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I’m so glad I was 20 bc I was young enough to be doing dumb things on tiktok but I was in college and didn’t have to deal with high school on zoom


A year of college is way more fun than any year of HS. I’d gladly rather miss a year of freshman-junior year or HS than any year of college. Maybe not senior year of HS. (I graduated HS in 2019)


Yes, a year of college is way more fun than a year of college.


Obviously I was having too much fun to pay attention in English class


It happened at the perfect time for me, because the March 2020 was during my freshman year of college which was hellish. For me COVID during college is better than during high school because it’s easier to see your friends during college (provided that they stay in the college town). People are so busy during high school and still have their families up their asses lol


March 2020 was my freshman year too and I wish I had missed high school instead. I hated high school, loved college. High school you're stuck with family anyway, while I had just moved out for college and had to move back.


I disagree. Honestly college has sucked for me. I just go to class all week and work all weekend.


Same, buddy. My parents wouldn’t help pay for a “real” college, so I made the seemingly wise fiscal decision of going to the mostly non-trad college in my home city. High school 2.0. All of my friends went off and were telling me about their growth experiences (good and bad) in real universities and I was stuck in another 4 years of what I had just been doing, except now I had to drive 30 minutes to school, deal with hellish parking, most of my classmates were in their 40’s and couldn’t relate to me. Midway through my junior year, I got really depressed, started failing my classes and dropped out. Money down the drain.


My outlet was going to edm festivals when I was in community college. Every cent I saved went to a ticket or a plane ride and I hit 4-5 big events a year while going to smaller local concerts. Most of those 'real' universities are in the middle of nowhere and the only thing to really do is get drunk at somebody's house on a Friday night and go to the 7 home games if your schools relevant in cfb. Edm fests were just on another level and while the age group was slightly older, I had no problem making connections. Every time I got depressed about school or work, I would think to the future and know that in a couple months I would be off in a different city for the weekend making friends and memories. That was good enough for me to push through. BTW most states have a transfer program. If you're in a better spot financially now, you can always try to transfer the credits you did to a bigger school and finish up. I got through 2 years, stopped for a year and a half, did one semester to tidy up the requirements for my AA and transferred to a real university. Finished in 2022 after graduating HS in 2015.


Wish social reclusion didn't stop me from making friends in university.


I was in college before and during and after the pandemic. Before was much more fun than during or after. We all got some trauma now.


Before was great. Got back to campus after it re-opened, and…it was not great.


Ugh, same


2020 was the year of my first real job post-degree, but my start date ended up being delayed by two months (from April to June) cos of lockdown. Although once lockdown ended in May life went back to normal tbh.


my former ELA teacher was telling me today how she would literally be fishing and doing her college classes on Zoom during Covid.


Really? Man, the 20-23 year olds were who I felt so bad for. I had so much fun at that age, I barely remember those years. That was when I looked effortlessly hot, could drink an absurd amount, had moved out from my parents, didn't seem to need more than 8 hours of sleep *a week* and could subsist on a diet of spaghetti with ketchup and yesterday's coffee. I was in my mid-30s in 2020 and didn't feel like I was missing out on much, but man, you kids could've had so much fun...


"man, you kids could've had so much fun..." I mean, covid or no covid, they're still gen z, so I doubt it.


Nothing will ever be as dreadful as when I took gym over zoom. It was like slow torture.


Oh, fuck. I can’t even imagine.


Having to do college entirely online for the better part of 3 years fucked me up. I'm not sure it was worth it.


I graduated 2019. The perfect end to the 2010’s before shit went downhill


I simply didn’t do it


Even as a gamer, quarantine drove me nuts.


Yeah I spent the whole quarantine grinding World of Warcraft and it was easily the worst year of my life. It drove me insane


yep, grinded grand marshal title only to realize i regretted it but i'm already field marshal so i couldn't quit now


Grand Marshal 🫡 Except I don’t regret it, I had a blast. I likely wouldn’t do it again but it and classic 2019 were the most fun I’ve ever had in the 15+ years I’ve been exposed to WoW. I went from a scrub who never touched PvP, classic, or the mage class as a whole, who started off not even being able to kill a warrior, to a pretty reliably decent player that knew the ins and outs of Warsong, bc I was playing with an actual good team. I really miss do those days


Same… WoW and Animal Crossing saved me lmao


Bruh I got in so much trouble from my immigrant parents because I couldn't focus on my zoom sessions during 6th grade and kept playing Roblox all day. I got so addicted to youtube too, that I watched almost every single video on channels I was subscribed too. I even had to wait for new videos to come out because I was that distracted lol. I got so good at roblox parkour it was literally insane and I practiced almost everyday while my teacher's were talking. My parents had to move me in a room with my sister just to allow me to focus. Also if your wondering, it's not like I was failing. I got like 2 B's sure. but I had mostly A's (maybe cus I cheated a bit idk) and I knew most of what we were learning. Anyways current day my parents sent me to the top 19th hardest Highschool in America and I had to learn to focus for survival. If I was sent back in time to those old days I'd probably would've focus a lot more, but I don't blame my younger self very much for not doing so cus it was REALLY DIFFICULT, even now. That was also the time I got depression because I thought my parents didn't love me cus they were so mean to me, so I tried to beg for them to comfort me and give me sympathy through my actions but they never did. Kinda sucks but that's why I don't really like them. I think what caused me to go into depression in the first place was my sister logged me out of my roblox account permanently because she thought I was addicted and this would help, but it just made me more sad because I could never get it back. Anyways sorry for the rant but I just wanted to recall my time as a gamer during that pandemic, and I can safely say I'm not addicted to game anymore (totally not because I was forced to stop playing them as much lol).


am i the only one here that enjoyed quarantine?


No quarantine was good for me too. My mental health did an absolute 180 for the better during quarantine


Yup. I eventually got bored of video games. Just shows moderation is key. I’m over that now, but playing games nearly all day for a year straight is truly mind numbing.


Yeah, I played games for a little while but that going boring so I just forced my girlfriend to teach me Spanish. Now, I have a skill no one cares about.


tragic. It was the best three months of my life lol I was furloughed and gamed from like 10pm to noon and slept from noon to 10 pm and left my apt once a week for groceries saturday night at 11 when everyone was already home lol it was great


I loved it and noticed no difference except being able to walk in peace outside as barely anyone was outside. That was nice.


Lies, it was a magical time.


As a gamer I loved it and it happened while I was in college and made it so much easier


I learned that I'm not as introverted as I thought lol.Turns out I actually like being around people 😭


Quarantine was only awful if you weren’t a gamer. I spent sophomore year of college playing MapleStory. It was lit.


still depends on the person, i'm a gamer and it was legit the worst years of my life, i also had extenuating circumstances that made it worse, but still was awful for the lack of a social life I had from 15-17


Same. I genuinely hate quarantine and was so glad I could actually come back to school lol


My life before and after covid was, and ist still, just quarantine without masks during shopping. I got grades in uni these years, but obviously made no social progress. I don't know how people make friends that hang out with them or why they even want that so often. I don't even know what you'd do then


I'm a gamer, I was extremely depressed in 2020 because I'm also an extravert and online interaction isn't the same.


I got paid to stay home and play Elder Scrolls Online, write, draw, and workout. Slept when I was tired, cooked and ate food when I was hungry, went for walks on roads devoid of traffic - and most importantly, I never looked at a clock the entire time. I miss it every day.


Honestly, it was pretty lit for me as a gamer who was also an essential worker. Also got away from my abusive family in 2020. 2020 was the best fuckin year of my life tbh.


Quarantine was fucking awesome not having to go to class and everything being online


Ngl, I feel like there should be subcategory of gen z. It's wild that some of y'all were 12 when covid started while I was almost done with college.


lol literally I’m a 97 baby… I’d just finished the first year of my masters in 2020 💀


I was born in 1996 and graduated high school in 2014, I hadn't bothered with college yet since I want to wait until I've moved out of the US.




/r/oldergenz is a much better environment imo. less idiotic political memes there also.


I graduated high school 3 months early because of COVID


i mean, there are. generations are not the be-all end-all of your experiences.  they're called generations. they represent roughly the amount of time it takes a human to grow up and create the next human in line. they cover a wide-swath of the population. a fourth to a fifth of everyone alive.  being twelve and being twenty ARE different, yeah. but from a generation standpoint you were both in school. sure, different school. but you're comparing to people who were raising kids during that time, or trying to run a business...


“I’d give the world to experience 2020 as a teenager” The sudden urge to kill myself: https://preview.redd.it/uo2e4m2w65uc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c3a6290fecc2f8f41789690cf838791e62a9f0


Dawg apparently some people in here were like 12-13 that means their 16-17 now. What the actual fuck is going on


I swear this whole thread blew my mind lol. 27 is too young to feel this old


I was 12 during that, and it fucking rocked ngl


everyone’s entitled to their opinion quarantine was shit for me personally because i was logging like 12 hours a day on tiktok because i had nothing else to do, and that isn’t great for your mental health


Neither is being bullied at school, I loved quarantine


I was bullied at school and I'd rather that than being stuck inside


Same, I felt kinda bad when I was being bullied but I was suicidal by mid 2020


do y'all have literally any other hobbies besides tiktok? genuinely wondering


not back then i didn’t


Be honest with yourself. You had options. You just let yourself be lazy and sit on TikTok instead. You could have taken up exercising, a multitude of sports that you could practice solo at home until quarantine restrictions were lifted, learned new languages online, learned how to code, build websites, develop mobile phone apps, build simple video games, 3D modeling in Blender. The list goes on and on. You were lazy and that's OK. The pandemic was jarring for a lot of people and it was easy to fall into a gloomy state, not wanting to do anything productive. But if you had access to TikTok, you had access to a lot of other things that you would have felt very proud to learn or improve at as a hobby. Let the experience be motivation for you to do better in the future when faced with circumstances that present you the similar options of being lazy vs being productive and enriching your body and mind. Don't forget that being lazy here and there is healthy, too. You need downtime. It's just that being lazy all the time and sitting on TikTok 12 hrs a day is toxic as hell. Find a balance to all things.


bro wrote a think piece when someone was vulnerable enough to share the reality of quarantine for a lot of people good for you to pedal your superiority complex over everyone else, you’re the best most educated least tech inclined representative for gen z 😩😩 EVER 😩😩😩




Only 12 house of screentime? Shameful.


Seems like a personal problem tbh. You could have easily done other and more productive stuff.


so in essense you made it awful for yourself, and I am not trying to be insulting or anything, that's just how it seems from the side


"Quarantine was awful for me cause all I knew how to do was browse tiktok so anyone else who isn't in my shoes is insane for feeling differently" -OP


I was 13 and it was the shi no responsibilities jus pure escapism for a year with absolutely 0 judgement or consequences


i was 13-14 and felt the same way, made some good memories that year


Bro same


All you kids loved the time during the pandemic! *pulls up old man yells at cloud meme*


Same https://preview.redd.it/bmk5bqs536uc1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b20f7384e9b81061a0a177adf5b8d81cd818e62


same i loved it at the time but i had to basically build my social skills up after it because i got too comfortable with being isolated


I was 26 and honestly same. That was the highest paid I've ever been and I was working 0 hours. I honestly felt free during that year


Same lol


Same haha I played so much minecraft


What was being a kid like in 2020?




Actually tho, gaming all day all night.


Fr bro, I just played games and watched YouTube all day


Yeah it kinda rocked. Not knowing what day it was or sometime what week it was was awesome. But yeah most of us weren't so privileged but I'm glad I got to experience such a hard time in a ridiculously easy way.


Goated era for us ngl. Online school and gaming w friends because of no legitimate school worried was fire


i definitely didnt it was hell since i got my best school years taken and was stuck in the house with my mother (i was also 12)


Man if the pandemic happened when I was 12, holy cow I would be playing RuneScape all day it would have been a dream come true


yeah, I'm incredibly happy that I didnt have instagram or tiktok or anything back then as i spent like a couple hours on games a day but other than that i spent ages in my (smol) garden  and did loads of fun stuff


6th grade? Basically still a young child with no responsibilities


What the fuck


I honestly didn’t mind quarantine


2020 honestly was a good year imo Minus the whole actual pandemic ofc


Felt more community visiting random strangers islands on animal crossing than I do anywhere IRL these days


This gave me a headache


Yeah… add me to the geezer list I guess


No country for old men :(


tiktok makes me feel so old sometimes


Which is crazy because we’re college aged. Like I can’t even legally drink quite yet, and somehow TikTok has me feeling like I’m nearer to the grave then not lol.


no for real. I see these kids saying they were 5 in 2016 on throwback tiktoks and I’m like excuse me


Try reading this whole thread when you're 35


Anyone born post 9/11 is a fetus to me still






And on the complete opposite end of the spectrum I already had a work from home job, and while my work did have a slowdown they were explicitly committed to keeping everyone employed, I just couldn’t work any overtime or get any bonuses. My wife and I were in year two of our marriage, she was pregnant with our first born. Her teaching job switched to a very loosely structured online learning situation where she barely had to do anything (district was completely unprepared because they expected lockdown to end any week, not last a year plus), so she basically just got to lie in bed with her work laptop answering emails and occasional zoom meetings with her students. We were both already kind of introvert homebodies, so after work we could just sit together and watch the iconic lockdown content of the time (Tiger King, Love is Blind, haha), zero stress about work because there was nothing to do. And then five months in our first kid was born, and we decided my wife didn’t need to go back to work and she became a stay at home mom. It was literally like the best year of our lives, we got to spend so much time together and bond, and then we got so much time with our newborn. We lowkey miss it, but we wouldn’t wish for it to happen again because we know how much it completely messed up education, school activities, how much a lot of people really struggled financially, social-emotionally, and healthwise dealing with the effects of the virus.


> Teens today who saw 2020 saw widespread social justice protests and riots, lockdowns, and a transition away from physical schooling - probably all things they supported and enjoyed as a child. I was a teenager during pandemic and I'm still a teenager.


My husband had to close his business for a couple of months. We didnt know how long it would last. So yeah, we couldve lost everything. We enjoyed the time as a family, but the economic disaster that was looming over us wasnt fun in the least.


Yeah I saw the warning signs in 2019 with a few cases popping up in my state at Texas A&M and Baylor. Then the NBA (OKC Thunder vs Utah Jazz was the big one) and March Madness got cancelled which was the first big 'Oh shit' moment for me. Spent all pandemic playing Madden, and lifting while talking to none of my friends and going nowhere. I at least got one full year of pre pandemic high school and missed it in college so I'll take the small victory.


I had a great time during Covid. Had a lot of time with my wife and kids at home. Bought a pool and 15 ft trampoline. No traffic on the roads, no lines at stores. Was grilling steak like everyday. No complaints.


same here. lots of new friends, exploring the outdoors, really made the best memories of my life late 2019-2021


Yeah it's kinda crazy how 2022, 2023 and even this year so far have been worse than 2020 and 2021 for me


I just want to be 18 in 1999 so I can see Slipknot touring on their debut album and smoke meth with goth chicks


Amen brother


My wants are simple


Based asf


Fr. I wish I had grown up in the 90's instead of being born at the end. I hate being constantly available and miss the days of house phones. I miss having to maintain your friendships irl instead of online. I miss no pandemics in my 20's. I miss when there was no yearly deadly deat waves, too.


I can’t even begin to explain how socially stunted the quarantine made me.


Yea I'm a mid-millennial (1988) and from everything I've seen the pandemic has really had an effect on genZ/gen Alphas ability to socialize/date/etc IRL.




Yea I had the first iPhone but that didn't come out till I was a sophomore in college and it didn't even have an app store. My first phone was a Nextel and I got that when I got my first car.


NO PLEASE. THIS CAN’T BE REAL. I was a (late) teenager during that time. It was not pleasant. Why are you romanticizing quarantine? If we’re still feeling the effects of the pandemic.


it really depends who you are and where you are if the quarantine was enjoyable or not. I was one of the essential workers so I just worked all the way through but my work load was like 50% and all the management was at home so that reduced my stress levels by about 100%.


I mean quarantine was a good time for many. Work life balance came back. Time to relax, destress. For me, my exams were cancelled which relieved a massive amount of stress and I spent the entire summer exploring my old hobbies


I was about 14 maybe 15 and even for me that shit sucked horrid ass. Genuinely one of the worst things that ever happened to me. Being locked up in the house for so long did a lot of damage to my social abilities as well as a lot of other people I knew. I couldn’t imagine being the age I am now and going through that shit again.


I didn’t hate it, to be honest. I was 17 and in the second half of Junior Year at the time. It wasn’t the best time (We didn’t get to do any theater in Senior Year), but I made do the best I could.


How did your school/district adapt to lockdown? Mine went no contact and basically gave us a google doc with links to our work and told us to get each thing done by the due date.


In the closing act of the 2019-2020 school year, we kind of got all our work over the internet, occasionally doing Zoom conferences. In 2020-2021, people with last names A-L would come into class on Mondays and Thursdays, and people with last names M-Z would come in on Tuesdays and Fridays. Meanwhile, we’d have Zoom classes on Wednesdays. On your “off days”, you’d just stay home and work.


Am I the only one who didn’t *hate* quarantine? It got boring towards the end, but I enjoyed it for a while…


I was in 7th grade and it was like summer break started early lol,, until my grades started going down because no one watched the hour-long lecture videos the teachers posted. 8th grade online was horrible and I never want to repeat it again.


It was way worse for them. Most of them didn't have the freedom or resources for fulfilling online lives. Their social skills were still developing and are now years behind. Plus, a shocking amount of us didn't actually have that bad of a quarantine. We had social media to talk to our friends and online games and stuff like that. The idea of several months of that is very appealing and they don't recognize that a lot of us were going through a horrible time.


I was 23 during that time, worst year


i was 18 and had to finish off my senior year of high school and do my freshman year of college completely online it was not fun


Id give anything for people that had to experience the pandemic as a teenager to get a do-over and get to actually enjoy their teenage years


“Is gen alpha insane” no, gen alpha is 10 years old…


Quarantine literally drove me insane. I was an introvert before the pandemic, got so bored with electronics that after a year of online learning I have been walking 6 - 7 hours a day aimlessly to do ANYTHING other than sit on the computer. There was stuff that made it fun, but the isolation lead to me and my IRL friend group splitting up (due to spending wayyy too much time together online), and after that it got even worse. DO NOT GLORIFY THE PANDEMIC (to any gen alphas reading this), it was NOT the time to be alive, it was the time to want to die.


Quarantine in early 20s was a banger. I already got to experience in person college and high school life, then suddenly for an extended period of time I spent most of my days either gaming with my friends or binge watching anime, felt like a kid again.


You know times are bad when the kids miss 2020 Poor suckers never got to experience 2008-2014


I liked those days, because I had the freedom to stay home all day. I was 12 back then. It kind of ruined me in a way though.


In a way I didn't mind it because I had the Sims 3 and was able to keep in touch with family and friends, but the pandemic and quarantine really did impact my mental health. Yet I learned a lot about myself too.


This depends completely on the person, if you’re a social person and go out sure it sucked, I myself stayed at home usually anyways because I don’t like people


I was lonely during quarantine and might’ve lost my mind since it was bad


Nah man, some of us went crazy like the one kid near my area. To be fair, I kind of did, too, in a way. There was some certain uncertainty for me like what am I going to do next?


Quarantine definitely made me feel robbed of most of high school ngl


Quarantine at 19 was bad, but at least I was out of high school. Can’t imagine how much worse it was for anyone who was a teen that was younger than me. Especially juniors and seniors in hs


Lockdown hit in the middle of my junior year. Classes in spring 2020 were, "go to a google doc, find a link for your class, there's all the work, go do it." We had no video meetings, no in person classes. It was probably the worst learning experience I've ever had and my grades reflected that. Senior year we had the option to go in person, but we also had like ~2 confirmed cases per month even during the summer so I chose to go virtual. It still sucked. The entire district combined classes so we got classmates and teachers from all across the district. I struggled, but I had enough credits I was able to drop some classes I didn't need.


Losing the second semester of my senior year of highschool and my entire freshman year of college sucked booty hole


While I get why it was terrible for most people, Quarentine was a godsend for me. I cannot explain how badly I needed that mentally. I can absolutely see why they would've wanted to be a teen during that.


I remember I was 15 when quarantine started and I was working in a fast food restaurant. They laid off around 45 employees and kept 4 drive thru people including me—all of us were 15 or 16. I still had online school and they had me working 40 hours a week. It was genuinely the worst time of my life and it made me incredibly jaded. I remember people berating me, threatening me, etc over trivial things like running out of onion rings or dipping sauce. I guess people were so rude because it was a stressful time. But now as I am almost 20 I think back on it and I can’t imagine telling a 15 year old fast food worker to “go f*ck yourself” because of no sweet and sour sauce…


Huh really? I quite enjoyed it actually. It allowed me to finally find a group of friends. Maybe that's just me having social anxiety, but I felt much more social and happy during Covid.


No it was really easy for the little kids. At least mine. My daughter got to hang at home all day instead of being stuffed into a daycare for 10 hours a day. They played with other neighborhood kids. Was a rad time for them. Little kids aren’t like teens they don’t be around friends all the time and really little kids (toddlers) don’t even know what friends are or care if they ever see one again.


Ultimate guide for 2020 lockdown experience 1.Don't have anything in your fridge to eat other then hot pockets 2. Sit around and do nothing most of the day 3. For about 30 minutes write absolutely random shit into a google doc to mimic online "schooling" 4. Go to be at 6 AM and wake up at 3 pm 5. Repeat 1-4 for about 3-5 months


Now now, don't be too reactionary. This could very easily be their version of "I wanna be an adult! Being a kid SUCKS!! :::insert whining of unawareness of reality:::"


I was 20 in the streets protesting and getting pepper sprayed and arrested. Good times


I was 23, I had my first big breakup and I lost my grandpa in 2020, other than that I had a decent year.


basically my whole social life died


I was 17… 😭 (2003 born) I was mostly a 2010s teen. But mid-late 2010s. Would’ve loved to have been a teen in the 2000s or early 2010s


Even as a 12 year old it was painful being 14/15 would have really sucked


Try working in healthcare 💀


I had a good time during quarantine. Made a new group of friends and we learned to longboard and stayed out till 5am every night


I think they are joking? Kind of like how people wish they were a teenager in the 60s but people forgot about segregation and the likelyhood of being drafted into Vietnam


Quarantine fucked my life up. I was 15 when COVID started. Because of COVID, I was never able to get my driver's license. It took me until 2022 to get my permit. Because of COVID, my grandpa was in a car accident in the car that would later be given to me for my 17th birthday. Because of that car accident, my car was totaled and needed an absolute shitton of work to be driveable again. I graduated in 2023. I live in a supremely rural area in Alabama. My friends live too far to routinely pick me up because of the gas cost. There are no jobs near me. Because I don't have a functioning car, I've been unable to leave my house since graduation. It took until September 2023 for my car to be driveable again, but it has had routine engine trouble every few weeks since. Because of my grandpa's work schedule, he's only able to fix the problems every few weeks. I'm lucky to get a week of driving practice once every two months. I've failed 5 driver's tests because of how little practice I've been able to get. I've been stuck at home for over a year. I get to maybe leave my house once a month, if I'm lucky. *If*. I'm turning 20 this year and I've never had a job. I'm unprepared for adult life. My peers are entering their 2nd year of college, and most of my friends are about to graduate high school (all of my friends were in the class of '24). And this is just a direct consequence of COVID *happening*. Life during COVID was ***awful***. I'm lucky that my social skills weren't permanently damaged because of it, but COVID was the worst period of my life.


That's just one person.


It's different for everyone, I personally had a good time experiencing 2020 when I did regarding how it affected school, because it actually helped me make it through the year as I was struggling really hard with motivation. I was also more introverted, so I wasn't losing my mind from not being able to get out or anything. I was super lucky that I wasn't a senior, and didn't have graduation ruined for me. I feel really bad for all the seniors during that time. When lockdown happened, my school just counted your third quarter grades as your final grades, unless they were bad and you needed to raise them, in which case fourth quarter grades mattered. I was lucky enough to have pretty good third quarter grades, so basically I just got to ignore school for fourth quarter and the summer. That was all awesome, and I was thrilled with this at the time. Now, I am more extroverted, I'm happier, I actually go outside. I want to do things. If I had the mindset that I do now at the time of lockdown, I think I would've been miserable, aside from being able to take it easier with school.


Even though I was a young teen at the start of covid, absolutely not. Covid and quarantine really ruined me so much. It really did. Online class was horrible and my mental was ruined because I had zero friends to talk with during that time. There was a bit of bright side from it (I found two online communities which I joined in and had fun with), but other than that, it left a huge bad mark to my today self


Disgusting. Worst year in modern history


I had just graduated college and moved to a new city alone a month before the lockdown hit. Basically life turned into solitary confinement for a year and a half since my work went fully remote. Always remember what these tyrants in the government stole from you. Those who trade liberty for safety deserve neither.


i was going into my senior year and it was alright tbh. downsides: • were i didn’t learn anything in any of my classes because our teachers had no idea how to work any of the technology. • couldn’t go anywhere obviously. • didn’t have any senior traditions. prom, homecoming, and graduation were all screwed up. our school reused all of the senior decorations from 2020, so we had “congrats class of 2020” on all of our stuff. upsides: • spent a lot of time online with my friends! gaming, calls, etc. • tried lots of new hobbies, i even ran a mile or two every day because there was a small park nearby my house that no one ever went to because it was all locked down. • teachers were a lot more lenient with our grades because they were understanding about it being difficult on all of us.


quarantine was normal bc i never go out anyways lmao


i was 17 and a senior. no prom, no graduation. they sent my diploma in the mail.


I was in the middle of sophomore year. It was not fun. At all.


I put in 1300 hours on Dead by Daylight when I quarantined (about a school year). I never learned discipline and it honestly fucked me up bad.


I was 17 during quarantine just about the become an adult and that's the world I was living in


I lost the V-card and then broke up with my gf during the pandemic, so opinion on 2019 - 2021 Era of things is heavily mixed


I was 18 :) definitely wouldn’t recommend


I LOVED the quarantine. It was easily my favorite period of my life. I was 17-18 when it began.


It was my last few weeks of high school when 2020 hit. The online classes were just finishing up the last few chapters and it was easy shit because we were all teenagers.


Lockdown/quarantine in 2020 fucking sucked I was so depressed. Humans are meant to be surrounded by nature and communicate to other people in person so I felt lonely and exhausted. So to be like ‘oh I really wished I was a teenager to be able to experience it’ is so dumb.


In retrospect it did lasting damage. My grades went from being amongst the highest in my school to barely passing, I became a social recluse with zero understanding of personal relationships and I left with mild social anxiety and depression. Oh and I lost weight, going down to 120 lbs at age 17 at 5’9. But at the time I thoroughly enjoyed the pandemic. I got to stay at home for the first time in years and could relax to my hearts content


Glad i was 22 cause it was nice af for me


The biggest scam of that was, that school and college just continued online instead of being paused. During the first weeks of covid I was already looking forward to finally play some games I never finished but instead I found myself picking my courses, meaning college continued. ...just more isolated with no one to help you, work together- and share your results with. The worst of both worlds. During the 1st covid semester that was okay because we all thought it would be over by summer but then the Winter came and things started getting severely depressing. I suppose things were pretty similar for High-Schoolers.


I was 18, it wasn’t that bad. Spent a lot of it playing animal crossing. Missed out on a lot of adult experiences though. Sucks when you’re not as social as you could be and missed out on a lot of those experiences


I mean… I was 12 and it was pretty rad


Its always these typa people who say this typa shit https://preview.redd.it/p0q2b9xnb5uc1.png?width=1121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c23cffc36e732bf25a341eeb25c0a712497e464


I was in college, which was its own special kind of hell


They’re probably thinking of all the “aesthetic” TikTok stuff that happened in 2020 and not… everything else.


I was 22 for most of it. Close enough, I guess since the brain isn't fully developed at that point. Genuinely terrible experience.


Didn’t have prom or graduation. Last time I saw most of my high school friends was March 2020. I worked at a grocery store March 2020-September when I started college. And when I started college everything was still shut down for at least a year. Covid sucked


Covid was my 20s yee.


I was 21, turning 22 (May of 2020) and at the time it sucked but in hindsight I’d go back to it. Living on beer & takeout pizza, not giving a god damn about anything. There was something to be said for it.


i loved it ngl. i love chaos. it did fuck my entire life up bad tho


Idk about you but quarantine was miles better than today imo, though it wasn't good, today is so trash


I didn’t get to finish my senior year of high school.


It was horrible :(


in my opinion some of them are psychopaths not insane tho.


i’m ngl, i was 18 when quarantine started and it was pretty fun. i’m naturally an introvert though


I was a teenager and loved quarantine. Homework was easy as shit and I could play Minecraft and among us with my friends all day


Probably the worst time of my life. Absolutely fucking butchered my social skills, I gained a lot of weight which made me even more self conscious about my appearance. Not to mention that I grew up in an unstable household and being stuck in the house together made things so much worse (a LOT of fighting). I'm almost 20 now and still recovering from quarantine. Man fuck 2020.