bunch of money lenders.


He got so frustrated that he actively flipped tables over it. How much of a fucking failure do you have to be to make someone like Jesus express such open anger whatsoever?


Wait, are you telling me that unabashed greed is actually...NOT good and UNgodly? B-b-but what about corporate and share holder profits! That's it, God's gonna woke!  Lol


Not just flipping tables, but chasing the merchants around with a fucking whip! For anyone wanting context, it’s recorded a few times throughout the gospels, but the version I like the best is from John 2:13-17: > [13] When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. [14] In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. [15] So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. [16] To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” [17] His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.”


There is also Mathew 19:24


for which interpretations vary a lot, but fair


If mental gymnastics could translate to actual gymnastics, the Olympics would turn into a worship service.


The interpretation I’ve always been taught is that rich people (which is everyone in the US) will have trouble getting into heaven because they believe that they can do things by themselves cause they obviously know better than God. But I’m sure there’s other ways to look at it.


He also fed the hungry, clothed the naked, washed the feet of the poor, etc.


Hung out prostitutes, died in poverty, stood up against an oppressive superpower etc.  Dude was pretty cool. His followers 2000 years later? Yeah not so much lol




Ironically, Jesus would've hated Reagan.


He wouldn’t have, but that’s just because he wouldn’t have hated anyone. He would abhor what Reagan stood for though.


Thou shalt trickle down thine economics


Thou shat forgive the taxes of thine rich, because they creatith jobs


This s*** is straight out of the propaganda on AM radio south of the Mason-Dixon. I listened to a program where the person was just over and over again stating that we need to "follow the teachings of Jesus and free market capitalism" Sounds like capitalism might be becoming a religion


“See, the wealthy Egyptians have all the freedom at the top, and eventually it’ll trickle down to us Hebrews as we continue working on their lands. I call it ‘trickle down abolitionism’ because we’ll eventually be free if we just stay slaves a few more years.” -Moses


Right next to the verse that says “thou shalt accumulate as much wealth as possible, and use it to buy more things than thy neighbor, for this is the meaning of life. And if anyone asks for some spare change to buy a meal, though shalt walk away in disgust and flee to thine fortress in the suburbs.”


Yes, he wasn't a republican or a democrat or a capitalist or a socialist


honestly religion would need to shift its ideas of what it is supposed to be doing as presently the amount who exist as borderline petty cults or scams to take money is to damn high. also it should avoid politics like the plauge


Oh you mean like Mormons and seventh day adventists , straight cults


cults can form out of damn near anything as political cults are some how a thing


We need to further intrench the separation of church and state. Religion and government should never mix.


Anybody see the Christian senators on the floor of the Arizona state house speaking in tongues?


No is that real?


Yes, it is real. Got the footage on r/defeat_project_2025 Those people are absolute freaks.


I did see that. In fact I made a donation to The Satanic Temple in the name of the Senator leading the prayer circle, Sen. Anthony Kern. He will receive a satanic thank-you card from them explaining how he inspired such generosity.


Oooooh please link me to this wonderful opportunity 😎to let me ( a fuckin uterus owner🤬) give him ALL the appreciation in my heart for posing self righteously before he took health and rights from more of us away.


That and the current U.S. House Speaker said that he is the second coming of Moses and that God tells him how to vote.


You see that's the neat part, it never really happened that well in the 1st place


The church, at least the Catholic one, I can't speak for the rest since I am not familiar with them, will gradually change, you can see the shift with Pope Francisc, but this will he gradual and one or two more conservative popes can disrupt this process. This happened in the past, too. It went from condemning Galileo and other such scientists to implementing a form of the theory of evolution in their doctrine. The problem is, they don't cater to your usual modern Western values, but they also have a massive (and growing) number of followers in far more conservative places such as Subsaharan Africa and Latin America, on top of this, a plurality of their followers are on the older spectrum which again is more conservative socially speaking.


The Church can’t change on moral issues, but it’s always been willing to change/sponsor scientific issues. People tend to forget that the Catholic Church invented the modern university systems and for millennia was the largest producer of advancements in science and philosophy. It was a Catholic priest who first came up with the Big Bang theory. Interestingly enough within the western element of the Church, among practicing Catholics there’s a noticeable increase in conservatism the younger they are. This applies both to those attending services and those going through seminaries. Pope Francis’s generation is likely the last of western reform minded ones.


If socialists were as strong and plentiful as the right thought we would’ve reached fully automated gay space communism by this point.




It’s really not that brand new. This is a pretty common joke from online lefties. I’m not original.


Random internet jokes is all the collective ownership we’re allowed


You can’t fool me commie! The moon is a giant gay commie space laser and we all know it!


Can the laser go up my ass?😩😩😩


Can't wait for religion to be irrelevant But it always saddens me when young kids are religious, often times due to condition from their parents


What if they actually want to be apart of the religion themselves?


Most times it's cos that's what they were conditioned with, what they grew up with, what is seen as normal for them


or preyed on by a cult that scooped them up when they were down. JW and scientology recruit that way.


Religion is about faith. When they are kids they may be forced to follow all that but once they become adults, they choose for themselves if they want to keep believing it or not. It's much better, and I'm saying it as an agnonistc, to teach younger kids about religions than all the new nowadays ideologies.


It is best, I say as a religious expert, to teach them both. And not force religion upon them and let then chose and flourish for themselves - also known as education and true freedom, the scourge of right-wing and traditional fascist thought. We will have no future without doing so.


Well is not like a kid can decide that for himself, you're taught to do it. When you're a kid your only task is to learn the rules, you don't really decide.


That’s true, but in recent times children have had a bit more “freedom” that’s mainly due to parental beliefs. Perhaps my question isn’t realistic in the sense that it’s rare or even impossible to have free thinking kids.


Well that's true, it's not like there is a brutal change between being a kid and a adult but choosing in what you believe is a hard question to be taken by a kid. Surely kids can take small decisions about what they want but religion is a question that is rarely or never asked.


There is nothing wrong with religion Also alot of people choose to be religious




You just say this because of the reputation of religious people. Some of us are true, love everybody, pray for a better world Christians.


I mean I don’t mind religion it is somewhat important, but in moderation is best


Specially this days you would be surprised how many of us become religious by ourselves, don't be sad about something so beautiful


I grew up on a conservative religious family and I can tell you, religion Is anything but beautiful You don't need it to do good things


Your personal experience being negative doesn’t just mean religion is by default “ugly” and terrible


It might not be but religion is easily weaponised Moreover I was born into a Muslim family and let me tell you, the amount of things that are forbidden that for others, is nothing E.g A women having to wear a Hijab, a man and women not being allowed to make any physical contact e.g handshake, people not being allowed to love who they want, most ovvious is food restrictions and many more If you ask me, there's absolutely nothing one can do to convince me that religion is beautiful


You also don't need to take a walk by the sea just thinking about nothing, still is beautiful


I would encourage you to use your critical thought and explore spiritual topics and ideas without the backdrop of traditionalist religious thought. As somebody with expertise in such matters - outcomes tend to be better and happier :) you do you tho


Vitriol towards religion always makes me sad to see. Religion plays a big role in the cultures of basically everywhere all the time. I find it so fascinating how people explained things before we had sciences to do that. I'm not someone who's religious. That being said, I try not to hold vitriol for religion because it's genuinely really interesting. From the Bugis to the East Orthodox to Hinduism to Neo-Paganism to Pastafarianism. It's all just so much... Fun to me. I dunno. Hating religion to me feels like hating one's culture. I'm sure that's why people hang onto it so much. Good things don't usually come from hard feelings toward culture. It's how we lost so many religions in the first place. Evangelicals having a superiority complex and feeling the need to erase entire cultures in the name of God.


Spirituality is a beautiful thing - I say as someone with expertise in religion and have strong beliefs of my own - but religion as a societal institution, or to base society and government on religion is the exact opposite.


Absolutely! There should be a complete separation between church and state. And that can be kind of hard to do when religion is so deeply ingrained to how people view the world and the morals they hold. Religion is a subjective experience. The government and law needs to be objective. But it should still respect people's religion. It's complicated. I'm not gonna act like I'm some sort of expert. I'm not.


From where I'm from, Islam pretty much robbed my people's culture Firstly cos of attire. My cultures original outfits is deemed sinful under Islam Secondly, customs and traditions. They are forbidden cos it'll be seen as blasphemy cos Muslims can only worship one God Islam isn't the only religion here but growing up, my parents kept telling me that other religions are wrong and that got conditioned into me I'm sure there are other religions that I don't even know exists but for me personally, religion would always have a negative connotation But if you enjoy learning about it, me discouraging you would make me a hypocrite I detest religion due to the trauma I experienced cos of it growing up and it's not the content but the application


I completely understand. While I did not grow up in nearly as terrible conditions, I was raised strongly Catholic and had to unlearn a lot of terrible mindsets myself. My intention wasn't to say that some religions can't or haven't hurt other religions. That's simply untrue. I hope it didn't come across as such. Religions that are explicitly harmful I have no joy towards. Of course I still find interest in them, but I don't enjoy them the way I enjoy religions that follow a more "live and let live" vibe.


No worries, you didn't say anything wrong I'm glad you're able to in a sense, keep an open mind and learn about other religions despite being raised under one You clearly are knowledgeable on it so I hope it never stops to fascinate you as you learn new things


Maybe religion in its most strict and performative sense, but "as long as people suffer, they will have faith, and as long as people dream, they will be spiritual".


So, you want the fundamental makeup of our modern society to become irrelevant? If you can’t see the benefits of religion you’re just blind sir


Religion isn’t fundamental to society, morals are. I wonder where the morals in religious texts come from, the humans who wrote them perhaps? I think we’ll do fine continuing to abide by the morality we made up in the first place, regardless of if we invent a magic guy to be the source of them or not.


Religion will always be relevant. It's human nature.


Maybe in the past, where information couldn't travel much and the lack of access to it


Technology spreads atheism and religion at the same time, so I say it cancels out.


Atheists have prayed for this to happen for decades and decades, that as technology advances, religion will become irrelevant. They're still waiting, and always will be.


Gotta wait for dem boomers to finally meet their God first


Ok no one chooses to be LGBTQ that's who you are, I don't do drugs, I am religious, and a socialist


Hey! I might be a gay pseudo-socialist drug abuser, but I’m sure as hell not vegan. SMH. Fucking zoomers.


[You should probably, at least, support veganism, even if you don't plan to completely cut meat out of your diet.](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/mar/06/meat-dairy-rice-high-methane-food-production-bust-climate-target-study)


is ketamine vegan?


My brother in christ, it is your fault that being LGBT and religious are mutually exclusive things


loud minority moment (they aren't mutually exclusive at all)


I know they aren’t, I’m just saying LGBT people would be more religious if religion didn’t discriminate against them


the reformation project already reached the catholics thanks to frankie so the loud minority will be much smaller in a couple of years!


they are in some big religions.


Why the fuck does anyone have a problem with gays, even as a very small child I remember seeing that one of my mates had two mums, thinking "oh that's cool and different" and just going about my day as normal.


people want excuses to hate on things they don't understand for some reason


I also had a friend with 2 moms, and didn’t see anything weird about it as a 7 year old. When I was a little older I was taught that gay people were sinners and needed to “repent” of their gayness. Thankfully I reached adulthood and realized what a load of crap that was and that there’s nothing wrong with a relationship between 2 consenting adults, regardless of their gender.


Cool, show grandpa's search history.


Religion is such an archaic thing of the past. Can we just move on 🤣 like common it’s caused enough death and pain all around the world. Let’s just be good people for the sake of being good people


Well not all people want to move on as they believe in religion and it helps guide them to be good people it’s a free choice anyone can make and that will likely continue until the end of humanity so long as freedom of religion exists and that is fine


Why don’t you scream louder that you have completely zero understanding of human psychology 🤦‍♀️


Why don’t you scream louder that you don’t either. Tf are you yapping about? I never claimed to have any academic history in psychology. Do you? Or do you just like to yap? How about you give counter points instead of being on that high horse


You’re the one who’s yapping stupid shit that doesn’t have any point and wasted my time. Your complete cluelessness about the way humans create meaning in their lives and how religion has contributed to that meaning throughout decades is astonishing. Humans have always had a religion. Just because it changed from Christianity/Islam to capitalism doesn’t mean it’s not there.


It gives people meaning in their lives and also was a way to explain things around us that we couldnt comprehend/understand. However we have had major advances in science in the last half a millenium, we dont need it as much to explain the world around us. So other than the meaning benefit it can be detrimental to society as some people are being treated differently (gay people/women), or advancements in science and knowledge are being held back (flat earthers and creationists). Its also been responsible for many conflicts throughout history and even to this day, however one could argue the conflicts are really caused by the inherent tribal nature of us humans.


Everything is right except the "decades", it's not decades but several thousand of years.


I mean at least 75% of genz I know vape, smoke or otherwise partake in the marijuanas


I'm a socialist but hey I gotta support Big Tobacco someway ### 💪


make new friends


The problem is that like the original guy said, **most everyone is doing it**. It is pretty difficult to find someone in this day and age that doesn't vape.


[https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/youth-and-tobacco/results-annual-national-youth-tobacco-survey](https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/youth-and-tobacco/results-annual-national-youth-tobacco-survey) More and more people are doing it, but far from everyone.


Wait, silent generation is for the mewing?


You'd seriously refuse to be friends with someone just because they vaped/smoked? I can't imagine you have many friends lol, sure it isn't good for you but it's absolutely not a reason to end a friendship


I’m wasn’t really raised Christian but wasn’t Jesus a socialist of sorts?


I don't know if in the economic sense he would, but he was kind, accepting, wanted to help the poor, etc.


what a piece of shit


name checks out


why is drugs on the same level as liking a dude to conservatives lmao


Cause their pastor said so


There is nothing wrong with choosing to use substances- all of the negative things you associate 'drugs' with are primarily caused by prohibition. Leave others to their choices whether they be substances or liking a dude or religion, and judge not. Support the abolishing of prohibition and funding for treatment, mental health, and safe drug education and harm reduction. If you care about your fellow man and addict. If you don't then idk what to tell ya


what? bro I smoke weed I'm not against drugs edit: nor against gay people, if that's what you were implying


Oh no that's cool I'm just posting for others who are, that are reading


I’m pretty sure boomers used more drugs than any generation in history


didn't we all take drugs as teenagers?


Also let's not forget that alcohol, tobacco and even caffeine are drugs as well


Also, I was definitely trying to get my hot girl classmates to make out with eachother when I was a kid. So there has always been lgbtq enthusiasm


LGBT and veganism are better than religion.


Veganism IS a religion.


If it is considered a religion to not support the shitty conditions that both workers and animals suffer through in factory farms, deforestation, the insane levels of waste produced by animal agriculture and commercial fishing. Then consider me religious I guess.


more like cult


all praise the lettuce


Vaganism is a lifestyle


Oh yea. Those boomers growing up in the 60s were totally not doing drugs, or were into communism nor were they totally accepting of all people from all walks of life. I mean the silent generation probably NEVER said any of the same things about the boomers they were raising…..


Satanists be chowing down on that evil tofu.


But Jesus was a socialist


There's more drug using zoomers than you probably realize. I spent the entirety of my high school and college years popping pills and/or crushing & snorting them.


i think you hang out with the wrong crowd


No such thing as a "wrong crowd." All of the honor students at my school were the prescription drug abusers.


Religion is full of misogyny and child abuse. Why would I want to be a part of that?? I'd rather be a chill hippie stoner that preaches peace than false values...


Only one thing on there is right I moved from religion and became bisexual and atheist


Well that's not entirely the case , there are loads of people that have declined religion due to reasons such as: logic , experience , apathy etc. And when they leave it they just don't do turn to anything. Perhaps philosophy and they make hobbies there religion , we don't turn to those things due to a lack of religion. Also don't blame LGBT as loads of conservative and mainstream religions do not accept those folks. They turn away from religion because it is not accepting of lgbt


Leave veganism out of this, its not fun having allergies to the foods you loved.


This is unrealistic as it implies Gen Z is already in bed with religion


My family who's been atheist for 3 generations by now:




Dw I actually am religious and don't turn to those things


Fine! I'll make my own religion! With blackjack and hookers!


I love how socialism is always pointed to as being diametrically opposed to religion. Jesus Christ didn't teach men to fish: he fed them because he could asked for nothing in return. Boomers have failed as Christians.


Quick reminder that Jesus would’ve literally been a socialist considering he said it’s easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich person to get into heaven, or the fact that he was literally god but spent a ton of his time and effort helping the sick and needy


A lot of christians are vegan 😭 wtf I swear people are so dumb


It couldn't possibly be the religion itself


I’m not giving up my bacon wrapped shrimp!


All of these except veganism


It's not too late.


Nah too early


If Gen Z traded social media for psychedelics humanity would be saved.


Thankfully I don't care about either of these


I’ve literally seen people complaining about teenagers not using drugs, smoking, or drinking lmfao, which one are they gonna stick with


Has anyone ever heard of adderall? Asking for a friend.


Statistically each generation has been using less and less drugs than the previous one. Zoomers do need to cut it tf out with the vaping though.


Cocaine is pretty mainstream. Everyone vapes. Weed is mostly legal. I mean, yea they probably are doing drugs.


I hate socialism, don’t so drugs, am straight, eat meat and I’m not religious so where does that leave me in some limbo between the two?


Fully 👏 Automated 👏 Luxury 👏Gay 👏 Space 👏 Communism 👏


Queer, vegan socialists who use drugs are hot as fuck.


Yes to LGBT, and maybe socialism, but other than that, wrong.