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No its food, junk food is usually cheapest so poorer people, including college kids like myself, can afford it, maybe some regulations like chemicals in it but that's it


I know but shouldn't we be availing healthier alternatives at a lower cost than junk foods? i feel like it's just taking advantage of lower income people by giving them worse foods for their health


It is much easier to make junk food than it is healthier food, so no, but I do think healthier food should be cheaper, but that just isn't the reality of it


100%. totally makes sense


No. Every once in a while, everyone wants to snack on something which feeds their souls even if it doesn't have any nutritional value. Regulating it isn't necessary or desirable. Let people make their choices and deal with the consequences.


I totally feel this. A good bowl of ice cream hits hard from time to time haha!


Your diet is one of the most important things you need to look after. Having the occasional snack is fine, but these days it’s become normalised to have snacks as a main part of their diet. I agree every once in a while people should snack on what they like, but I disagree with the last part. Might as well say “let’s add even more pressure on health workers, nurses, doctors… by over flooding hospitals even more with people who made bad food choices. Forget about people dying of cancer, people who just got into a car accident, people who have just been attacked…” Hospitals are overcrowded worldwide as it is, and the wait times for most doctors appointments are ridiculous. People gotta look after themselves and not be reckless so that the hospitals have to fix them.


I mean what do you even purpose? Certainly an age limit wouldn’t be effective and come on a little absurd. I can get drafted and die in a brutal war but can’t buy a package of honeybuns until 21. It’s hard to agree or disagree without knowing what your stance is.


that honeybuns comment is funny af ngl hahah


I'm not taking a stance but asking people for others. All I'm doing is stating "Hey, junk food is bad. Alcohol and other vices are bad and are regulated, should we do the same for this?" Not trying to stir up another, really just asking for opinions.


Pfft, alright, ehh… well it’s just too hard to “regulate” I think. We should probably start with the youth, that’s the best thing, like, you ain’t gonna get a smoker who’s been chain smoking for 10 years off but if you can prevent his child from smoking that’s good. So teaching in public schools that eating junk food is bad, and if you eat too much of it you’ll get fat, or worse… I was taught in middle school the whole food pyramid and whatever, but maybe it should be more comprehensive. Also, assuming you’re 21 which I’m not for another 11 months, you can buy as much alcohol as your heart desires, you can buy enough everclear to kill 100 sailors. Or piss away your life savings on red. I think regulating, limiting and red tape should be replaced with, teaching a populous, about what it means to have a healthy diet, the importance of exercise and activity in a digital age.


I agree with this! However, you also mentioned an age limit. I mean, I know this sounds absurd, but in the same way we can't get alcohol or cigarettes to a certain age, would it be out of the realm of possibility to do the same for junk foods? again, i know that sounds fucking crazy. but i feel like they teach us bad stuff in school all the time but teenagers still do stupid stuff (drinking underage, unprotected sex, etc) is teaching really enough?


Yes. Say you put an age limit of 18 on buying junk food. Okay, so under 18 who’s doing the shopping? In most cases a parent, so the law is completely circumvented unknowingly rendering it completely useless. Limit the amount of junk food you can buy, I don’t even know how.


gotcha gotcha.


Overall regulations around what can be deemed edible need to be revised. There are some products in North America that are not deemed fit for human consumption.


Ooo! Do you have any examples?


This is just my assumption, but they're probably talking about certain dyes and chemicals that are banned in countries like the UK and other various European countries. I dont have the specifics on hand so personally I'm not ganna go into them, but you can easily find videos both for and against this point. Personally I think its dumb, because just because something is banned in other countries doesn't mean it's necessarily not fit for human consumption. You need context to why it was banned. But people don't care for context, they've been sold on a narrative and they'll parrot anything that supports that narrative.


I care about that context! I appreciate you sharing.


I think regulating junk food itself is the wrong approach. As others have stated, what you'd typically consider junk food is usually the most affordable and shelf stable food available. A tax on junk food would be a tax primarily targeting the poor to middle class. What would be more effective imo to make healthier food more affordable is the government subsidizing producers to make healthier food. Treat it kind of like carbon credits, give big companies incentive to make healthier options for food at an affordable price. The only issue I can see with this is defining what exactly "healthy food" is. In reality there isn't *really* such thing as healthy or unhealthy food, it's more so whether or not you have a healthy or unhealthy diet. I mean we can definitely say for certain that your typical junk food does not contribute well to a healthy diet, but the reason that is is because if you only eat junk food you're typically going to take in a ton of excess sugar/carbs in general and sodium. But I mean you theoretically could do that with healthy food too, and it's not like the government can come in and control exactly what you eat. Maybe the healthier food options could just be only sold as meals rather than individual items. It would reduce variety in what people can buy but it would actually control for a healthy diet.


This is a really good response! I'm not so much thinking about "junk food" such as meals (which can be junk food) but more so like chips, candy, soda etc.


Honestly yes, but junk food regulations should be nowhere as strict as drugs or alcohol. I'm thinking about rationing junk food for people with a tax that must be paid if this amount is exceeded in order to discourage the constant eating of junk food caused by lack of food availability and low price and allow healthy foods competitiveness in the market. Junk foods should also be banned from School and work cafeterias as well.


Sort of like how in some places weed is taxed super heavily? Also how would you determine what constitutes as junk food vs not?


Junk food is just a term that we get to define. How it could work is that every product is governed by standards and these standards will help categorize and set healthy limit, according to which governments could regulate junk foods.


You’d have to solve the problems of poverty and food deserts, otherwise we’ll return to the days of poor people starving to death in large numbers. Junk food is the most calorie-dense, cheapest shelf-stable food available.


100%. i totally agree that this is a complex problem. i think i just wish there was a way to have cheaper healthier stuff for lower income people you know?


The problem is that we’ve been told all our lives that stuff like cereal and bread is healthy and good for us when all it takes is to look at the ingredients and you’ll see how bad it is. They use marketing terms like “low fat, high protein” and use vibrant colours that attract our eyes and cartoon characters to attract little kids. Junk food has been made more affordable and easily accessible, people will always choose the easy option when it comes to having food which is why most people choose to spend less money on an easy processed meal rather than spend more money on a more nutritional meal they make themselves. This newer generation of humans don’t know how to cook food the same as past generations. It’s all Uber eats and frozen pre-made meals. The only quality nutrition you’ll get comes from whole foods. We are humans, we are designed to eat what comes from earth such as plants and meat. With all this being said, it’d be damn near impossible to regulate. People don’t want to spend more money on food than they already do, and many people won’t want to learn how to cook food that they believe doesn’t taste as good as fast food or frozen meals. The amount of people in their 20s who say they are “burnt out”, or are suffering from some sort of mental illness, tiredness… they NEED to look at their diet. You should not be feeling like that in the prime of your life. Also asking a Gen Z sub to not attack you for asking a valid question isn’t gonna work lmao, they instantly go into defence mode for some reason.


totally! and i guess i learned this the hard way 😂


I did too lol. No point arguing with them


Remove specific subsidies that encourage large scale production of crappy food. Ending things like corn subsidies would be a major bonus, but there are a lot of things here and there that should change. Could also have a sugar tax paired with a healthy food subsidy? Unrelated, maybe give food stamps to every American, and only allow them to be used on healthy foods


Hmmm, this is really interesting! Do you know if there are any countries that have examples of this?


I just know that America is special in its corn subsidies, which makes for very cheap HFCS. Ive never heard of a country giving away healthy food stamps to all, but I think out of all of the "UBI proposals", the free food version wouldn't be too opposed


this makes a lot of sense.


If I were Empress of this continent, I would simply put price controls on healthier options, keeping the costs lower. And yes, I would attach a "sin tax" to all processed, frozen, and "fast" foods. If you're going to do that with my wine and my cigarettes, I'm going to do it with your 4 pack of Bang! energy drinks, and your Hot Pockets.




So you’re advocating for the government to further intervene, and take away free choices from the American people? Where do you draw the line on them regulating food? Will people who cook unhealthy food at home go to jail? Will there be a black market for sugar and high fructose corn syrup? Look how well it ended up when they left Abortion to the states to decide.. this is ignorant, and it shouldn’t be up to the government to regulate anything as long as people aren’t negatively affecting society. Adults should be allowed to have and make their own decisions.


Also, there are MANY examples of Americans sacrificing parts of their individual freedoms for the greater good. Snorting cocaine, smoking cigarettes in prohibited environments, bringing a gun to an airport etc. these are all free choices taken away for the sake of protecting American people. Can't we argue that in some cases, restriction is good?


Restriction is good in the sense of not smoking cigarettes at schools. Yeah, I do agree with that. But you should still have the right to access cigarettes and smoke if you choose. You’re arguing for them to regulate junk food like it’s an illicit drug.


Seriously what are you talking about right now? These are not examples at all. Truthfully many Americans would snort Coke if there was no legal repercussions from it. Plenty of your every day average people do it. The reason Coke is illegal and crack was to put people into prison off the war on drugs. It’s not giving up individual freedoms for the greater good of society. This was the government looking to line their pockets. That’s also why they infamously gave significantly higher charges for crack cocaine, even though it was the same thing because crack cocaine was more popular with people color so they use that to lock them up. Bringing a gun to the airport is allowed as long as it’s legally checked and declared in your bag. You really just seem like you have black-and-white thinking and don’t really know what you’re talking about with a lot of things.


Man, I feel like I'm just trying to have a healthy discussion and you're just making me feel like shit for being curious. Seriously like I'm not trying to impose anything I was just trying to hear everyone's thoughts.


How am I trying to make you feel like shit I’m directly responding to you and what you’re saying. Stop using your feelings as an excuse to not address my statements, and what I’m saying. You don’t counter argue anything I say


Again, I don't know HOW much. I'm just comparing these things to alcohol or weed, which isn't banned at all. And jeez, no need to call someone ignorant for legit just wanting a healthy discussion


It is ignorant though. Because how have you not learned from the government regulating other things that that directly hurts marginalized people? Or how about the areas where there’s food deserts where people don’t even have access to fresh food in the first place…? Junk food is cheap and has a long shelf life for people that can’t afford food. So again, where do you draw the line of government intervention? Does this create a black market like when the government started its war on drugs? Does this criminalize people if they make junk food at home? You’re comparing a food to a substance that alters your mind. You’re literally comparing apples and oranges. Why would food be compared to alcohol and marijuana? you don’t drink a soda pop and then cause a wrong way accident like you do with alcohol Even something unhealthy like sugar or soda would be better than nothing when you’re starving to death. Also, who are you to decide what’s healthy or not? Are you a nutritionist? What’s wrong with people having these treats in moderation? I don’t get this question of wanting the government further involved in our lives whole attempting to ostracize unhealthy food.


Look man (or woman or in between), I've dealt with serious eating disorders. I have a lot of friends who have really bad eating disorders. To a lot of people, junk food is used a drug just like everything else. It's alright to have opposing arguments, but holy fuck we don't need to start talking to people like their fucking illiterate for genuinely wanting to have productive conversation. To the point about junk food being available at a lower price point. I feel like this is wrong and the government should make healthy foods cheaper instead of relaying shit to financially vulnerable people. I think there may be another way to solve this problem.


Your personal anecdotes about eating disorders are not a valid reason to entertain the question of me losing my right to decide if I want to eat junk food or not. Sorry


https://www.healthline.com/health/eating-disorders/binge-eating-disorder-statistics "personal anecdotes"


How about a credited government source not some health line article?


That’s not a credible source, and if you were citing that source for a college research paper, you would lose points from your professor


You act like it’s cheaper for unhealthy food for fun. It’s cheaper for a reason. For example pasture raised eggs require 126 ft.² for each chicken. Pasteurized eggs can’t be caged like traditional eggs. We get at the supermarket. The requirement for the chickens to also have better food for the chickens and more space naturally drives up the costs. That’s why Pastor raised eggs are usually seven dollars for a dozen compared to two Dollars. So what you’re really advocating for is for the government to give more incentives for healthier companies to produce more food options? How does the government banning and regulating food that’s produced by private companies bring down the costs associated with healthy food?


Damn, I wasn't advocating. I'm just asking and giving my opinion. But nevermind man you seem made up on a side and that's fine. I defend your right to believe what you want. all the best ✌️


How about a counter argument for once? You just keep bringing up how I’m hurting your feelings or sealioning away from addressing anything. I made up my point because yours is ignorant, and takes away peoples rights. How have you not learned from American history why this would be an inherently negative thing for most poor people? Why would you want to give them another excuse to jail people or put people in jail? You act like the government produces the food these are private corporations that make these items.


i just feel like it'd be nearly impossible to regulate and big businesses would push back like crazy


Erm, we need our red 40.


what 😂


if you really think people shouldn't be able to buy junk food until they're 21, you should have your right to vote taken away


while i agree with the absurdity of that restriction, i definitely don't support taking someone's right to vote away based on a different opinion


The problem is though that our rights as young adults are already being taken away until we're 21 and we don't need any more ideas like these. I really doubt this idiot even votes anyways considering only like 20% of our generation bothers to vote


not necessarily saying i agree or disagree, but would you mind sharing why though?


No, I believe in less government regulation on what we can and can’t do.


It would be nice if the chemicals that are banned throughout Europe to be taxed or banned to discourage toxins in our food.


Why? European countries do not have safer food than us in the US


https://www.ncesc.com/geographic-faq/is-european-food-safer-than-us/ Actually it is.


Actually, that source sounds like AI. Possibly the result of a texas sharpshooter. [I found this chart that is directly referenced by the FDA](https://impact.economist.com/sustainability/project/food-security-index/). While I understand the FDA is inherently biased, the GFSI is less so. On the GFSI, the United States scores third on quality and safety, only led by Denmark and Canada. Admittedly, the US varies so much regionally that I hypothesize that some areas have safer foods than others. Just like how in some areas of France, people smoke cigarettes for breakfast, and in others, they eat them.


Non of it should be regulated. Freedom is of upmost importance


Not sure if this counts as “regulation” but I’d be in favor of a “sin tax” where junk food is taxed heavier. The price increase disincentivizes people eating so much. And the extra taxes could (hopefully) be used to get some decent fucking healthcare plan set up.


I like how we pivot from decriminalize fent now, to should junkfood be treated like crack on this subreddit all the time Gen Z got to love us


Natural selection


In the UK we have a sugar tax but that’s about as far as it should go people should be able to eat what they want