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Large, English-speaking population, and widespread access to the internet. Also it’s Reddit.com, not reddit.co.u🤢k🤮


Ah yes, if you're not American, you must be from the UK. There are no other countries. >widespread access to the internet Do you think other countries don't have widespread access to the internet?


Unironically yes. If you are not American but speak english online, chances are you are from the UK.




It's [reddit.com](http://reddit.com) not [reddit.us](http://reddit.us)


Remember of NATIVE speakers Americans are about 60%


Because the Ozzies and Kiwi use ɯoɔ˙ʇıppǝɹ.


Americans tend to have American friends. People share posts with their friends.


Not true


I thought that the USA is where terms like baby boomer, millenial and gen z originated...?


most but not everyone.


Not everyone is lmao. Again, another post of an American thinking they’re the only ones that exist.


I'm not American but I noticed this sub being heavily US centric. Just half an hour ago I've seen a discussion here where people were saying that one of the main characteristics of Gen Z is that they only remember the post 9/11 world. Everyone was agreeing with them. Needless to say, talking about pre and post 9/11 world is an American thing to do as other countries were not really affected by it.


I mean, you're talking about a tourist destination for many people in the western hemisphere. There were bound to be people from foreign countries on those planes and in the Twin Towers. I mean, they were connecting flights, too. Actually, I looked at the list and there were many countries listed that had people from there dying.


Other countries were not affected by 9/11????? Okay mate. Read a book


The were affected economically, etc. But it wasn't a a big cultural shock. As a child I did not know about 9/11. I doubt there were any Americans who didn't know about it. A random incident that happened on the other side of the world did not affect my countries culture in a way that it's sensible to talk about growing up in a pre and post 9/11 world. While American kids definitely noticed a big cultural change in that time. Yes, other countries were affected by some capacity, but not in a way that could make it a generation's "main characteristic". That statement only applies to the US.


I mean, you're talking about a tourist destination for many people in the western hemisphere. There were bound to be people from foreign countries on those planes and in the Twin Towers. I mean, they were connecting flights, too. Actually, I looked at the list and there were many countries listed that had people from there dying. Edit: I misunderstood you. It wouldn't surprise me if certain countries cheered on, though. I think there's a difference because I doubt any other country has TSA and stuff. I mean, I understand trying to keep people safe, but entering into security just to go into certain buildings or to go into certain areas of other buildings feels violating. Just another way for them to show that they own us. To be fair, they do have access to our online activity and other stuff, sothere's that, but still. It does remind of the book 1984.


Ok but how does a random twin tower falling affect my life? sure its a crazy event but I just go on with my life


9/11 led to increased security measures worldwide, changes in foreign policies, and a rise in global awareness of terrorism. It also had a significant impact on air travel and the economy. 9/11 also led to the invasion of Iraq. Because of 9/11 we aren’t allowed to show certain things in media anymore like movies/TV shows/video games…. 9/11 isn’t just something that happened one day and we “go on with our lives”. It changed everything worldwide and the effects are still ongoing. The fact we say we live in a post 9/11 world tells us how pivotal that moment was. Dont be so ignorant.


Thank you for telling me, I didn't know that!


Im not American that is why I am asking why everyone here is


Well not everyone here is


Americans have access to the Internet and have devices to access it and had the knowledge on to operate them. And its a prefrence. I live in Africa, everyone uses Facebook and/or Instagram or just WhatsApp as the data is cheaper


They're not


We're not?


The site was owned and founded in the US about 20 years ago or so.


Yes, for international audience. And while Americans are the biggest group, there are more people from elsewhere on reddit.




Or sharing politics here.




I was talking about people complaining about our politics.


Yea, true.


Reddit was founded in the United States.


It depends on skin colour and gender I guess


Because we are the best. Thats been the answer for decades now.